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Math Problem Solving Learning Activity

Photograph from:

Alli HurdAdina KarpoffAnitra Palmer






Web Resources…………………………………………….…15

Additional Resources………………………………..……..19

Credits and Contact Information………………………..19




Title: Problem Solving

Curriculum: Math

Grade-Level: 1st grade

Purpose: Students will create word problems and solve them using different strategies.

Description: Before this learning activity, strategies using manipulatives would be taught and modeled thoroughly. Students are to use these specific strategies to solve the word problem throughout this learning activity. These strategies were drawing, ten frame, base ten blocks, number line, hundred’s chart, and tally marks. After learning the various strategies, the students will be put into heterogeneous strategy groups where they will design a strategy book based on a specific word problem. There are four types of word problems: adding to, taking from, comparing, putting together, and taking apart. Each group will teach the entire math class how they solved the word problem using the strategies they learned before. Finally, students will choose the strategy that was the most effective for them and be put into homogeneous strategy groups. They will create a strategy song using the GarageBand software.

Standards : Here is a list of standards that will be covered in different parts of the learning activity. To see which objectives correspond to each lesson, look at the activities chart below.

CCSS. Math. Content.1.0A.A.1Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.

ISTE (National Educational Technology Standards for Students)1. Creativity and innovation


Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processesb. Create original works as a means of personal or group expressionc. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues

2. Communication and collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and mediab. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formatsd. Contribute to project teams to produce original

3. Research and Information fluencyStudents apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

a. Plan strategies to guide inquiryc. Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks

4.Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.

a. Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigationb. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a projectc. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisionsd. Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions

6.Technology operations and concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.

a. Understand and use technology systemsb. Select and use applications effectively and productively


Activities:Grade-Level: 1st grade

PURPOSE: Students will create word problems and solve them using different strategies.

DESCRIPTION: Before this learning activity, strategies using manipulatives would be taught and modeled thoroughly. Students are to use these specific strategies to solve the word problem throughout this learning activity. These strategies were drawing, ten frame, base ten blocks, number line, hundreds chart and tally marks.

Prior to Learning Activity:Prior to this learning activity, students are going to learn basic addition and subtraction skills. They will already have the understanding that addition makes numbers bigger and subtraction smaller. Students will have worked with manipulatives to model adding and subtracting. They will have practiced and will start listening to stories to begin their study on applying addition and subtraction to word problems, such as Eric Carl’s Rooster’s Off to See the World. The teacher and students will use manipulatives to add and subtract the animals while the story is being told. Students will be given story mats with different settings to practice addition and subtraction, to add context to their math problems, as preliminary word problems. Once the learning activity comes, students will be told that there are different ways to solve a word problem. They are going to each day learn a new strategy to solve the same math problem.

Lesson 1: Drawing

Activity- Students and teacher will come up with a story problem together. (The example we used is “Sally got 4 fish from the pet store. Then her mom bought 5 more. How many does Sally have now?”).

The teacher will model how students should visualize the math problem, and picture Sally with the four fish, and then visualize her mom coming with 5 more fish. The teacher will ask students if this is an addition or subtraction problem, and how do they know. The teacher hopes students will respond correctly, by saying it is addition because they are making the number bigger. Once the students know they are adding, the teacher will ask students to solve the problem by using the ‘drawing


picture’ strategy. The teacher will draw four fish on the board, and then draw five more fish, and have the students count that there are now nine fish.The students will discuss why drawing a picture was helpful. Students will indicate that drawing pictures helps them take the image they visualized in their mind and put it on paper, which allows them to keep track of the total number of fish.Students will then go back to their seats and try to draw a picture of the story problem. For students who are struggling, the teacher will provide manipulatives used previously, until they are ready to move away from concrete (hands-on) materials to abstract methods of problem solving, including drawing.Afterwards, the teacher will have the students share their drawings. Then, the teacher will open the Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives website and show students how they can draw the problem and use the solution learned on the website. The teacher will pull up different backgrounds and ask the students which one matches best with the story problem. The teacher will pull out the goldfish bowl, and draw out the problem with the drawing tool.Assessment-Teacher will post a word problem similar to the one modeled in class for students to turn in as an exit card, to monitor student progress.

