ALC's March Newsletter 2013 - · 22 Gretchen Philpot Roger Aden Rodney Aden Andrew...


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at American 3/24 to 3/31 March 24 8 & 10:30 am Palm Sunday Worship

March 28 7:30 pm Maundy Thursday and First Communion March 29 7:30 pm Good Friday Tenebrae March 31 7:00 am Easter Sunrise Service

Easter Breakfast 8:00 am Easter Egg Hunt 9:15 am Celebrate Easter 10:30 am

POSTAGE PAID Permit #83 Non-Profit

Organization Gothenburg,

NE 69138

A Congregat ion of the ELCA

1 Caden Geiken Jackson Widdifield Jessica Fochtman 2 Tom/Rhonda Jobman 3 James Houchin Nikita Peklo Loren Koch Todd Geiken Noel/Joni Jacobsen 4 Ellie Franzen 5 Vera Wolf Donna Schnackenberg Bryan Benash 6 Frances Schultz George Hubbert Deb Clark Bob White George/Marsha Sitorius 7 Heather Linden Thomas Hicken Moses Hallsted Nancy Jobman 8 Mary Monson Janice Gonzales 9 Latasha Howell Jimmy/Sylvia Carlson 10 Marlene Fiese 11 Rhonda Long Amy White Troy Maurer Marlyn/Yvonne Wolf

12 Kristi Land Lisa Bihlmaier Paul Johnson Chance Karges

Jodi Bebensee

13 Pat Trotter Joslyn Zarek 14 MaKaela Franzen Jessa Ehlers Dennis McCain 15 Sue Schmeeckle 16 Brenden Libich Corben Libich Jim/Lori Long 17 Quinn Haynes 18 Mark Aden Samantha Blasé 19 Dan Ehlers Larry Bihlmaier Mike Monson 20 Craig Zarek John Olson Lexi Johnson Al Childers 21 Garry Hicken 22 Gretchen Philpot Roger Aden Rodney Aden Andrew Aden Dena Hilyard Austin Schlake Jim/Pat Jobman

23 Marye Franzen Jennifer Cordell Jeanne McCain Ruth Rayburn Coltin Bebensee Jalisa Sabin 24 Linda Rodine Lois Holbein Jim Smith 25 Barrie Kuhn Michele Warner Cressy Daharsh Turner Gundell Jaxson Gundell 26 Quincy Halsted 27 Evonne Hicken Delaney Harm Alyson Thorman Darla Aufdenkamp 28 Ernie Blecha Sam Aden Erin Feather Keith/Judy Block 29 Owen Geiken 30 Seth Mach Kim Roethmeyer 31 Kayla Bihlmaier Connie Diaz Regan Stevens Sunny Mach

Birthdays and Anniversaries

When I arrived here at ALC, one of the first people I met was Kelly France. During our conversation I learned that he was getting ready to go to Luther Seminary. Knowing that the standard route for pastors is a four-year (three years of seminary tuition, plus one year of internship) master of divinity degree from a seminary can be expensive. Tuition averages about $12,000 a year, and living expenses can bring the total cost above $100,000. "About 80 percent of ELCA seminarians take out student loans, said Jonathan Strandjord, director for seminaries with the ELCA Congregational and Synodical Mission. In 2009, the average ELCA seminary graduate had $36,909 in student debt, he said, way above the $30,000 "threshold of concern." In other words, such a debt will be difficult for a pastor to pay off." I connected Kelly with Trinity Lutheran in Hildreth, NE knowing that they have funds to help support seminarians. They raise funds for seminarians each fall with an event, "Big Fat Fall Festival." Trinity has helped financially support Kelly this past year. Trinity Lutheran has also challenged ALC to help support through an annual event. Several months ago the council has added a budget line item for "Seminary Support" and we have supported Kelly through Memorial Funds. Our next step is to begin planning an annual event to help support this choice. If you are interested in this endeavor, please talk with me and share any thoughts or ideas. This year, the decision was made that ½ of the Lenten offerings will be designated to jump start this fund here in our church. Our hope is that we to can help men and women from Nebraska, especially those coming from small towns and rural areas who have a calling to ministry. As we plan what our annual event will be, I invite you to consider a donation to our Seminary Support Fund. In God's peace,

Pastor Tom

March March March March ANNOUNCEMENTSANNOUNCEMENTSANNOUNCEMENTSANNOUNCEMENTS Lenten Dailey Quarter/Offering Collectors are available in the office or in the information racks by each door. The money collected from these will be given to Oaks Indian Mission in Oklahoma and is greatly appreciated.

