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Nec Quisquam Nisi Ajax

March 2018Chairman's RemarksSecretary's Update

Standard Bearer ReportFoxtrot Lane & Coates-of-Arms Lane Progress

New Association BadgeAssociation On-line Shopping

Ajax Boxing TeamAddress to a Haggis

Cheap Accommodation in LondonMembership Secretary's Report

Ajax FurnitureShip's Company 1976

News from Town of Ajax – Colleen JordanWinter in AjaxNMA in Winter

Does Size Matter?Frigate Commissioning Books and Crew Lists

Archivist ReportNewsletter Editor's Comments

1935 - 48 1963 - 85





CHAIRMANNigel MastersThe LookoutGolden Cross TerraceStation Road, SwinesheadBoston, Lincolnshire PE20 3LPTel: 01205 820127Mobile: 07743 381153nige.masters@gmail.com

SECRETARYPeter Danks104 Kelsey AvenueSouthbourne, EmsworthHampshire PO10 8NQTel: 01243 371947pandedanks@btinternet.com

ARCHIVIST/WEBMASTER/NEWSLETTER EDITORMalcolm CollisThe Bewicks, Station RoadTen Mile Bank, Norfolk PE38 0EYTel: 01366 377945malcolm.collis@gmail.com

MEMBERSHIPSECRETARYMrs Judi CollisThe Bewicks, Station RoadTen Mile Ban, Norfolk PE38 0EYTel: 01366 377945Mobile: 07736 929641judi.collis@gmail.com

TREASURER/STANDARD BEARERAlf LarkinLime Kiln Cottage2 Easton LanePortland, Dorset DT5 1BWTel: 01305 457259alflarkin70@gmail.com

ARCHIVIST/WEBMASTER/NEWSLETTER EDITORMalcolm CollisThe Bewicks, Station RoadTen Mile Bank,Norfolk PE38 0EUTel: 01366 377945malcolm.collis@gmail.com

MERCHANDISE OFFICERMichael Fox6 Brown HillSounthwell, PortlandDorset DT5 2EDTel: 01305 823436michael.fox01@talktalk.net

COMMITTEE MEMBERAlan (George/Phil) Phillips8 Orchard WaySend Hill, Send, Surrey GU23 7HSTel: 01483 223299carolalan9590@btinternet.com



Greetings to you All.

I sincerely hope the New Year has started well for you and the weather we are having is not getting you down too much.

It has been a very busy start to the year for the Committee, not least when we met for a meeting in

thGuildford on January 15 ; sensible members of the committee set off for the venue the night before, I, in my wisdom, set off in the early hours of the morning and arrived just in time for the 10.00 hrs start, a total journey time of 5 hours to cover 180 miles!! The M25 is truly the world's biggest car park.

Items discussed included the Reunion in Plymouth, the th

South American 80 Anniversary trip (yes, it is only next year!), merchandise that will be available on our website and Standard Bearers at members funerals. What has become immediately evident to me is the amount of time and effort put in by the Committee. Peter, although having stepped down as Chairman really is as busy as ever in his role of Secretary, Malcolm and Judi are their usual selves, their attention to detail is first class and Malcolm's work on the South American trip must amount to many, many hours already. Alf, along with Dan Sherren, have sadly attended several members and associate members funerals over the past months, Alf with the Ajax standard and Dan with either the Ajax or RNA standard, Well done to you both, your time and effort is really appreciated by the Committee and l am sure by the families of the deceased.

The Merchandise is now being run by our equivalent of

“Del Boy and Rodders”; Alan and Mick, who again have put in a great deal of their own time to sourcing suppliers and negotiating the best deals. The result of their efforts will become evident on our website Merchandise section. Alan is now working with a supplier with regard to plaques etc. which will be presented to the various dignitaries and officials we will meet on the South American trip next year.

Can I ask all members to consider attending this year's Reunion being held at the New Continental Hotel in Plymouth. The organising of this is being done by Isle of Wight Tours who specialise in arranging this type of event. We used this company for last year's reunion and the result was a very enjoyable weekend with entertainment and trips all included in the price; the only disappointment was the low numbers who attended. As always, if members cannot manage to attend the entire event there are options of a two night or one night stopover or just attendance to the Saturday Gala evening which includes “Up Spirits”, evening meal and entertainment, but above all the chance to meet old friends, talk of times gone by and make plans for our forthcoming events. Anyone in the Plymouth area who may know any ex-Ajax crew members who are not Association members but might be interested in attending please inform them to contact us and we can pass details on to IoW.

It just remains for me to say l wish you all the best for the forthcoming months. On a final note, my wife Janet and I have acquired a new pet ,a dog whose name is “Minton”, a lovely animal but with one or two bad habits; one being the fact that he will keep eating my shuttlecocks, “Bad Minton”!!! On that note I will finish.

Nigel Masters – Chairman HMS Ajax & River Plate Veterans Association


A very productive committee meeting was held on 15 January 2018. The Committee have brought up to date the Job Descriptions for the various posts within the Association. They are available from me on request if anyone would seek election on to the Committee.

To assist with forward planning, the committee have drawn up a busy programme for 2019.

You will read elsewhere on the proposed visit to South America in December 2019 but in addition to that it is planned to visit the NMA in June and then hold the Reunion in Chatham over the weekend of 5/6th October 2019. It is hoped that the many Associate members living in the South East would be able to make this reunion.

Also the Committee is planning to arrange for 'Association Cards' to be sent to Members to mark certain events.

Finally, this is a reminder that if members have points to raise, please do get in touch with any of the committee members or myself.

Peter Danks - Secretary




CHAIRMANNigel MastersThe LookoutGolden Cross TerraceStation Road, SwinesheadBoston, Lincolnshire PE20 3LPTel: 01205 820127Mobile: 07743 381153nige.masters@gmail.com

SECRETARYPeter Danks104 Kelsey AvenueSouthbourne, EmsworthHampshire PO10 8NQTel: 01243 371947pandedanks@btinternet.com

ARCHIVIST/WEBMASTER/NEWSLETTER EDITORMalcolm CollisThe Bewicks, Station RoadTen Mile Bank, Norfolk PE38 0EYTel: 01366 377945malcolm.collis@gmail.com

MEMBERSHIPSECRETARYMrs Judi CollisThe Bewicks, Station RoadTen Mile Ban, Norfolk PE38 0EYTel: 01366 377945Mobile: 07736 929641judi.collis@gmail.com

TREASURER/STANDARD BEARERAlf LarkinLime Kiln Cottage2 Easton LanePortland, Dorset DT5 1BWTel: 01305 457259alflarkin70@gmail.com

ARCHIVIST/WEBMASTER/NEWSLETTER EDITORMalcolm CollisThe Bewicks, Station RoadTen Mile Bank,Norfolk PE38 0EUTel: 01366 377945malcolm.collis@gmail.com

MERCHANDISE OFFICERMichael Fox6 Brown HillSounthwell, PortlandDorset DT5 2EDTel: 01305 823436michael.fox01@talktalk.net

COMMITTEE MEMBERAlan (George/Phil) Phillips8 Orchard WaySend Hill, Send, Surrey GU23 7HSTel: 01483 223299carolalan9590@btinternet.com



Greetings to you All.

I sincerely hope the New Year has started well for you and the weather we are having is not getting you down too much.

It has been a very busy start to the year for the Committee, not least when we met for a meeting in

thGuildford on January 15 ; sensible members of the committee set off for the venue the night before, I, in my wisdom, set off in the early hours of the morning and arrived just in time for the 10.00 hrs start, a total journey time of 5 hours to cover 180 miles!! The M25 is truly the world's biggest car park.

Items discussed included the Reunion in Plymouth, the th

South American 80 Anniversary trip (yes, it is only next year!), merchandise that will be available on our website and Standard Bearers at members funerals. What has become immediately evident to me is the amount of time and effort put in by the Committee. Peter, although having stepped down as Chairman really is as busy as ever in his role of Secretary, Malcolm and Judi are their usual selves, their attention to detail is first class and Malcolm's work on the South American trip must amount to many, many hours already. Alf, along with Dan Sherren, have sadly attended several members and associate members funerals over the past months, Alf with the Ajax standard and Dan with either the Ajax or RNA standard, Well done to you both, your time and effort is really appreciated by the Committee and l am sure by the families of the deceased.

The Merchandise is now being run by our equivalent of

“Del Boy and Rodders”; Alan and Mick, who again have put in a great deal of their own time to sourcing suppliers and negotiating the best deals. The result of their efforts will become evident on our website Merchandise section. Alan is now working with a supplier with regard to plaques etc. which will be presented to the various dignitaries and officials we will meet on the South American trip next year.

