Airworthiness Functional Competence Framework


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Air Vice-Marshal Martin Clark DSA-MAA-Tech-D

Abbey Wood Bristol

Mr Evan Davies DSA-MAA-ES-STTS-CD1 Military Aviation Authority

030 679 32411



Responsibility for the Air Safety and, consequently, the Airworthiness of military aircraft is vested in the Secretary of State for Defence, who delegates his authority in this matter to each Service Chief of Staff and Chief of Defence Materiel for onward delegation to competent individuals. Within DE&S, where an individual requires Airworthiness Authority to amend the Aircraft Document Set, formal delegation of such authority is required. A formal record of the notification of Air Safety responsibility is also required to ensure that individuals who do not have Airworthiness Authority are aware of the impact on safety of their aviation-related activity; such notification is required to be clear, unambiguous and auditable.

Relevant Operating Centre Directors, intermediate line managers and all Type Airworthiness Authorities should hold a Letter of Airworthiness Authority supported by a Letter of Endorsement (LoE) of Airworthiness Competence issued by the MAA.

Nominated Post Holders who require a LoE should submit a completed Airworthiness Competence Set assessment, current CV and Terms of Reference for their appointment to the MAA for review. Once satisfied, the MAA will issue a personal LoE to the applicant which will remain valid only for the duration of the applicant’s current assignment and cannot be transferred between platforms/teams.

AVM Martin Clark

Director (Technical) MAA


Assessment Levels

Below are the definitions to be applied for the assessment levels within the Airworthiness Competence Set:

Supervised Practitioner

The Person has sufficient skill, knowledge, understanding and behavioural skills to be able to work on tasks associated with the overall airworthiness function without placing an excessive burden on the Practitioner or Expert supervising the work.

Practitioner The person has sufficient skill, knowledge, understanding and behavioural skills, and sufficient demonstrated experience of competency to be able to work on the overall airworthiness function without the need for detailed supervision.

Expert The person has sufficient understanding of why things are performed in certain ways, and/or will have demonstrated managerial skills, sufficient to be able to take overall responsibility for the performance of an airworthiness function. An Expert keeps abreast of technology, application solutions, standards and regulatory requirements, particularly in rapidly evolving fields and is able to work in novel situations.


Version 1.2



1. The original ACS was released in 2006 through the Air Systems Group of the Defence Procurement Agency. Since then, the MAA was formed following the Haddon Cave Nimrod Review and introduced the MAA Regulatory Publications (MRP). This interim rewrite is intended to bring the document under MAA control and update relevant information pending a full review.

Roles and responsibilities for holding and issuing a Letter of Endorsement (LoE)

2. A clear, unbroken chain of delegation from Chief of Defence Material (CDM) to the respective Type Airworthiness Authority (TAA) should exist, through 2* Operating Centre Directors (OCDs) including intermediate line managers as necessary, with each receiving the appropriate level of delegation.

3. CDM issues a Letter of Airworthiness Authority (LoAA) to Chief of Materiel (Air) (CoM(Air)) containing, as a minimum, the Air Safety responsibilities and Airworthiness Authorities detailed in Regulatory Article (RA)1012.

4. CoM(Air) issues LoAAs to those OCDs with responsibilities for air systems and equipment, containing as a minimum, the relevant Air Safety responsibilities and Airworthiness Authorities detailed in RA 1013.

5. OCDs issue LoAAs to subordinate TAAs, via intermediate line managers where necessary. These LoAAs should contain, as a minimum, the Airworthiness Authorities detailed in RA 1015.

6. OCDs, TAAs and any intermediate line managers requiring delegation of Airworthiness Authority apply to the MAA for endorsement of their suitability to hold a LoAA, using the process detailed in MAA03 of the MRP, which directs applicants to the MAA Airworthiness Assessment Tool (MAAT). Once satisfied, the MAA will issue a personal Letter of Endorsement (LoE) recognising the suitability of the applicant. The applicant should not be awarded a LoAA before their LoE is received.

Assessment of Airworthiness Competence

7. In order to assess suitability to hold a LoE an applicant should be able to demonstrate their competence across the scope of their responsibilities. These have been grouped into the major functions associated with Airworthiness as described below:

a. Core Functions. The core competencies contained in this function are mandatory for all individuals applying for an airworthiness authority delegation.

b. Advise/Support/Regulate (ASR). Personnel who carry out regulatory functions, or who provide advice and support on the application of airworthiness policy and can, therefore, influence the way in which airworthiness policy is applied.

c. Design/Procure (DP). Personnel involved in the procurement and through life management of airworthy equipment.

d. Release to Service (RTS). The RTSA 'owns' the safety case for the as-flown standard of aircraft, and in managing the RTS that defines the limitations within which the aircraft is considered to be tolerably safe for service flying, the decisions of the RTSA staff can affect airworthiness.


e. Maintain/Operate (MO). The MO function encompasses those competencies necessary to facilitate the delivery of a safe environment within which airworthiness may be preserved. It encompasses such activities as establishing a maintenance policy and developing maintenance procedures.

