Agenda Centroc Board meeting 23 February 2017 · 23 February 2017 Members in Bold ... Mr Kevin Pugh...


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Centroc PO Box 333 Forbes NSW 2871

Chair – Cr Gary Rush Mayor of Bathurst Regional Council Executive Officer – Jennifer Bennett

Email: Ph: 0428 690 935


Agenda Centroc Board meeting 23 February 2017

Members in Bold

It is advised that the next Board meeting will be held Thursday 23 February at the Forbes Services Club 44 Templar Street Forbes. Gallipoli Auditorium 9:30am for a 10am start. Tea and coffee on arrival and all refreshments will be provided. Please contact Jenny Bennett on 0428 690 935 with any queries.

Cr G Rush Bathurst Regional Council Cr K Sajowitz Oberon Council

Mr D Sherley Bathurst Regional Council Ms L Safranek (Acting) Oberon Council

Cr S Ferguson Blayney Shire Council Cr J Davis Orange City Council

Ms R Ryan Blayney Shire Council Mr G Styles Orange City Council

Cr I Gosper Cabonne Council Cr K Keith Parkes Shire Council

Mr S Harding (Acting) Cabonne Council Mr K Boyd Parkes Shire Council

Cr D Somervaille Central Tablelands Water Cr B McCormack Upper Lachlan Shire

Mr G Rhodes Central Tablelands Water Mr J Bell Upper Lachlan Shire

Cr B West Cowra Council Cr M Liebich Weddin Shire Council

Mr P Devery Cowra Council Mr G Carroll Weddin Shire Council

Cr G Miller Forbes Shire Council Mr A Albury Dept Premier & Cabinet

Mr D Green Forbes Shire Council Mr A McCormack RDACW

Ms W Tuckerman Hilltops Council Mr P Mc Millan RDACW

Mr A McMahon Hilltops Council Ms J Bennett Centroc

Cr J Medcalf Lachlan Shire Council Ms M Macpherson Centroc

Mr R Hunt Lachlan Shire Council Ms A Thomas Centroc

Cr S Lesslie Lithgow City Council Ms V Page Centroc

Mr A Muir (Acting) Lithgow City Council

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017


Agenda 1 Welcome

2 Apologies

3 Speakers

4 Minutes ........................................................................................................................................... 4

4a Confirmation of the Minutes of the GMAC meeting 9 February 2017 held in Orange .......... 4

4b Confirmation of the Minutes of the Board Meeting 24 November 2016 held in Canberra ... 8

4c Noting of the Minutes of the Centroc AGM held 24 November in Canberra held in Canberra

Parliament House ................................................................................................................... 13

4d Noting of the Centroc Executive Meeting Minutes 9 February 2017 held at Orange ......... 16

5 Business Arising from the Minutes WHITE ................................................................................... 18

6 Correspondence ............................................................................................................................ 30

6a Incoming Correspondence GREEN .................................................................................. 30

6b Outgoing Correspondence BLUE .................................................................................... 32

7 Reports .......................................................................................................................................... 35

7a Transport Infrastructure ................................................................................................. 35

Report by Jennifer Bennett dated 10/02/17 ............................................................................ 35

7b Water Infrastructure ...................................................................................................... 39

Report by Meredith Macpherson dated 10/02/17 ................................................................... 39

7c Health ........................................................................................................................... 53

Report by Jennifer Bennett dated 10/02/17 ............................................................................ 53

7d Regional Development ................................................................................................... 63

Report by Jennifer Bennett dated 16/01/17 ............................................................................ 63

7e Tourism Report .............................................................................................................. 77

Report by Jennifer Bennett dated 10/02/2017 ........................................................................ 77

7f Planning ........................................................................................................................ 86

Report by Jennifer Bennett dated 10/02/17 ............................................................................ 86

7g Management Plan and Policy Report .............................................................................. 91

Reported by Jenny Bennett dated 14/02/17 ............................................................................ 91

7h Operational Report ........................................................................................................ 97

Report by Carolyn Griffin dated 8/2/2017 ............................................................................... 97

7i Financial Report ........................................................................................................... 118

Report by Ann Thomas dated 8/2/17 .................................................................................... 118

8 The Centroc Acronyms and Glossary Guide PURPLE ................................................................. 122

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017


9 Late reports 10 Matters raised by Members 11 Speakers to the next meeting

Board- Andrew Harvey, PHN

NBN have requested to come and do another presentation to the Board

Representatives of the NSW Data Analytics Centre have been approached to present to GMAC

12 Board – 23 February – Forbes

GMAC – 4 May - Orange

Mr D Sherley Secretary

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

4 Minutes

4a Confirmation of the Minutes of the GMAC meeting 9 February 2017 held in Orange Delegates in Bold

1 Welcome Meeting opened at 10.20am Chaired by D Sherley

2 Apologies Mr A McMahon, Mr J Bell

Resolved Mr G Styles/Mr G Carroll

That the apologies for the Centroc GMAC meeting 9 February 2017 listed above be accepted.

3 Minutes 3a Confirmation of the Minutes of the GMAC Meeting 27 October 2016

Resolved Mr G Carroll/Mr K Boyd

That the Minutes of the Centroc GMAC Meeting 27 October 2016 held in Orange be confirmed.

3b Noting of the Minutes of the Board meeting 24 November 2016

Resolved Mr G Styles/Mr D Green

That the Minutes of the Centroc Board Meeting 24 November 2016 held in Canberra be noted.

3c Noting of the AGM meeting 24 November 2016

Resolved Mr G Styles/Mr S Harding

That the Minutes of the Centroc AGM 24 November 2016 held in Canberra be noted.

4 Business Arising from the Minutes – Matters in Progress Resolved Mr K Boyd/Mr D Green

That the Matters in Progress be noted and deletions as suggested be made.

5 Correspondence

5a Correspondence In

Resolved Mr K Boyd/Mr G Carroll

That GMAC note the incoming correspondence.

5b Correspondence Out

Resolved Ms L Safranek/Mr G Rhodes

That the GMAC note the outgoing correspondence.

Mr D Sherley Bathurst Regional Council Mr G Styles Orange City Council

Ms R Ryan Blayney Shire Council Mr K Boyd Parkes Shire Council

Mr S Harding (A) Cabonne Council Mr G Carroll Weddin Shire Council

Mr G Rhodes Central Tablelands Water Mr P McMillan RDACW

Mr P Devery Cowra Council Mr A Albury DPC

Mr D Green Forbes Shire Council Ms J Bennett Centroc

Mr R Hunt Lachlan Shire Council Ms M Macpherson Centroc

Mr A Muir Lithgow City Council Ms C Griffin Centroc

Ms L Safranek Oberon Council

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

6 Reports 6a Transport Infrastructure including Bells Line of Road

Resolved Mr K Boyd/Mr D Devery

That GMAC note the Transport Infrastructure report and commends to the Board advocacy regarding the

Bells Line Corridor be ramped up and include reference to the escalating costs over time as North West

Sydney continues to develop.

6b Water Infrastructure Resolved Mr K Boyd/Mr G Rhodes

That the GMAC note the Water Infrastructure report and commend to the Board:

1. That the Chair or his delegate be nominated as a place-holder representative for Centroc on the Lachlan Valley Water Security Project Community Reference Group with a view to it going to the Board for determination;

2. That under the auspices of the Executive correspondence be sent to WaterNSW detailing the region’s urban water security demands based on most recent studies;

3. That the re-affirmed Communique between Centroc, Lachlan Valley Water and the Belubula Landholders Association be adopted; and

4. Support in principle for using the National Asset Management Assessment Framework across the region with further scoping advice and financial implications to be provide in a follow-up report.

6c Health Report

Resolved Mr G Carroll/Mr G Styles

That the GMAC note the Health report and commend to the Board

1. it note the review of BTR and provide a report to members in line with this advice including seeking an

increase in engagement with the social media campaign;

2. Centroc host and fund social media training for members specific to promoting Screen Central; BTR

and CNSWT;

3. it reach out using BTR with a view to incorporate marketing into Universities and post grad programs

in the Area Health Services; and

4. undertake activity to ensure the potential of the Murray Darling Basin Medical School is realised in

Central NSW.

