Alistair Deck_2


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“The future is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed.”

- William Gibson


The future is still coming…

…and it’s fucking awesome.

Feeds - The Future




How we do it is boring.What we do with it is interesting.

Feeds are a way to tell people somethingStructured data is

Users Dynamic Creative Status

Targeting criteria

Search snippets Real life

We’re typically telling advertising platforms

The better we tell them this information, the better they

can interact with us.

All marketing is becoming search

Search is no longer a list of websites that answer your query

Search is now a collection of answers, destinations and

actions from a wide variety of places

Search happens based on a user’s context

Page contentLocationDay/Time

Search history

Context parameters are the new search queries

Search engine: a platform to choose resources from structured data

based on user context

Tell the platform the targeting criteria and appropriate responses

Search results are destinations, information or actions

Ads are destinations: sending a user to our website or app

Destinations work well on desktops, okay on mobiles,

and poorly on wearables

Soon we won’t be using structured data to feed ads, we’ll

feed information and actions

To serve information we use structured data to set the

information, and the criteria when it is relevant

To serve actions we link a button press to our app, then set the

criteria when it’s relevant

In the future a user won’t make searches for information

or actions…

Their context is compared against our criteria and the most

appropriate result is served