Can I ask all members to consider attending this year's Reunion being held at the New Continental Hotel in Plymouth. The organising of this is being done by Isle of Wight Tours who specialise in arranging this type of event. We used this company for last year's reunion and the result was a very enjoyable weekend with entertainment and trips all included in the price; the only disappointment was the low numbers who attended. As always, if members cannot manage to attend the entire event there are options of a two night or one night stopover or just attendance to the Saturday Gala evening which includes “Up Spirits”, evening meal and entertainment, but above all the chance to meet old friends, talk of times gone by and make plans for our forthcoming events. Anyone in the Plymouth area who may know any ex-Ajax crew members who are not Association members but might be interested in attending please inform them to contact us and we can pass details on to IoW.

It just remains for me to say l wish you all the best for the forthcoming months. On a final note, my wife Janet and I have acquired a new pet ,a dog whose name is “Minton”, a lovely animal but with one or two bad habits; one being the fact that he will keep eating my shuttlecocks, “Bad Minton”!!! On that note I will finish.

Nigel Masters – Chairman HMS Ajax & River Plate Veterans Association


A very productive committee meeting was held on 15 January 2018. The Committee have brought up to date the Job Descriptions for the various posts within the Association. They are available from me on request if anyone would seek election on to the Committee.

To assist with forward planning, the committee have drawn up a busy programme for 2019.

You will read elsewhere on the proposed visit to South America in December 2019 but in addition to that it is planned to visit the NMA in June and then hold the Reunion in Chatham over the weekend of 5/6th October 2019. It is hoped that the many Associate members living in the South East would be able to make this reunion.

Also the Committee is planning to arrange for 'Association Cards' to be sent to Members to mark certain events.

Finally, this is a reminder that if members have points to raise, please do get in touch with any of the committee members or myself.

Peter Danks - Secretary

4. 5.

STANDARD BEARER'S REPORTFollowing on from the Remembrance parades the Standard was paraded at the funeral in Weymouth on 15th November 2017 of Fred Mills ex RN, who died in a care home with no known family. Local RNA members, including Alf Larkin & Dan Sherren attended with the Ajax & RNA Standards.

On 23rd January 2018 Dan Sherren made the journey up from Portland to Havant for the funeral of member Derrick Howitt joined by Alan Phillips. Dan paraded the Standard alongside the Ganges one. By all accounts Dan had a nightmare of a journey both there and back taking much longer than anticipated – the Association is most grateful to Dan and Alan for representing the HMS Ajax &

River Plate Veterans Association on this and other occasions.

Dan was back in action on 30th January making another long journey up to Surrey, along with Alf Larkin, for the memorial service for member John Hitchen. Again Alan Phillips joined them. Alf paraded the Association's Standard and Dan the Portland RNA one. Standards were dipped whilst the Naval Prayer was read out by retired Naval Commander Charlies Wylie. Charles had a few days before contacted the Association for background information on John.

The Association is very grateful to Alf & Dan and also to other members who attended other funerals, particularly Alan Phillips and Paul Byrne.

VETERAN'S STREETS START TO TAKE SHAPEOne of our days during the Association's visit to Ajax in August 2016 was taken up with Street Dedications and one stop was for the proposed site for both Foxtrot Lane and Coates-of-Arms Lane. Mike Fox was there to receive his Street Sign and Nigel Masters received Fred Coates' from Mayor Steve Parish and Councillors.Sixteen months later and things are slowly taking shape. Debbie Steer sent in the update photos.


In the December 2017 Newsletter I explained the difficulties brought about by having different badges for the cruiser and the frigate and a suggestion was put forward to consolidate the two. Those that provided feedback were all positive and the suggested design was discussed at the recent Committee when it was agreed to adopt the new badge. Colin, our printer at Entrac Printing, was approached and agreed to refine the design and has come up with a redrawn badge plus two badges with writing. All look brilliant and the three options can be used to fit the occasion – you may have spotted the round one on page 1 and 2.

The Chairman Nigel Masters said, "The new badge reflects the continued close association between the cruiser and frigate members whilst still retaining the identities of the two great ships”

Malcolm Collis


The question of what items and mementoes to take on our South America trip lead to an exchange of emails and general discussion at the recent Committee meeting and spawned the development of the new Association Badge.

In the past items that promoted both ships, the cruiser and frigate and the Association had led to having to have either items with single badges thereon or both badges thereon. In the past it seems the Association had had its own Association badge; pentagonal with two tridents in saltire. Ties and blazer badges being good examples, had been held in stock and involved a considerable layout of funds or were obtained from suppliers on behalf of members.

It was decided to consolidate the whole question of merchandise; committee members, Alan Phillips and newly co-opted Mike Fox, along with Alf Larkin have taken on responsibility for sourcing merchandise that will now be offered for general sale through the Association's website that now has an on-line shop – have a look at


The shop is in its early stages of development and many more items will be added once details are obtained.

Purchase costs will cover initial purchase price including VAT, our post and packaging and PayPal transaction fees. There will be no, or minimal, due to rounding, profit element and as such will comply with our HMRC charitable status tax rules.

Now we have our new Badge we can approach suppliers to design items such as clothing, car stickers, mugs, fridge magnets, lapel badges … the list is endless. One thing I am keen for those visiting South America to have are lapel name badges – it will make life a lot easier for those whose memories are not what they use to be! These are being investigated.

Once this shop is fully functional please use it and promote it and we are open to suggestions for current or development items that we can offer ... please.

Malcolm Collis

4. 5.

STANDARD BEARER'S REPORTFollowing on from the Remembrance parades the Standard was paraded at the funeral in Weymouth on 15th November 2017 of Fred Mills ex RN, who died in a care home with no known family. Local RNA members, including Alf Larkin & Dan Sherren attended with the Ajax & RNA Standards.

On 23rd January 2018 Dan Sherren made the journey up from Portland to Havant for the funeral of member Derrick Howitt joined by Alan Phillips. Dan paraded the Standard alongside the Ganges one. By all accounts Dan had a nightmare of a journey both there and back taking much longer than anticipated – the Association is most grateful to Dan and Alan for representing the HMS Ajax &

River Plate Veterans Association on this and other occasions.

Dan was back in action on 30th January making another long journey up to Surrey, along with Alf Larkin, for the memorial service for member John Hitchen. Again Alan Phillips joined them. Alf paraded the Association's Standard and Dan the Portland RNA one. Standards were dipped whilst the Naval Prayer was read out by retired Naval Commander Charlies Wylie. Charles had a few days before contacted the Association for background information on John.

The Association is very grateful to Alf & Dan and also to other members who attended other funerals, particularly Alan Phillips and Paul Byrne.

VETERAN'S STREETS START TO TAKE SHAPEOne of our days during the Association's visit to Ajax in August 2016 was taken up with Street Dedications and one stop was for the proposed site for both Foxtrot Lane and Coates-of-Arms Lane. Mike Fox was there to receive his Street Sign and Nigel Masters received Fred Coates' from Mayor Steve Parish and Councillors.Sixteen months later and things are slowly taking shape. Debbie Steer sent in the update photos.


In the December 2017 Newsletter I explained the difficulties brought about by having different badges for the cruiser and the frigate and a suggestion was put forward to consolidate the two. Those that provided feedback were all positive and the suggested design was discussed at the recent Committee when it was agreed to adopt the new badge. Colin, our printer at Entrac Printing, was approached and agreed to refine the design and has come up with a redrawn badge plus two badges with writing. All look brilliant and the three options can be used to fit the occasion – you may have spotted the round one on page 1 and 2.

The Chairman Nigel Masters said, "The new badge reflects the continued close association between the cruiser and frigate members whilst still retaining the identities of the two great ships”

Malcolm Collis


The question of what items and mementoes to take on our South America trip lead to an exchange of emails and general discussion at the recent Committee meeting and spawned the development of the new Association Badge.

In the past items that promoted both ships, the cruiser and frigate and the Association had led to having to have either items with single badges thereon or both badges thereon. In the past it seems the Association had had its own Association badge; pentagonal with two tridents in saltire. Ties and blazer badges being good examples, had been held in stock and involved a considerable layout of funds or were obtained from suppliers on behalf of members.

It was decided to consolidate the whole question of merchandise; committee members, Alan Phillips and newly co-opted Mike Fox, along with Alf Larkin have taken on responsibility for sourcing merchandise that will now be offered for general sale through the Association's website that now has an on-line shop – have a look at


The shop is in its early stages of development and many more items will be added once details are obtained.

