Alternative Energy Save The Earth! Created By James Gillespie 2013


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Alternative Energy

Save The Earth!Created By James Gillespie 2013

Right Now!

• We burn millions of

tons of oil, coal and

gas to power our lives.

This releases

incredible amounts of

pollution into our air

and will eventually kill

our planet.

At The Same Time

• We are cutting

down the forests,

the trees that take

CO2 out of the air,

so fast it will take

hundreds of years

to recover.

The Result

• Temperatures are

rising on the planet as

more heat is trapped

by CO2. This is called

the greenhouse effect.

The more CO2

released the hotter it

will get.

A Hot PlanetLess Ice At The Poles More Lowland Flooding

What Is The Answer?

• There are two parts to the solution.

• First, stop cutting down forests and start

replanting as soon as possible.

• Second, reduce the amount of fossil fuel we burn

and find another way to drive and power our


• We need to start using Alternative Energy


Alternative/Renewable Energy

• Solar

• Wind

• Hydroelectric

• Geothermal

• Bio-Diesel

It’s Free (Sort Of)

• Everyday the

Sun pours

almost limitless

amounts of

energy onto this


It’s All For Us

• We can capture

it and use in two


• One is to turn it

directly into:


Zero Pollution

• There are no moving

parts and nothing to

wear out. The photons

of light excite the

electrons and they

start to flow and



Check Out This Roof

• That’s enough to

power the whole


How Many MPG’s?

• A car like this could

charge it’s own

batteries all day

while it’s parked.

Otherwise it could

be plugged in.

Want A Hot Shower?

• Solar energy can

also be used to

heat water for

baths, showers

and heating a


Solar Can Even Make A Power Plant

• These mirrors reflect

sunlight to the tower

full of salt and heat it

to over 600˚F. This is

then used to heat

water into steam and

drive turbines to make:


The World Of The Future

What About On A Day Like This?

There’s Often Wind

So Simple!

• The wind drives

the blades and

turns the

generator to



Even At Home

• A small turbine

like this won’t

power an entire

house but it’s a


The Bluer The Windier

• Imagine all the

wind turbines we

could put in the

blue areas and

how much fossil

fuel we would


Powered By Gravity

• In a hydroelectric

power plant, water

from the reservoir

is controlled to flow

through the dam to

turn the turbine


Hydroelectric Dams

• Gravity pulling

water down can be

used to drive a

turbine too. This

spins a generator

and makes:


Still Simple

Two Hydroelectric Dams


• There is a lot of

heat inside the

Earth and we can

have all we want

for free!

Heat Absorption

• In Winter we can

pump cold water

down deep where

it absorbs heat and

comes up warm or


Heat Dissipation• In Summer, hot

water can be

pumped into the

ground where the

heat is absorbed

and cool water

comes up to cool a


It Works Both Ways

• These


pipes will

exchange the

heat in both


Geothermal Power Plant• In some places

the water is so

hot it comes out

as steam which

can turn a

turbine and




• Did you know

cars can run

on vegetable


From Trash To Treasure

• Even dirty old

used up fryer oil

from restaurants

can be filtered

and put into

diesel engines.


• Corn can be

made into

ethanol that can

be mixed with

oils to make bio-


What’s The Best Part?

Which One Is The Solution?

• No single one is the best solution.

Each renewable energy source is a

good start and helps reduce fossil fuel

burning; so what is the best solution?

• A comprehensive combination of all is

the best solution.

How Much Could We Save?

• How much do you think we could

reduce our need for fossil fuel?

• 25%

• 50%

• 75%

• 90% or more

What Can I Do?

• First, conserve energy. Turn off lights

when you don’t need them, take

quicker cooler showers, set your

thermostats a little cooler in winter

and wear a sweater and a little

warmer in summer.

What Can I Do?

• Second, increase energy efficiency in

your home through insulation and

efficient windows, doors and appliances.

• Third, tell people what you know about

alternative energy and, someday, put

these things in your own home.

What Can I Do?• Most important!!!! Become and

educated voter! Write your

Congressmen and tell them to

embrace the technology that is

ALREADY HERE or you and your

friends and family will vote them out

of office.

It’s Up To All Of Us!

So What Happens If We Do Nothing?

• Yesterday, an F5 tornado tore

through Moore Oklahoma, destroyed

homes, schools and their hospital. So

far 91 have been confirmed dead

including at least 20 children.

Moore, Oklahoma 5/20/2013

Moore, Oklahoma 5/20/2013

Moore, Oklahoma 5/20/2013

Moore, Oklahoma 5/20/2013

Moore, Oklahoma 5/20/2013

If We Do Nothing:• Storms like this will get stronger!

• They will happen more often!

• They will happen in more places, like


• More heat and water in the

atmosphere will be disastrous for

everyone! Including You!
