AIR GREENLAND AS · 2018-11-01 · air greenland as general cargo air freight rates valid from 01...


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CPH xx xx 19,95 36,30 36,30 36,30 36,30 36,30 43,05 43,05 36,95 52,65 36,30 65,85 80,35 55,95 54,95

BLL xx xx 22,45 38,80 38,80 38,80 38,80 38,80 45,55 45,55 38,35 55,15 38,80 68,35 82,85 58,45 57,45

SFJ 19,95 22,45 XX 16,35 16,35 16,35 16,35 16,35 23,10 23,10 23,10 32,70 16,35 45,90 60,40 36,00 35,00

GOH 36,30 38,80 16,35 XX 16,35 16,35 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 16,35 39,45 16,35 52,65 67,15 36,00 35,00

JSU 36,30 38,80 16,35 16,35 XX 16,35 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 39,45 32,70 52,65 67,15 36,00 35,00

JHS 36,30 38,80 16,35 16,35 16,35 XX 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 39,45 32,70 52,65 67,15 36,00 35,00

JEG 36,30 38,80 16,35 23,10 23,10 23,10 XX 16,35 16,35 23,10 23,10 32,70 39,45 45,90 60,40 29,25 35,00

JAV 36,30 38,80 16,35 23,10 23,10 23,10 16,35 XX 16,35 23,10 23,10 16,35 39,45 29,55 44,05 29,25 35,00

JQA 43,05 45,55 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 16,35 16,35 XX 23,10 23,10 32,70 39,45 45,90 60,40 12,90 35,00

KUS 43,05 45,55 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 XX 23,10 39,45 39,45 52,65 67,15 36,00 11,90

UAK 36,95 38,35 23,10 16,35 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 23,10 XX 39,45 16,35 52,65 67,15 36,00 35,00

JUV 52,65 55,15 32,70 39,45 39,45 39,45 32,70 16,35 32,70 39,45 39,45 XX 55,80 13,20 27,70 45,60 51,35

JFR 36,30 38,80 16,35 16,35 32,70 32,70 39,45 39,45 39,45 39,45 16,35 55,80 XX 69,00 83,50 52,35 51,35

NAQ 65,85 68,35 45,90 52,65 52,65 52,65 45,90 29,55 45,90 52,65 52,65 13,20 69,00 XX 14,50 58,80 64,55

THU 80,35 82,85 60,40 67,15 67,15 67,15 60,40 44,05 60,40 67,15 67,15 27,70 83,50 14,50 XX 73,30 79,05

UMD 55,95 58,45 36,00 36,00 36,00 36,00 29,25 29,25 12,90 36,00 36,00 45,60 52,35 58,80 73,30 XX 47,90

AGM 54,95 57,45 35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00 11,90 35,00 51,35 51,35 64,55 79,05 47,90 XX

Basis rate: DKK 180,00 pr. AWB Domestic pr. AWB Servicecontrakt areas:

Basis rate: CPH/BLL-SFJ DKK 300,00 pr. AWB Rates incl. Furscharge.

Basis rate: CPH/BLL-Grl. Dest. DKK 480,00 pr AWB NAQ-THU 14,50

JQA-UMD 12,90

Other fees according to Air Greenland's applicable Freight tariffs. KUS-AGM 11,90

JUV-NAQ 13,20

Calculate the price of your shipment here:

GOHFB 01-11-2018

Greenpack rate DK Greenpack er Air Greenlands prioritetsprodukt mellem Danmark og Grønland. Greenpack sendes med første fly med fragtkapacitet. Greenpack skal altid være forudbetalt.

KAL Greenpack tassaavoq Danmarkip Kalaallit Nunaatalu akornanni Air Greenlandip pingaartutut siulliussassatullu nassiussinissamut neqeroorutaa. Greenpacki atorlugu nassiussat timmisartoq usinut inissalik siulleq atorlugu nassiunneqartarput. Greenpack pinngitsoorani akileriigaassaaq (prepaid).

