Alabama Update October 2014



This is the October 2014 Alabama Update for the Alabama Churches of God of Prophecy.

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Pastor AppreciationWhen Moses’ hands grew tired…Aaron and Hur held his hands up. Exodus 17:12

Lifting Up God’s Servants


Lifting Up God’s servants as they

� Love the Lord

� Love their spouse

� Love their children and family

� Love neighbors through doing life with other Jesus followers

� Lovingly witness through imparting their very lives and the gospel

Lifting Up God’s servants as they:Lovingly witness through imparting their very lives and the gospel

Lifting Up God’s servants as they:Love neighbors through doing life with other Jesus followers

� Provide appropriate time off and finances for conventions, seminars, conferences, and continuing education—separate from vacations.

� Encourage and support involvement in men’s and women’s activities—without pressure to “lead” them.

� Encourage and support participation in a community- wide minister’s covenant group where peer encourage- ment and accountability are available.

� Encourage your pastor’s wife to establish friendships both in the church and in the broader Kingdom community.

� Invite your minister along on fun outings—fishing, hunting, sailing, or golf. Don’t talk about church, just relax.

� Invite your pastor or pastor’s wife out for lunch—not to talk church—but to relate.

� Allow for and support reasonable time away to serve other churches, previous ministries, or kingdom initiatives.

� Invite your ministry couple or family to enjoy a favorite vacation spot, community celebration, or sporting event.

� Initiate caring involvement when your ministry family faces life-challenges, like sickness or death. Celebrate with them in joys of life—new baby, graduations, weddings, etc.

� Encourage your ministry leaders to find their own mentors in the faith. Support your leaders as they disciple others both inside and outside your church.

� Encourage your pastor’s involvement in activities, hobbies, sports, and events which provide opportunities for outreach.

� Celebrate and affirm your minister when he shares the gospel in the traffic patterns of life.

� Support and encourage your ministry family’s involvement in their neighborhood and community as they do life with unchurched people.

� Celebrate and affirm ministry family involvement in Kingdom works of compassion and justice.

� Initiate strategies which connect ministers with the marketplace as Kingdom principles are applied to work, business, school, and community.

� Celebrate and affirm whole-life discipleship where the Good News is lived and shared as a part of the pastor’s identity, not merely a job on Sunday.

� Affirm the Concentric Circles of Discipleship as ministers disciple their own families, mentor others, reach, and disciple the unchurched.

� Encourage and celebrate a lifestyle of prayer for the unreached—through prayer lists, prayer walks, and prayer gatherings.

� Encourage and celebrate a lifestyle of caring for the unreached—through compassion and love as one who “has been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13).

� Encourage and celebrate a lifestyle of sharing with the unreached—through listening to their story, sharing our story, and imparting His story.

John 13:34–35; 2 Timothy 2:2 1 Thessalonians 2:7–8; Acts 4:13

visit for more information on

Lifting Up God’s servants as they:Love the Lord

Lifting Up God’s servants as they:Love their spouse

Lifting Up God’s servants as they:Love their children and family

� Pray regularly for your ministers and their families. � Form a covenant group who is committed to praying

daily for your ministers; seven members praying one day a week.

� Offer prayer for your pastor before worship services. � Encourage and support at least one day of “Sabbath

rest”; lovingly insist that your pastor take off at least one day each week.

� Encourage and support an annual spiritual renewal retreat to refresh your pastor’s intimacy with the Lord.

� Send notes of affirmation for your minister’s Christ-like character—their compassion, integrity, courage, dependability, etc.

� Resist any negative comments or comparisons related to your minister; talk to them directly if you have any concerns.

� Care for your minister’s health by providing or encouraging annual check-ups, wellness plans, health club memberships and insurance.

� Vulnerably and specifically share how God has used your minister to challenge, enrich, and encourage your walk with Jesus.

� Most ministers resist “receiving” so ASK, ASK, and ASK again, “How can I serve you? Support you? Help you?”

� Provide more than adequate, even generous salary, insurance, and retirement compensation.