Lesson 2: Ten Fame

Activity-The teacher will repost the problem from the previous day onto the board, and ask students about the strategy they learned the day before. The teacher will call up a student to solve the problem using drawing, as a review. The teacher will then tell students that they will solve the same problem using a ten-frame.

The teacher will distribute ten-frames to the class, with counters, and read the problem to the students on the board. The teacher will ask students how many fish did Sally start with, the class will say four, and the teacher will model by placing 4 counters inside the ten-frame. The class will then add five counters of a different color into the ten-frame. The teacher will remind the students that they don’t want to count in a ten-frame. Rather, the teacher will remind students that a ten-frame allows students to see ten, and the number of boxes left empty of the ten-frame makes it easy to solve the problem. The teacher will model and show that the ten-frame now has one less than ten, which means the answer is 9.

The teacher will then pull up the Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives website, and show students how to pull up a ten-frame to solve the problem. The teacher will then put up pull the counters and model solving the problem using the virtual manipulatives. Students will then go back to their seat and draw a ten-frame to solve the problem.

For students who are struggling, the teacher will continue to provide actual manipulatives used previously, until they are ready to move away from concrete (hands-on) materials to abstract methods of problem solving, including drawing


.Assessment-Teacher will post a word problem similar to the one modeled in class for students to solve using a ten-frame model and turn in as an exit card, to monitor student progress.Lesson 3: Base Ten Blocks

Activity-The teacher will repost the problem from the previous day onto the board, and ask students about the strategy they learned the day before. The teacher will call up a student to solve the problem using the ten-frame, as a review. The teacher will then tell students that they will solve the same problem using a base ten blocks.

The teacher will remind students that base ten blocks are a representation of ones and tens, using a place value system (students can only have nine ones. Once they have ten ones, they must exchange it for one ten).The teacher will distribute base ten blocks to the class in small groups and read the problem to the students on the board. The teacher will ask students how many fish did Sally start with, the class will say four, and the teacher will model by displaying 4 ones. The class will together with the teacher add five ones. To teach the students the concept of making ten, after students solve the problem with the 4+5 equation, the teacher will ask students to solve the problem if Sally’s mom had brought 7 more fish rather than five more fish. The students will go back to their groups and try to solve the problem using the base ten blocks. If they have answered the question correctly, they should end with one ten and one one.

The teacher will then pull up the Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives website, and show students how to use base ten blocks and how they can be manipulated to break a ten into ten ones or transform ten ones into one ten block. The teacher will then model both the original problem and the modified problem using the virtual manipulatives.

For students who are struggling, the teacher will continue to provide actual manipulatives used previously, until they are ready to move away from concrete (hands-on) materials to abstract methods of problem solving, including drawing.

Assessment-Teacher will post a word problem similar to the one modeled in class for students to solve using base ten blocks and turn in as an exit card, to monitor student progress.

Lesson 4: Number Line & Hundreds Charts

Activity-The teacher will repost the problem from the previous day onto the board, and ask students about the strategy they learned the day before. The teacher will call up a


student to solve the problem using the base ten blocks, as a review. The teacher will then tell students that they will solve the same problem using a number line and a hundreds chart.

The teacher will reintroduce number lines and hundreds charts to students as a way to solve the problem. The teacher will remind students that if a number increases, they will hop forward, to the right and if the number decreases, the number will hop backward, to the left. The teacher will also remind students that the number you start on is the first number in the math problem.

The teacher will distribute number lines and hundreds charts to the students and will read the problem to the students on the board. The teacher will ask students how many fish did Sally start with, the class will say four, and the teacher will model by starting at the 4 on the number line. The class will together with the teacher add five and hop forward 5 spaces, to land on the nine. The teacher will then pull up the Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives website and show students how to use a number line and hundreds chart, demonstrating how to pull up the workmat, and how to draw the hops forward and back.The students will then be sent back to their desks to practice using a number line to solve the problems.

For students who are struggling, the teacher will continue to provide actual manipulatives used previously, until they are ready to move away from concrete (hands-on) materials to abstract methods of problem solving, including drawing.

