Alex--We are still to t - Computer History...


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    JON 5-APR-73 08:12 Reply to AA~ re unneeded Journal Ha r dcopy , A~a lnt re (15473,)

    Alex--We are still tryln~ to ge t the ~uthor hardcopy p roblem so lved mecha nicaLLy . Mean ti me we have g iven ~arcla the bJ~ of folklor e she missed. Thanks .--Jeanne




  • 15507 DistributIon McKenzla , Alex A . , Xudlick , Michael D . , Irby , Charles H.

    ) Mu. rc i a Lyn n Keeney,




  • )

    JBN S- APR- 73 0 8 :1 8 Re Mike Young ' s Initial F i l e , r eply to AAN (1 5 47 2 ,)

    A t ex--~ i k e Youn g s h ou l d ~et Journul doc ume nt s on line . checked a n d his Lnit' a l t il e is bad , for some r eason . g tr a i g hte n ed out. today.--J attnn e


    I Just: Should be

    1SS 0R


  • )

    l5508 DlstributJ o n Mc Kenz ie, It. l ex Ma rcI H. Lynn •

    A. , Youn g , Mlcha.el R . • KUd lick, Mich ael D. Ke f>ney,


  • )


    JBP S - APR-7 3 1 2:41 socke t Q.t;B i. .a;nment

    ok , with

    you a r e hereby ass i g n ed socket number 2S 1 (dec1mal) ~or u se the rsexec •




  • )


    15509 D istribution Johnson, Paul R.

  • )



    JCN 5-APR-73 0 9 : 53 nole to .Icn from Jcn

    send bert A. u.nalys i B s tudy, each week , send bah study, wr it e a n a ccountlg art-lcte 'tor hlm •• there It,re some o ther not es 1.0 remember , 1.00 •• Bee card .


    1 55 1 0


  • )

    155 10 DlstrLbutlon No rto n , James C . t


  • )



    WOK 5-AP R-73 09 : 5 7 (DOCUMENTAT I ON)

    Nt.S u se rs rL re n o t att -mc,lde-te s s . rt y o u u se the Load FIl e c omrn rL n d t bo th (li r e tn T e nex. examp l e .

    al t mode a n d cont rol F Try It o n (OOCU$WRF


    are or

    r ecog nized Just as the y (OOcu t PWRF "for

    L55 11


  • · .

    1 55 11 O lstrJbution Ke l ley , Kir k E . , Lehtma n, Ha rvey C .

    ) .




  • )


    MLK 5-APR-13 09:38

    Alex -- We a lways try to intercept your Jou rn al authQr copl es but aren't always Buccessrul. We ill l ook ha r de r In future . About NORSAR , 1 put nils Naras Into the l den \-1ile abou t a week o r 90 ago as an associate. Now , if we are to put In P . T v e lt ane as Lia130n and O .A. Hansen as Station Aaen t, what should I do with Varas? f s he P rincipal Investi ga t or , Coo r dinator , or what? Do let me know .




  • )

    l55 12 Distribut j on KcKe nziet Alex A. •


  • )


    RWW 5 -AP R-73 09:37 RepLy to 15407 for Journal NP's

    [ aarea wlth WDK (1 549 4,) ~hat the first step In p lannin G ongoing Journal evolu~ion is to collect toge ther In one document and cateQ;orize the su~"ustlons which have been made in the past . ThIs will require a search back throu8 h past Journa l submissIons ot the last two yers or 90 and should be done. My g uess Is that It wilL take about 3 days fo this t as k. Then workln" with JCN they should be orrlered according to needs perceIved to launch the utiLity and support the ARPA O~~ice. In addi~ion to the Ideas { sug~Bsted In (145 62 ,) additionaL ne eds are ~o r unrecorded dialog , taster delivery, being able to splIt the distri b ution list Into primary receivers (the ones likely to take action) and thos~ rec~lvlng copies to keep them Lnrormed and indication in the delivered cItatJon whether you are receivIn g the Item as a primary receiver or as a "cc". The JournaL ls one 01 our sIgnif icant products and we wIll probably want to Invest more impl e mentation ~ftort there once WP. see more clearly which things need doing be.fore Sep t.


    1 551 3

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    l5513 Dlst rl ~ut ion Kaye, Diane S . , Hopper , J . O. Jrby , Cha rle s H. ,


  • )

    JHn, 5-APR-73 0 9 : 5 7 Ano~her Thoug ht on Journal Evolution Design

    r Jus t read WLB's note (15469 ,' and would lIke to second hi s gURa~e s t:ion 0" tftkin g (I. sceptical look at all pre sent JOurnal features a nd practice s as .etl as con8jderin~ new ones. The design And rev lew teams oU Mht to ~o throu&h each presunt ~eature and reJuBtj~y 1t a g ainst alternativ e s which can he considered. As r read the lar g e amount at dialo g stimul a ted by Dave's request and see the ~ reat widespread intere s t In th e Journal and many ideas which p eople have It Is clear we do not want to hurry throu g h thi~ evolutIon desi g n task and want to g ive people lots of ~eedback on whut is happening anrl a chance to respond.


    155 14

  • )


    RWW 5 -AP R-7J 09 : 5 1 15514 Another Thoug ht on Journal Evolution Des i gn

    (J155 14) 5-APR-73 Distribution: I Jdh Clerk : R'WW;

    09 : 5'1 ; dsk chi

    Title: Author(s): Wa t son , Richa rd W. J R.-W ; mdk Jcn ; S uh-Collections: SR I-A RC ;

  • )



    RWW 5 -AP R- 73 13 :13 Reply to Smokey ' s Complaint

    Jim. T Just read S mokey ' s message about hav ing to come in and cleanup a fter a crash due to runnin g out ot disk pages . There may have been a :taulty p rocedure of running the catalog process unattended, but it shou ld be possible to do that. Two questions corne to mintf , why t he helt is the system s~o stupid o.s to not to be able to see its run out of disk pag es and to stop g r aceful tyy, how come ope r ations hbS not a:fter al l this tlll1e s till hasn't come to ~rip s with thi s problem either by seeing that a:fter everybodies atlocza tlon s have been covered there I sn ' t 0 sat tey ~ar~ln , etc. The catalog people shou ld check before they s tart that there are enou h pag es - ndequatp rules for such thin g s need to be set up by operations to antiCipate problem~ ra t her than r eact in g In an nngrey fashion . J ~pprec l ate smokey ' s feelin g s but fee~ that ope rations may have not been completely on the ball either.



  • )



    15515 DIMtribution Kud ll c k , Mlchfl.oL D . " No rton, JameR C . , Wallace , Donald C . ( Smokey ) , Victor, Ke nn eTh B . ( Ken ) ,


  • vee 5 -AP R-73 17: 38 155 16 COWCON 73 Bi RDS OF A FEATHER SUMMARY




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    15516 Distribut ion Nnrth, Jeanne B.


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    \ )


    AAM 6 -A PR-73 05: 5 7

    I know the name N. Ma ras in co nn ection with NORSAR, bu t 1 don 't kno w hl s f unct~ on . I sen t a " si t e preparation" letter to the fell ow DoLan name d as sjt contact (US Army of f icer - Cap t. JedLicka) an d, because he was leaving In June, my letter was forwarded to Ma r as . The answer to it, howe v e r, came back f ro m T v ei t-ane; 1 In1 e _1' .:f rom thi s -that Ma ra s is Tvei t ane ' s boss , bu-t 1 realty don ' t know . Re@ards, Alex


    1560 1


  • AAN 6 -AP W-73 05:57 L560 L


    (J1560Ll 6-APR-'73 05 : 57; Title: Author(s)~ McKenzi e , Alex A. /AAM; Distribution: I NL X; S ub-CoLLection s : NlC; C Le rk: AAN;



  • )



    AAM 6 - APR- 7 J 06 : 0 1

    Dear 5"teve, 1 do n't know how I can ge t FTP mal l, but I agree that (at the

    DOM e nt:) [ probably can't Ret It at the Nle . Therll' may be some mechan i sm Ln TENEX, but s ince I don ' t r ea Ll y know anything about TENEX 1 can ' t soy tor s ur e . T will try to £Jnd t ime to investlMate this prob le m fur"ther.


    Re~ards, Alex 1

  • · .. AAM 6 -APR-73 06:01 1560 2

    ) (Jt 5602 ) 6- APR-73 06 : 0 1; Title: Author ( s ): McKe n , Alex A . !AAM; Distribution: I SM1f ; Sub-Collec tions : N1C ; C Lerk : AA";



  • )



    AAM 6-APR-73 08:51 Contacts at University of London

    I have Just receivel a letter tro~ Pe~er Kirstein, the p.r. o~ the University 01 London (scheduled) installa~lon, nOMinating a lIaison and a Station A ~ent as follows: Dr A. V. Stokes - Liaison Niss H. A. Thompson - St~~lon Ag ent Unless this con~licts with other information in your possesion, please add the. to the appropriate lists (and please let me kno. eithe r way). Re~ards, Alex McKenzie




  • AAM 6 - APR-13 08:51 15603 Con~act8 at Unive r si ty oL Lon do n

    ) (J1 5603 ) 6-AP R-7 J 08 : 5 1; Tl tl e: Author(s): McKenz i e , Alex A. IAAY; [!jstributlon: 11IILK J BN ; S ub-Collectio ns: N I C ; CLe rk: AAM;



  • DCE 6 - APil-13 L2: 10 15604 Ahout (1 2607'}f Hew l ett- Packard co nt act



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    DeE 6-APR- 73 L2 : 10 About (1 2 6 07, ), Hewlett - Packa.rd contact

    Dirk: In (12601,7c) you mention that John Alderete ot hp sent you a tetter a'te r his vis i t here . Would you please have a copy o~ the tetter made :tor me? ~ want It to have an XD OC number ( and its catalo a uin & should record its tie to (12607,), to add a note at procedu r al development ).