� Give a gift card to a favorite restaurant for the ministry couple’s date night.

� Allow your minister’s wife to “be herself” and to be as involved in ministry as the couple discerns is best.

� Encourage and financially support your pastor and wife as they attend marriage-strengthening events and getaways.

� Remember birthdays and wedding anniversaries with appropriate recognition, gifts, cards and blessings.

� Celebrate Pastor Appreciation each year with notes, cards, and gifts—and very importantly, honor your minister’s wife!!

� Encourage and support an appropriate sabbatical from ministry after 5, 10, and 15+ years of ministry.

� Provide creative childcare options in order to support couple date nights and get-aways.

� Offer a church member’s vehicle, camper, cabin or time share so that your minister and wife can more easily get away for times of renewal.

� Surprise your ministry couple with an unexpected note, card, email, or text just to communicate, “We’re thinking of you and praying for God’s blessing”

� Encourage your pastor and wife to have couple friends in the church—without jealousy, pressure or unrealistic expectations.

� Allow your minister’s children to just be kids. Encourage them to be as involved in church activities as the family discerns is best.

� Give unused sports or concert tickets to your minister’s family. They make great gifts!

� Provide adequate and appropriate paid vacation—and lovingly insist on it being used.

� Provide for and protect your ministry family’s privacy, days off, and vacation time.

� Be intentional about getting to know your minister’s children—their interests, hobbies, and activities. Then be sure to ask about and support those interests.

� Encourage your ministry family to have family friends in the church—without jealousy, pressure or expectations.

� Acknowledge and celebrate ministry children’s birthdays, accomplishments and victories.

� Surprise your ministry family with an appreciative card and an appropriate, family-friendly gift.

� Bless your ministry family with a special Christmas gift or anniversary gift. Communicate that, “We’re excited that the Lord has blessed us with each of you!”

� Gift cards or service coupons are always a blessing— family restaurants, groceries, water parks, housecleaning, yard work, tree trimming, babysitting, or coupons for car repairs.

1 John 4:19; Matthew 22:37–38 1 Peter 3:7; Matthew 22:39 Psalm 127:3; Proverbs 22:6

GREAT COMMISSION LIVINGTherefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28: 19–20)

GREAT COMMANDMENT LOVELove the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind… and love your neighbor as yourself. (Matthew 22:37–39)


Sanctification on Second Work of GraceFundamentals of the Faith–Raymond Pruitt

Part II

1. Sanctification subsequent to regeneration. Regeneration is a complete and perfect work when considered in itself. It is

the bestowal of spiritual life in Christ by the agency of the Holy Ghost, through the blood of Christ. “In whom we have redemption

through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace” (Eph. 1:7; see also Col. 1:14). But the New Testament

economy offers what the Old Testament believers could never have–entire sanctification. They were justified, subject to Christ’s

validation of their sacrifices with His own blood (Rom. 3:25; Heb. 11:39, 40; 12:23), but now we are assured forgiveness of sins, the

new birth, and the crucifixion of the sin nature.

Regeneration is the impartation of spiritual life, but it is not the cleansing from the pollution of inbred original sin. Regeneration

and sanctification deal with different phases of sin; the former with sins committed, or sin as an act; the latter with sin inherited, or sin

as a principle or nature.

Why two distinct works of grace? It is not that the grace and power of Christ could not do everything in one single act, but this is

the way God chose to accomplish our full salvation, and there are good reasons why He chose to make sanctification a second work of


A. Psychologically, sanctification cannot normally take place at the same time as regeneration, because at that time the

individual is concerned with repentance and confession, and his concern is centered on the need for forgiveness, submission, and the

desire for being brought from death in trespasses and sins to life in Christ. Only after one has been born again is he in the position to

recognize his need for dealing with the inbred sin nature. Just as God does not save one who does not recognize his need and does not

respond in faith, so he does not sanctify one until there is a sense of need. The person may not know the theological terms for

sanctification, eradication, original sin, etc., but he will have a definite sense of need for something more from God. If he responds to

the Spirit in total submission to God and opens his heart in faith, God will sanctify him AFTER he is regenerated.

