ALICE IN WONDERLAND - · Alice in Wonderland is a beautiful fantasy book. We saw...


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The JOURNEY On 1st march, we went to Montichiari to watch a musical. Its name is “Alice in Wonderland”. We left at 7:30 a.m. from school. We went by coach and, during the journey, we sang some songs and we talked. When we arrived in Montichiari, we walked to the Gloria theatre.

For one hour and a half, we saw the musical. After that, we asked the actors some questions. Then we had a snack and, at midday, we came back and we did the last lesson.


One day, Alice was reading a boring book

and suddenly she saw a white rabbit and

she followed it.

Following the rabbit, she found herself in a

magic world, opposite a very small door,

but it was closed.

She stood up and went towards a table and

there she saw a bottle that wasn’t there


There was a label with “DRINK ME” on it.

She drank it and became small, but the door was

still closed.

Then she saw a cake with the words “EAT ME”.

Alice ate the cake and she became very big and

she cried and her tears formed a sea.

There she met a Mouse, a Dodo, an Eaglet and a

Duck and she made friends. Later she came

across a mushroom as tall as her and met a

Caterpillar, but he was quite rude to her.

He told her:”Be careful! If you eat one side of the mushroom

you’ll become taller, but if you eat the other side you’ll become

smaller. Finally Alice came back to her normal size and saw a

small house.

She entered the house and she met a Duchess.

The Duchess was in a hurry because she had an invitation to

play croquet with the Queen.

Then she went out of the house and Alice met

the Cheshire cat who showed her two roads:

one to reach the Hatter and another to reach

the March Hare.

Alice decided to visit the Hare and saw a house with a tea table.

There were: a Hare, A Dormouse and a Hatter.

The four began to talk about time and making crazy speeches.

The Dormouse began to tell a story, but Alice went away

and reached the forest.

Alice found a little door and this time she managed to reach

a garden.

Alice entered the garden, where she found three living playing cards

painting red the white roses because The Queen of Hearts hated white

roses. Then, The Queen and the White Rabbit arrived and Alice met the

Queen, who invited Alice to play a game of croquet with her

using live flamingos.

Suddenly the Cheshire Cat appeared saying «A Queen without subjects is

not a Queen.”

The Queen heard the sentence and accused Alice, while the Cat


The process against Alice began.

The queen ordered the Executioner to take a lawyer for Alice. He came

back with Dodo.

Then the room was sucked into a vortex of chaos.

After a crazy process, the queen ordered to cut off

Alice’s head, but finally Alice

woke up just in time for tea.

All her adventures were just a dream.

Alice in Wonderland is a beautiful fantasy book. We saw the musical. The actors were English and they were very nice. In the story there are speaking animals, the queen, the duchess, the mad hatter, Alice and her sister.

The Mad Hatter is odd and weird.

He wears a top hat, a jacket, trousers and old



The executioner obeys the orders of the queen,who always tells him to cut everybody’s head off.



Alice is a beautiful and funny girl, she is the main character. She isn’t very tall. She is slim.


The queen is a wicked


She is tall and sturdy. She


to cut everybody’s head off.


The dodo is Italian and nobody understands him

when he speaks.


The white rabbit is hysteric and funny.


The caterpillar is trendy

and charming.


The Cheshire cat is magical and he is

mysterious. He has got green eyes, a big face and he’s always



The duchess has got brown hair

and she is tall and ugly.


His real name was Lutwidge Dodgson.He was born on 27 of January 1832 in Daresbury in Cheshire and he died on 14 of February in 1889. He was a writer an artist, a mathematician,an Anglican logician. He was famous for his novels: Alice in Wonderland (1865) and Alice through the looking glass (1872).

He became a Mathematics professor and taught it for up to 26 years. Between 1854 and 1856 Dodgson started to publish poems and stories on national newspapers such as the Comic Times and the Train and local newspapers .