Alleluia, the Lord is risen! · 3/27/2016  · Alleluia, the Lord is risen! Easter Sunday Services...


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the Lord is risen!

Easter Sunday Services March 27, 2016

8:30 and 11:00 a.m.

First Presbyterian Church Stillwater, Oklahoma


**Those who are able, please stand.


- Gathering Around the Word -

ORGAN PRELUDE ................................................................ Trumpet Tune - M. A. Charpentier; and Prelude and Fugue in G major, BWV 541 - J. S. Bach




March 27, 2016 - 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.

� Warm greetings and love in Christ are extended to all gathered in this house of worship.

� A double asterisk (**) indicates you may rise in body or in spirit as you are able.

� Large print hymnals, bulletins and hearing assist units are available from an usher.

� Please respectfully allow all to worship by keeping all cell phones/pagers silent or off.

� Please record your name and address on the Ministry of Friendship (red folder at the end of the row). Pass it to the end of the row and back to see with whom you worship.

� Children are always welcome in worship services. If parents prefer, a nursery for infants and toddlers is available in the North Wing.

� Children 3 years through 3rd grade are invited to the Westminster Room (1st floor south area of main building) for Children and Worship following Time with Children in the 11:00 a.m. service.

� A Children’s Bible is located on the wooden tree at the rear of Sanctuary. Use it to engage your children in scripture. You will find this Sunday’s reading on page 112, Easter Sunday. Please return the Bible to the tree after worship.

� Children's Worship bags are located on the wooden tree for children through 5th grade. Take the bulletin and activity sheets home, but please return the bag with all other materials to the tree after worship.

� The Peace Candle on the Communion Table is a reminder to pray for world peace. Visitors are invited to share a candle with their home church by picking one up at the Information Center in the Narthex.



Leader: Rejoice and be glad: Community: This is the day that the Lord has made! Leader: Rejoice and be glad: Community: Heaven and earth will never be the same! Leader: Alleluia! The Lord is risen! Community: He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!

**PROCESSIONAL HYMN 232 .................................................... “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”

**PRAYER OF ADORATION CONFESSION OF SIN ................................................................................................... in unison

God of everlasting life, we confess that we continue in the ways of death. You have announced your new creation, but we put our hope in the former things. You have opened the door of the tomb, but we close our hearts to our neighbors. Forgive us, God of grace. Make us people of the resurrection, proclaiming the destruction of death and the gift of glorious new life in you. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, we pray ...

(Moments for personal confession)

KYRIE ............................................................................................................................ (spoken) Lord, have mercy;

Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy upon us.

ASSURANCE OF PARDON **RESPONSE TO PARDON .................................................................................................. 587

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!


Greet one another: "Alleluia! The Lord is risen." Response to one another: "He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!"


- Proclaiming and Sharing the Word -

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION PROPHETIC LESSON ..................................................................... Isaiah 65:17-25 (OT, pg. 654)

Leader: This is the word of the Lord. Community: Thanks be to God.


If parents desire, following this time, children of 3 years and younger may go to the Nursery located in the north wing. At the 11:00 a.m. service Children and Worship, for children 3 yrs. old - 3rd grade,

meets after Time with Children in the Westminster Room (south of Sanctuary). Today’s story is “Jesus Dies and God Makes Jesus Alive Again.”

ANTHEM ...................................... “The Heavens Are Telling” (from The Creation) - F. J. Haydn

GOSPEL LESSON ................................................................................. John 20:1-8 (NT, pg.1 08)

SERMON ..........................................................................................................“Mystery and Joy”

- Responding to the Word - **AFFIRMATION OF FAITH ......................................................................... The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church; the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.


Leader: God of new life, Community: Hear our prayer.


INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP PRESENTATION OF OUR LIVES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY .............................. “The Call” (from Five Mystical Songs) - R. Vaughan Williams

**EASTER DOXOLOGY ...............................................................609 (tune: Lasst uns erfreuen)

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures high and low; Alleluia, Alleluia! Praise God in Jesus fully known: Creator, Word, and Spirit one. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!


- Sealing of the Word -




Leader: The Lord be with you. Community: And also with you. Leader: Lift up your hearts. Community: We lift them to the Lord. Leader: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Community: It is right to give our thanks and praise. Leader: In every time and every age. . . .and join their unending hymn: Community: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. Leader: Blessed are you. . .Praise to you, Lord Jesus:


Community: Dying you destroyed our death, Rising you restored our life. Lord Jesus, come in glory. Leader: By your Holy Spirit. . . .Hear us as we pray as Christ taught us: Community: (The Lord’s Prayer) Our Father. . . Amen. (using “debts” and “debtors”)


The community partakes of the Elements as they are served.