B. Old Testament types and shadows confirm the order of sanctification following the new birth. When a sacrificial animal

was brought to the door of the tabernacle to be offered, it had to be alive and healthy. No dead animals would be accepted for

offerings which were to be consecrated to God, and no animals with blemishes would be accepted. It was the living, healthy animal

which was consecrated as a sacrificial offering. Thus, God does not sanctify spiritually dead sinners; He sanctifies regenerated


C. Justification and regeneration deal with sins committed, and with the impartation of life to one who was dead in trespasses

and sins; sanctification deals with an altogether different aspect of sin, namely, inherited sin, or the sin nature which all men have from

Adam (Rom. 5:12).

D. Sanctification is obtained by faith which can be exercised only after fulfilling certain conditions, including complete


E. A number of biblical references clearly imply the need for a second work of grace which, according to the grammatical

analysis of the verbs, indicates the need for an instantaneous crisis experience following regeneration. All of the following statements

were written to Christians:

“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting

holiness in the fear of God” (2 Cor. 7:1).

“And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto

the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5:23).

“Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate” (Heb. 13:12).

The list is by no means exhaustive. A study of the section entitled “The Meaning of Sanctification”, in the previous chapter

will give more scriptural evidence for sanctification as a second work of grace.

2. Sanctification as a cleansing from inbred sin. As we have seen, sanctification is the act of destroying the sin nature and

making one holy. Original sin corrupts the entire race of men, and it will not be abolished until the consummation of all things. But in

the sanctified individual it is abolished by the blood of Christ (Heb. 9:22; 10:19; 13:12; Rev. 1:5; 7:14), and so long as we remain in

Christ, the old carnal man has been cast out, not just suppressed and restricted. The old nature is eradicated by the blood of Christ, and

we are made holy through Him.

Sanctification is not just an imputed righteousness, but is rather imparted, or infused, righteousness. We are “partakers of His

holiness” (Heb. 12:10). Peter says we are “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pet. 1:4). Justification is an imputed righteousness;

sanctification is infused righteousness. An imputed work of grace never becomes a quality of the soul. Being the work and merit of

Another, it can only be reckoned to us, but never infused. Infused holiness is “shed abroad in our hearts” (Rom. 5:5). That Christ,

through the Holy Spirit does work a real righteousness in those He sanctifies is well supported by Scripture (see Rom. 8:4; Phil. 1:11; 1

John 3:7; etc. ). H. Orton Wiley writes concerning sanctification as cleansing as follows:

The extent of cleansing according to the Scriptures, includes the complete removal of all sin. Sin is to be cleansed

thoroughly, purged, extirpated, eradicated and crucified; not repressed, suppressed, counter-acted or made void, as

these terms are commonly used. It is to be destroyed; and any theory which makes a place for the existence of

inbred unscriptural.

3. Sanctification as consecration and separation to God. Not only is this separation a separation from sin; it is also a

separation to God. Just as the tabernacle and temple were sanctified with all their furniture and vessels (cf. 2 Chron. 29:5, 15-19; Ex.

40:10, 11; Num. 7:1; 2 Chron. 7:16), so the believer in sanctification is wholly offered to the Lord. While it is an offering of ourselves

to Him, it also involves His acceptance of the offering, and making it conform to His holiness, so that the nature of the offered living

sacrifice is changed to conform to His holiness. Sanctified Christians do not live by rigid external laws of “holiness living”, but by the

inner law of holiness which is written in their hearts. The baser appetites and propensities are replaced by superior values in the

intellectual, moral, and spiritual realms. Christ reigns supreme, and He governs the conduct of the saint according to what He is. When

the heart is right, the conduct of life is right. “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life” (Prov. 4:23).

