air conditioning (ch5)


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  • 8/8/2019 air conditioning (ch5)



    C hapter F ive

    C onclusion &


  • 8/8/2019 air conditioning (ch5)



    This research study aimed at creating a data base that will assist in the effective rational

    use of energy and high-quality base in this kind of buildings (hospitals). This study focused on

    the new methods and improvements that will ensure our consumption of energy, thus reducingthe economic cost.

    The following table and figures summarizes the effect of each improvement on thermal

    load if it has been added separately to the building.

    Table (5-1):- effect of total improvements on thermal loads.

    ImprovementHeating load saving


    Cooling load

    saving(kW)U 33 22

    SC 0 17.4

    Lights 0 28.6

    Total 33 68

    Figure (5-1):- percentage of saving in heating load .


    Total heatingload


    Percentage saving in heating load

  • 8/8/2019 air conditioning (ch5)



    Figure (5-2):- Percentage saves in cooling load from different improvement s .

    Adding to these improvements the use of solar system to produce the domestic hot water

    and incineration of solid waste by which we are getting rid of the steam boiler and so removing

    these wastes from the environment.

    If all improvements has been added for the base case, fixed cost of the improved case was

    higher than the base case, on the other hand the total annual operating cost was lower for the

    improved case and the pay back period for the improved case was about 5 years and 7 months

    which is logical since the life of this project is assumed to be 20 years.

    Also it has been detailed the energy saving and money saving by adding each

    improvement alone and the pay back period for each. All these improvement have a pay back

    period less than 1 year

    From previous chapters we can notice that there was big chance to improve health carebuilding has a introduced different types of improvements that are recommended to be added to

    our base case with cost analysis for each .In this section we will discuss the case in which we

    have added total improvements with detailed economical analysis.

    U7% Sc



    Total heatingload77%

    Percentage saving in cooling load

  • 8/8/2019 air conditioning (ch5)



    In winter (heating mode) as shown in the previous table that load saving in heating load

    is equal to 33 kW . Total heating load with domestic hot water has been reduced from 283 kW to

    250 kW

    In summer (cooling Mode) as shown in the previous table that load saving in cooling

    load is equal to 68 kW . Total cooling load has been changed from 293.4kW to 225.4kW.

    Finally, we recommend those who are planning for new projects for applying some or all

    our improvements that has been done on this building which we consider as energy efficient

    building. And for those who are interested in our project subject to test more improvements to bedone on this type of buildings; such as system used for heating and cooling and searching for the

    most economical system between chiller and air handling units or VRV system or absorption

    etc. In the field of medical waste incineration it is highly recommended to make more specified

    studies on the exhaust gases that produced from incinerating and it effect on environments and

    do all possible ways to reduce its hazardous effects.