Purchase costs will cover initial purchase price including VAT, our post and packaging and PayPal transaction fees. There will be no, or minimal, due to rounding, profit element and as such will comply with our HMRC charitable status tax rules.

Now we have our new Badge we can approach suppliers to design items such as clothing, car stickers, mugs, fridge magnets, lapel badges … the list is endless. One thing I am keen for those visiting South America to have are lapel name badges – it will make life a lot easier for those whose memories are not what they use to be! These are being investigated.

Once this shop is fully functional please use it and promote it and we are open to suggestions for current or development items that we can offer ... please.

Malcolm Collis

6. 7.


This photograph has popped up a few times on Facebook. This is the Ajax boxing team October 1977 with a few of our members if you can spot them including our Chairman and our Treasurer.

Back L-R: Reg Lyness; Tony Brassington; Tommy Murray; Alf Larkin; Jock Dempster; Brian 'Whiskey' Walker; ?; Colin WilsonFront L-R: Bob Beckett; Terry Webster; Bruno Bowen; Captain Cobb; ?; Nigel Masters; Nobby Hall(There will be hours of fun trying to read this on a smart phone or iPad!)

ADDRESS TO A HAGGISAs I ate my haggis on Burns Night, being half Scottish and all that, I recalled this Facebook post and wondered if this is where the furry creature that is a haggis got the idea of having two legs shorter than the other?

Malcolm Collis


Member Vic Wilson recently stayed at the Victory Services Club in the centre of London and extolled the virtues of the very high standard accommodation with good restaurant facility. The Club is available to all servicemen and ex-servicemen and annual joining fees are £26.95 (free for serving personnel) – can't find room costs on the internet but Vic says the various rooms are cheap, by London standards. If you wish to avail yourself of this facility visit www.vsc.co.uk or ring 0207 723 4474.

6. 7.


This photograph has popped up a few times on Facebook. This is the Ajax boxing team October 1977 with a few of our members if you can spot them including our Chairman and our Treasurer.

Back L-R: Reg Lyness; Tony Brassington; Tommy Murray; Alf Larkin; Jock Dempster; Brian 'Whiskey' Walker; ?; Colin WilsonFront L-R: Bob Beckett; Terry Webster; Bruno Bowen; Captain Cobb; ?; Nigel Masters; Nobby Hall(There will be hours of fun trying to read this on a smart phone or iPad!)

ADDRESS TO A HAGGISAs I ate my haggis on Burns Night, being half Scottish and all that, I recalled this Facebook post and wondered if this is where the furry creature that is a haggis got the idea of having two legs shorter than the other?

Malcolm Collis


Member Vic Wilson recently stayed at the Victory Services Club in the centre of London and extolled the virtues of the very high standard accommodation with good restaurant facility. The Club is available to all servicemen and ex-servicemen and annual joining fees are £26.95 (free for serving personnel) – can't find room costs on the internet but Vic says the various rooms are cheap, by London standards. If you wish to avail yourself of this facility visit www.vsc.co.uk or ring 0207 723 4474.

8. 9.

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY'S UPDATE - MARCH 2018The December Newsletter had reports and pictures of our reunion, enjoyed by all those attending; several new members; and looking forward to Christmas and the New Year. This edition for March is a bit more sombre with the Crossing of the Bar of four of our members and many of you not enjoying the best of health, but hopefully we are nearly through winter and the new season will put a spring into our steps. We had a committee meeting and have formed a plan for the reunion this year and events in 2019 which will be the 80th anniversary of the Battle of The River Plate. It is amazing how much we have achieved since we formed a working party to discuss the 75th anniversary, five years ago and our memorial at the NMA was created. Thank you for all your support and please give us feedback on what you would like the Association to do in the future.

CROSSED THE BARNorman, Marian and son Ralph Gifford have been associate members for many years and a great support to the Association especially when we had our reunions at Chatham with Norman's contacts

at the dockyard. Norman recently Crossed the Bar.Ralph asked that the following appeared in his father's obituary:I would be grateful if it is possible to please insert the following into the next newsletter on behalf on my mother, Marian Gifford.Norman Lewis Gifford sadly passed away at Medway Maritime Hospital on 8th December 2017. His funeral took place at the Medway Crematorium on 12th January 2018, attended by family, friends and members of the Ajax association.Son of Lewis Henry Gifford who served on

the HMS Ajax at the Battle of the River Plate. Norman and his wife, Marian, regularly attended Ajax reunions at Chatham and travelled to Ajax in Canada in 2005 to unveil a plaque in 'GIFFORD COURT' dedicated to his father.Norman was well known in the Medway towns. He trained as a shipwright during the war and later became a teacher and lecturer.He took a keen interest in all things maritime, and on his retirement worked as a volunteer in the museum at Chatham Historic Dockyard.Greatly missed by his wife Marian, son Ralph, daughter Caroline and his grandchildren Alex and Robert who hope to continue links with the Ajax Association.Thanks to Joe Stokes and Paul Byrne who represented the Association at the funeral.

It was a great shock to hear of the sudden death of Derrick Howitt on 9th January 2018. We all enjoyed the company of Derrick and Averil attending their first reunion in October. Lots of stories of Singapore - our chairman told him he had enough to fill a book. Derrick brought back many happy memories with the many pictures he posted on the HMS Ajax Facebook page having served on board t h e f r i g a t e f r o m December 1963 to August 1965. Derrick had enjoyed a round of golf and lunch but retired to bed early t h i n k i n g h e w a s

catching the flu bug that Averil had had– he suffered a heart attack in the night and sadly Crossed the Bar. Derrick was 72 and his funeral took place 23rd January 2018 at Havant.

John on left at 2015 Reunion Chatham

John Mackie Hitchen served on board the cruiser from 1942-43 and Crossed the Bar on Saturday 20th January at the age of 94. John was a committee member and our archivist for many years and along with

Jill hosted many meetings at their lovely house in East Ewell. We received lots of material from John when he handed over the reins to Malcolm. John and Jill at tended most of our reunions in spite of ill health. Hitchen Avenue in the Town of Ajax and his name on the memorial wall is a fitting tribute to John. His funeral took place on Tuesday 30th January2018 in Ewell, Surrey.

Peter and Anne at the 75th Anniversary dinner, Portsmouth 2014

Peter King had been an associate member for many years along with his wife Anne, who is frigate crew member Vic Wilson's sister. Peter and Anne were great supporters of our reunions and events coming along with Vic and Jo. Peter managed to attend the funeral of

Ted Wicks last year in spite of his own ill h e a l t h a n d r e m a i n e d cheerful to the v e r y e n d .

Peter lost his battle on Monday 15th January 2018 and his funeral took place on Monday 12th February 2018 at Hanworth, Middlesex.Paul Byrne and Alan Phillips attended on behalf of the Association.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the families and friends at this very sad time.

8. 9.

MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY'S UPDATE - MARCH 2018The December Newsletter had reports and pictures of our reunion, enjoyed by all those attending; several new members; and looking forward to Christmas and the New Year. This edition for March is a bit more sombre with the Crossing of the Bar of four of our members and many of you not enjoying the best of health, but hopefully we are nearly through winter and the new season will put a spring into our steps. We had a committee meeting and have formed a plan for the reunion this year and events in 2019 which will be the 80th anniversary of the Battle of The River Plate. It is amazing how much we have achieved since we formed a working party to discuss the 75th anniversary, five years ago and our memorial at the NMA was created. Thank you for all your support and please give us feedback on what you would like the Association to do in the future.

CROSSED THE BARNorman, Marian and son Ralph Gifford have been associate members for many years and a great support to the Association especially when we had our reunions at Chatham with Norman's contacts

at the dockyard. Norman recently Crossed the Bar.Ralph asked that the following appeared in his father's obituary:I would be grateful if it is possible to please insert the following into the next newsletter on behalf on my mother, Marian Gifford.Norman Lewis Gifford sadly passed away at Medway Maritime Hospital on 8th December 2017. His funeral took place at the Medway Crematorium on 12th January 2018, attended by family, friends and members of the Ajax association.Son of Lewis Henry Gifford who served on

the HMS Ajax at the Battle of the River Plate. Norman and his wife, Marian, regularly attended Ajax reunions at Chatham and travelled to Ajax in Canada in 2005 to unveil a plaque in 'GIFFORD COURT' dedicated to his father.Norman was well known in the Medway towns. He trained as a shipwright during the war and later became a teacher and lecturer.He took a keen interest in all things maritime, and on his retirement worked as a volunteer in the museum at Chatham Historic Dockyard.Greatly missed by his wife Marian, son Ralph, daughter Caroline and his grandchildren Alex and Robert who hope to continue links with the Ajax Association.Thanks to Joe Stokes and Paul Byrne who represented the Association at the funeral.

