Amended techlog user guide Mai 13Guide.pdfCorrection of input in e-Techlog: To makeodificati on...


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Table of Contents

Contents Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................. 2

General rules ................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Cancelation of e-Techlog: ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Correction of input in e-Techlog .................................................................................................................................. 3

Problem of opening: .................................................................................................................................................... 4

Instructions of use ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

Filter ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Crew ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Acceptance ................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Pax list .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Fuel............................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Weight .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7

De/anti-­­icing .............................................................................................................................................................. 8

Trip ............................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Cycles ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Remark ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Engine Daily Operation ................................................................................................................................................ 9

Engine .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Operation ................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Oil uplift ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Discrepancies ................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Discrepancy aircraft ................................................................................................................................................... 11

Deferral ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Engine Discrepancy .................................................................................................................................................... 12

CRS ................................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Reference: ................................................................................................................................................................. 14

Workshop ................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Time & Place .............................................................................................................................................................. 15

Remark / Observation ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Visa ................................................................................................................................................................................. 16

Inspections ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17

General ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17

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General rules

eTL, principle: the eTL is a remote terminal platform, Wifi or 3G connected, which gives to the Pilot and Airworthiness Organisation a two way exchange of information when is permanently up to date:

a) Reception of information about the remaining aircraft availability before the request of maintenance task, in order to plan or anticipate the maintenance action according to the operation forecast.

b) Reception of information from the Airworthiness Organisation with instruction of maintenance tasks or check to be performed by crew or maintenance support

c) Transmission of flight data (cycle, landing and flight time) and servicing data (quantity of refueling, oil

up-lift or de-­­icing action)

d) Transmission by the pilot of defect, failure or malfunction to the maintenance management.

e) Transmission of maintenance action report (CRS, or check performance) to the Airworthiness Organisation.

The eTL is a simple and intuitive program that does not require an in-­­depth knowledge of computers. The

only requirement is to complete the eTL in a chronological order; this is self-­­explanatory by completing each

field in the order they appear. Some easy rules make its use very friendly:

1 Start first page with “aircraft list”, and synchronize, with upper RH icon, if “Offline Sync” is orange

2 Second step is to go on the second page “due list”, to see availability and discrepancy reported, if any.

3 Third step is to go to third page “Tech-­‐Log” and open a new tech-­­log, press the cross on the upper right

corner of the screen.

4 Fourth step is to do the Daily inspection, bottom field “Inspection / Add new inspection”

5 Fifth step is to create the flight with the second field “Flight / Add new flight” and, very important, to

switch ON the field “All discrepancies declared” to validate the creation of a new flight. Then proceed as

instructed in this document.

Support -‐‐ Ipad: eTL is display on Ipad. The Blue Eye App can be load on the both unit available on each aircraft

of the fleet. However, to avoid mistake of data recording (i.e.: to open two eTL in same time) it is mandatory to

have only one designated Ipad to perform the recording. The second one will be used as spare if the first one

becomes unserviceable.

Network: Ipad is Wifi connected but the subscription to a national 3G-­­provider service is mandatory to benefit from use away from base.

Cancelation of e-Techlog: To cancel an e-­­Tech-­­log, open the concerned tech-­­log on the list “Retrieved from

server” first page of Tech-­­log section. On tech-­­log open press on the button on the top right of the screen called

“Cancel TL”. A window will open “Cancel Tech-­‐Log”; enter a reason of the cancellation in the appropriate field.

Then press Yes to validate or no to cancel the cancelation action. This tech-­­log will disappear and the screen will

re-open at the first page “Retrieved from server”. The canceled tech-­­log can be revalidate by re-­­opening the

cancelled tech-­­log and using the button at the Top right of the screen and called “Uncancel TL”

Correction of input in e-Techlog: To make modification on a tech-­­log after an error of input, first make a

cancellation as describe above. Then re-open the cancelled tech-­­log. On the top left of the screen press the

button “x2”, the cancelled tech-­­log will re-open as a new tech-­­log ready for modification of the data. The all

information will remain on the tech-­­log, excepted signature bear by technician on the CRS section; this CRS

signature will be lost (*). After modification the tech-­­log is validated as usual with “Done” button.

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(*) For this reason, it is recommended to create a Tech-­­log for each maintenance action performed and to

send a final version immediately after the signature delivered, excepted when a flight is requested to

validate the maintenance action. But after this flight done, the techlog will be closed and send in final

version to CAMO.

Problem of opening: It may happen that Blue Eye App have difficulties to open after a period of standby.

Procedure to be use: -­­ Close the App and re-­­open (Note: it is recommended to close the App after use, using double click on HOME button) -­­ Or on Ipad settings select option “flight mode”

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Instructions of use

Technical Log

TL Number: The tech log number is automatically generated by the system. There is no need to create a

reference number.

