Agnostic and Modular Architecture for the Development of


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Agnostic and Modular Architecture for theDevelopment of Cooperative ITS Applications

Bruno Dias, A. Santos, A. Costa, B. Ribeiro, F. Gonçalves, J. Macedo, M. João Nicolau, O. Gama and S. Sousa

Abstract—A Vehicular Adhoc Network (VANET) is a genericconceptualisation that can be applied to the communicationsdomain of an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). It definesrequirements that allow the exchange of information betweenapplications and services running on equipment that form aVANET, mainly moving vehicles, fixed road infrastructure’s sys-tems and mobile personal devices. In this unique and demandingenvironment, interoperability is attained through the use ofspecific wireless communications technologies and protocols. Thegreat heterogeneity on the capabilities of the interconnecteddevices, the scale of the number of devices that could beinvolved, the various degrees of density and the complexity on themobility patterns, makes interoperability at the application levela challenging problem. This paper presents an agnostic VANETarchitecture, adapted from ETSI and ISO modern standards, tobe deployed on ITS as a mean to overcome those limitations.This new approach fosters the use of different communicationtechnologies and network/transport protocol stacks in an openand modular framework, facilitating the creation of ITS co-operative applications and services, using traditional networkprogramming paradigms where applications use the availablemedium transparently. The usefulness and versatility of theproposed architecture have been illustrated by means of twodifferent applications that have been taken from simulationscenarios into use cases, really deployed on top of commerciallyavailable On Board Units.

Index Terms—Intelligent Transportation Systems; VehicularAdhoc Networks; Agnostic Communications Architecture.


The increasing mobility of people is having a relevanteconomic and social impact. The growing number of movingvehicles and pedestrians, mainly in the urban environment,leads to an increased number of traffic jams, to higher levelsof pollution and consumption of energy. Traffic accidentshave been taking thousands of lives each year and causedcritical injuries to millions of persons[1], although vehicles,as standalone machines, are getting safer, more efficient, morecomfortable and providing an overall better user experiencewith increasing levels of automation. To further improve globalsafety, enhance efficiency and bring automation to a higherlevel, it is necessary to create and deploy new cooperativemechanisms, applications and services. New approaches on

Manuscript received May 2, 2018; revised August 23, 2018. Date ofpublication September 17, 2018. Prof. Nikola Rožic has been coordinatingthe review of this manuscript and approved it for publication.

Authors are with the University of Minho, Portugal (e-mails:{bruno.dias, alex, costa, macedo}, {b7214, b7207, b2583,b7215},

Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.24138/jcomss.v14i3.550

communication networks should be pursued so that vehicles,road infrastructures, personal smart devices and other type ofmobile equipments are able to communicate and exchangeuseful informations such as traffic conditions, safety warningsand infotainment data. Cooperative Intelligent TransportationSystems (C-ITS) deal with these scenarios making use of spe-cific communications frameworks to support interoperability,thus many research efforts have been directed to this C-ITSapplication domain in the latest years.

In VANETs, Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, vehicles com-municate directly when they are within radio signal range,or using multi-hop paths between source and destinationnodes, computed in a cooperative way using specific routingprotocols. Since vehicles move at very high speeds alongrestricted and predictable road paths, VANETs have distinctivecharacteristics and communication requirements; short contacttime, connectivity disruption, packet losses, frequent topologychanges and frequent high channel loads, are examples ofthe characteristics that make VANETs a very challengingcommunication environment. Vehicles use On-Board Units(OBUs) in order to communicate with each other in the lackof any infrastructure support, but also with fixed Road SideUnits (RSUs) on the road infrastructures. VANETs may useVehicle to Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) andVehicle to Pedestrian (V2P) interactions, or, more generically,Vehicle to X (V2X) communications, and nodes communicatedirectly in broadcast mode, if in radio range, or use multi-hop paths. Since vehicles move at high speeds along restrictedand predictable road paths, VANETs have distinctive charac-teristics and challenging communication requirements when indense (eg urban) or sparse environments. RSUs may play animportant role in VANETs, since they facilitate communicationbetween vehicles when direct communication is not possible,and enables vehicles to connect to the backbone networkwhere C-ITS services support is easier to implement. Thedistribution of RSUs depends on the communication protocolor use case - some environments require an even distributionover the whole network, while others require RSUs only atintersections or a reduced distribution set in a given region.

Nowadays, it is common for vehicles to be equipped withseveral internal communication capabilities, materialised inmultiple and various wired and wireless interfaces. Wiredcommunication technologies such as CAN [2], LIN [3] andFlexRay [4] tend to coexist well in vehicle environments,although the tendency is for manufacturers to start implement-ing Ethernet-based solutions, due to their benefits in terms of


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complexity, cost or even cabling weight. Wireless technologieslike WiFi, ZigBee, Bluetooth [5] or LiFi [6] are considered forother types of connectivity inside the vehicle, like connectingthe vehicle to the driver or passenger’s smart devices. As forexternal communications, by now only prototype vehicles tendto include this type of capabilities and the IEEE 802.11p [7]is the most popular technology for wireless V2X connectiv-ity. When applications require longer range communications(more than one kilometer) or higher bandwidths (which couldbe common for infotainment services), it may be necessary toresort to other solutions such as cellular networks or WiMax[8].