  • )


    DCE 6 - APR-7J 12: 10 About (12607 ,), Hewlett-Packa r d contact

    (J1Sb04 ) 6 -AP R-73 12:10; IOCE ; Dis~rJbu~lo": Idvn

    Title: Author(s): Engelba ,rt, Douglas C . ; Sub-Collections: SRI-ARC; Clerk : DCE ;


  • )


    OCE 6 -AP R-73 17:40 Visit Lo~: 5 APr 73, WIlliam Ranna, Director ot th e Bureau of

    Data Processina ~or the Soclal Security Admini st r at ion

    Possi bL e client tor Wo r kshop Utility , pa rtIcul ar l y SEAS


  • )


    DCE 6-APR-73 17:40 Visit LO M: 5 APr 73, William Hanna, Director of the Bureau ot

    Data Processing :for the Social Security Administra.tion

    M.r . lIanna app r oached the Institute as a who l e, seek ing leads for problems In developing a new Co mpute r-Center complex tor the SSA . Be described hIs situation, plans , and prob1.ems, be.fore lunch, to the foltowlng: Bart Cox , Dave Brown , Jack Bialik, Joe GriPI)O (SR[ Manapement Science), Dick Watson , Paul Rech , and me . Lunch with Rart , Joe, ana me. Nature o~ his pre- lunch description was flS fo ll o'tll's :

    The Soc ial Security Administration has some 23,000 employees in the fie ld, distributed around the U.S. , 12,000 staffing payment sta t ions , and the rest (7) at their h eadquarters in Ba lti more , Md. has some 9 , 000 types. (Note: number s .. )

    Under Mr. Hanna , the Bureau of Data Processing people, 2 , 000 0'1 WhIch are computer systems don't depend upon 'the accuracy of 'the above

    Their data processln~ load is ex'tremely large : like eve r y n1 g ht they moun t some 10,QOO reels of ma g neti c tape. Very large archival store , 250 , 000 reel s . And there is a very signi:ticant conce.rn 'for the physical security of their data.

    Expects a mass- storage n eed 01 t ra m 20 to 50 billion bytes In the :f~rseeable tutur e . Doesn ' t assume that mi.'L&:netlc tapes can cope wlth that need, but he doesn't see them disappearin g tram their sce n e for quite a while.

    Current machine complement: two 1108s, 370/65, one ~7 0/165 (one more coming),

    twelve 360/659, one and thirty 360/30s.

    Apparen tly they are users ot 18M's ASP techinques (Assistant Support Program) , where all o r part of one computer is used to run tL program that controls the scheduling of a cluster of machines (he r e:forr r ed to each cluster as an "ASP Kludge"). For instance, haLf of ~ 360/65 controls a cluster of three other 65s and the other half of the controller 65.

    Congress has Just added significantty to th e jr data- processing commltment by manda~i n g to them ~he DP support :for the recently passed Family Assistance Plan's aid to the aged , blind, and disabled .

    One aspect o f thls new burden is that tlley must support (by next January) 700 terminals dlstributed around 'the coun try -- mos t of whlch will be used for butch [/ 0; a "small number" or real-time support.

    In such very-large-scale operatlons, the management problems tire .found to increase more than lInearLy with size.











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    DCE 6-APR-7:) 17: 40 "156 06 Visit Log: 5 APr 73, William Hanna, Director of the Bur eau of

    Datu ProcessIng ~o r ~he Social Security Administration

    He knows that their system is outl'loded, bu t points out that It is much t oo massive t o consider a sin g le-step replacement by a new system; they must chang e by evotutlon . He mentioned that he wIlt have a '!redesi g n g roup!1 established ~or this purpose .

    Evolution is consistent ly hampered by their a l ways being behind, always ope r ati n g on a "crush baais " to g et thln ~ s o ut the door . When the Inco~e £or so many recipients' Is dependent upon their e~forts, tbey can'~ shut down, ever.

    He wunts to have u n approach ~hat can ~ind them ready by 2000 AD for both the antiC i pated technolo g ical capabILItIes and the extremely larg e , ce n~ralized data p rocessing load tha~ seems Inevitable (and uni mo g inaeable).

    The prilllary problem In his mind , :for bis a p proactl to S RI, was one whose nature was more a matter 01 the architecture o:f b~ildin g s rather th an o~ DP systems: most of tbe authoriZation has been passed for his be g inning in Center buildin g . He hoped to be able

    19 74 to build a Computer to establ ish a

    f~nctio n al , g eome tric concept that would make their subsequent DP-system operation and evolution much easier .

    He described one possib ilIty that he is considerin g ; it would be a cy~indrical building , hal1 underg r ound (provIdin g physical Securit y for some parts 01 their ope r ation) a n d hat~ abo ve g r ound . An inner cylinder would house key 'facilities-operational mana g ement; an intermediate cylinder would h ous~ the equipment , and "the o -uter cylinder most 0'1 t h e r est 0:1' the st a fi' .

    He pictures on adv antag e for the inner-c ylInder management operatinns to have vertical mobility, to set up at floor levels where par~icutar equipment was hous ed -- assumin g that evolution hath in equipment complement and in dynamic chang es in the loading 01 different clusters would require such mana g ement mobility.

    Expects to automate all functions wherever possi b le; consistently looked tor ways to automate t il e handlin g ma g-t ape reels, ~or instance, with no s uccess.

    have of

    Future n e eds -- g a v e examples of pend in g situations. F or in stance , t r yin g to provid e some centralized coordination amon g tho ltOO inoepende nt wel~are in s titutions that pre s ently


    if 1


    1,, 1

    19 1a


  • ,




    DCE 6-AP}t-73 17:40 Visit Log: 5 APr 73, William Hanna, Director o~ the Bureau o~

    Oata Processing ~or the Social SecurIty Administration

    operate within the United States, where It Is now l~possible to detect cases o~ ~raudulent multIple applications for help.

    At lunch 1 made the ~ollowlng observations on the posslblle Impact on hoth his computer-system desl M" and his new-Center ef"chitecture 1rom use of packet-communjcation technolog y:

    A special-purpose packet-communication network could interconect user terminals with nodes o~ processor and storag e

    1 5 606



    r esources, much as the ARPANET now does. 28

    Perhaps purposely build theSe stora g e/processor nodes in distributed gites! advantag eous ~rom point o~ physical securIty, perhaps; also enables eusier expansion by removing the probllllS of having to pre-p'lan the sing le central structure adequately, of risking running out of s p ace, o~ runnin g into awkward clustering binds, etc. 2b

    DperatIona~ reLiability would seelll ent\anced, since thjs mode of interconnec~ing nodes ot proces s or, storag e, and I/ O equipmen~ would be maximallLy ~lexible 10r reconflg urlng the distribution of processing and the ~lo. of data. Evolution 0 1 his whole assembly 01: equlplllen-t and processes should be much enhanced by this same -freedom from g eometrIcal constrain1. s .

    I brought this possIbiLIty up to him several tjm~s during the afternoon, too. [t really caug ht my intuj tion somehow a s beIn g a really si gni~jcant possiblity for his planners to


    expLore . 2 d

    For about an hour and a half he and I talked in my office, wh e re [ intermixed a eneral descriptions and concepts with a demonstration o£ the NLS system .

    We went slowly on the latt e r; he got some hands-on expe 'rience. 1 wanted especially :for him to reach a bas ic understandin p: ot the IIkno.ledge workshopll no"1ion, a nd to see for instance how the current system mana g ed to support colt&borative dialogue, what our use in suppurt o~ system development was like, what the documentation plans were (toward i'ull text/graphic capabi 11 ty), how the startin g stag e £or au g mentin g a given org anization would Likely beg in with the clerical-support sta~f and g et to the muna ge r's work in at a console much later.

    We re-conven e d about 4 p.lII. with Bart Cox, Dave Brown, a nd Jack




  • "




    DCE 6-APR-73 17: 40 Visit Lo@: 5 APr 7 3 , William Hanna , Director oX the Bureau of

    Data Processing tor the Social Security Admi nistration

    Bialik (Jack Go~dberg joined us tater). The purpose here was to assess the possib Jlltes for SRI ' s being able to help him.

    With respect to ARC, polntd out that t he chie~ recommendation ~rom me would be that he consider launching a long-term so1tware-engi neerln g wo rkshop mentatlon program: initially appo ,intlng his own man or @roup to become their Workshop Archl teet , buying NLS UtJ 11"ty support 1'or him to experiment with, and havin g him become a pa rtIci pant in our planned SEAS Community. Our hope was that the SEAS Community wouLd really support the applications architects in their long -term upgrading o~ techn~que and capabi~ity wi thin their home shops. This appeared to interest him, Rnd he said that he WQuld consider comin~ back to us about this within several weeks.

    He broached another topic oL interest: marla geme nt information systems. Said that he was 1requently pressured toward providing service o~ thIs sort, and that he kept resisting it because he has seen so many dismu.l failures . He would like to lind some help in princ i ples and architecture here, so that he could in the 1uture conside r servinQ some o£ the needs. Jack Bial ik and Dave Brown picked up on thIs to pic , and there may be tollow throug h.






  • )



    DCE 6 -AP R-73 17: 40 Vi.sit Log : 5 APr 73, WillIam Hanna, Djrector of the Bureau of

    Data Processin g for the Social Security AdministratIon

    (J156061 IDeE

    6-APR-73 17:40; Distribution: /he

    T i. t Le: drb

    Sub-Collections: SRI-ARC; Clerk: Jcn



    rww dls ;

    En g elbart, Douglas chi h g l keY ;



  • )



    DCF 6 -A PR- 73 18: 19 Vis lt Lo~: 4 Apr 7 3 , D ick Garrett, Ga r y Stowel l, Phil Wh ite,

    fro", Pu r due

    Notes on tbeir rec en t acti vity, and collabo r a tion- p r oposa l possibilIty o n DPCS , g rap hics, SBAS


  • )



    DC E 6-APR-73 1 8 :1 9 15607 Visit Log : 4 Apr 73, Dick Garrett, Gary Stowell, Phil White,

    from Pu rdue

    The th r ee ot them are In the a r ea to ~Jnalize their ne g otiations with N~SA Ames. For notes on recent visits and d i scussions wlth our Purdue friends , see ( 1511 9 ,), u.nd (1 5 120 ,). Chuck Dornbush took care or PhIL and Gary most of the time. Harvey Lethtman, JIm White and Yartin Hardy also joined us ror lunch.