Date: The date is automatically set (current date). It is possible to modify it if necessary: touch the screen on

date line, a roller date menu will appear, click on the wishes number, and then touch the screen outside the

roller menu to close the menu.



Before flight: At the first access to this page, the first line is checked indicating that the following

requested information are known before flight.

After flight: After the flight, at the second access to this page, the second line is checked indicating that

the requested information are data from the flight.

It is possible to access to the all requested information in the same page by pressing on the checked line.


Pilot in Command: touch the screen; a window will open with a proposed list of current crew attached to the

aircraft. Touch the screen on the selected name or set Trigram manually on the upper boxes and valid by

pressing FINISH on the keyboard.

Copilot: touch the screen, a window will open with a proposed list of current crew attached to the aircraft. Touch

the screen on the selected name or set Trigram manually on the upper boxes and valid by pressing FINISH key on

the keyboard.

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Acceptance (General Check of the aircraft for the mission intended, doesn’t covered maintenance task only)

Pre-­‐Flight by: touch the screen, a window will open with a proposed list of current crew attached to the aircraft.

Touch the screen on the selected name or set Trigram manually on the upper boxes and valid by pressing FINISH

key on the keyboard.

Pre-­‐Flight time: touch the screen, the keyboard will open, enter the time of the pre-­­flight using hhmm (i.e.:

0930) it will set up automatically in 9:30 format,

All Discrepancies declared: This switch needs to be set “ON” by the commander to confirm that he

acknowledges to have taken into account the maintenance status of the aircraft including all the current

discrepancies in MEL/HIL.

Pre-­‐Flight Visa: the crew who did the inspection uses the signature pad to do an electronic signature (with

finger or stylus), then touch the screen outside the Pad to validate the signature

Commander Visa: signature of the Captain. The captain confirms he has verified that the aircraft is ready for

flight. (Aircraft maintenance condition, fuel, ops equipment, etc.), then touch the screen outside the Pad to

validate the signature

Pax list:

Male, Female, Child: enter the number of persons of different category; every category is preset at the

standard mass. Touch the screen on concerned line; the keyboard will open to input the correct value. Then

close the keyboard by pressing RETURN key of keyboard.

Pax weight: Calculated automatically based on the Pax number. If the standard mass doesn't correspond to

the actual weight, the Pax weight number can be modified, touch the screen on Pax weight value; the

keyboard will open to input the correct value. Then close the keyboard by pressing RETURN key of



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Planned uplift: Fuel initially planned, touch the screen on the line, a window will appear in the middle of the

screen with the keyboard in the bottom, click on the corresponding type of value known (Fuel in weight or

volume), then input the correct value. Check the Density by default (Jet A1) and change if not corresponding

(i.e.: 100LL). Then validate these inputs, by pressing "Done" in the window.

Note: It is not mandatory to enter a value for planned uplift -­­ it can be left blank.

Actual uplift: actual fuel quantity add before the flight, touch the screen on the line, a window will appear in

the middle of the screen with the keyboard in the bottom and follow the same procedure than above.

Total fuel departure: Fuel in the tank at Take Off, follow the same procedure than

above Total fuel arrival: Fuel in tank at engine shut down; follow the same procedure

than above Fuel consumed: will be calculated automatically.


Aircraft ZFW: value by default recorded in Blue Eye system on operator request, but can be changed manually if

any additional optional equipment has been installed or removed: touch the screen, the keyboard will open,

enter the wishes value, then press RETURN key on the keyboard. Temporary remark: that value can be

considered as EEW or APS and set up on the server on request of operator. A future version will modified this


Crew: record the crew weight using the keyboard, touch the screen, the keyboard will open, enter the wishes

value, and then press RETURN key on the keyboard

Luggage: same as above,

Fuel: Automatically set from the “Total Fuel at departure” field, but can be changed if necessary: touch the

screen, and same as above

Total weight: Automatically set, from the addition of previous inputs, turn red when the actual weight exceed


MTOW: value by default recorded in Blue Eye system on operator request

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Fluid/Water mixture

Type: enter type of fuel anti-­­icing additive used during the refueling, touch the screen on the line, touch the

screen, the keyboard will appear in the bottom of the screen, enter the information and press ENTER key of the

keyboard to validate Fluid/water mixture: N/A (concerns airframe anti icing procedure), Start time: N/A (concerns airframe anti icing procedure),

Holdover time: N/A (concerns airframe anti icing procedure).


Flight Type




Block off time

Take off time

Landing time

Block on time

Flight time

Flight Type: Enter flight type using the scroll menu: touch the screen on the line, a roller menu will appear,

click on the wish flight type, and then touch the screen outside the roller menu to close the menu.