Several standardisation institutions around the world havedefined deployment architectures to model various aspects ofan ITS. These standards instantiate communication modelsdefined for VANETs into existing standard technologies andprotocols. They take into account real world implementationscenarios faced by (and also forced by) the automotive in-dustry, which impose additional technological, social, legaland security constrains when deploying communications ar-chitectures. So, the most common approach when developingITS stations and services is to define a closed solution insidean OBU, conforming to standard specific access technologiesfor low level communications, a network and transport pro-tocol stack compatible with this type of environment, andan application software complying with broader functionalrequirements for some well known VANET applications. Thus,each manufacturer relies on an adapted proprietary architecturethat actually renders the interoperability between applicationsby different manufacturers hard to achieve, if not impossible.Furthermore, in this closed development context, it is verydifficult for software makers to implement C-ITS applicationsto compete in the automotive market independently of themanufacturers. All software is developed and deployed as anentire block, from the user interface in the applications downto the low level medium access technologies and everythingin the middle.

Vehicular applications can be classified into three groupsaccording to their major goal: (i) safety, (ii) efficiency andmanagement, and (iii) comfort/infotainment. According to itstype, applications may interact with the vehicle and withpassengers in different ways. The Safety domain refers toapplications or systems that increase the protection of thepeople inside the vehicle as well as the vehicle itself; efficiencydomain refers to improving and managing the traffic flow,and this group of applications is of great interest, sincetraffic congestion is becoming an increasingly severe problem;finally, infotainment and advanced driver assistance provideentertainment or information to drivers and passengers.

Given the wide range of existing (and upcoming) ap-plications, one of the most critical tasks is to standardizethe diverse communication requirements for each type ofapplication. In this paper we describe a new approach oncommunications architectures for C-ITS, firstly introducedin [9] by the same authors, that intends to open up thedevelopment process of C-ITS applications and services toa larger community of software makers while keeping safetyand security on all critical ITS environments. The underlying

strategy is to adapt existing communications models definedby the most important standardisation institutions into a moremodular architecture that could be more easily adopted by themanufacturers and still be open to integration of independentapplication level software. This strategy is more supportive ofresearch and development processes of C-ITS applications in amodular way, following diverse types of methodologies, fromthe traditional TCP/IP client-server paradigm to more recentones like Named Data Networks (NDN) [10].

This paper complements and extends the works [9] bypresenting in Section II a compreensive and detailed analysisof standardised architectures currently used in ITS, justifyingthe need for an agnostic approach, leading to real C-ITS ap-plication integration. In Section III the proposed architecture,and each one of its main modules and associated functions,are described with special emphasis on the ITS-LCI interfacethat exposes the vehicles’ available services to any thirdparty application developers. The architecture enables servicesavailability to developers, without compromising any securityor safety constraint imposed by the manufactures. Section Vpresents the deployment of two completely new case studies- a C-ITS Platooning Management Controller and the estab-lishment of a hybrid testbed, enabling the integrating of realhardware with VEINS vehiculars’ development framework;both use cases comply with the new architecture and realimplementations have been derived and tested with existingcommercial OBU hardware. Finally, Section VI presents theconclusions and planned future works.


Vehicular networks are heterogeneous. In the future, andregarding V2X communications, vehicles may be equippedwith a diversity of wireless communication interfaces. Prob-ably, the most common will be based on IEEE 802.11p,which is a special version of the IEEE 802.11 medium accessstandard [7] for vehicular environments, or based on cellularnetworks. This technology is the heart of the Wireless Accessin Vehicular Environment (WAVE) [11] specification, as itcan be seen on Figure 1, that was adopted by the Society ofAutomotive Engineers (SAE) for the Dedicated Short RangeCommunications (DSRC) [12][13][14] family of standardsand by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute(ETSI) for the ITS-G5 standards [15].

Considering the diversity in the vehicular environment,to allow a rapid and incremental development of VANETapplications and technologies, it is desirable that the softwareon the application level be independent to the underlyingmedium-access communications framework. Furthermore, ifpossible, the same principle should be applied to the transportand network levels. To attain this objective, the conceptof an agnostic middle-ware communications layer could beintroduced. This should provide independent information man-agement for multiple data sources, allowing heterogeneouscommunication interfaces to be transparently supported overdifferent communications stacks. Notice that this insight intoindependency of applications from the underlying frameworksand communication technologies is also a requirement for


Figure 1: WAVE Communications Stack

the future of vehicular Internet [16]. Also, plenty of theresearch efforts involving ITS application development, eitherfor safety applications for intelligent vehicle control in urbanroad intersections [17] or even more specific security ap-proaches to Internet based applications to be used in vehicularnetworking [18], although dependent from the characteristicsof the underlying ITS architecture, should not depend on anyspecific implementation. So, this type of agnostic middle-ware communications layer should give freedom to vehicularapplications developers and communications stacks providersto focus on the optimization of its components or modules.This middle-ware layer must be implemented and supportedby the vehicle’s OBU that will be able to choose the bestinterface or use multiple interfaces in parallel to communicatewith other OBUs or RSUs, requiring the simultaneous use ofdifferent protocols at the lower-level communication layers.