Teachers will close this lesson by asking students about the value of using a number line. After listening to responses, the teacher will indicate that number lines are helpful because they display the numbers, so students don’t need to keep it in their head. Furthermore, the hops help show exactly how a number increases or decreases, based on the problem. Hundreds charts also show patterns, and show the math in a broader context.

Assessment-Teacher will post a word problem similar to the one modeled in class for students to solve using a number line and turn in as an exit card, to monitor student progress.

Lesson 5: Tally Marks

Activity-The teacher will repost the problem from the previous day onto the board, and ask students about the strategy they learned the day before. The teacher will call up a student to solve the problem using a number line, as a review. The teacher will then tell students that they will solve the same problem using tally marks.


The teacher will remind students that tally marks are something they know how to do, because it simply counting by fives and then adding on what remains. The teacher will practice by drawing a few numbers in tally marks on the board and asking students what they are. The teacher will remind students that every fifth tally crosses over to create a group of five.

The teacher will then model the problem posted previously, and create an answer using the Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives website. Students will initially use whiteboards and dry erase markers on the white board. Then students will be given a different problem to solve, using what they learned and tally marks.

For students who are struggling, the teacher will come around and provide support where needed.

Teachers will close this lesson by asking students about the value of using a tally marks. After listening to responses, the teacher will indicate that tally marks group things by fives, which makes it a quick method of counting, and it shows visual representations of the increasing numbers by five. In this problem it is one away from the second set of five, or nine.

Assessment-Teacher will post a word problem similar to the one modeled in class for students to solve using a number line and turn in as an exit card, to monitor student progress.

Lesson 6: Problem Solving Project

Activity-Now that students have learned five different strategies for solving word problems, and have seen the teacher model and solve the problem using the Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives website, students will form groups.The teacher will then have students pull a type of a word problem out of a hat (start unknown, part-part-whole, join, take apart). The teacher will briefly give examples of each of the four types of word problems in class, so students are familiar with them. The teacher will not solve the problems, so that students will be in charge of their own learning experience. The teacher will display the rubric, and be sure students understand all of the requirements. The teacher will be available to provide support when needed.Students will start in their groups by looking at the type of problem, asking and answering the question, “what type of problem is this word problem?” and then applying what they know t create a word problem. Students will use the Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives website to find a background that matches the setting of their problem. They will insert the word problem into a text box, and screenshot the initial problem and save it in a word document.


Students will then divide their group, and each member of the group will pick a strategy they would like to use to solve the problem. The teacher will intervene if students cannot decide for themselves. Each student will use the Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives website to solve the problem with their chosen strategy and show their work.

Once each member of the group has taken a screenshot of their completed math strategy, they will compile all of the strategies together to make a book to present to the class. Students will use the checklist provided and be sure their group has everything they need before turning in a completed product.

Assessment – See Problem Solving Rubric.

Tools and Resources (Lessons 1-6) -

Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives website:

This activity in its entirety promotes higher order thinking, by having students work collaboratively to apply their knowledge to generate and solve word problems using different strategies.

In regards to the SAMR model, the Glencoe website falls under the category of augmentation. Using the technology would make the activity better as a whole, for several reasons. First, by using a technology based resource, students have hundreds of story mats at their disposal, which means they can create, model, and solve story problems using a variety of settings. It assists them in generating different word problems, which provides greater opportunity to practice. Second, the website allows students to solve the problems in a variety of ways instantly, because the website has many different workmats and virtual manipulatives needed to solve the problem using multiple strategies. Third, the website allows all students to work simultaneously, whereas if a class was using physical manipulatives, it would be difficult to acquire sufficient numbers of manipulatives for every student to use at the same time.One could argue that the purpose of our activity, which is to provide resources for both students and parents, would cause the activity to fall under the category of modification of the SAMR model.Because students are creating an electronic resource, which can be posted and accessed online, it becomes something that can be used again and again, by the student that created the problem, or other students. If parents are having difficulty reviewing the material with their child at home, the student-created word problem can be sent to the parent.

True, it is possible to do the activity without the technology. However, for the purpose of creating student-made resources for both student and parent use, a


teacher never would do that. It would be far too time-consuming for students to do the activity without the technology, and without using the technology, students could not explain their thinking in the problem itself, which they can do with the technology, using the text box or writing tool.