Condition: Enter flight rule, touch the screen, a window will open with a proposed list of flight rules, touch

the screen on the selected flight rule.

From: Enter departure place: touch the screen on the line, enter the ICAO or plain text name with the

keyboard, then valid by pressing FINISH key on the keyboard.

To: Enter arrival place: same as above

Block off time: Enter time when the aircraft leaves the stand: touch the screen, the keyboard will open, enter

the time of the pre-­­flight using hhmm (i.e.: 0930) it will set up automatically in 9:30 format. If this time is not

follow and input with 0, must be done in order to allow the SEND function.

Take off time: Enter time when the aircraft lifts: same as above

Landing time: Enter time when the aircraft lands: same as above

Block on time: Enter time when the aircraft stops at parking stand: same as above

Flight time: Automatically calculated after the take-­­off and landing times are annotated.

Important Remark: All the above line must be fill up in order to allow the SEND process, if not used enter 0 on

the field

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Landings: enter the number performed, using the keyboard, set to 1 by default, touch the screen on the line,

the keyboard will open to input the correct value. Then close the keyboard by pressing RETURN key of

keyboard. Touch and goes: enter number performed, using the keyboard same as above.

Droppings: Used for firefighting or logging, same as above


This box is fill with pertaining information at pilot diligence. If no remark has to be reported enter NIL: Touch

the screen on the box and enter details remark or NIL, using the keyboard, then press FINISH key on the

keyboard. Important:

a) Do not report a remark in this case requesting a maintenance action, use discrepancy box.

b) in the case of check flight performed after a release to service following a maintenance task the pilot will

indicate “flight test to carry on” in the remark box if the check flight needs to be continued and repeat again this

input after each other flight until to reach a satisfactory flight. Then the pilot will write in the box “satisfactory

flight” which will end the flight test sequence.




Engine Daily Operation:

Note: Engine Daily Operation: when a Flight has been completed with data of flight time in the previous

recording window, two recording windows are generated by the system, one for engine RH and one for engine

LH, to allow the recording of data on both engines


Engine S/N and engine position automatically displayed on the box

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Run hours: this information will be already recorded when the page is open if a flight has been recorded in the

Flight page. The value can be modified, use the keyboard, which will open when pressing on the value field.

Cycle input: touch screen on the line right side, a window will open with two options:

-­­ Total cycles of the day usually calculated by the pilot,

-­­ or Total since new: value provided by the aircraft calculator

Choose and add the wishes value as follow: e.g.: 0,56 enter 0 then dot “.” then 56, then press Done

Cycles Eng: N/A on our fleet,

Cycles N1: enter cycles N1 of the flight.

Cycles N2: enter cycles N2 of the flight.

NOTE: In case of multiple legs in the same techlog, it is possible to enter the total cycles N1 and N2 of

the day at the last leg recorded. Cycles N3: N/A on our fleet, Start: N/A on our fleet.

Oil uplift:

Quantity (ltrs): Enter quantity of oil added to each engine (in liters), use the keyboard.

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Discrepancy aircraft

Add new Aircraft Discrepancy

To be open when an aircraft discrepancy is discovered.


ATA Chapter





Reported by

Action required


The blank top recording window is used to enter the description of the defect discovered,

ATA Chapter: Select a chapter from the list offered in the menu window,

HIL N°: Number automatically displayed when the page is opened

Status: open, automatically generated,

Type: Select from the list in the window menu,

Classification: Select from list: PIREP for PIlot REPort or MAREP for MAintenance REPort,

Reported by: select from the recorded list in window menu, or set trigram manually using keyboard and

validate by pressing Finish on the keyboard

Action required: select from the list, or enter manually the request using the keyboard and validate by pressing

Finish on the keyboard

Visa: Performed by the person who reported the discrepancy.


MEL reference

Rectification interval

N° installed Category

N° required

Tap the screen and choose a MEL item if any corresponds to the defect. You can help your research by using an

ATA number of the defect or short word of the defect (i.e.: fuel brings up all items associated with fuel, like

pump, gauges, transmitter, etc.),

When the item is selected, category and remaining days are automatically set up, and the description of (O) and (M) procedure listed at the bottom of the field,

For category A/HIL items, an additional field appears to enter authorized delay before correction, day. That

delay must be established in liaise with the CAMO.

Associated component

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Reference -‐‐ S/N: when screen is touched a menu appears to allow the selection of the concerned item (if well

known by the crew). This action can take several times because the all list of component will be loaded. It is not

recommended to use it except if the part is clearly identified


FIELD Corrective action:

Corrective action: inactive, will be filled when the defect is repaired.