Indeed, an effort to provide such a type of middle-warehas already been made and included on existing standardarchitectures. That solution tries to mask the diversity anddistribution of the vehicular resources and to provide com-mon services to different V2X applications using a unifiedapplication programming model. Unfortunately, this approachrelies on the requirement that all applications must use directlythe same middle-ware layer between the applications and thetransport layer. So, it must be integrated on all communicationstacks on the ITS station and coordinated by some commonlower-level layer inside the OBU through some type of inter-layer signalling, which is a very taunting task. Also, withthis strategy, management of application multiplexing betweendifferent communications stacks is difficult to implement.In general, to overcome these problems, manufacturers tendto present complete closed solutions that support only onecommunications stack and which higher-level applications areincompatible with other manufacturers applications.


Communications Access for Land Mobiles (CALM) is acommunications architecture defined by the ISO TechnicalCommittee 204 - Working Group 16 (TC204 WG16). Thismodel, as depicted on Figure 2, is designed to allow interop-erability between C-ITS stations and it abstracts applications

and services from the underlying communication layers. Theset of CALM standards include specifications for: ITS StationManagement; Communications Security; Facilities, StationNetworking and Transport layer protocols; CommunicationInterfaces and Services; Interfacing Technologies into ITS Sta-tions; Distributed Implementations of ITS Stations; InterfacingITS Stations to existing communication networks.

Figure 2: CALM Architecture (from [19])

Its main goal is to establish an integrated technology thatis able to provide a set of protocols and parameters forC-ITS communications using several different media [20].Theoretically, the CALM architecture should enable vehiclesto use any kind of communication media with seamless mediahandover. As such, CALM supports the integration of differentwireless technologies for V2X communications but does notpresent detailed solutions for their simultaneous use on thesame ITS station by several applications, although it’s impliedthat the challenge could be overcome implementing networkswitching mechanisms inside the OBU.


The ISO 21217:2014 standard [21] describes the ITS stationreference architecture, represented on Figure 3, consisting onsix parts: Applications, Management, Facilities, Networking& Transport, Access and Security. Although this standardspecifies all the ITS station elements, whether or not a par-ticular element is implemented is dependent on the specificcommunications requirements.

Until now, the most relevant middle-ware support solutionfor application agnosticism on this architecture was introducedby the standard ETSI ITS-G5 Facilities Layer [15]. Morerecently, some other alternatives were also proposed [22] [23][24] [25], but they can be seem as forms of instantiation ofthe generic ETSI proposal, adding a set of specific service (in-formation, communication and application) modules betweenthe application and the transport layer. An implementationof such a facilities middle-ware might be a very complextask and software makers would lose the ability to choose adevelopment paradigm for their applications, at least withoutany type of signalling mechanism supported by the entirecommunications stack. Application development would haveto take into account many technological details of lower-level layers (announcements, notifications, channel attribu-tion and prioritisation, etc.). Also, the usage of a particular


Figure 3: ETSI ITS-G5 Architecture (from [15])

transport layer would be bound to the usage of a particularmedium access technology. This favours the developmentand deployment of non-modular solutions with problematicinteroperability issues between implementations of differentautomotive manufacturers of the same VANET cooperativeapplication or service.


The development environment for in-vehicle applicationsshould support the industry trend of clearly separating (hard-ware and software wise) the services that are responsibilityof the vehicle manufacturer and the rest of the services andapplications that can be added by third party developers. Itis most likely that the former services will be developed andimplemented on closed OBUs and installed by the manufac-turers (or third party specialists under the responsibility ofthe vehicle manufacturers) during the vehicle manufacturingprocess. The latter, which would implement higher-level C-ITS applications and services, could be developed by softwaredevelopers independently of the vehicle manufacturer andinstalled during the vehicle manufacturing process or later onby the vehicle owner. This third party software could be runon additional computational resources either inside the vehicleor at some fixed RSU. So, a new approach on an agnostic ITSarchitecture could adapt the ETSI ITS-G5 proposal to solve thereferred constraints and make use of the full potential of futuremulti-medium access capabilities and without the integrationof a facilities layer directly on top of the transport layer.

An ITS communications architecture for the developmentof agnostic vehicular applications should present the OBUmodelled like a black-box, implementing all lower-level in-vehicle communication services, information services andfunction services. These service modules would share the sameinterface technologies and the implemented functionalities

Figure 4: Agnostic Architecture for VANETs

would, at least, cover the same functionalities referred by theETSI ITS-G5 facilities layer. As such, the proposed agnosticITS architecture, as presented in Figure 4, would support alltypes of vehicular applications developed using any type ofprogramming paradigm and taking full potential of a multi-medium access capable OBU.

