Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


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  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed



    CompendiumFree Preview

    Lovingly written, published and presented by AllClash

    Sept. 2015

  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    AllClash Compendium

    Table of Contents

    Clan War Matchmakingin detail and how to

    improve it

    Create Anti 3-Star Bases with building funneling

    How to kill defending Clan Castle Dragon step by


    Ideal Troop Queueing in Clash of Clans

    Keep motivated in Clash of Clans and overcome


    Find the best time for farming

    Clan Management made easy with delegation

    Master the Poison Spell (September Update)

    Minimize the loot attackers can take from you


    Here are 20 free Guides from the best

    Clash of Clans source. Please mind that

    the FULL VERSION (click [here] formore

    info) has more than 120 of these guides.


    Tim from AllClash
  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    Have you ever asked yourself why your Clan is being matched up against much

    stronger Clans in Clan Wars? I want to explain how the Clan War Matchmaking

    works,how you can affect the Matchmaking, and also discuss if this really has an

    impact. Please mind that I'm giving you this explanation without knowing the coding

    of the game, so there might be factors I'm not aware of and Supercell doesn't let us


    How Clan War Matchmaking Works

    Basically, you and your clan members get points for everything you have - you get

    defensive points depending on the Levels of each of your Defenses, you get

    attacking points for your Troop Levels and Spell Levels, your Heroes levels, and

    Clan War Matchmaking in

    detail and how to improve it
  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    Winning Defenses in Clash of Clans is a very essential part in pushing Trophies and

    it only takes two things to do that - leveling up your Defenses and create a solid

    base design. One very important part to achieve the second thing is controlling the

    troops your attacker uses to attack your base with the intention to take Trophies and

    resources from you. Always remember that the attacker can only control the time

    and place where he can set his troops free and everything after that is out of his

    direct control - in this post I want to show you how you can take over the control.

    How to use a funnel

    A funnel is nothing else than a sequence of structures that control the AI of the

    troops - simply spoken it's something that will make the troops go to a certain point

    Create Anti 3-Star Bases with

    building funneling

  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    I know I've posted a lot regarding the Clan Castle in the last few posts - but this time

    it's less on defense but more on attacking. The Poison Spell gave us a much more

    easy way to deal with defending Clan Castle Troops, as far as they are low enough

    on health. There are still some Troops that are simply too strong for the Poison

    Spell so I have some posts about how to kill them in the next day - the first part is

    about killing a Dragon in the Clan Castle.

    What to do when a Dragon is in the Clan CastleMost of the times you will have this situation will be in Clan War when you watches

    some replays from the attacks of your Clan members and see that your opponent

    has Dragons in the Clan Castle for defending- so you only have one option here,

    How to kill defending Clan

    Castle Dragon step by step

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    Training Troops in Clash of Clans is probably after pushing the "Next" Button the

    most used thing. In this post I want to show you some techniques that might help

    you not only training your Troops faster but also help you with donating Troops in

    your Clan.

    How to queue your Troops perfect

    Let's start off with the basic which is queueing your Troops in the way they gettrained the fast possible way. When you use more simple setups like BARCH, Hog

    Rider, mass Dragon or als LavaLoonian you're not having a hard time training them

    because it's pretty easy to share them between your Barracks. I think we can easily

    say that every one of us has a preferred composition that we use most of the time

    Ideal Troop Queueing in Clash

    of Clans

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    This is a post I wanted to make for quite a long time but now I had done it because I

    really lost my own motivation for Clash of Clansin the last 2-3 weeks so I also

    use this to get myself back on track. I think almost everyone of you had the problem

    that playing Clash of Clans lost the magic and maybe got boring and some are even

    that close to say "I quit the game". Here's what I do to get myself spiced up again to

    be more exited about Clash of Clans than ever before.

    The general gaming mindsetDo you know the saying "Sometimes you're the hunter and sometimes you're the

    bear". Adapted to Clash of Clans it means for me that sometimes just anything goes

    the right way - if you raid you find juicy bases and even mistakes from you ends in

    Keep motivated in Clash of

    Clans and overcome downs

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    Sometimes when you're farming you have great loot, sometimes bad loot. There are

    so many rumors around that changing location or language will affect your loot but

    in the end Clash of Clans runs within 1 server cluster environment - everybody canget matched against anybody in the world. In this post I want to focus on how you

    can find the perfect time to farm- and if you want some theory about that you can


    How changing your language or country will affect loot

    Find your best Farming Range

    Why Sub 200 Farming is wasting your time

    Find the best time for farming
  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    I often get mails from Clan Leader asking for help how to manage their Clan and I've

    also seen a lot of Clan where the leader struggles in managing the Clan - simply to

    mention those weren't the best working Clans. Most leader have the problem that

    they can't keep the clan running themselves without being online lots of hours. In

    this post I will teach you some - not only practical but also mental - lessons how you

    can get your Clan run without micromanaging.