7di Regional Development

Resolved Mr G Styles/Ms R Ryan

That the GMAC note the Regional Development report and commend to the Board

1. it receive a report on progressing opportunities as identified in the “Making it Happen in the Regions - Regional Framework;”

2. key stakeholders including the Economic Development Officers’ Forum and RDACW give consideration to the Economic Enablers’ Report (the Report) and provide feedback with a view to leveraging it in the region’s interest;

3. members use the advice and language in the Report when making grant applications; 4. request RDACW to source data on Black Spots in the region and provide feedback; and 5. and invite Mr Ian Scott of the NBN to make a presentation to the Board on the NBN roll-out including

downloads and uploads delivery.

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

7dii Update from the Department of Premier and Cabinet

Resolved Mr G Styles/Mr K Boyd

That the GMAC note the advice from Mr Ashley Aubrey of the Department of Premier and Cabinet

Speaker Mr Kevin Pugh - NSW Treasury, Principal Analyst, Tax Reform Branch, Emergency Services Property Level 7e Tourism Report

Resolved Mr G Styles/Mr K Boyd

That the GMAC note the Tourism report and commend to the Board that it endorse the expenditure of

$2.5K on a Regional Tourism workshop for Council staff to inform a potential application under the

Building Better Regions Fund.

7f Planning Report

Resolved Mr P Devery/Mr G Styles

That GMAC note the Planning Report and lodge a submission on changes to Planning Legislation

developed in consultation with members by 10 March 2017.

7g Management Plan Report for 2017/2018

Resolved Mr A Muir/Mr D Green

That the GMAC note the Management Plan and Policy Report and

1. seek advice from operational teams on the draft Delegations’ Policy; 2. commend to the Board the Investments’ Policy and the Internally Restricted Reserves Policy; 3. note that advice on tier 1 and tier 2 priorities will be provided to the Board subsequent to the Chair

meeting with members to discuss priority; 4. commend to the Board the Management Plan; and 5. note that an incremental budget and fee structure will be provided to the Board with the

Management Plan to its February meeting .

7h Training and HR Managers Group

Resolved Mr K Boyd/Ms R Ryan

That the GMAC note the HR & Training Report and

1. That the $12 pp/year fee currently paid to Centroc be reviewed under the auspice of the Sponsoring General Manager David Sherley with advice to the April GMAC;

2. the current WHS module be removed from the online training platform until amendments in line with legislation are made by Cubic Consulting and approved by the working party; and

3. reporting on cost savings and other efficiencies advice, to be provided on a financial year basis.

7i WHS and Risk Management

Resolved Mr P Devery/Mr G Carroll

That the GMAC note the WHS/Risk Management Report and commend to the Board that it;

1. Write to Mid -Western Regional Council referring to recent correspondence seeking advice on operational membership noting the value proposition and existing engagement; and

2. Note that attendance and engagement in programming will be dealt with on a case by case basis with reports provided to GMAC and the Board as required.

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

7j Procurement and Contracts Report

Resolved Ms L Safranek/Mr G Styles

That the GMAC note the Procurement and Contract report and that reporting on specific contracts will

resume in July 2017 as Ms K Barker is on maternity leave .

7k Energy Programming Report

Resolved Mr K Boyd/Mr R Hunt

That the GMAC note the Energy Programming report and commend to the Board that it;

1. endorse the submission on the Draft Climate Change Strategic Plan and A Draft Plan to Save NSW Energy and Money; and

2. endorse expenditure of $20,345 from internally restricted monies for energy for Bathurst and Forbes to work with the University of Technology Sydney, Institute for Sustainable Futures on a project to inform regional advice on energy trading.

7l Financial Report

Resolved Mr P Devery/Mr G Styles

That GMAC note the Financial Report.

8 Late Reports

Resolved Ms R Ryan/Mr D Green


1. nominate Mr P Devery as the Mitchell Representative to StateWide;

2. note the circulated advice on Councillor Training and

2. the Local Government Professionals prospectus be added to the next GMAC agenda and Ms Annalisa

Haskell be asked to present to the group.

9 Matters Raised by Members – Nil

10 Next Speakers GMAC - Dr Ian Oppermann CEO and Chief Data Scientist, NSW Data Analytics Centre

Ms Annalisa Haskell of Local Government Professionals on Local Government metrics Board - Andrew Harvey, PHN Ian Scott, NBN

11 Next Meetings Board – 23 February – Forbes GMAC – 4 May 2017 – Orange Meeting closed 12.25pm Page 4 is the last page of the Centroc GMAC meeting 9 February 2017

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

4b Confirmation of the Minutes of the Board Meeting 24 November 2016 held in Canberra

Board Members in bold

Andrew Gee, Member for Calare- Opened the day at 8.57am

The Hon Sussan Ley, Minister for Health and Aged Care arrived at 9.04am departed at 9.26am

The Hon Luke Hartsuyker, Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister, arrived 9.20am departed at 9.50am

The Hon Darren Chester MP, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport arrived 9.50am departed at 10.10am

Mark Coulton, Member for Parkes arrived 10.10am departed 10.25am

The Hon Angus Taylor, Member for Hume, Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformations arrived 10.30am departed at 10.45am

1. Meeting opened at 10.55am by Chair Cr B West

Ms Alison Morgan – DPC left room

2. Apologies Cr J Davis, Mr K Boyd

Resolved Cr J Medcalf/CR I Gosper

That the apologies for the Centroc Board meeting 24 November 2016 listed above be accepted.

Cr G Rush Bathurst Regional Council Mr G Wallace (Acting) Oberon Council

Mr D Sherley Bathurst Regional Council Mr G Styles Orange City Council

Cr S Ferguson Blayney Shire Council Cr K Keith Parkes Shire Council

Ms R Ryan Blayney Shire Council

Cr I Gosper Cabonne Council Cr B McCormack Upper Lachlan Shire

Mr S Harding (Acting) Cabonne Council Mr J Bell Upper Lachlan Shire

Cr D Somervaille Central Tablelands Water Cr M Liebich Weddin Shire Council

Mr G Rhodes Central Tablelands Water Mr G Carroll Weddin Shire Council

Cr B West Cowra Council Mr Andrew Gee Member for Calare

Mr P Devery Cowra Council Mr Mark Coulton Member for Parkes

Cr G Miller Forbes Shire Council Mr Michael McCormack Member for Riverina

Mr D Green Forbes Shire Council Mr Angus Taylor Member for Hume

Ms W Tuckerman Hilltops Council Ms A Morgan Dept Premier & Cabinet

Mr A McMahon Hilltops Council Mr A McCormack RDACW

Cr J Medcalf Lachlan Shire Council Mr P Mc Millan RDACW

Mr R Hunt Lachlan Shire Council Ms J Bennett Centroc

Cr S Lesslie Lithgow City Council Ms M Macpherson Centroc

Mr A Muir (Acting) Lithgow City Council Ms A Thomas Centroc

Cr K Sajowitz Oberon Council Ms V Page Centroc

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

3. Minutes 3a Noting of the Minutes of the GMAC Meeting 27 October 2016

Resolved Cr K Keith/Cr J Medcalf

That the Minutes of the Centroc GMAC Meeting 27 October 2016 held in Orange be noted.

3b Confirmation of the Minutes of the Board Meeting 25 August 2016

Resolved C K Keith/Cr J Medcalf

That the Minutes of the Centroc Board Meeting 25 August 2016 held in Cowra be confirmed.

3c Noting of the Centroc Executive meeting 27 October 2016 at Orange

Resolved Cr G Miller/Cr K Keith

That the Minutes of the Centroc Executive meeting 27 October 2016 at Orange be noted.

4. Business Arising from the Minutes – Matters in Progress

Resolved Mr G Styles/Cr S Ferguson

That the Board note the Matters in Progress, making deletions as suggested.

5. Correspondence

5a Correspondence In

Resolved Cr M Liebich/Cr B McCormack

That the Board note the incoming correspondence.

5b Correspondence Out

Resolved Cr G Miller/Cr K Keith

That the Board note the outgoing correspondence.

Meeting adjourned 11:09 The Hon Michael McCormack, Member for Riverina, Minister for Small Business arrived 11.09am departed at 11.40am Alison Morgan DPC entered room again 11.40am Meeting resumed 11:44

6. Reports 6a Transport Infrastructure including Bells Line of Road

Resolved Cr S Lesslie/Mr G Styles

That the Board note the Transport Infrastructure report and commends to the Board it 1. endorse the terms of reference for The Strategic Regional Roads Group; 2. under the auspices of the Executive, develop an advocacy position to improve outcomes for members

from a review of the roads funding framework; 3. note the recommendation from the Roads Technical Committee on Road/Rail interface agreements

and adopt the approach suggested by this group as follows: a. Noting the importance of privilege, the advice from Marsdens on road rail interface agreements is

received and commended to members; b. Marsdens is requested to provide a cover letter and generic contract for members to use when

negotiating on road rail interface agreements; c. Members are recommended to use these letters and contracts and cc advice to the regulator; d. Centroc to check with other ROCs on any activity in this regard and provide advice that we have

concerns and are in negotiation;

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

e. Undertake any face to face negotiation collectively; and f. Progress this approach through GMAC and the Executive.