The main component of this ITS station architecture isthe OBU, implemented as a black-box, that is, it does notmatter how the OBU developer implements the internals.Furthermore, due to the vehicle’s industry safety and securityrequirements, these internals should be physically and logi-cally protected from external direct manipulation that couldlead to tampering the functional behaviour originally intendedby the original developer or manufacturer. Every existingvehicle should be able to assume the role of sender, receiverand router and/or switch (depending on which protocol layerthe forwarding process is implemented), so that informationcan be disseminated in the network while assuring a safeand smooth traffic flow at the same time. To enable V2Xcommunications, vehicles must be equipped with, at least, oneOBU that, typically, should provide, as minimum, a CAN bus,a power supply and some wireless communications technologylike WAVE, Bluetooth or LTE.

For this new modular approach, the OBU should pro-vide a group of services implementing all common featuresneeded for access to vehicle internal data sources (informationservices), V2X communication mechanisms (communicationservices) and lower-level automotive functions (function ser-vices). The interface to these services, identified as ITS-Local Communication Interface (ITS-LCI), should be availablethrough widely used standard technologies that can easily besupported by all automotive manufacturers implementing thesenew OBUs. The set of technologies defined for this interfacewould be used by software applications implemented on theITS station outside the OBU (or ITS station host). This usagecould be direct, when the applications themselves explicitlyuse the ITS-LCI interface to obtain access to the OBU services,or indirect, when the applications have indirect access to theOBU services by means of the underlying operating system.The former method should be preferred when accessing infor-mation or function services (which are, in nature, higher-level


application functionalities) and the later one, which wouldbe transparent to the applications, should be favoured whenaccessing communication services, although this mandatesthat the operating systems where the ITS applications aredeveloped and deployed implements the needed support forITS-LCI interface.

It should be emphasised that this solution does not use clas-sic network routing or lower-level switching inside the ITS sta-tion to attain the intended features and functionalities as thesemechanisms are difficult to pursue for nodes on a VANET. Norit uses a complex facilities layer in between the applicationslayer and the transport layer of each communications stack oneach operating system deployed on computational resourcesoutside the OBU. Again, all interactions with the three servicesmodules implemented internally on the OBU should be donethrough the ITS-LCI using standard communications protocolsand access technologies.

A. Communication Services Module

This interface module will permit sharing of all medium-access technologies supported by the OBU by all applicationenvironments in the ITS station and deployed on resourcesoutside the OBU, or ITS hosts; it should implement adequatealgorithms for multi-homing (the simultaneous use of severalnetwork providers on the same medium-access technology)and vertical hand-off (the simultaneous use of several medium-access technologies by the same application stack); this mod-ule should also implement all related functions to medium-access addressing, monitoring, parametrisation and security,and also antennas configuration, when available. In general,due to the specific nature of the low-level functional require-ments, including hardware requirements, of the medium-accesstechnologies, their internal implementations will be done ona dedicated Central Control Unit (CCU). Direct access tocommunication functions by external processes (outside theOBU) should not be allowed. Instead, indirect access shouldonly be possible through the communication services module(which is a logical module with higher-level functionalities,implemented on top of the available CCU functions) and usingstandard communication technologies. This module acts as apoint of access to the medium technologies. This means that,whenever a packet of data is generated at the network level onany of the systems outside the OBU, regardless of the type ofapplication stack used, the packet is sent to the medium usingthe best-performing communication technology at the moment.Although Figure 4 only shows internal blocks/channels formedium-access technologies, external logical blocks/channels,implemented on devices outside the OBU, could be registeredand used by the module, as long as the manufacturer’s definedinterface is supported. The communication services modulerequires a bidirectional adaptation, that is, whenever a ProtocolData Unit (PDU) arrives through one of the communicationblocks/channels, its type must be identified so it can becorrectly forwarded through the ITS-LCI to the adequateapplication stack at the network layer. Another requirementfor this module is that it must implement efficient schedulingstrategies and management of communications channels. It

should also support diverse communication paradigms likeunicast, geocast, multicast and broadcast. All of these fea-tures should be implemented inside the OBU and supportedtransparently to external ITS applications (direct access) andoperating systems (indirect access).

B. Information Services Module

This interface module will permit access and manipulationof data generated by all sensors, actuators and other devices inthe vehicle, indirectly or directly connected to the OBU; thisdata includes, for example, sampled values from ElectronicControl Units (ECU) connected to an internal Controller AreaNetwork (CAN) of a vehicle, like speed, acceleration, engineregime, water and oil temperature, fuel and battery levels,distance to obstacles in the front and in the rear, tires pressure,vehicle longitudinal and traversal inclination or rotation, etc.).It could also include information about configuration param-eters of the supported V2X medium-access communicationtechnologies (like the amount of power applied to antennas,date and time, etc.), sampled values from ambient sensorson the vehicle (like interior and exterior temperature andhumidity, altitude, etc.), video streams or photos images fromvideo or image devices installed on the vehicle, relative andglobal position (using GPS, RF-ID, etc.), vehicle identifica-tion, malfunctions, biometric values of the driver, securityparameters and information on relevant event dates (mandatoryinspections, manufacturer check-ups, etc.). It should be notedthat the data should be collected and made available at ratesand with a precision adequate for proper use on the mostdemanding applications, some of them almost in real-time.As such, and dependent on the running ITS applications andon the type of the data itself, the sampling processes shouldbe configurable (rate, precision, amount of sampled values re-tained, maximum retention time, etc.), including their securitylevels of access. Standard technologies for abstract definitionand secure remote manipulation of all this data should be used.Alternatively, in the particular case of remote manipulationof OBU configuration parameters, it could also be availablethrough configuration functions implemented on the functionservices module as support for direct manipulation through theinformation services module may be more complex and moredifficult to ensure its proper and secured use.

