Alkaloids - Klik Saja.Semoga Tugasnya Dapat Selesai · PDF fileNearly 3000 alkaloids have been...


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AlkaloidsAlkaloids, group of mildly

alkaline compounds, mostly ofplant origin and of moderatemolecular complexity. Even invery small amounts, the alkaloidsproduce strong physiologicaleffects on the body. All containnitrogen atoms that arestructurally related to those ofammonia.

Nearly 3000 alkaloids have been

recorded the first to be prepared

synthetically (1886) was one of

the simplest, called coniine, or 2-

propyl piperidine, C5H10NC3H7.

It is highly poisonous; less than

0.2 g (0.007 oz) is fatal. Coniine,

obtained from seeds of the

hemlock, was the poison used in

the execution of Socrates.

Some 30 of the known alkaloids

are used in medicine. For

example, atropine, obtained from

belladonna, causes dilation of the

pupils; morphine is a painkiller;

quinine is a specific remedy for

malaria; nicotine is a potent

insecticide; and reserpine is a

valuable tranquilizer.


Pada Biji (Nux vomica, Areca Semen)

Pada Buah (Piperis nigri Fructus)

Pada Daun (Belladonnae Folium)

Pada Akar Atau Rhizoma

(Ipekak Rhizoma, Belladona Rhizoma)

Kulit Batang (Cinchonae Cortex)

Tumbuhan Atropa belladona

Tumbuhan Cephaelis ipecacuanha

Tata Nama

Basa Organik Piridina

N. Genus Hidrastina, Atropina

N. Jenis Kokaina, Belladonina

N. Umum Ergotamina

Aktivitas FisiologikEmetina, Morfina

Nama Penemu Pelletierina

Fungsi Alkaloid

Sebagai Racun

Hasil Akhir Dari Reaksi Detoksifikasi

(Metabolit Akhir Pada Tumbuhan

Yang Membahayakan Baginya)

Sebagai Faktor Pertumbuhan


Sebagai Cadangan Makanan

Pembagian Alkaloid

1. Piridina-Piperidina

2. Tropan

3. Kuinolina

4. Isokuinolina

5. Indol

Pembagian Alkaloid

6. Imidazol

7. Lupinan

8. Steroid

9. Amida

10. Purin

Sumber Pada Tumbuhan

A. Golongan Angeospermae

Fam : Leguminosae, Papaveraceae

Ranunculaceae, Rubiaceae

Solanaceae, Berberidaceae

Labiatae, Rosaceae <<<

B. Golongan Monocotylodanae

Fam : Amarylladaceae & Liliaceae

Ex : Hiosiamina (Solanaceae)

Kolkhisina (Liliaceae)

C. Golongan Jamur

J. Claviceps Alkaloid Ergot

Sifat Umum Alkaloid

1. Mengandung Atom N (Primer,


2. Tidak Larut Air Dalam Bentuk

Garamnya Larut

3. Berbentuk Kristal Padat

Reaksi Identifikasi

1. Reaksi Wagner (I + KI)

2. Reaksi Mayer

3. Reaksi Dragendorf

Aksi Farmakologik

Analgetik Morfin

Narkotik Codein

Stimulan Strikinin

Midriatik Atropin

Menaikkan TD Efedrin

Menurunkan TD Reserpin
