ambassador MAGAZINE Spring 2014



Ambassador is the quarterly magazine of Melbourne School of Theology, an inter-denominational Bible college, training and equipping men and women for life, ministry and mission.

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Student Missions Raising ‘10 For 10’ For Burmese Phd

The Birth Of China’s First Home-Grown Bible Commentary

Celebrating our Diamond Anniversary with Wycliffe

Veiled: Muslim Women

& Mission Today




Inside this Issue


Issue 218 · Spring 2014

We praise God for an exceptionally busy, but fruitful, year so far for MST’s leadership, faculty and students. We are particularly thankful for our largest ever second semester intake of new students. What a privilege it is to train, equip and prepare men and women to serve Christ, and proclaim the gospel. We are humbled by the 67% jump in giving compared to last June’s ‘End of Financial Year’ Appeal. Thank you to each and every one of you who prayerfully supports our ministry here.

You will notice that in our more recent publications and on our new website we have focussed on some words spoken by the Lord Jesus on the night before he died.

You did not choose me; but I chose you, and appointed you to go and bear fruit; fruit that will last. (John 15:16)

It’s no accident that these words were among the last Jesus spoke before he was nailed to the cross. For it is in the shadow of the cross, and in the context of lives given over fully to the service of Jesus,

Thankyou to all those involved in the writing,

design and production of Ambassador MAGAZINE.

Editor – Dean Troth

Family Roundup Section Editor – Graeme Rule

Sub Editor – Peter Tyrrell

Proof Reader – Jo Khoo

Designer – Sacha Jackson

Printed in Australia by Classic Press

Cover Photo: Zurijeta/ (repeated p8)

Ambassador is the quarterly magazine of Melbourne School of Theology, an inter-denominational Bible college, training and equipping men and women for life, ministry and mission.

Student fees cover just 60% of operational costs so we need your prayers and support to continue God’s work. If you’d like to make a gift towards the ministry of MST, please contact Reception on (03) 9881 7800 or send your donation to PO Box 6257 Vermont South 3133.

From our outgoing Ed

I hope you like the new-look magazine-style format of Ambassador. Our intention is to make it easier and more enjoyable to read - less ‘news-centric’ and more ‘story-centric’, with engaging stories of God’s work in the world.

Sadly, this will be my last edition of Ambassador as Editor. After almost three and a half years working with the communications team, two days a week, I’m moving on to a full-time role with a business called Xponential Philanthropy which helps not-for-profits with capital appeals for major projects. Thank you all for your support and please pray for me. I’ve really enjoyed my time at MST, where I have grown stronger in my faith and have particularly loved my interactions with our fabulous alumni.

Praise the Lord! Numbers are Up!“It’s been such a great start to second semester as we have

experienced a higher than normal new student intake,” says student Enrolment Coordinator, Iona Kroussoratsky.

“We’ve increased the yearly total number to around 90 new students, which is higher than both last year and the previous. Almost half the new students for this year have enrolled in second semester, which is a first for MST!”

“Twenty students completed their studies at the end of first semester (and will graduate in December) but we had over forty new on-campus, distance and audit enrolments for second semester, from Diploma through to Doctorate. God truly is hearing our prayers and bringing people into the College to be trained in the Scriptures to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Praise God!” Iona shares.

Reflections from Principal Rev Tim Meyers

Bearing Fruit That Will Last

that the call of God takes on its most profound implications. As John Piper so eloquently comments on this passage, “the only fruit that will last is the fruit that grows on the cross.”

We exist not for our own purposes, sustainability or continuation, our own glory or plans or memories, but to train and equip men and women to take the good news of salvation in Christ to people everywhere, and of all cultures. For many, obedience to the call of God comes at great cost. How comforting it is, then, to know that the work of those who faithfully and willingly pursue that call will, most assuredly, bear eternal fruit.



The flash of entrepreneurial enthusiasm came over a drink after work one night. “What if we shared… and found a bunch of others to share with?” Richard said to Julian.

Old friends, the two ‘Revs’, Richard and Julian shared much in common: They were both leading fruitful interdenominational ministries in Victoria, both had need for spaces in central eastern suburbs Melbourne, and both had independently been to check out the space on Level 2 at MST, and concluded the space was brilliant … but too big. Rather than walking away to find something smaller, Richard had the idea of sharing the space with other Christian organisations and professionals, so he decided to bite the bullet and create something bigger. This was the kernel of an idea: The Office.

