Ako'y Pilipino



Engineering Ethics

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Matatag/ Strong

Destructive Earthquake, Huge Fires, Eruption of Volcano, High-level Floods and Many Strong Typhoons- theses devastating calamities happened on our country in the past few years and probably will still happen for the next five years or more. The said unfortunate situations happen yearly and many Filipinos are affected. Many lost their houses, things and loved ones but these heartbreaking event doesn’t shake them nor make them weak. At first, they weep, lose hope and make mistakes but that doesn’t mean they’re losers. Eventually, these feelings will become their string of strength. They will become stronger and they will use it as their guide on the endless problems facing them.

Filipinos are used to this kind of set-up and they always manage to see light amidst of the darkness caused by this calamities. They can still laugh and make joke even if they are going through something. When there are times that you are discouraged, always think and believe that you are strong and that you can achieve your goals. Filipinos don’t give up. They always face the world with a strong and determined heart. They served their country with the help from the Lord.


Juan dela Cruz us known in the Philippines as a representation of a Filipino. Juan is always associated with being lazy but Juan is not really lazy. Many Filipinos take their part in making the Philippine economy better. There are different versions of Juan. They are everywhere. Some of them are farmers, factory workers, Overseas Filipino Workers. They work hard, day and night just to have food on their dining table, to send their children to school and to make their lives better.

Filipinos are diligent and they are the real heroes. The taxes and remittances are the reason on why are country can still rise despite of different circumstances. The real Juan Tamads are the people who are spending the fund of the country on luxurious things even though they are not the one who worked for it. Now is the perfect time that every Juan reveal their faces and make themselves known as the hardworking, diligent Filipino.

Matulungin/ Helpful

One of the most important traits of a Filipino is being helpful. This trait is well known by the other nationalities. Many foreigners describe the Filipino

people as hospitable and warm because they always lend their hands to those who are in need whatever the situation is. They are always ready to help even they are not asked.

Filipinos have the initiative to help everyone around them. Helping other people is like a part that is built on a Filipino’s system that whenever someone comes to their home they welcome them ad offer them food and drinks. They also help each other especially during calamities like floods and fires. People gather together to help a single person. They help someone wholeheartedly and don’t expect money in return.

Filipinos help people because they want to and they know when someone is already depending on them. To prevent that from happening, they teach the person what to do instead of doing it for them. Being helpful shows that Filipinos are not selfish and they are always ready to give time and attention to help those who are in need. They do not think for themselves but also everyone around them.


Filipinos are artistic and talented which is given By God. Being artistic and talented enables us to be productive and gives us the ability to do something useful. This trait is part of every Filipino. It will be a waste if they don’t use it efficiently. They should learn to develop this ability and use it in a right and helpful way.

If you still don’t know what you’re good at or what is the ability that defines you, take time to know yourself better because it is just inside you, waiting to be discovered. God gave every person an ability to use it to lift other people not to bring them down. This ability is not a key to make other’s

life miserable but better and it should not be used to be superior compared to others but to keep you humble while serving God using this talents.

Determinado/ Determined

Children are always asked what they want to be when they grow up. At that instant, dreams are starting to build. These dreams will make one’s life better. Filipinos often dream of having a house, being rich in short having a better life. And as they grow up, they become determined to reach those dreams. They don’t want to just get stuck on the life they have. They want more, they want the best. Filipinos always set their goals and then they will focus until they have it in their hands.

Storms, earthquake and different problems can’t stop them from achieving want they want. Determination becomes their shield against these problem. Filipinos don’t give up easily, instead they put 100% effort with the help from God and having patience to achieve their dream. If every Filipino use this determination to face the problem in our nation, then we will have a brighter future.

Matiisin/ Patient

Most of the time impulsive decisions result to problem. Being patient and waiting for the right time gives us a moment to think and realize the advantage and disadvantage of the act that we are about to do.

Based on the history, Filipinos are observed to be patient and reserved under the control of foreigners. Until now, Filipinos are reserved and patient when it comes to the government system of the Philippines. This may seem that the Filipino people are tolerating this kind of government or that they’ve given up in making the country better but it is not like that. Filipino people are just observing and thinking about the most effective way to make the situation better. This cannot be done without time to think things through and be patient. According to St. James, people should not be troubled when there are problems happening on our life. Instead we should be delighted because this trial makes us more patient and closer to God.

