Alstom 100 year


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  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    The Story ofAlstom in India


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year





    The story so far

    A noble industrial heritage





    Message from the Prime Minister

    Message from Chairman & CEO, Alstom

    Message from Country President, Alstom India



    Message from the Finance Minister








  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year



    What we do now

    Pan India presence

    Creating benchmarks along the way

    Why we lead







    FUTURE PERFECTTowards a sustainable tomorrow

    Technology and innovation

    Clean and green

    Inclusive and progressive





  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor, velit

    est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis nisi eroseu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi non mattis

    tempus, dolor nulla cursus purus, a

    vulputate ante velit at nisi. Vestibuluma

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Glorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus, risus non egestas scelerisque, leo nulla

    sollicitudin felis, et porta orci odio eget justo. Ut in condimentum odio. Nulla arcu nulla, lobortis sed eleifend a,

    tristique vitae enim. Suspendisse lectus erat, elementum lobortis scelerisque non, pharetra tempus elit.

    Curabitur gravida, tortor eget porta egestas, justo urna dictum justo, eget condimentum elit lectus eget quam.

    Sed cursus condimentum elit, et congue nisi blandit et. Integer venenatis eros nec tortor feugiat a fermentum

    sapien aliquet. Integer ante mauris, eleifend quis fringilla sit amet, venenatis at erat. Mauris et justo mi,

    tincidunt elementum arcu. Morbi dui metus, rhoncus id rutrum quis, porta ornare felis. Praesent in velit a velit

    lacinia bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam nec neque in elit interdum mattis. Vestibulum ante

    ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

    Sed sed pulvinar tellus. Proin ac quam risus, vel faucibus lectus. Donec dui arcu, semper nec egestas at,

    ultrices eget nisl. Aenean venenatis ultricies posuere. Vestibulum vulputate blandit metus. Curabitur et sem

    erat, sit amet vestibulum libero. Sed sed magna eros. Sed nec mauris lectus, vel ultricies nibh. Mauris dapibus

    convallis ligula ac volutpat. Donec sodales bibendum nisi, quis lacinia est tempus a. In hac habitasse platea

    dictumst. Cras bibendum, nulla quis interdum bibendum, ligula dui luctus nisi, in aliquam erat enim sed elit.

    Vivamus pretium imperdiet felis, sit amet fringilla turpis blandit eget. Donec eu hendrerit ipsum.

    Aliquam nec erat at tellus scelerisque interdum eu nec mauris. Maecenas tempus suscipit ipsum nec lacinia.

    Pellentesque id facilisis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce cursus lacinia dolor sed pharetra.

    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor, velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis nisi eros eu enim. Morbi

    pulvinar, nisi non mattis tempus, dolor nulla cursus purus, a vulputate ante velit at nisi. Vestibulum accumsan

    placerat fermentum. Praesent blandit est et nibh elementum placerat. Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent id lectus odio. Aliquam mollis mauris quis

    sem posuere ultricies. Cras ut orci id lacus molestie fermentum. Curabitur turpis arcu, dapibus vitae ultricies sit

    amet, ultricies et dolor.

    Message from the Prime Minister

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor, velit

    est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis nisi eroseu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi non mattis

    tempus, dolor nulla cursus purus, a

    vulputate ante velit at nisi. Vestibuluma

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Message from the Finance MinisterGlorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus, risus non egestas scelerisque, leo nulla sollicitudin felis,

    et porta orci odio eget justo. Ut in condimentum odio. Nulla arcu nulla, lobortis sed eleifend a, tristique vitae enim. Suspendisse

    lectus erat, elementum lobortis scelerisque non, pharetra tempus elit.