Lesson 7: Group Presentations (Four Days Long):

Activity-During these days, the student groups will lead the math lessons. One group will teach the class their type of word problem. Each member of the group will teach the class their assigned strategy and share the strategy book for their word problem. At the end of all the lessons, each student will complete a Google Form where they will express which strategy was most effective to them. These answers will determine which new groups they will be placed in to create a strategy song in GarageBand.

Lesson 8: Sound Effects

Activity- The teacher will introduce sound effects. The teacher will call the students to the carpet area. The teacher will play different sounds and the class will discuss what sound that specific object makes. Using the sound website,, the teacher will click on a sound and the class will discuss what the sound is and why they think it is that sound. They can link it to a memory they have had previously. For instance, the teacher will play the “door” sound by clicking on and the class will discuss their ideas. First, they will turn and talk to the person beside them for approximately one minute. Then, the teacher will take volunteers to share their ideas. The teacher will encourage students to connect their ideas to a memory. For instance, the students can have a memory of their parents closing the door every night before they go to bed so they are able to link the sound to a previous event and memory.

The teacher will then explain that the students will go on a nature walk around the school. The class will take frequent stops to listen to the sounds of nature. The class will close their eyes and discuss what they are hearing. For instance, if the class is standing near a tree and they hear “chirp... chirp,” then the class will discuss possible ideas such as a bird. Again, the students will link the sound to a previous memory. For instance, a student may talk about a camping trip that they went on over the summer and discuss how they heard birds chirping in the morning. This will help link the sound that they are hearing to a memory. The class will come inside and discuss all of the sounds that they heard on their nature walk.


The teacher will arrange students to get into pairs. The teacher will have different sounds written on a note cards such as dog bark, water drop, etc. These note cards will be placed in a hat. Each pair will choose a sound out of the hat. One at a time, each pair will come up to the front of the class and make that sound. The rest of the class will try to guess which object they are making and link it to a previous memory. The class will explain why they think that specific sound links to a particular object. For instance, two students will stand in front of the class and bark like a dog. The class will explain why they think their sound is a dog. A student may have a memory of hearing a dog bark outside their window or a student may even own a dog and may be very familiar with that sound. This part of the lesson will end with a discussion about the importance of sound effects and how it triggers particular memories we have.

Lesson 9: Introduction to GarageBand:

Activity-During this lesson, the teacher will introduce the Garageband tool. The students are recording a song based on the word problem strategy that they previously chose. On the first day, the teacher is going to model how to use Garageband. First you click on the garageband application icon and then you click on voice. Next you save the project as the Math Strategy Title that they have used (number line, ten frame, drawing a picture, etc.) and push create. First, the teacher will model how to record your voice. You are to push the red dot (recording button) at the bottom of the box. Then, you record the song. You can record using the male or female voice button. The teacher will model that she is the only person singing the song this time but will explain that the group song will have different people doing different parts of the song. She will model that you can sit around the laptop and the microphone will hear all parts of the song and that you do not need to put your mouth at the top of the laptop where the microphone is located. She will remind the students that they are sitting quietly while waiting for their part since the microphone will be able to pick up whispers, voices, coughing, etc. The teacher will not go into too much detail about changing the voice and instead the students will leave their voice the way it is. This part will be done first when students are completing their project so the students can really focus on the song before adding the beat and sound effects to it.

After the voice of the song is recorded, the teacher will show how to add a beat to the song. The teacher will model how to use the beat tool. The teacher will show the class by clicking on the “beats” icon. Next, you click and listen to the different versions. The teacher will explain that you will choose a beat as a group that matches the song that they wrote. There are plenty of beats to choose from.

The teacher will model how to include a sound effect. The teacher will show that you click on “FX” and a list of side effects will show. Before listening to the different side effects, the teacher will explain that the students will be choosing a sound effect that


matches and correlates with their math strategy. This will promote higher order thinking for the students to match the sound effect that helps trigger a memory to remember what to do for that specific strategy. For instance, during the teacher model of the song (Number Line Rap), the teacher included a “boing” sound, which related to a PoGo stick and to show hopping or even a frog jumping from one lily pad to another. The hopping sound effect represents the hops you do on a number line either forward or backwards depending if it is addition or subtraction. This will really help the students to remember what to do during that specific problem solving strategy.