    Notes on current work by Stowell and White:

    Gary g oin@ Into third dimension wIth his &nalo& display interlacing ha r dware , to do rotations, sca ling , windowln s (~nd " antl-windowin@" , to make bLank holes in the p icture),



    per s pective, etc . 2a

    Phi l is dol n g software ro r:

    In the I NLAC, a 2 -D @l'4ph ic and text system , and modi1yin g . Output compatible with Gary's

    for composIng display

    d river. ile has a hidden-1.ine processor running on theIr CDC 6500. T r ying to g o to 3-D version of the IKLA C p r ocessor In mind; also a 3 -D selection device ("wand l' )


    under development . 2b1

    Note ; the NAS A

    much of this Ames 360 /67

    so~t.are planned to be inst a ll ed in by the end of the summer .

    They are both Moin g to be commit~ed to the 3 - year NASA contract: with the Adva n ced Vehic~e Concepts Group, for developing computer 8 raphics to support "advanced-vehicle deB J ~n ". Suppor t at Ames Is sort of Joln~ between ~he AVC Group and the Computer people. Purdue g uys plannina to p rovi de quit e a bit of direct service and products for Ames, as well as do exploratory wo r k. at home.

    After lunch: Dick a nd Doug d lscussed collaboration NP:

    Posslblle typ es 01 work to propose that wouLd have hI g h




    mutual payo.ft? 4a

    1) The i r helpin il expand the "Core Wo rksho ,p's" ge neral capabllity to handle @rapb ics:

    C r eation, by hand so to speak, of illustratlve g r aphic portrayals.

    Acceptance of g raphic constructs from the output of other a pplication programs :for s tudy , lllus"tration, recordin g , etc . In the workshop of the desi g ners, or their customers , etc .




    4 o.1b

  • )


    DCE 6-APR-7J l 8 : 19 15607 VisIt Lo@: 4 Apr 73, Dick Garrett, Gary Stowell, Phi~ White,

    from Purdue

    Special. tal torj ng of portrayals for lllllstrat i ve purposes -- cutaways, Labelll" !! . captionln" . etc.,

    Special ways ~o cite integ rate lnto and cite between associated text and an illustratIon, or to reter from one illustration to another for LUrther detail, etc.

    2 ) Developing , out of NLS and its interfacing witll the ever increasIng number and variety o~ deSi g ner-applIcatIon prog rams, a Knowled g e Workshop especially tailored -ror designers (perhaps particular kinds ot desi g ners).

    Would expect th is Workshop to inclUde all of No . 1




    above as a subset . 4a2&

    Handle the documentation, a ccessing, controlling , etc. of the libraries of special a pp lication softWare. (This ability must be a common one, with almost any o~h e r discipline ' s Workshop needs).

    Each discipline's Knowle dg e Workshop would have l~s o~n variety of processes £or develo p in g and viewIng g raphics, doinM analyses, buildlng and runnin g models and S imulations, putting ~ogether plans and des i g ns, conductin g cotlaboative dialo g ue abou~ th e m, etc .

    3 ) Help In the p rocess o f experimentin g with COmmunity System Development by be ing the sparking , nucleus a g ent that g ets g oing a Community ot IIDesi g ner- Workshop



    Architectsll 48. 3

    About method o~ approach , cost, etc:

    Connection to ARPANET Is tirst step.

    Use LARS node (LARS is a project housed In the North end of the Purdue campus, already receiving sponsorship 1ro~ ARPA, and destined to be connected to the A~PANET). Consider PDP-It local host (as Illinois has develo p ed, and NBS and UCS B use ••

    Cost would be a hi g h s p eed lin e to LA RS TJP or IMP. Dick's g roup is oLreadyy g etting a P DP-ll/45 for their cLuster of terminals and processors (the G E PAC 3 0 /tO process-control computer ~o h a ndle terminals; the 11 is to hand~e local, immediate p rocess ln g , to connect to the




    4bl a

  • )


    DCE 6-APR-73 18 :19 VIsit Log: 4 Apr 73, Dick Garrett, Gary Stowell, Phil White,

    15 607

    1 rOD! Purdue

    6500, and wou~d need bee~ing to also be the NET interface ).

    Cos t: Hi speed tine; Ii bee~up; system-prog rammer maintenance tJme.

    Buy a hunk o£ NLS Utility service: $50 K/yr

    Set up local terminals to be able to work with NLS. No trouble apparently in getting (WLAC/DNLS, except 101' pressures to use the 1M LACs £01' their graphic development instead of NLS usage. They aLready have a TTY/37, which does quite .ell us a printer until the output volume g ets fairly high.

    They oug ht to plan for one or more dispL a y consoles mostly dedicated to DNLS (or general-Workshop) use.

    Propose to NASA that they connect their 1M LAC g uys, and work with Purdue via ARPANET, NLS-dialogue (INLAC djalo~ue??) .. at least one grad student on the project 01 collaborating with the Workshop-development activity. Best payo~f in Item 1 above, a.t least inItiaLly. (Dick thoug ht that if this could come about soon enoug h, .Bob Belleville misht be Interested; see notes 1rom visit by Betlevitle and Dave Anderson last month --15120,3)

    Cost: like $lSK/yr with overhead, expenses, etc .

    (Assume that he is their "architect", and along with doin@ renl, colLaborative developments for aLL NLS-Workshop users to make use o~, he would assist training tocal people In using NLS ~or eXperimental applIcatIon, ~or collaborting with remote peop le, etc., ~ll of which would be heLp1ul in our general plan 01 deve~oping communitIes, and in g etting speciaL application areas involved, and in particular, toward the possibJle evolution of actlity in developin g Desi g er "'orkshop. )

    Note that there would be a number 01 ways in _hleh It _ould pay 01:1. to NASA 1'01' Dick's @roup to be on the ARPANET:

    POI' one thin s , his g uys could actun lly instaLL and maintain












  • )



    DCE 6-APR-73 L8 : 19 VisLt Lo @: 4 Apr 73 , Dick Garrett, Gary Stowell , Phil. Whlte,

    lrom Purdue

    9D~tWQre on Ames' 360 vi a the Network (1 assume that there Is remote p r0 fl, ramm e r support £or ap p lications programs J.

    And, as mentioned above , using NLS and its Journal ~or supportIng dialo g ue betWeen the two II roups should be of considerable value.

    Dick's summer address, t June to 30 Sep t:

    Richard E. Garret t e/o Garrett's Boathouse 13 'If 80t h Street Harv ey Cedars, New Jersey 08008 (wiLL be a phone installed)

    Next Pall he will he at S tanford (sabattical).

    I [lZftve him copIes 0": (12427,) , (12445 ,), (14724,) and (1 485 L,) p lus &n extra copy each of (12445 ,), and (14724,) to leave







    with his Ames contacts the next day. 7

    It is up to us (ARC ) to tak e a next step toward some sort o~ Jo.i.nt proposal ool the above sort. 1 'Would 11 ke very much to do it; JCN and RWW and I will assess our own Lunding and coordlnatinB needs a n d loads, and h ope~ully will be able to act on this .



  • )


    DeE 6-APR- 7J 18: 19 1560 7 Visit Lo@: 4 Apr 7 3 , DJck Garrett, G4ry Stowe l l , Phil White,

    • rom Purdue

    ARC Journa~ Re~e r e nces 9

    (t 2427) Do u g las C . Engel bart . Notes About a Commun i ty o~


    (147 24 ,

    ( 1485 1)

    (1511 9 )


    Know l edge Workshop Architec t s . Augme n tation Research Ce n te r, Sta n ford Resea r ch Institute , Mento Pa.rk , Call:fo rnla 94025 . 3 1-oCT-7 2 . 91:1.

    Doug las C . En geLba rt. COORD I NATED I NFORMATION SERVICES Xor a DISC (PLINE- OR ~ I SSION-ORJENTED COMMUNITY. Au gme ntat io n Research Center, S t anford Research Institute, Me nlo Park , Ca l i~o rn la 94025 . 1 2- DEC-72 .

    Do u g las C. En gel hart, Richard W. Watso n, James C . Norton. The Au~mented Knowledge Workshop.

    Aug mentatIon Research Cen ter , S tan~ord Resea rch


    InstItute , Me nlo Park, Cal i forn I a 94025 . l - NAR-7 3 . 9c

    Doug las C. En ge lbart. Design Considera ti ons ~o r Knowl ed8e Wo rkshop Termlna~s. Augmentat .l on Research Ce nt er , S t anford Research Instit u t e , Ne nlo Park , Ca~ lfornla 94025 . 14-MAR-73 . 9d

    Douglas C . Enge l ba rt. VisIt Lo g : 23 Feb 7 3 , Di ck Ga rr ett 1 r om Pu r due , r e vi ewina their developmen ts •• Augmentation Research Center , S tanford Resea rch Institute , Menlo Pa r k, Ca lifornia 94025 . 16-MAR-'73 .