    Curabitur gravida, tortor eget porta egestas, justo urna dictum justo, eget condimentum elit lectus eget quam. Sed cursus

    condimentum elit, et congue nisi blandit et. Integer venenatis eros nec tortor feugiat a fermentum sapien aliquet. Integer ante

    mauris, eleifend quis fringilla sit amet, venenatis at erat. Mauris et justo mi, tincidunt elementum arcu. Morbi dui metus,

    rhoncus id rutrum quis, porta ornare felis. Praesent in velit a velit lacinia bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam

    nec neque in elit interdum mattis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

    Sed sed pulvinar tellus. Proin ac quam risus, vel faucibus lectus. Donec dui arcu, semper nec egestas at, ultrices eget nisl.Aenean venenatis ultricies posuere. Vestibulum vulputate blandit metus. Curabitur et sem erat, sit amet vestibulum libero. Sed

    sed magna eros. Sed nec mauris lectus, vel ultricies nibh. Mauris dapibus convallis ligula ac volutpat. Donec sodales bibendum

    nisi, quis lacinia est tempus a. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras bibendum, nulla quis interdum bibendum, ligula dui luctus

    nisi, in aliquam erat enim sed elit. Vivamus pretium imperdiet felis, sit amet fringilla turpis blandit eget. Donec eu hendrerit


    Aliquam nec erat at tellus scelerisque interdum eu nec mauris. Maecenas tempus suscipit ipsum nec lacinia. Pellentesque id

    facilisis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce cursus lacinia dolor sed pharetra.

    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor, velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis nisi eros eu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi non mattis

    tempus, dolor nulla cursus purus, a vulputate ante velit at nisi. Vestibulum accumsan placerat fermentum. Praesent blandit est

    et nibh elementum placerat. Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem diam, eu dapibus enim.Praesent id lectus odio. Aliquam mollis mauris quis sem posuere ultricies. Cras ut orci id lacus molestie fermentum. Curabitur

    turpis arcu, dapibus vitae ultricies sit amet, ultricies et dolor.

    Glorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus, risus non egestas scelerisque, leo nulla sollicitudin felis,

    et porta orci odio eget justo. Ut in condimentum odio. Nulla arcu nulla, lobortis sed eleifend a, tristique vitae enim. Suspendisse

    lectus erat, elementum lobortis scelerisque non, pharetra tempus elit.

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor, velit

    est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis nisi eroseu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi non mattis

    tempus, dolor nulla cursus purus, a

    vulputate ante velit at nisi. Vestibuluma

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Message from Chairman and CEO, AlstomGlorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus, risus non egestas scelerisque, leo nulla

    sollicitudin felis, et porta orci odio eget justo. Ut in condimentum odio. Nulla arcu nulla, lobortis sed eleifend a,

    tristique vitae enim. Suspendisse lectus erat, elementum lobortis scelerisque non, pharetra tempus elit.

    Curabitur gravida, tortor eget porta egestas, justo urna dictum justo, eget condimentum elit lectus eget quam.

    Sed cursus condimentum elit, et congue nisi blandit et. Integer venenatis eros nec tortor feugiat a fermentum

    sapien aliquet. Integer ante mauris, eleifend quis fringilla sit amet, venenatis at erat. Mauris et justo mi,

    tincidunt elementum arcu. Morbi dui metus, rhoncus id rutrum quis, porta ornare felis. Praesent in velit a velit

    lacinia bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam nec neque in elit interdum mattis. Vestibulum ante

    ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

    Sed sed pulvinar tellus. Proin ac quam risus, vel faucibus lectus. Donec dui arcu, semper nec egestas at,

    ultrices eget nisl. Aenean venenatis ultricies posuere. Vestibulum vulputate blandit metus. Curabitur et sem

    erat, sit amet vestibulum libero. Sed sed magna eros. Sed nec mauris lectus, vel ultricies nibh. Mauris dapibus

    convallis ligula ac volutpat. Donec sodales bibendum nisi, quis lacinia est tempus a. In hac habitasse platea

    dictumst. Cras bibendum, nulla quis interdum bibendum, ligula dui luctus nisi, in aliquam erat enim sed elit.

    Vivamus pretium imperdiet felis, sit amet fringilla turpis blandit eget. Donec eu hendrerit ipsum.

    Aliquam nec erat at tellus scelerisque interdum eu nec mauris. Maecenas tempus suscipit ipsum nec lacinia.

    Pellentesque id facilisis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce cursus lacinia dolor sed pharetra.

    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor, velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis nisi eros eu enim. Morbi

    pulvinar, nisi non mattis tempus, dolor nulla cursus purus, a vulputate ante velit at nisi. Vestibulum accumsan

    placerat fermentum. Praesent blandit est et nibh elementum placerat. Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent id lectus odio. Aliquam mollis mauris quis

    sem posuere ultricies. Cras ut orci id lacus molestie fermentum. Curabitur turpis arcu, dapibus vitae ultricies sit

    amet, ultricies et dolor.