4. The conditions for acquiring and maintaining a sanctified life. Sanctification is required for all Christians. God has

commanded, “Be ye holy; for I am holy” (1Pet. 1:16). This means that every regenerated person may look to God in full assurance

that He is ready and willing to sanctify all who recognize the need for cleansing from inbred sin, and the need for holiness, and will

give themselves wholly to Him as living sacrifices. Submission to God and faith to receive, constitute the ground which is necessary

for sanctifying grace. The sanctified state is the house cleaned and made ready for the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, which is offered

to every sanctified believer as the enduement of power for service (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8), and as his Paraclete–the One who dwells

within to provide whatever it is the believer needs for victorious living and service (John 14:26; 15:26).

The sanctified state is maintained by abiding in the Vine and allowing the life of the Vine to flow freely through the branch.

A. J. Tomlinson wrote:

In order to obtain this experience, the believer puts himself at once–or by one act of faith–into the cleansing stream

and is immediately made clean. He then continues in that stream, or continues faithful, and is kept clean. Purity is

retained on the same condition that it is obtained; and to keep under the cleansing wave is to be faithful to the

conditions of purity. Jesus expresses this continual cleansing by the figure of abiding in the vine. Believers at

once–or by one act of faith–become united to the vine and receive His life and purity, and, abiding in this vine, they

continue to receive His life and bear His fruit.

III. Holiness

As we have seen in the beginning of the previous chapter, the New Testament word hagiadzo, “to make holy”, has four basic

meanings: (1) of things–to set aside or to make suitable for ritual purposes (see Ex. 29:27; Matt. 23:19); (2) of persons–to consecrate,

to dedicate, to include in the inner circle of what is holy (see Ex. 28:41); (3) to treat as holy, to reverence (1 Pet. 3: 15; Isa. 8:13); (4)

to purify (see Rom. 15:16; 1Cor. 1:2; 1Thess. 5:23).

A holy person, then, is one who is separated from defilement, and to God. He is cleansed and set apart to serve God, and is

totally dedicated to Him and His service, “Holiness, purity of heart and life, is made possible by the experience of sanctification.” In

the crisis experience of sanctification, the inbred sin nature is crucified, permitting the holy nature received in regeneration to fully

express itself in pure desires, pure intentions, and pure motives for its actions. Reverence for God and a desire to glorify Him in all

things is paramount, and the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts. The soul pants for God as the hart pants after the water brooks

(Psa. 42:1). In consequence, anything which hinders one’s communion with God or thwarts his spiritual progress is a source of

genuine grief. In spirit, soul, and body, he cultivates purity and abhors anything that would contaminate any part of his being.

The sanctified Christian is made holy in an instant, just as a baby is born a human at once. But the holy life, like the

developing human being, must be brought to maturity through the exercise of holiness in one’s daily life. M. A. Tomlinson writes:

When one is cleansed and the carnal mind is eradicated, then he is ready to perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord.

This purity of heart must be developed. The experience cannot be retained unless it is cultivated and used. It must

be carried into all activities of life.....The experience of sanctification enables one to live a life of holiness without

which no man shall see the Lord.

This growth in spiritual maturity is the progressive aspect of sanctification. The instantaneous and the progressive aspects of

sanctification are clearly set forth in 2 Corinthians 7:1: “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from

all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” On the twofold nature of sanctification as set forth in this

verse, Winchester and Price note:

The word for ‘cleanse’ is an aorist, indicating a definite act of cleansing, whereas the word ‘perfecting’ is in the

present tense and plainly indicates a progressive process. This is to say to us that the negative side of holiness, the

cleansing, is accomplished in a moment as a divine act, whereas the positive growth in holiness is an ongoing

process of perfecting the believer in Christian ethics and maturity. Here Dr. Steele reminds us that Paul’s

exhortation, by virtue of tense, is, “Let us cleanse ourselves at a stroke from every filthiness of the flesh and spirit.’

He then continues, ‘If Paul had been exhorting to a gradual inward cleansing he certainly would have not used the

present tense.’

Next month: Christian Perfection

Alexander City: Thechurch surprised ourpastor, Brother JeremyBeard, with a birthdayparty. Everyonebrought cards or giftsand plenty of food. Thechildren’s church wasi n c h a r g e o fdecorations, as usual,they did an outstandingjob.

