


Alexandria. Alexander’s Campaign. 334-323 BC Defeated Darius III of Persia Falls apart quickly Importance of his campaign?. Foundation. 331 BC Location Ptolemy. Layout. Great Harbor Royal Quarter 90° angles; modern Library Necropolis. The Pharos. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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334-323 BC Defeated Darius III of Persia Falls apart quickly Importance of his campaign?

Alexander’s Campaign

331 BC Location Ptolemy


Great Harbor Royal Quarter 90° angles; modern Library Necropolis


Built 200’s BC 393-450 ft tall Island Heptastadion Lighting system

The Pharos

Amp + Pharos


Pharos at Alexandria Hanging Gardens of Babylon Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Colossus of Rhodes Great Pyramid of Giza Statue of Zeus at Olympia Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

7 Wonders of the Ancient World

Museion (museum) Philosophy, poetry, math,

astronomy, geography, anatomy, languages, music

Archimedes, Euclid, Eratosthenes, Callimachus

Prominence in East

Education & Study

500,000+ volumes of scrolls Greek literature Alexandrian Poets


Caesar vs. Pompey & Senate – Civil War Cleopatra & Ptolemy XIII – co-ruling

Greeks Pompey’s assassination Caesar vs. Ptolemy Siege by Ptolemy

Alexandria & Rome

At least partially burned during Caesar’s

visit Ships, dock, library More fire in 3rd cent. Pagan texts Arabic conquest

End of the Library

Takes her chance with Caesar

Caesarion Sosigenes Octavian/Augustus

Goes to Rome with Caesar Public knowledge “Foreign queen” March 15, 44 BC

Cleopatra VII

Cleopatra returns to Egypt as ruler Octavian & Marc Antony team up to kill

Caesar’s assassins Battle from English II class? Cleopatra helps Octavian & Antony


Antony gets her support while he wages wars

Three kids Octavian vs. Antony – new civil war

Rome vs. Egypt Battle of Actium – Sep. 2, 31 BC Antony & Cleopatra commit suicide Octavian becomes Augustus, the first emperor of Rome – 27 BC

Antony & Cleopatra

Egypt – Breadbasket of empire Personal property of the emperor Trade center

Clothes, silk, metals, tools,glass, ivory, wine, oil,rice, honey, wheat,cinnamon, papyrus

New Empire1st century AD

Started by Cleopatra Finished by Augustus Cleopatra’s Needles


Ethnic Greeks in charge

Politically, administratively Language Economically

Population: Egyptians, Romans, Jews, Africans, Indians Get jealous of the Greeks Riots; imperial interventions Does this still happen today?

Mixed Demographics