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor, velit

    est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis nisi eroseu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi non mattis

    tempus, dolor nulla cursus purus, a

    vulputate ante velit at nisi. Vestibuluma

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Message from Country President, Alstom IndiaGlorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dapibus, risus non egestas scelerisque, leo nulla

    sollicitudin felis, et porta orci odio eget justo. Ut in condimentum odio. Nulla arcu nulla, lobortis sed eleifend a,

    tristique vitae enim. Suspendisse lectus erat, elementum lobortis scelerisque non, pharetra tempus elit.

    Curabitur gravida, tortor eget porta egestas, justo urna dictum justo, eget condimentum elit lectus eget quam.

    Sed cursus condimentum elit, et congue nisi blandit et. Integer venenatis eros nec tortor feugiat a fermentum

    sapien aliquet. Integer ante mauris, eleifend quis fringilla sit amet, venenatis at erat. Mauris et justo mi,

    tincidunt elementum arcu. Morbi dui metus, rhoncus id rutrum quis, porta ornare felis. Praesent in velit a velit

    lacinia bibendum. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam nec neque in elit interdum mattis. Vestibulum ante

    ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

    Sed sed pulvinar tellus. Proin ac quam risus, vel faucibus lectus. Donec dui arcu, semper nec egestas at,

    ultrices eget nisl. Aenean venenatis ultricies posuere. Vestibulum vulputate blandit metus. Curabitur et sem

    erat, sit amet vestibulum libero. Sed sed magna eros. Sed nec mauris lectus, vel ultricies nibh. Mauris dapibus

    convallis ligula ac volutpat. Donec sodales bibendum nisi, quis lacinia est tempus a. In hac habitasse platea

    dictumst. Cras bibendum, nulla quis interdum bibendum, ligula dui luctus nisi, in aliquam erat enim sed elit.

    Vivamus pretium imperdiet felis, sit amet fringilla turpis blandit eget. Donec eu hendrerit ipsum.

    Aliquam nec erat at tellus scelerisque interdum eu nec mauris. Maecenas tempus suscipit ipsum nec lacinia.

    Pellentesque id facilisis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce cursus lacinia dolor sed pharetra.

    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor, velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis nisi eros eu enim. Morbi

    pulvinar, nisi non mattis tempus, dolor nulla cursus purus, a vulputate ante velit at nisi. Vestibulum accumsan

    placerat fermentum. Praesent blandit est et nibh elementum placerat. Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent id lectus odio. Aliquam mollis mauris quis

    sem posuere ultricies. Cras ut orci id lacus molestie fermentum. Curabitur turpis arcu, dapibus vitae ultricies sit

    amet, ultricies et dolor.

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor,

    velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis

    nisi eros eu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi

    non mattis tempus, elementum placerat

    Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem

    diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent idolor


    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor,

    velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis

    nisi eros eu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi

    non mattis tempus, elementum placerat

    Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem

    diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent idolor

    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor,

    velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortisnisi eros eu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi

    non mattis tempus, elementum placerat

    Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem

    diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent idolor

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor,

    velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis

    nisi eros eu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi

    non mattis tempus, elementum placerat

    Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem

    diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent idolor


    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor,

    velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis

    nisi eros eu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi

    non mattis tempus, elementum placerat

    Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem

    diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent idolor

    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor,

    velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortisnisi eros eu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi

    non mattis tempus, elementum placerat

    Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem

    diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent idolor

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor,

    velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis

    nisi eros eu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi

    non mattis tempus, elementum placerat.

    Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem

    diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent idolor

    Morbi pharetra, erat eu aliquet tempor,

    velit est ullamcorper leo, vitae lobortis

    nisi eros eu enim. Morbi pulvinar, nisi

    non mattis tempus, elementum placerat.

    Sed tincidunt velit at sem vestibulum

    varius. Nulla facilisi. Integer at sem

    diam, eu dapibus enim. Praesent idolor

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year




  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Did you know that we

    were born in the same year

    that Delhi was madethe capital of India?

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Did you know that the year

    in which the first flight in

    India took off, is the year

    when our roots were

    implanted in India?