Friday, March 1 is World Day of Prayer 2013. World Day of Prayer is an ecumenical celebration of informed prayer and prayerful action. Join in the prayer service written by the women of France encouraging welcome for migrant people worldwide. The worship will be at 1:30 p.m. here at American Lutheran this year. Please join us.

The sign-up for Easter Lilies given in honor or in memory of a loved one will be placed on the welcome podium. They will be on display Easter Sunday, the 31st. The cost is $10.00 each.

Don’t forget to spring ahead your clocks on Sun. the 11th, Daylight Savings Time begins.

A backpack CAN a difference make! American Lutheran is bringing back the backpack program

to the Gothenburg community and you can be a part of its huge success. Each backpack will supply a family with a weekend of food. The Mission Team’s goal is to start with 10 families every week. If you know a family in need please have them call the church office.

Although it may seem early but registration has started for the Little Learners Preschool with Lori Kitzing here at church for next school year. Classes are available for 3-4 and 4-5 year olds. If interested please contact Lori at 529-1045.

The WELCA High Plains Spring Gathering is here at ALC on March 23rd from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Bishop Maas will be here for the morning Bible Study. Please come to the office for a registration form (due by March 15th) if interested in attending.

Thank you to Garry and Evonne Hicken and Lauren Kolasa for the work they did on the backdrop for the Lenten Services!

This month the Food Pantry has been helped out by many members and Monsanto. Monsanto volunteers even helped to clean up and organize all the items!

Reminders for Lenten Suppers in March: 3/6 Youth & Family/Memorial doing desserts, meal is Chili and Potato soups; serving by Evening Service Group #3 3/13 meal is 9 x 13 night of meat, salad, and desserts; serving by Evening Service Group #1

3/20 Evangelism/Visitation/Property doing desserts, meal is Vegetable Beef and Ham & Bean soups; serving by Evening Service Group #2

February Offering General: $19,787.11-$2374.45=$17,412.66 Local: $35.00 Improvement: $1410.00 All Else: $1530.00 Total expenses of month: $22,463.69

The special offering for March is: Lutheran Outdoor Ministry

Parish Planning Council Meeting Tuesday February 12th, 2013

7:00 p.m.

Minutes: Parish Planning Council met on February 12th. The meeting was called to order by Rodney Brooks. Pr Tom opened with prayer. Present: Linda Rodine, Rodney Brooks, Pastor Tom, Chuck Titkemeier, Stephanie Aden, Shawn Boyd, Jim Aden and Melissa Bell. Absent: Jane Franzen, Bob Jorgenson, Misty Schlake, Terry Jobman and Lonna Grabenstein The minutes to the previous meeting were reviewed. Jim motioned to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes were approved as printed. The treasurer’s report was reviewed. Linda made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report. The motion was seconded and passed. Pastor Tom: On January 19, 2013 we had a baptism for Logan Goodwin. On February 8, 2013 in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection we celebrated the life of Don Cook. On February 13, 2013 we will be celebrating the life Mildred Schledewitz. We have a request from a couple who are not members of the congregation who would like to be married here at American Lutheran Church. My understanding is that they just want to use the facility and do not need the services of ALC staff. Do we have a church policy about non-members using the facility for weddings? As I was working with the parents of Logan for the baptism we talked about the importance of church and faith development. What I learned was that dad works for the railroad and mom is a nurse at the hospital and both work on Sundays. That raised the question for me as to do we reach out and be present in the lives of families who have to work on weekends? I don’t have an answer to that question, but think it is something for Worship and Music committee to explore. Several months ago we started a fund to help seminary students financially. Have we done anything to inform the congregation and invite them to help support the fund? I know that the cost for seminary education is going up across all the seminaries across the ELCA. Do we want to make the fund one of our monthly special offerings? It may be too Late for this year since we have already designated the ministries for this year. Perhaps in 2014? Several questions have come up from staff about vacations. “What is considered a week in vacation time?” Who is responsible for tracking staff vacations? Lonna: How great is our God! It never ceases to amaze me how God answers prayer. I was feeling upset with myself because I was not able to travel to Lincoln to be with Nyla Fenster, Delores Gengenbach’s daughter, after her last surgery. Delores had told me that Nyla was in very serious condition and possibly facing death. In a conversation I had with Delores, she told me that a pastor had visited with Nyla and that pastor worked occasionally at the Eagle radio station. Eagle Radio is where Nyla was an ads salesperson. I asked if it was Pastor Ron and Delores said, “yes”. I love Pastor Ron and we are great friends. Coincidence…I say “No”. God knew that Nyla and her family would need support and prayers and he placed Pastor Ron in her life. Nyla’s funeral service was at Shepard of the Hills Lutheran Church in Hickman Saturday February 9th and Pastor Ron Drury officiated. It was a beautiful service celebrating a beautiful life that gave so much love to those around her. The LYO youth will be going to Dallas/Fort Worth in June. Registration materials are available and need to be to Lonna by February 24th. Committee Reports: Parish Education: met on February 4. The project for this month's Mission Sunday School was discussed. It was decided that wreath centerpieces for the Lenten soup suppers would be made. Kara will order wreaths and chargers. Arlene will check on crosses. Lori, Erin, and Barb will assist with the craft, and Lonna will give a message. The committee made final assignments for serving coffee this month. The committee is responsible for providing dessert bars for the Lent supper on February 27th. Erin, Stacy, Kara, and Lori volunteered to bring desserts. There was also discussion about how to keep families involved in the church after their babies are baptized and fulfilling the congregation’s baptismal promise to be involved in the spiritual life of the child. Members decided to give this matter further thought and will discuss it again. Lonna informed the committee that Trish Wagner has started to organize people to supervise the nursery during