4. Reaffirm the importance of corridor sequestration for a future link between Central NSW and Sydney along the Bells Line alignment.

6b Water Infrastructure Report

Resolved Cr D Somervaille/Cr I Gosper

That the Board note the Water Infrastructure Report 1. endorse the response to the Public consultation on draft Framework on Microbial Health Based

Targets; and 2. Seek clarification on NSW water storage priorities’ alignment with Federal priorities.

6c Health Report

Resolved Cr K Keith/Cr M Liebich

That the Board note the Health report and 1. send a letter of thanks to the Hon M McCormack, the Hon F Nash and the Hon D Gillespie for their

advice to Weddin as they seek funding for a medical hub; 2. send an offer of assistance to the Hon Sarah Mitchell as she co-ordinates a meeting to scope the

development of modelling that shows the social and economic effects of doctors leaving towns; and 3. express concern regarding the scarcity of procedural General Practitioners in the region and continue

to advocate to State and Federal representatives in this regard.

6d.i Regional Development

Resolved Mr G Styles/Cr K Keith

That the Board note the Regional Development report and 1. provide advice on any follow-up actions it should undertake; 2. endorse the submission on Regional Development Australia; and 3. receive a report on non-infrastructure priorities identified within Centroc and member programming.

Chairman of RDACW – Mr Alan McCormack thanked the Board for their support and updated the Board on the review of the MOU between the two organisations noting it is the only one to exist in Australia. 6d.ii Regional Development Report

Resolved Cr K Keith/Mr G Styles

The Centroc Board note the information detailed and; 1. provided advice to DPC that the concept of workshops to support a collaborative approach to the

development of Community Strategic Plans is supported noting the need for elected representatives to be included; and

2. Three key themes relevant to most member Councils are a. Health b. Education c. Transport d. A possible fourth is law and order

Mr A McMahon left meeting at 12.12pm 6e Tourism Report

Resolved Mr G Styles/Ms W Tuckerman

That the Board commend to members they fund CNSWT for this financial year and through the Executive

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Minutes and Matters in Progress

support CNSWT as it seeks State funding for transition arrangements

6f Planning Report

Resolved Mr P Devery/Mr G Styles

That the Board note the Planning Report and 1. approve the Advocacy Plan for Planning; and 2. endorse the submission on Joint Organisation Boundaries.

6g Management Plan, Constitution and Policy Report

Resolved Cr K Keith/Mr D Sherley

That the Board note the Management Plan, Constitution and Policy Report and 1. Amend the Centroc Constitution to include the following addition: 5.12 Administrators In the event that an Administrator is appointed to a member Council for the purpose of council amalgamation and the amalgamated council is recognised as a member of the organisation then the Administrator of that Council shall represent the Council in the position of Mayor or elected delegate or elected member as is variously described in this Constitution. The Administrator may be appointed to and to hold any position within the organisation which the Mayor or elected member or elected delegate would have been able to hold and to exercise all voting rights that would have been available to the elected members of that Council appointed as delegates to the organisation. For the sake of certainty:- a) The administrator is to be accorded the rights and entitlements as though the Mayor of the Member Council; b) The administrator shall have the right to vote as though they are an elected member appointed as a delegate of the member Council; c) Despite clause 3.3 the administrator is not disqualified from appointment as the Chairperson or other member of the executive of the organisation as a consequence of not being an elected member of a Member Council; 2. until Joint Organisation Legislation becomes clear, an incremental approach to the Management Plan

continue with advice on tier one and tier two priorities; and 3. accordingly the Board receive a Management Plan Report in February.

6h Operational Report

Resolved Mr R Hunt/Cr J Medcalf

That the Board note the Operational Report and lodge a submission to the NSW Government on the Draft Climate Change Fund Strategic Plan and the Draft Plan to Save NSW Energy and Money with a view to maximizing opportunities for Central NSW.

6i Financial report

Resolved Mr P Devery/Cr K Keith

That the Board note the Financial Report

7. Matters Raised by Members

The Chair raised the issue of FAGS. This will be included in the next Board agenda.

Resolved Cr K Keith/ Mr G Styles

That a letter be sent to Member for Calare, Mr Andrew Gee thanking him for his support and his office organising today.

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

8. Speakers to the next meeting Board: PHN- Andrew Harvey – February 2017 GMAC: NSW Data Analytics - Dr Ian Oppermann CEO and Chief Data Scientist

9. Next Meetings

To be determined at the AGM

Meeting closed at 12.30pm Senator The Hon Fiona Nash - Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Regional Communications and Minister for Local Government and Territories arrived at 12.35pm departed at 1.00pm Page 5 is the last page of the Centroc Board Minutes 24 November 2016

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

4c Noting of the Minutes of the Centroc AGM held 24 November in Canberra held in Canberra Parliament House

Delegates in Bold

1 Meeting opened at 1.15pm Chaired by Cr B West

2 Apologies Cr J Davis, Mr K Boyd, Mr A McMahon

Resolved Mr D Sherley/Cr J Medcalf

That the apologies for the Centroc AGM meeting 24 November listed above be accepted.

3 Minutes Ratification of the Minutes of the AGM 26 November 2015

Resolved Mr D Sherley/Mr J Bell

That the Minutes of the AGM 26 November 2015 be confirmed.

4 Chairperson’s Report – Presentation of the Annual Report

5 Election of new Executive

Cr B West stepped down from Chair.

Mr A McCormack became returning Officer.

Cr Gary Rush was elected as Chair unopposed.

Cr John Medcalf was elected as Deputy Chair unopposed.

Resolved Mr G Styles/Cr K Keith

That the Centroc Board confirms that Cr S Lesslie, Cr K Keith, Cr Davis being the Mayors from Lithgow City

Cr G Rush Bathurst Regional Council Mr G Wallace (Acting) Oberon Council

Mr D Sherley Bathurst Regional Council Mr G Styles Orange City Council Cr S Ferguson Blayney Shire Council Cr K Keith Parkes Shire Council Ms R Ryan Blayney Shire Council Cr B McCormack Upper Lachlan Shire Cr I Gosper Cabonne Council Mr J Bell Upper Lachlan Shire Mr S Harding (Acting) Cabonne Council Cr M Liebich Weddin Shire Council Cr D Somervaille Central Tablelands Water Cr P Best Weddin Shire Council Mr G Rhodes Central Tablelands Water Mr Andrew Gee Member for Calare Cr B West Cowra Council Mr Mark Coulton Member for Parkes Mr P Devery Cowra Council Mr Michael McCormack Member for Riverina Cr G Miller Forbes Shire Council Mr Angus Taylor Member for Hume Mr D Green Forbes Shire Council Ms A Morgan Dept Premier & Cabinet Ms W Tuckerman Hilltops Council Mr A McCormack RDACW Cr J Medcalf Lachlan Shire Council Mr P Mc Millan RDACW Mr R Hunt Lachlan Shire Council Ms J Bennett Centroc Cr S Lesslie Lithgow City Council Ms M Macpherson Centroc Mr A Muir (Acting) Lithgow City Council Ms A Thomas Centroc Cr K Sajowitz Oberon Council Ms V Page Centroc

Resolved Cr G Rush/Mr D Green

That the Annual Report be received and accepted with copies sent to member Councils for circulation to all Councillors in the region

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Minutes and Matters in Progress

Council, Parkes Shire Council and Orange City Council as the ordinary members of the Centroc Executive.

The Centroc Board welcomes the balance of the Executive:

Cr Bill West (Cowra) as immediate past chair

Cr G Miller and Mr D Green (Forbes) as Centroc Treasurer

Mr D Sherley (Bathurst) as Secretary and Chair of GMAC

Messers – Hunt (Lachlan), Devery (Cowra), Boyd, (Parkes)and Styles (Orange) forming the balance of the Executive.

