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Hey, AIESEC Alumni!

I am Zim, the current MCP of term 2012-2013 and I’m very excited to ad-dress everyone in this year’s first issue of AIESEC Philippines Alumni News-letter. As you may have noticed, this year, we have been consistent with our commitment in serving both the organization and its alumni. I am pleased to inform everyone that we, with the help of the alumni, are happy to bring you several alumni events and initiatives. In our mission to take the organization to the next level, we believe that moving together - the students and the alumni - is the key towards this success.

As we arrive this year to the organization’s 44th year of existence, may we all be ready and prepared for the 45th celebration of AIESEC Philippines. Through this newsletter, may we introduce to you several of our initiatives that foster and strengthen your connection in this organization. We are proud to be part of organizing the several Thirstdays the past months. You may want to look through the newsletter for details of what happened last Thirst-days. Better yet, attend the next ones and experience it! Lastly, we’ll be havinghaving our Alumni Homecoming Launch on October of this year to promote the 45th anniversary of AIESEC in the Philippines!

Truly, more things are in store for us this year and I hope that we get to see you soon in our events. Until the next newsletter!

Sincerely yours,

Maximilian O. Kho