Chickasaw: Ouryouth held a lock-inwith bowling and alife size game ofSorry with Bible questions. Weenjoyed pizza and worship with thegroup, ‘Breaking Chains’. OnAugust 30 , our ladies met forth

fellowship at Captain D’s and themen met at Dairy Queen. We allhad a wonderful time.Cottondale Community: OurBack-To-School Bash was a hugesuccess with over 250 in attendance. Youth Pastor, Hunter Snider, did anoutstanding job organizing theevent. The group ‘Rising Fall’ wasthe guest worship leader for theevent and Brian Early was thefeatured speaker. On Wednesdaysyouth and children’s ministries have been averaging 50 inattendance with the church vanpacked every week with communitychildren. Special thanks to PamelaMartin for her time and effort inreaching new children every week. We have been blessed by theaddition of our AdministrativeAssociate Pastor Chris Barnett andfamily. They are doing atremendous job building God’sKingdom and leading us into thepresence of the Lord. We arebeginning a new renovation projectthat will modernize our facilities andturn our gymnasium into awonderful sanctuary. To God Bethe Glory for the great things He is

doing at CCC!Fayette-North Pointe: Brother andSister Smalley attended theInternational Assembly and waereblessed by the fellowship, trainingand messages from our leadershipteams. We are so blessed to be partof the Church of God of Prophecyand looking forward to proceedingwith the CORE VALUES of‘Prayer’, ‘Leadership’ and ‘Harvest’. The youth group enjoyed a day atthe Trussville Playstation and had apicnic lunch together. The men’sministry held a work day to mow theyard for a member of our churchwho had back surgery. They alsoenjoyed a men’s breakfastfellowship. The music ministry helda hotdog fundraiser and showed themovie “God Is Not Dead”. Therewere 73 in attendance who wereblessed and encouraged by themovie. Praise GOD!....HE ISALIVE!!! It has inspired us all tostand for what we believe no matterwhat the world thinks. We held ourannual Friends and Family Day andreceived several visitors. There waswonderful fellowship. Gadsden-Living Waters: Thismonth we welcomed three covenantmembers: Linda Davidson, GregMayo, and Sharon Mayo. Ourmen’s ministry kicked off the month

with a communitypancake breakfast. The ladies’ ministryheld their monthlymeet ing wi th acovered dish meal. We concluded them o n t h w i t h awonderful 5 Sundayth

night singing. Thespecial guest singerwere ‘Point of Honor’w i t h a s p e c i a lappearance by the guysof the former group

‘Master’s Design’. We werehonored to have Brother CephusProphitt come and deliver the Word. The Holy Spirit moved in a greatway.Greenpond: God is good. Yes Heis. Friends and Family Day wasawesome. The altar was filled withpeople seeking the Lord. Thesinging was local talent and foodand fellowship followed. CindyHickey was our guest speaker forLadies’ Day. Her topic “EnteringGod’s Presence” was truly ablessing to each of us. The Seniorsenjoyed a fun filled trip touring theBear Bryant Museum and had lunchat Dreamland BBQ.Haleyville-Pathway: Our youth areworking hard on their youthbuilding. They are sanding andpainting walls. The children’schurch room is ready for paint andwe have put up new lights. This hasmade the children so excited to seethis progress.Jasper-Airport Road: God iscontinuing to bless our church. Revival is in the air! We had ababy, Abigail Jo Piper, dedicated tothe Lord. It was a very special andsacred time for our church family. Pray that God will continue to blessour efforts as we go forth into ourharvest field!