After modeling all of these tools, the students will be allowed time to explore Garageband before recording their group song in the next couple days of this lesson.

Lesson 10: Strategy Song Writing

Activity- The students will get into their favorite math strategy groups which they have previously chosen by doing a survey. Students will create a song about their favorite problem solving strategy. The Garageband group rubric and evaluation will also be explained in more details. The students are to circle a smiley face if they have included that part or a sad face if they have not included that part. This will help the students to be aware of what exactly needs to be included in each song and what the teacher is expecting for them to complete. The GarageBand Song Evaluation (Group) is to be used as a checklist and an evaluation for the students. This is done as a group. The GarageBand Evaluation (Teacher) is the assessment that each individual student will receive from the teacher. The teacher will use this sheet to assess the students and they will receive a copy of it when the learning activity is complete.

The teacher will play her example that she created on Garageband. Using the Garageband evaluation, the class will discuss all of the components the song has such a sound effect that matches the strategy, a consistent beat throughout the song, at least 20 seconds long, etc. Since students are writing their math songs, other favorite math strategy song examples will be shared and displayed to help assist the students when creating their song. The teacher will remind the students that these songs can use rhyming words. The teacher is allowing the class to have two days to create their song.

Lesson 11: Recording Songs in GarageBand

Activity- Students will be finishing writing their song and making sure it makes sense. The students will brainstorm a list of sounds that would go with the math strategy that they chose. This will promote higher order thinking for the students because


students are linking the math strategy to a sound effect. The students can refer back to the teacher example of the “boing” sound effect that links to the hopping on a number line. Another possible sound effect idea could be a “scratching” noise, which would represent a student using a pencil to draw a picture to solve the word problem.

Once the group’s song is ready to be recorded, the students will use the Garageband tool to record their song. The students will refer back to the Garageband Song Evaluation to double check that they have all the components needed in the song. When each group is finished recording their song, students will be able to share their song with the class. Students can come up to the front of the class to share it.

Software : Glencoe Virtual ManipulativesGarageBand- We are requiring the students to create a song using Garageband. According to the SAMR model, this would fall under the modification category. Garageband allows for significant task redesign. To increase and promote higher order thinking, the students are required to link a sound effect to their specific math strategy and explain how this useful. As explained in the lesson, the students are adding a sound effect to the recorded song that will help the students to remember how to use that specific strategy. For the teacher’s example, the teacher chose a “boing” sound to represent jumping and how your jump forward and backwards on a number line depending if it is addition or subtraction. This will help students to link the math strategy to a sound effect, which will help students to remember what to do during that specific strategy. Now students can recognize and remember the “boing” sound as jumping forward (addition) or backwards (subtraction).

Hardware : Computers with internet accessPrinters

Assessment : Problem Solving Group Self-Evaluation Checklist – see attachedProblem Solving Strategy Book rubric – see attachedGarageBand Song Group Self-Evaluation rubric- see attachedGarageBand Song Teacher rubric – see attached


Web Resources :

Smith, Kristen. [Kristen Smith]. (2012). First Grade [Youtube playlist]. Retrieved on October 11, 2014 from is a playlist of typical first grade songs. These can be used as examples for acceptable songs that the students can create. It can also give teachers ideas for songs that can be made.

Downey Unified School District. (2014, May 16). Cognitively Guided Instruction 1st Grade Word Problems. Retrieved on October 11,2014 from website offers word problem starters for the students to use when they have difficulty coming up with their own. Each type of problem has it’s own set of starters. All the students have to do is add numbers to them.


Teacher Tipster. (2014). Math Story Problem Types. Retrieved on October 11, 2014 from site provides students with explanations of the different types of word problems they will have to solve. Students can use this website as a reference to solve word problems or to get an example of how certain types of word problems are written. (2013). Thinking Blocks: Model and Solve Word Problems. Retrieved on October 11, 2014 from Blocks is a website that provides practice word problems for students to solve. They can choose the way they want to solve the problems through the different model options. Students can use this site to practice their own strategy or one of the other strategies they learned about in class.