It was a great shock to hear of the sudden death of Derrick Howitt on 9th January 2018. We all enjoyed the company of Derrick and Averil attending their first reunion in October. Lots of stories of Singapore - our chairman told him he had enough to fill a book. Derrick brought back many happy memories with the many pictures he posted on the HMS Ajax Facebook page having served on board t h e f r i g a t e f r o m December 1963 to August 1965. Derrick had enjoyed a round of golf and lunch but retired to bed early t h i n k i n g h e w a s

catching the flu bug that Averil had had– he suffered a heart attack in the night and sadly Crossed the Bar. Derrick was 72 and his funeral took place 23rd January 2018 at Havant.

John on left at 2015 Reunion Chatham

John Mackie Hitchen served on board the cruiser from 1942-43 and Crossed the Bar on Saturday 20th January at the age of 94. John was a committee member and our archivist for many years and along with

Jill hosted many meetings at their lovely house in East Ewell. We received lots of material from John when he handed over the reins to Malcolm. John and Jill at tended most of our reunions in spite of ill health. Hitchen Avenue in the Town of Ajax and his name on the memorial wall is a fitting tribute to John. His funeral took place on Tuesday 30th January2018 in Ewell, Surrey.

Peter and Anne at the 75th Anniversary dinner, Portsmouth 2014

Peter King had been an associate member for many years along with his wife Anne, who is frigate crew member Vic Wilson's sister. Peter and Anne were great supporters of our reunions and events coming along with Vic and Jo. Peter managed to attend the funeral of

Ted Wicks last year in spite of his own ill h e a l t h a n d r e m a i n e d cheerful to the v e r y e n d .

Peter lost his battle on Monday 15th January 2018 and his funeral took place on Monday 12th February 2018 at Hanworth, Middlesex.Paul Byrne and Alan Phillips attended on behalf of the Association.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the families and friends at this very sad time.

10. 11.

Crossing the BarAlfred Lord Tennyson

Sunset and evening star,And one clear call for me!And may there be no moaning of the bar,When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,Too full for sound and foam,When that which drew from out the boundless deepTurns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,And after that the dark!And may there be no sadness of farewell,When I embark:

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and PlaceThe flood may bear me far,I hope to see my Pilot face to faceWhen I have crost the bar.

NEW MEMBERSWe welcome two new associates and two members.

C a r o l i n e T i b b s i s t h e granddaughter of Captain Charles Henry Lawrence Woodhouse, commanding officer HMS Ajax 1937-40. He Crossed the Bar in September 1978. Caroline's mother, Hilary Kennedy-Cooke is his second daughter and is also an Associate member as is her Aunt, Belinda Cooper.Caroline and her husband Philip, pictured, came to the 75th anniversary dinner in Portsmouth and have recently returned from a trip to South America.

Michael James Scully (Scouse) comes from Huyton, Liverpool and was on board the frigate as a JMEM1 from July 1975 to February 1977 visiting the town of Ajax in 1976. We look forward to meeting Mike and Janice at Plymouth in October.

Peter Bunhill from Ropely in Hampshire has joined us as an Associate following a telephone call to Peter Danks. He is the son of Edward Victor Bunhill who joined the Royal Navy in 1921 and served on board the cruiser from 1939-40 at the River Plate. He played football and Rugby for the Navy in the twenties and has Kings Cup Medals.

Anthony Rawlings from Plympton, Plymouth has joined us as a member. He has paid his subs but modern technology has let me down as his joining form is somewhere in the sky so at the moment I don't have any other details. We hope to meet up in October.

Happy Birthday to the following Members who had birthdays in this Newsletter period (December to February inc.):

Paul Byrne Frigate 1974-75 66 on 12th DecemberCliff Pantrey Frigate 1972-76 77 also on 12th DecemberNigel Harcourt Frigate 1965-67 72 also on 12th DecemberCharlie May Frigate 1963-65 79 on 13th December 1 year old on day of BattleTommy Murray Frigate 1976-78 61 on 14th December Ray Dowsett Frigate 1965-66 76 on 16th DecemberScot Morrison Frigate 1985 50 on 21st DecemberBasil Trott Exeter 1936-40 98 on 22nd DecemberDouglas Hadler Frigate 1966-68 80 on 23rd DecemberJerry Kirk Cruiser 1942-43 94 on 31st DecemberMichael Harte Frigate 1963-65 77 on 15th JanuaryMichael Scully Frigate1975-77 60 on 21st JanuaryClive Morris Frigate 1974-77 71 on 27th FebruaryAlbert Smith Cruiser 1939-41 96 also on 27th February

Happy birthday to all the above members and to all our Associates celebrating birthdays this newsletter period and apologies to anyone not mentioned in this or previous editions

SUBSCRIPTIONS Please remember that annual subscription increased following the 2016 AGM to £12, with family membership to £18. Those paying by the subscribe button will have had emails confirming the increase but individual standing orders needed to be changed directly with your bank. Thanks to all of you who remembered to do this, a few have slipped through unchanged so if possible please update your bank.A gentle reminder that subs were due in January. Sorry to nag, but it really does save lots of time and expense if they are paid early in the year. Our financial year starts in the September and several people pay around the reunion in October; those paying on the subscribe button or new payments will go out on that anniversary. We are trying to make it as easy as possible for you and the various methods of parting with your money are listed below. Please ring me if you have any problems. We no longer send out membership payment cards as many people pay electronically but feel free to fill them in if you still have one as a reminder if it helps.

Subscription can be paid by:

1. By using the "Subscribe" button on the website and paying by PayPal or credit/debit card – see http://www.hmsajax.org/#/joining/4560949163Single donations can be made by using the donate button should you wish to pay a little extra or back payments. PayPal notify us when payments have been made

2. Standing Order - Association Account details: 'HMS Ajax & River Plate Veterans Association': Number -- 24865868: Sort Code -- 30-99-56

3. Bank Transfer - Association Account details: 'HMS Ajax & River Plate Veterans Association': Number -- 24865868: Sort Code -- 30-99-56

4. Cheques & Postal Orders made payable to - 'HMS Ajax & River Plate Veterans Association' and posted to Membership Secretary: The Bewicks, Station Road, Ten Mile Bank, Norfolk PE38 0EY

A few people have had problems finding contact addresses for the committee members. All our addresses, emails and telephone numbers are on the second page of the newsletter although there was an error with the new chairman's telephone number in the December issue. We have been at this address since May 2013 although the post office have just changed our post code to PE38 0EY (previously EU) The Royal Mail can cope with either being used - it was white van deliveries that caused a problem as the old postcode was a couple of miles up the road.

Judi Collis – Membership Secretary

10. 11.

Crossing the BarAlfred Lord Tennyson

Sunset and evening star,And one clear call for me!And may there be no moaning of the bar,When I put out to sea,

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,Too full for sound and foam,When that which drew from out the boundless deepTurns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,And after that the dark!And may there be no sadness of farewell,When I embark:

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and PlaceThe flood may bear me far,I hope to see my Pilot face to faceWhen I have crost the bar.

NEW MEMBERSWe welcome two new associates and two members.

C a r o l i n e T i b b s i s t h e granddaughter of Captain Charles Henry Lawrence Woodhouse, commanding officer HMS Ajax 1937-40. He Crossed the Bar in September 1978. Caroline's mother, Hilary Kennedy-Cooke is his second daughter and is also an Associate member as is her Aunt, Belinda Cooper.Caroline and her husband Philip, pictured, came to the 75th anniversary dinner in Portsmouth and have recently returned from a trip to South America.

Michael James Scully (Scouse) comes from Huyton, Liverpool and was on board the frigate as a JMEM1 from July 1975 to February 1977 visiting the town of Ajax in 1976. We look forward to meeting Mike and Janice at Plymouth in October.

Peter Bunhill from Ropely in Hampshire has joined us as an Associate following a telephone call to Peter Danks. He is the son of Edward Victor Bunhill who joined the Royal Navy in 1921 and served on board the cruiser from 1939-40 at the River Plate. He played football and Rugby for the Navy in the twenties and has Kings Cup Medals.