There is an extra Competence termed ‘Additional Relevant Competency’ to be found at the end of each Function. This provides an opportunity for the applicant to describe other competencies which are not adequately covered elsewhere within the Function. No Guidance is offered and the content is left to the imagination and discretion of the applicant. If required, evidence type can be identified and a claim can be made for the level of Competence, if this is appropriate.


8. A competency assessment will be undertaken within the context of the job in which the individual is being evaluated. The context is essential, firstly to set the boundaries within which the admissibility and relevance of evidence in support of each competency must be judged, and secondly to allow a judgement to be made in the future of the validity of this competency assessment to a new environment or context. The factors which bound that context are:

a. The standards or regulatory framework within which the individual operates.

b. The individual's relevant experience operating within that environment.

c. Specific knowledge relevant to the application, where appropriate (fast jet, rotary wing etc).

d. Specific knowledge of technologies appropriate to the application.

e. Is not transportable between posts.

Other users

9. There are many posts which do not require a LoE where the actions of an individual or the corporate competence of the organisation can have a profound effect on airworthiness. The ACS can be a powerful tool to inform decision-making relating to the competence of personnel filling such posts. Its use will assist a manager in determining the corporate competence of the organisation to undertake the task, enabling him to target his supervisory and development effort effectively, and to allocate responsibilities appropriately.

Assessment Guidance and Levels

10. For each individual competency, assessment guidance is provided for use when making an assessment of the competence of a person to perform an airworthiness function. Assessment guidance is given for three levels of competence, ‘Supervised Practitioner’, ‘Practitioner’ and ‘Expert’.

a. A Supervised Practitioner has sufficient skill, knowledge, understanding and behavioural skills to be able to work on tasks associated with the overall airworthiness function without placing an excessive burden on the Practitioner or Expert supervising the work.

b. A Practitioner has sufficient skill, knowledge, understanding and behavioural skills, and sufficient demonstrated experience of competency to be able to work on the overall airworthiness function without the need for detailed supervision.

c. An Expert has sufficient understanding of why things are performed in certain ways, and/or will have demonstrated managerial skills, sufficient to be able to take overall


responsibility for the performance of an airworthiness function. An Expert keeps abreast of technology, application solutions, standards and regulatory requirements, particularly in rapidly evolving fields and is able to work in novel situations.

d. By default, a person who has not achieved Supervised Practitioner level is termed a ‘Trainee’.

11. The individual competencies are chosen to be the most important competencies to perform the airworthiness authority function to best practice. To simplify assessment and avoid repetition, the competencies are divided into task and function-related competencies. Task-related competencies tend to be technical skills. Function-related competencies apply to the function as a whole and tend to be knowledge, understanding and behavioural skills.

12. The individual assessments of competence should now be entered in the Assessment Summary box by the candidate. Applicants are advised to consider the SQEP criteria for each competence and provide a succinct narrative majoring on the personal practical experience and identify theoretical knowledge where appropriate and a judgement of overall competence made. The rules for making a judgement of overall competency are that:

a. An award of an attainment of a particular level of overall competency in performing an Airworthiness function should only be made if at least 70% of the individual competencies have been achieved at that level or higher; and

b. An overall level of ‘expert’ or ‘practitioner’ should only be awarded provided none of the individual task or function-related competencies is at trainee level.

13. It is desirable that the candidate take steps to improve competence in the weaker areas, and to this end an ‘Action Plan’ box has been included. An example of a competed action plan is:

Action Plan

1 Actively arrange for more on-going involvement in supporting the safety executive. 2 Arrange to actively participate in at least one audit during the next 6 months to assure compliance with a project safety management plan. 3 Develop my understanding of how my existing core airworthiness competencies apply in the MRCOA and contractual conditions pertaining.

14. The completed self-assessment is be submitted to the MAA in accordance with MAA03.

15. Where the self-assessment is to be used in support of delegation below TAA the completed self-assessment should be presented to the delegating officer or line manager, as appropriate, for review. The reviewing officer should examine the claims to ensure that he is completely satisfied that the assessment is a true and accurate reflection of the candidate's competence within the required scope; this may include an interview and/or examination of any written evidence submitted.

16. If the assessment was made in support of a proposed formal airworthiness delegation and the delegating officer is content that the assessment fully justifies the issue of a letter of delegation, he should annotate acceptance of the assessment and file it as supporting justification with the letter. If the delegating officer is not content, he must not make the proposed delegation; he may, however, consider that the assessment supports a more limited delegation and proceed accordingly.

17. It is not intended that the ACS should be used as a yardstick for the purposes of performance reporting. Indeed, the ACS relies on honest self-assessment. However, where a


candidate does not assess themselves as Practitioner or Expert, they are to enter into the action plan box the strategy they propose to address this weakness.


