Alexey Kostin. Increase site ctr in serp using google rich snippets. DrupalCamp Kyiv 2011



1. Что такое Rich Snippets и почему они нужны вашему сайту?2. Заготовка на будущее в виде Конкретные примеры того, как реализовать всё уже сегодня на уровне темизации

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Increase Site CTR in SERP Using Google

Rich SnippetsDrupalCamp Kyiv 2011

Gold Sponsor ofDrupalCamp Kyiv 2011

Silver Sponsors ofDrupalCamp Kyiv 2011

Additional info and markup in SERP for some content types:

•Reviews (individual and aggregate rating)

•People (photo, role, social networks relationship)

•Products (price, brand, availability)

•Organizations (address, telephone)

•Recipes (photo, total cook time)

•Events (date, duration, geo location)

What Is Rich Snippets?

Rich Snippets Examples

Rich Breadcrumbs And Rich Videos

Case #1. Sportswear internet shop

Keyword #1 frequency: ~5000 per month

SERP position: 5-6

CTR without rich snippet: ~5%

CTR with rich snippet (reviews + photo): ~9%

Keyword #2 frequency: ~600 per month

SERP position: 2

CTR without/with rich snippet: ~12% / ~14%

Case #2. Entertainment blog

Each second post includes funny video.

After adding rich snippet for video traffic from Google grows more then 1.5 times.


We used Drupal 6 and hard theming (per node types) for creating reach snippets markup.

Different node-type.tpl.php with markup for every field.


We are using Drupal 7 with modules RDF Extensions and Google Rich Snippets (for images markup).

But sometimes we need to write some code (for breadcrumbs).

How To Add It To Drupal Site?

Install Modules rdfx And richsnippets

Add The Content Type With RDF Options

Add Fields

Add RDF Predicates For Every Field

Add RDF Namespace /admin/config/services/rdf/namespaces

Create A Node

New Page For A User

New Page For Google (Testing Tool)

Related Links List


Alexey Kostin (Russia)