Anthony Rawlings from Plympton, Plymouth has joined us as a member. He has paid his subs but modern technology has let me down as his joining form is somewhere in the sky so at the moment I don't have any other details. We hope to meet up in October.

Happy Birthday to the following Members who had birthdays in this Newsletter period (December to February inc.):

Paul Byrne Frigate 1974-75 66 on 12th DecemberCliff Pantrey Frigate 1972-76 77 also on 12th DecemberNigel Harcourt Frigate 1965-67 72 also on 12th DecemberCharlie May Frigate 1963-65 79 on 13th December 1 year old on day of BattleTommy Murray Frigate 1976-78 61 on 14th December Ray Dowsett Frigate 1965-66 76 on 16th DecemberScot Morrison Frigate 1985 50 on 21st DecemberBasil Trott Exeter 1936-40 98 on 22nd DecemberDouglas Hadler Frigate 1966-68 80 on 23rd DecemberJerry Kirk Cruiser 1942-43 94 on 31st DecemberMichael Harte Frigate 1963-65 77 on 15th JanuaryMichael Scully Frigate1975-77 60 on 21st JanuaryClive Morris Frigate 1974-77 71 on 27th FebruaryAlbert Smith Cruiser 1939-41 96 also on 27th February

Happy birthday to all the above members and to all our Associates celebrating birthdays this newsletter period and apologies to anyone not mentioned in this or previous editions

SUBSCRIPTIONS Please remember that annual subscription increased following the 2016 AGM to £12, with family membership to £18. Those paying by the subscribe button will have had emails confirming the increase but individual standing orders needed to be changed directly with your bank. Thanks to all of you who remembered to do this, a few have slipped through unchanged so if possible please update your bank.A gentle reminder that subs were due in January. Sorry to nag, but it really does save lots of time and expense if they are paid early in the year. Our financial year starts in the September and several people pay around the reunion in October; those paying on the subscribe button or new payments will go out on that anniversary. We are trying to make it as easy as possible for you and the various methods of parting with your money are listed below. Please ring me if you have any problems. We no longer send out membership payment cards as many people pay electronically but feel free to fill them in if you still have one as a reminder if it helps.

Subscription can be paid by:

1. By using the "Subscribe" button on the website and paying by PayPal or credit/debit card – see http://www.hmsajax.org/#/joining/4560949163Single donations can be made by using the donate button should you wish to pay a little extra or back payments. PayPal notify us when payments have been made

2. Standing Order - Association Account details: 'HMS Ajax & River Plate Veterans Association': Number -- 24865868: Sort Code -- 30-99-56

3. Bank Transfer - Association Account details: 'HMS Ajax & River Plate Veterans Association': Number -- 24865868: Sort Code -- 30-99-56

4. Cheques & Postal Orders made payable to - 'HMS Ajax & River Plate Veterans Association' and posted to Membership Secretary: The Bewicks, Station Road, Ten Mile Bank, Norfolk PE38 0EY

A few people have had problems finding contact addresses for the committee members. All our addresses, emails and telephone numbers are on the second page of the newsletter although there was an error with the new chairman's telephone number in the December issue. We have been at this address since May 2013 although the post office have just changed our post code to PE38 0EY (previously EU) The Royal Mail can cope with either being used - it was white van deliveries that caused a problem as the old postcode was a couple of miles up the road.

Judi Collis – Membership Secretary

12. 13.


I received a message from Amanda Shellam saying that when HMS Ajax was broken up in Newport South Wales at Cashmores in 1949 one of her family members, who had worked there all his life, while breaking it up bought a 6 draw cabinet that they thought could be from the captain or officers mess. He died about ten years ago and left it to her.

Amanda sent me a photograph of the item … I wonder what was kept in there?

Well-polished brass inscription


Mike Scully sent in this picture of the 1976 company – anybody recognise themselves?

Association members from that time are-

Michael Charles Barclay; Alfred James (Fred) Coates; Richard Michael (Mick or Cranny) Cranswick; Hugh (Bing) Crosby; Ian Cunliffe; Ian Darbyshire; Michael (George or Fred or Hinny) Fox; Andrew Laker; Malcolm (Alf) Larkin; David Lear; Nigel (Jan) Masters; Clive Morris; Tommy (Scouse) Murray; Cliff Pantrey; Terry Pearce; Nick Ransley; Michael James Scully; Glyn (Sam) Seagrave; Alan James Styth; Kevin Michael (Scrumpy or Scrumptious) Syder; Terry Webster

But may not necessarily there at the time of the photograph.

12. 13.


I received a message from Amanda Shellam saying that when HMS Ajax was broken up in Newport South Wales at Cashmores in 1949 one of her family members, who had worked there all his life, while breaking it up bought a 6 draw cabinet that they thought could be from the captain or officers mess. He died about ten years ago and left it to her.

Amanda sent me a photograph of the item … I wonder what was kept in there?

Well-polished brass inscription


Mike Scully sent in this picture of the 1976 company – anybody recognise themselves?

Association members from that time are-

Michael Charles Barclay; Alfred James (Fred) Coates; Richard Michael (Mick or Cranny) Cranswick; Hugh (Bing) Crosby; Ian Cunliffe; Ian Darbyshire; Michael (George or Fred or Hinny) Fox; Andrew Laker; Malcolm (Alf) Larkin; David Lear; Nigel (Jan) Masters; Clive Morris; Tommy (Scouse) Murray; Cliff Pantrey; Terry Pearce; Nick Ransley; Michael James Scully; Glyn (Sam) Seagrave; Alan James Styth; Kevin Michael (Scrumpy or Scrumptious) Syder; Terry Webster

But may not necessarily there at the time of the photograph.

14. 15.


Lieutenant Governor Visits Ajax – Feb. 2, 2018The Town of Ajax was honoured to have the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, visit on Feb. 2. Mayor Steve Parish welcomed Her Honour with a special tour of Ajax Town Hall starting with discussion on the history display, the Town's unique connection with HMS Ajax, as well as information on the streets dedicated to the many sailors who served at the Battle of the River Plate and subsequent Ajax ships. At the end of her Town Hall visit, Her Honour was also presented with the Ajax History book.

Cambridge International Academy Students Visit Town Hall – Feb. 6, 2018

On Feb. 6, students, parents and teachers from China visited Ajax. The students, who were attending Cambridge International Academy, had the opportunity to visit the area for a week and were thrilled to have their first experience with snow!

On their visit to Town Hall, Ajax Councillor Colleen Jordan gave a presentation about government in Canada, sharing information about local governments' roles and responsibilities and highlighting Ajax's history. They were intrigued to see the atrium displays about the Battle of the River Plate and models of HMS Ajax, as well as Admiral Harwood's uniform and other memorabilia so generously donated by families whose relatives served during the Battle of the River Plate.

Many had their photo taken by the HMS Ajax Bell that hangs in the Council Chambers. They were also interested in the photos and shells from Defence Industries Limited, the largest munitions plant in the Commonwealth which was sited on lands that are now encompassed by Ajax.

Colleen Jordan - Regional Councillor

14. 15.


Lieutenant Governor Visits Ajax – Feb. 2, 2018The Town of Ajax was honoured to have the Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, visit on Feb. 2. Mayor Steve Parish welcomed Her Honour with a special tour of Ajax Town Hall starting with discussion on the history display, the Town's unique connection with HMS Ajax, as well as information on the streets dedicated to the many sailors who served at the Battle of the River Plate and subsequent Ajax ships. At the end of her Town Hall visit, Her Honour was also presented with the Ajax History book.

Cambridge International Academy Students Visit Town Hall – Feb. 6, 2018

On Feb. 6, students, parents and teachers from China visited Ajax. The students, who were attending Cambridge International Academy, had the opportunity to visit the area for a week and were thrilled to have their first experience with snow!

On their visit to Town Hall, Ajax Councillor Colleen Jordan gave a presentation about government in Canada, sharing information about local governments' roles and responsibilities and highlighting Ajax's history. They were intrigued to see the atrium displays about the Battle of the River Plate and models of HMS Ajax, as well as Admiral Harwood's uniform and other memorabilia so generously donated by families whose relatives served during the Battle of the River Plate.

Many had their photo taken by the HMS Ajax Bell that hangs in the Council Chambers. They were also interested in the photos and shells from Defence Industries Limited, the largest munitions plant in the Commonwealth which was sited on lands that are now encompassed by Ajax.

Colleen Jordan - Regional Councillor

16. 17.


Along with her Update Colleen also sent some beautiful snowscapes of Ajax – a bit different to our visits in June & August!