Annex A to Airworthiness Competence Set version 1.2


ACS001 Core FunctionSummary This Function describes the core competencies, necessary to undertake:

• Advise, Support and Regulate

• Design and Procure

• Release to Service Management

• Operate and Maintain

The eight common competencies comprising the core function are:

• Promote safety awareness

• Organisational systems

• Knowledge of airworthiness safety

• Principles of safety assurance

• Regulatory and legal requirements

• Feedback of airworthiness concerns

• Configuration management

• Staff competency

To make a judgment of the competence to perform one of the four main Functions, an assessment of the competence to perform this core function is required.

ACS001/01 Promote Safety AwarenessEnsures that all staff who can affect the achievement of airworthiness and safety are aware of their obligations by: identifying target audience; implementing a dissemination programme; measuring achievement; and applying corrective actions as necessary.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan illustrate, through training programme course notes, follow-up questionnaires, audit reports etc., how awareness of airworthiness safety information has been promoted within the MoD. Can list methods for making personnel aware.

Has been involved in promoting awareness of essential information at a corporate or operational unit level, including making a check of understanding and taking corrective actions.

Can explain how different promotional strategies, achieve awareness and their respective merits.

Has initiated, implemented, and monitored the promotion of safety awareness of essential information at a corporate or operational unit level.

Can identify where difficulty has been encountered in promoting awareness of the underlying issues and can illustrate specific actions that have been taken to overcome them.


Organisation systems (formerly addressed under ACS001/02)

Refer to ACS001/05 Regulatory and Legal Requirements

ACS001/03 Knowledge of Airworthiness Safety

Has knowledge and understanding of the practices of airworthiness safety, including applications and technology appropriate to the MoD, necessary for the successful execution of the role.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertHas worked on applications requiring a familiarity and knowledge of aviation technology and airworthiness practices.

Has worked on an airworthiness project, sufficient to gain an understanding of how safety requirements are addressed by having applied the methods, techniques and technology.

Has worked on many safety-related projects, some of which relate to the identified context within which the MoD operates. Understands how safety practices are used to achieve safety at both the project and organisational levels.

Can describe relevant technologies and their application but not necessarily in relation to safety-related work.

Can describe relevant technologies and how they might be used for safety-related airworthiness work.

Can provide evidence of having applied safety-related technologies to a wide range of projects.

Principles of Safety Assurance(formerly addressed under ACS001/04 )Refer to System Safety Functional Competences, Competence Area 2 - Principles of System Safety Management

ACS001/05 Regulatory and Legal RequirementsHas knowledge and understanding of all relevant safety regulations, legal requirements and MoD-specific safety standards.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Is aware of the requirements of the relevant safety standards necessary for airworthiness safety. Can describe and explain the key principles underlying the relevant regulatory and legal regime.

Can illustrate and explain through the policy, principles, procedures and guidance of the airworthiness safety management system, how legal, regulatory and MoD-specific safety requirements are addressed.

Can justify the approach for meeting the relevant regulatory, legal and MoD-specific safety requirements in the airworthiness safety management system.


ACS001/06 Feedback of airworthiness concerns

Continually observe, prioritise and feed back to the appropriate authority for action, significant airworthiness issues that affect the safe operation and maintenance of aviation systems.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan explain how issues affecting the safe operation of aviation systems would be observed and prioritised.

Has been observed to be normally proactive in prioritising and addressing issues affecting the safe operation of aviation systems.

Has established and used a systematic approach to observing and prioritising issues affecting the safe operation of aviation systems.

Can explain the arrangements for feeding back issues to the appropriate authority that affect safety.

Has fed back at least one relevant safety issue appropriate to the current position, which has been accepted and satisfactorily addressed.

Has fed back many significant safety issues, and managed their acceptance and resolution.

Configuration Management (formerly addressed under ACS001/07)Refer to Configuration Management Functional Competences CM1 – Configuration Management and Planning.

ACS001/08 Staff competency

Define system and advise on arrangements to manage the competency of staff who have Equipment Safety responsibilities.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan demonstrate knowledge of the competency standards and scheme for staff undertaking aviation safety-related activities within the area of responsibility.

Can explain how arrangements would be made to ensure that staff are competent to perform aviation-safety activities.

Has contributed to making systematic arrangements to ensure that relevant staff are competent to perform aviation-safety activities.

Has made systematic arrangements that successfully ensured that relevant staff are competent to perform aviation-safety activities.


ACS001/09 Additional Relevant CompetencyAny additional information you may wish to include to support your self-assessment within the context of this Function.


