Allowed Freedom



A book helps parents build a healthy environment for their children's mental health.

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Build your child's mental health

Allowed Freedom

I have r e c e n t l y

received a child to take care of, and this is my first time being a guardian monster. I will provide as much love and compassion to my little one, and I know it will not be easy, but this will be my life

from now on.

Mental health is

as important as physical health, because

it affects how people think,feel and act. Parents provide good mental health for their children by the things they do, say, and the environment they

create at home. Parents can learn about the signs of mental h e a l t h

issues and where to go for help.

Create a safe and positive environment for your child.

The PlaygroundAs a caretaker and a guardian, I need to provide my child with a responsive, nurturing, and a positive experience. Plus, fun activities and good food. Most importantly to bare in mind, children do NOT need expensive toys.

A checklist for my little one

Provide a safe and loving home for your baby.Help your baby explore his surroundings, both inside and out.

Respond to your baby.

Get regular health care for your baby.Develop community connections.

Reach out if you need help.

Choose quality child care.

Naturally NaughtyMy little one is a an easy child. The other guardians told my their children are either shy or wild spirited.

The eAsy Child The shy Child The wild ChildAbout half of the kids are easygoing; they are active, adaptable to change, they don’t mind meeting new people and situations. They don’t anger quickly, are not stubborn nor pushovers.

Parents with these toddlers need to use common sense. They are also susceptible to neglect, where they are easily left to spend so much time with TV or not spend

much time with their parents.

Around 15% of children are shy or slow to warm up to people and situations. By 9 months, easy children will smile at strangers, but the shy ones will still frown. It's common to seem them wave goodbye only when a gust leaves.

Parents must shield these children from ridicule and harsh criticism. One thing must be kept in mind that rejection can make these children fearful throughout their lives.

1 in 10 toddlers is strong- willed, challenging child. Their highs and lows are exaggerated. They are more of everything; active, impulsive, impatient, intense, sensitive, and rigid.

Parents are advised to keep these children active and outside more to play. They also need a firm structure to keep them stable and safe.

Mental Bubblemood changes

intense feelings

Behavior changes

difficult concentrating

Unexplained weight loss

Physical symptoms

Physical harm

Even if the parents are aware of the signs, it can be difficult to distinguish between mental health issues and normal childhood behaviours. Children will display some of these signs at some point, but they often lack the vocabulary or the ability to explain their concerns.

Sometimes, parents suspect their child might suffer from a mental illness, but the cost of medications and treatments prevent them from seeking care. That itself is a problem that needs to be solved.

The following poll gives a hint that you child might face a mental issue. If so, you need to seek help.

After everything that

I have seen from my fellow guardians and how patient they are when their children are stubborn,

I appreciate guardianhood even more. it takes a lot of time and energy when it comes to raising children. My

littleone will not know this now, but she goes through her growth spurt, she will. Because it’s not only feeding

a child, but also considering their personalities, nurturing them mentally and spiritually.

Children are not only bodies, but souls and creatues

with minds of their own. They need you- caretakers- to

help them mold their mental status and nurture it until they are

capable of taking care of themselves. Love, acceptance and patience.

ART 351- Graphic Design IProf. Yunsun Chung- Shin

In collaboration with Prof, Mona A lKouatly

Spring 2016CACE, Zayed University, Dubai

Copyright ©2016Designed by Shyma Essa