Memorial obelisk Veteran’s Point

Bench presented by Association toThe Town 2016

Memorial Wall Veteran’s Point Gardens

Waterfront Gardens

Harwood Avenue - route ofthe 2016 march

Ajax Town Hall

16. 17.


Along with her Update Colleen also sent some beautiful snowscapes of Ajax – a bit different to our visits in June & August!

Memorial obelisk Veteran’s Point

Bench presented by Association toThe Town 2016

Memorial Wall Veteran’s Point Gardens

Waterfront Gardens

Harwood Avenue - route ofthe 2016 march

Ajax Town Hall

18. 19.



This dramatic photograph has been posted on Facebook a few times and shows the differences in size of the three ships.Top; HMS Bulwark – 26,000 tonnes, length 224 metres, beam 37 metresCentre; RFA Olna – 36,000 tonnes, length 198 metres, beam 26 metresBottom; HMS Ajax F114 – 2,500 tonnes, length 113 metres, beam 12 metres

All pretty big until your consider that the new HMS Queen Elizabeth is 65,000 tonnes, 284 metres long and 73 metres wide at the deck and even she is dwarfed by P&O's Britannia at 144,000 tonnes, 330 metres long and 44 metres wide!

Malcolm Collis


I'm sure many of you will be aware that the Association and the Town of Ajax have been trying very hard to draw up a definitive list for Ajax when she visited Ontario in 1976. This has proved very challenging to say the least as no official lists are available from the MoD or elsewhere. The reason for the list is because the Town will shortly amend the Memorial Wall to update those originally omitted. This will be a one-off update and the Town obviously would like it to be as complete as they can but are still short of the 257 that would have been aboard at the time. Thanks to all those who have helped so far.

Generally, the Association's archives are short on Frigate information and I am in the process of trying to collecting data. I'm hoping to build up records of the various commissions and crew lists for each commission/year.

The starting point really is to establish what actually defines a “commission”. Not being a navy man I'm not too sure and Google for once isn't much help. During her 22 year career, how many commissions did F114 see and were the recommissioning “events” ceremonial or merely administrative? Did each commission get a new Captain or did they just come and go? – see below for a list of Captains. Was she recommissioned following a refit, if so, how many refits did she go through?

I have commissioning booklets for the first and second commission and now the 1977 one and I also have crew lists for these three and the third commission but as I say, very short of information for rest of her time.

If any member can enlighten me regarding commissions or has any commission dates, booklets, the ship's “TWITT” magazines, crew lists and any other information that would be great. Alternatively, any advice where I can get this information from would be greatly appreciated.

HMS Ajax F114 Captains

David Peter Seely: 16 September 1963 to July 1965

Allan Gordon Tait: 10 July 1965 to 11 December 1966

George Armand De Gavardie Kitchin: 12 December 1966 to 8 May 1968

David Hepworth: 9 May 1968 to 12 March 1969

Harry Robert Keate: 2 September 1969 to September 1970

R.S. Blackman: 16 January 1971 to Unknown

Richard J. Bates: June 1973 to December 1974

David John Mackenzie: 5 December 1974 to 28 June 1976

Robert Risley Squires: 15 July 1976 to 28 February 1977

Peter Cobb: 1 March 1977 to 27 December 1978

Michael John Fielding Rawlinson: 28 December 1978 to 7 July 1980.

Timothy Michael Bevan: 7 July to 3 April 1981

Jeremy Michael Porter: 4 April 1981 to May 1983

Peter Charles Abbott: May 1983 to December 1984

John F. S. Trinder: December 1984 to June 1985

Biographies of those who captained Ajax Frigate can be found on the website here - http://www.hmsajax.org/?use_flash=1#/frigate-captains/4560937377

Malcolm Collis

18. 19.



This dramatic photograph has been posted on Facebook a few times and shows the differences in size of the three ships.Top; HMS Bulwark – 26,000 tonnes, length 224 metres, beam 37 metresCentre; RFA Olna – 36,000 tonnes, length 198 metres, beam 26 metresBottom; HMS Ajax F114 – 2,500 tonnes, length 113 metres, beam 12 metres

All pretty big until your consider that the new HMS Queen Elizabeth is 65,000 tonnes, 284 metres long and 73 metres wide at the deck and even she is dwarfed by P&O's Britannia at 144,000 tonnes, 330 metres long and 44 metres wide!

Malcolm Collis


I'm sure many of you will be aware that the Association and the Town of Ajax have been trying very hard to draw up a definitive list for Ajax when she visited Ontario in 1976. This has proved very challenging to say the least as no official lists are available from the MoD or elsewhere. The reason for the list is because the Town will shortly amend the Memorial Wall to update those originally omitted. This will be a one-off update and the Town obviously would like it to be as complete as they can but are still short of the 257 that would have been aboard at the time. Thanks to all those who have helped so far.

Generally, the Association's archives are short on Frigate information and I am in the process of trying to collecting data. I'm hoping to build up records of the various commissions and crew lists for each commission/year.

The starting point really is to establish what actually defines a “commission”. Not being a navy man I'm not too sure and Google for once isn't much help. During her 22 year career, how many commissions did F114 see and were the recommissioning “events” ceremonial or merely administrative? Did each commission get a new Captain or did they just come and go? – see below for a list of Captains. Was she recommissioned following a refit, if so, how many refits did she go through?

I have commissioning booklets for the first and second commission and now the 1977 one and I also have crew lists for these three and the third commission but as I say, very short of information for rest of her time.

If any member can enlighten me regarding commissions or has any commission dates, booklets, the ship's “TWITT” magazines, crew lists and any other information that would be great. Alternatively, any advice where I can get this information from would be greatly appreciated.

HMS Ajax F114 Captains

David Peter Seely: 16 September 1963 to July 1965

Allan Gordon Tait: 10 July 1965 to 11 December 1966

George Armand De Gavardie Kitchin: 12 December 1966 to 8 May 1968

David Hepworth: 9 May 1968 to 12 March 1969

Harry Robert Keate: 2 September 1969 to September 1970

R.S. Blackman: 16 January 1971 to Unknown

Richard J. Bates: June 1973 to December 1974

David John Mackenzie: 5 December 1974 to 28 June 1976

Robert Risley Squires: 15 July 1976 to 28 February 1977

Peter Cobb: 1 March 1977 to 27 December 1978

Michael John Fielding Rawlinson: 28 December 1978 to 7 July 1980.

Timothy Michael Bevan: 7 July to 3 April 1981

Jeremy Michael Porter: 4 April 1981 to May 1983

Peter Charles Abbott: May 1983 to December 1984

John F. S. Trinder: December 1984 to June 1985

Biographies of those who captained Ajax Frigate can be found on the website here - http://www.hmsajax.org/?use_flash=1#/frigate-captains/4560937377

Malcolm Collis

20. 21.


The number of website visitors since I set it up is approaching a quarter of a million which is quite amazing. A steady trickle of enquiries arrived through the internet and increasingly Facebook this Newsletter period. If anyone knows of any of the below or has any “archivy” information or material please get in touch with me.

UNKNOWN SAILORI was contacted by George McDonald to say he had recently obtained some WW11 medals and a personal diary that belonged to a sailor who served in HMS Ajax. The diary runs from 1943 through

to 1946 but unfortunately nowhere is the author identified. George was hoping I could help him and sent me a copy of the diary and a photo of the medals. The diary was factual rather than personal and didn't add too much.

Whoever he was, he joined Ajax at the end of 1943 after her refit in New York following a bombing incident in Bone Algeria and saw service mainly in the Meditterraen but was also involved in supporting the D-Day landings. After the war Ajax went on a flag showing cruise of South America including Montevideo.

From the medals it seems he saw service before joining Ajax in the Atlantic, Africa & Pacific. The five medals and miniatures are displayed in the correct order, rather than award date and are –

Ø 1939 – 1945 Star - awarded for service in the Second World War:

Ø Atlantic Star - awarded for service in the Second World War, specifically those who took part in the Battle of the Atlantic, the longest continuous campaign of the war running from 1939 to the defeat of Germany in 1945

Ø Africa Star - awarded to those who served in the Second World War, specifically in North Africa between 10 June 1940 and 12 May 1943 inclusive.