ACS101 Advise, Support and RegulateSummary Airworthiness ‘Advise, Support, Regulate’ involves responsibilities for ensuring that appropriate corporate arrangements for a ‘safety culture’ exist and are applied for the airworthiness of military aircraft, consistent with the MoD’s internal and regulatory environment. A major responsibility of the MoD's airworthiness safety management system is that of establishing policy, internal procedures and regulations.

In discharging this responsibility, key tasks for this function are:

• Define and instigate a corporate approach to airworthiness safety, including maintaining an effective safety management system, within the scope of the development and use of airworthiness-related systems by the MoD.

• Promulgate the MoD approach to airworthiness safety in both a proactive and reactive manner.

• Monitor compliance with the MoD approach to functional safety for airworthiness systems, taking corrective action where necessary.

In support of these tasks, additional management tasks are likely to be required such as:

• Advise management of the resource required (both people and equipment) necessary to operate and maintain an effective safety management system.

• Educate staff, disseminating ‘good –practice’ and lessons learned to ensure a MoD wide understanding of the requirements of airworthiness safety.

For a person to be assessed as competent to perform this function he or she must also assess their competence against the ACS001 Core Function.


ACS101/01 Develop Safety Management Strategy

Direct/assist* in the development of a documented strategy for a safety management system by advising, contributing and drafting the requirements of airworthiness, and is compatible with MoD management systems and practices.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan demonstrate a basic knowledge of the airworthiness safety management system and its key features.

Has demonstrated a thorough knowledge and understanding of the airworthiness safety management system by consistently providing correct advice on its interpretation.

Has successfully developed parts of a safety management system.

Has successfully developed at least one safety management system and/or made significant contributions to parts of the airworthiness safety management system


ACS101/02 Allocate Safety Responsibilities

Identifies roles and organisational relationships required to implement the airworthiness safety management system, and allocates, arranges or advises on staff responsibilities for the performance of these roles.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Can identify documentation relating to the allocation of responsibilities, and understands the way in which appropriate allocation within an organisation contributes to the effective and robust operation of a safety management system.

Has provided advice on specific roles and their relationships with other roles, to ensure the effective and robust operation of a safety management system.

Has arranged and/or allocated responsibilities for safety management system roles, monitored the efficacy of the allocation with respect to an effective and robust operation of the system, and initiated improvements on allocation when identified as necessary.

ACS101/03 Support to Safety Executive

Briefs and provides support as required to the safety executive within the appropriate organisation such that the requirements of airworthiness safety are fully appreciated and addressed.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertHas knowledge of the safety executive and their requirements with regard to a report on airworthiness safety.

Has provided reports to the safety executive in support of airworthiness safety requirements that have been correctly and clearly addressed.

Has reported directly to the safety executive by successfully presenting a safety strategy and responding to attendant issues raised to ensure the full implications of airworthiness safety are appreciated.

ACS101/04 Provide Safety Advice

Provides an effective advisory service to staff at all levels on the interpretation and application of airworthiness safety issues, such that a consistent approach to safety is achieved and conflicts of interpretation are resolved.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Can demonstrate knowledge on how typical questions with regard to safety would be handled.

Can demonstrate how effective advice on matters of airworthiness safety has been provided personally for safety-related projects.

Is generally recognised as a source of sound advice on issues of airworthiness safety.

Can explain the different methods that have been used and considered for providing advice on airworthiness safety, and identify the advantages and disadvantages of each method in relation to the particular requirements of the MoD.

Has established an effective system for providing advice on safety.


ACS101/05 Assure Compliance

Assures compliance with the airworthiness safety management system by both recommending audit arrangements to be undertaken and by examining the effectiveness of the airworthiness safety management system. This also includes instigating corrective action as necessary.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Can explain the mechanisms (e.g. audits) that have been put in place across the MoD to monitor compliance of projects with the airworthiness safety management system.

Can explain the advantages and disadvantages and illustrate with examples, the different mechanisms for monitoring compliance with the airworthiness safety management system.

Can cite examples (real or hypothetical) where a lack of adequate monitoring has led, or could lead to, a potentially unsafe situation, and can explain how monitoring within the MoD has been applied to counter such examples.

Has critically reviewed one or more audits to determine whether they have successfully demonstrated satisfactory compliance with planned arrangements.

Can demonstrate an understanding of the root causes of non-compliance with the airworthiness safety management system and identify trends in compliance.

Has persuaded peers to conform to planned arrangements.

Has instigated corrective action, to ensure satisfactory compliance with the airworthiness safety management system, through negotiating and influencing.

Has instigated corrective action at all levels, to ensure satisfactory compliance with the airworthiness safety management system, through negotiating and influencing.

Note: There is no functional-related competency for this skill-set.


ACS101/06 Additional Relevant CompetencyAny additional information you may wish to include to support your self-assessment within the context of this Function.


ACS201 Design and ProcureSummary Airworthiness ‘Design and Procure’ involves accountability to achieve, maintain and demonstrate that an aviation system is safe.