    Get your members to work FOR you, not with youIn business there's a golden rule: The boss can't do everything. A clan is no

    different, as you grow you will find it increasingly difficult to keep up with everything.

    You are the boss of your Clan!

    Clan Management made easy

    with delegation

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    The Poison Spell is the first Spell you get when you build the Dark Spell Factory. In

    this post I will show you what you can use it for, how to use it and also compare it

    with the Lightning Spell.

    Please mind that the Poison Spell got reworked with the September 2015 Update

    and now charges and deals more damage the longer a troop is inside the range.

    This post is adapted to this and up to date.

    How the Poison Spell works in Clash of Clans

    The Poison Spell deals damage to all DEFENDING (yes, not your own) Troops

    and also decreases their speed. Why you use it for is quite obvious, isn't it? You can

    Master the Poison Spell

    (September Update)

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    I know the headline might come a little lurid to you, but in fact I want to show you

    how you can really make it very difficult for your attackers to take your precious


    How loot is calculated

    I don't want to make a big math deal here. All that matters here is the loot that can

    be taken out of your Storages because all of us are visiting our villages frequently

    (see here how often you should actually do that: How login frequency affects your

    resources). Your attacker can take a certain percentage of what's in your Storage,

    depending on your Town Hall Level.

    Minimize the loot attackers can

    take from you
  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    I hope you enjoyed the free preview? The full AllClash Compendium

    has more than 100 additional guides like those that you just read.

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  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    I want to write you how I pushed to Master League and show that you can reach the

    Master League without much time and without spending money. I'm going to high

    school and I have not much time but one day I decided to reach Master League and

    this was my journey.

    Reaching Master League as Town Hall 8 without spendingGems

    The main reason was getting the 5th Builder, because you get 1000 Gems if you

    reach the Master League the first time from the achievement. It took me 2 months

    because I wasn't active each day but if you want you can reach very quickly. Good

    thing in pushing is that you have a lot of resources because the win League Bonus

    Pushing to Master League with


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    The second Spell of the Dark Spell Factory is the Earthquake Spelland in this post

    I want to show you what it can be used for and how it works.

    Attention: this post is updated to be compliant with the Spell rework in the

    September 2015 Update

    How the Earthquake Spell works

    The Earthquake Spell works on buildings (except Storages of course) and takes

    away, depending on the Level, 14% to 25% of the remaining (NOT original) hit

    points. This means the effective damage caused descreases more and more when

    the buildings loses hitpoints and the Earthquake Spell was used to damage this

    specific building before. So it's perfect to use against buildings that have less than

    25% of their full hitpoints left. A very effective way is using 2 Lightning Spells on e.g.

    Ai D f d l t l d t it ith E th k S ll (i t d f i

    Master the Earthquake Spell

  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    In this post I want to show you the most useful spots where you should place

    your particular Trapsin order to make them even more powerful.

    Best Trap placement for ground Traps

    Best places for Hidden Bombs

    Bombs are, spoken in damage, quite useless - especially when you get to the end

    game. They however provide some great advantage with the throwback of the

    troops within their radius.

    Best Spot to place Traps

  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    Lately, I have noticed a steady increase in the amount of "Southern Teaser" bases,

    so I thought it might be helpful to give you some hints on how to effectively attack

    them (because you know their weakness) and also which kind of Southern Teaserbases you should avoid.

    What are Southern Teaser bases?

    I think we should start at the beginning so we are all on the same page. Southern

    Teaser bases are a special kind of layout that is not that well-known of an

    expression, but I think each one of you have already attacked them. The layout of

    Southern Teaser bases can be used as a Farming Base, War Base or Trophy Base.

    Let me give an example:

    Smash Southern Teaser bases

  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    Lots of Clash of Clans player asked me in the past how to create a professional

    looking Clan Websitefor their Clan without having deep technical knowledge or

    pay a lot of money for it. Actually there's one pretty simple and also free solution for

    you called iClanWebsites. In this post I want to show you:

    The benefitsof having your own Clan Website

    How you can create your FREE Websiteat iClanWebsites in 5 Minutes

    Give you an overview of the useful featuresyou should use and how to setthem up

    Show you some premium features that are really useful

    See here a website that has been built with iClanWebsites (Disturbed Souls)

    Create your free Clan Website

    and Forum in 5 Minutes
  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    An important part of farming is deciding when to break your shield so you can

    protect your resources. Excuse me? Protecting resources by breaking your shield

    - how is this possible? Well, if you get destroyed by at least 90% from an enemy,

    you will get a 16 hour shield and be saved from other attackers, but just letting your

    shield run out is not always the best thing to do.

    Is it Because the Collectors Run Full?