White wine is offered in the center rings; grape juice is in the outer rings.

Gluten-free wafers are available in the center of each cup tray.

Communion Anthem: “Alleluia” - R. Thompson


- Bearing and Following the Word into the World -

**CLOSING HYMN 248 ............................................... “Christ Is Risen! Shout Hosanna!”

**COMMISSION AND BENEDICTION POSTLUDE ........................................ Toccata (from Symphony No. 5 for Organ) - Ch. M Widor

(The Organ Postlude is offered as an instrumental prayer. You are invited to join

in meditation and reflection. As you depart, please do so quietly remembering those

who remain are listening and praying.)



Leading Worship: Leah Hrachovec, Pastor Assisting: Everett Miller, Associate Pastor Organist, Music Director: Rebecca te Velde Trumpet: Bennett Frohock, Jack Stemm Soprano Soloist: April Golliver Trio Soloists: Kiandra Spencer, soprano; Ashton Patton, alto, Brad Newcomb, tenor Ushers: (8:30) K & Sandy Cohlmia, Debbie Traugott & Doug Swanson (11:00) Beverly & Larry Perkins, Beverly Gumm, Kathy Thomas Greeters: (8:30) Jerry & Mary Burson, Gwen Piersall (11:00) Nancy Franklin, Claudia Roach Counters: Tim Krehbiel, Dick Shawley Communion Servers: (8:30) Susie Causley, Bob Henderson, Kelly Nipp, Brenda Nipp, Katharine Nipp, Betsy Showalter, Kay Stewart, Bettie Todd, Bryn Williams, (11:00) Mary Dillingham, Jenny Fowler, Jenna Fowler, Nancy Franklin, John Gelder, Thad Leffingwell, Kim Leffingwell, Lisa McGaw, Iris McPherson, Mike Woods, Mary Woods, Communion Bread: Quinn Leffingwell, Mary Morrison, Gwen Piersall, Betsy Showalter Children and Worship: Brenda Johnson, leader; Nat Cooper and Ann Houston, greeters


We thank our Chancel Choir, soprano soloist April Golliver, and trumpeters Bennett Frohock and Jack Stemm for their very special musical offerings on this Easter Sunday! Prelude: First we hear an organ transcription of the Prelude to the Te Deum Laudamus (“You Are God, We Praise You) by the French baroque composer Marc-Antoine Charpentier (c. 1634-1704). The Te Deum is a hymn of praise, and one of its verses proclaims, “When you had overcome the sharpness of death, you opened the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers.” Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in G major is one of his mature organ works, evidently composed sometime between 1715 and 1725. An extended fanfare-flourish of broken chords begins the Prelude, which unfolds as a blend of north-German toccata and Italian concerto elements. As the fugue begins, the repeated notes of the subject (theme) instill the entire movement with relentless bounce and rhythmic drive. Throughout the work, Bach exploits the full range of the organ, both in the hands and feet. This music embodies Easter joy! Postlude: Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937) was a world-renowned organ virtuoso and titular organist of St. Sulpice in Paris for 65 years. He concertized extensively, including in the U.S., and was professor of organ at the Paris Conservatory (succeeding César Franck), and later professor of composition (succeeding Dubois). He wrote many organ works, including ten “symphonies” for organ—works that use the organ in an orchestral manner and are in a multi-movement, symphonic form. This famous Toccata, easily his best-known work, is the final movement from his fifth organ symphony. Anthems: Between 1797 and 1798, Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) wrote his great oratorio The Creation. This amazing and beloved chorus has as its text Ps. 19:1–3.




• DON’T FORGET TO SHOP THE FAIR TRADE STORE for unique gifts, delicious coffee and chocolates on

Sunday mornings in the Hospitality Area.

• DWIGHT MISSION CAMP THIS SUMMER. Registration is open at for campers

grade 3 to graduated seniors and Family Camp. A $50 scholarship is available to each child or

youth attending camp. Don’t miss the fun and memories.

• LILY DELIVERERS NEEDED: If you can help deliver Easter Lilies after Easter Sunday, please find

Deacon Bettie Todd after worship. Addresses and directions will be provided. Lilies are delivered

to church members who are ill, have experienced a family loss recently, or someone FPC wants to

let know we are thinking of them.

• ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING OFFERING contributions are still being received. Special giving

envelopes are available in the pews. .


• CATHY FAIRBANKS, Church Administrator, will be out of the office on vacation Tuesday - Friday.


• TWO WORSHIP SERVICES: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Communion is served at both services. Prelude

music begins at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m.; the Postlude will be the Widor Toccata.