McGraw-Hill Education. (2014). Glencoe Virtual Manipulatives. Retrieved on October 11, 2014 from site is dedicated specifically to the Glencoe virtual manipulatives that are used in this activity. It gives teachers several different activities that they can do or that their students can do using the tools. It tells you ways that you can break up base ten blocks,


use the bear counters with the special story problem background, and how to select appropriate tools by grade.

Freesound. (2005). Freesound Sound Effects. Retrieved on October 11, 2014 from is website is full of different sound effects. The teacher and students will be using this website during the sound effects lesson to explore how different sounds make them feel and what they bring to their minds. The students can also use this site to consider which sounds they want to add to their strategy songs.

International Reading Association and National Council of Teachers of English. (2014). ReadWriteThink. Retrieved on October 11, 2014 from site offers sample word problems that the students can use and solve. The students can use these word problems to help them generate their own in groups when they are teaching the class.

Sums Online Limited. (2011). Rabbit Takeaway. Retrieved on October 11, 2014 from Takeaway is a online problem solving game. After students have learned their strategies, they can use this website to apply what they have learned to solve the word problems that are presented to them. On grade level students can click on the Easy link


to get problems on their level. The Harder link can be used by strong on grade level students or above grade level students to challenge their abilities. (2014). Grand Slam Math. Retrived on October 11, 2014 from Slam Math brings the joy of baseball into the math classroom. It is an online word problem game site where students answer questions. If the students get the question right, they get a home run. If the students get the question wrong, they have two chances to get it correct before the problem is explained to them. There is also a help button if the students get the problem wrong the first time.

IXL Learning. (2014). Addition Word Problems Sums to 10. Retrieved on October 11, 2014 from website runs like a quiz for students as they go about solving word problems. records how long it takes for students to complete all questions and tells how many they got correct. This could be used for the students to practice their different strategies after the songs are made or after the different groups have taught the strategies to the class.


Additional Resources : The Super Source: Cuisenaire rods. (2007). Vernon Hills, IL: ETA/Cuisenaire.The Super Source: Base ten blocks. (2007). Vernon Hills, IL: ETA/Cuisenaire.The Super Source: Snap cubes. (2007). Vernon Hills, IL: ETA/Cuisenaire.The Super Source: Color Tiles. (2007). Vernon Hills, Ill.: ETA/Cuisenaire.Childs, L., Choate, L., & Jenkins, K. (2012). Nimble with Numbers, Grades 1-2. Rowley, MA: Didax Educational Resources.Ritchhart, R., & Church, M. (2011). Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.Murphy, S., & Andriani, R. (2006). MathStart: Mall Mania. New York, NY: HarperCollins.Murphy, S., & Karas, G. (1997). MathStart: Elevator Magic. New York, NY: HarperCollins.Murphy, S., & Alley, R. (1998). MathStart: Animals on Board. New York, NY: HarperCollins.Carle, E. (1991). Rooster's Off to See the World. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.Tang, G., & Briggs, H. (2001). The Grapes of Math: Mind Stretching Math Riddles. New York, NY: Scholastic Press.Tang, G. (2003). Math-terpieces. New York, NY: Scholastic Press.

Credits and Contact Information : Alli Hurd Alli_Hurd@hcpss.orgAdina Karpoff AdinaKarpoff@gmail.comAnitra Palmer*Screenshots are taken from the website or program they are illustrating*

Comments : Adina is beginning to do this learning activity with her students. She has expressed that they are very excited to begin and really enjoy the songs they have already learned. Alli and Anitra are still in the teacher directed stage of this activity but are very excited to complete this activity with their students.

Appendix:These are all the supplementary materials throughout the learning activity.




























Problem Solving Group Checklist We have our names. We have the date. We have a cover page with our story problem. Every page (except for the tally mark page) has a background with a storyboard or workmat. We have a page for solving the problem using ten frames. We have a page for solving the problem using a hundreds chart. We have a page for solving the problem using a number line. We have a page for solving the problem using base ten blocks. We have a page for solving the problem using tally marks. We have a page for solving the problem using a picture. We have the word problem written in a text box on each page. We have the equation written in a text box or using a writing tool on each page. We have checked our work, and the correct answer is on each page. We have showed how to use each strategy correctly.