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Our story in India is a

    narrative of a country

    coming into its

    owntransforming from

    a nation struggling withdevelopment issues to

    one that is today

    associated with the most

    innovative technologies

    and considered the

    second-fastest developing

    economy. We have been

    the backbone of this


    strengthening and

    supporting the nation from within. Our past has been a glorious journey of innovation,

    opportunities, successes and sheer dedication to improve the way we perceive

    infrastructure development in India. With capabilities in engineering, manufacturing,

    project management and supply of products and solutions for infrastructure, we have

    been powering India's growth.

    Our journey has now reached a momentous milestone100 years. Even as we celebrate

    this occasion, each individual working in the organisation realises just one thingthis is

    just the beginning!

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Did you know that Alstom

    is associated with the Delhi

    and Bangalore Metro networks,covering more than 100 kms

    and 96 stations?

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Did you know that we

    have been part of IndianNuclear Power history

    since the early '70s?

    Interlinks Images/Marc Roussel

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    We began our journey as General

    Electric Company of India Limited

    (GECI), a subsidiary of the

    General Electric Company plc, UK

    which was incorporated in 1911.

    At the same time, a factory was

    also built in Kolkata. GECI made

    various electrical, electronic and

    mechanical engineering goods.

    Another entity, the English

    Electric Company of India Limited

    (EEI) took shape in 1957.

    A power boilers facility was

    established in Durgapur.

    Today, the facility

    manufactures power

    boilers, coal-fired boilers

    and industrial and heat

    recovery steam generators.

    We formed a 50:50 JV wit

    National Thermal Power

    Corporation (NTPC). Calle

    NTPC Alstom Power Serv

    Limited (NASL), the JV do

    renovation, modernisation

    retrofitting and

    refurbishment of ageing

    power plants.

    We established ourselves in

    Chennai. At that time weparticipated in the setting up of

    the first major manufacturing unit

    of Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd

    (BHEL) at Bhopal. Later, we

    extended our expertise to the

    Indian Railways for the installation

    of an electric locomotive factory at


    A boiler and mill facility

    was established inShahabad. The facility

    today handles coal

    pulverisers and milling

    systems, high pressure

    piping, heat exchangers,

    condensers and iron


    ALSTOM in India

    A noble industrial heritage





    A transport

    manufacturing facilitywas established at

    Coimbatore for the

    production of a range of

    traction and signalling

    equipment to supply the

    Indian railway market.


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Asea Brown Boveri Management

    Limited (ABBML), formed in the

    early '90s, became ABB Alstom

    Power India Limited (ABBPL) in

    1999. And then in 2000, ABBPL

    became ALSTOM Power India

    Limited, which two years later

    became ALSTOM Projects India

    Ltd, the name we know it as now.

    We entered a strategic

    partnership with Infosys in

    the areas of global R&D,

    engineering, and engineering

    IT services to develop next-

    generation solutions for the

    power sector.

    We got our first metro

    rolling stock contract in

    India for Chennai Metro

    (CMRL). Our signaling

    solutions run Metros in

    Delhi (DMRC) and

    Bengaluru (BMRC).

    A hydro manufacturing

    facility was established inVadodara. The facility is one

    of our largest hydro

    equipment manufacturing

    hubs worldwide. It was later

    supplemented with a Global

    Technological Centre (GTC).

    Alstom joined hands with

    Bharat Forge Ltd. tomanufacture steam

    turbines and auxiliary

    equipment with an annual

    capacity of 5000 MW.






    Areva T integration with

    Alstom Grid in process.


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year




  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Did you know that close

    to 25 per cent of the world's

    power production capacitydepends on Alstom

    technologies and services?

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Did you know that theboilers from the largest

    manufacturer in the country

    come with our technology?

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    For over 100 years, we have been strengthening

    the nation from within. In this way, we have

    helped script the story of Resurgent India.

    Today, we are a more than 4000-people strong

    company with our roots deeply entrenched in this

    country. In India we are known as ALSTOM

    Projects India Limited and are listed on the

    Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National

    Stock Exchange (NSE).

    Over the years, we have witnessed many changes

    while we have expanded our business and

    ventured into new arenas.

    In the power and transport sectors, we have

    diversified our offerings into systems, products

    and services in an attempt to meet the growing

    demand of this nation. Now, as we foray into the

    transmission business, our grid technology is

    poised to provide the most advanced electrical grid

    solution to meet the world's electricity demand.