    Your Mines and Collectors have, if you have them at least on level 7, enough

    capacity to collect resources over the time of 16 hours without running full. Your

    Dark Elixir from your Drills, however, should be collected because they only can

    only collect 16 hours of production if you have them at level 6. Your resource

    When to Break Your Shield

    While Farming
  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    I still see bases that have exposed Town Halls often - while attacking or also in the

    Weekly User Base Reviews - and sometimes I see setups that are

    counterproductive for the purpose of farming. I think it might be helpful to give you

    here some tips what to do when exposing your Town Hall and what you should not


    Exposed Town Hall - not partially exposed

    Some of you may have some mental load with exposing the Town Hall completely

    so they do something that I like to call the semi-exposed Town Hall. All of us

    learned from the beginning that the Town Hall is your most important building do

    defend and just exposing it seems wrong, also because none of us just want to give

    Expose your Town Hall

    correctly for Farming

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    The League Bonus has gotten more and more important - even for farming - so

    every attack you do has to have one primary goal: getting at least 1 Star out of

    the attackto get the League Bonus. Now you'll often face a situation where your

    Troops have been defeated and you reached >45% destruction and you have to be

    careful what to do next to turn this attack into a victory. In this post I will show you

    some last possibilities you have and why you should always leave some aces in

    your sleeve for your very last comeback.

    How to get some additional percent for the 1 Star Victory

    There are two ways to get your 1 Star when you reached less than 50% - destroying

    enough buildings to ave a 50% destruction or destroy the Town Hall. The last is

    How to get at least 1 Star in

    Clash of Clans

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    Supercell recently removed the opportunity to farm Dark Elixir with Lightning Spells

    simply by placing them on a filled Dark Elixir Storage - Storages now neither lose hit

    points not resources through Spells. For some of you this may be a relief, but for

    those who are in urgent need of Dark Elixir - mostly TH7 and Th8 - have now a

    huge hole to be filled. In this post I will show you two different strategies for Dark

    Elixir Farming without Spellsthat will work. In the first part i will show you TH7

    and TH8 Clasher how you can now farm your Dark Elixir and in the second part I

    will show you a tactic called Superqueen which will do the same for TH9 and TH10


    Dark Elixir Farming without

    Lightning Spells

  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    The only way to get free Gems in-game is by finishing achievements or remove

    Obstacles (including Gem Boxes)inside your base. There is the theory that one

    obstacle spawns every 8 hours which you can clear and maybe get some gems

    from it - if you are lucky you will spawn a Gem Box and get 25 Gems after clearing

    it. This is called Gem Farming in Clash of Clansand means to get all the free Gems

    in game you can get and I will show you how you can max the outcome

    Get the most Obstacles possible while Gem FarmingA player within the official Clash of Clans Community Forum documented this and

    found some interesting facts about the spawn rate and how you can

    increase/decrease them by changing your base layout. For the people who want to

    Best Gem Farming with

    improved Obstacle Spawn Rate
  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    Before the April 2015 Update introduced the Air Sweeper you saw LavaLoonion

    attacks in 9 out of 10 times when you headed to Master 1 League or above simply

    because this style was able to get you at least 1 Star no matter on what base, if

    your Troops are in a good Level and you know what you're doing. Now with the

    additional Air Sweeper we see a big revival of the once so famous GoWiWi

    (Golems + Wizards + Witches) and GoWiPe (Golems + Wizards + PEKKA)style

    that has been almost been extinct in the higher Leagues and Clan Wars in the past

    month. The thing now is that this style is more successful with more Golems than it

    was in 2014. Now you should bring 4-5 Golems instead of 3. In this post I will show

    you step by step how you can use this style to get an almost guarantee 2 Star if

    not 3 Star on pretty much any base you want.

    Guarantee 2 Star with GoWiWi

    and GoWiPe Strategy

  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


    Have you ever planned how you upgrade your base? Well, you should! I'm going to

    improve your Clashing experience with some simple examples on how you can

    probably proceed 20-30% faster in upgrading your base. You don't believe me?Read my tips for builder management to see where you can improve your own

    builder management.

    Why is Builder Management that important in Clash of Clans

    Time is money and upgrading in Clash of Clans costs time - you can skip that but

    who has the gems for doing this? If you don't have the gems to skip any upgrade

    you only have the option to optimize your builders potential in order to progress as

    fast as possible. I think I can give my advice more meaning with some (you guessed

    it) numbers! Maxing out a Town Hall 7 base takes 199 Days 19 Hours and 23

    Minutes in upgrading time. Let's say 200 Days and if you divide that by the 4

    B ild h f ll h h i i ill b d 50 D ( l 2 h) if

    Advanced Builder Management

  • 7/25/2019 Allclash Allclash Compendium 2015 09-25-0147 Compressed


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