For some time, Rev Richard Bruce, CEO of evangelism and discipleship ministry ESA (which had its roots over 130 years ago in the ‘Evangelisation Society of Australia’), had needed space in Melbourne to connect with their mission workers. Likewise, Rev Julian Dunham, Program Director of Arrow Leadership, which runs leadership programs for emerging Christian leaders and established marketplace executives, needed office space to work and connect. The idea of connecting and sharing sparked their interest.

“There are many other small Christian organisations around Victoria with staff who are on the road much of the time and might work from home, but occasionally need an office or meeting rooms. Most of them are interdenominational, so a church site wouldn’t work so well, but we thought that MST could wonderfully. When we rang three or four organisations, many thought the same,” Richard explained. “Having different organisations will also open opportunities for kingdom collaboration.”

Richard’s vision for The Office is a shared hub of small Christian organisations and independent Christian professionals, with an open plan work environment; from the couch, to the communal table, to the work desk. Users will get access to a brand new, fully furnished office (24 hours per day, 7 days per week) with professional meeting and board rooms, kitchen and outdoor facilities, free onsite car parking and enterprise-quality internet, just off Eastlink in the heart of Melbourne’s eastern suburbs!

Richard says he’s open to conversations with any interested Christian organisation or professional but they’ll only be able to house twenty people working at any time, so it’ll fill quickly. Contact Richard Bruce on 0438 017 080 for more information.

It’s always a pleasure to return to Melbourne School of Theology, both for the many happy memories and the chance to visit former colleagues and students. I’ll be forever grateful for BCV/MST’s willingness to give me, as a newly-minted PhD, ‘a go.’

It was especially encouraging to see the new campus and sense the enthusiastic spirit of a new beginning and a reaffirmation of those twin strengths that traditionally characterised the school: a deep evangelical commitment to the Scriptures; and sharing the good news of God’s reconciling of all things in Christ through transforming cross-cultural mission.

We saw the power of this message in the talk I gave on Philippians in Chapel, where imperial Rome’s attempt to control the world, whether through Paul’s imprisonment or using demobbed soldiers to safeguard its trade routes, was transcended by the gospel which united both a Jewish Paul and Gentile veterans in Christ. Similarly, Tuesday evening’s general lecture described the many ways in which the gospel radically changed the ancient world by giving it, for the first time, ‘its humanity.’

Both messages confirm that the scope of the new-creational gospel is just as wide as God’s initial act of creation: since we’re all made in God’s image, the gospel necessarily includes the restoration of our humanity in every aspect of life. My prayer is that MST will continue to grow in understanding, embodying, and teaching this profound truth.

Welcome to THE OFFICE Upstairs Former lecturer, Dr Rikk Watts, reflects on returning to MST in July after nearly 20 years at Regent College, Canada.


Few activities are more daunting in life than door-knocking . . . but last year, when 39 year old Ally Robinson was challenged by a former student president, Heath Easton, to take part in community door-knocking, as part of MST’s annual Mission Week in regional Victoria, she was flabbergasted by what she learned.

“I will never forget Mission Week and all the exciting things God taught me,” Ally shares. “One thing I realised was that God likes to take us out of our comfort zone!”

“During my week away on mission I was placed in situations I would never have put myself in, particularly door-knocking. I could cope with visiting people in their homes, doing children’s talks, visiting schools and being involved in a student debate. But door knocking was all new for me and, to be honest, I was petrified!” she said.

“I was in a place where I didn’t know people, was asked questions on the spot and felt totally in over my head. I experienced emotions I’d never had before but this was one of the best weeks of my life!”

“It’s so easy to say we trust God, but when He asks us to do something that’s out of our ‘comfort zone’ the excuses set in and, believe me, I had all of them!”

“He gently led me through the week, continually taking me out of my comfort zone but always reassuring me that He

was never far away. By stepping into the unknown, He showed me where He really wants all of us: fully dependent on Him. When we no longer feel comfortable in our surroundings, we press in hard against Him – where we should be!”