    Douglas C . Engelbart . Vi s it Log: 7 Ma r 7 3 , Bob Belleville ano Dave Anderson, students at Purdue under Dick Garre tt,. Aug mentation Research Center, Sta n ford Research Insti tut e , Nenla Park , California


    94025 . 16- tdAR-73 . 9f


  • l5607 Distribution No rton, James c . , Vat-son, Richard w. , Stone , Duane L. , Cox , Bonnar

    ( ) , Brown, David R . , Dornbush, Char le s F. , [rhy, H. , Victor, Kenneth E . ( .Ken ) , Leh tman, Harvey G . ,




  • )



    DeE 6 -APR-73 18 : L9 ViaLt Lo,@: 4 Apr 73, Dick Garrett , Gary StowelL , PhIL WhItey

    l rOm Pu rdue

    (J15607) 6-APR-73 18 :19; Title: Author(s): IDeE i DIstribution: /Jcn rw. d~s be drb Sub- Cot Lections ! SRI -A RC; Clerk ! DeE ;

    Eo&e l bo.rt , c1'd chl

    Douglas kev hgl

    c . ;

    1 560 7

  • )



    CUrrent S~ate of CON:A New Delay from DDSt .

    This is 8. copy of a SOdDlBg send to NDN and W'L_B 4/6/7 J:

    DVN 6-APR-73 0 8 :13

    early mornin"

    Late yesterday Pu.ul called me and said he had :found a new problem (In Lines tha~ were made up of three tine sea~ents and where one o-t t-he flrst 'two was no characterstong, thethirct printed atl the characters in one character positlo n) which he had introduced In hIs most recent fixes . He anticipates reparlng it and g et-ting out D ~ood copy today (Friday).




  • )



    15608 DistrJbutIon Feinter , E lizabeth J. (Jake) Watson , Richard W.

    North , Jeanne O. , No r ton , James C . ,


  • " .




    DVN 6-APR-73 08:13 15608 Curre nt State o~ COM :A New Delay from DDSr .

    (J1 560S 1 6 - APR-7 3 0 8 :1 3 ; Tl~le : Author(s): Van Nouhuys , Dirk H. /DVN; Di str i buti o n: /JAKE JBN JCN RWW; Sub-Coltec~lon9: SRI-A RC DPeS; Clerk: DVN;

  • )



    DVN 6 -AP R-73 13 : 43 Possible Hom e and S tudent s fo r Wash ing ton TNLS c tass 1n Nay

    lhanks for your message about the TNLS Class in Washln~ton.

    students nnd a possIh le home for

    Larry Roberts will be here next week eoneering using NLS in the ARPA o£~ie e . He may have something to say about where the class should be and who should be there. he mi ght he gl ad to send his peop l e

    However 1t see ms to me mi g ht to MlTRE.

    ] will let you know the moment there is anything more fi rm.

    'thanks again.







  • )



    L5609 D i st r ibution Poh , Susan S . , Kudllck , Michae l D. Stev e D.


    Aue r bach , Mar ilyn F . , Crocker,

  • ( )



    OVN 6-APR-?3 13:43 15609 Possible Home and Students 10r Washing ton TNLS Class In May

    (Jl5609) 6 - APR- 73 13:43; Title: Author(s): Van Nouhuys , Djrk H. / DVN; Distribution: /SSP YDK( fyj) MFA( :fyi) SDC2( 1'or YOu. ,r information ) ; S ub-Collections: SRI-ARC N[C; Clerk: DVN;

  • )



    • DVN 6-APR-7J 14:26

    More on Bos ton TNLS

    Many thanks ~or your poking around 10r interest in a TNLS c~ass there.

    F r om where [ sit ~he key guy In Boston TNLS is now Be rt Southerland. He was at the last course here, seemed interested, I ~ot on with him etc .

    Jim Norton has been thi s week in Boston tal king to vari o us people about the NLS Utittity, including Southerland . Jim did not ask hIm abut a class but intends to when he calls him next week abot other matters . Or maybe I .11t . We wjlt mention that we have hea rd that several peopl in yor part o£ the BBn ' octopus mi g ht be




    Interes~ed. J

    MIT remains something of a possibility in my mind.

    As to dis play , if there is one there and peopl e are interested, we 'd he glad to teach dIsplay and/instead of TNLS e Lt Be rt ends UP organizing thlD ~s at that end, lid he incllnd to tet him decide .hat mix he wanted • •




  • )


    15610 Di stribution N@ l ~us , Nancy J. Marl tyn F. ,

    • Kud tic k , Michael D. , Norton , James C • , Auerbach ,


  • )



    .hi o r e o n Bos ton T N L S

    (J1 5 6 10 ) 6-APR -7~ 14 : 2 6 ; /DVN . DJ s tri b ution: / NJN NI C SR I-A RC ; C l erk : DVN;

    DVN 6- APR-73 1 4 : 26 156 1 0

    T itl e : Author( s ) : Va n Nouh u ys , Dirk H. MDK( f yi) JCN ( J'yi) MPA( 1' y i ) ; S u b - Col. t ection s :

  • )



    DVN 6-APa-73 15:42 Por.s Generator Versus BAS [e; Support to Inexpensive Display "l er .. l nil. Is

    J was ~lven a choice 'to make about: the Ilath work for Rome should take. Let me tell you whu.t I chose.

    Elizabeth's Nicheat's work on the claculator proper 1s essentially Llnlshed . An operationaL calulatlor walts ~or some chan~es in the rest o~ NLS to accomoadnte it in the runlng system and fInishing the user g uide,

    Work on both is Ito lo@ well.

    Elisobeth ond Dick Watson asked if it were betel' ~rom your point of view if she should now turn from the calcualtor to the forms Ite nerator, or start mskeing an addition to the caltulaor to allow the user to call BASIC, or both. She

    156 J I




    pretered the later because it kCI)t the contjnulty of her work. 1))

    , said go ahead and work on ~akjng BASrC available since lim sure ~hat wilt be use~u~ to People at RADC too. Ie

    'Ny descislon mi g ht be changed it you thought j t was important. t d

    Ru your conversation wj~h Dick Watson the other day, a solicitation appeared in the March 29 Commerce Busines DaiLy for a "mul.t.i-terminu.~ machine-aided pos t editing system for pos t processin g naachine translated • • • 1 i tBrature •• • Dedicated hardware .... wl.ll drive 1 6 display stations and 80ftware will support int erflc tJve text l"dictinp; and recomo s ition ..... "The solicitor is RADC .



  • )



    156 11 Dist r ibution Stone , Du ane Elizabeth K . •

    Watson, Richard W. , Norton , James C. • Michael,


  • )



    DVN 6 -A PR- 73 15 : 42 Forms Gene rator Versus BAS lC; S Up port t o I nexpe n sive Dis p lay Te rmin als

    1561 1

    (J1561 1) 6-AP R-7 3 15:42 ; TLtle: Author(s): Van Nouhuys , Dirk H. /DVN; D i stributIon: / DLS Rn( tyi) JCN( 1'yl ) EKN; Suh- Col Lec tLons: SRI - ARC RADC; C l e rk: DVN;

  • )



    EKM 6-APR-73 16:04 15612 VISITOR LOG: Ehrman and H~nt £rom SLAC


    John Ebrman: Systems Programmer and Computer Science Pr o1'essor, Sta nford Univer si ty. Stan£ord Compta'tlon Center SLAC Fac ility. 854- 3300 ext 2631 .

    Bruce Hunt . Systems Programmer. Stanford Computat ion Center SLAC Facillty .

    J ohn serves on the I BM SHAHE TSO P roj ect . He is curren tl y evaluati n g the P r o.ject ' s proposal to IBN fo r a tut ure Text Ed itor. He ~eels the proposed specifications are not even current state o£ the art .Dirk and I demonstrated DNLS brle:fly and g ave them the .followjng documents:

    Onli n e Team Environ ment ( 13401 ), The Augtrlmented knowled~ e Workshop ( 14724), Coo rdi na ted In:formati on Servj cas ~or a Discipline of Niss ion-Oriented Community ( 12445)

    J ohn ~ave us a copy oj' the TSO/OS ProJect I s IIWh i te Pape rll on Future Systems which inclUdes the proposed text editor speciflcations . He is also senin« us a copy ot SLAC's latest text - editor manual ( SLAC WYL BUR), a FORMAT (like our output processor) user g ulde a.nd a paper written by ErJc Plow on data compaction techniques.

    Both John and Bruc e wouLd like to return soon ~or a more extensi ve demonst r atIon and to meet Doug .



    • a



    lb1 a



  • )



    EXM 6 -AP H-73 16:04 VISITOR LOG: Ehr~a n and Hunt ~rom SLAC

    (J1 5 6121 6 -AP R-73 16: 04 ; Title: AuthorCs): Michael , ELizabeth K. I E.KN ; Distribution: IDCE; Sub-Collec tions: SR I-ARC ; Clerk: E.l.Y; Orip:in: (N ICIJA EL) V1 Sl .. NLSj2 , o-APR-73 15:56 EKM j


  • )



    JBN 6-APR-73 1 5 ~0 9 Need ~or Site Relations SpecialIst

    In our Kro w~h from a small Nrc sta~f to a large r one, varIous tasks have been Ident Lf'led as speci"fLc enoug h and larg e enough to warrant a pe r son or part 01 a person being asslgned to handle each. Bven in doing this, I have the impression we have left a whole area of desirable actIvity untended. Partly because [ ~ea red that by historIcal accident or default the responsibilIty £or this area ~as mine, and partly because I was unable to present any clear soLution, J have been neg li g ent in defining this impression ~or whatever reso lution it can be g Iven.

    At Mike's sugpestion, here is a discussion of the situation as I see it , althoua h not a :lu ll-blown position description.


    When a Site Joins the Net_ork there are certain services we offer:

    NIC diatrlbution

    TN LS cou rs es

    File space

    Online JournaL capability

    The Si~e has these services described and by dint o~ some efLort can g et the bene~it o~ t h ese. Bu t there Is no clear ef~or~ made to introduce Dew S ites to the com~unication £acilities available to them , and to hrin g them on methodically. In many cases J feel we are ne~lipent in p roviding assistance they could expect.

