America's Relationship With God or Gold - Copy - Copy


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  • 8/20/2019 America's Relationship With God or Gold - Copy - Copy


    (407) 865-2020

    .!. "o# 05$287 %a&e 'ar *% +27,5

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    top or omplaining and onsider ods ower in or %ife

    God's "Great Power", from above, is ready to descend upon us. This

    power is the "Power of the Holy Ghost!"...that is ready to transform

    (chane our lives and the lives of others.

    i#e a hidden treasure, the "Power of God" is an offerin that most of

    us inore. $t is because of our limited #nowlede of God that we may

    spend our lives in misery% we may lac# thins% we may want to see

    people bein healed...but it never happens% we may need our own

    healin but we don&t seem to et any answers. $n order to have that"ivine Power", actin on our behalf, we need to activate

    it!...otherwise it will be wasted.

     e are )pure spirits* hidden by our intellects% we are immortal

    children of God...hidden in our human nature. e are very powerful

     beins, whose power is annihilated by our )lac# of +aith.*

    The )Power of God*, that He ives, is not restricted to any human

     bein. $t does not depend on our ae or education. God ives this

    power to everyone who belons to Him...His children, who live and

    obey His commandments.

  • 8/20/2019 America's Relationship With God or Gold - Copy - Copy


    God has revealed His ord to us, in the person of ur ord and

    -avior, esus /hrist. esus has iven us all the #nowlede of God, His that throuh our +aith in Him we can become God&s

    children. Than# 0ou esus!

    1ach of us has a wonderful ability to minister to each other without

    ever seein each other or spea#in to each other. e can secure for

    others the blessin of God without any contact physically...throuh

    prayer. Prayer is one of the most important ministries that we have

    toward one another.

    )+or this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray

    for you, and to desire that ye miht be filled with the #nowlede of his

     will in all wisdom and spiritual understandin%* 2/olossians 3456

     7s God&s children, the treasures of Heaven are open to us even while

     we are here on earth% they are li#e a reward to those who are willin

    to follow esus.

    "7nd everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or

    mother or children or fields, for my name's sa#e, will receive a

    hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life." 28atthew 35495 6

     7s we become disciples of esus /hrist, we receive His instructions on

    how to do the ill of the +ather and we are iven the "Power" to act as

    His instruments, His tools, His vessels.

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    This is my testimony, attestin to the "Power of God", to the Holy

    -pirit&s 8iracles bein manifested throuh Prayer. 8iracles have

     been proven! +or your sa#e, for the sa#e of others and for the Glory of 

    God the +ather, please open your heart and share )God's Power*,from above, with the world.

    The #nowlede you will obtain from the content of this disclosure is

    really a treasure that will ma#e spiritually rich all those that believe.

    $t is also a beautiful e:ample that will inspire and encourae you to

    #now, love and serve God as never before. The result will be the

    "-upernatural Power of God" bein released in ways never imained!

     ords simply don&t describe the ;oy that is encountered...livin in

    communion with the -pirit of God. The ift of the Holy -pirit is not

    li#e any earthly ift that perishes. The ift from above is God Himself!


    oseph, of oseph and 8ary of , 9>%

    8atthew 349?% u#e 943@% 8atthew 343@,3A%, etc.6


    The Holy -pirit's 8iracles spea# to our hearts throuh His ord. e

    e:perience reat Peace when we reali=e that He is the )Great Power*

     who sustains the universe. He is the "Power of God" that is so close tous...even in our mouth, when we draw close to Him.

    )But the word is very nih unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart,

    that thou mayest do it.* 2euteronomy C?43D6

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    1:periences with the )Power of the Holy -pirit* will become a

    treasure for anyone desirin to row -piritually, to increase their

    +aith or to learn how to pray for the Holy -pirit's 8iracles. Theindwellin power of the Holy -pirit will mold the soul of anyone with

    a humble and contrite attitude and a desire to have an intimate

    relationship with God. He is our true spiritual uide...the "Power of

    the Holy -pirit."

     e live in a world of ups and downs, and our perception is that there

    are more downs than ups. id God intend for life to be so difficult for

    us, or for His children to be plaued much pain and

    sufferinE 4D% Psalm

    AD433% eremiah C949>, etc.6

     e really can't answer that uestion, as we are not God. However, we

    do #now that there is an aspect of our /hristian life that is very

    underdeveloped...our +aith. +ather, help us to develop our +aith by

    practicin it daily.

    Perhaps if we were to develop this missin component of our lives,

    then we would not suffer so much or at the least we would cope much

     better with whatever life has to throw our way. e spea# wholeness

    in our life...accordin to 0our ord.


    n our #nees, heavenly +ather, we come before 0our throne and the

    reat multitude of heavenly witnesses. e offer ourselves, body and

    soul, to 0ou, +ather God.

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     e adore the brihtness of 0our purity, the unerrin #eenness of

     0our ;ustice, and the miht of 0our love and power. 0ou are the

    -trenth and the iht of our soul. $n 0ou we live and move and haveour bein.

     e desire never to rieve 0ou by unfaithfulness, to pray with all our

    heart, to be #ept from the smallest sin aainst 0ou. 8ercifully uard

    our every thouhts, and rant that we may always watch for 0our

    liht, and listen for 0our voice, and follow 0our racious uidance

    and instructions.


     e clin to 0ou and ive ourselves to 0ou and as# 0ou, by 0our love

    and compassion, to watch over us in our wea#ness. Holdin the

    pierced +eet of esus and seein His +ive ounds, and trustin in His

    Precious Blood and cherishin His opened -ide and wounded Heart,

     we beseech 0ou, -weet Holy -pirit, Helper of all our infirmities...#eep

    us in 0our race that we may never sin aainst 0ou.

    Give us race God, -weet Holy -pirit, to say to 0ou always and

    everywhere, "-pea# ord esus, for 0our servant is listenin." $n