MST’s annual Mission Week, conducted each September, is unique to our School and provides full and part-time students with an opportunity to roll up their sleeves and apply what they’ve learned in class by getting involved in grass-roots mission in a variety of ministry and mission contexts. This year, MST students will be involved in outreach around the country to multicultural students at Monash University; Indigenous Australians at Kununurra in remote WA; Muslims in Melbourne; and youth, young adults and families at Bendigo Baptist Church in regional Victoria.

Ally provides a good summary of the value of Mission Week: “Through all my doubts, worries and fears, God showed His power through my weakness. I thank God that I trusted Him and attended Mission Week, and so, I encourage you - Step out for God!”

Stretching students outside their comfort zoneCycling has been touted as ‘the new

golf’ (sorry Dr Greg Forbes!), and our Vice Principal, Peter Tyrrell, a passionate bike rider and three-time veteran of Around the Bay in the Day (210km…mad!!) has started a riding group: MST:COM. ‘Cyclists On Mission’ (we’ll explain the mission part later) aims to bring people together, whether they are students, faculty, staff, friends or relatives of MST. In other words all are welcome to join.

MST:COM embraces all levels of riders, not just the hard-core endurance riders but also novices. One of the riders had only ridden 100 metres prior to the first ride of the year, and now he’s riding 100km! The group begins with prayer most Saturday mornings, and then divides up into three groups based on their level of experience: the ‘foxes’, ‘rabbits’ and

“I was in over my head … but this was one of the best weeks of my life!”

Cyclists on Mission

Our Student Missions Project this year is BIG! We’re moving into new territory, aiming to raise $20,000 as a college. Our new best friend ‘Mark ’(Naw Naw) Yet is a Lecturer at Myanmar Evangelical


By Ho-yuin Chan

Student Missions raising funds for Burma PhD

‘newbies’. At the end of the ride, they meet up at a café for an espresso and, of course, just a little cake or muffin as a reward. So far, they’ve had several rides to Jells Park, Warburton Rail Trail, Yea to Yarck, Dandenong, Frankston (for the rabbits), around the Federation Trail (circling the Melbourne CBD) and up to Lilydale past the old BCV location.

The ‘Mission’ part of the name shows a commitment to raise funds for MST’s Student Missions Project (see story below). MST:COM riders have been training since February for the annual Around the Bay in a Day in October in an effort to raise funds from sponsors. Whilst MST:COM is one team, they will ride in four different groups: 50km Melbourne to Altona return, 100km from Melbourne to Frankston return, the SCODY 135km, and the full ride of

210km which starts from Melbourne, through Geelong to Queenscliff, by ferry across to Sorrento and back to Melbourne.

If you are interested in joining MST:COM on a Saturday morning, contact Peter Tyrrell to be added to the communication list. The team would value your prayers for their health and safety and your sponsorship support for the mission goal.

(To sponsor a rider per kilometre, the team per kilometre or give a single donation, contact Reception or visit our website

School of Theology (pictured), now in the Philippines completing his PhD! This is really exciting because Mark’s studies will impact hundreds of future students in Myanmar who are the leaders of tomorrow’s Burmese church! Let’s get excited and invest in this great project!

To achieve this grand goal, the student leadership team has launched the 10 for 10 campaign, inviting students, their friends, faculty and alumni to save $10 for 10 weeks, which simply means going

Cyclists on Mission

without one takeaway meal and one coffee a week for ten weeks. (The student leadership team has made a great video, available online at

If everyone participates, we have every confidence we can reach our target. We’re serious about this kingdom building project so if you’d like to contribute towards it, email me at, deposit funds into MST’s bank account

or write a cheque to MST. Please make sure that you clearly indicate that this money is intended for the Student Mission Project.


By Mat Hunter, Student Missions Leader

MST Postgraduate candidate, Rev Andrew Lake, remembers the exact time and place his PhD was conceived. It was the first Thursday in June 2010, just six months after he arrived in Syria.

He’d been instructed to present himself to the Immigration Office in Damascus to apply for a residency visa. The official called him to the counter and informed him that ‘Security’ (i.e. the secret police) had issued a new regulation: Protestant churches were prevented from having foreign workers.

“After that heart-dropping news, I contacted everyone I knew who might be able to help: an American diplomat and a British diplomat in my congregation, the Anglican Bishop of Jerusalem and a bishop in England who was a personal friend,” Andrew remembers.

Less than three weeks later, notice arrived from Lambeth Palace, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Office, that Rowan Williams intended to write to the President of Syria, appealing for us to be given a residency visa to carry out the role of chaplain to the foreign Christians in Syria.