Leesburg: We were privileged tohave Brother Rias from Africa tospeak one Sunday morning aboutthe work of the Lord in Africa. Theyouth group was told if they had anattendance of 50 at least one nightduring VBS that they could have alock-in. They kept increasing everynight and did in fact reach that goal. They got to have a fun night at thelock-in! We participated in theWorld’s Longest Yard Sale andraised over $1600 for our buildingfund. The Adult Sunday SchoolClass went on a field trip toChandler Mountain Tomato Farm. The Spirit of the Lord is movingmightily in our services. People arein the altar almost every service andwe had 22 members join the churchthis past month. To God be theglory!Short Creek: God is blessing atShort Creek. We are seeing visitors each week. Our youth are involvedin worship, helping around thechurch and praying in the altar. Please pray for our community andschools as the children have begunanother school year. Jesus is comingsoon, we must be about our Father’sbusiness.Tarrant: August was a G-R-E-A-Tmonth. Our children weresomewhat excited about going backto school. We hosted the TrueNorth Birmingham District Ladies’Conference (59 in attendance). WOW...the ladies all wore hats,enjoyed a ‘tea party’ and wereblessed to have Dustin Atkins as theguest speaker. Each churchparticipated in making the programa success. We want to thank‘Maxine’ played by Laura Stronge,for dropping by and sharing a timeof laughter with the ladies. The bestof all, we had a young lady receivethe baptism of the Holy Ghost. Praise the Lord! The last Friday of

the month, we came together forsupper/movie night. We ended themonth with our 5 Sunday singing. th

God is good all the time, all the timeGod is good. Trinity: We had an eighty year oldlady to come up for prayer. She toldus she wanted to be forgiven. Weall prayed and rejoiced to know thatanother soul had been pulled out ofthe fire of hell. They tell us it isunusual for a person this age tochange their life, but we thank God,for He is the one that made itpossible. Winfield City Family: Theconcrete slab and plumbing havebeen installed after a lot of hardwork and many long hours byvolunteers. God bless everyone and“thank you” for your help gettingour church building off the ground. The best is yet to come.....Callingfor people to come to Christ inWinfield, Alabama. GOODGROUND! Matthew 13:23 But hethat received seed into the goodground is he that heareth the word,and understandeth it; which alsobeareth fruit, and bringeth forth,some an hundred fold, some sixty,some thirty. Keep in

October Pastor Appreciation Month

Show your pastor they are loved andappreciated.....

* give a special offering* take them out to a good meal* bring a meal to their home* pray more for them* love on them* be willing to help them in church activities to take the load off them.* add more ways....................

Tips For Abundant LifeCarolyn Guyton

Revival. Most people would agreewith me that we, the church, are in needof revival. It is important that werealize though, who the church is. Thechurch consists of you and me. Sotherefore, I need revival and you needrevival. We need restoration, renewaland revitalization. We need arefreshing and a refilling. I would liketo share some tips for beginningrevival.

* Sacrifice of praise. Hebrews 13: 15instructs us to “offer the sacrifice ofpraise to God continually.” To quoteJohn Piper, “One of the reasons that somany Christians lead such weak andunhappy and ineffective lives is thatthis exhortation is disobeyed most ofthe time. Ask yourself, does the praiseof God grow out like fruit on your lipscontinually?” If you can’t answer inthe affirmative, then make that changetoday!

* Sharing. The best way to reviveourselves is to do something forsomeone else. I propose that bysharing the gospel and God’s love, wedirectly improve ourselves and thechurch. This is actually a win-win-win! We are revived, the body of Christ isenlarged, and another person becomesfree to enjoy God’s peace and joy.Seek every day for the abundant lifethat only comes from God.For free e-book, subscribe to Live!mailing list at;


Prayer Line with Dr. WesslySaturdays 9:00 - 10:00 AM

Dial 712-432-1690

Haleyville-Pathway: We wouldlike to remind everyone...ourHomecoming the third Sunday inOctober. Come help us celebrate!Haleyville-Pathway: Our youthare hosting a Judgement House theend of October. All are welcome!

STATE WEB SITESA l a b a ma U p d a t e B l o g :W W W . a l a b a m a u p date.blogspot.comAlabama Web Site: alcogop.orgYouth-Tim Beck Web:



Rodney Bridges, 707 4 Streetth

SE, Ft. Payne, AL, 35967; 205-317-5642.Joey Dobbs: Member of SterrettChurch of God of Prophecy. Telephone (205)746-3017.Earlean Emerson, P O box 1863,Hamilton, AL 35570. Telephone(205) 921-5637.Christine & Curtis Englebert,111 Woodland Road, Dora, AL35062 Telephone (205) 648-2871or cell # 205-275-1199. Fillin for pastors also.Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 30Cordova, AL 35550; 205-388-1087 or 388-3129. Fill in forpastors also.