We have checked all of the boxes, so we know our work is complete!

Names: ________________________________________________________________________________________________


________________________________Glencoe Virtual Manipulative Problem Solving Rubric

Pages Background with a


Textbox with Word


Equation and Correct




My problem solving book includes a cover page and pages for all of the following strategies: use of ten frame, use of hundreds chart, use of number line, use of base ten blocks, use of tally marks, and use of a drawing

With the exception of tally marks, every page has a background with a storyboard or a workmat

Every page includes a text box with the word problem

Every page includes a textbox or writing tool with the equation and the correct answer

All strategies are demonstrated correctly


My problem solving book is missing 1 of the following: the cover page or strategy pages for use of ten frame, use of hundreds chart, use of number line, use of base ten blocks, use of tally marks, and use of a drawing

With the exception of tally marks, 1 of the pages does not contain a background with a storyboard or a workmat

1 of the pages is missing a textbox with the word problem

1 of the pages is missing a textbox or writing tool of the equation and the correct answer

1 of the strategies is demonstrated incorrectly


My problem solving book is missing 2-3 of the following: the cover page or strategy pages for use of ten frame, use of hundreds chart, use of number line, use of base ten blocks, use of tally marks, and use of a drawing

With the exception of tally marks, 2-3 of the pages do not contain a background with a storyboard or a workmat

2-3 of the pages are missing a textbox with the word problem

2-3 of the pages are missing a textbox or writing tool of the equation and the correct answer

2-3 of the strategies are demonstrated incorrectly


My problem solving book is missing 4 or more of the following: the cover page or strategy pages for use of ten frame, use of hundreds chart, use of number line, use of base ten blocks, use of tally marks, and use of a drawing

4 or more of the pages are missing a textbox with the word problem

With the exception of tally marks, 4 or more of the pages do not contain a background with a storyboard or a workmat

4 or more of the pages are missing a textbox or writing tool of the equation and the correct answer

4 or more of the strategies are demonstrated incorrectly



The Number Line RapNumber lines show the numbers in your pathThey are really helpful when you’re doing mathGrab the number line to do your partThe first number in your problem is where you startLike a frog on the numbers, go hop hop hopUntil you reach the last number where you stop stop stopFor addition go forward, for subtraction go backAs you move, use your pencil to keep trackUsing number lines are lots of funAnd now the number line rap is done

The Ten Frame DiddyTen frames are a really great tool They’ll help when you’re doing math in schoolIt’s a rectangle with ten boxes, it’s trueThen take your counters and here’s what you doTake your starting number and fill that number inThen decide if you’re doing addition or subtractionIf you’re adding, fill in some empty spacesIf subtracting, take the number out of their placesWhen you stop moving your counters all aroundThe answer in front of you will be foundTen frames are great to help you visualizeThe math problem right in front of your eyes

“Draw a Picture” ChantWhen you’re working on math problems and you don’t know what to do,Here’s one strategy that will help to get you through

– Draw a picture!Read the problem out loud and get your crayon readyPut it down on the paper, and keep your hand steady

– Draw a picture!Draw the number that you start with, keep it simple and quickFor addition, draw the rest, and you’ve figured out the trick

– Draw a picture!Subtraction is different, here’s what it’s all aboutDraw your total starting number, then cross the second number out

– Draw a picture!It’s as easy as that, your math work is doneSo what do you do? Let’s say it everyone

– Draw a picture! Draw a picture!



GarageBand Song EvaluationScored by the Teacher

1 2 3

Math StrategyI did not include the math strategy.

I included the math strategy and did not explain it.

I included the math strategy and explained how it is used.

BeatI do not have a beat in my song.

I have a beat with some of my song.

I have a beat throughout the whole song.

LengthThe song is only 5 seconds long.

The song is only 10 seconds long.

The song is at least 20 seconds long.

1 sound effect that connects

to the math strategy

No sound effect 1 sound effect that does not link to the math strategy

1 sound effect that does link to the math strategy

Total: __________________