“The basis of the appeal was that there had been an Anglican chaplaincy in the city of Aleppo since the 1600s, so Lambeth Palace tasked me with finding physical evidence, specifically chaplains’ graves. Three days later we were in the Aleppo Protestant cemetery, hunting around for chaplain’s gravestones,” he said.

“The very next day we enthusiastically pored over maps, located and explored the old quarters of the English Levant Company. Our guide was Serop, a good friend and Armenian pastor, who hosted

our church services in Aleppo and was trustee of the cemetery.”

Andrew was inspired to track down all the chaplains and wrote ‘some ripping yarns’ about their adventures in the Ottoman Empire. Eventually he was able to identify twenty-four between the late 1500s and late 1700s, at which time the Levantine spice and silk trade petered off. Some of their achievements, such as helping introduce coffee-drinking and Arab horses to England, had been recognized by academics.

“Other activities included pioneering biblical archeology and bringing valuable early Samaritan, Jewish, Christian and Muslim manuscripts to the scholars of Oxford and Cambridge. But then, something really exciting happened!” he said.

“I started unearthing long-forgotten missional initiatives: the translation and publication of the first Protestant apologetic literature into Arabic, going back to the mid-1600s; the advocacy by chaplains for the local Christians who, failing to pay the exorbitant dhimmi tax, lost their children to enslavement; and best of all, the successful translation, printing in London and distribution in Syria in the 1720s, of the Arabic Psalms and New Testament at the request of the Patriarch of Antioch.”

“Darling, I feel a thesis coming on,” said Andrew’s wife, Pam.

For fourteen months following that fateful day at Immigration, Andrew and Pam ministered in Damascus and Aleppo to foreign workers and refugees and forged lasting friendships with Syrians, both Christian and Muslim. The Archbishop’s letter was written

and eventually noted by the Council of Ministers, but the Civil War precipitated their departure from Syria and the people they’d grown to love.

Andrew now ministers at the Anglican Church in Mentone and Pam now works for Leprosy Mission. Since their departure in August 2011, they’ve continued to encourage Christian pastors in Damascus and Aleppo who faithfully minister under unimaginable stress and danger.

The First Protestants in the Arab world: the contribution to Christian Mission of the English Aleppo Chaplains (1597-1782) is about to be submitted for examination and is dedicated to the faithful and courageous Syrian pastors whose lives are writing the current chapter in the story of the Protestant churches in the Middle East.


Uncovering God’s Work in Syria

Aleppo was at the end of the Silk Road and had a thriving English merchant community.

Image used by permission from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Rev Andrew Lake now ministers in Mentone.

One of the most surprising outcomes of the ‘Christian Renaissance’ in China has been the growth of Biblical Scholarship from within China. When Dr Justin Tan, Senior Lecturer at MST Chinese and Director of the Centre for the Study of Chinese Christianity, was first invited to teach at Peking University in Beijing, little did he know the quiet reinvigoration of interest in studying the Bible he was involved in.

“I was struck by the enthusiasm that students had and the hunger to know the real meaning of the Christian Scriptures. The demand on the lecturers to grapple with the interpretation of the Biblical texts was great, for these students would not stop at the superficial, some were determined to study Biblical Hebrew and Greek in order to have fruitful exchange with the lecturers,” said Dr Tan, who prefers to use his Christian name, Justin.

“Amongst them, I recognised Christians who could become bona fide biblical scholars, given enough training and, thus, the seed of producing a new Bible commentary germinated in front of us in the classrooms at Peking University,” he said.

Professor K.K.Yeo, from the USA, and Justin were both keenly aware they had only limited time to mentor students as scholars but they dreamed bigger and the idea of publishing a commentary series “for the Chinese, by the Chinese” began to take shape.

The title of the series will be the Shenzhou Bible Commentary, ‘Shenzhou’ being an affectionate term for China, literally meaning ‘the sacred land of God’. Both Editors, Yeo and Tan, have

great aspirations for the Chinese-written commentary series, which will be hallmarked by both academic rigour and moral-spiritual value.

The Series Editors have already started inviting a team of mainland Chinese biblical scholars, of evangelical persuasion, to start working on this visionary and significant project, which will take a form of collaborative and mentoring effort, as they look for biblical scholars of the next generation to consult senior scholars in their research and writing. They will also invite overseas biblical scholars from the Chinese diaspora, whose research contains what they call “the Chinese heart.”