James Adkins, P O Box 921,Collinsville, AL 35961-0920,Telephone (256) 524-3130.Anita Falkner Parker, 3615Moody Pkwy, Moody, AL 35004. Telephone (205) 640-6207.Brenda Kay Pate, P O Box 30;Cordova, AL, 35550; 205-388-1087or 388-3129.

BIRTHSAlexander City: Warren JackSimpson was born February 14 . th

Grandparents are Jeff and NonnieWare. Warren was born prematureand stayed in the hospital forseveral months. He made his firstappearance at church the lastSunday in August.Aliceville: Lydia Grace Guthrie wasborn August 21 . Her parents arest

Aaren and Megan Pate.

DEDICATIONHappy Hill: Parents, Heth andHeather Burgett, presented theirbaby, Tindley Ann, to be dedicatedto God on August 17 . th

Jasper-Airport Road: Abigail JoPiper was dedicated in August byher parents, Daniel and Ari Piper.

DEATHSAnniston-Praise & Worship: RayJackson left this life on August 30 .th

Hackleburg: We regret the loss ofEulice Cochrum this month.Hackleburg: We moan the passingof Fayrene Lolley this month.Happy Hill: This month our church grieved the loss of James RichardKing as he went to his final rest. Huntsville-Bell Road: AlmaArdertia Lindsey left us July 15 . th

She will be missed.


Patsy GannBillie Ann HumphriesPatsy PriceWilton PriceJames Simpson

ANNIVERSARIESOdell and Pat GreenKrameon and Frances MartinSylvester and Bobbie Smith


Hydrate Campus Tour

October14 Hamilton, MS K-12 MS

October1 - 31 Pastor’s Appreciation24-25 Men’s Conference

Camp BootheNovember6-9 Gordon-Conwell Seminary

Camp BootheDecember 31-January 3 Winter Conference

“The New American Revolution”

Pastor Appreciation Month

Good Resources

Alabama Men's Conference

10/01/2014 Greetings Unshakable Men! We are just a little over three weeks away from this year's Men's Conference (October 24-25), and I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to be a part of this powerful weekend of ministry designed just for you. Some of the highlights of this year's conference will be a special pre-conference bowling tournament at Brunswick Riverview Lanes located at 2908 Riverview Road in Birmingham, AL (off Highway 280) on Friday (times TBA). You can register a team or as an individual. Prizes and trophies will be awarded to the winning team(s) and individual(s). Information on how to register will be sent out next week. Registration for the conference will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, with dinner being served at 5:30 p.m. The main worship service will crank up around 7:00 p.m. with our guest worship leader, Nic Jackson and team. We are also excited to announce our special guest speaker, Bishop Michael Willingham from Kentucky will be ministering on Friday evening and on Saturday morning. You will be blessed by his ministry! I'm also very pumped about our Huddle times on Saturday morning and afternoon. These Huddles will be stirring challenges for men to rise up and become model men for Christ to their families, churches, and workplace. These Huddle times are designed to take you from mediocre to mighty! All this will be packed into 24 hours of glory! But here’s the fine print…we need you to register for Men's Conference 2014 as soon as possible. How much is registration and how do I register? Registration is only $45 (excludes bowling tournament), and you can download an application at, and click on "APPLICATIONS". Mail your application to: Men's Conference at Camp Boothe, P.O. Box 240, Greenpond, AL 35074. This covers your materials, meals, and accommodations. Also, don't forget to bring bedding for twin beds, pillows, blankets, towels, etc. So make plans to join us on October 24-25 at Camp Boothe in Greenpond, AL for the Unshakable Men's Conference! You won't be disappointed! I look forward to seeing you and your men there! Unshakable… Neal Wright Alabama Men's Conference Director