    What we do now

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    At ALSTOM, excellence is a way of life, and we work towards it in everything we do.

    We have a robust local set-up that drives our business. Our manufacturing units in the country include fully capable boiler

    manufacturing units in Durgapur and Shahabad. We have one of the largest and most advanced hydro manufacturing units in

    Vadodara. We also have one of the largest integrated facilities for turbine, generators and auxiliaries manufacturing in Mundra,

    which is currently under way.

    Our transport systems and solutions enable the most forward-looking developments in sustainable mobility in the countrythe

    Metro rail systems in New Delhi, Bengaluru and Chennai.

    As a long-term player in the energy business in

    India, we have full capabilities in engineering, manufacturing, project management and supply of power generation equipment and

    solutions. With more than 1000 people, the engineering centres in India also support our activities worldwide.

    We have the most up-to-date technologies and strive to constantly improve the same. Our R&D centres are a result of our constant

    endeavour to innovate.

    Pillars of Excellence

    Interlinks Images/Marc Rousse

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    *Interlinks Images/Marc Rousse

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    At Alstom, we strongly believe that the right

    partner makes all the difference. With this

    thought in mind, we have forged many crucial

    partnerships with strategic local players to bringin frontline technologies, setting global

    benchmarks in quality and efficiency.

    Alstom and Bharat Forge Ltd. JV: The JV will

    manufacture steam turbines and auxiliary

    equipment with an annual capacity of 5000 MW

    Alstom and BHEL: We entered into a 15-year

    license agreement with BHEL for the

    manufacture, supply and technology transfer for

    supercritical boilers

    Alstom and Infosys: Strategic partnership in areas

    of global R&D, engineering, and engineering ITservices to develop next generation solutions for

    the power sector

    Alstom and NTPC: This joint venture undertakes

    renovation, modernisation, retrofitting and

    refurbishment of old and ageing power plants



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  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Delhi / NCR











  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Did you know that we have

    built one of the most efficient

    Combined Cycle Power Plantsin the country?

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Did you know that morethan 90 per cent of the

    country's aluminum smelters

    use our technology?

  • 8/7/2019 Alstom 100 year


    Creating Benchmarks Along The Way

    In the last few years, we have taken giant strides in our quest for excellence, innovation and diversification. We have not only delivered on ourpromises, but in fact exceeded them. As we prepare for the future, we have our vision set on ambitious new initiatives and as in the past, we are

    determined to cross even bigger milestones in the future.

    Recognising the pressure that pollutants place on the

    environment, we have developed pollution control

    systems for industrial use. Given that we are known for

    stringent quality controls and reliability, it is no wonder

    that more than 90 per cent of the country's aluminium

    smelters use our pollution control systems.

    Environment-friendly technologies

    We have always worked towards innovations that help conserve

    environmental resources. It is with this resolve that we set out to

    construct a 370 MW combined-cycle power plant (CCPP) at Utran,

    Gujarat. The plant was the first to use our most efficient gas turbinetechnology in the marketthe advanced class GT26 technology

    Charting many firsts

    *Interlinks Images/Marc Roussel

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    We supply hydro equipment to the single

    largest hydropower project in the country,

    which is a testament to our excellent

    reputation in case of hydro power. For this,we manufactured the first largest Francis

    runner in India with a 6100 mm diameter,

    3600 mm height and 105 tons of weight.

    High on renewables

    We are an integral part of the largest railway

    markets in the world. As a multi-specialist

    rail transport solutions provider, and

    promoter of sustainable mobility, we develop

    and market complete range of systems,

    equipment and services for the railway


    Connecting people

    With a reputation for excellence, it is not

    surprising that the boilers from the largest

    local manufacturer comes with our

    technology. We are also the force behind

    high-speed metro t ra ins that aretransforming and redefining the definition of

    urban mobility in India.

    Reliable technology

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    Did you know that we

    supply hydro equipments to

    the single largest hydro powerproject in the country?

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    Did you know that we areassociated with the recharging

    of 30 natural springs in the

    Himalayan region?

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    We are what we can because of the values

    we carry as an organisation. We stand

    apart not just with our extensive product

    and service offerings, but also because of

    the way in which we deliver them.

