AIAA Central Florida Section Council Meeting Randy Allen Chair 12 July 2012


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AIAA Central Florida SectionCouncil Meeting

Randy Allen


12 July 2012



• Action Items• Calendar• Subcommittee Updates


Action Items

• Previous Action Items Randy: Ask Alan about CAT III funds for student branches Randy: Review the scholarship award at the next Council

meeting (e.g. maybe just one award for the Section) Randy: Make a note that the scholarship can be used to

motivate student recruitment at all levels. Randy: Inquire about RLC reimbursements Jose: Ping Deryl Snyder re: STAR-CCM+ Randy: Coordinate the identification of Facility

Representatives (Data Maker, etc) and materials Aaron: Attend the CPAG meeting on 13 July Jose: Ping Pedro about Visual C++ in the MAE lab Randy: Follow-up with Morgan about E-week participation


Action Items

• Upcoming Events Paul Zarchan (fall) John Anderson (spring, keynote for annual/awards)

• Review By-Laws Address major sections, e.g. voting Inquired with Emily Springer re: other Sections The RSAC meets 1 August



• Action Items• Calendar• Subcommittee Updates


JUN: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Audit, Budget, and Annual Reports (due 30 Jun)• CAT II Section Awards (due 30 Jun)

Outstanding Section (STEM) Outstanding Activity (Wings ‘n’ Things) Public Policy and STEM K-12

• Annual Goals Subcommittee activities• Update Officers Online• Appoint RLC Attendees (2-3 Aug in Atlanta, GA) Josh, Jose $500 reimbursement


JUL: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Attend Regional Leadership Conference (RLC) 2-3 August 2012 in Atlanta, GA• Complete Committee Staffing for the Section• Complete/Submit Section Insurance Form (due 1

August)• Summer Camp @ UCF (Thursday, 19 July) Need student volunteers


AUG: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• August is for Aerospace• UCF Aviation Design (quantitative requirements)• Publish a Newsletter• Distinguished Lecturer (Fall) John Anderson (Clint)• ”Distinguished Service Award” Nominee• Notify Headquarters of Insurance Deductions (due

1 August)• “AIAA Engineer of the Year Award” Nominee


SEP: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Contact Student Branch Faculty Advisors (Mutual Programs)

• Coordinate Membership Development• Technical Committee Nominees


OCT: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Receive Rebate from HQ (Audit, Budget, and Annual Report)

• Forward “AIAA Engineer of the Year Award” Nominees to Regional Director


NOV: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Wings ‘n’ Things (Saturday, 3 November)• Senior Design Reviews (UF/UCF)• Submit Category III Incentive Rebate Request to

Regional Director


DEC: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Distinguished Lecturer (Spring) Paul Zarchan


JAN: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Finalize Plans for Engineers Week YMCA Rocket Launch (Abi Rutledge,


FEB: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Seminole County Science Fair• Student Paper/Presentation Reviews (UF/UCF)• Engineers Week


MAR: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Congressional Visits Day• Sun ‘n’ Fun• Begin Nomination Process for Section Officers• Associate Fellow and Fellow Nominees


APR: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Student Conference NC State in 2013• Awards Banquet Recognize 25-, 40-, 50-, 60-, and 70-year

members Membership upgrades Special awards (e.g. member of the year) • Review Nominees for Council Positions• Honorary Fellows Nominees


MAY: Calendar Year (1 JUN – 31 MAY)

• Begin Transition of New Officers• Audit & Budget and Officers Roster (due 30 June)• Annual Report and CAT II Section Award

nominations (due 30 June) STEM K-12 (Wings ‘n’ Things, E-week YMCA, Sun

‘n’ Fun, Southwest Middle School, Lyman High School, Educator Associates)

Public Policy (Almost A4A, CVD) Membership (Retention, Membership upgrades) Communication (Electronic announcements, AIAA




• Action Items• Calendar• Subcommittee Updates


Central Florida Section Facility Representatives

• Lockheed Martin (MFC) Glenn Gebert Eric O’Sullivan Steven Presutti• Other facilities? Personal invitation…


Career and Workforce Development: Jerry Lutz

• Web poll results• Jose mentioned Pam from LM• Time Management Workshops• Career Transition Workshops• Career Benefits Workshops (health care reform,

financial planning, etc.) • Technical vs. Management Career Path Workshops• Resume Writing/Interviewing Skills• Employee Assistance Programs (Job Fairs)• Announcements of Job Openings