Cr G Rush Assumed Chair

6 Election of Centroc Delegates


1.Cr B West, Cr K Keith, Cr G Rush, Cr S Lesslie, Cr G Miller are the delegates for the Blue Mountains Expressway Group Cr B West/ Cr K Keith 2.Cr S Ferguson will represent Centroc on the Western Region Academy of Sport Mr G Styles/Cr B West 3. Sally Hall and Charmaine Bennett will represent Centroc on the, NSW Council Safe Advisory Network Mr G Styles/Mr D Sherley 4.Cr B West, Cr K Keith, Cr S Lesslie, Cr G Miller are the representatives for the Regional Strategic Roads Group Mr D Sherley/Cr J Medcalf 5.Cr G Rush is the representative for The Western Mining Taskforce Cr B West/Mr D Sherley 6.Cr G Rush is the representative for The Outer Sydney Orbital and Castlereagh Connection Corridor Steering Committee Cr B West/Mr G Styles

6a External bodies and portfolio Mayors

Resolved Cr B West/Mr G Styles

That, from the floor, the Board determine delegates to external bodies and portfolio Mayors For 12 Months. Transport - Cr Ken Keith Water – Cr Gary Rush Health - Cr John Medcalf Regional Development - Cr Bill West and Planning – Cr John Davis

7 Appointment of Auditor

Resolved Mr D Green/Cr S Ferguson

That Crowe Horwath be appointed as the Auditor for Centroc

8 Constitutional Review

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

Resolved Mr G Styles/Mr D Sherley

That the Board note the Constitution and that update advice will be provided during the Joint Organisation reform period.

9 Policy review

Resolved Mr D Sherley/Cr K Keith

That the Centroc Policy Manual be adopted and the balance of the report be noted, with amendment to wording, page 44 under the heading of Responsibility - Staff and Board Members, the wording be changed from ‘’directs’’ to ‘’informs’’ when referring to Board members.

10 Presentation of the Statement of Finances

Resolved Cr B West/ Mr G Styles

That the Statement of Finances for Centroc be adopted.

11 Meeting Dates for 2017

Resolved Cr J Medcalf/Cr I Gosper

That the Centroc Meeting dates for 2017 be

Board Meeting of Time Host

Thursday 23 February Board 9:30 for 10am Forbes

Thursday 25 May Board 9:30 for 10am Hilltops/State Parliament

Thursday 24 August Board 9:30 for 10am Lachlan/Federal Parliament

Thursday 23 November Board 9:30 for 10am Lithgow

Executive Meeting of Time Host

Thursday 9 February Executive 8.30 - 10am Orange

Thursday 4 May Executive 8.30 - 10am Orange

Thursday 27 July Executive 8.30 - 10am Orange

Thursday 26 October Executive 8.30 - 10am Orange

GMAC Meeting of Time Host Thursday 9 February GMAC 9:30 for 10am -12:30 Orange

Thursday 4 May GMAC 9:30 for 10am -12:30 Orange Thursday 27 July GMAC 9:30 for 10am -12:30 Orange

Thursday 26 October GMAC 9:30 for 10am -12:30 Orange

12 Other Business

Resolved Cr S Lesslie/ Cr J Medcalf

To record the appreciation for Mr Roger Bailey for his work at Lithgow City Council and Centroc.

Meeting closed at 1.30pm Page 3 is the last page of the Centroc AGM minutes 24 November 2016 held in Parliament House

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Centroc Board Meeting 23 February 2017

Minutes and Matters in Progress

4d Noting of the Centroc Executive Meeting Minutes 9 February 2017 held at Orange

Meeting opened 8.40am, Chaired by Cr G Rush Present (members in bold)

Cr G Rush Bathurst Regional Council Cr S Lesslie Lithgow City Council

Mr D Sherley Bathurst Regional Council Mr Andrew Muir Lithgow City Council

Cr B West Cowra Council Cr J Davis Orange City Council

Mr P Devery Cowra Council Mr G Styles Orange City Council

Cr G Miller Forbes Shire Council Cr K Keith Parkes Shire Council

Mr D Green Forbes Shire Council Mr K Boyd Parkes Shire Council

Cr J Medcalf Lachlan Shire Council Ms J Bennett Centroc

Mr R Hunt Lachlan Shire Council

1. Apologies –

Resolved Mr K Boyd/Mr D Sherley

There were no apologies to the meeting of the Executive 9 February, all were present.

2. Confirmation of the Minutes 27 October 2016 in Orange

Resolved Mr G Styles/Cr B West

That the minutes for the Centroc Executive meeting 27 October 2016 were confirmed.

3. Action List

Resolved Cr J Medcalf/Cr K Keith

That the Executive note the matters in progress and make deletions as suggested and 1. follow up Skillset regarding their position regarding insurance and 2. continue to monitor Joint Organisation Legislation and in the absence of strong support to provide a report develop report to Executive April on progressing incorporation.

4. Advocacy Update

Resolved Mr G Styles/Cr K Keith

That the Executive note the Advocacy Update.

5. Regional Tourism Organisations

Resolved Mr G Styles/Cr K Keith

The Executive note the advice regarding Regional Tourism Organisations and send correspondence to Central NSW Tourism seeking advice on options for the future of regional tourism in Central NSW. These options are to include the value proposition for members.

6. Review of the Centroc Management Plan

Resolved Cr B West/ Cr J Davis

The Executive gave consideration on Tier 1 and Tier 2 Priorities in the Management Plan 2017 -2018 and a report will be provided to the Board.

7. Review of the Centroc Priorities One Pager......................

Resolved Cr B West/Cr K Keith

The Executive gave consideration to the Centroc Advocacy page and a revised document will be circulated.

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Minutes and Matters in Progress

8. Late Reports

Resolved Cr B West/Cr K Keith

Advice for the Central Tablelands Regional Water Growth and Development Corporation will be circulated.

9. Other matters raised from the GMAC Business Paper - Nil

10. Matters raised by members

Cr G Miller advised he will be resigning from his roles in the MCA to enable his role as Mayor of Forbes and the Centroc Executive. Next meeting - 4 May 2017 – Orange Meeting Closed 10.05 Page 2 is the last page of the Centroc Executive meeting 9 February 2017

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Minutes and Matters in Progress

5 Business Arising from the Minutes WHITE

Action By Update

281113 - 8b - Water Infrastructure Develop a MoU with NSW Health.


28 November 2013- Board resolve that a MOU be developed to strategically guide collaboration between NSW Health and Centroc Local Water Utilities to progress best practice in drinking water quality. 6 March 2014 – correspondence sent to NSW Health seeking nominated contact to progress the development of an MOU.

17 April 2014- response from NSW Health nominating Mr Ingo Steppat, Senior Environmental Health Officer Western/Far Western NSW LHD as the contact.

Subsequent correspondence and follow-up undertaken to prepare discussion draft till November 2015. Please request more detail.

22 February 2016 - A follow-up meeting was held with Mr McLachlan and advice on progress sought numerous times from Dr Jones over this period.

14 June 2016 - a draft of the MOU reviewed by NSW Health was returned to Centroc by Dr Jones.

26 July 2016 - A meeting was held in Orange attended by Mr A Francis, Dr Therese Jones, Ms M Macpherson and Ms J Bennett to progress.

1 August 2016 – Meeting Minutes and actions were sent to attendees where NSW Health committed to provide a revised version.

16 August 2016- Follow up sought by phone and email.

At the time of writing, no response has been received.

Work is underway to procure a suitably qualified consultant to run a workshop with representatives from the CWUA and NSW Health. Applying a strategic risk based approach the aim is to develop a shared understanding and alignment of communication in the compliance framework.

281113 – 8f – Regional Development Direct a report be prepared for the Board that provides advice regarding opportunities from the Decentralisation Taskforce Report response from the NSW Government.

JB Underway. While there has been support in the political rhetoric in this space there does not seem to be much local evidence of outcomes from existing policy change to date. While accepting that change will be long term, anecdotal feedback shows a net reduction of state agency workforce in Central NSW. The Round Table co-ordinated through the Hon Sarah

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Mitchell, Parliamentary Secretary for Western NSW Office and DPC has had to be rescheduled several times. Ms J Bennett met with Mr G King of the Premier’s Implementation Unit seeking advice on how the Premier’s priority in NSW Making it Happen to grow jobs will be realised in this region. He is co-ordinating further meetings. Work has commenced on the Advocacy Plan for Regional Development which will further inform this space.