    We lead because we Trust, our Teams and

    we believe in Action.

    At Alstom, we consider Trust as the basisof any work and essential for the proper

    conduct of our business. For us, Trust is

    built on the responsibility given to each

    decision-maker, the delegation of

    authority and the belief in the importance

    of each person's role in every project we


    We work as a Team. Our business is based

    on collective discipline and efforts to

    deliver and execute projects successfully.

    This team spirit, grounded in our

    dedicat ion to each employee's

    development, extends to our collaboration

    with our partners and customers.

    Action speaks louder than words. To be

    able to deliver our commitment on

    products and services, we need to action

    them. Built on strategic thinking and

    underlined by our customer care, our

    action involves adopting clear priorities

    and a speed of execution that

    differentiates us from our competitors.

    Why we leadThe right core values

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    At ALSTOM, we have been privileged to play a role in being the agents of change and touching the lives of a billion people over a

    century. That has happened only because of our technologies and solutions, which have enabled these impactful changes.

    Our presence across all sources of power, combined with our technological expertise and local presence, has put us in an

    enviable position in the infrastructure segment.

    Strong local partnerships with leaders like BHEL, Infosys, BFL and NTPC has multiplied our technical competency, and

    increased our offerings to customers.

    Innovation is at the heart of all that we do at Alstom. Not only because we operate in high technological value sectors such as

    transport and energy, but because of our culture, which is the basis of all our processes, and products and services that create

    value for customers and the Group. With a wide spectrum of products and services, we continue to develop and innovate with

    one overriding goalclean technology. We also participate in international technological development thanks to excellence

    centres all across the country.

    Our world-class facilities are capable of timely delivery and execution of multipleprojects with confidence.

    Our Growth Engines

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    We believe in staying ahead of the curve by constantly innovating and developing technologies that ensure better, more

    sustainable, and cutting-edge performance. With this in mind, we have been on a constant quest for excellence in our

    technologies. We create solutions that go above and beyond the immediate to actually envision future challenges. Our roadmap for tomorrow has important milestones on it. Through our technology and innovation, we are reinforcing our presence

    in the renewable energy portfolio, especially in the areas of nuclear, wind and solar energy.

    Given the increasing awareness on the efficiency levels and a view to abide by the global carbon emission norms in India we

    are looking at achieving significant improvements in the performance and efficiency of our power plants. Our advanced class

    GT26 gas turbine technology, in combined cycle, is the most efficient gas turbine technology on the market with the highest

    overall plant efficiency in its class

    Taking on the responsibility of controlling carbon emissions, our R&D team is working on the technology to mitigate the

    same. Our technology addresses the emission of specific pollutants and retrofitting existing plants. We have launched a

    significant R&D effort aimed at developing innovative and retrofitable carbon capture and storage solutions (CCS).

    We are a multi-specialist rail transport solutions supplier. In the R&D for transport, our efforts focus on developing trains

    that are able to run in hybrid or dual modelike the high speed and regional trains and metros.

    Technology And Innovation

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    Staying Environment-positive

    At Alstom we are constantly working to ensure that we conserve the

    planet's existing resources and innovate to help replenish themand all

    this without letting the pace of development slow down.

    There are two ways we make this happenby reducing our own carbon

    footprint and by creating technologies that help others reduce their carbon


    Reducing our carbon footprint: Spearheading green initiatives in the

    sector, Alstom is actively working towards reducing its environmental

    impact across the world. We strive to reduce the amount of natural

    resources used across the full range of operations, particularly CO2

    emissions. We target a 20 per cent reduction in energy intensity andgreenhouse gas emissions, a decrease in water consumption by 12 per cent

    from 2008-09 levels, and the recycling of 80 per cent of waste by 2015.

    Clean power: The power generation sector accounts for 40 per cent of the

    CO2 emissions and this will be compounded by the fact that the global

    energy demand is set to double by 2030. As a leading innovator in energy

    technology, Alstom has taken it upon itself to be at the forefront of clean

    power development. Alstom does this in three ways:

    Balancing its technology portfolio with CO2 free and renewables

    technologies in the areas of generation as well as in removing


    Ensuring production efficiency and energy management withinnovations that target 50 per cent plant efficiency for steam plants

    and 60 per cent for combined cycle gas fired planta significant

    improvement in comparison to technologies available today.