“It will take seriously the sacred Scriptures of the Judeo-Christian tradition on the one hand and the hearts and minds of its universal readers, particularly the Chinese readers, on the other. Indeed, our hope is that the Shenzhou Bible Commentary will become a reference-companion for Chinese readers to study the Bible, ‘inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness’, (2 Timothy 3:16).

The Shenzhou Bible Commentary will seek to promote the holistic approach to Scripture through academic exegetical studies, historical research and notations, as well as spiritual reflections and cross-cultural bridging to both the ancient and modern Chinese world.

“Our prayer is the Commentary series will be beneficial not just for the study of Christianity but provide hermeneutical responses to needs of Chinese society, and the moral-spiritual use of church and individual Christians in China,” he said.

Justin says his goal is to make the series available in both print and electronic versions, as well as interactive online study-group for churches to use. He is seeking prayer partners to undergird this project as authors write, and benefactors to underwrite conference, royalty, editing, and publishing costs for this much needed series in China.

May “the word of Christ dwell in us richly as we teach and admonish one another with all wisdom” (Col 3:16).


Elucidating Scripture,

Mentoring Scholars

Prof Yeo and Dr Tan with the Chinese scholars behind the new Shenzhou Bible Commentary


By Dr Cathy*The image of the veiled woman

is used for many different reasons. It conjures up ideas of poverty, inequality, being downtrodden and uneducated, marginalisation, violence and abuse. It was the image used to justify the war on terrorism. Laura Bush, wife of then President George Bush, famously said, about Afghanistan: “The fight against terrorism is also a fight for the rights and dignity of women.”

So what about mission today? The veiled woman is still symbolic, the image used often to portray the Muslim world. However, particular definitions of contextualisation have led to assumptions that say the great commission is best fulfilled by reaching men first, and the women will follow. American mission leader Fran Love stated in her famous 1996 journal article: “Muslim women are too often left out of strategic church planting due to . . . a ‘gender-blind

Veiled: Muslim Women

and Mission TodayDo Muslim women need saving?

missiology.’ This mission theory states that missionaries need first of all to influence heads of households and leaders who will in turn influence their families and those under their authority. While based on conventional wisdom . . . it is an incomplete perspective both for biblical and practical reasons.” So, despite the symbolic images of the veiled woman in mission among Muslims, mission is veiling Muslims to the good news.

The story

In 1852 Mrs McKenzie, wife of an East India Company merchant, and Lady Mary Kinnaird, wife of a London banker, established the organisation that today is Interserve. They recognised that women, secluded in the zenanas of India (the women’s area of the home), were hidden from the gospel and from education and health care. A deliberate and intentional engagement, challenging the prevailing cultural hegemony, took education and health in the name of Jesus to women who were otherwise marginalised. These beginnings of Interserve demonstrate the imperative of intentionality in including women as recipients of the gospel; made in the image of God, worthy of the whole gospel.

Reaching Muslim women is challenging. The physical veil can make women appear inaccessible. Returning to live in Egypt in 2008, each time I walked on the street I sensed I was withdrawing. I had lived there before, and in many ways it was home. I realised I was reacting to the fully veiled women whose numbers had grown over the years. It is hard to connect with women who seemed invisible to me.

What is ‘accessibility’ in mission, particularly in mission to Muslim women? Strategy often defines accessibility. Many hours were spent sitting drinking chai in staff rooms, the girls’ rooms, and my room at the college where I worked in southern Asia. I learned about life, the practical challenges and emotional pressures. I attended life events, laughed, cried and prayed through the everyday and the catastrophes. I learned to do life with the girls, staff and families of both. How accessible were they? If I was willing to


do life with them they were absolutely accessible. Maybe it is our strategies that make Muslim women inaccessible.

Unveiling Muslim Women in our strategies

Anthropologists would be horrified at the use of imagery of unveiling. I wish to redeem that imagery by reminding us that the veil that separated us from God was torn when Jesus died, and in Christ that veil for Muslim women is also torn. Our strategies should not separate them from an encounter with the One God.