Ø Burma Star - awarded to those who served in the Second World War, specifically in the Burma Campaign from 1941 to 1945. One clasp, the Pacific Clasp, was instituted to be worn on the

medal ribbon as displayed

Ø War Medal 1939 – 1945 - awarded to those who had served full-time in the Armed Forces or the Merchant Navy for at least 28 days between 3 September 1939 and 2 September 1945

Assuming the medals belong to the author then the Atlantic Star, Africa Star & Burma Star would have been awarded before his time on Ajax. Ajax spent most of her operational time in the Mediterranean after repairs following the Battle of the River Plate in 1939 and was not involved in Atlantic convoy work; the Africa Star was award before his time on Ajax; and Ajax was never in the Pacific where the Burma Star & clasp would have been awarded. The 1939 – 1945 Star & War Medal 1939 – 1945 were awarded generally to those who served in the War.

JOHN “JACK” WITHEYI received an enquiry from Claire Barker regarding her grandfather John Withey.I was originally contacted in 2012 by Anne Viswanatha from Minnesota seeking information on her father's uncle, Jack Withey (1916-1996) who was a crew member aboard HMS Ajax during the Battle of the River Plate; an entry appeared in the June 2012 Newsletter.

Jack was born on 27 January 1916 in Birmingham and th th

married Gwen on 17 August 1940. He died on 4 February 1996 and on his death certificate he is registered as John Withey, otherwise Jack Withey; apparently he changed his name to hide the fact he had signed up under-age.

Claire was unaware that Jack had an Ajax street and at some stage hopes to visit friends in Toronto and will include an Ajax visit.

JOSEPH HENRY FORSTERMichelle Forster posted the following on the HMS Ajax Facebook page –“When I was a teenager my Grandad gave me some photos from his days as a Deep Sea Diver in the War for a school project. Today I decided to get my photo albums out and put some in frames. On the back of (this) one it says 'not for publication to be retained aboard'. Sadley God bless him he's not here anymore to ask but I wonder how he got it”I established that his name was Joseph Henry Forster and she thinks he was in Ajax around 1940. She also has a photo with her grandad's handwriting 'Africa 1942'. Unfortunately both photos are of a poor quality. She added, “Thank you. When he was alive my Mam and me always wanted to see what we could find out about his time in the War, we'd wanted to see if anyone remembered him but had no idea how to go about it. My Mam and Grandad have both passed away but I know my Mam would have loved to have been here to know you could find information out there of his naval past”J. H. Forster appears on the Town of Ajax Memorial Wall for the 1940 - 45 Ajax crew.

JOHN CAIRNSOn same Ajax Facebook post Donna Cairns posted, “My dad was on the Ajax in the war he was called John Cairns (Stokes) he has loads of medals. Tobruk, African Star. I will sort some photos out”I have John A Cairns on my 1940 and 1941 Ajax list and he is also shown on the Town of Ajax Memorial Wall. Susan from Ajax confirmed their records show that a J.A. Cairns served HMS Ajax from 1940 to 1943. Donna replied, “My dad was on the Ajax and you found some info on him. Dad died about 13 years ago and he often told me stories some not nice. He got Alzheimer's and used to relive a lot of the war and what happened with torpedoes etc. When I sort the pictures out I will post them.” “Susan sent me a picture and I was so emotional. My mam and dad would of been so proud to see it. I have been to Ontario and Toronto many times with my mam but knew nothing about it. Honestly it's amazing. I have just bought the Ajax poppy pin. You never know one day they might name a street after him.”

20. 21.


The number of website visitors since I set it up is approaching a quarter of a million which is quite amazing. A steady trickle of enquiries arrived through the internet and increasingly Facebook this Newsletter period. If anyone knows of any of the below or has any “archivy” information or material please get in touch with me.

UNKNOWN SAILORI was contacted by George McDonald to say he had recently obtained some WW11 medals and a personal diary that belonged to a sailor who served in HMS Ajax. The diary runs from 1943 through

to 1946 but unfortunately nowhere is the author identified. George was hoping I could help him and sent me a copy of the diary and a photo of the medals. The diary was factual rather than personal and didn't add too much.

Whoever he was, he joined Ajax at the end of 1943 after her refit in New York following a bombing incident in Bone Algeria and saw service mainly in the Meditterraen but was also involved in supporting the D-Day landings. After the war Ajax went on a flag showing cruise of South America including Montevideo.

From the medals it seems he saw service before joining Ajax in the Atlantic, Africa & Pacific. The five medals and miniatures are displayed in the correct order, rather than award date and are –

Ø 1939 – 1945 Star - awarded for service in the Second World War:

Ø Atlantic Star - awarded for service in the Second World War, specifically those who took part in the Battle of the Atlantic, the longest continuous campaign of the war running from 1939 to the defeat of Germany in 1945

Ø Africa Star - awarded to those who served in the Second World War, specifically in North Africa between 10 June 1940 and 12 May 1943 inclusive.

Ø Burma Star - awarded to those who served in the Second World War, specifically in the Burma Campaign from 1941 to 1945. One clasp, the Pacific Clasp, was instituted to be worn on the

medal ribbon as displayed

Ø War Medal 1939 – 1945 - awarded to those who had served full-time in the Armed Forces or the Merchant Navy for at least 28 days between 3 September 1939 and 2 September 1945

Assuming the medals belong to the author then the Atlantic Star, Africa Star & Burma Star would have been awarded before his time on Ajax. Ajax spent most of her operational time in the Mediterranean after repairs following the Battle of the River Plate in 1939 and was not involved in Atlantic convoy work; the Africa Star was award before his time on Ajax; and Ajax was never in the Pacific where the Burma Star & clasp would have been awarded. The 1939 – 1945 Star & War Medal 1939 – 1945 were awarded generally to those who served in the War.

JOHN “JACK” WITHEYI received an enquiry from Claire Barker regarding her grandfather John Withey.I was originally contacted in 2012 by Anne Viswanatha from Minnesota seeking information on her father's uncle, Jack Withey (1916-1996) who was a crew member aboard HMS Ajax during the Battle of the River Plate; an entry appeared in the June 2012 Newsletter.

Jack was born on 27 January 1916 in Birmingham and th th

married Gwen on 17 August 1940. He died on 4 February 1996 and on his death certificate he is registered as John Withey, otherwise Jack Withey; apparently he changed his name to hide the fact he had signed up under-age.

Claire was unaware that Jack had an Ajax street and at some stage hopes to visit friends in Toronto and will include an Ajax visit.

JOSEPH HENRY FORSTERMichelle Forster posted the following on the HMS Ajax Facebook page –“When I was a teenager my Grandad gave me some photos from his days as a Deep Sea Diver in the War for a school project. Today I decided to get my photo albums out and put some in frames. On the back of (this) one it says 'not for publication to be retained aboard'. Sadley God bless him he's not here anymore to ask but I wonder how he got it”I established that his name was Joseph Henry Forster and she thinks he was in Ajax around 1940. She also has a photo with her grandad's handwriting 'Africa 1942'. Unfortunately both photos are of a poor quality. She added, “Thank you. When he was alive my Mam and me always wanted to see what we could find out about his time in the War, we'd wanted to see if anyone remembered him but had no idea how to go about it. My Mam and Grandad have both passed away but I know my Mam would have loved to have been here to know you could find information out there of his naval past”J. H. Forster appears on the Town of Ajax Memorial Wall for the 1940 - 45 Ajax crew.

JOHN CAIRNSOn same Ajax Facebook post Donna Cairns posted, “My dad was on the Ajax in the war he was called John Cairns (Stokes) he has loads of medals. Tobruk, African Star. I will sort some photos out”I have John A Cairns on my 1940 and 1941 Ajax list and he is also shown on the Town of Ajax Memorial Wall. Susan from Ajax confirmed their records show that a J.A. Cairns served HMS Ajax from 1940 to 1943. Donna replied, “My dad was on the Ajax and you found some info on him. Dad died about 13 years ago and he often told me stories some not nice. He got Alzheimer's and used to relive a lot of the war and what happened with torpedoes etc. When I sort the pictures out I will post them.” “Susan sent me a picture and I was so emotional. My mam and dad would of been so proud to see it. I have been to Ontario and Toronto many times with my mam but knew nothing about it. Honestly it's amazing. I have just bought the Ajax poppy pin. You never know one day they might name a street after him.”


JIM GORSTJennifer Rowe contacted me to say that from her limited records her father Jim Gorst served in HMS Achilles from 16/10/1939 to 01/06/1940 but she couldn't find anything about him being at the River Plate. Tragically her father was lost at sea in 1959 when the Red Falcon, a fishing trawler sank in December 1959 in the Scottish seas with all 19 crew lost including Jim. He was only 38 and left 6 children.I do have a River Plate list for Achilles but that didn't show any Gorst – I did email the list compiler in New Zealand but never heard back from him.At the time of The Battle of the River Plate (December 1939) Achilles was HMS Achilles, a British ship but assigned to the New Zealand Division and as such most of the ratings crew were New Zealanders with British officers. When the Royal New Zealand Navy came in to being in 1941 Achilles transferred as HMNZS Achilles. I did ask the question if Jim was a New Zealander?