• CHURCH SCHOOL classes for all ages at 9:45 a.m.

• EASTER CELEBRATION for children of all ages 9:45 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room. Includes the

Easter Story, Easter Egg Hunt, crafts, and much more.

• PYG (PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH GROUP) does not meet today. Happy Easter!!!

This Week:

• CHURCH OFFICE IS CLOSED MONDAY. Morning Prayers are cancelled.

• STEPHEN MINISTRY SUPERVISION Monday 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.

• TRUSTEES MEETING Tuesday 7:00 p.m. in Youth Suite. (postponed from last Tuesday.)

• SENIOR HIGH BREAKFAST Wednesdays 7:30 a.m. at Red Rock on Boomer. All Senior High youth are

invited to breakfast with Saxon and Amanda. The Church buys breakfast. See you there!



• CHANCEL CHOIR DOES NOT MEET THIS WEDNESDAY. Join them the following Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.

in the Westminster Room.

•. THURSDAY MORNING LECTIONARY BIBLE STUDY 10:00 a.m. in Hospitality Area.

• DINE WITH 9 CHILDCARE Friday 6:00 p.m. Call the Church Office (372-5580) by noon Wednesday to

make a reservation.

Next Sunday, April 3

• SCRIPTURE READINGS: Acts 5:27-32; Psalm 118:14-29; Revelations 1:4-8; John 20:19-31

• TWO WORSHIP SERVICES: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.

• CHURCH SCHOOL classes for all ages at 9:45 a.m. (see adult class information on page 13.)

• MID HI PYG (PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH GROUP) 4:00-5:30 p.m. in the Youth Suite.

• SRHI PYG (PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH GROUP) 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the Youth Suite

Looking Ahead:

• NEW ADULT EDUCATION CLASSES begin after Easter. More information can be found on page 13.

• FAITH ON TAP Thursday April 7th 6-8:00 p.m. at Brooklyn’s Cellar. There’s a new topic each month.

• OUT TO LUNCH BUNCH Sunday, April 10 noon at Curly’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers. Come order off

the menu and dine with friends - old and new.

• SPRING BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS Sunday, April 10 at 3:00 p.m. in the Courtyard. Bring your dog (on a

leash), your cat (in a carrier), your parrot (on a pirate’s shoulder), another animal, a photo of your pet or

your favorite species of animal, or no animal at all. All are welcome! We will gather on the courtyard/

preschool playground to worship and give thanks as we sing, pray, hear from God’s Word, share our

grief over animal companions lost, and ask God’s blessing upon the animals present and around

the world. There will be water and snacks for the animals.


Later today, lilies will be delivered to many members

of our church family. Donations beyond what was needed to purchase

the lilies will be given to the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering.


Today’s Easter lilies are given to the Glory of God by:

…Craig & Jana Ainsworth in honor of their mothers …Jean Aresco and family in memory of Sherry Aresco …Jean Aresco and family in memory of George & Betty McClellan …Jean Aresco and family in memory of Kenny Comer …Ed & Andrea Arquitt in memory of Mr. & Mrs. George Arquitt, Sr. …Ed & Andrea Arquitt in memory of Dr. and Mrs. C.R. Bender …Bob & Becky Bair in memory of Norma Hall and her parents Francis & Gaynell Lorenzen …Jim & Nancy Beckstrom in celebration of Lily Belle Beckstrom …Jim & Nancy Beckstrom in memory of August & Helen Beckstrom …Jim & Nancy Beckstrom in memory of Arthur & Emma Lufjens …Jim & Nancy Beckstrom in memory of Robert A. Beckstrom …Charlie & Elizabeth Bruce in memory of their parents and grandparents and Rev. Marion Munson …Sandy & K. Cohlmia in memory of Mae & Mitch Cohlmia and Margaret & Ned Stuart …Don & Dona Cooper for the gift of loving family and friends …Shirleen DeHoogh in memory of John DeHoogh who went to his heavenly home Easter Sunday, March 27, 2005 …the Dorr family in memory of our Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother, Maxyne Cecilia Dorr …Nancy Dryden & Joe Groshong in memory of Ray & Eleanor Dryden …In memory and celebration of William “Bill” Edwards …Steve & Cathy Fairbanks in memory of Billie & Perk Powers …Steve & Cathy Fairbanks in memory of Helen & Gus Fairbanks …Veta Jo Fenimore, Beth & JoEllen in memory of Bob Fenimore …John Gelder & Lisa McGaw in loving memory of our parents …Mary Beth Garoffolo in celebration of Gladys Bobeck and Ann Garoffolo-Goar and in memory of Cliff Bobeck and Joe Garoffolo …Beverly Gumm in memory of Beth Delametter …Beverly Gumm in celebration of great grandson, Harris Langston …Peggy Gibbs in memory of Lawrence Gibbs …Joe Groshong & Nancy Dryden in memory of Lydia McNeal …Joe Groshong & Nancy Dryden in memory of Bill Groshong …Ann Houston & Nancy Beckstrom in memory of Lucille & George Lowrey …the Houston family in memory of Barbara & Winfrey Houston …the Houston family in memory of Lillian Belle & Oscar David Houston …Donald & Guyla Houston in honor of Don & Michelle Houston


