AGM Report Diary - report 2007-08.pdf · Chief Executive’s Report SubCo has...


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SubCo Trust

Annual Report

2007 - 2008

Mission Statement

SubCo is a specialist service provider for Asian elders and their carers. SubCo offers quality support services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate and explores innovative ways of working effectively. SubCo assists and empowers Asian elders and their carers to advocate for other services to meet their individual needs.


Chair’s Introduction This was an exciting year which endorsed our work through retaining the Investors in People quality mark for the third time running. We have continued to consolidate our work and look for exciting opportunities. At SubCo we are always ready and willing to take up new challenges. I would like to personally thank everyone who has contributed in making SubCo the success that it is and I hope that we can continue to do this in future years. Ramesh Dadwal

Chief Executive’s Report SubCo has had another fulfilling and promising year, particularly as we have produced two reports, the first on Community Engagement and Mental Health Services in Newham, and the second on Asian Elders’ and Asian Carers’ views on current service provision in Newham for older people. This work has enabled us to evidence the work that needs to be undertaken by all, and in particular it has influenced our future agendas at SubCo. I hope you are able to enjoy reading our achievements in this report, and for our latest and ongoing work please visit our website on I would like to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation to all individuals and partners, who are our stakeholders, in achieving our goals once again! Taskin Saleem


OBJECTIVES & ACTIVITIES SubCo was formed in 1993. SubCo Trust formerly known as (SubCo Elders day Centre) is a Company Limited by Guarantee, registration no: 3031652 and a Registered Charity, no: 1045237. We are a recognised Investors in People Organisation. SubCo is well known for its expertise in the provision of culturally appropriate services to Asian elders and their carers.

The aim of SubCo is to provide services to frail Asian elders of the sub-continent over the age of 55 years, with a particular focus on those who are frail, isolated and house bound. SubCo is a product of a community led initiative.

Over the years we have pioneered a number of innovative services as a result of our continual review of our services, and the cataloguing of unmet needs within the London Borough of Newham. We see approximately 300 users per week. We are one of the largest organisations in the country specifically working for Asian elders. We have strong partnerships within Asian communities, the independent and statutory sectors.

SubCo works towards the empowerment of elders, assisting them in accessing services they are entitled to whilst campaigning for services they need that are culturally, religiously and linguistically appropriate. SubCo has provided a range of services and activities from: � Day care Services � Befriending � Advocacy Service � Range of health implementation activities (surgeries, advice, physical

exercise, workshops and seminars) � Mental Health Support work � Home visits and support for carers � Preventative Programme � A programme of social and cultural activities such as art and drama

therapies, complementary therapies, games, outings and group work � Drop in activities including book and video loans


� Asian Meals Service (luncheon club and a meals on wheels delivery service)

� Shopping Service � Volunteers Programme � Intergenerational work � Development Work � Training & Support Programmes Day Care Service The Day Care Service is running successfully and operating from both Plashet Road and the Older People Resource Centre in Chargeable Lane, with referrals and attendees at the Day Centre increasing over a period of time. We have 25 day care places, 5 days a week. There are regular meetings at the Resource Centre in Chargeable Lane to ensure close working links with staff and managers of the Samuel Boyce Unit and with the Manager of the Centre. Culture, Community & Adult Services (formerly known as Social Services Department) has set up a Day Care Forum where services that have been contracted, as well as in house services, come together to discuss issues around day care. The Forum meets regularly with a range of Day Care Providers, Contracts Section and the Managers of Day Care Services We are involved in a number of events including which are inclusive of elders from a range of communities:

o Diversity Event o Diwali, Eid, Vaisaki Educational Events o Valentines Event o Christmas Parties o Day Trips o Conference Report: Reach Out to Elders: Research project

focusing on Asian Elders views of Services in Newham o Community Engagement Report: Research Project Focusing on

Asian Elders and Carers Access to Mental Health Services:


This involved a lot of hard work and partnership working on part of staff, service users, and Management Committee and volunteers. Dementia Service We are also undertaking a lot of joint work with the Samuel Boyce Unit as we have 2 staff placed there for the Asian Dementia Service that we have been contracted for. There are 8 places, 5 days a week. We also run a number of joint sessions, ranging from reminiscence, healthy eating, grooming and beauty sessions and art therapy. Activities & Events With continued support from funders we have been able to continue to encourage Asian elders to take part and encourage social contact and provide appropriate services in relevant community languages and that respect the gender, religion and culture of Asian elders. This reduced isolation and assisted them in reintegrating into the local community. With the support of City Bridge and the Tudor Trust we have been able to provide:

o Dram Therapy Sessions o Exercise o Reminisce Work o Relaxation & Dance Sessions

Himmayat Advocacy Project This project has been up and running for some time and policies, procedures, a database and an open referral process has been established. The service is available to Asian elders in Newham over the age of 55 years. Souchein Community Engagement Project This project ran for a year and involved running a series of focus groups, 1:1 questionnaires for Asian elders and Carers living in Newham to find


out what they knew and their experiences of local Mental Health Services. This was supported by the University of Central Lancashire, NIMHE, and CSIP. Transport Due to some successful fundraising at our Dinner & Dances, we have now been able to purchase a second minibus. This will enable us to transport elders to our centre by 10.00am, and gives more flexibility in running services. Luncheon Club Plus The Luncheon Club Plus service runs on Wednesdays from 10.00am to 3pm, with lunch being served at 12 noon. We have identified some additional funds and will be able to provide transport for a number of elders. We provide Light Chair Based Exercise on Wednesdays as well as other activities. Since November we have been piloting a Non Vegetarian Service, and this is proving to be very successful. Once the service has been evaluated we plan to increase the number of days. Funding is received from the Local Authority as well as the Wates Foundation. SubCo Web Site This is being developed further with our new images – so please go to Recruitment & Staffing Two members of staff went on maternity leave during this period and we were able to recruit locum cover for the period.


Student Placements We have had 3 Social Work students on placement f from the University of East London, both 1st, 2nd & 3rd year students. Stroke Project Due to our past success in running a Stroke Project at SubCo, Adult Services have asked SubCo to assist in developing a Stroke Project at Chargeable Lane. There will be opportunities for SubCo to expand our service.

Acknowledgements All past and present staff, volunteers, elders, carers, Management Committee members and supporters of SubCo: Age Concern Newham, Newham Carers Network, Newham Healthy Living Network/Healthywise, Newham Community Transport, Aves Opticians, Newham Primary Care Trust, Newham Healthcare NHS Trust, Fresh CM, Bharats Food Store, Islamia Halal Butchers, Sokhi & Co, Abbeynest Ltd, London Borough of Newham: Social Services, University of East London, Museum of London, Museum of Docklands, John Miles, Esme Madil Associates, Peninsula Services, TKO: Joe Simpson, Tulip, New Philanthropic Capital, The Aina Khan Partnership, Tudor Trust, Wates Foundation, Comic Relief, City Bridge, Management Committee Ramesh Dadwal - Chair Naheed Anwar - Vice Chair Sunder Kangesan - Secretary Ashok Patel -Treasurer Lesley Aranha

Madhu Raichura Shamshad Salim Pushpa Devi Bij Ghulam Hussain


Staff Taskin Saleem Hitesh Patel Mohammed Ofu Safir Ahmed Shabana Asif Khatija Cadinouche Ali Ahmed Farkhanda Aziz Jayshree Patel

Jaya Dosa Dinesh Patel Hansaben Patel Gidderlal Khakar Divya Patel Narrinder Harrad Daulat Darbar Thakhorbhai Patel

Maryam Mahmood* Sophia Ahmed Maryam Athman Sumaira Naeem Kiran Gujja Akhtar Mohamed Zahur Aslam

Surgeries/Sessions Anil Gupta Nassa Karim Amanda Benson Yasmin Anderson Volunteers Ghulam Hussain Madhu Rachuria Khalid Khan Hasumati Patel

University Placements Mira Uddin Steven Britton Le N Ho Syeda Thuba Nurun Nahar

Kamruj Zaman Nurul Amin Gurrinder Narwan









SubCo Trust

49 Plashet Road, Upton Park, London. E13 0QA

Tel: 020 8548 0070

Fax: 020 8472 2696