C. Function Services Module

This interface module will permit access to lower-levelfunctionality procedures. These are functions that the man-ufacturers, due to security, safety, performance and liabilityissues, should have the responsibility and the desire to imple-ment (or closely control its implementation). These functionsshould implement atomic operational procedures as theseshould not be interfered or use sub-procedures external tothe OBU. Some examples include manoeuvres to maintain acertain distance from front obstacle during a certain time, tomaintain a certain velocity or acceleration during a certaintime, to maintain or change lane, etc. It is also possibleto support configuration procedures like setting the drivingmode to sport, setting lighting mode to automatic, resetting


all malfunctions information, locking all doors, powering onemergency lights, setting interior temperature to a certainlevel, turn Bluetooth communications on, etc. From the ITSapplication development perspective, it is not important toknow how the OBU internal instrumentation will implementthese atomic procedures. It is only relevant to know the syntaxand semantics of the particular functions needed to implementa concrete ITS application or service. This modular approachis very useful to implement external applications with higher-levels of functionality, like Platooning or Autonomous Driving.

D. ITS-Local Communication Interface (ITS-LCI)

This architecture is truly universal and modular, as it allowsthe integration of any protocol stack, such as DSRC, TCP/IPor NDN, implemented on any operating system of the ITShost. It is also adequate for development and deployment ofall types of ITS applications and services (safety, efficiency,comfort, management, etc.). The applications and operatingsystems of the ITS hosts should be able to access any ofthe services modules through the ITS-LCI, either in director indirect mode. The ITS-LCI represents a standard bidi-rectional communication technology (or group of technolo-gies, protocols and mechanisms), easily supported by anyOBU as the context of its implementation and deploymentis locally restricted to the vehicle, which makes its technicalrequirements less demanding (for example, no classic internalnetwork routing or naming service is necessary). Direct accessto the OBU services using application-level communicationstechnologies is simpler to implement but is less transparent sothis method should be favoured for access to the informationservices and function services modules. As for access to thecommunications service, indirect access through the operatingsystems communications protocol stack should be preferredbecause with this method it is easier to treat at the operatingsystem level some complex lower-level mechanisms neededfor efficient management of the available resources for V2Xcommunications. At this mode, the ITS-LCI interface could beseen as a link-layer communications tunnel; another ITS-LCIapplication level interface is based on the SNMP managementprotocol and is used to access data and to configure operationalparameters available. Also, MIB definitions convey the neededabstraction paradigm for an independent representation of thesyntax and semantics of the data.


It seems appropriate, even critical, to implement a database,or repository, on the OBU to support the data access andmanipulation requirements of the three services modules. Suchstrategy requires an adequate availability of computationalpower and energy supply that manufacturers should take intoconsideration. An instrumentation mechanism would need tobe implemented in order to adapt the database technologyto the available data access/manipulation technologies alreadyavailable to vehicle manufacturers. Nevertheless, since neitherthe data nor the instrumentation mechanism can be directlyaccessed outside the OBU, their implementation strategy and

used technologies can be freely chosen by the OBU developer,as long as the standard technologies defined for the interfacewith the services modules are supported. Applications shouldalso be able to store relevant information on this repository,mainly data that is important to share with other applications,like information from safety applications or sample valuesfrom external user devices. Nevertheless, this procedure shouldonly be supported through the standard interface technologiessupported by the information services module.

In this regard, a widely used database technology like aManagement Information Base (MIB) of the Internet Sim-ple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) [26] frameworkseems adequate as the core mechanism for implementation ofthe information services module and also as a complementarytechnology for the other two services modules (mainly formanipulation of configuration parameters or monitoring theexecution of functions inside the OBU).

The ITS-LCI should use a large bandwidth, low costmedium wired technology like Gigabit Ethernet, support asimple communications stack like TCP/IP and a widely usedapplication management protocol like SNMP. The SNMPframework seems to be a good solution to implement theinterface technology to be supported by the three servicesmodules for access and manipulation of the referred data. Asstated before, its use would be complemented by the definitionof a standard automotive OBU Management Information Base(MIB) implemented on an SNMP agent inside the OBU.Furthermore, the MIB objects could convey enough semanticmeaning as to provide support for the interface with thefunction services module.