church services. Committee members asked that Lonna find out from Trish what is to be expected in the nursery (e.g. does the attendant serve as a babysitter, does the attendant only supervise the activity in the nursery but let children come and go on their own, is there an age limit for children being in the nursery, etc.) so that we can communicate that to the congregation. Day Camp will be held June 3-6. Due to the church office being closed on April 1st, the committee decided to move their April meeting to April 8th. The next committee meeting will be March 4th. Property: discussed replacing the furnace in the north house and a hole in the roof over the hallway that has been patched several times. Trent will be looking at this and addressing it. Evangelism/Visitation: met January 13th and February 10th The committee reviewed brochures and assigned dates for serving coffee in January. Joyce will finalize brochures and review with Gothenburg Times before being printed. Music and Worship: met on February 11th Pastor Tom stopped in to discuss an alternative worship service. We discussed adding a service on another weekday or weekend evening. We also discussed having our worship band more often. No decisions were made, we will continue discussion. We discussed the ad in the paper for our Lenten worship opportunities. We did not see it last week. We will talk to Shawn Boyd about getting this in the paper this week if at all possible. Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday February 13, 2013 at 7:00 the Sanctuary has been prepared. Garry and Evonne Hicken have helped to make the sign behind the cross. Thank you so much for your time and talents. Music & Worship Committee is making the chicken noodle soup with help from some other folks for the 20th meal. The schedule is on the board in the parish hall. We are looking for additional greeters for the 8:00 service. We have added one couple, and will continue to ask folks to assist in this opportunity. The next meeting is March 11th at 5:00 pm Staff Support: did not meet Memorial: did not meet Stewardship: did not meet Youth and Family: On January 12th it was decided to combine a possible Soup and Pie meal with the Family Fun Day. As a result there will now be a Soup and Dessert Meal combined with White Elephant bingo. This will be held on Sunday, February 17th after the second service. Advertising will be out with request for White Elephant gifts to be given for prizes. Several committee members volunteered to provide prizes. In other discussion it was noted that there may be an opportunity for a food booth at the big BBQ Contest to be held in Lafeyette Park in April. The committee will look into this further. On February 11th, the committee finalized all the details for the Family Fun Day on February 17th. Chuck also notified the Committee they are responsible for providing dessert bars for the March 6th Lenten Supper. Chuck also reported that the Committee may also need to provide a few pans of egg casserole for the Easter Breakfast. Jennie Ehlers will communicate how many are needed. There is some confusion as to whether there is an opportunity for a food booth at the BBQ contest in April. The committee will look into this further to find answers and deal with it next month. In other discussion a couple of ideas for future events were presented and Chuck was asked to check with the PPC for their opinions. Discussion: 1) Report on Call Committee- call committee is meeting at least once a month. They have performed one mock interview with a pastor that proved to be very informative and educational. As of 3:30 this afternoon, the Congregational Profile for the call process was up and active on the web. Council has been asked to change the title of the position from senior pastor to solo pastor because senior pastor is the term used then there are at least 2 pastors in the church to designate seniority. This does not affect our PMA position or other staffings. 2) Use of Church for weddings of nonmembers & involvement- No clear cut current policy exists but Council is looking to develop one in the near future. 3) Decision of the four delegates for NE Synod Assembly: Eldon & Linda Rodine, Larry Franzen, Scott & Jackie France, Kelsey Grabenstein, and Diane Harm (order names were received). Diane withdrew. Jim motioned to nominate Eldon and Linda and Scott and Jackie as the delegates for the Assembly and in lieu of hotel rooms, mileage will be paid. The motion was seconded and passed. Chuck Titkemeier motioned to adjourn. The motion seconded and passed.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