The evidence that Muslim communities are best reached by concentrating efforts on the male family and community heads is contested. Concerns are that this focus is seeing a fellowship of believers from a Muslim background who are almost solely male. This is not surprising. The view of women is often so low that the chance of faith going along kinship lines is limited. One male believer from a Muslim background (a ‘BMB’) in the Middle East, with a recognised ministry in music, said he did not share his faith with his wife because she was ‘just an illiterate village woman’.

Women following Jesus

Women from a Muslim background choose to follow Jesus for reasons

Book Review By Dr Peter Riddell, Vice Principal

that are often very different to those of men. They are embracing the journey with Jesus from places of need, brokenness, marginalisation, encounter, and revelation. Women need encounter with Jesus, and truth that transforms the reality of today, giving security for tomorrow. They respond to Jesus when their felt needs are met as they experience truth. Women are attracted to Jesus because of the way he treated women.

There is also the question of identity. Women find it more difficult to define their identity as followers of Jesus in a Muslim context because they carry within their ‘self ’ all that it means to be a good Muslim wife, daughter, mother, and woman. Their identity is tied to their family and social relationships. The system of honour and shame inscribed on Muslim women’s bodies is an important reason why more men than women are coming to faith and visible in BMB fellowships. The construction of alternative communities, places of belonging, and identity in Christ are important in the journey of Muslim women with Jesus.

One woman’s story

It started with a dream, a man in white coming and speaking to her. He told her that she should follow the way. Actually

Many different critiques of the Christian faith have been offered by Muslim scholars and popular writers down the ages. In this important new study of Christian philosophical apologetics, Richard Shumack sets out to respond to nine common Muslim critiques.

He parries the Muslim critique of Christians who ask questions about their fundamental beliefs; in contrast certain fundamentals of Islamic belief – the status of Muhammad as prophet and Qur’an as divine word – are no-go

The Wisdom of Islam and the Foolishness of Christianity

she had no idea what that meant. Then one day as she was watching television she saw a program and in it was the man who had spoken to her in her dream. Fatima had stumbled on a Christian satellite television program. She called the number they gave and began a journey to ‘follow the way’. She is the first in her family to follow Jesus, but is beginning to influence and shape her children. Maybe they will be the next generation of those who also follow Jesus.

Jesus set us an example by reaching out to women, breaking with tradition and cultural norms, intentionally seeking women out, and giving them dignity and hope. Mission needs to follow his example today.

To learn more of what God is doing, or to enable work among Muslim women to grow please contact Melbourne School of Theology or Interserve on 1800 067 100.

This article is based on the 2014 Annual Leonard Buck Lecture, delivered by Dr Cathy*, International Director of Interserve, on 17 July, which tackled the important topic of Muslim women in modern mission strategies. The Leonard Buck Lecture is named after the great missionary statesman and founder of many missionary ventures, the late Leonard Buck AO.

* Surname withheld to protect security.

areas for Muslims. The problem of the Trinity makes an inevitable appearance in this book, as does the problem of the Cross, with Muslims rejecting the death of Christ at Calvary.

Shumack is the consummate apologist. He is gracious and irenic, yet rigorous and to the point. No doubt many Muslims will read this book, and Christians should too.

The Wisdom of Islam and the Foolishness of Christianity by Rev Dr Richard Shumack was launched after the Leonard Buck Lecture at MST in July.


MST Family Roundup News from Alumni and Friends around the world• Mark and Gab Topping will be back in Australia on

Home Assignment through September and October. Please pray for those they will be leaving to continue challenging work. To return to their role in South East Asia, they will need accommodation and new visas.

• Pray for Olive Grant who’s taken up Anne Horswell’s role as Executive Assistant to MST’s Principal, Tim Meyers. Pray for wisdom and strength for Olive as she juggles multiple responsibilities at MST, including assisting Vice Principal Dr Peter Riddell and being Administrator of MST Postgraduate Institute.

• With the commendation of his church and SIM, Ross Jones has returned to Africa, aged 73, to continue key translation work among the Boko People in rural north western Nigeria. Ross first went to Dahomey, now Benin, 50 years ago.

• Rev Harold Taylor, former missionary in PNG, lecturer at MST and Development and Education Officer with the Order of St Luke the Physician, reports that his book, Sent to Heal: a Handbook on Christian Healing, continues to be widely used, particularly in the United States. The latest edition is published by Speedwell Press.