    Applying Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies focused on

    two main categories of CCSOxy Combustion and Post Combustion

    Capture. These technologies can be retrofitted to the installed base,

    which is an essential component for meeting future emission targets.

    Sustainable mobility: In the area of transport, our efforts are concentrated

    on reducing energy consumption. We focus on our environmental impact

    and increasing the efficiency of our products and services to reduce fuel

    consumption from manufacturing through to recycling. Even the paintcoating we use on the metro trains helps reduce energy consumption. We

    also pay close attention to noise reduction.

    Clean And Green

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    Inclusive AndProgressiveOur three fundamental values are Team, Trust and Action,

    which reflect the way in which we function. Viewing the

    world through these three value lenses, we achieve our

    'People' commitments by:

    Protecting and benefiting our employees: Our human

    resource practices are among the best in the world.

    Equal opportunities and diversity are at the core of our

    employee engagement and we also ensure that the

    health and safety of our employees is paramount in any


    Delivering value to our customers: To them, we

    promise and deliver quality, excellence, innovation and


    Fostering our suppliers: We do this by raising

    environmental, labour, and health and safety standards

    across our supply chain.

    Improving communities worldwide: Community

    outreach means actively engaging with communities sothat we together reap the benefits of the opportunities

    laid out before us. Some of the far-reaching initiatives

    we have taken include building and maintaining a

    'Green Orphanage' for the girl child in Karnataka, the

    spring water recharge initiative in the Kumaon region

    of the Himalayas, the soil restoration initiative to help

    Gujarat farmers, the plan to erect 50 windmills for salt

    farmers to help them switch from fossil fuel, and

    several initiatives to support the education of children.

    Interlinks Images/Marc Roussel

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    The Way ForwardAs we look back at the last 100

    years, we feel a sense of pride and a

    sense of achievement at having

    come so far and done so much.

    However, it also gives us thecourage to look ahead at tomorrow

    and plan to do even more. Whether

    it is in the technologies we develop

    or in the spread we increase, our

    focus, as always, is in impacting

    people's l ives and enablingsustainable positive change.

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    ALSTOM Projects India Limited

    Hydro - Head Office and Manufacturing

    Facility, GIDC, Maneja,

    Vadodara , Gujarat

    Tel: +91-265-6613000

    Fax: +91-265-6613081

    Thermal Services

    Bldg: Pragati, GIDC, Maneja,

    Vadodara Gujarat

    Tel: +91-265-6611144

    Fax: +91-265-6611140


    ALSTOM Projects India Limited

    Coimbatore Works

    No. 63, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam

    PO, Coimbatore - 641402

    Tel: +91-0422-2681920

    Fax: +91-0422-2682816


    ALSTOM Projects India Limited

    District Burdwan, Durgapur

    West Bengal

    Tel: +91-343-2556701, 2556707

    Fax: +91-343-2556286


    ALSTOM Projects India Limited

    Distt. Gulbarga, Shahabad


    Tel.: +91-8474-204433

    Fax: +91-8474-204541/47




    - 585229


    ALSTOM Projects India Limited

    Environment Control Systems

    Millenium City, IT Park, Tower II,

    10&11th Floor, Block DN, Plot 62,

    Sector V, Salt Lake City,


    Tel: +91-33-44113000

    Fax: +91-33-44113005/6

    Thermal Service

    Superintendence Building,

    Plot No. Y-13, Block - EP, Sector V,

    Salt Lake, Kolkata

    West Bengal

    Tel: +91-33-40060100/01

    Fax: +91-33-40060163


    ALSTOM Projects India Limited

    65/2, Block C, Level 03 (2nd Floor)

    Bagmane Laurel

    Bagmane Tech Park

    CV Raman Nagar,



    Tel: +91-80-66176060

    Kolkata West Bengal



    Our Presence

    ALSTOM Projects India Limited

    The International

    5th Floor, 16, Marine Lines Cross Road,

    No.1, Off Maharshi Karve Road,

    Churchgate, Mumbai


    Tel: +91-22-22051256, 22000490/87,


    Fax: +91-22-22000324


    ALSTOM Projects India Ltd.

    IHDP Building,

    Plot # 7, Sector 127,

    Noida , UP

    Tel: +91-120-473 1100

    Fax: +91-120-473 1200





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