9:45 W.I.C. 1:30 p.m. World Day of Prayer here


3 8 Worship/Communion 9:15 Sunday School 9:30 Community 10:30 Worship/Communion

4 11 Staff mtg 1 ALCW Board mtg 6 Parish Ed mtg 6:30 Staff Support mtg 6:30 GED Class

5 9:30 Pr @ text study 3:30 Girl Scouts 6:30 GED Class/ Daisy’s 7:30 Property mtg

6 NO JAM 5:45 Lenten Supper 6 1st Communion Class 7 Lenten Worship 7:45 Choir

7 No school 7:30 Al-Anon 8 AA

8 No school


10 Daylight Savings Time begins 8 Worship NO Sunday School 9:30 Community 10:30 Worship 11:45 Evangelism mtg

11 11 Staff mtg 1:15 Communion @ Stone Hearth 5 Music & Worship mtg 6 Youth & Family mtg 6:30 GED Class

12 3:30 Girl Scouts 6 Stewardship mtg 6:30 GED Class 7 PPC

13 3:30 JAM 5:45 Lenten Supper 6 1st Communion Class 7 Lenten Worship 7:45 Choir

14 9 LWR Quilt Tying 4:30 Cub Scouts 7:30 Al-Anon 8 AA

15 16

17 St. Patrick’s Day 8 Worship 9:15 Sunday School 9:30 Community 10:30 Worship 3:30 Hilltop worship

18 11 Staff mtg 6:30 GED Class

19 8:45 Hannah Circle 9:30 Pr @ text study 3:30 Girl Scouts 6:30 GED Class/ Daisy’s

20 Spring begins 1:30 school out 3:30 JAM 5:45 Lenten Supper 6 1st Communion Class 7 Lenten Worship 7:45 Choir

21 9 Prayer Circle 12 Dawson County Extension 6:30 NeF&APA 7:30 Al-Anon 8 AA

22 10 Newsletter deadline

23 8:30 – 3 WELCA High Plains Spring Gathering Retreat here

24 Palm Sunday 8 Worship/Communion 9:15 Sunday School 9:30 Community 10:30 Worship/Communion

25 11 Staff mtg 5 Hope Circle 6:30 GED Class

26 3:30 Girl Scouts 6:30 GED Class

27 9 Newsletter folding NO JAM 7:30 Choir

28 Maundy Thursday 9 LWR Quilt Tying 12 Book Club 7:30 Maundy Thursday Worship w 1st Communion 7:30 Al-Anon/ AA

29 Good Friday no school 7:30 Tenebrae Service


31 Easter 8 Worship/Communion 9:15 Sunday School 9:30 Community 10:30 Worship/Communion

ALC’s March 2013

Pastoral Acts for February: 2/8/2013 funeral of Donald Wayne Cook 2/13/2013 funeral of Mildred Elnora Schledewitz 2/27/2013 funeral of Alice Elaine Johnson

