Alan Richardson RSA A3 Boards


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Welcome Capture encourages you to think beyond pressing just the button on your camera by setting you a range of Photographic challenges no matter how good you are at taking a picture. The challenges are split into three engaging categories community, walking and found objects.

Proposal Capture

Capture is a series of challenges that engage

participants in enjoyable and popular

activities involving photography such as

walking or taking a picture for someone else

to improve their wellbeing. The challenges

are aimed at everyone no matter what their

photographic capabilities. Research for

Capture suggests that many people have a

strong interest in photography, which has

been linked to improving everyday

well being, for example overcoming

anxiety. Photography is also an activity that

has mainstream appeal and is accessible with

many people now owning phones with a

built in camera. Another benefit of

photography is that it isn’t seen to be

overtly associated with mental health in

society. The charity Mind (that campaigns for

better mental health) suggests that

setting yourself realistic challenges and

being creative can enhance your well being

which Capture aims to do.

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Capture : Page 1

My Research for Capture

Susan Sontag (a theorist on photography)

explores the relationship between

photography and mental health. In her book

‘On Photography”, she suggests the process

helps us overcome anxiety for example she

points out that people enjoy taking pictures

in unfamiliar locations. Sontag also believes

that photography has become so popular that

most people don’t think about carrying it out

as art form.

Donald .A. Norman writing on

anthropomorphism in his book ‘Emotional

Design’ was also of use when conducting

research for the branding of Capture. He

suggests anthropomorphic responses can

bring delight and pleasure to a product if

executed well and make people build an

emotional connection with the brand. A Ted

Talk by Gabe Zichermann was helpful in

understanding what was engaging for the user.

He suggested that people are more motivated

to participate in activities involving


One example he gave was a decrease in

motorists breaking the speed limit in

America, this was due to drivers receiving

rewards for obeying speed cameras. The

‘Impossible project’ (a website that promotes

polaroid photography) was another source

of inspiration due to the site’s minimalistic


Primary research for Capture consisted of

asking creative people what they most

enjoyed about being creative. It was valuable

to ask people who were already very

creative, as they had tried out a range of

processes and challenges such as photography

already. Results from the research suggested

they would be willing to get involved in a

creative activity if they personally gained

something from it for example a reward or

learning a new skill. The research also

highlighted that respondents enjoyed getting

involved in the process of photography, for

example photo editing.

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ChallengesThink beyond pressing the button

Try out a range of photographic challenges to get you out and about.

Improve your photos composition

Find out about events near you


Find out what the latest Challenges are

Improve Events

Research Capture : Page 2

Photogrpahys Appeal

Capture would enhance the experience of

photography by setting the user challenges,

thus encouraging them to get out and about

and engage with other people. The challenge’s

categories walking, community and taking

pictures of found objects (such as textures on

rocks) are common activities that anyone can

take part in regardless of their background.

The challenges would also encourage people

to think differently about how they take

pictures, as the activities will encourage them

to think more creatively about the how they

take pictures for the challenges.

Capture’s Incentive

Capture will further encourage positive

behaviours by having a reward system for

doing the tasks, this would be done through a

progression feed similar to sites such as

‘Linked In’ encouraging people to go through

with the challenge and progress. Capture will

also have virtual badges that award the

progress the user makes. The website

encourages people to improve the

composition of their photos through looking

at the ‘improve photos’ section of the site and

making them aware of other photographic

skills they could further explore for example


Explore how to capture action in your shots.

Learn how to get to closer to smaller objects.


Introduces you to the importance of lighting in photography.

Action Close Ups

Benefits Take photos to the next LevelLearn a range of new tips and skills to help take your photos to a new level whether your an ametuer or professional through these tutorials.

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Capture : Page 3

Low Costs

From a financial point of view the project

would be low in cost due to Capture being a

website. Even the stages of interaction would

be low in cost as the site largely involves the

user responding to the challenges set using

their own camera. The challenges themself

would involve very little cost as they would

mostly encourage people to get out and

about in their own surroundings. Another

benefit of Capture being a website is that it is

universally accessible, for example even free

public areas such as libraries have Internet

connection and IT support. The Events

section would also be low in cost as this part

of the site allows users to find out about free

events and or ones low in cost near them

that maybe of interest and a good place to

take pictures, for example local sports events

and fun fairs. This will ensure Capture

maintains a mainstream appeal.


Impact on Society

Capture would have a great benefit on society,

as some of the challenges will consist of

people interacting with other people, for

example the challenges will encourage users

to take pictures and respond to challenges

with other people. There will be other social

aspects to the site such as sending pictures to

your friends and other people. The users will

even be able to set a challenge and see

people’s responses to them. Users will also

be able to set up a free account allowing them

to post their responses to the challenges set

by the site and other users, check their

progress through the site’s progress feed, post

images to other people and view other

people’s responses to challenges.

Take a picture or a range of pictures that

represent a change of time

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Posted : 1st March 2014


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Posted : 5th March 2014

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Challenge Progress

Scalablity Capture : Page 4
