ALOHA Cabled Observatory Will use components from the earlier ALOHA- MARS Mooring project at APL-UW...


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ALOHA Cabled Observatory

• Will use components from the earlier ALOHA-MARS Mooring project at APL-UW

• Seafloor secondary node• Bottom instrument package with science

isntrument interface module (SIIM) and sensors (CTDO2, BB2F)

• Cables and connectors• Underwater video camera


• Implemented only on short scale – 30 m high in Puget Sound

• For ACO – use seafloor secondary node and bottom instrument package

• And cables

Bottom instrument packageBottom instrument package

Secondary node

Seafloor bottom instrument package

• Here set up to goat base of mooring, on mooring line

AMM Secondary seafloor node

• Test tank at MBARI

• Orange is syntactic foam to make near neutrally buoyant to facilitate ROV moving it on seafloor

• 5 ROV-mate Receptacle cables

AMM Secondary node and SIIM

• Without syntactic foam (simple deployment Puget Sound

• Bottom instrument package/SIIM hard connected behind

Bottom instrument package

• SIIM (left)• 2 CTDO2

• 1 BB2f fluorometer/backscatter (black unit)

• Syntactic foam to get near neutral buoyancy

• Green Falmut cable connecting to secondary node

Science Instrument Interface Module (SIIM)

• 8 channels for sensors

• Industrial ethernet• One ROV plug cable• Titanium pressure

case 6000 m

Electro-optical (EO) converters

• For seafloor cable, 1.5 km here (black)

• Converts electrical Ethernet to optical for long run, and back

• Runs off 48 V from local node

• Has a ROV-mate plug cable at each end