Jennifer responded, “My dad was British born and bred but funny that I should end up emigrating to NZ in 1969 and now live in Australia.

The Red Falcon was indeed a deep sea trawler and my dad was Bosun, he did have a skippers ticket but on that fateful trip his ship was having a break, called "settling" so he decided to do a trip on the Red Falcon in 1959 to earn a bit of money for Christmas, an expensive time with 6 children.

Dad was born in 1921 so he would have just joined the Navy at 18 years old, and looking at this record he would have only been 18 if he did serve on HMS Achilles. The other puzzle is his rank/rating as PO but he wouldn't have been in long enough. He gained his seniority after the war in the 1950's which was Sub Lieutenant and then Lieutenant.

I will scan the document and send in a separate email to you, thanks for your assistance in all you have done, it is much appreciated.

I wish I had asked questions when I was younger but still not sure if I would have found the answers as I was only 11 when dad got lost and my mum was 50 when she died and I lived in NZ at that time.”

The documents she sent me confirmed he was in Achilles at the time of the River Plate to which Jennifer replied,

“Thanks so much for confirming my father's participation in the Battle of the River Plate it is wonderful that we have made this discovery. What a special Christmas present for me. Thank you for informing the Town of Ajax, and the link to New Zealand is particularly special as I feel it gives me a link to him and he would of approved of us emigrating there.”



Simon Shaw contacted me to say Frank Ivor Shaw was his grandfather and that he had some photographs!

I did have an exchange of emails in July 2014 through to January 2015 with a Jeremy Shaw from Australia regarding Frank Ivor Shaw who sent me a bundle of photographs some of which I used in subsequent Newsletters.

I turns out Jeremy and Simon are brothers. Simon sent a couple of low resolution photos – this one is at the Guildhall with Frank bottom right.

THE CASE OF THE MISSING MEDAL - HORACE GRANVILLE HOWESBack in 2013 I received an enquiry from a Mark Hopkins about his grandfather Horace Howes who received the DSM for swimming up an estuary with mines strapped to him. The award and incident was veiled in mystery. For some reason the medal was kept in the back of a clock but went missing when Horace's son sold the clock with the medal still hidden inside - was never forgiven. This appeared in the March 2013 Newsletter.

At the beginning of 2017 I received another enquiry from the other side of the family from another grandson Mark Rice trying to find out a little more information about his boxing career as he was the American and West Indies Fleet heavyweight champion in the navy. Mark contacted the MOD regarding his lost medal and was able to purchase another medal to replace it but unfortunately Horace died before it arrived.

I recently received an email from Richard Hughes, "Whilst researching "Operation Royal Marine" Google led me to your website & the newsletter of March 2017. It mentioned a missing DSM to Howes, the family members concerned may like to know that a group of medals to AB H. G. Howes consisting of a DSM & WW2 stars was sold at auction by DNW in London on the 6th.December this year."

It seems the medals made £3700 and were previously owned by someone abroad who had had them for 20 to 30 years. The journey from the back of the clock to overseas remains a mystery.

The DNW advertisement below gives brief details of the operation that led to the award and I have been able to find out more about the work Horace was performing onhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Royal_Marine


JIM GORSTJennifer Rowe contacted me to say that from her limited records her father Jim Gorst served in HMS Achilles from 16/10/1939 to 01/06/1940 but she couldn't find anything about him being at the River Plate. Tragically her father was lost at sea in 1959 when the Red Falcon, a fishing trawler sank in December 1959 in the Scottish seas with all 19 crew lost including Jim. He was only 38 and left 6 children.I do have a River Plate list for Achilles but that didn't show any Gorst – I did email the list compiler in New Zealand but never heard back from him.At the time of The Battle of the River Plate (December 1939) Achilles was HMS Achilles, a British ship but assigned to the New Zealand Division and as such most of the ratings crew were New Zealanders with British officers. When the Royal New Zealand Navy came in to being in 1941 Achilles transferred as HMNZS Achilles. I did ask the question if Jim was a New Zealander?

Jennifer responded, “My dad was British born and bred but funny that I should end up emigrating to NZ in 1969 and now live in Australia.

The Red Falcon was indeed a deep sea trawler and my dad was Bosun, he did have a skippers ticket but on that fateful trip his ship was having a break, called "settling" so he decided to do a trip on the Red Falcon in 1959 to earn a bit of money for Christmas, an expensive time with 6 children.

Dad was born in 1921 so he would have just joined the Navy at 18 years old, and looking at this record he would have only been 18 if he did serve on HMS Achilles. The other puzzle is his rank/rating as PO but he wouldn't have been in long enough. He gained his seniority after the war in the 1950's which was Sub Lieutenant and then Lieutenant.

I will scan the document and send in a separate email to you, thanks for your assistance in all you have done, it is much appreciated.

I wish I had asked questions when I was younger but still not sure if I would have found the answers as I was only 11 when dad got lost and my mum was 50 when she died and I lived in NZ at that time.”

The documents she sent me confirmed he was in Achilles at the time of the River Plate to which Jennifer replied,

“Thanks so much for confirming my father's participation in the Battle of the River Plate it is wonderful that we have made this discovery. What a special Christmas present for me. Thank you for informing the Town of Ajax, and the link to New Zealand is particularly special as I feel it gives me a link to him and he would of approved of us emigrating there.”



Simon Shaw contacted me to say Frank Ivor Shaw was his grandfather and that he had some photographs!

I did have an exchange of emails in July 2014 through to January 2015 with a Jeremy Shaw from Australia regarding Frank Ivor Shaw who sent me a bundle of photographs some of which I used in subsequent Newsletters.

I turns out Jeremy and Simon are brothers. Simon sent a couple of low resolution photos – this one is at the Guildhall with Frank bottom right.

THE CASE OF THE MISSING MEDAL - HORACE GRANVILLE HOWESBack in 2013 I received an enquiry from a Mark Hopkins about his grandfather Horace Howes who received the DSM for swimming up an estuary with mines strapped to him. The award and incident was veiled in mystery. For some reason the medal was kept in the back of a clock but went missing when Horace's son sold the clock with the medal still hidden inside - was never forgiven. This appeared in the March 2013 Newsletter.

At the beginning of 2017 I received another enquiry from the other side of the family from another grandson Mark Rice trying to find out a little more information about his boxing career as he was the American and West Indies Fleet heavyweight champion in the navy. Mark contacted the MOD regarding his lost medal and was able to purchase another medal to replace it but unfortunately Horace died before it arrived.

I recently received an email from Richard Hughes, "Whilst researching "Operation Royal Marine" Google led me to your website & the newsletter of March 2017. It mentioned a missing DSM to Howes, the family members concerned may like to know that a group of medals to AB H. G. Howes consisting of a DSM & WW2 stars was sold at auction by DNW in London on the 6th.December this year."

It seems the medals made £3700 and were previously owned by someone abroad who had had them for 20 to 30 years. The journey from the back of the clock to overseas remains a mystery.

The DNW advertisement below gives brief details of the operation that led to the award and I have been able to find out more about the work Horace was performing onhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Royal_Marine


In the June 2017 Newsletter Clive Sharplin contributed a piece on HMS Belfast. Clive spotted the following in the December 2017 issue of the UK based magazine Sea Breezes in the Naval Focus section.'Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon*, during a visit to Harland & Wolff shipyard, announced that the second of the new Type 26 Global frigates will be named HMS Belfast. To avoid confusion the World War Two cruiser in the pool of London will be renamed HMS Belfast 1938'. *Former!

If anyone has anything to add to any of these enquiries please let me know.Malcolm Collis - Archivist


Cruiser Members, Frigate Members and Associates, I need your help.

Four Newsletter editions per year may not seem a lot but they soon come around. I collect various items and photos as I go along and about a month before I send the material off to Entrac Printing I set about drafting the layout – filling the 24 pages.

Whilst I have regular features and contributor items to go in I still have quite a few blank pages to fill – even after I've made the photographs a little larger.

My plea to you all is; please send me anything of interest that may be suitable for future editions. So if you have any memories, thoughts, stories, anecdotes, photographs or anything with a loose connection to Ajax, the navy, the sea, members, general interest and similar please send it to me.

Malcolm Collis – Newsletter Editor