Engine Discrepancy:

To be open when an engine discrepancy is discovered



ATA Chapter





Reported by

Action required


The blank top recording window is used to enter the description of the defect discovered,

ATA Chapter: Select a chapter from the list offered in the menu window,

HIL N°: Number automatically displayed when the page is opened

Status: open, automatically generated,

Type: Select from the list in the window menu,

Classification: Select from list: PIREP for PIlot REPort or MAREP for MAintenance REPort,

Reported by: select from the recorded list in window menu, or set trigram manually using keyboard and

validate by pressing Finish on the keyboard

Action required: select from the list, or enter manually the request using the keyboard and validate by pressing

Finish on the keyboard

Visa: Performed by the person who reported the discrepancy.

Associated component

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Reference -‐‐ S/N: when screen is touched a menu appears to allow the selection of the concerned item (if well

known by the crew). This action can take several times because the all list of component will be loaded. It is not

recommended to use it except if the part is clearly identified


FIELD Corrective action:

Corrective action: inactive, will be filled when the defect is repaired.

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Type: Choose in list:

o Purchase order: To sign a CRS related to an open Purchase order that has been requested by the CAMO,

o Corrective action: To answer directly an open discrepancy without having to go through a

Purchase order. This should only be used for minor actions (i.e.: request to a workshop by the

crew for troubleshooting or check of performance or a bench check on avionic). Note: after a

check of the performance on an equipment: if the result is not satisfactory it is necessary to sign

the CRS and to re-open a new discrepancy HIL on the same techlog but it will be choose no

tolerance in rectification interval field) Reference: Choose in the list the corresponding action (select a PO, or an open discrepancy),

CRS: Enter the CRS number, or if not available the Workshop Order number

Work report N°: Enter the work report number,

Discrepancy description: Automatically filled by choosing the Corrective action type,

Corrective action performed: Enter description of the corrective action performed.

Remark: all fields above must be fill with information to allow the sending of the



Workshop: Enter workshop name choose from the menu list or enter manually with keyboard.

Agreement: Enter agreement number choose from the menu list or enter manually with keyboard

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Time & Place:

Place: Enter name of the place ICAO or literally the name of the Place (MY LUNA) then press “ENTER” on keyboard,

Begin date: Enter date when work started, using the date picker,

End date: enter date of when the work was completed, using the date picker,

Time of end: enter the time when the CRS was issued.

Case of release to service for check flight: enter the time of initial release to service before check flight, after

the flight the pilot must indicate in the field Remark at the bottom of Flight page, if the flight is satisfactory

which validate this return to service flight or indicate unsatisfactory to continue until satisfactory result.

Remark / Observation:

Enter in this field any comments as needed like:

-­­ Release to service for check flight, subject to flight test satisfactory

-­­ Work task reported with CAMO agreement with detail of the reported work

-­­ Or when IOM engineer: Certifies that the work specified, except as otherwise specified, was carried out

in accordance with the Air Navigation (Isle of Man) Order 2007 and in respect to that work, the

aircraft/aircraft component is considered ready for release to service.

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Technician: Enter first and last name using the menu list or add manually using the keyboard and

validate by pressing Finish on keyboard

License: Enter license number using the list or manually or add manually using the keyboard and validate by pressing

Finish on keyboard

Signature: The person who release to service signs on the signature pad with finger or stylus.

Important Note: all fields of this form must be filled except "Remark" or if not applicable. Then validate these

inputs by pressing Done at the top right of the screen. In network mode, return to the New tech-­­Log page, press

Done at the top right of the screen, the screen returns to the list of tech-­­log, the current tech-­­log appears at the

top of the screen, press SEND NOW, a proposal appears: Send Draft or Final report. Following a maintenance

requiring a check flight select Draft. After a maintenance, which does not, requires check flight choose Final

version. After a short delay of sending process several seconds, paper printable version is available from the

server Blue Eye.

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(Field mostly to the intention of crew for maintenance tasks not requesting CRS)


Title: Choose the corresponding inspection in the window list:

-­­ Daily inspection: to be chosen when a technician performs the “Before First Flight inspection”

-­­ Before First Flight inspection: to be chosen when a pilot performs this inspection

-­­ Between Flight Inspection: to be done between flight by pilot or technician

-­­ After Last Flight inspection: to be done between flight by pilot or technician

Pilot or engineer can add the name of a new inspection manually using the keyboard, then validate by pressing

Finish on the keyboard. Note: in such case that new inspection will remain in the menu for a next opportunity.

Performed by: Indicate the name of the person who performed the task in the window list or add the

name manually using the keyboard then validate by pressing Finish on the keyboard


This box is fill with pertaining information: Touch the screen on the box and enter details remark or NIL, using

the keyboard, then press FINISH key on the keyboard.
