Air Force graduation 2010



Air Force Graadution of Brendan Sullivan. Images and book by Bruce Byers

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© 2010 Bruce Byers

Navy Adm. Mike Mullen praised the character and courage of the Class of

2010’s members who chose to join an Air Force that’s “literally been at

the tip of the spear since the beginning of the Gulf War” and remains

engaged in combat.

“We’ve been a nation at war for nearly half of your young lives. It’s a

reality you’ve literally grown up with,” he said, surveying the 1,001

graduating cadets assembled in Falcon Stadium. “And yet here you are –

ready to step into the breach, ready to face the enemy’s fire and ready to

take your place in the long blue line that has preceded you.”

Fly you falcons down the field, tear

the enemy asunder!

Bare your talons, make them yield;

give them all your thunder!

Spread your strong wings wide and

high; fight for victory!

Never say die, keep flying high, for

the Air Force Academy!

Air Force G

raduation 2010

Air Force Graduation 2010

The Class of 2010 has proven itself worthy of the motto:

"Strength Within"

Brendan Farrar Sullivan, USAFA Class Ring 2010

Our class crest symbolizes this internal strength, and as we

wear our rings, we will continue to embody the strength that

we gain from the experience, good and bad, that the

Academy has given us.

Air Force Graduation 2010

I, Brendan Farrar Sullivan, do

solemnly swear that I will support

and defend the Constitution of the

United States against all enemies,

foreign and domestic; that I will

bear true faith and allegiance to

the same; and that I will obey the

orders of the President of the

United States and the orders of

the officers appointed over me,

according to regulations and the

Uniform Code of Military Justice.

So help me God.

Brendan Farrar Sullivan

Graduation Day from


May 26th 2010

As your Godfather I wanted to congratulate you on 4 years of hard

work, well done. It was a great day and week as we were all

witness to your great achievements. I know the future will not be

easy, though I know that you will be able to do well and

accomplishes what ever you put your mind to. I have a feeling that

flight school and the aircraft you want to fly will take over your bike

but don't give that up either. I know I got a lot of “Just one more"

but that "Just one more" made this book. I could not think of

anything more special to give you that you can look back on for

many years to come. All the best and safe flying.

Love, Uncle Bruce





Parting Shots

The New Top Guns

