Alfredo Melero Eugenio Gonzalez. 1. The system works on a team answer. That shall be written and...


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Alfredo MeleroEugenio Gonzalez


1. The system works on a team answer. That shall be written and handed in.

2. The team with the most points win.

1. Each answer is worth one point.

2. You will have a minute to answer each question.

3. You must follow the rules but Alfredo and Eugenio can alter or cancel a rule when ever they feel that they want.


Good Luck

Question #1

Lets say that you are a member of the NHS, what would happen if you broke ________?

Protocol. You get the BOOT

IT will probably result in getting kicked out of the NHS

Easy one

Question #2

In what famous Tom Hank movie does he appear as a stray passenger living an ______ existence on an island?

Insular.Cast Away.

In the movie Cast Away Tom Hank is stranded on an island.

Getting better.

Question #3

While the beginning of world war 1 the nations divided into two groups the Triple Alliance and the Triple……..

The Triple…. Came from the agreement of cooperation between the French, Russians and the British.

The Triple…. Was named by the French.

The Triple Entente

The name Triple Entente was later dissolved because Italy joined the pack, so they were later renamed the Allies.

Question #4

Socialists and Capitalists parties, being unable to solve their own disputes, were forced to settle their differences by ___________.


The socialist and capitalist selected Gabo Casel as the third impartial party.

Gabo Casel, AkA Anarchist

Question #5

The United States Constitution is considered a ________ stating the citizen’s rights.


“Remember all men are born equal, but it’s the depth of their words and the strength of their actions that makes them different.”

Alfredo Melero

Question #6

Many people agree that the current ______ ___ of Puerto Rico is really not efficient and hopefully, with another government it will improve.

Status Quo

Question #7

Every diplomat has an _______ that helps him with diplomatic missions along the country and advises him about the issues.


Question #8

Most countries have a ______ in foreign countries that represent and overlook their government’s economic interest.


Question #9

James is known to be _____________, always trying to maintain power, no matter what happens.


Question #10

Most presidents must have __________ when developing projects for their country.

