Amazing Earth quakes



Amazing Earth quakes. Forces That Build and Destroy The Earth By: Carina. “What just happened my head almost fell off!. Said Bob.” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Amazing Earth quakes

Forces That Build and Destroy The EarthBy: Carina

Said Bob.” Let me explain who bob is. Just From looking at him he is full of attitude. Also , from what he just said, he likes to exacerbate. Right now I was showing him what an Earthquake feels like but he does not know that. Anyway, the answer to your to question is that thing almost made your head fall off is an earthquake. “what in the world?” Let me explain. A Earthquake is a forces that destroys objects such as, Buildings, property, and most of all important people. Also, an Earthquake can cause crack in the earth , called a fault. More about that later Also when the earth starts to shake , it causes huge and small damages. You can learn more about that later. One time there was a quake up to 7 on the Richter scale. More about that in a few min. Next what I am going to tell you about is faults.

“What just happened my head almost fell off!

Crack!!! What – was- that?

Bob, I’m showing an experiment. Did you patient to what I said. “No”. Bob! “Sorry”! But what is a fault? You want to Know what a fault is? “yes”. Well, a fault is a deep crack in the earth that seams between two crustal plates. Most faults are hidden in the ground. What are some types you ask well, one type is a normal fault. It’s when one piece goes down and the other piece stays put. This Fault sounds scary! It is called a Strike Fault. A strike fault is when two pieces split away from each other. The last one I am going to name is a Thirst fault. A thirst fault is when one piece stays down and the other piece goes up. “What are those things” Says Bob. Can you for once payatention to me. Now be petition and I will tell you.

Mister. Scientist what is that? Well here in my office we have items called a Richter and a metrically scale. The Richter scale is used on estimating the strength of an earthquake. A metrically scale is used to see how much damage is done. On the Richter scale the highest is 9. (Strong). The lowest is 1.(Weak). The highest is 12.(problobly caused a hole miles and miles deep). The lowest is 1.(Very less damage). Guess What Bob? There is one more scale called the Original. The Original scale measures ground movement. Bob where are you? Wow, this movie is so scary. That’s the biggest wave I have ever seen!

Bob what are you doing?“Bill, watch out! You are going to drowned!” “Hey, what did you do that for, I was watching a movie! Bob, you shouldn’t be watching a movie. I guess our just unionist! But, that wave is not just a wave. That wave is called a tsunami. Again what in the world? Ok a tsunami is a wave that is caused by a earth quake. The earth quake rocks the ocean bed. The fours rises and quickly comes to the land. When reaches the land the tsunami gets quicker. once there was an tsunami that had a distance of 100 for the highest. Tsunamis can destroy cars, boats, power lines, they can be brought down quickly. There are lots of other things that can be hurt or very badly. Another very bad thing are floods. “Wow California is very busy with earth quakes!” Bob, what are you doing!

Bob can you just start listening to me? “Sure.” I see you are looking at quakes in California. Well, Sandras plates move North, but New plates move south. Once there was a major quake in 1857, ground movement 33 feet. In 1989 it was 60 miles south of sanfrancisco. The serve shake was 6.9. Also, in 1983 forty-five people injured. The estimation of damage was 3,000 dollars. “So many examples.” Says Bob. “Where do they happen in ? “ Well, they happen in Stockton, sandeago, Greenvale, Sanfrancisco, Oakland, and many more. “Wow, earth quakes are very harmful” Said Bob.

“It’s definitely destroy!

Not always. I under stand how you might think that earth quakes are definitely destroy, but they are also helpful to the earth. The only way that earth quakes are helpful is that they make montins. Cool right. And if you were paying attention to me then you should Know all the harmful things that they do. Well that’s the end of the tour. I hope that you enjoyed it!

GlossaryUnfocussed- The action where you are not in the mood to focus.Exaderate- the act of making it more in depth ten it is.Estimation- The act of what somebody thinks.