• Prolific correspondents Grahame and Liz Martin report that they’ve recently been back to the Arufe church in PNG to work with the translation committee. Grahame was impressed by their accurate translation of five chapters of John’s Gospel. Eight copies of Genesis in the Suki language were given to the church.

• May Paton, widow of Graham Paton, died aged 104. Graham, a prodigious servant of the college for nearly 50 years, died in 2011 aged 98.

• Rev Ben Wong, who studied at MST Chinese, was commissioned as Priest-in-Charge at St Timothy’s Anglican Church in Bulleen in June.

• Much-loved and remarkable missionary, Jessie Williamson AM, died recently after a battle with leukemia. A lengthy obituary in The Age tells of her challenging and faithful service in New Guinea with RBMU, now known as World Team.

• News has been received of the death of Merle Eastman née Alexander (‘54-55) after a long illness. Merle, along with her husband Neil, served with Methodist Overseas Missions in the islands of then New Guinea. A quadruple certificated nurse, Merle had her moment of fame when she appeared as one of the few white women in Lotu, the 1960 film by Cecil Holmes during the pre-independence period in New Guinea.

Please send your news and updates to

It’s difficult to believe that MST(/BCV/MBI) and Wycliffe Bible Translators/Summer Institute of Linguistics have been partnered together in mission for 60 long years! I’ve heard many amazing stories of equipping and transformation that thrilled my soul, from Cameron Townsend’s work in Guatemala, to Dr Ken Pike’s pioneering work in Mexico.

MBI/BCV/MST’s commitment to equipping men and women for world mission has been greatly enriched by its partnership with WBT. Let’s celebrate this partnership by remembering the men and women who gave their lives to the call to provide peoples and nations with the Book of Books in their mother tongue.

I remember, during my time at MBI, sitting next to a young bloke, Bruce Grayden, who later wrote Coffee on the Terrace, a chilling read set amongst the violent Kalingas of northern Philippines (see book review right). We had fellow students who wore badges reading, Every Tribe by ‘85. Also in my year was a gifted, scholarly lad named Bill Callister who now, nearly 45 years later, leads a Wycliffe team of 120 in PNG.

Records show that, during the time Wycliffe Australia was established, gifted Council members including Robert Story (UFM), A.E. Coombe, Len Buck, J.G. Searle (principal), Harold McCracken (MST Council member and lawyer) and Rev C.H. Nash (founder of MST and by then well into his eighties), regularly gave Bible studies for students and staff of the early language schools.

Recently, I attended a lunch to honour Anne Horswell after the monthly MST Prayer Fellowship meeting, and who should be present but Dorothy Summerson. She is one of at least six MST Alumni who attended the initial Australian Summer Institute of Linguistics course in 1950. Dorothy does not blow her own

Diamond Anniversary and the Great Commission

Bill and Sandra Callister


trumpet but we know that she continues a prayerful interest in both WBT and MST.

A Roll of Honour is always in danger of leaving worthy men and women out, and we would love to find and connect with the 60+ Wycliffe translators who studied at MBI/BCV/MST. In the meantime, forgive us our preliminary attempt, as we include well-known names like Leah Cupit, Tom Soper, Mary Moody and David Cummings.

David Cummings rose through the ranks over the years to become International Director of WBT in the United States, moving their International headquarters to Australia when they encountered visa difficulties. Incidentally, when I spoke to Ruth in late July, David had just flown to the USA for a round of speaking engagements.

Some others rightly include Ross Jones who’s been doing translation work with SIM for fifty years; and Delle Matthews,

now Dean of Studies at MST, who served as the Language School’s Principal for a number of years.

In the 1990s, Robert and Rosemary Young worked in Macedonia; whilst Paul Eckert, who received the Order of Australia in 2001 for his linguistic work, translated for the Pitjantjatjara people of Central Australia.

Current younger translators include B.T. and Ali Coombe, finishing the Gelah New Testament for a people group in the Solomon Islands, Jeremy and Melinda Beimers and Greg and Heather Mellow.