…Pat Jaynes in celebration of the Risen Christ …Kay Woodruff Keys in celebration of Matthew, Allison, Cooper and Hadley Keys …Paula Kendrick Family in celebration of the risen Lord …Edwin & Donna Koeppe in memory of Roger & Norma Koeppe and Doyle Cartwright …Iris McPherson in memory of Jim McPherson …Paula Meriwether in honor of Gary & Nancy Franklin for welcoming her and treating her as one of their own …Bob Norris in memory of Kay Norris …Bob Norris in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Norris, …Bob Norris in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Baum …Bob Norris in memory of Ron Moore …Carol & Kent Olson in celebration of our grand and great-grand children …Larry & Beverly Perkins in memory of Palmer & Pauline Robson and Harold & Iva Perkins …Gwen Piersall in memory of my husband, Irvin (Perc) Piersall …Jim & MJ Seals in celebration of Charley and Alexyss …Jim Shaw & Tracy Carter in celebration of their granddaughter, Vera Marie Hurley …Dick & Cynthia Shawley in celebration of Christ’s Resurrection …Betsy Showalter in celebration of the First Saturday Brunch Team …Sawn, Angela, & Jack Spencer in memory of Linda Spencer, Dennis & Marie Wheeler, and F. D. & Ann Goza … Steve & Cheryl Stone in memory of Max & Lois Stone and Sidney & Jane Smith … Mary Thomas and family in memory of J.W. Thomas …John & Rebecca te Velde in honor of Myrtle V. Groom …Bettie Todd in memory of Ray & Perle Sissons, Ruth Ann Sissons, Beulah Sissons Cox, and Rae Mae Hudson …Jim & Becky Walker in memory of Frank Walker …Jim & Becky Walker in memory of Betty Brewer …Jim & Becky Walker in memory of John Brewer …Jim & Becky Walker in memory of Travis Bivins …Jim & Becky Walker in celebration of Frances Walker …Tammy Wasson & Mary Emmet in memory of Leonard Vogel …Jim & Arletta Webster in memory of their daughter Jennifer and their fathers, Gilbert Webster and George Visser …Mary Williams and family in memory of Eric Williams …Tom, Emily & Bryn Williams in memory of James & Virginia Taff, Eric Williams, Jim Taff, and June Phillips


• Larger Church: Synod of the Sun (OK, TX, LA, AR)

• Sorrow: the family of Rev. Richard Hershberger the family of Terry Gardner, brother-in-law of Rita Breuninger

Hank Lett Wendy Long Donna Lowry

Barbara Lundstrom Tom Lutjens

David Marstellar Alyssa Matal

Wanda Mattox Bernie McNickle Philip Meadows

Tresa Miller Barbara Morgan Peggy Murphy Agnes Nichols Noel Nichols CCCCHARLOTTEHARLOTTEHARLOTTEHARLOTTE


Christine Parson Charlene Pillay

Jean Potts Aaron Ray

Walker Reese Dennis Riley


Bradley Schutt Addi Shamburg


Brylee Shullanberg Jeffery Silver Beverly Smith

Carrie & Robert Smith Family

David Smith Ginny Smith Grace Smith Titus Smith

Linda Stangl Rebekah Steadman

Jamie Stephens Ophellia Steptoe Blaire Stevison Connie Stiegler Lorna te Velde Bryan Tiffany Upendo Kids



Liam Vollrath Barbara Ware

Tammy Wasson Arvilla West Bob West

Lorraine Wilborn Nona Wilhm

Doyle Williams Jim Williams

Jim Wise Nick Amidon

Craig Ainsworth Charley Anaya Sr

Daniel Anaya Shea Arnett Betty Bays Glen Bays

Becerra Family

Lily Beckstrom Allison

Bills-Eustis Carol Bischoff

Dawn Blair Gladys Bobeck Ted Burgoon

Vivian Burgoon Tracy Carter

Wayne Cartwright Bob Chapman Craig Chappell Bennet Charles Marilyn Choike Betty Christian Allison Christy

