American History Unit 3: Rise of American Power and Progressivism Mr. Chortanoff Overview and...


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American HistoryUnit 3: Rise of American Power

and Progressivism

Mr. ChortanoffOverview and InsightsChapters: 19, 20, 21

Key Learning Statements:1. From 1865 until 1914, the United States emerged from isolation to become an imperial power. The United States gained power and territory through victory in war, annexation, purchase, and economic influence.

2. Progressivism was a call for political, economic, and social reform by the gov’t and society for greater equality.

Unit Essential Questions: 1. How would you describe American Imperialism?

2.How would you summarize the Progressive reform era?

3 Concepts: E.Qs.A. Domestic Turmoil and Overseas Expansion• What were the causes, nature, and effects of American Imperialism,

especially in the Spanish-American War?• How would you describe the economic and social troubles as reflected in

tension between labor, big businesses/capitalists, and the government?

B. Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Reformers• What were some major changes in daily life in urban and rural areas for

blacks, whites, and Native Americans?• What was the Progressive party’s agenda?

C. Progressivism at High Tide• What are the similarities and differences between the leadership and

policies of TR, Taft, and Wilson?• How effective was the Progressive party’s agenda in securing political,

economic, and social changes?

OVERVIEW: A New Role for America• The Progressive Era– Definition: Political belief that with the assistance of gov’t

reforms and programs that promote political, social, and economic equality, then of American society will benefit.

– Progressive reformers– Presidents support reforms– Seeking equality

• Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois

• Becoming a World Power– Expansion in the Pacific

• Purchase of Alaska, Hawaii, Midway, Samoa• “Open Door Policy” in China (Boxer Rebellion)

– Relations with Latin America• US gains Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines• US supports a rebellion and builds the Panama Canal• Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

Colonial Possessions, 1900

Industrial America, 1900-1920

Election results from 1900McKinley Wins

American ImperialismThe McKinley Presidency: Achieving World Power Status

• Spanish-American War most significant event of McKinley’s presidency (then his murder)– Causes include: sinking of the USS Maine, yellow

journalism, and De Lôme letter– Americans appear eager for war (spread liberty or

American economy and gain European prestige?) – Peace treaty gives America territories: Cuba

(temporary), Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippines

United States Presence in Latin America, 1895-


The Spanish-American WarCubans revolt against Spanish rule

McKinley sends the USS Maine to protect Americans in Cuba

American (YELLOW) press whips up support for Cubans

USS Maine explodes; (YELLOW) press blames Spanish military

Congress declares war on Spain

Americans join war effort; defeat Spanish in Cuba and the Philippines

US gains Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines…Cuba is a US protectorate

Filipinos fight the US soldiers for independence but fail; it is a US colony

American is now an Imperial Power, like the leading European nations.

Spanish-American War: Cuba

The United States in Latin America• A Canal Across the isthmus of Colombian Panama– Roosevelt’s Plan (part of ‘Big Stick’ Diplomacy)• Reduce shipping costs and time for Navy and trade

– Taking the Canal Zone• Colombia refuses offer of American $• US supports Panamanian revolt against Colombia• Panama declares independence• Panama agrees to let the US build a canal to benefit WORLD $

– Building the Canal• Conquering tropical diseases• A major engineering project: money, time, lives

Panama Canal Zone, 1914

…continued…• The “Big Stick” in Latin America– Roosevelt: Extends the Monroe Doctrine with the

Roosevelt Corollary

– Taft: Dollar Diplomacy (encourage with $)– Wilson: Moral Diplomacy (“ with talk, ethics)

• The United States and Mexico– Revolution in Mexico—1915• Pancho Villa kills Americans in Texas• US invades Mexico to capture Villa• Relations with Mexico are strained, but improve later















2nd Great Awakeni


Antebellum Reforms





Social Gospel



1920s Revivalis


New Deal[1930s-1940s]



Great Society

&1960s Social






The “Culture Wars”:The Pendulum of Right v. Left

The “Culture Wars”:The Pendulum of Right v. Left



Basic Agenda: Progressive Campaigns to Reform the Nation

• Different goals for different groups! (pol, econ, soc)• Federal government tries to police business• Progressivism interpreted in different ways• Muckrakers (journalists) draw attention to corruption• Reforms to get people involved in politics/governing• Gov’t regulation of business increases• Reformers succeed in obtaining direct election of

senators, so they act more responsively to the people

Other Americans Seek Justice: Join Progressivism and Broaden the Agenda

• I. African Americans– Booker T. Washington• Helps found Tuskegee Institute• Believes AA must learn trades before getting equality

– W.E.B. Du Bois• Urges AA to actively fight discrimination with the law• Organizes the NAACP and brings lawsuits for equality

• Mexican Americans– Daily Life: low-paying jobs, harsh conditions

• Asian Americans– Newcomers from Japan (not China—were excluded)– A “Gentlemen’s Agreement”• TR’s plan for ending tension between Js and WHITES

• Native Americans– Dawes Act of 1887• NA force onto reservations. Must farm, learn English,

adopt white American dress, culture, religion, FARMING

– Some NAs resist, but most comply out of desperation and exhaustion

– “Americanizing” process is harsh and rough, but necessary?



1. Secret ballots while voting

2. Muckrakers expose corruption

and convince public of need of reform and gov’t intervention in

business. Example is Upton Sinclair’s book, The Jungle


1. Adoption of the “direct primary” where voters elect the candidates—not the party machine

2. Initiative: voters can propose a bill

3. Referendum: Voters vote on a bill

4. Recall: Voters vote to remove an office

holder and hold a new election

Example is Arnold Schwarzenegger in CA


1. Congress is given the power to pass an income tax (16th

Amend)—a tax to fund progressive

reforms2. Direct election of US

Senators (17th Amend)—not by state

legislatures…this makes them more responsive to the


Women Win Reforms• Seneca Falls Convention of 1848– Declaration of Sentiments…modeled on Dec of Indy

• National Women Suffrage Association in 1869• Women win right to vote in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado,

and Idaho (why?)• Carrie Chapman Catt leads NWSA with a plan for state

by state suffrage• Women in the West and Midwest states win the vote• Women begin picketing the White House in 1917• President Wilson agrees to support suffrage

amendment in 1918• Congress passes the 19th Amendment in 1919; ratified

by 3/4th of the states in 1920

Progressives in the White House

• THEODORE ROOSEVELT—Republican, 1900-1908– Attacks bad trusts– Sides with labor in coal miners strike– Gives the ICC the power to set RR rates– Brings more inspectors to meatpacking factories– Requires food and drug makers to list ingredients on

packages– Tries to end false advertising and use of impure

ingredients– Sets aside land for national parks (conservation)

• WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT—Republican 1908-1912– Sets up child labor office– Breaks up more trusts than TR– Favors graduated income tax (more you make, more

the gov’t takes)– Approves of new safety rules for mines– Gives gov’t workers an 8 hour day (set the precedent

for other businesses)

• WOODROW WILSON—Democrat, 1912-1920– Supports the Federal Trade Commission– Tries to break up trusts ( to increase completion)– Lowers the tariff– Signs graduated income tax into law– Regulates banking with the Federal Reserve Act

(to control the money supply, lending and credit system, set interest rates)