In discharging this accountability, key tasks for this function are:

• Developing a strategy to address project safety, encapsulate the strategy in a project plan and allocate safety responsibilities.

• Obtain and report assurance on product safety either directly, or through contracted agencies for example suppliers, independent safety auditors, etc.

• Manage the release of product safety information, safety case, military aircraft release, release to service, etc.

• Originate and handle safety issues systematically through the use of a hazard log.

• Make arrangements for project safety audits or their equivalent.

Airworthiness safe design and procurement should be integrated with other design and procurement activities.

For a person to be assessed as competent to perform this function he or she must also assess their competence against the ACS001 Core Function.


ACS201/01 Establish Project Safety Management Strategy

Establishes the strategy for managing airworthiness safety on a project by proactively eliciting, evaluating and documenting information on project safety objectives, scope, context and constraints.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Can identify the main categories of information required to specify the scope, context and objectives of a strategy and how the information might be obtained, evaluated, recorded and communicated.

Can illustrate through working notes, minutes of meetings and reports how an understanding of an assignment has been obtained.

Has correctly documented an understanding of the scope, context and objectives of an assignment.

Can contribute to the establishment of a strategy for managing airworthiness safety on a project.

Has established the strategy for managing airworthiness safety on at least one major project.


ACS201/02 Develop/Maintain Project Safety Management Plan

Develops/maintains* a project safety management plan detailing activities and performance measures, that addresses all ‘through-life’ phases and is integrated cost-effectively with other project activities.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Has gained experience of project lifecycles and associated activities by working on a project.

Has demonstrated a good understanding of project lifecycles, design engineering, verification and validation sufficient to produce a comprehensive plan which includes all necessary activities and responsibilities.

Can illustrate through own work how plans have been developed and maintained.

Consistently produces accurate estimates for the time to complete activities and schedules activities correctly.

Can produce and maintain project plans, utilising appropriate standards.

Produced plans, which when followed delivered the objectives of the project.

ACS201/03 Selects/Develops Project Safety StandardsIdentifies and selects all safety standards that have to be complied with to meet the safety management strategy and ensure that any project-specific safety procedures are developed and maintained.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan list safety standards that might be required on a project.

Has knowledge of most safety standards that would typically be applied on a project.

Has produced a procedure, which conformed to MoD standards for documents.

Can justify the use of safety standards on a project.

Knows and can explain the MoD standards for documentation.

Has produced many project-specific procedures, which have been shown to be appropriate.

ACS201/04 Allocate Project Safety Responsibilities

Allocate the project safety responsibilities such that adequate coverage of all safety issues is assured and tasks are assigned to competent staff.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Can identify the activities typically undertaken on a project to address the needs of airworthiness safety.

For a range of project safety-related activities, correctly specifies the personnel and competence required.

Has been actively involved in the allocation of resource on projects.

Has successfully allocated responsibilities on several projects such that all activities have sufficient personnel with the appropriate competence.


ACS201/05 Specification of Safety Contractual Requirements

Ensures that a complete and unambiguous set of project safety requirements is available, the requirements are communicated to a contractor and any change to the safety requirements during the project development is addressed such that safety is not compromised.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Has knowledge of how quality safety requirements are specified.

Has specified a complete and unambiguous set of safety requirements.

Has specified safety requirements, and critically reviewed safety requirements for completeness and lack of ambiguity.

Understands what are assumptions and constraints and the importance of identifying them in any requirement definition.

Has successfully identified all assumptions and/or constraints for a particular project.

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the assumptions and/or constraints for typical project.

Understands how changes to safety requirements are handled on a project.

Has handled a change to safety requirements using a systematic approach requiring an impact analysis.

Has contributed to establishing a disciplined approach to handling changes to safety requirements.

ACS201/06 Assess, Select and Contract Competent SupplierEnsures that a contractor is selected who is capable of meeting the project safety requirements through addressing the safety issues in an Invitation to Tender, undertaking supplier safety assessment and ensuring the requirements for safety are included in a contract. [Include DAOS experience where applicable]

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Has knowledge of how safety requirements are addressed in an ITT.

Has successfully incorporated safety requirements into an ITT.

Has repeatedly incorporated safety requirements into an ITT, which has been shown to be accurate and complete.

Can explain the method to perform a desk-based selection of a response to tender.

Has performed a desk-based selection of a response to an ITT using a systematic approach, which accurately determined the degree of conformance to an ITT.

Has performed and documented the results of a desk-based selection, drawn conclusions and made recommendations, which were recognised as valid.

Can explain the approach used for a technical assessment of a supplier.

Has generated a supplier assessment plan, which if followed successfully would establish the supplier’s capability to meet the requirements of the procurement.

Has performed a supplier assessment, systematically using audits and reviews, which accurately determined the degree of conformance to an ITT.


