Amazon presell mastery pdf



Amazon Pre-sell Mastery ....................................................................... 6 Problem/Solution Focused Web Page = More Ways Into A Niche..............................6 Problem/Solution Focused Web Page = Visitor Trust = Presold Visitors = More Sales........................................................................................................................................................7 1) The “How To” Pre-Sell ........................................................................ 8 The Pre-Sell Content: Soften Your Sell .........................................................................................8 Example: ..............................................................................................................................................8 The Niche Side Door: ...........................................................................................................................9 Example Content ................................

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About the Author Carey Baird

I am not going to give you my life story.. but I do have a story to tell.

In 2006 I set out alone to start an online business.

That decision took me across the globe, connected me with amazing people from every walk of life and helped me achieve what I had always dreamed of.

I am extremely grateful to now be at the head of a very successful operation providing software, training, hosting and other services. It has been, and still is, an adventure that I could never have predicted.

Throughout that journey I have made great decisions, made terrible decisions, made enemies and made friends. I have learned more than I ever thought possible and my goal is to share that knowledge with the world.

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Table of Contents

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER ....................................................................................................................3

PERSONAL USE ONLY .........................................................................................................................3

Amazon Pre-sell Mastery ....................................................................... 6

Problem/Solution Focused Web Page = More Ways Into A Niche..............................6

Problem/Solution Focused Web Page = Visitor Trust = Presold Visitors = More Sales........................................................................................................................................................7

1) The “How To” Pre-Sell ........................................................................ 8

The Pre-Sell Content: Soften Your Sell .........................................................................................8

Example: ..............................................................................................................................................8

The Niche Side Door: ...........................................................................................................................9

Example Content ................................................................................... 9

2) The “Best/Top Rated” Pre-Sell ......................................................... 12

Keys to Writing the Pre-sell Content: ....................................................................................... 12

3) The “Vs/Or/Compared to” Pre-Sell .................................................. 17

“P90x vs Insanity” .............................................................................................................................. 17

Creating The Pre-Sell Content....................................................................................................... 19

1) Compare and contrast two products. ............................................................................. 19

2) Compare and contrast two sub-niches of a niche. .................................................... 20

4) The “Cheap/Discount” Pre-Sell ........................................................ 23

5) The “Review/Reviews” Pre-Sell ....................................................... 26

The Pre-Sell Content: ....................................................................................................................... 26

6) The “Multi-Concept” Pre-Sell ........................................................... 30

7) BONUS NICHES- The “Holiday Gift” Pre-Sell .................................... 35

Conclusion ........................................................................................... 37

Know Your Niche! ............................................................................................................................. 37

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Amazon Pre-sell Mastery

Pre-selling is a concept that can mean many things. However, in the context of creating an Amazon Niche Blog, the notion of pre-selling as “conditioning a web page visitor to do what you want them to do” serves us best.

Creating a web page that doesn’t address this concept is a web page that won’t sell Amazon products!

Of course, niche selection is an important concept too! VERY important. Our web pages can be converting machines, but if no traffic is seeing the page because it’s dominating Google’s page 483, then our work is for nothing!

Therefore, keeping BOTH of these concepts in mind, pre-selling and niche selection, before we even start a web page is a must.

Pre-Selling: Again, this is the concept of “conditioning a web page visitor to do what you want them to do”.

In our case, as Amazon affiliate marketers, we want people to click over to Amazon. The further we can convince them they need a certain product, or type of product, or that Amazon has the product they need, the more we will earn from our web pages.

Niche Selection: Often times trying to enter a niche that is based around a popular product, we can get completely stopped dead in our tracks. It seems too saturated. There are way too many people trying to promote in this niche! The competition is too high!

Problem/Solution Focused Web Page = More Ways Into A Niche

Firstly, finding different ways to solve people’s problems, or finding different problems themselves, will open up a huge variety of niches that 95% of other marketers aren’t even thinking about!

It’s amazing (and we’ll show a couple examples) how an otherwise totally saturated niche can start to look like a piece of Swiss cheese (lots of openings? work with us!) when we use the following ideas.

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Problem/Solution Focused Web Page = Visitor Trust = Presold Visitors = More Sales

Secondly, it’s amazing how much easier a piece of content can sell products once it speaks directly to the visitor, answering the questions they sought out to answer when they got on the computer in the first place!

We can thus build trust, or “Presell” any products we recommend.