070515 - 7h - Community Strategic Plan and the JO Report Prepare a discussion paper including a draft Regional Strategic Plan based on the aggregation of community strategic plans.

JB Underway – please request the current draft. Notably the first round of amendments to the Local Government Act directed that Councils give consideration to the region. Centroc has raised the possibility with RLG seeking to progress a collaborative approach. Discussion at the Executive and GMAC meetings October 2016 suggest that the Regional Strategic Plan be a response to individual CSPs rather than attempt to aggregate them. A one pager on regional priority for use by members in the CSP process has been drafted and provided to Mr R Hunt for feedback to inform the next Executive meeting.

280515 – 9a – Transport Infrastructure 1. In collaboration with RDA Central

West, build on the work on Freight, Logistics and Transport infrastructure priorities undertaken to date and developed by Lycopodium;

2. this work to take note of the advice of “bundling” projects along potential freight corridors.

JB A draft is near completion, please request the current iteration where the current effort is around the mapping tool showing freight generators. Briefing advice provided to Federal Ministers. A meeting with MWH January 23 2017 has suggested changes to the matrix to deliver bundling and freight corridors should not be difficult.

280515 – 30 - Actions from session with Minister for Planning, The Hon Robert Stokes. 1. Regarding his warmth towards the

idea of a review of population projections;

2. his interest in investment in the region as being a feature of Regional Growth Plans;

3. his interest in new regional classes of complying development; and

4. his intentions regarding the reintroduction of the planning reforms.

JB Follow up letter sent. Briefing advice has been provided to his office where Minister Stokes had agreed to attend the Board meeting in May. Follow up is being undertaken. Potential opportunity is emerging through the reinvigoration of the Regional Round Table.

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300715- 7b – Water Agrees that advice is provided to the Board under the auspices of the sponsoring GM regarding distribution of funding of $180,614 following acceptance of the audited Financial Report by the Department of Industry.

MM Advice was received on 3 May 2016 from the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science that consultants ACIL Allen have been engaged to complete an independent evaluation of the administration and governance of the Community Energy Efficiency Programme.

Subsequently the Centroc CEEP2 Project Manager completed an on-line survey and has been advised that ACIL Allen may also request a telephone interview. To date there has been no further contact.

At the October 2016 GMAC it was resolved to set aside these monies for a further 6 months.

300715- 7h –RDOCS Receive advice regarding the management of monies from LGP in June 2016.

KB Centroc received correspondence from LGP on 19 October showing rebates of $59,161.85 for the period 1 January to 30 June 2016. Centroc staff met with with LGP staff in Sydney on 28 November to discuss. This figure is approximately twice that of the previous period and work will need to be undertaken to understand a typical twelve month period of rebates.

120815 – 7e – Regional Development Advice regarding a Regional Round Table be progressed through the Executive in collaboration with DPC and RDA Central West.

JB The Chair met with the Hon Sarah Mitchell 7 November to progress.

120815 – 7f- Planning That the Board note the Planning report and commend to the Department of Planning that there by 50% elected member representation in future Regional Growth Plan committees.

JB This advice was provided to the meeting on the Regional Plan in September. It forms part of ongoing advocacy and will remain on the books until the evaluation of the Regional Planning process which will occur once the Plan has been approved by Cabinet.

291015- 7b - Water Infrastructure 1. Provide advice through the Executive

to the Hon Niall Blair at the Regional Roundtable on the ongoing issues Councils are experiencing with the Best Practice Framework.

MM Meetings held with DPI Water Executives and Minister Blair on 10-11 May confirmed an issues paper addressing the current Best Practice Framework is scheduled for release for stakeholder comment in coming weeks. Please see more advice in the Water Infrastructure Report.

291015 – 7e Regional Development Advice be provided to the Board from a meeting between DPC, RDACW and Centroc on the strategic framework for regional development

JB Meeting held 21 January 2015 in Cowra, an agenda can be requested. The strategic framework was a matter for discussion at the meeting with Sarah Mitchell 11 May 2016. Further advocacy has been undertaken through a variety of channels including the failed attempt at a MoU with DPC, correspondence and reports to Ministers, advice to the Regional Round Table, briefing advice to various Ministers and the Making it Happen in the Region’s

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process. Subsequent to the review of DPC Regional Coordination it is understood that a new approach is being implemented. Centroc has been advocating to try and get this new approach to have a regional development focus. Suggest deletion

261115 – 7c – Health Undertake advocacy to receive advice regarding the effectiveness of Rural Clinical Schools in increasing regional health workforce over the past decade and that this advice be sought from Rural Clinical Schools, Federal Government and research institutions/organisations.

JB Draft underway awaiting feedback from all Clinical Schools. Further advice is being sought from CSU.

250216- Matters in Progress Write to Mr S McLachlan briefing him on the potential of the “grow our own” workforce value of Murray Darling Medical School type models.

JB Correspondence has been received with a further meeting with Dr Spence to be arranged. Further advice on the progress for seeking support to grow our own strategies is in the Health Report.

250216-7c-Health Note that a Health Workforce Group meeting in conjunction with Council Staff update on Beyond the Range is being scheduled.

JB October 2016 GMAC has sought advice on LG engagement in WAH planning. This has subsequently been circulated.

250216-8 Late Reports That the Board receive a report on the implications of the Infrastructure Australia Report and undertake advocacy as required in the interim.

JB The report is under way and advocacy has been undertaken in the interim with regard to the advice on congestion, water utilities and the potential for this region to be one of the 7 largest contributors to GDP by 2031.

120516-7c- Health Report 1. Advice be provided to the Board from

Charles Sturt University on its Clinical Training Model including internship positions;

2. advice be provided to the Board on strategies to remove barriers to rural health workforce;

3. seek interest in external funding of the Quadruple Bottom Line costs to community of the withdrawal of medical services; and

4. receive an update on the status of the success of the Beyond the Range Program.

JB 1. Awaiting advice from CSU 2. This will be included in the strategic workshop to be

held in due course 3. This has received good support from representatives

of the Department of Industry. See more advice in the Health Report.

4. Underway. See Health Report in this Business Paper for an update.

120516-7d-Regional Development 1. Note that any advocacy on regional

development include advice from the workshop on making the case for investment in the region;

JB 1. Underway though yet to be included in an advocacy plan which will be reviewed in January 2017

2. Some initial discussions have been held between RDA, Centroc and CSU.

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2. receive a report on options from working with RDACW on supporting education in the region

120516-7f- Operational Report 1. Receive advice on the likely timing of

JO to inform a report on the potential of incorporation including the structures of Hunter and REROC; and

2. contact the other ROCs for potential advocacy support.

JB 1. Underway – please see advice in the Planning Report for current State advice on timing. Current advice is that it will go before Parliament this quarter. Legal advisor has been put on notice. 2. Preliminary discussions have occurred and a meeting was coordinated with the ROCs to the west and south 5 December 2016. Notes from the meeting are available on request with suggested projects informing various reports to the Executive, GMAC and the Board.

280716 -7a- Transport Infrastructure 1. Request presentation from John

Zannes, Regional Roads Working Party on the Transport Prioritisation, preferably at a separate meeting after the next GMAC that will also include Planners and EDO’s.

JB 1. Meetings have been held with planners, GMAC and various roads groups.

Suggest deletion

280716 – 7d- Regional Development 1. Regarding representation to the RAC,

Bathurst and Orange to give consideration to the migrant worker staff.

JB Correspondence sent to Bathurst and Orange Suggest deletion

280716-7k-Energy Seek advice from RMS and Transport for NSW on what if any plans they have for an electric vehicle charging network across the state and particularly in Central NSW.

KB Advice being sought through the Strategic Regional Roads Working Group and Technical Committee.

280716 Executive- 5 - Media Opportunity Note the advice regarding the media opportunity and manage the opportunity through the Chair until after the September elections.

JB Executive gave consideration to this in their recent meeting. Suggest deletion

280716 Executive – 7 – Tourism 1. Express concerns regarding the size

of the region in the new model; 2. seek clarification on the operations of

the new entity; 3. seek advice on the potential for sub-

regional activity to preserve the good work undertaken in this region since the last restructure

JB A separate report on tourism is provided. It appears it will be too hard to get clear advice on the role of the new entities and the better strategy will be to develop up what this region wants for its visitor economy. The advice in this report supercedes this resolution. Letter to Central NSW Tourism has been sent. Suggest deletion

280716 Executive – 8 –Update on Advocacy from Chair That advice be sought from members on

JB Advice is being gathered. The Chair has been undertaking significant advocacy in this regard – please see resolution from the August

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the outcomes for them from the Rural Fire Service funding review and LGNSW be contacted in this regard.

