AKF360 Sports Specific & Specialized Training


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Proprioception and CardioKata™

Training while struggling to maintain balance forces recruitment and activation of core local and global stabilizer, muscle synergies, and force-couples that traditional exercises do not employ. A proprioceptively challenging training program causes more muscle fibers to be used (in addition to the prime movers), which burns more calories. Martial arts forms or Katas require a great degree of balance, and CardioKata workouts incorporate some of the best Katas which have been modified to recruit more muscle fibers and, in our observations, burn more calories during and after workout, compared to other exercise programs.

CardioKata™ and AKF360™ are Trademarks of Amir Kasra Inc., and Amir Kasra. All rights reserved.

Muscle synergies (e.g. the Posterior Oblique Subsystem, which recruits the contralateral Gluteus Maximus, Thoracolumbar Fascia, and Latissimus Dorsi to produce force in rotational movements) utilize a higher number of muscle fibers and motor units than are employed in traditional exercises, and thereby elicit a greater post-exercise adaptive response and expenditure of energy. CardioKata exercises are performed in all planes of motion (frontal, sagittal, and transverse) and recruit the Deep Longitudinal, Posterior and Anterior Oblique, and Lateral Subsystems. Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption and CardioKata™

At a Respiratory Quotient range of 0.9 to >1.0 and with average Training Heart Rate range of 80-90% of HRmax, in our own observations, CardioKata raises the metabolism (and anaerobic threshold) and keeps it higher than “steady state” workouts. You simply burn more calories throughout the day after the CardioKata workout.

CardioKata™ and AKF360™ are Trademarks of Amir Kasra Inc., and Amir Kasra. All rights reserved.

CardioKata™ for sportCarioKata flexibility exercises are static, myofascial (optional), and dynamic. Acute variables such as sets, repetitions, weights, and tempo can be adjusted to increase intensity and provide ongoing overload for muscle strength, tone, and hypertrophy as well as cardiorespiratory efficiency and metabolic rate. CardioKata improves acceleration, deceleration, dynamic stabilization, and motor control via proprioception and sensorimotor integration to increase capacity for skilled movements necessary for sport. It does this in all planes of motion and in the entire muscle action spectrum common in sports; eccentric, isometric, and concentric. CardioKata corrects altered reciprocal inhibition and synergistic dominance in agonist, antagonist, and synergist muscles, while strengthening stabilizers and improving muscle length-tension relationships. This increases neural drive to prime movers and enables muscle synergies to maximize force production and improves joint arthrokinematics, range of motion, and strength.

CardioKata™ and AKF360™ are Trademarks of Amir Kasra Inc., and Amir Kasra. All rights reserved.

CardioKata™ dynamic joint stabilization and deceleration

Sports activities requiring cutting, planting, and jumping can increase risk of non-contact lower extremity injuries such as Anterior Cruciate Ligament sprains or tears, which often occur during rapid deceleration. Movement technique awareness and proper landing mechanics, along with multidirectional speed and agility training like the CardioKata single-leg proprioceptive hop with stabilization and reach, can stabilize the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex, knees, and ankles, and prevent substitute movement patterns which can cause tissue overload and injury. Knee valgus, tibial rotation, and ankle sprains can be prevented through proper training progression and exercises such as the CardioKataproprioceptive hop with stabilization and reach (kick), which is executed in multiple directions and planes of motion.

CardioKata™ and AKF360™ are Trademarks of Amir Kasra Inc., and Amir Kasra. All rights reserved.

AKF360™ Specialized Performance Enhancement Training

AKF360 specialized performance enhancement training harnesses the greatest rate of force production from the human movement system and enables competitive athletes to deliver maximal power and explosive strength in their sport while avoiding injury. Our proprietary kinetic chain training model incorporates sport-specific compensatory acceleration training, limit strength training, and plyometric training to optimize reflexive muscle contraction and speed strength. It improves muscle length-tension relationships through neuromuscular (PNF), myofascial, and active isolated flexibility exercises to correct altered reciprocal inhibition and increase neural drive to prime movers. See my one inch punch speed strength demonstration video:http://youtu.be/nC399bAvLTcAKF360™ Performance Nutrition Further gains can be made through use of AKF360 performance nutrition to replete glycogen and ATP-CP, restore inter-day energy and positive nitrogen balance, and facilitate norepinephrine and epinephrine synthesis while attenuating Central Fatigue. Use of Branched-Chain Amino Acids has shown promising but limited results in delaying Central Fatigue by competing for transport molecules which carry tryptophan across the blood-brain barrier where tryptophan is implicated in Central Fatigue via serotonin (5-HT) metabolism. Our proprietary formula goes even further to increase catecholamine synthesis and receptor sensitivity to improve focus and delay CF without use of stimulants.*

* These statements have not been approved by the FDA (food and drug administration). CardioKata™ and AKF360™ are Trademarks of Amir Kasra Inc., and Amir Kasra. All rights reserved.

Exercise integration and progressionCardioKata routines and AKF360 traditional exercises may be performed in circuit or super sets to integrate flexibility, strength, power, and cardiorespiratory conditioning. This integration maximizes prime mover strength while improving dynamic joint stabilization.

AKF360™ Sports Performance PsychologyThe state of Flow or No Mind should be the ultimate aim of any athlete. It is a state where high challenge meets superior skill, and performance flows effortlessly in the present moment. We cultivate cognitive skills that eliminate automatic negative thought patterns, and through goal setting, imagery, and proper breathing, enhance athletic performance.

“When ultimate perfection is attained … technical skill is so automatic it is completely divorced from conscious efforts.” -Bruce Lee

AKF360™ and The Female Athlete Triad Guidance on the role and importance of proper nutrition is provided for female athletes in the interrelationship among energy availability, menstrual function, and bone mineral density.

CardioKata™ and AKF360™ are Trademarks of Amir Kasra Inc., and Amir Kasra. All rights reserved.

Amir Kasra, PES, CFT CEO I AKF360 National Academy of Sports Medicine-Performance Enhancement Specialist International Sports Sciences Association-Certified Fitness Trainer 3rd Degree Black Belt-American Tang Soo Do

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