A more performing communication technology based onUDP encapsulation over IP could be used. A simple asyn-chronous and connectionless application protocol with primi-tives for direct access to the communication services moduleshould be defined and supported by the OBU and the ITSapplications and services deployed on ITS hosts. This ITS-LCIapplication protocol could also include generic primitives forencapsulation of a mechanism for direct access to proceduresprovided by the function services module.


As a means of proving both the versatility and usefulnessof this agnostic ITS communications architecture two appli-cation scenarios have been used as case studies: i) a hybridITS development, integrating real communication hardware(a generic OBU hardware, allowing for real-time WAVE /802.11p communications) with the open source vehicular net-work simulation framework VEINS [27] (Vehicles in NetworkSimulation); ii) testing a Platooning Management Controllerapplication.

A. Hybrid ITS Application DevelopmentFirstly a hybrid ITS application development, able to in-

tegrate an ITS application, established within the simulationplatform VEINS, with real-time WAVE / IEEE 802.11p com-munications by means of two OBU boards, real hardwareprototypes.


A Cooperative Traffic Efficiency application has been de-veloped and tested on a CAR2X Hybrid Simulation Plat-form, composed by two OBU prototype hardware boardsinterconnected with the VEINS Simulator framework, usingSUMO as the interface for vehicular mobility. Within thesimulation setup, two of the simulated vehicles, represented inthe simulator with different colours, as presented in Figure 5,are to be permanently connected to real OBU hardware boardsin order to enable sending/receiving all WAVE / 802.11pmessages using real time communications. Simulator nodesinteract with the OBU hardware boards using a simple APIas interface, the ITS-LCI component depicted in Figure 6,also identified as "Simplified ITS-LCI communication API"in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Hybrid testbed integrating VEINS framework withOBU boards

Whenever a message is to be sent in the VEINS simulationby one of the two vehicles connected to real OBU boards, themessage is sent simultaneously in the simulator and, via theITS-LCI interface, in real radio channel. The OBU prototypeboard receives the message and broadcasts it by means ofreal WAVE / IEEE 802.11p communications. Then, any otherOBU board in radio range receives the message and sendsit , again by means of the ITS-LCI interface, to the VEINSsimulator. Whenever the VEINS simulator receives a messagethrough the ITS-LCI interface, the virtual node associated withbox handles it immediately. The node may receive the samemessage twice, once via the OBU board and another timefrom the simulated channel; the decision on which message tokeep (or discard) is handled by a special decision algorithm1

implemented within VEINS. In order to enable this hybridenvironment, the agnostic ITS communications architecturehad to be taken into the real OBU boards that were runningan operating system image prepared previously, integrating theagnostic software developed, with ITS-LCI, and flashed intothe boards. The ITS-LCI daemon within the OBU boards wasdeployed on top of a fully working V2X stack and this daemonlistens for requests coming from external applications.

This case study demonstrates the integration in VEINSsimulation platform of the ITS-LCI interface, proving withsuccess the ability of using real time IEEE 802.11p communi-cations between the OBU boards that are associated with ve-hicles whose movement is determined by the application (andSUMO) developed and tested in the simulated environment.

1This decision algorithm deals with the analysis of vehicle node reachabil-ity, using the vehicle position in the simulated environment.

Figure 6: ITS-LCI support for a Platooning Application

B. Platooning Management Controller as an ITS Applicationexample

Platooning is a well known C-ITS application that, asdepicted in Figure 7, allows vehicles, normally trucks, to travelvery close to each other with, at least, automated longitudinaldistance control, although automated lateral distance controlbetween them is also an objective. In theory, this collaborativeapplication should enhance safety, traffic flow, road capacity,fuel savings and enhance reduction of harmful emissions. Inpractice, due to its complexity and tight safety requirements,there are still no commercially available solutions.

Figure 7: Platooning of trucks

This is a good example of a type of application thatcould benefit from a research, development and deploymentparadigm as defined by the this new approach.

Figure 8 represents the platooning application deploymentframework to be implemented on the architecture and thatcould be developed in a modular process. It includes aplatooning management protocol implemented at the C-ITSapplication level and a set of standard supporting lower-level vehicle control functions implemented on the OBU,which are already implemented in many vehicles as standaloneautomotive features or as manoeuvres integrated on high-levelprocedures. Higher-level functionalities and security requisitescould be implemented on an ITS host system with a commonLinux operating system, albeit with an adaptation for transpar-ent interaction with the OBU communication services moduleusing link layer tunnel on the ITS-LCI. An even simpleralternative could be implemented using only direct access toall services modules of the OBU. In this case, as depicted inFigure 6, the ITS-LCI would support a simple application-level connectionless communications protocol encapsulatedover an UDP/IPv4 protocol stack for direct access to the


communication services and function services modules andSNMP over the same UDP/IPv4 stack for direct access to thefunction services and information services module.