Board meeting. From meetings in Sydney it would appear that there is need for clarity around exactly what the financial impacts are for Centroc members of the new RFS arrangements. The Board meeting in November 2016 resolved to receive a report on RFS funding. This is being progressed.

280716 – DPC/RDA/Centroc - 3 -report from Centroc b- JO reform DPC to raise the concerns of Centroc that JOs will have a similar risk to General Purpose Councils as County Councils and provide advice back to the Centroc Board meeting in August.

DPC Ms Alison Morgan has provided the following advice: Alison Morgan raised this issue with OLG. It was further discussed between the Centroc Executive, OLG and DPC in a meeting in Cowra on 25 August 2016. Suggest deletion

280716- DPC/RDA/Centroc -5-Report from RDA b MoU with Centroc An options report on potential changes to the relationship between Centroc and RDA is to be provided by RDA and Centroc to the Centroc Board in August.

RDA Please see reports to this meeting. Given the changing regional framework, Suggest deletion

250816 -7d- Regional Development 1. Develop policy regarding priority

infrastructure that has a direct link to supporting business;

2. Seek a report to the November Board regarding Centroc being an associate member of LGNSW; and

3. Invite Mr Garry White to the region to meet with the Board.

JB 1. Underway

2. This report was predicated on a workshop with LGNSW which is yet to be held. Advice was sought from LGNSW 29 September and followed up 10 November.

Further followed up at the end of November 2015 in a meeting with LGNSW representatives.

3.Invited through Minister’s Office – will follow up.

250816-8b –late Report item from Skillset on impacts of changes to insurance seeking support. provide support and advocacy for Skillset as requested.

JB Advice has been received from Skill Set and circulated. Correspondence has been sent. The Chair met with Ministerial Advisor Edward Yap and feedback has been provided to Skill Set. Skill Set will be providing further clarity as the issue is complex. Please request briefing notes and a verbal update. Suggest deletion

271016-7a(ii) RMS Roads funding - Transport Infrastructure That the Board receive a report on the financial impacts to members of distributing the REPAIR money, as an augment to the BLOCK grant, for 3 years.

JB Underway

271016-7c-Health Review Beyond the Range given it is in its third year.

JB Please see report to this meeting.

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271016-7k- Procurement and Contracts Report 1. Approve the 12 month extension of

the bitumen emulsion contract with Boral Asphalt from 1 March 2017;

2. approve a new procurement process for the next road signs contract for a contract to commence on 1 October 2017;

3. approve the 12 month extension of the linemarking services contract with Avante, Central West Linemarking, Complete Linemarking and Workforce Road Services from 1 October 2017;

4. approve the regional procurement processes for a Learning Management System (LMS) and E-Learning Content;

5. approve the regional procurement processes for Water Main Condition Assessment, Trade Waste, Mains Cleaning and Manhole Rehabilitation;

6. request advice from RDOCs on the implications of the recent changes to the Local Government Act on internal audit services; and

7. remind all staff of the importance of confidentiality and care when dealing with contracts.

KB 1-5. Noted. Work will commence on the extensions and procurement processes in the coming months. Suggest deletion 6. Underway 7. Noted. Suggest deletion

271016-8-Late Reports -Confidential Report on the Intergovernmental Collaboration with the State 1. The Centroc Board receive a report

providing advice on changes to policy and advocacy to optimise future Joint Organisation resources when engaging with the State and

2. this report to include advice on MoUs or equivalents and reflect that Local Government sees itself as responsible to community rather than creatures of statute.

JB Underway

271016-Executive -5-Media Opportunity Note the advice regarding the media opportunity and suggest the following topics between now and the next meeting:

Transport, roads and flooding

JB Noted Suggest deletion

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The need for a new storage and flood mitigation

JO legislation and the value of regional collaboration

271016-Executive – 6-Joint Organisation –Getting the Boundaries right Note the Getting the Boundaries right advice and commend the Board supports the proposed Boundaries.

JB Noted Suggest deletion

271016-Executive- 9 - Review of the Centroc Management Plan Note the Review of the Centroc Management Plan Report and commend to the Board that until JO Legislation becomes clear, an incremental approach continue with advice on tier one and tier two priorities.

JB See advice to this meeting Suggest deletion

271016- Executive -10- Late Reports The room was supportive of the Constitutional change advice from Crennan Legal, the advice will go to Board in November

JB Noted Suggest deletion

241116 – 7a -Transport Infrastructure 1.Endorse the terms of reference for The Strategic Regional Roads Group; 2.under the auspices of the Executive, develop an advocacy position to improve outcomes for members from a review of the roads funding framework; 3.note the recommendation from the Roads Technical Committee on Road/Rail interface agreements and adopt the approach suggested by this group as follows: a.noting the importance of privilege, the advice from Marsdens on road rail interface agreements is received and commended to members; b.Marsdens is requested to provide a cover letter and generic contract for members to use when negotiating on road rail interfaces agreements; c.members are recommended to use these letters and contracts and cc advice to the regulator; d.Centroc to check with other ROCs on any activity in this regard and provide advice that we have concerns and are in

JB Suggest deletion of items 1, 2, 3 a-e

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negotiation; e.undertake any face to face negotiation collectively; and f.progress this approach through GMAC and the Executive. 4.Reaffirm the importance of corridor sequestration for a future link between Central NSW and Sydney along the Bells Line alignment.

241116-7b- Water Infrastructure Report 1. Endorse the response to the Public

consultation on draft Framework on Microbial Health Based Targets; and

2. seek clarification on NSW water storage priorities’ alignment with Federal priorities.

MM 1. Submission lodged 2. Correspondence has been sent to the Minister for

Infrastructure and Transport the Hon Andrew Constance and a follow-up meeting is being pursued.

Suggest deletion of item 1

241116-7c-Health 1. Send a letter of thanks to the Hon M

McCormack, the Hon F Nash and the Hon D Gillespie for their advice to Weddin as they seek funding for a medical hub;

2. send an offer of assistance to the Hon Sarah Mitchell as she co-ordinates a meeting to scope the development of modelling that shows the social and economic effects of doctors leaving towns; and

3. express concern regarding the scarcity of procedural General Practitioners in the region and continue to advocate to State and Federal representatives in this regard.

JB 1. Correspondence sent. 2. Correspondence sent. 3. Included in the above correspondence Suggest deletion

241116- 6d.i- Regional Development 1. Endorse the submission on Regional

Development Australia; and 2. receive a report on non-

infrastructure priorities identified within Centroc and member programming.

JB 1. Submission lodged 2. Chair meeting with members to discuss priorities. Suggest deletion of item 1

241116 - 6d.ii- Regional Development Report 1. Provided advice to DPC that the

concept of workshops to support a collaborative approach to the development of Community Strategic Plans is supported noting the need for elected representatives to be included; and

JB Correspondence has been sent. Suggest deletion

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2. Three key themes relevant to most member Councils are:

a. Health

b. Education

c. Transport

d. A possible fourth is law and order.

241116-6e-Tourism Commend to members they fund CNSWT for this financial year and through the Executive support CNSWT as it seeks State funding for transition arrangements.

JB Correspondence has been sent Suggest deletion

241116-6f-Planning 1. Approve the Advocacy Plan for

Planning; and 2. endorse the submission on Joint

Organisation Boundaries.

JB Noted Suggest deletion

241116-6g-Management Plan, Constitution and Policy Report 1. Amend the Centroc Constitution to include the following addition: 5.12 Administrators In the event that an Administrator is appointed to a member Council for the purpose of council amalgamation and the amalgamated council is recognised as a member of the organisation then the Administrator of that Council shall represent the Council in the position of Mayor or elected delegate or elected member as is variously described in this Constitution. The Administrator may be appointed to and to hold any position within the organisation which the Mayor or elected member or elected delegate would have been able to hold and to exercise all voting rights that would have been available to the elected members of that Council appointed as delegates to the organisation. For the sake of certainty:- a) The administrator is to be accorded the rights and entitlements as though the Mayor of the Member Council; b) The administrator shall have the right to vote as though they are an elected

JB Updated and available on the website. Suggest deletion

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member appointed as a delegate of the member Council; c) Despite clause 3.3 the administrator is not disqualified from appointment as the Chairperson or other member of the executive of the organisation as a consequence of not being an elected member of a Member Council; 2. until Joint Organisation Legislation becomes clear, an incremental approach to the Management Plan continue with advice on tier one and tier two priorities; and 3. accordingly the Board receive a Management Plan Report in February.