Membership: Aaron Blevins

• Adding new members to email distribution?• New member recruitment

Students– UCF/UF encourage national membership (benefits)

Educator Associates– A mixer to share STEM ideas, and Teachers to learn more

Professional– LM Facility Rep to meet with new-hires (benefits)

• Retention campaigns


Membership: Aaron Blevins

• Member upgrades sponsored by the section• Number of RAC meetings• Number of section officers attending RLC• Number of National award nominations submitted

by section members


STEM K-12: Morgan Ewen

• Increase educator associate members and educator conference attendance

• Expand recognition of teachers for efforts contributing to a stronger aerospace workforce

• Expand online K-12 materials• Section Member participation in competitions and

programs as coaches, mentors, judges, hosts of local events and directly working with students in classroom environment


STEM K-12: Morgan Ewen

• Southwest Middle School (LEGO Mindstorms NXT)• Jack/Kathy Colpas: Reach for the Stars Nat’l

Rocket Competition• Wings ‘n’ Things• Engineer’s Week / YMCA rocket launch• Aero Academy (Lakeland)• Educator Associates• Seminole County Science Fair• Orange County?


Public Policy: Amanda DePreta

• Events Section participation in Congressional Visits Day Section participation in August is for Aerospace Special Public Policy Section Events• People Congressmen/women Senators• Industries Modeling and Simulation Missiles and Fire Control


Young Professionals: Jose Castillo

• Speak at a Student Branch meeting / share experience (Amanda?)

• Other young engineers at your place of employment• Identify “Lawrence Sperry Award” candidates• Young Professional's “Aerospace Career

Handbook” (Student Branch meeting)• Awareness of “Advice to Rocket Scientists”• Associate Technical Committee Membership• Half-price dues program


Education: Yunjun Xu

• Education includes the following committees: Academic Affairs Professional Member Education Precollege Outreach Student Activities

• UCF Yunjun Xu: Faculty Advisor Josh Giffin: Branch President• UF Rick Lind: Faculty Advisor Joe Veingrad: Branch President


Education: Yunjun Xu

• Professional development (members only) LabVIEW, StarCCM+, MATLAB/Simulink, etc.• Student development Foundation Design Competitions Scholarships (AIAA and CFS) Regional Student Conference (papers, judges) UF papers cross-pollinate UCF activities C Programming class at UCF


Technical: Clint Plaisted

• Technical activities within our Section• Technical activities with other Sections Cape Canaveral Palm Beach• Technical Mini-Symposia Modeling and Simulation Missiles and Fire Control


Programs: Gino Bonfanti

• Distinguished Lecturers and other Section events• SpaceX tour (Clint/Amanda)• Launch control room tour at KSC


Honors and Awards: Randy Allen

• Sustained Service Jim/Jerry, nominations due 1 Jul, references

due?• Associate Fellow Yunjun (Rick), nomination due 1 May,

references due 1 Jun


Communications: Brent York

• Adding new members to email distribution?• Two items

a.i. solutions job posting Nicole Stott

• Newsletters, Webs, Announcements (email, fax)• Advertising/Public Affairs • Use of the AIAA Table Top Display, AIAA

banner• Use of Company's TV monitors and posting

services • Articles to Regional newsletters, AeroSpace

America magazine, local newsletters




• Category Funding CAT I: Membership CAT II: Section awards CAT III: Regional Director’s discretion CAT IV: Vice President, Member Services’ discretion CAT V: Section start-up

• Region/Section Leadership Manual




Month EA Professional Students TotalMay-10 78 303 213 594Jun-10 79 295 221 595Jul-10 84 293 219 596Aug-10 84 293 219 596Sep-10 91 285 221 597Oct-10 95 285 220 600Nov-10 95 282 255 632Dec-10 95 277 236 608Jan-11 95 299 239 633Feb-11 96 292 253 641Mar-11 96 292 256 644Apr-11 97 303 255 655May-11 97 290 243 630Jun-11 97 284 230 611Jul-11 99 283 223 605Aug-11 99 287 227 613Sep-11 100 285 258 643Oct-11 100 280 275 655Nov-11 100 286 253 639Dec-11 100 285 256 641Jan-12 101 288 281 670Feb-12 99 291 266 656Mar-12 112 298 266 676