Despite reading endless reference material, I know I have left out many who deserve to be recognised. We would like to get the roll call of up to 60 alumni who have worked with WBT as translators, administrative staff, pilots, engineers or in other support roles. Please send more names to me at … but be gentle as you send corrections, which I admit are my fault. Above all, encourage

Diamond Anniversary and the Great CommissionBook review by Graeme Rule

A gripping read to go with a hot shot of your favourite drop of caffeine. It opens with sweet hot coffee, terrifying screams and armed men out to kill MBI graduate #2476, author, Bruce Grayden. An intriguing read, Coffee on the Terrace tells of the translation work among the Kalinga people in the Philippines.

Bruce and Judy, an accountant and a qualified nurse, attended many mission agency meetings as they grew up, but it wasn’t until they heard David Cummings speaking of soldiers hearing the call to go into battle, that they heard a call to Bible translation.

God’s sovereign over-ruling in sending them to a remote, unevangelised, fear-dominated mountain people, is a lesson for any young person waiting on God’s call.

The progress of their translation work, amidst the fierce, ongoing, intermittent opposition to the early planting of the seed of faith and the growth of a church amongst spirit-bound people, is recounted with honesty and humour.

Reprinted in the USA, this Aussie book is available from Wycliffe at Kangaroo Ground for $13.95 + P&H.

God has big plans for Melbourne School of Theology in the years ahead but we need your support to make it happen. We are so thankful for all of you who support us through prayer and financial gifts, however we rely on our regular supporters most.

An automatic monthly gift helps MST most because it allows us to plan and budget. It also helps you because you never need to worry about forgetting to honour your commitment.

You can set one up monthly gift in less than 5 mins using our secure online Paypal facility or by calling Reception on (03) 9881 7800.

Coffee on the Terrace


David and Ruth Cummings

Some include Ross Jones who’s been doing translation work in Africa with SIM for fifty years

By Graeme Rule

An incredible 44% of all visitors at our last Open Day in April came because a current or past student, friend or pastor recommended they check out Melbourne School of Theology. The fact is you are the best advertising MST has!


After 32 years serving at MST/BCV, we farewelled our beloved Anne Horswell who retired in mid-July. In her farewell photobook, Principal Tim Meyers wrote: “Annie, simply put, your love for Jesus as expressed through your commitment to MST and, in particular, your profound and invaluable awareness of the collective stories of God at work through this ministry, and through so many lives who have been shaped by it, are unequalled. Carry those memories with you Annie; and know that the Lord has, indeed, been greatly glorified through you.”

Alumni and Friends 2014 Afternoon Tea ReunionSaturday 8 November, 2.30–4.00pm at MST Come and enjoy the fellowship, worship and a briefing on what’s happening here at MST. All MBI, BCV and MST past students welcome.


2, 3 and 4

14 to 21








Open Week:  Bring a friend. Experience a lecture – Discover your future.

Mission Week: The field application of MST theological education.

‘Around the Bay in a Day’ COM team ride and fundraiser for MST mission project

Alumni and Friends Afternoon Tea Reunion MST Wantirna, 2:30- 4:30pm

Chinese Graduation MST Graduation Hall, all day

English Graduation MST Graduation Hall, 7.30pm

Dates for your diary

Farewell Annie!

A Catalyst to MST’s Integrated Learning Future

2, 3 & 4 SEPTEMBER 2014

Support Melbourne School of Theology with your prayers and gifts, through our website, or call (03) 9881 7800

When was the last time you went to a restaurant on someone’s recommendation? It’s widely known that people are four times more likely to engage in an activity when a friend recommends it.

As Melbourne School of Theology moves towards a flexible digital future of Integrated Learning

(combining face-to-face and e-learning), we’re excited to announce that Ben Chenoweth, a BCV graduate, is coming on board as a catalyst, to coordinate the development of MST’s e-learning capacity.

“E-learning has progressed far further than online lecture notes - what we used to call ‘Distance Ed’ in bygone eras. The digital revolution doesn’t just demand

we change our delivery systems: we’re having to rethink teaching and learning too, and these new developments have the potential to greatly expand MST’s impact,” Ben says.

After completing a Masters of Theology, Ben and his family joined Wycliffe, spending nearly 10 years in Russia, providing IT support for language teams across the former Soviet Union.

Share your passion for Melbourne School of Theology and encourage someone you know to come along and experience life at a Bible college for one or two days during Open Week - 2, 3 & 4 September 2014.

“It provides distinct benefits for all students, both on-campus and online, particularly those wanting to study while continuing to serve in their local churches, mission or ministry contexts, in Melbourne or different parts of the world.”
