Agenda Jury duty discussion Introduction to the Cold War Reminder – CBAs due on Wednesday,...


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May 10, 2010Agenda Jury duty discussion Introduction to the Cold

War Reminder – CBAs due on

Wednesday, beginning of class

Writing prompt (use scratch paper) I was on the jury of a DUI

case. Any questions about the case, or jury duty in general?

Have paper/pen out for notes

The Cold War begins 1945 -1948

Key issue: Why did the wartime alliance fall apart?What were the major points of difference?The importance of Yalta and Potsdam

conferencesThe roles of Stalin and Truman

By Mr

Effects of WWII Major point: The USSR lost around 20

million people in WW2 Stalin was determined to make the USSR

secure in the future By contrast GB lost around 370,000 and the

USA lost 297,000 people.

The rise of the superpowers Before WW2 there were a number of

countries which could have claimed to be superpowers – USA, USSR,GB, France, Japan, Germany.

The damage caused by the war to these countries left only two countries with the military strength and resources to be called superpowers….USA and USSR.

What they believed

USA was capitalist and USSR was communism They were complete opposites They had allied against Fascism ….. Now the

common enemy had been defeated the reason for co-operation was gone

Differences soon emerged

Europe at the end of WW2

After the war who would lead the countries and form new governments

The USSR favoured the communist groups, the USA favoured the non-communists

Attempts at peace Two conferences were held in 1945 at Yalta and

Potsdam The aim was to discuss the future especially

**What to do with Germany’s leaders after the war

**What would happen to the occupied countries after liberation, especially those of Eastern Europe

**How to end the war with Japan**How to build a lasting peace.

June 1945 – United Nations

50 countries joined

Based in New York

Security Council – 11 members, 5 permanent (Britain, China, France, US, USSR)

Truman Doctrine Truman had been horrified at the pre-

war Allied policy of appeasement and was determined to stand upto any Soviet intimidation.

The Truman Doctrine in March 1947 promised that the USA “would support free peoples who are resisting subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures”. Triggered by British inability to hold the line in Greece, it was followed by aid to Greece and Turkey, and also money to secure upcoming elections in Italy and the advance of Communist trade unions in France.

It signalled the end of “isolationst” policies.

Marshall Plan The Marshall Plan reflected the strength of the

US economy and offered huge sums to enable the war shattered economies of Europe to rebuild and, by generating prosperity, to reject the appeal of Communism, Czechoslovakia showed interest in receiving Marshall Aid but was blocked by Russia.

The Soviet system was as much dependent upon creating a self-contained economic bloc as it was in maintaining a repressive political system.

Iron Curtain – A term used by Winston

Churchill to describe the separating of Those

communistlands of East Europe from

the West.

Improve your knowledge The Russians took very high casualties to

capture Berlin in May 1945. They spent the early occupation trying to take over all zones of the city but were stopped by German democrats such as Willy Brandt and Konrad Adenauer. Reluctantly the Russians had to admit the Americans, French and British to their respective zones.

Iron Curtain Border between Eastern Europe

(communist) and Western Europe (not communist)

Name comes from a speech by Winston Churchill

East/West Berlin

Berlin Wall Built by East Germany’s government to stop emigration to West Berlin (and West

Germany) August 1961 November 9, 1989 – Fall of the Wall

Cold War – no heat A time of tension between Soviet Union and

US Who would start the war first? Fear of nuclear attack/fallout Tension, but no missile strikes (obviously)

Cold War Pop Culture

a/daisyspot/ bear in the woods War games

Korea and Vietnam Countries split between US control and

USSR control

Korea fought to a stalemate North Vietnam (communist) won Vietnam


What caused the end of the cold war?

Gradual thawing of relations USSR broke up into individual countries Eastern European countries revolted against

communism Modern economic policies opened up


Homework Page 981: 1,2,4,5,7,8 Page 1051: 1,3,5,7

Start now – finish before class lets out