    In the past ~he first problem lay in NIC's g etting notice of a Si te's existence . Then a call was made to learn the names o~ certain S ite personnel, and to estabLish NIC distrIbution. Throu g h NIC diAt ributlon -the Site learned 01' TNLS courses, a nd through heursay o£ their priv ileg e to access to r ile space a n d one or more directories. It has been notoriously hard to g et directories established for these, and the procedure 'recently establis hed is that WDK noti £ le9 Je11.

    It has never been anyone's sole or even a prime responsibltlty to br ing a new Site on . We see what specIal attention has accomplished in brin@ing RADC and ARPA into knowledg e. Last weekend, JCN noticed that Na v al Shi p R 8 0 was hype ractiv e suddenly, and discovered what J knew, that they we re using TNLS to prepare an important report . Because he lelt like it, Jim g ave them a lot 01 extra hel.p. [0 contrast, J find, as was true this













  • )



    JBN 6-APR-73 1 5 :09 ~eed £or Site Rela tions Specialist

    mornin~ , that there Is usually no one a v ai l able to assist a Netwo r k use r wltb his d i ££iculties. One r esult of this Is that the user in trouble continues to assume that his trouhle is caused by us, by s om eth in g someone here d id to the system d urin g the nt Rht, for exampls . It bas bee n v e ry f r ustra.t i n g to me to g et call s on the N I C p hon e r egardi n g anything from TNL S to hardwaret and £ind no one who would take responsibil ity ~or talking to the person . rt is true that the p r obl e m may be ~ar f rom wha t the caller ascr i bes it tO t but an expedite r could trace the troub l e dow n.

    It is also true that wIt h the workload t he Station Ag ent a nd her occasional assistan ts ca rry in pe r formin g the g e n eral dlstr .ibution, that sllecia l calls and ma illn ~s and ident i nputs are disruptive o£ good p r od ucti v i t y .

    ALso it is t rue that ~l vJng res p onsib ility for network relation s is p r obably inappropriate 10r the S t at ion Ag ent , which is a position he l d by v ery capable and r espo n s i ble p eople , hut with u hig h rate of turnover, making contin ul -ty a nd con s istency unlikely. I t Is a ll we can do to b rln @ ourselve s back to baseline in that area, aft er e very chang e .

    A Lso , the work as [ see i t f or information, which a re

    includes some aspectSt such as calls likely t o be regarded us too menial

    £or anyo n e with the back~round necessary to handle harder parts of the joh. And ye-t, I observe that JCN a n d DVM ha v e made such contacts with g aud ef~ect In their limited area .

    1e need to Look at the situat ion, and fi n d out why , with an In.formation and Ag e n t Coo rdin ato r, a Sta tion Ag e n t , a Network Liaison, u. TNLS educatio n staff , and a Use r Interface , we are so o1ten ne~ tl ~e nt and unresponsive to ca ll s 10r help . An d whether there i s some way to assign a responsihili ty for coordinating all ~etwork Site relations so that some 01 us here , a nd many o £ ou r users don't see a voi d betwee n need and serv i ce .


    15& 13





    t t

  • )



    Need f o r S it e Re l a t ion s Spec i a l ist

    ( J 1 56 13 ) 6 - AP R-7 3 15 : 0 9 ; T lt Le : Di s tri b u t i o n: / mdk r ww n i c sta C Le r k : J BN ;

    JBN 6 - APR-? J 15 : 09

    Autho r( s ): No r th , J ea n ne B . /JBN ; Su b- CoLlec tion s : SRI - ARC NICSTA ;

    O ri ~ln : (NJC- WORK ) NETSER V. NLS ; 2 , 6- APR- ? 3 1 5 : 06 J BN ;

    156 1 3

  • JI 6-APR-?3 1 3:3 1

    ) Narcia, as you may know, we dea.l with a number of potentJal ARPANET u s ers and provide a.ssistance to thpm. Part of this assistance includes rUdimenta.ry ins~ruction and follow-up in the UBt! 0-1 netW'ork resources . NLS i s one reso urce tha1 we t end to s tress because or it s po tential utility to uses. Thus, we would ,Iuch tlpprecJate i 1 you could send a number of new TNLS Qu ick Re-teren ce Cards that we could provide to such persons . [ .. ould os tl ~ at e that on the order of t e n to ~ltteeen a month W'ould sa tisfy this requirement currently. 1n "th e pas t, we have ze roxed them; this resul"t s in a poor QuaLity product -Which Is somewha t unsatisfactory _ Appreciate your considertltion and r eply . Iii ellarda, • •• Jean




    L56 t 4


  • JI 6 -AP R-7J 13: 3 L

    ) (JI 5614) 6 -APR-73 1 3 : 3 1 i Author(s): lseli, Jean /Jr; Djstribution:



    /WLK JBN(Jeanne, l~ yo~ could also send several TENEX Manuals-Executive Lan~a~e, it would be mos t heLpfuL-we are continua lly Losin g them 10 prospect.ive users who become "real " users; thanks); Sub- Collections: NIC : C l erk: JI;

    156 14

  • JWR 6-APR-7 3 06:57 15615

    ) thanks for the help . I




  • )


    15615 DIst ri but i o n Forman, Er neg~ H. t


  • JWO 6-APR-73 06:5 7 1 56 15

    ) (J156 15 ) 6-APR-73 06:S7i Author(s): Beno it, Jack William IJ"'B~ Distribution: I EHP ; S ub-Collections: NrC; Clerk: JWa;



  • )


    KI RK 6-AP R-73 18 : 3 5 a t t-mode (DOCUMENTATION)

    1 tried a~t mode In TNLS on a toad 1118 but it didn ' t work, howe v er, t F did, so TNLS users are not bltmodetess. Thank you for lettLn~ me know . Everyone seems to be in ~avor 01 shortenJn g (DOCUMENTATION) to (DOC) however , are you a gainstt this?




  • p lt- mode ( DOC UM EN TAT[ ON)

    (Jt 56 1 6 ) 6 -AP R-1 3 1 8 : 35 : Tl tl e : Author( 8): DI s tri b uti o n: /md k : Sub - Col l ect io n s ! SR I-ARC ;



    K I RK 6 - AP R- 7 3 1 8 : 35

    Ke l ley, Kirk E . I KIRK ; C l e r k : KJ RK ;

    1 56 16

  • )



    NAP 6-APR-73 09:38

    John Davldson--11 this miraculou9ly gets to you, please pass the ~ord around that the way to get ~o use Multics on ~he Bo-called BaMplin~ accoun~ Is : en~er YournaMe CNet (note ~hat the CN is/are upper-case;everythLn a else Is lower-cae;entcr may be abbreviated e) . 1 mention thls because one 01 MY logs has Shown seve r al unsuccessful attempts to login to us ~rom ou~ there, and [ haven't spotted any successes io another of the logs. At Bny rate , thou~h , 1 do hav e p r oo1 now that you can get through , and r daresay that counts as progress . Cheers , Mike Padlipsky




  • )



    15617 DJ s trlbuti oD Dtlvl dso n , John,


  • )



    NAP 6 - APR-73 09:38 15611

    (J1 56 11) 6- APIl-?309 : 38 ; Title: Author( s ): padllpsky , Michae l A. ! WAPi DIstrLhutlon: /JDi Sub-CollectIons: NI C; Clerk : ¥AP ;

  • )


    MLK 6 -AP~ 7J 08:15

    I received a letter a coup l e o_f day s ago froll! 80 Prot'e~sor A. Danthin e at the Unive r slte d e Ll e@e In Be l g ium . He wan t s to join the Ne twork Associates Group and Is coming to San FrancLsco No nday to meet so me people he re . I really don ' t know anythln {i about thi s fellow -- we've sent a f' ew documents 'to othe r people a t LieMe , but not him . If' you' d lik e to write him a Letter, his address I s as 10110w&: Dniversite de Lie ge F aculte des Sc iences Appliques ~eAulation et autoMatique Avenu e des Tilleul s , 4 9 B-4000 Liege , Bel~ium '_ Ill Bu g est that HE write YOU, as that woul d be easie r ~or you; i 'f he ' s really interested he'll do j t. Anyway, 1 thoug h t I'd l e t you know about him.




  • )



    l561 8 Distributi on Crocke r, S~eve D.


  • NLK 6 -AP~ 73 0 8 :t5

    ) (J156t S ) 6-AP R-73 08:15; Author(s): ~eeney, Marcia Lynn IMLK; Dls ~rlbutlon: I SDC2 ; Sub- Co llectlons: SR I-A RC ; Clerk: MLK;



    15 6t 8

  • )


    ND~ 6 -APR-73 17:44 Re : Journal Header rede~inition

    Walt : As 1 u nd erstood it y once a Journal he~der i s defined , subsequen t HJourn at di r ectives will be i gnored (t houg h reco il:nized as directives tor pri nt in g ). The Output Processor see.s to be al l ow- in s: their r ede.:fin!tlon. [Try pr inTing (149 8 9 ,). It should not be today 's date .] If this is correct, r have some work to do Pleuse let me k now.

    Dea n


    1561 9

  • NDM 6-AP~73 L7:44 1 56 19 Re : Journal Header r edef I nj 1: ion

    (J15619 ) 6 - APR-7 3 17:44i Tlt:te: Author(s): Meyer. N. Dean /NDM; Dist rJbuti on: I OPIG DeE ; SUb-CollecTion s: SRI-ARC OPIG; Clerk : NDN;



  • )


    RAW 6 -AP R-73 08:05 15620 RES PONSE TO RPC 488




  • RAW 6-APR-73 08:05 15620 RESPONSE TO RPC 488

    ) (J15620) 6 -AP R-73 08: 05; Title: Author(s): WIntert Richard A. /RAW; Distribution: /MFA; Sub-CoLlectIons: NIC; Clerk: RAW;




    For yaur review and co.sent.