Abby Clapp Darlene Collyar

Andee and Kannon Cooper

Don Cooper Dona Cooper

Heather Davidson Anita Davis

James Dixon Matthew Durham Carol Fairbanks

Abe Finfrock Ed Gallegos Marty Gallup Gary Gilliland Al Goodbary Myrtle Groom

Gus Hall

Sam Hamilton Adelia Hanson Kendall Harvey Elaine Healey

Jan Henderson Nelda Hershberger

Bob Hert Jerry Hill

Gene Holbrook Marilyn Holmquist

Joyce Hufford John Ives

Patty Jacobs Marjorie James

Amelia Jameson Randy Jobe Carl Jones

Ted Joy Choi Yung-ju Nelma Karnes Vickie Karns

Mary Jane Kirchenbauer Tom Koehn

Dottie Kraemer Tom Kunz

Skip Lambert Jay Lawson

Phyllis Leaghty Quinn Leffingwell

Bold means added recently

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What’s Happening in Adult Education

Sundays at 9:45 a.m.

Today: Feasting on the Word led by Denise Rex meets in the Library.

Easter Celebration in Multipurpose Room for all children. Adults are welcome to join the celebration also. April 3: Feasting on the Word led by Denise Rex meets in the Library.

“The Moral Message of the Hebrew Prophets” led by Everett Miller meets in Fellowship Hall. This is an intro to the two classes which begin on April 10.

Theocademy led by Leah Hrachovec meeting in the Multi-purpose Room. This 5-session is for those who want to learn more about First Presbyterian Church and living our Christian faith together.

April 10: Feasting on the Word led by Denise Rex meets in the Library.

Theocademy led by Leah Hrachovec meeting in the Multi-purpose Room. This five-session class is for those who want to learn more about First Presby and living our Christian faith together.

“Being Reformed: Prophets Still Speak” led by Andrea Arquitt will meet in North Fellowship Hall and will focus on the messages of the Prophets. 5-week short course.

“Oklahoma’s Budget Crisis: Past, Present, Future” led by Kent Olson meets in South Fellowship Hall April 10, 17, 24 and focus will focus on the economic and moral dimension of the budget problem.


2016 Intergenerational Mission Trip

June 4-11

Goodland Academy

near Hugo, Oklahoma

“Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and

a restorer of homes.” Isaiah 58:12b

For everyone ages 12* to Adults

*a parent/guardian must accompany

all youth participants ages 12 & 13.

Registration Deadline: Sunday, April 3

Forms are available in the Narthex.

2016 Dwight Summer Camp Schedule



**Calendar reflects only church events and does not include non-church related events and meetings.

Please schedule ALL meetings and events through the Church Office.


STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA 74074 405-372-5580

TODAY - EASTER SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. Worship & Communion ................. SAN 9:45 a.m. Church School Classes 9:45 a.m. Easter Celebration ....................... MPR 11:00 a.m. Worship & Communion ................. SAN

PYG does not meet. Happy Easter!!

MONDAY The Church Office is closed all day.

9:15 a.m. Church Women United .................... FH 7:00 p.m. Stephen Ministry Supervision .......... YS

TUESDAY 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayers ............................. WC 7:00 p.m. Trustees .......................................... YS

WEDNESDAY 7:30 a.m. Sr. High Breakfast ................ Red Rock 8:30 a.m. Mid-week Communion ................... WC 9:15 a.m. Second Mile Sewing ........................ FH

Chancel Choir does not rehearse.

THURSDAY 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayers ............................. WC 10:00 a.m. Bible Study ...................................... HA

FRIDAY 6:00 p.m. Dine with 9 Childcare ................... MPR

SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. 7th Day Adventist .......................... SAN 11:00 a.m. Saturday Brunch Ministry ................ FH

SUNDAY (APRIL 3) 8:30 a.m. Worship & Communion ................. SAN 9:45 a.m. Church School Classes 11:00 a.m. Worship ........................................ SAN 4:00 p.m. Mid Hi PYG ..................................... YS 5:00 p.m. Sr Hi PYG ........................................ Ys


Location Key: Main Building: BR = Blue Room (Youth Suite) LIB = Library HA = Hospitality Area HAK = Hospitality Area Kitchen MPR = Multi Purpose Room NA = Narthex OR = Orange Room (Youth Suite)

PL = Parking Lot PRE = Preschool SAN = Sanctuary VES = Vestibule WC = Worship Center WR = Westminster Room YS = Youth Suite

Fellowship Hall: FH = Fellowship Hall NFH = NORTH Fellowship Hall SFH = SOUTH Fellowship Hall KIT = Kitchen SDR = Small Dining Room