ACS201/07 Select/Manage External Advice

Ensure selection, appointment and management of competent safety panel, independent safety advice and where necessary centres of excellence.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan explain the purpose of external advice in assuring safety on a project.

Can cite examples of sources of external advice, their strengths and weaknesses.

Has correctly selected the provision of external advice for a project on several occasions.

Has knowledge of the process for managing the employment of external agencies in the provision of safety advice.

Has managed the provision of external advice for a project and raised any safety issues for resolution.

Has managed the provision of external advice for a project and ensured any legitimate safety concerns raised where resolved.

ACS201/08 Manages Provision of Safety AssuranceManages the provision of all necessary safety assurance information, from all relevant parties, to satisfy the documented argument that the aviation system is tolerably safe.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Can list typical safety assurance information detailed in a project safety plan necessary to provide evidence to support an argument that an aviation system is shown to be safe.

Has been responsible for collecting, collating and assessing safety assurance information as detailed in a project safety plan.

Has made arrangements and managed the provision of safety assurance information from all relevant parties, both internal and external to the MoD, as detailed in a project safety plan.

Can identify all the main parties, both internal and external to the MoD, who are likely to provide safety assurance information.

ACS201/09 Manages Safety Assessment ConstructionManages/assists in* the maintenance/development* of the project safety assessment, such that it reports a compelling argument that the aviation equipment is tolerably safe, and issues the safety assessment against specified project milestones.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan explain the structure of a safety assessment, how the development of a safety assessment would be managed and can link the development to a typical project lifecycle.

Can explain the strengths and weaknesses of the structure of a typical safety assessment.

Understands when a project safety assessment needs to be issued with reference to an actual project.

Has ensured a project safety assessment has been issued in a timely fashion to satisfactorily meet project objectives.

Has assisted in managing the development of at least one project safety assessment.

Has managed the development of one major or several minor project safety assessments.


ACS201/10 Maintain Hazard Log

Ensure a hazard log is produced and maintained for both new and ‘legacy’ systems that document all the hazardous situations that can result in a hazardous event and tracks their resolution.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Understands hazards, hazardous situations, hazardous events and causal factors sufficient to produce a concise but comprehensive hazard log.

Can describe a typical hazard log.

Has been responsible for the maintenance of at least one hazard log.

Has been responsible for the maintenance of a hazard log on one major or several minor projects.

Has participated in the resolution of hazard log items.

Has proactively ensured the resolution of all items listed on a hazard log.

ACS201/11 Address safety in releasesEnsures that all issues affecting safety are addressed in designated project releases, for example Military Aircraft Release (MAR) or Generic Aircraft Release to Service (RTS).

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Has knowledge of how safety is addressed in all standard project releases.

Has contributed to ensuring issues of safety have been properly addressed in a designated project release.

Has ensured that issues of safety have been properly addressed in all designated releases for one major project or several minor projects.


ACS201/12 Airworthiness Safety Engineering

Has knowledge and understanding of airworthiness safety engineering, including applications and technologies appropriate to the aviation environment, necessary to achieve aviation safety. [Broad statement of experience]

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Has worked on applications, requiring a familiarity and knowledge of aircraft technology and airworthiness practices.

Has worked on an airworthiness project for a sufficient period of time to gain an understanding of how safety requirements are addressed by the application of methods, techniques and technology.

Has worked on many safety-related projects, some of which relate to the context within which the MoD operates. Understands the use of safety practices to achieve safety at both the project and organisational levels.

Can describe relevant technologies and their application but not necessarily in relation to safety-related work.

Can describe relevant technologies and how they might be used for safety-related airworthiness work.

Can provide evidence of having applied safety-related technologies to a wide range of projects.



ACS201/13 Additional Relevant CompetencyAny additional information you may wish to include to support your self-assessment within the context of this Function.


ACS301 Release to Service ManagementSummary The RTSA is accountable for the RTS documentation, giving authority for service-regulated flying of military aircraft.

In discharging these responsibilities the key tasks for this function are:

• Reviewing and accepting the PTL recommendations.

• Preparing the RTS package, which conforms to all applicable standards.

• Manages the acceptance of the RTS package.

• Managing the RTS documentation, including distribution and archiving.

In support of these activities the delegated RTS authority provides advice on the ‘as-flown’ requirements of one or more military aircraft.

Note. For a person to be assessed as competent to perform this function he or she must also assess their competence against the ACS001 Core Function.


ACS301/01 RTS ReviewReviews the suitability of the RTS content and advises the PT, sufficient to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the material, it’s suitability for end users. Evidence should be sought during a review to support a claim that a RTS is accurate and complete. Examples of evidence are accuracy and rigour of analyses. For a large RTS the review might involve a sample audit of the material.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Knows how a RTS should be reviewed for accuracy and completeness.

Has reviewed one or more RTSs for accuracy and completeness, as verified by the quality of the supporting safety assessment(s).

Can provide an example of personally reviewing a document and identifying areas of concern.