241116-7f –Operational Report Lodge a submission to the NSW Government on the Draft Climate Change Fund Strategic Plan and the Draft Plan to Save NSW Energy and Money with a view to maximizing opportunities for Central NSW.

KB Submission has been lodged please request. Follow-up meetings were held 20 January 2017 to progress a funding framework that gives good consideration to the region. Suggest deletion

241116 - Matters Raised by Members

The Chair raised the issue of FAGS. This will be included in the next Board agenda.

That a letter be sent to Member for Calare, Mr Andrew Gee thanking him for his support and his office organising today.

JB Noted, report is underway

Sent Suggest deletion

241116-AGM –4 Chairman’s Report the Annual Report be received and accepted with copies sent to member Councils for circulation to all Councillors in the region

JB Sent Suggest deletion

241116 – AGM -6 - Election of Centroc Delegates 1.Cr B West, Cr K Keith, Cr G Rush, Cr S Lesslie, Cr G Miller are the delegates for the Blue Mountains Expressway Group 2.Cr S Ferguson will represent Centroc on the Western Region Academy of Sport 3. Sally Hall and Charmaine Bennett will represent Centroc on the, NSW Council Safe Advisory Network 4.Cr B West, Cr K Keith, Cr S Lesslie, Cr G Miller is the representative for the Regional Strategic Roads Group 5.Cr G Rush is the representative for The Western Mining Taskforce

JB 1. Correspondence sent 2. Correspondence sent 3. Correspondence sent 4. Noted 5. Correspondence sent 6. Correspondence sent

Suggest deletion

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6.Cr G Rush is the representative for The Outer Sydney Orbital and Castlereagh Connection Corridor Steering Committee

241116-AGM -6a-External bodies and portfolio Mayors Delegates to external bodies and portfolio Mayors For 12 Months. Transport - Cr Ken Keith Water – Cr Gary Rush Health - Cr John Medcalf Regional Development - Cr Bill West and Planning – Cr John Davis

JB Correspondence has been sent and individual meetings are being scheduled to update Advocacy Plans. Suggest deletion

241116-AGM -8 -Constitutional Review Update advice will be provided during the Joint Organisation reform period.

JB Noted Suggest deletion

241116-AGM -9 – Policy review Centroc Policy Manual be adopted and the balance of the report be noted, with amendment to wording, page 44 under the heading of Responsibility - Staff and Board Members, the wording be changed from ‘’directs’’ to ‘’informs’’ when referring to Board members.

JB Updated and available on request. Suggest deletion

241116-AGM - 10 – Presentation of the Statement of Finances Crowe Horwath be appointed as the Auditor for Centroc

JB Noted Suggest deletion

241116- AGM – 11 - Meeting Dates The Centroc Meeting dates for 2017 be

JB Noted, calendar invites sent. Suggest deletion

241116-AGM-12 -Other Business To record the appreciation for Mr Roger Bailey for his work at Lithgow City Council and Centroc.

JB Noted Suggest deletion

Due to the short turn around the Action items from the GMAC meeting 9 February have not been included.

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Incoming correspondence

6 Correspondence

6a Incoming Correspondence GREEN

No Date/Who Subject Comments

1 9 November 2016 RMS Speed cameras Available on request

2 10 November 2016 Weddin Shire Council

Retention of Central NSW Tourism

See Tourism Report

3 11 November 2016 The Hon Katrina Hodgkinson

Regarding Emergency Services Property Levy

See incoming correspondence

4 15 November 2016 NSW Health LDH

Western NSWLHD Strategic Plan See Health Report

5 17 November 2016 Parkes Shire Council

Mayoral Drinks Available on request

6 23 November 2016 Skillset Update on Workers Compensation Premium

See incoming correspondence

7 23 November 2016 DPI Lachlan Water Resource Plan submission invited

See Water Infrastructure Report

8 25 November 2016 Cowra Council

Centroc Delegate Available on request

9 25 November 2016 Cowra Council

Centroc Health Delegate Available on request

10 25 November 2016 Deputy General DPI Mr Gavin Hanlon

Engagement in development of Lachlan Plans

See Water Infrastructure Report

11 30 November 2016 Weddin Shire Council

Thank-you for assistance with Health Meeting

See incoming correspondence

12 10 December 2016 The Hon Mitch Fifield Minister for Communications

Local radio and TV See incoming correspondence

13 12 December 2016 The Hon Katrina Hodgkinson Member for Cootamundra

Congratulations to Cr Rush on new Chairman role

See incoming correspondence

14 13 December 2016 IPWEA Future Presentation to the Group

See incoming correspondence

15 14 December 2016 Warren Sharpe OAM, Chair Infrastructure Working Group CBRJO

Thank-you for presenting the CENTROC Matrix to the CBRJO Infrastructure Working Group

See incoming correspondence

16 19 December 2016 LGP Paul Braybrooks OAM Chairperson

LGP Rebate Scheme Review See incoming correspondence

17 21 December 2016 Bathurst Regional Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

18 22 December 2016 Cowra Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

19 23 December 2016 Hilltops Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

20 23 December 2016 Orange City Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

21 23 December 2016 Parkes Shire Approval for RFS information Available on request

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Incoming correspondence

No Date/Who Subject Comments


22 4 January 2017 Blayney Shire Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

23 5 January 2017 Upper Lachlan Shire Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

24 16 January 2017 Minister for Planning the Hon Rob Stokes

Central West and Orana Regional Plan

See Planning Report

25 19 January 2017 Lachlan Shire Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

26 25 January 2017 Annalisa Haskell Chief Executive Officer LGP

Council performance tool being used by the ROC.

See incoming correspondence

27 27 January 2017 Forbes Shire Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

28 30 January 2017 Cabonne Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

29 3 February 2017 Weddin Shire Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

30 7 February 2017 The Hon. Luke Hartsuyker MP Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister

Response to meeting in Canberra and follow up on Landcare

See incoming correspondence

31 8 February 2017 Lithgow City Council

Approval for RFS information Available on request

32 8 February 2017 Oberon Council Approval for RFS information Available on request

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Outgoing correspondence

6b Outgoing Correspondence BLUE

Date/Who Subject Comments

1 14 November 2016 the Hon Paul Toole Minister for Local Government

Transitional funding See Planning Report

2 17 November 2016 RMS Speed Camera Vehicles Available on request

3 14 November 2016 Centroc Roads Group

Presentation for StateCover Available on request

4 17 November 2016 RMS Worker on foot training Available on request

5 17 November 2016 Netwaste Induction Card Available on request

6 17 November 2016 Jardine Lloyd Thompson

Statewide suggestion to RDOCS Available on request

7 5 December 2016 Bathurst Regional Council

Support Bathurst Regional Council for the 2017 Regional Flagship Events Program

Available on request

8 6 December 2016 The Hon Duncan Gay Minister for Roads Maritime and Freight

Corridor Sequestration See Transport Infrastructure Report

9 6 December 2016 The Hon Andrew Constance Minister for Infrastructure

Advice on priorities to the Federal Government for Water Storages in NSW

See outgoing correspondence

10 6 December 2016 Ms Sarah Mitchell Parliamentary Secretary for Western NSW

Offer of assistance to scope the development of modelling that shows the social and economic effects of doctors leaving towns; and express concern regarding the scarcity of procedural General Practitioners in the region

See Health Report

11 15 December 2016 Various correspondence delegates from AGM

Centroc delegate Available on request

12 15 December 2016 DPC Alison Morgan Director, Greater Western NSW

Centroc November Board Resolve See outgoing correspondence

13 16 December 2016 The Hon John Barilaro MP Deputy Premier Minister for Regional Development Minister for Skills and Minister for Small Business

Congratulations on new position Available on request

14 16 December 2016 Environment NSW

Feedback on the Draft Climate Change Fund Strategic Plan and A Draft Plan to Save NSW Energy and Money.

See Operational Report

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Outgoing correspondence

Date/Who Subject Comments

15 16 December 2016 Centroc GM’s

Member councils fund CNSWT for this financial year.

See Tourism Report

16 16 December 2016 Centroc GM’s

Permission to access RFS information

Available on request

17 20 December 2016 The Hon M McCormack, The Hon F Nash The Hon D Gillespie

Send a letter of thanks for their advice to Weddin as they seek funding for a medical hub.