  • )



    TITLE: AH I LINE PRINTER PR- B- 3 - 32 1 5


    The objective o~ ~his e£fort I s the p rocurement , de live r y and installation o£ a medi u m speed lIne prI nter to be u sed In c onjunction wIth RADC ' s ove r all Augme nted Human I ntellect (ABT) p ro ~ram. T h e contractor wIlt be required t o Interface the line pr int e r w~th a n ex i st ing hardware uni t , the TermInal Inter£ace P.rocessor, and u l so to p r o vi de on call and /or scheduled main tenance servI ce as n ecessary.


    1562 1

    The lin e pri nter wIll be u sed to outp ut tex1:, that Is, documents and repor t s at speeds g reater than 100 lines pe r mInute (LPM). T h e text will con tain alpha/ num e rics (upper and tower case cha ract e r s) a nd at le ast the usual set of symbo l s such as commas , parenthacies, quotation marks etc . The re ports I)roduced by the p ,rinter will. be used direc tly from the printer and/or cop I ed on u. Xerox copIer prior 10 use. The pape r to he used wIll be perphorated in 8 1' x 10 1/ 2" or 8 1/ 2 " x 11'1 sheets for conv i en t remo vu.l o~ the documen t sheets ~ ro m th e co ntinuous p rinter ou t put .

    The p rint er wi ll be dr iv e n by an existin g hardware unI~ call ed the Te r minal I nte rfac e Processo r ( T IP) produced by Bo l~ Beranek Rnd Ne wman ( BBN ) o~ Cambridge , Mass . The T~ P Is par~ o~ the ARPA Network wh i ch interconnec ts over 20 v arying co~puti n g facIlities located about tbe na t ion. The TIP can be considered to consist o£ two components a Hon eywell 316 , which i s the data processor , and a BBN Multi Li n e Cont roll er (MLC ) which inter~aces u p to 63 te r minals to the 3 1 6 p r ocessor . Bo th components ar e housed in a s in ~ l e II Hlg h-Boy l' t ype cab in et . The p rinter will be connected to o n e of th e exlstin~ 63 terminal ports in the T I P , therefore, th e printer must con~orm to certa in e lect ric a l, hardware and log i cal por~ specI~lcations. The complete speci~icatlon I s co ntaine d in BBN Report No . 2184 enti le d " Te rmin a l Int erface Message Processor the BEN TIP Hardware Manualll.The essenti a l s of a po rt con nection a r e as £0110w9:

    Full duplex operation ( each por l has a n Input channel and an output channel)

    8i t seria l tr ansfe r on each chan n el

    E ither 5 , 6 , 7, or 8 bit cha r Rc1:ers a r e allowed . Each character must be p r eceeded by a start bit and followed by at l eas t one stop bit.

  • )



    Each port will operate in a syn chronous or asynchronous fashlon.

    Synchronous: a clock pulse is supplied to th e TIP by "the Terminal (external clock )

    Data rtltes: input I; output- any rate up to 1 9 . 2 'Kbps .

    As ynchronous: The TIP supplies its own lnternal clock after selection 01 the data rate.

    Data rat esC bps ): input £; out p u t - 75, 110, 134 , 1 50 , 300 , 600 , 1 200 , 1 8 00, 2400 output only- 4800, 9600 , 1 9200

    Inter"lace voltage levels con:form to E i A Speci:ficatlon Rs232 and the inlerface connector is the EfA S tandard data phone connector. (connector should be Cannon DA- 25P equi valent)

    1 562 1

    The ports are modem compatible, ho_ever, since the p rinter will be in proximity to th~ T IP the printer will b e di r ectly connected and no Dlodem will be require d . The Tl P requires the 'f o llowing connections when operating in the asynchronoUS mode! P in 2 (transmitted da ta), Pin 3 (received da ta), Pin 7 (Si g nal g round) and Pin 20 ( data te ,rminat ready) .


    The contractor wi 11 accompli sh as a minimum the fo llowln& tas ks :

    Deliver a medium s peed printe r wIth at leas t the ~olto.inK capabilities:

    Printer interface must be bit serial and must receJve ASC II code. T n addition the Inter1'ace must accept data with even parity , odd pari t y and no pa rity.

    Print ~ormat- at least 132 columns pe r prInted line

    Print speed- g reater than 100 lines pe r minute and l ess than 800 lines per minute .


  • )



    TFL 6-APR-73 08 : 59 1562 1 AHI/NBTWORK LINE PRINTER SO.

    Printer must produce 95 pr intable ASClI symbols and codes as give n in Figure A~ The space is considered a prIntable . In addition the printer must operate in accordance _lth the followin g ASCI' con trol codes as defined. Nutl (NUL) A no operation. Line Peed (LF) Moves the printer to next tine

    (keeping the same horizontal pos ition).

    Form Feed (PF) Moves the prInter to the top o~ the next page .

    Cn rri u@e Return (C R ) Wa ves the printer to the le ~t margin o~ the current tine.

    Vert ical Tab (VT) Moves the printer "to the next vertical tab stop.

    Horizontal Tab (HT) Moves the p rinter to the next horizontal tab stop.

    Vertical Tab and Horizontal Tab desirable but not essent ia~.

    capability are

    The quality of the print shalt be such that the printer output can be used directly .from the printer as documents 10r official gov ernment use nnd distribution . fn addition the quatIty of print shall be such "that usable copIes o~ the prin 1: e r outpu-t can be on II. Xerox copier . * DeLivery will be made to : RADC!Compu t er Facility Building 3 Gri1:fiss AFB New York 13441


  • )



    TFL 6-APR-73 0 8 :5 9 1 5 621 AHl/NETWORK LINE P RINTE R SOW


    The Contracter shal~ interface tile tine printer wIth the TIP in accordance with the appropriate sectIons 01 88N Report No. 2184 entitled "Terminal Inter1ace Mesga a e Processor the BON TIP Hardware Manual'l. This jnter~ace shull Include all hardware necessary to assure electrical and log icat operational co~patability wi~h the T(P . The contr~ctor should keep In mind that the TIP Inter1ace Is bit serIal and that there are no control lines to the TIP to stop data input to the printer.The printer mugt be able 10 accep~ and print data from the TlP at a asynchronous or synchronous ra~e given in the B8N spec111catlon . The printer must have Bu1ficlent bufter space to permit reception and execution 01 at Least 3 consecutive Form Feeds or at teast 20 consecutive Line Feeds without loss o£ incomming data.

    The contrActor shall also maintain the procurred lIne printer in accordance with a s cheduLed andlor on call majntenance service as n e cessary.

    The con~ractor shaLL ALso provide a year's Bupply o~ paper for the Line printer. The vaper will be perphorated in 8 1' x 10 1/2 '1 or 8 t/211 xli'l sheets ~or convient removal o£ the individuaL sheets from ~he contInuous printer ou~put. The contractor s haLL also speci~y other vendors for this perphorated paper co.patlble with the delIvered printer.

    The contractor shall supply at least one set or manuals containln @ operatlnal and hardwure descriptJon s o~ ~he procured line printer . Any ~odi£jcatlonB to the printer to Inter£ace to the TIP will also be completely described In the delivered set o~ manua l s.

    * NOTE: A hard copy sample 01 the prInter output containin g atl printables must be provided with the proposaL.


  • \



    15621 Distribution Sto n e, Duane L. , Ken n edy , Edmund J. , NcNamare , John L. , Bethke , Will iam P . ,


  • )



    TPL 6 -AP R-73 08 : 59 15621 ARI/NETWORK LiNE PRiNTER SOW

    (J15621) 6- APR- 73 08 : 5 9 ; Tit le: Autho r{ s) : Lawrence, Thomas F. /TFL; Distributi o n: /DLS EJK J -LM "PB ; Sub- CoU.ectio n s! RADC ; Clerk: TFL; Or i ~ i n: (LAWKENCE>SOWPTR.NLS;7, 6-APR- 73 08:15 TFL ;

  • )



    VGC 6 - AP R-73 11: 2 4 note to jbp from v g c

    hi ,jon , 'thi s is vint. i a m finalLy back on-line . what's the g oo d

    word on your thesls work? cheers .


    156 2 2


  • )


    15622 D i s trj bu ~Jon Pos t e ly Jonathan B .

  • note to Jbp Xrom vgc

    (J1 5622 j 6-APR-7 3 tvee; DistrIbution:



    11: 2 4; Ti1:te: Author(s): tJBP; S ub-Collections : NrC;

    VGC 6 - APR-73 11:24

    Cerf, Dr . Vinton Clerk: VGe;



  • )



    W'HP 6-AP R-73 !IPS : whether, whither, wither?

    ~ PS: whether, whlther, wither?

    It seemS to me that the NMUT's r esponse (l 5498 ,) to Pe t er ' s suggestion rega r di n g the us e of' ECL (1 5285 ,) is .right 1'0r the 1fIIrong reasons.

    Peter's plan I s obviously the best one -- i f' we're wi~li ng t o t reat the reimplementation o~ NLS as a r esea rc h p roject to be carri ed out by 2 o r 3 peop~e and junked when/i~ co mp Let ed .

    [ should add that. 1 thi nk such research mi g ht be q uit e valuable as a sou rc e 01' n ew approaches to aug mentation systems and shoul d be e nthus i as tically supported by ARC .

    Ho we ver, the us e r e impLementati o n prob~ems:

    o~ EeL is ~ess attractive i f' NLS is intendpd to address th e followin g

    09 : 03

    How can a ~a r ge system e v olve without dege n e r at in g t o the point o f ne eding to b e rebui~t 1'rom the g round up every two



    J a




    years? lel

    How can a relatively large g roup 01' p rogram.mers wo rk ef'fectively on th e same system?

    How can a prog ramming system be i D~egrated into an a u g mentation system?