GB Greenpack is Air Greenland's priority service between Denmark and Greenland. Greenpack is sent on the first flight with cargo capacity. Freight for items sent with Greenpack must always be prepaid.

From CPH and BLL Valid from 1th July 2017 + Applicable fees

To City code 0 to 10 kg.: Over 10 kg.:

Kangerlussuaq SFJ

Dkk. 1.290,00 Dkk. 63,00 pr. Kg.

Narsarsuaq UAK

Aasiaat JEG

Ilulissat JAV

Sisimiut JHS

Maniitsoq JSU

Nuuk GOH

Uummannaq UMD

Paamiut JFR

Upernavik JUV

Qaanaaq NAQ

Qaarsut JQA

Kulusuk KUS

Tasiilaq AGM


DK Tuavi er Air Greenlands indenrigs ekspresfragt- KAL Tuavi tassaavoq Air Greenland-ip nunap iluani GB Tuavi is the name of Air Greenland's domestic

produkt, som dækker forsendelser mellem de nassiussanik nukingiussassanik Kalaallit Nunaanni express cargo product which covers shipments

grønlandske destinationer. Som Tuavi vil for- angallaviit akornanni assartuisarnera. between all Greenlandic destinations.

sendelsen få den højeste prioritet for fragt ved Nassiussassat toqqaannartumik mittarfimmut Shipments are handed in directly at the station and

lastningen af flyet. Nem og sikker transport med tunniunneqassapput erngerlutillu akilerneqassallutik. payment is made at the same time. The shipment

den hurtigste transittid vil kan tilbyde, hvor hastig- Nassiussat nipittartumik Tuavi-mik allassimasumik must be marked with Tuavi-tape. Tuavi is sent on

heden og service er i fokus. nipittartulerneqassapput. Tuavi atorlugu nassiussat the first flight with cargo capacity.

Fragten indleveres direkte til stationen eller fragt- timmisartoq usinut inissalik siulleq atorlugu

terminalen og der betales ved indleveringen for nassiunneqartarput.

transporten. Godset skal mærkes med Tuavi-tape. 

Tuavi sendes med første fly med tilgængelig fragtkapacitet.

Priority Rates

Valid from 1 Nov 2018


SFJ XX 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 20,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 40,00 20,00 56,00 73,00 44,00 42,00

GOH 20,00 XX 20,00 20,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 20,00 48,00 40,00 64,00 81,00 44,00 42,00

JSU 20,00 20,00 XX 20,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 48,00 40,00 64,00 81,00 44,00 42,00

JHS 20,00 20,00 20,00 XX 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 48,00 40,00 64,00 81,00 44,00 42,00

JEG 20,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 XX 20,00 20,00 28,00 28,00 40,00 48,00 56,00 73,00 36,00 42,00

JAV 20,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 20,00 XX 20,00 28,00 28,00 20,00 48,00 36,00 53,00 36,00 42,00

JQA 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 20,00 20,00 XX 28,00 28,00 40,00 48,00 56,00 73,00 16,00 42,00

KUS 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 XX 28,00 48,00 48,00 64,00 81,00 44,00 15,00

UAK 28,00 20,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 XX 48,00 20,00 64,00 81,00 44,00 42,00

JUV 40,00 48,00 48,00 48,00 40,00 20,00 40,00 48,00 48,00 XX 67,00 16,00 34,00 55,00 62,00

JFR 20,00 20,00 40,00 40,00 48,00 48,00 48,00 48,00 20,00 67,00 XX 83,00 101,00 63,00 62,00

NAQ 56,00 64,00 64,00 64,00 56,00 36,00 56,00 64,00 64,00 16,00 83,00 XX 18,00 71,00 78,00

THU 73,00 81,00 81,00 81,00 73,00 53,00 73,00 81,00 81,00 34,00 101,00 18,00 XX 88,00 95,00

UMD 44,00 44,00 44,00 44,00 36,00 36,00 16,00 44,00 44,00 55,00 63,00 71,00 88,00 XX 58,00

AGM 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 42,00 15,00 42,00 62,00 62,00 78,00 95,00 58,00 XX

Basis rate kr 600,00

Other fees according to Air Greenland's applicable Freight tariffs.