Figure 8: Platooning deployment model

The APPP communication interface may use protobufor ASN.1 [28] in order to specify and encode the PDUs andin the platooning application as it is an independent and wellstablished technology and widely used for definition of V2xcommunication protocol standards. For external communica-tion with the platooning host application, the SNMP protocol2

has been used and a simple SNMPv2c communications mod-ule has also been implemented inside OBU.

The higher-level modules of the platooning applicationshould take care of the algorithms for implementation of themore complex operations like drivers certificate verification,joining and leaving, overtaking, merge, leader substitution,etc. Standard lower-level procedures provided by the functionservices module of the OBU should implement basic func-tional requirements like atomic manoeuvres (like maintaininglongitudinal distance to front, maintaining speed, changinglane, ID renumbering, time synchronisation, etc.) or configu-ration of platooning parameters (setting reference distance be-tween vehicles, setting reference lane, setting reference lateralalignment, etc.). The platooning management protocol wouldinclude a set of dedicated service primitives and protocol dataunits for their encapsulation. All interactions between vehiclesin the platoon should be performed using this protocol whichcould also be implemented on top of a simple UDP/IPv4communications stack.

The vehicle manufacturer would be responsible for thecorrect, safe and secure implementation of the services mod-ules inside the OBU. For example, it could use the WAVEframework for V2V communications and two MIB modulesimplemented on an SNMP agent/server. For example, theAutomotive Sensors & Actuators MIB (ASA-MIB) modulecould be dedicated to monitoring vehicle sensors data neededfor platooning, like speed, acceleration, global positioning(GPS) and relative positioning (through radar and video cam-era technologies) and the Automotive Automatic ControllersMIB (AAC-MIB) module would be used to access/configure

2Although this version of the SNMP protocol has no security features, thatis not relevant in the context of this prototype implementation

lower-level control functions like Cooperative Adaptive CruiseControl, Automatic Steering Control and Cooperative Adap-tive Emergency Braking.

The Platooning application was previously developed insimulation framework VSimRTI [29], and tested in simula-tion only scenarios [30] while the agnostic communicationsinterface software was being designed and tested. When thefirst OBU board prototypes became available for testing, thePlatooning Management Controller was also deployed in ahybrid testbed, integrating the simulation with the real timecommunications hardware. The main goal was to be ableto test the Platooning Management Controller closer to areal prototyping scenario, able to include hardware boardsassociated with two or more virtual vehicle objects in thesimulator. The access to the vehicles’ real time data and thecommunication interface with the commercial OBU boardshave been accomplished using the ITS-LCI communicationlayer and its implementation is presented in Figure 9.

Figure 9: Hybrid Scenario for Platooning deployment

This new architectural approach has already been appliedwith a simulated implementation of such a platooning man-agement protocol [30] using the V2X Simulation Run-timeInfrastructure (VSimRTI) [29], a simulation framework ableto couple and integrate other well known simulators, suchas SUMO and Network Simulator (version 3) on top of acommon infrastructure.

Finally, this C-ITS application has been successfully testedwith a car following application, where a car leader (establish-ing the acceleration and velocity) commands and determinesthe adaptive real time behaviour of the car that is following.


Current standard ITS communications architectures aremainly aimed at the development of applications in closedecosystems, in general controlled by automotive manufac-turers or manufacturers consortia. There is no separation ofdevelopment ecosystems (and its responsibilities) on smallerisolated components, modules or protocol stacks (such asapplications on one side and OBUs on the other, for example).This generates less opportunities for research and developmentindependently of the automobile industry and turns difficult thedevelopment of third party solutions.

This paper presented a new approach for the deploymentof a communications architecture for VANETs, using theservice paradigm. The proposed architecture is modular andopen, as it allows the integration of any application protocolstack or network paradigm. The applications and communi-cation protocols should be able to use any of the services


modules - Communications Services, Information Servicesand Function Services - by means of the ITS-LCI. Standardand common communication technologies and protocols areused to implement the ITS-LCI, which enables access tothe service modules on the OBU. Keeping the lower-levelmedium-access communication and lower-level vehicle controlfunctions inside the OBU, we can maintain the responsibilityof its implementation on the automotive industry because itscorrect implementation is a delicate issue with both legal andsocial repercussions.

Using commercial CCU, made available by the automotiveindustry, a simplified version of the presented architecturehas already been deployed and tested, including an ITS-LCIimplementation that uses connectionless UDP/IPv4 to inter-face the OBU Communication Services and a SNMPv2c/IPv4primitives to interface with the OBU Information and FunctionServices.

Several modules of this Agnostic ITS CommunicationsArchitecture have been deployed into commercially availableOBUs and these prototypes were tested with two C-ITSapplications. The paper presents two case study applications:i) a hybrid ITS platform, integrating real OBU boards with theopen source vehicular network simulation framework VEINS;ii) a Platooning Management Controller application, that havebeen tested on top of different OBU boards.

Tests have been performed with success in hybrid setups;also, some C-ITS application developments have been carriedout and some of these prototypes were used on real vehicles,albeit on private and controlled road scenarios.