    What p r actical 'tools can be pro vi ded b y an integ rat ed prog r amm ing - augmentation sys t. em to help the I' so~ twar e


    l e3

    eng ine e r I'? lc4

    These all appear to be difficuLt , l o n g term r esearch p r obLems -- and rel e van~ to the interests o~ ARC a n d at leas t some pe op l e at Xe rox a nd e l sewhe r e . To my knowled ge , the current EeL does not provide so lutions t o th e m, nor does it e~ai m t o be even tryin~ to. As Pete r says, Ee L is bein g developed by a bri g ht and energ etic g r oup , but they a re working toward their o .. n goa ls.

    On th e other hund, MPS was o ri g in al ly conceive d ( by some of us at least) as u s te p towards addressing th e prob l ems mentioned above . J1: ther e is still interest in workin g on these prob~ems , then I think the con1: inued deve lo pme nt of NPS and its use in r ei.plementin g NLS is a g ood approach .




  • )



    15623 Dist r ibu t ion Trby, Charles H . , Dornbush , Char les F. , MItchell, James G . , Paxton, William R . , Deutsch, , Sat t e r ~h.aite , Ed H. , Bass , Douglas C. ,

    L. Peter Wa l~ ,


    t Wal lace, Do n a~d C . (Smo key ) Andrews, Don i.. , En 8e 1 bar t,

  • )



    WH P 6-A PR-73 09 : 03 MPS : whet~er, wh11h e r, wither?

    (J1 5 6 2;) 6 -AP R-7 3 09 : 03 ; Titl e : Author( a ): Pax t o n, Wi lli am H . ! WHP ; Distri b uti o n: !nmdt n mrt d ce C lerk: WHP ;

    ; S u b - Co ll ec ti ons: SR L-A RC NMDT NNRT i

    1 5623

  • )



    ARCG 6 - APR-73 21 :1 3 teln o 't COlllrnon t s to Jon and alex

    . Ion ~ nd a lex: a few comme nt s on telnettdocument . on the whole it road quite wc~l. ~y co.ments are d irec t ed towards the ne s otlated opti on pa rt. in p po. rtLcuLar, i think you s h o uld chan ge the bi n ary nep.ot i atio n to r ead 'rejection leav es you Ln th e curre nt mode l rathe r tha n puttin g you back In nvt aBciL . when we add other "\'lode"" e~ ebcd i c " you may not wan t to g et p ut into nvt asc ii for saying no to bina r y . you wIll n eed a neg oti a ting code to return to nvt asciL as we tl, the n. why not also pick It page Lcn nt h and carrla~e width ( e g 40 lin es a nd 72 chars ) as 8 standard whic h can be alterert by ne got i ution . then the sendi n g process wi tl have a dtlnlte ~ormat to aim at . finally , we mi g ht conside r h a vin g some sho rthan d way o£ a nn ounci n g te rNlna~ characterist I cs rath e r than £aclng 0. lena thy neg otiation a t the be~ inninQ of each tel net connection -- l ik e the tnex 't e rminal type 33 ' opt ion which s uccinctly de~lne8 the char~cterlBt l cs o~ the usi n g terminal . thi s wou'l d pe r mi t a se rv ing hos t to do ~pec i a~ thinMs lik e send in g / a to . e ftn cap it a l 0. whe n 8op r op rio.te . v lnt




  • )



    15624 Distribution NcKenz ie , At e x A. • Postel, Jona th an B. •


  • ARca o - APR-73 21:13 15624 tel net comments to Jon and alex


    (J1 5624 ) 6 -APR-73 21 : 13; Title: Authorfs ): ARC , Gu es t O. /ARCG; Ois tributjon: /A AN JBP; s ub-Coll ec tion s : SR I-A RC; Clerk: ARCG;



  • )


    AReG g -AP R-73 17: 09 15625 QUF RY ABOUT NET MAP




  • )


    15625 Di s tributIon Ne l ~UB t Nancy J. ,



    ) ( J t 56 25 ) 9-AP R-73 17: 09 . Tl He: Ul~tributio n: /NJN; Sub-Coltectlons~



    AReG 9 -AP R-73 17:09

    Autho_r< s): ARC, Guest O. !ARCG ; SRI - APe ; Clerk: AReG ;


  • RAH 6 - APR- 73 23 : 16 15626 YAR 25- 3 1, 19 7 3 , A 1f e e k In Re vl e w




  • BAH' 6 -APR-73 23: 16 15626 WAR 25- 3 1, 1973 , A Week [n Revl~w



    2 WEEK ! \fAR 25-31, 1 97 3 ( 24 ROUllS/ DAY ) 3

    4 lOTAL SYSTEV CPU : 3 7. 820 5

    6 ( ARC ) 6a


    6a2 (STAFI? ' 66.3

    (MFA J L. 814 28 . 769 . 063 4 . 8 1 6 : 1 6a3o.

    ( DCB ) . 525 33 .. 565 . 016 1 . 4 62 : 1 6u3b

    ) ( DAH ) .423 15 .72 8 . 027 1 • l 3 7:1 6a3c

    (SRL) . 299 10.790 . 028 . 8 36 : 1 60.311

    (JCN ) I. 15 8 26. 339 . 044 3 . 1 23 : 1 6a3e

    ( DVN ) . 54 1 18 . 424 .029 1. 4 34: 1 60.31'

    ( PR ) • 125 5. 4 39 . 023 . J 43:1 6a3i!:

    ( R"" ) . 063 2.516 . 025 • 2 40: 1 60.3h ----- ---- ----- 6a31

    (TOTAL) 4 . 948 141. 57 0 1 3 . 1 6u.3J

    6a3k ( PSO ) 6a4

    ( KFB) .1 35 10 . 906 . 012 . 4 83: I 6a4a

    (MEJ ) . 260 28 .1 49 . 009 . 7 I I 1 : 1 6a4b



  • ~AH 6 -AP R-73 23 :J 6 15626 MAR 25-3 1, 1 973, A Week rn Revi ew

    ( KI RK ) 1. 9 7 8 45.857 . 043 5 . 2 23 : 1 6o.4e

    ( LLL ) . 30 1 25.76 7 . 012 . 8 83: 1 6o.4d

    (NOV) .47 6 13 .. 331 . 036 I . 3 28:1 68,4e

    ----- ----- ----- 60.4 t

    (TOTAL ) 3 .1 50 124.010 8 .' 60.4g

    6,,4h ( N [C) 6a5

    ( EJP) .. 0 93 4 .. 306 . 022 .2 45: 1 60.50.

    ( MLK ) . 263 15 .. 43.:) . 0 17 .7 59 : 1 6a5b

    ( !of: OK ) .555 20 . 469 . 027 I • 5 37 :1 6aSe

    (J BN ) . 294 9 . 8 1 4 . 030 . 8 33 :1 6o.5d

    ----- ---.-- ----- 60.5e ) (TOTAL 1 1.305 50 . 022 3.2 6a51'

    6a5 s (HARDWARE) 6a6

    ( MER) . 548 16.151 .034 \., 29: 1 60.68,

    (J R) 6o.6b

    (EKV) . 0 12 2 . 017 . 006 0 167 : 1 6a6e

    ---- ---- ----- 6o.6d (TOTAL) . 560 18 .1 68 1.4 6a6e

    60.6 f ( TENEX ) 6.7

    ( D J A) . 569 14.586 . 039 1. 5 26 : 1 6a7 &

    (KEV) .. 9 14 2 1. 519 . 042 2.' 24: 1 6a7b



  • BAH 6 -AP R- 73 23:1 6 15626 HAR 25- 31 , 19 73 , A Wee k In Re v ] e w


    ( DeW ) 1. 506 1 8 . 049 . 083 4 . 0 12 : I 6o.7 c

    ----- ---- - ---- 6a7 d ( TOTAL) 2 . 989 34 . 154 7 . 9 61:1.7 e

    6aT! ( N L S ) 6a8

    ( WLB ) . 387 32 . 929 . 0 12 I • 0 83 :1 6tlSa

    ( CPO ) .70 3 1 8 . 984 . 037 1. 9 2 7: 1 6 ft.8b

    (J DH ) • I 86 9 . 4 1 6 . 020 . 5 50 :1 6aRe

    ( en 1 ) .41 5 6 . 42 1 . 065 I • I 15 :1 6 a 8d

    ( DSI: ) 1 . 3 1 2 28 . 959 . 045 3 . 5 22: 1 6a8e

    ( HGL) . 5 15 13. 48 7 . 038 1. 4 26 :1 6,,8£

    ( EICM ) .411 19 .631 . 02 1 1. 1 48 : 1 6 a 8g

    ) ( JFV) .433 16 . 426 . 026 1. 1 38 : 1 6aSh (J E W) . 8 67 19 . 183 . 045 2 . 3 22 : I 6a8 i

    ----- ---- ----- 6a8J (TOTAL) 5 .22 9 165 . 436 13 . 8 6ft.8k

    6a8 t

    6a9 H IGR EST CPU : KI RK 1. 9 7 8 h r • LOWEST CPU: EK V . 0 ' 2 h r . 6a t D

    H I GHEST CON: KI RK 45 . 857 h r . LOWliST CON : Fn 2 . 0 11 h r . 6 al l

    IIIGHEST CPU/CON : DCW . 083 HIGlfEST CON / CPU : FKV 167 : 1 6ed 2

    6a 1 3 ( RADC » 6b



  • BAH 6 -A PR-7323 :1& 15626 NAR 25- 3 1, 19 '7 3 , A We e k In RevI e w

    NAME CP U .RS CON "RS CPU / CON • S YS CON / C PU D'. 6b2 6h3

    (J RB ) BAlR .51 3 25 . 822 . 020 '.4 50 :1 258 6h4

    ( nPB ) JlERGST RM .1 5 0 8 . 4 16 . 0 18 •• 56 : 1 44 6 h 5

    ( WP B } BETHKE .071 3 .174 .022 . 2 4 5 :1 12 6 h 6

    (JPC )CAVA NO .. 0 38 3 . 589 .. 0 1 1 • 1 9 I : 1 8. 6b7

    ( RF ( )[U ORNO .. 026 1. 05 1 . 025 • 1 4 0 :1 42 6h8

    ( EJ" H .E NNED Y .1 3 4 9 . 9 3 9 . 0 13 •• '77:1 33 6h9

    ) ( FS L )LAMON T C A .. 082 4 . 8 7 3 . 0 17 . 2 59 : 1 44 6b l O ( TF L )LA WRE NCE .4 6 2 1 9 . 5 1 2 . 024 t. 2 42 :1 136 6 bl t