Calculate the price of your shipment here:

GOHFB 01-11-2018

MAMAQ DK Faste priser - Forsendelser op til og med 10 kg koster 300,- kroner - Forsendelser mellem 11 og 20 kg koster 500,- kroner

Den lave pris for MAMAQ forsendelser, gør at disse har den laveste prioritet og at der kan forekomme lange leveringstider til nogle af destinationerne.

Betingelser Fryse-/kølekapaciteten i de forskellige stationer kan være begrænset. Derfor kan det være en god idé at tjekke om stationen har plads til at opbevare dit gods indtil det kan komme med flyveren, eller hvornår godset bedst kan indleveres.

KAL Akit aalajangersimasut - 10 kg-t tikillugit nassiussat 300 koruuneqarput - 11 aamma 20 kg-t akornanni nassiussat 500 koruuneqarput

MAMAQ akikitsuliaavoq, taamaammallu usinik pingaarnersiuilluni tulleriiaarinermi kingullertut

inissisimalluni. Taamaammat ilaatigooriarluni apuuffissamut ingerlanera sivisusarsinnaavoq.

Nassiussat killeqarnerat Mittarfiit assigiinngitsut qerisunik/nillataartunik tigusisinnaanerat killeqarsinnaavoq. Taamaattumik nassiussavit timmisartup ilaanissaata tungaanut mittarfik inissaqartitsisinnaanersoq imaluunniit qaqugu tunniussiguit pitsaanerpaassanersoq paasiniaqqaassallugu isumatusaarnerussaaq.

GB Fixed price - Consignments up to and including 10 kilos cost DKK 300 - Consignments between 11 and 20 kilos cost DKK 500

Conditions Freezer and refrigeration capacity at the different stations can vary. It is therefore a good idea to check whether the station has storage space for your shipment until it can be loaded onto the aircraft and to check the best time to hand in your shipment. DK/KAL/GB Mamaq-destinationer/ Mamaq ornigassat/ Mamaq destinations

Qaanaaq Upernavik Tasiilaq

Qaarsut Uummannaq Kulusuk

Ilulissat Aasiaat Narsarsuaq

Sisimiut Kangerlussuaq Paamiut

Maniitsoq Nuuk

Valid from 1 Nov. 2018

Air Freight Charges

Air Waybill Fee (AWB FEE) Dkk. 60.00

Charges Collect Fee (CC FEE) 3% Of the freight amount min. Dkk. 100.00

Insurance Premium (INC FEE) 1% Of insurance sum min. Dkk. 100.00

Dangerous Goods Fee (RAC FEE) Dkk. 600.00

Live Animals (AVI FEE ) Dkk. 200.00

Fuel Surcharge / Atlant (MYC FEE) Fuel Surcharge / Internt

Grønland (MZC FEE) Fuel Surcharge shall not be calculated in the Service Contract Areas

Dkk. 6,60 pr. Kg. Subject to change

Dkk. 2,40 pr kg. (1/5-18) Subject to change

Charges Correction Adv. (CCA FEE) Dkk. 400.00

Security Fee (SCC FEE) In Kangerlussuaq / Narsarsuaq

Dkk. 3,70 pr. Kg.

Upgrade to TUA til TUA (MEC FEE) Dkk. 1.000,00

Special Rater

Coffins / Urns (HUM Rate) 200 % Af gen. Rate

Live Animals (AVI Rate) 200 % Af gen. Rate

Clearance and Handling


Valid from: 1th april 2012



1 - 100 KG 85,00

101 - 200 KG 170,00

201 -300 KG 250,00

301 - 400 KG 325,00

401 - 500 KG 400,00

501 - 600 KG 475,00

601 - 700 KG 525,00

701 - 800 KG 600,00

801 - 900 KG 650,00

901 - 1000 KG 700,00

pr started 1000 KG 650,00

The Clearance and Handling fee is calculated on the basis of gross weight.