Then we’ll let Amazon and the other bigwig marketers selling these products finish the sale once we shoot our visitors their way.

7 Different Presell Tactics – 7 Niche Selection Ideas

We’ll discuss 7 pre-selling tactics in this report.

However, since we need to think about pre-selling and niche selection simultaneously before we create any web page or niche blog, then you’ll see these are great brainstorming ideas for niche selection as well.

We invite you to take a thorough look at this report, and then take a thorough second look at a niche you’ve looked at in the past and thought too competitive, too saturated, too much work to crack!

You may just be surprised at what you can find.

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1) The “How To” Pre-Sell

Search Term- “How to…(do something)” “How do I…” “How can I...” etc.

The “how to” is a website using a simple concept- You teach someone how to do something, then recommend a product that helps them do it!

The key is that the said “how to” must be completely explained before recommending a product.

If we don’t convincingly explain how something is done, a recommendation of a product that makes the job easier is going to be ignored, and the website isn’t going to make money.

The Pre-Sell Content: Soften Your Sell

The most important point of the “how to” website is that it teaches exactly how to do something. So attempting to push a product can sometimes be a real deal breaker.

Many times people don’t even know they need to purchase something when they first get to your site!

So having links to products on your page gives a subconscious impression you knew this all along, and that’s why you are explaining the topic to people- just to get the sale!

…you scumbag.

A better way is often just adding a link or two to a secondary page that gives your recommendations.

Now people feel they have the choice to consider buying something or not. You’ve given them the power, and you aren’t “in their face” with a sell. Instead, you’re helping them through their problem, and offering further help with a product you recommend if they want it. If not, no big deal.


“How to tune a guitar”


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Teach how to tune the guitar using the 5th fret method. Use diagrams. Teach how to tune the guitar using “harmonics”. Use diagrams.

Then mention how using an electronic guitar tuner helps with…

1. When you don’t want to loudly annoy everyone you are jamming

with, or ask them to be quiet while tuning. 2. In loud situations you don’t need to hear the guitar, you can just

follow the lighted indicator to tune up or down. 3. When you need to get in exact tune, not in relative tune with

yourself. (explain what that means)

Then simply give a link saying, you can check out my top electronic tuner recommendations here.

The Niche Side Door:

Often times this niche idea will be available for dominating because everyone is concentrating on the product itself, instead of the problem it solves.


Maybe everyone else is targeting “electronic guitar tuner X”, or “electronic guitar tuner reviews”, or “tuner X review”.

You target those same tuners with “How to tune a guitar”, then softly recommend checking out your recommendations for best tuner.

Another good example is let’s say you want to sell web hosting (talk about a saturated niche). Perhaps you could teach “how to set up a Wordpress blog”, and then mention that you’ll need a cheap hosting plan to do this.

You can see how this indirect niche can just as effectively pre-sell people on a hosting plan as actually targeting web hosting can.

The more you know about a niche, the more “how to” avenues will present themselves.

Example Content *For each pre-selling technique, we’ll include an example of content. This content is all based upon a hypothetical website with a chosen niche of “hand blenders”, which are just one of the thousands of products found on Amazon.

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Example Content #1 – The “How To” Preselling technique

How To Make Your Own Baby Food- Simple, Healthy,

and Cheap

Congrats on your new baby! As we parents know, having a newborn brings a lot of joy,

but not without a lot of worry for what’s best for our little one, and not without a lot of

spending money. A simple way to cut down on both worry and spending is to make your

own baby food! Making your own baby food is healthy for your baby, can cut down on

household costs dramatically, and is very simple to do.

Making Your Own Baby Food For Your Child’s Health

In the day and age we live in, it’s more important than ever to know exactly where our

food comes from. It’s not clear what the word “organic” means on many food labels. Are

we to take the manufacturer’s word that no pesticides were used on the vegetables in the

baby food? Or do they use an “acceptable” amount pesticides to still call it “organic”?

Are there harmful preservatives in the baby food? How long has it been sitting on the

shelf? Call it paranoid, fine. But these questions go through most mom’s minds.

Making your own baby food gives you the power to know exactly what goes into your

baby food.

