Al Eman Islamic Schools Presents Chapter 1-2-3 For prep 3



Al Eman Islamic Schools Presents Chapter 1-2-3 For prep 3. What did Axel try to do when his uncle went out? He tried to from latin words who broke the secre t code? .Axel. How could Axel break the secret code? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Al Eman Islamic Schools


Chapter 1-2-3

For prep 3

1. What did Axel try to do when his uncle went out?He tried to from latin wordswho broke the secre t code?.Axel. How could Axel break the secret code? He Saw some latin words at the back of the parchment. These words helped him to break

the secret code. 4 How did Axel feel when he read the secret message?.He was frightened Why didn’t Axel tell his uncle about his discovery (that he broke the secret code)?Because his uncle would make this journey and take Axel with himWhy did Axel want to burn the parchment? To stop his uncle from reading the parchment and making that journey to the centre. of

the earthWhy didn’t Axel burn the parchment?Because his uncle cameWhy did he tell his uncle that he broke the secret code?Because his uncle didn’t eat or sleepWhat was the secret message?The secret message showed how to go to the centre of the Earth through SneffelsWhat did the professor do when he read the parchment (the secret message)?He gave a great cry and jumped to his feet

What did the professor decide to do when he read the secret message?

He decided to make a journey to the centre of the Earth

How did the Professor feel when he read the secret message?

He felt excited . He jumped to his feet and gave a great cry

How did the Professor know that Sneffels was in Iceland?

From the atlasWhy did he ask Axel to bring the atlas?To show him the places Arne had written about on

the map of Iceland

How many craters leads to the centre of the Earth? .Sneffels has several craters Only one leads to the centre of

the Earth

Why was Axel afraid of making this dangerous journey?.Because Sneffels might erupt.Everyone knows that the centre of the Earth is very hotWhich crater leads to the center of the Earth?The crater which the shadow of Scartaris touches be fore

JulyWhat was the Professors decision when he read the secret

message?He decided to make a journey to the centre of the earthWhy did Axel and the Professor travel to Iceland?To make a journey to the centre of the earth