Other Member Funerals: 2/9/2013 funeral of Nyla Fenster in Lincoln

Ushers: 3rd 8 Kim Kitzing, Beth, Ross & Riley Ostendorf 10:30 Jim & Jodi Bebensee, Preston Franzen, Makayla Franzen 6th 7 Lyle Grabenstein, David Keiser, Marvin & Jill Franzen 10th 8 Glen & Sue Finke, T J & Ashley Brown 10:30 Rod Brooks, Roger Donner, Logan & Roger Koehler 13th 7 Eldon & Linda Rodine, Quinn Haynes, Zach Wolf 17th 8 Noel & Joni Jacobson, Brian & Torey Keiser 10:30 Trent & Misty Schlake, Ethan Bihlmaier, Brandon Bihlmaier 20th 7 Roine Ecklund, Dade Brock, Jason Wagoner, Mike Fochtman 24th 8 Rick & Pat Zarek, Tot & Pauline Holmes 10:30 Darren & Jane Franzen, Connie Stevens, Brook Stevens 28th 7:30 Greg Feather, Joyce Kolbo, LaMonte Schlake, Kyndal Holmes 29th 7:30 Scott & Jackie France, Cliff Brock, Lauren Kolasa 31st 7 Angie, Katie & Shelby Mannel, Mark Aden 10:30 Adam & Kelsey Grabenstein, Marvin & Jill Franzen 7th 8 Larry & Marye Franzen, Maddie Good, Sean Canas 10:30 Keith & Judy Block, Scott Aden, Jacob Franzen Greeters: 3rd 8 Elaine Finke, Anne Franzen, Mark & Patti Aden 10:30 Jason & Lisa Wagner, Joe & Carol Keiser 10th 8 Jim & Connie Dalrymple, Brad & Michele Warner 10:30 Dan & Kara Kreis, Cliff & Marilyn Brock 17th 8 Eldon & Linda Rodine, Charlie & Connie Bihlmaier 10:30 Jim & Jodi Bebensee, Greg & Robin Hirsch 24th 8 Noel & Joni Jacobsen, Shane & Kelly Terrell 10:30 Karl & Becky Randecker, Laurie Brown, Tricia Wagner 31st 7 Tot & Pauline Holmes, Corey & Keri Roth 10:30 Al Daub, Joyce Kolbo, Darren & Jane Franzen 7th 8 John & Jill Schmeeckle, Craig & Mary Finke 10:30 Casey & Kim Russman, Bob & Jill Jorgenson Communion Assistants: 3rd 8 Craig & Mary Finke, Larry Franzen, Maddie Good 10:30 Regan Geiken, Jim Gonzales, Preston Franzen, Britney Hicken 24th 8 Kevin Boyd, Karla Blasé, Dave Clark, Kim Kitzing 10:30 Boyd & Carolyn Hicken, Sylvia Carlson, Bailey Aden 28th 7:30 Emily Keiser, Zach Wolf, Blayre Streeter, Dan Tinlin 31st 7 TJ & Ashley Brown, Linda & Eldon Rodine 10:30 Makaela Franzen, Alex Jorgenson, Keith & Judy Block 7th 8 Brian & Torey Keiser, Pauline Holmes, Doug Block 10:30 Chad Schmidt, Dade Brock, Ethan Bihlmaier, Charlie Bihlmaier

Communion Bread Baker: 3rd Lonna Grabenstein 24th Stephanie Block 28th Carolyn Hicken 31st (double) Connie Dalrymple 7th Carol Wahlgren Acolytes: 3rd 8 Cade Hicken, Dakin Brock 10:30 Dakota Miller, Caden Geiken 6th 7 Wade Hotz, Jessica Bartlett 10th 8 Kassidy Kottwitz, Kylie Koehler 10:30 Keisha Glendening, Josee Hotz 13th 7 Andie Geiken, Kaitlyn Aden 17th 8 Dominic Long, Chandler Harm 10:30 Georgina Dishman, Taylor Rossell 20th 7 Cade Hicken, Caden Geiken 24th 8 Amber Brown, Kaitlyn Ronning 10:30 Jessica Bartlett, Caprisha Sabin 28th 7:30 Helena Jorgenson, Delaney Harm 29th 7:30 Dakin Brock, Logan Carlson 31st 7 William Mannel, Gabi Daharsh 10:30 Hannah Boyd, Grace Aden 7th 8 Zach Mauer, Dakota Miller 10:30 Wyatt Hotz, Chandler Harm Readers: 3rd 8 Kent Schlake 10:30 Jim Long 10th 8Carlin Daharsh 10:30 Adam Grabenstein 17th 8 Mary Finke 10:30 Chuck Titkemeier 24th 8 Blayr McMichael 10:30 Jill Jorgenson 28th 7:30 Jessica Fochtman 29th 7:30 Trent Schlake 31st 7 Jim Gonzales 10:30 Karl Randecker 7th 8 Connie Dalrymple 10:30 Kendra Boyd

Tape Ministry: 3rd Eldon Rodine 10th Bob Ronnekamp 17th Lloyd Hicken 24th Terry Jobman 31st Lloyd Hicken Sound: 3rd 8 Eldon Rodine 10:30 Judy Block 6th 7 Scott Aden 10th 8 Bob Ronnekamp 10:30 Tom Boyd 13th 7 Ken Christensen 17th 8 Lloyd Hicken 10:30 Scottie Jobman 20th 7 Bob Ronnekamp 24th 8 Eldon Rodine 10:30 Scott Aden 28th 7:30 Ken Christensen 29th 7:30 Judy Block 31st 7 Scottie Jobman 10:30 Tom Boyd 7th 8 Eldon Rodine 10:30 Judy Bloc

Duty List