How Making Your Own Baby Food Saves Money

It’s quite amazing how much money can be saved making your own baby food. Let’s

take a quick look at some examples…

Bought From Store: Gerber Sweet Potatoes- 5 ounces of food (2 servings) = $1.49

Make Yourself: 2 Sweet Potatoes- 20-25 ounces of food (8-10 servings) = $2

Bought From Store: Gerber Carrots- 5 ounces of food (2 servings)= $1.49

Make Yourself: 5 lb. Bag of Carrots- 80 ounces of food (32 servings)= $2.99

and the list goes on…

As you can probably guess, any fruit or vegetable made into baby food by you is going to

be dramatically cheaper than purchasing from the store.

How To Make Your Own Baby Food- 7 Simple Steps

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Step 1- Wash vegetable or fruit thoroughly.

Step 2- Cut into small chunks, removing seeds and stems.

Step 3- Place them into a steamer and steam the fruits or vegetables for 20 minutes, or

until very soft. (You can bake, microwave, or boil, however steaming will keep the most

nutrients in the food.)

Step 4- Put the steamed vegetables into a mixing bowl or Tupperware and puree with an

immersion hand blender(insert actual link). You want to make sure all chunks are out

of the puree before feeding to your baby.

I personally use an immersion hand blender(insert actual link)… Using a blender or other type of puree machine (i.e. “magic bullet”) wasn’t getting the job done for me. I found with a hand-mixer you have a lot more control of pureeing the food.

You can check out what I found to be the best hand blenders for making baby food

here. (insert actual link)

Step 5- Add water from the steamer to the puree to make it more liquid while mixing. The water underneath the steamed fruits or veggies is rich in the nutrients of the prepared food. You can also consider using breast milk or formula.

Step 6- Freeze food that won’t be immediately used in Tupperware containers or bags.

Step 7- Feed your little one fresh, home made baby food!

How to Make Your Own Baby Food Tips

As you can see above, it’s very simple to make your own baby food. The key tips to

remember are using the water from underneath the steamed fruits or veggies to get the

food to the right consistency. Remember to also puree the food thoroughly to remove

chunks. I hope you enjoyed learning how to make your own baby food. Now you can

save money and know what your baby is eating for every meal!

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2) The “Best/Top Rated” Pre-Sell

Search Term- “best (product)” “top rated (product/s)” “quality (product/s)” etc…

This is a search term that many of us use all the time. It’s self explanatory, but often an often un-tapped keyword set for many niches. While it’s a “side door” for some niches, it may be the front door that everyone is using for others.

Keys to Writing the Pre-sell Content:

Keep in mind that people typing in this type of keyword often have a “money is no object” point of view! You are doing them a disservice if you aren’t showing them the “best” of said product type.

Of course, just in case, you may want to provide cheaper alternatives at some point in your content.

Educate the Visitor-

What they are really asking is, “What am I supposed to look for in a good product, and which products have all those things.”

Explain the Jargon-and USE it.

Don’t assume people know any technical language about said products. If they have to leave your website to look up a term you confused them with, then they are gone for good!

Of course, if we’re making a website about golf products, we want to use golf terminology in a way that shows we obviously know what we’re talking about…and actually play golf.

Comparison Chart-

Consider using a comparison chart on the page if it’s warranted. We often use the plugin “Affiliate Product Comparison” to easily create tables and charts within Wordpress posts. If there are a lot of products to compare, with a LOT of features, these are a great idea.

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Social Proof-

The how-to website established trust with the visitor by teaching them, then recommending a product. For this type of website we are jumping right to the recommendation, so there is going to be suspicion from the visitor.

Why are they listening to you? What makes you the expert?

Get creative here, but give people a reason. You could use pictures of the “best products” that you obviously took, showing that you own them, or actually handled them at least. You could go to the store and take a quick cell phone picture of you handling it.

You could explain how you just got finished researching the products because you were shopping around also.

Perhaps add a video you took using the products.

This isn’t a point to be taken lightly. People will distrust advice from people who haven’t established some reason why they are allowed to give the advice!

What products should be avoided? Why?

This is a powerful inclusion. You want to look out for the visitor. Do them a valuable service by telling them to avoid products that are actually sub-standard.

I smell bias!

People can smell biased product recommendations on these pages. Try to be as true and genuine with your content as possible. If you aren’t going to give a product a “fair chance” because it doesn’t give you a commission, then you’re better off leaving it out of your content. People will respect your recommendations a lot more.

Or if it’s obviously just fluff to promote a product, people will sense this BS as well. Then they are off to the next site that will “give it to me straight”.

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Example Content #2 – The “Best/Top Rated” Preselling technique

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