Alabama  Men’s  Conference  

October    24-­‐25  

Camp  Boothe  –  Greenpond,  AL  

August Statistics 2014

CHURCH SM TITHES Alexander City 32 3265.99 Aliceville 10 3015.54 Alton 54 9934.23 Altoona 21 2215.00 Anniston Praise Worship 54 6447.76 Bayou La Batre 11 510.00 Bessemer Hopewell Rd 115 15377.70 Woodland Hills 68 9422.39 Boaz 6 1033.30 Boldo 35 --- Brown’s Chapel --- 1798.32 Browntown 46 4187.49 Calera Harvest Chapel 90 --- Carbon Hill 111 7587.21 Chickasaw 23 1909.00 Citronelle 14 2379.00 Clanton 25 3016.45 Collinsville Harvest Center No Report Cordova 68 6551.50 Cottondale 117 3254.00 Cunningham Bridge 4 888.00 Decatur 42 3237.60 Dothan 7 1501.20 Dry Valley 2547.96 East Lake Highlands 43 2248.35 Elba --- 732.00 Elkmont No Report Eoline/Tuscaloosa --- 3118.23 Fayette-North Pointe 90 3909.00 Fort Payne 8 644.06 Gadsden Living Waters 49 5475.86 Goodwater Joyful Praise --- 1653.46 Gordo 43 8518.30 Grant-Sanctuary No Report Greenpond 78 7328.87 Grove Hill No Report Hackleburg 189 29006.94 Haleyville Pathway 72 4961.25 Hamilton New Heights No Report Happy Hill 85 13424.94 Harris Chapel 46 9218.18 Hartselle 11 1520.55 Hazel Green 51 ---

CHURCH SM TITHES Huntsville Mastin Lake 81 8334.79 Bell Road 14 2196.00 Mission --- Jasper 28 5365.00 Leesburg 100 9734.30 Lincoln 28 1678.20 Mentone No Report Montgomery 11 1441.00 Moulton 18 2822.00 Munford Silver Run 22 1436.00 Odenville 57 1863.99 Pelham 29 4271.07 Parrish 16 1150.00 Phil Campbell 9 1600.00 Pinson Parkway 37 2093.30 Poarch 5 576.98 Red Bay 20 3532.65 Robertsdale 23 1512.00 Rock Cliff No Report Russellville Living Word --- Sheffield Cliff Haven 138 22615.82 Short Creek 51 3754.00 Sterrett 115 11629.00 Summerbrook 36 4107.14 Tannehill Mission --- Tarrant City 39 2617.55 Trinity Worship 67 16146.30 Twilleytown 52 4515.00 West Blocton 17 --- Winfield Family 29 2302.81 World Outreach --- THE ABOVE STATISTICS WERE TAKEN FROM TREASURERS’ REPORTS RECEIVED IN STATE OFFICE AS OF SEPTEMBER 2014

Reports from Previous Months May Bell Rd 15 1999.63 June Bell Rd 15 2660.50 July Bell Rd 13 2019.00

ALABAMA UPDATE NON-PROFIT ORG.Church of God of Prophecy U.S. POSTAGE P.O. Box 707 A PAID Bessemer, Alabama 35021-0707

Permit No.256 BESSEMER, AL


Our Sympathy to our Ministers Families

James Richard KingAugust, 2014

Paul (Velma) King’s brother

Eddie LoveOctober 2, 2014

Deceased Betty Love’s husband

Doris Ruth NixSeptember 18, 2014

Wife of Bob Nix and daughter of former AlabamaOverseer, W. T. Holland

Vernell Bradford ParkerSeptember 17, 2014

Paulette (Jim) Ramsey, Raymon (Arlene) and Wayne(Donnie) Sutton’s sister

The Alabama Update is the official monthlypublication of the Church of God of Prophecy inAlabama. Yearly subscription rate is $7.00. Statements in this publication referring to the Churchof God have reference to the Church of God ofProphecy. Articles and news briefs submitted forpublication must be received by the fifth of the monthfor publication, and should be sent to: AlabamaUpdate, PO Box 707, Bessemer, AL . 35021-0707.

L. V. Jones, EditorBillie Ruth Jones, Assistant Editor

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