Matapat/ Honesty

Honesty is a trait that is not commonly possessed by the Filipinos today. Many people are not honest in their workplace, school and family. Dishonesty leads to different hideous acts such as robbery. Some of the Filipinos working abroad rob their employer’s money and things. Some rob their countrymen and some rob their own country.

Thinking about those acts of some Filipinos make the Philippines look bad. Filipinos should not stop in making this country a better place. There are still honest Filipinos present today like the taxi driver who returns the money that left on his car. They should wake up and start the change. God doesn’t want His children to be in trouble, He wants us to take our part in building a nation that is honest and peaceful.

Philippine Presidents

Emilio Aguinaldo (1898-1901)

- He is the first president of the republic of Philippines and Emilio Aguinaldo is the first one who managed democratic republic in Asia. He is considered as revolutionary leader. His greatest contribution is that he fought against Spanish and American to retain our independence

Manuel A. Quezon (1935-1944)

- He is the first president of the Philippine Commonwealth. Notable facts about Manuel Luis Quezon is that, he is known as the “Father of National Language” (Ama ng Wikang Pambansa) because he made Tagalog/ Filipino as the national language of the Philippines. He created National Council of Education and he also initiated women’s suffrage in the Philippines during the Commonwealth.

Jose P. Laurel (1943-1945)

- Jose P. Laurel is the president during the World War II and during his term the Philippines is under Japanese-sponsored republic. He was

considered as the legitimate president of the Philippines and he organized KALIBAPI or also known for Kapisinan sa Paglilingkod sa Bagong Pilipinas.

Sergio Osmeña (1944-1946)

- Sergio Osmeña was the second president of the Commonwealth; he succeeded Quezon after his death. During his time, the Philippine National Bank has been rehabilitated and the country joined the International Monetary Fund. He joined US Gen. Douglas McArthur in Leyte on October 20, 1944 starting the freedom of the Philippines from the Japanese during World War II

Manuel A. Roxas (1946-1948)

- Roxas was the fifth president of the Philippines overall but he was considered as the third and last president under the Commonwealth and the first of the Third Republic of the Philippines. He only sat in the office for 1 year, 10 months and 18 days.

Elpidio Quirino (1948-1953)

- He is a law student and also called the Father of Philippine Industrialization. Elpidio Quirino is the second president of the Third Republic. He is known for general economic gain and during his time he also created Integrity Board to monitor graft and corruption.

Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957)

- Ramon Magsaysay is known as the “idol of the masses” because of his vigorous conduct of the campaign against the Huks, the back of the rebellion was broken, although it was not entirely suppressed. He also condemned his own liberal party because of being corrupt. His presidency was referred as the Philippines’ Golden Years for it was the cleanest and zero-corruption

Carlos P. Garcia (1957-1961)

- He is the fourth president of the Republic of the Philippines. Carlos P. Garcia is a foreign policy expert and he is responsible for the “Filipino first” policy which boosted the economy of the Philippines. He also stood for nationalism and opposed communism.

Diosdado Macapagal (1961-1965)

- He is the fifth president of the Third Republic and he established the first Land Reform Law. Macapagal promoted stability on the Philippine economy by placing the Philippines currency – peso, on the currency exchange market.

Ferdinand Marcos (1965-1986)

- Ferdinand Marcos is the first prime minister of the Philippines. He is also the president of the largest presidential term. He made progress in agriculture, education and industry. His term was the most controversial and messy one because of Martial Law and People Power although Marcos has contributed a lot in the Philippines.

Corazon Aquino (1986-1992)

- Corazon Aquino is the first female president of the Philippines and Asia and was given the title as the “woman who changed Asia”. She is a world-renowed advocate of peace and democracy. She is the leader of People Power Revolution and left a legacy of prayer and women empowerment.

Fidel V. Ramos (1992-1998)

- He is one of the heroes of the 1986 People Power. He brought back economic growth and stability in the country in spite of the Asian

Financial Crisis in 1997. During his time, the Philippines was cited as Tiger Economy of Asia because he brought back economic growth

Joseph Estrada (1998-2001)

- Joseph Estrada is a popular film actor before he became president. He is the thirteenth president of the Philippines but he is ousted before finishing his term.  He straightened the bilateral ties of Asian nations. Philippine economy was at its worst because of leadership uncertainty

Gloria Arroyo ( 2001-2010)

- Gloria Arroyo was the second female president of the Philippines and she replaced Estrada after he was ousted. She helped stabilize the

economy of the Philippines and maintained her power after multiple coup attempts. She tries to implement charter change but she wasn’t successful.