As future steps, a simple HMI application is to be deployedon Android platforms, able to support the ITS-LCI commu-nication module, in order to allow other external applicationsto interface with real OBU boards. Another research directionis the development, evaluation and testing of a strong securitymodel to be used in the context of this Agnostic ITS Com-munications Architecture.


This work has been partially sponsored by the EuropeanStructural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component,through the Operational Competitiveness and International-ization Programme (COMPETE 2020) Project n. 002797,Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-002797, and alsoby COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the ProjectScope: UID/CEC/00319/2013.


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Bruno Dias was graduated in Systems and Infor-matics Engineering by University of Minho, Portu-gal, in 1991, and obtained a PhD Degree (2005),in Informatics (Computer Communications) in thesame University. He has been with the Universityof Minho as a lecturing and research staff member,since 1991. During his career in the University ofMinho, he has lectured or researched in OperatingSystems, Computer Networks, Data Communica-tion Systems, Network Management and MultimediaTechnologies and Services. Current research inter-

ests focus on Network and Services Management Technologies and Protocols,Applied Multimedia Technologies and Cooperative ITS/VANET Communica-tions Architectures and Applications.

Alexandre J. T. Santos is Associate Professor in theInformatics Department, Engineering School, Uni-versity of Minho. He received his PhD in ComputerCommunications from the University of Minho in1996. In the lead of the Computer Communicationsand Networks (CCN) research group he has sev-eral participations in R&D international projects oncomputer communications, protocols and services.He has authored or co-authored dozens of scientificinternational refereed Journals and Conferences. Heserved as a technical program committee member for

several IEEE, ACM and other international conferences. He is IEEE SeniorMember within IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Communications Society.

Bruno Ribeiro , completed his Informatics Engi-neering degree at the Informatics Department fromUniversity of Minho in 2014, and later the Networksand Telematic Services Engineering Master degreein 2016, at the same University. Since then, hehas been working as a researcher in the ALGO-RITMI Center (University of Minho) on the CAR2XCommunications project, within the scope of theINNOVATIVE CAR HMI research and developmentprogram, particularly focused on Intelligent Trans-portation Systems communications and applications.

Fábio Gonçalves , MSc, graduated in Communi-cations Engineering at the University of Minho in2014 and has been working as a researcher sincethen. He started research work at the Instituto deTelecomunicações in Aveiro, researching and build-ing a security framework for an Internet of Things(IoT) platform. Since 2016 he has been working asa researcher in the University of Minho, where he isalso a PhD student, focused in security for Vehicularad Hoc Networks.

António D. Costa , PhD, is an Assistant Professorat Department of Informatics, University of Minho,Portugal, where he develops teaching and researchactivities in the fields of Computer Networks andComputer Communications since 1992. As a re-searcher, he currently integrates the Computer Com-munications and Networks (CCN) research group,at Centro Algoritmi, University of Minho. He grad-uated in Systems and Informatics Engineering in1992, obtained a MSc Degree in Informatics in 1998and a PhD Degree in Computer Science in 2006 at

the same university

Joaquim Macedo graduated in Electrical Engi-neering, Telecommunications and Electronics atAgostinho Neto University, Angola in 1983, where,in 1985, he completed the option in ComputerScience of the same course. In 2002 he completedhis PhD in Computer Engineering at the Universityof Minho, Portugal. He is an Assistant Professorin the Department of Informatics of the Schoolof Engineering, University of Minho, since 2002.He develops his research activity as an IntegratedMember in the Algoritmi Center of the University

of Minho. His teaching and research interests are Information Retrieval,Computer Networks and the use of ICTs in developing countries. In thiscontext, he has participated in several research projects, supervising masterand doctoral students. He has more than four dozen peer-reviewed papers injournals and scientific conferences. He collaborated for more than 10 yearswith the Catholic University of Angola, as Visiting Professor.

M. João Nicolau was graduated in Systems andInformatics Engineering by University of Minho,Portugal, in 1992, and obtained a MSc Degree(1995) and a PhD Degree (2005), in Informatics(Computer Communications) in the same Univer-sity. She has been with the University of Minhoas a lecturing and research staff member, since1994. During her teaching career she has lecturedin Operating Systems, Computer Architectures andComputer Networks and Data Communication Sys-tems. Current research interests concern network

technologies and protocols, routing in IP networks, group Communicationsand multicast routing protocols, Quality of Service in IP networks andsimulation of TCP/IP networks.

Óscar Gama , holds a PhD in Electronics andComputers by the University of Minho in 2011and has been working as a researcher and invitedprofessor since 2012. He has joined several researchprojects, mainly focused in sensors, protocols andrecently in ITS simulation environments for Vehic-ular ad Hoc Networks, in the scope of the CAR2XCommunications project.

Susana Sousa , has a MSc degree in Commu-nications Engineering by the University of Minhoin 2013 and has been working sice then, firstlyas a Telecommunications Engineer and later as aresearcher the ALGORITMI Center (University ofMinho) within the CAR2X Communications project,a sub-project of the INNOVATIVE CAR HMI re-search and development program, particularly fo-cused on Intelligent Transportation Systems commu-nications architectures.