Has been consulted and provides advice on how the review of documents should be undertaken.


ACS301/02 Prepare, Review and Evaluate RTS

Prepares RTS, which accurately encapsulates all the requirements and conforms to all applicable airworthiness management systems and standards. Review and evaluate all requests for changes to the ‘as flown configuration’, originated either internally or externally to the delegated RTS Authority to ensure it has the capability to meet the operating requirements, particularly with reference to any potential airworthiness issues.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Understands the importance of structuring RTS documentation, such that its purpose can be quickly and accurately assimilated.

Has produced parts of RTS documentation on one or more occasions, which accurately encapsulates all the requirements and conforms to all applicable management systems and standards.

Can, under supervision, generate basic RTS documentation.

Reviews/approves work of practitioner.

Understands the need for version control and knows applicable MoD documentation standards.

Consistently conforms to all relevant MoD documentation standards.

ACS301/03 RTS acceptance

Manages acceptance of the RTS package with all designated parties.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Knows what is required, both formally and informally, to manage the acceptance of a RTS package.

Has managed the acceptance of one or more RTS package with all designated parties.

Has managed the acceptance of a RTS package against significant difficulties.

Knows how changes are approved and how changes are incorporated into an Aircraft Documentation Set.

Has ensured that all approved changes are incorporated in the associated Aircraft Documentation Set and training and support issues are addressed.

ACS301/04 RTS document management

Places the RTS under appropriate local document management arrangements, including the maintenance of a master copy and manages the distribution to all personnel who have a requirement for the information, including the handling of amendments.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Knows the appropriate local document management arrangements for RTS packages:

• Storage and retrieval

Has placed a RTS package under appropriate local document management arrangements.

Has managed the distribution of a RTS package to all personnel who have a requirement for the information, including the handling of amendments.



Handling of amendments

Issue control


Has maintained a master copy of the RTS package, such that the package is always available for reference and audit.

Has archived a RTS package.

Has provided authoritative advice on how problems with the management of RTS documentation should be addressed.

Has been instrumental in setting up a process for the maintenance of RTS information.

ACS301/05 Provision of Advice

Provides advice on the ‘as-flown’ requirements of one or more military aircraft as required, such that all enquiries are answered effectively.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Has knowledge on how typical questions with regard to ‘as flown’ requirement would be handled.

Can demonstrate how effective advice on matters of airworthiness has been provided personally for ‘as flown’ requirement-related projects.

Is generally recognised as a source of sound advice on issues of airworthiness ‘as flown’ requirements.

Has established an effective system for providing advice on ‘as flown’ requirement.

Can identify when independent advice is required.

Has knowledge of organisations that provide advice, their area of expertise and its limitations.



ACS301/06 Aircraft Experience

Has had operational experience1, and practical experience of at least one aircraft type or role for which he or she is responsible. [Broad statement of operational experience]

1 The operational experience should be appropriate and relevant to the branches employed on RTSA duties by each individual service.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertHas had operational experience, and practical experience of at least one aircraft type or role for which he or she is responsible.

Has had operational experience, and practical experience of most aircraft types or roles for which he or she is responsible.

ACS301/07 Applicable Processes and Associated Accountabilities

Has understanding of the processes for handling RTS and Test & Evaluation, including knowledge of all relevant accountabilities and responsibilities.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Has knowledge of the processes for handling RTS and Safety Cases and can explain how they operate.

Regularly uses MoD processes for handling RTS and Safety Cases.

Has identified improvements in processes for handling RTS and Safety Cases and reported them for attention.

Has been instrumental in improving processes for handling RTS and Safety Cases to correct for any agreed deficiencies.

Can explain how the process for handling the RTS, interrelates with other process, for example, processes for quality financial, and project management.

Can determine and explain how the process for handling the RTS can be realigned to optimise its interface with changes in other management processes both internal and external to the MoD.

Has knowledge of relevant accountabilities and responsibilities as they affect the handling of RTS.

Has advised on improvements to the accountabilities and responsibilities as they affect the handling of RTS.


ACS301/08 Additional Relevant CompetencyAny additional information you may wish to include to support your self-assessment within the context of this Function.


ACS401 Operate and MaintainSummary Airworthy operation and maintenance involves responsibility for the delivery of an environment deemed to be safe.

In discharging these responsibilities, key tasks for this function are:

• Setting policy for the operation and maintenance of the aviation system environment deemed to be safe

• Communicating the requirements for safe operation and maintenance through feedback of operational experience.

• Authorising deviations from agreed operating and maintenance safety requirements based on managing risk.

• Ensuring arrangements are in place for producing a safe system of aviation operation and maintenance including assigning responsibilities, personnel competency, development of procedures, and safety reviews.

An aviation system comprises people, procedures and equipment.

For a person to be assessed as competent to perform this function he or she must also assess their competence against the ACS001 Core Function.