    ( JL M , MC NAMAR A . 241 l 5 . 266 .01 6 .7 62 :1 1 23 6 b1 2

    ( RB P )PA N A RA .1 L8 6. 850 .003 .3 333 : .1 84 6b 1 3

    f ",DP 'PET E LL 6b 14

    ( RA De ) RAD C . 035 3 .14 9 . 0 11 • I 9 1 : t 95 6b 1 5

    ( 'WER ) RZE P JC A .463 2 1. 8 4 4 . 02 1 I • 2 4'7 : I 66 6 b1 6

    ( FPS ) SL r WA . 0 4 6 2 .176 . 02 1 • 1 4 8: 1 48 6b 17



  • BAR 6 -A PR- 7 3 23 :1 6 15626 MAR 25- 3 1, 1 9 1 3 , A Wee k In Revi e w

    ) ( JRS ' STELLATO

    6b 1 8

    ( DLS ' STONE . 526 2 2. 30 7 . 024 1. 4 42 :1 2J8 bb l !)

    ----- ---- -----bb20

    ( TOT AL) 2. 9 17 147. 968 7. 8 1307 6b2 1

    ( PER CENT TOTA L DI S K CA PACITY ) '2 .7 ~ bb22

    6b23 ( '

  • RAM 6 -APR-7 3 23: J6 15626 ..... 25- 3 1, 1973 t A Week In Rllvl ew , )



    6d3 NSRD C t .0 0 1 5 b. 974 .01 8 2 . 6 56: 1 6d4

    UCLA-NNe .638 22 . 3 7 6 .0 2A 1.7 36 : 1 6d5

    MITRE-TIP . 554 20.857 . 027 1. 5 37 : I 6d6

    COSElL .224 1 0 .34 2 .022 . 6 45:1 6d7

    CASE-tO .21 6 5.563 . 039 . 6 26: 1 6dS

    REST OF NF.T 1.171 62 . 450 3 .1 6d9

    ----- ---- ----- 6dl0 (TOTAL) 3.804 l7 8 .562 1 0 .1 6dlt

    ) 6d 1 2

    ( O VE RHE AD) 6e

    (JCP) 1.777 23.419 .. 076 4 .7 13: I 6e1

    CAT 5.993 23 .117 . 259 1 5 . 8 4 : 1 6e2

    DOCUMEN TATI ON . 6 1'4 3 .412 .1 9B 1. 8 5 : 1 6e3

    NET JNFO . 32 1 18.650 .017 1.7 59 : I 6 04

    OPERATOR t. 168 14.5 9 7 • ORO 3.1 12: 1 6eS

    GILBERT . 024 . 576 . 042 .1 24:1 6e6

    ----- ----- ---- 6e7 (TOTAL) 9.95 7 83 .771 27 .2 6eR




  • )



    BAH 6 -AP R-7323 :16 MA R 25-3 1, 1 9 7 3 , A Week 1n Rev iew

    (J156 2 6 ) 6 - APR-7 323 :1 6 ; Title : Author(s ) : 8a rdem~ n, Beau reg ard A. I RAH ; Di s tribution! I SR l-A RC DLS TFL JHB LPD JG~ ; SUb- Collec ti o n s : SR £-A RC RADC ; Clerk: BAH

    1 56~6




  • "





    ~here has been some contention th~t the Week ly Analysis Report is superfLuous to some people. r t you don l~ wish to receive it in your Journ a l mait, let me koow ••• bah



  • )



    BAH 7-APR-73 00:06 15 6 2 7 THE WEEKLY ANALYSlS REPORT

    (J1 5627) 7-APR- 73 00:06; Title: Author(s): Harrlem~n, Bea urea arrt ~ . IBAH ; DIstribution: ISRI-ARC ; SUb-Collections: SRl - ARC ; Clerk: HAH ;

  • CFD 8 - APR-1 3 16: 30 15628 On Com~and Re coanltlon and Feedback

    Thls 1s a " positLo n paper'l In the evolu~ion of com.and l angu8Re r equrieMcnts lor NLS. Your flfee dback ll 1s appreciated



  • )



    CPD B-APR- 7 3 16:30 On Command Recognition and Feedback

    On Command Recognition and Feedback

    The NLS command tan gu~ge employs an undellmited command Bt r~cture . Most commands may be specl~led by ty~lng only the ~ir91 character 01 the assoclu~ed command keyword , causing uncon~lrmed recognition of the commalld. rt i s P09sjb~e to ach ieve high command interaction rates usi g this app roach to command recog nition because the actual number o~ characters typed is minlmlzed . This approach works well as lon g as the command langua g e is small and static, but it poses di~tlcult j es for eXpan ding or chan g ing the lan g uaa e . New commands often are g Iven ad-hoc and sometimes undescrlptive names s o as to not conflict with exIsting co mma nds .

    We need a beiter an more consistent approach to modeling c~mmand lan~uage recognIti o n and ~eedback.

    C om ma nd Rec o g nition:

    The command recognition process can be modelled by an ordered ~election of alternative command keywords. The process is hj erarchical in nature in that the set o :f keywords which are valid atternat~ves at any poInt in the command p ars In g Ls unique ly determined by the previously selected command keyworris.

    Each command keyword may be recog ni zed b y i-ts minimum unJque s u bst rLn g ..

    Co mmands keywords which have similar first letters or InItial substralngs are automatically permItted , but the keyword wIll not be reco g nized until the minimum unique SUbstring Is input

    Com mand Feedback:

    In thIs model command not single characters .

    keywords are represented by strings and Thus the same string whi c h is used ~or

    command recog nition may be lIsed to provide command :feedb a ck as










    wclt. 3a

    'n the case where two lega l alternative command keywo rds have the same initial substring , characte r s of the substrin g ~r e echoed as they are typed until suf~icjent ch a r8.c~er s have been typed to dl sambi g uate the keylrord, at which ti me the en tire keyword is echoed .

    An illustrative example:




  • )



    CFO 8 -A P R-73 16:30 15628 On Command Reco~nitio n and Feedback

    Con~ider the folLowlng ~rivial aample languag e which has the Lollowl n ~ 1orm; (entity) where the action keywords ar e NOVE, YERGE , COPY and the e ntity options are TEXT , STATEMENT , STR JNG.

    . 8 may map the parsing p rocess by the rollowlna structur ed -te xt:

    Leve L 0: nult r ecog nition or r eBet l e v el

    Levell: Reco g n ize CO py

    Lev el 2: Recognize STATEMENT

    Recognize STRING

    Recog niz.e TEXT

    Le vel 1: Reco g n iz e MERGE

    Level 2 : Rec o a nize STATFMENT Recogni ze STR[NG Recogn i ze TEXT

    Level 1: RecoQnize WOVE

    Lev e l 2 : Recog nize STATEWENT Recog ni ze STRING Recogn l z e TEXT

    At any level in the pa r se , input c h a r ac t e rs are read until a un1que s ubs trin g Is reco gn i zed . The ~otto.lns 1 able simulates the reactLon or the parsing and £eedback operat J oos for t he abov e Simp l e g rammar:

    Use- r Types: Command Feedhack l ine Is! Comme nt s

    C o mmand Reset lnltl a l state

    c Copy r ecog n i zed COPY

    s Copy 5

    , Copy S t r Copy String recog nlzed STR I NG

    Copy delete last item





    4bl a



    4bla 3

    4b l b

    4b l b 1


    4b l cl




    4 g




  • )



    CFD 8 -APR-73 16: 30 On CBmmand Reco g nition and Feedback


    f B W ) Command Reset back to in1 t18.1 state

    m • a M? Not valid choice

    0 "Move recog nized NOVE

    t Move Text recog o i 'Zed TEXT

    ( C U) Command Reset back to initial state

    Not e the use 01 the backspace word (BW) to delete a previously reco g nized command symbol. Backup capabIllty via backspace word a nd backspace character should be built into the inter-pretter on a consistent and predictahle basis.

    C on c lusion:

    The requirements o~ simpLe cOMmand specification an d e x t e nsIbILIty and unl10rmlty o f specj~lcatlon and feedback do n01 have to be resolved in act-hoc manners.

    A c ummand lan g uage fo r NLS which has p redlctlble reco g nition and feedback propertLes and Is arhl~rarjty exten s Ible is in -tIl.C~ achlevahle . The open - ended recog n) ~lon and feedback methods introduced above inte g rate welt with a built in command langua g e help facility. The £act that t he characters r equired to speci:fy any command may chang e as a -functlon o£ c ommand language g rowth can be understood by most users a9 lon ~ as the sy~tem provides "help" when they encounter new b e haviour.. Implementation 0:1 such a command lan g uag e interprette r should be a natural consequence o~ centrali z ed parsin g In a future jmptemen~atlon o~ NLS, but it Is probably quite d11'lc\,l t to retro~lt to the preset NLS system.


    1 56 28









    4 8




  • \. ')



    CFD 8-AP R-73 16 : 30 15628 On Command Reco~nl~jo n and Feedback

    (J1 5628 ) 8-APR-7316:30; ; Dis trIbution: /chi lpd Sub-CoLtect lons: SR J-ARC ,

    Title: Author(~ ): Do rnbush, .tb rww pr mdk Jcn d ce

    Clerk : CFO ,

    Cha rl es mfa ;

    F. /CFD