ACS401/01 Establish and Assure Maintenance Policy

Establishes and assures a maintenance policy for the aviation-working environment that meets all aviation airworthiness requirements during operating and maintenance activities.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan demonstrate knowledge of what constitutes a maintenance policy for the aviation-working environment.

Can demonstrate a good working knowledge of what constitutes an appropriate maintenance policy for the aviation-working environment.

Has successfully contributed to upholding a maintenance policy for the aviation-working environment.

Has successfully upheld a maintenance policy for the aviation-working environment.

Has had a significant influence on the establishment of at least one policy that has been shown to meet all the aviation safety requirements during normal operating and maintenance activities.


ACS401/02 Design for Maintenance

Proactively articulates the requirements for maintenance and influences design decisions, such that the needs of maintenance are addressed during the design of an aviation system.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan demonstrate an understanding of the lifecycle used for the specification, design, procurement, etc. of aviation systems, sufficient to decide how and when decisions affecting airworthiness maintenance are best influenced.

Has influenced a design decision by representing a particular group and articulating the group’s requirements successfully.

Has articulated on at least one occasion the requirements for maintenance, such that the requirements have been properly understood and addressed in a new design.

Has acted as a member of a PT to articulate the requirements for maintenance, such that the maintenance requirements have been properly addressed in a new design.

ACS401/03 Propose/Agree System Changes

Proposes/agree changes to an aviation system that address the needs of functional safety, including performing an analysis of its impact.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Can cite examples (real or hypothetical) from an industry sector where a change to a system has resulted in a reduced safety margin, resulting in an incident occurring that resulted in individuals being harmed.

Knows the current arrangements for handling change requests within the MoD.

Has proposed changes using procedures compliant with MoD arrangements.

Has been instrumental in instigating improvements in procedures for handling change requests, based on experience gained from handling change requests.

Is aware of the importance of an assessment of a change with regard to safety, and can illustrate with real or hypothetical examples.

Consistently performs and/or reviews a systematic analysis of proposed changes to assess their impact.


ACS401/04 Advise organisation responsibilities and authoritiesAdvises or when necessary, assesses and makes changes to organisational arrangements such that the needs for aviation safety are capable of being met and safety responsibilities and authorities are defined.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan cite examples (real or hypothetical) from an industry sector where a change to organisational arrangements and responsibilities has compromised the ability of an organisation to address safety.

Can explain how an organisation and its delegated authorities address their aviation safety responsibilities.

Has been involved in examining and advising on organisational arrangements and responsibilities and authorities for aviation safety.

Has assessed an organisation and its responsibilities and authorities with regard to the needs of aviation safety.

Has established an organisation and its responsibilities and authorities, which is capable of delivering aviation safety.

Has either accepted or given a delegation of authority for safety and airworthiness requirements for an organisation, post or individual.

ACS401/05 Develop Procedures in Support of Operating and Maintenance ActivitiesDevelop new procedures or changes to existing procedures as necessary, which if followed correctly will facilitate the achievement of airworthiness requirements.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Can demonstrate knowledge of the standards for developing procedures within the area of responsibility.

Can identify and explain the procedures to be followed to achieve aviation safety within the area of responsibility.

Has made changes to existing procedures and contributed to new procedures necessary for the achievement of aviation safety.

Has developed new procedures, which conform to MoD policy on aviation safety standards and when followed achieve the requirements for aviation safety.


ACS401/06 Authorise Deviations

Manages the provision of all necessary safety assurance information, from all relevant parties to satisfy the documented argument that the aviation system is tolerably safe.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner ExpertCan demonstrate knowledge of the process for authorising deviations from agreed operating and maintenance safety requirements, based on an assessment of risk.

Has contributed to an assessment of risk for a deviation from agreed operating and maintenance safety requirements using principles of ALARP.

Has correctly assessed the risk as ALARP for a deviation from agreed operating and maintenance safety requirements.

Has authorised a deviation from agreed operating and maintenance safety requirements.

Has a proven record of correctly authorising deviations from agreed operating and maintenance safety requirements.

ACS401/07 Assures compliance with Operation and Maintenance Regulation and PolicyMonitors safety achievement and performs audits to provide assurance that appropriate levels of aviation safety are maintained.

Supervised Practitioner Practitioner Expert

Can demonstrate knowledge of the standards for monitoring operational and maintenance airworthiness achievement to provide assurance that appropriate levels of aviation safety are maintained within the area of responsibility.

Has monitored achievement using established procedures.

Has recognised deficiencies on the methods used to monitor safety achievement and can suggest solutions.

Continually reviews the effectiveness of methods of assuring compliance with aviation safety, and initiates improvements when deemed necessary.

Note: There is no function-related competency for this skill-set.


ACS401/08 Additional Relevant CompetencyAny additional information you may wish to include to support your self-assessment within the context of this Function.