See Health Report

18 20 December 2016 Mr Andrew Gee Member for Calare

Thanking him for his support and his office organising today.

See outgoing correspondence

19 11 January 2017 DPI Submission to the Macquarie-Castlereagh Water Resource Plan (surface water) Status and Issues Paper

See Water Infrastructure Report

20 11 January 2017 DPI Submission to the Lachlan Water Resource Plan (Surface water) Status and Issues Paper

See Water Infrastructure Report

21 16 January 2017 The Hon Darren Chester MP Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Appreciation from the Centroc Board

Available on request

22 16 January 2017 Hon Luke Hartsuyker MP Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister

Appreciation from the Centroc Board

Available on request

23 16 January 2017 Hon Michael McCormack MP Minister for Small Business

Appreciation from the Centroc Board

Available on request

24 16 January 2017 Hon Angus Taylor MP Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation

Appreciation from the Centroc Board

Available on request

25 16 January 2017 Senator the Hon Fiona Nash Minister for Regional Development Minister for Regional Communications Minister for Local Government and Territories

Appreciation from the Centroc Board

Available on request

26 16 January 2017 Mr Mark Coulton Member for Parkes

Appreciation from the Centroc Board

Available on request

27 16 January 2017 David Sherley, Bathurst Regional Council and Mr Garry Styles Orange City Council

Regarding representation to the Western NSW Regional Advisory Council

Available on request

28 31 January 2017 Centroc Members, DPC, DoPE, CNSWT RDACW and LGNSW

Meeting dates for 2017 Available on request

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Outgoing correspondence

Date/Who Subject Comments

29 3 February 2017 Premier, The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian, Treasurer, The Hon. Dominic Perrottet, Minister for Planning, The Hon. Anthony Roberts, Minister for Health and Medical Research. The Hon. Brad Hazzard, Minister for Environment, Minister for Local Government The Hon. Gabrielle Upton, Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, The Hon. Melinda Pavey Minister for Early Childhood Education, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs The Hon. Sarah Mitchell, MLC Parliamentary Secretary for Natural Resources and Western NSW The Hon. Richard Colless, MLC

Congratulations on new Portfolios

Available on request

30 3 February 2017 the Hon. Dr D. Gillespie, Assistant Minister for Rural Health

Centroc Response on the Assessment of the Distribution of Medical Places

See Health Report

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7 Reports

7a Transport Infrastructure

Report by Jennifer Bennett dated 10/02/17

Section 1

Regional Sustainability

Objective 1A Upgrade and ensure sustainability of transport infrastructure.

Subject Update on Transport Infrastructure

Portfolio Mayor Cr K Keith

Sponsoring General Manager Mr Kent Boyd

Recommendation/s to the Transport Infrastructure Report

That the Board note the Transport Infrastructure report and ramp up advocacy for the Bells Line Corridor including reference to the escalating costs over time as North West Sydney continues to develop.

Management Plan Actions 2016/2017

Actions Comments

1. Advocacy a. to have the corridor sequestered for a

future upgrade to the Bells Line of Expressway through:

I. Advocating to key stakeholders as identified in the Advocacy Plan (please find attached)

II. Supporting the Bells Line of Expressway Group and

III. Providing representation on State committees as required, currently the Outer Sydney Orbital and Bells Line of Road Steering Committee.

a.I. A Meeting was held with the Minister for Finance The Hon Don Perrottet to discuss the Bells Line of Expressway with the Chair on 19 April 2016. Following discussion about mutual needs to reduce congestion in the Richmond area including support for a second crossing on the Hawkesbury, Minister Perrottet agreed to arrange further meetings. A meeting was held with representatives of Infrastructure Australia and the Chair 19 April where they provided advice that the advice on securing the Corridor for the Outer Sydney Orbital with no reference to the Corridor M7-Kurrajong came from NSW Govt agencies. Follow up is being undertaken. Advice is sought from Mr Tim Raimond around timing and corridor sequestration. a.ll. BLEG has been advised of Centroc representatives as per the

Précis The Management Plan Actions for Transport Infrastructure are aligned to the JO priorities of Advocacy, Inter-governmental Relations and Regional Strategic Planning. Where reports against these priorities are similar they will be deleted to avoid repetition. Advice against all Management Plan Actions is available on request. A draft Management Plan for 2017/2018 forms a separate report in this agenda. Recommendations from past meetings form part of Matters in Progress. This report also includes advice on:

Advocacy Plan review;

Progression of The Strategic Regional Roads Group and the Centroc Roads Technical


Road Rail Interface Agreements; and

Recent incidents east of Lithgow.

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AGM 2016. At the time of writing, BLEG has not met this financial year. a.III. The Bells Line of Road- Castlereagh Corridor Connection investigation area extends from the M7 to Kurrajong Heights. Community and stakeholder consultation occurred between June and August 2015 to identify constraints and opportunities. The results of the consultation, combined with technical investigations, were used to generate a long list of options and these were brought to a multi-criteria analysis workshop to develop short-listed options. These short-listed options are currently being refined. In 2015 TfNSW anticipated that a preferred corridor would be identified early 2016 for presentation to the Department of Planning and Environment for inclusion in relevant planning instruments. Given there has been no further progress, a meeting in the region was requested by the Strategic Regional Roads Group. Mr Geoffrey Cahill attended the meeting and provided advice that there are a number of challenges for the corridor but that it should be secured by the end of 2017. Attendees raised concerns that the costs of securing the corridor will rise dramatically as development booms in NW Sydney. It is recommended that further advocacy be undertaken in this regard.

1. Advocacy c. to Federal and State representatives and other key stakeholders as appropriate in the areas of road deficiencies, rail infrastructure and intermodal facilities. This is to include the Blayney/Demondrille Line and road upgrades as identified in the Centroc Priority Infrastructure Plan. See attached Advocacy Plan.

c. Advocacy includes advice from the Centroc Priority Infrastructure Plan. Please see the Advocacy Update for current advice. Matrix Project complete with review and progress on the freight overlay well underway. Please find more detail below on a meeting of the Transport Engineers to progress this and other initiatives. A revised list of projects is in progress and was adopted by the Board at their meeting in August 2016. A review with MWH is scheduled for January where changes suggested by the Strategic and Technical groups will be drafted for Board review.

1. Advocacy d. maintaining the Centroc Policy for

responding to issues relating to regional services remaining at Kingsford Smith Airport (KSA).

No submissions required in the last quarter.

1. Advocacy e. supporting the current air services to

Parkes, Orange and Bathurst and encourage any future expansion of the service.

No submissions required in the last quarter.

2 Inter-

governmental Relations

a. Strategic Regional Roads Group Technical Group

Updates on the progress of both groups can be found below.

2. Inter-governmental Relations b. Develop KPIs for collaboration with

key agencies

There has been some discussion around consultation protocols with RMS in this regard. Please request notes from the Strategic Regional Roads Group meeting in September 2016.

2. Inter-governmental Relations c. Engage with a view to collaborating

where possible with Transport for

TfNSW provide advice that as there was no interest from other ROCs in collaboration, as it would be inequitable.

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NSW on supporting the securing of the Corridor for a future upgrade to the Bells Line of Road

The draft Management Plan deletes this item.

3. Regional Strategic Planning a. Advocate for iterative improvement

to the Transport Plans for the region

Ms Alison Morgan of DPC provides the following advice in January 2016: There are 2 pieces of work underway internally within Government that relate to this.

1. As part of considering the final Joint Organisation model there is work underway, which Regional Coordination has been a part of, to identify an appropriate regional strategic planning model. This will need to be informed by the Government’s approach to implementing NSW Making it Happen (the 30 State priorities), the review of the State Infrastructure Strategy (due in 2017) and the implementation of the State Plans (formerly the Regional Growth Plans). The preliminary work we did in the Central West/Orana around what sort of planning was being done regionally has been fed into this – although we only did a very preliminary scan of agencies operating in the region. Local Government has been involved in this work through the 5 pilot Joint Organisations.

2. There is a second piece of work underway internally within DPC to review the State Government’s Regional Governance Framework to ensure that it is robust and can support the implementation of NSW Making it Happen (the 30 State priorities), the review of the State Infrastructure Strategy (due in 2017) and the implementation of the State Plans (formerly the Regional Growth Plans), along with the other government reform activity and ongoing regional and local work supported by DPC Regional Coordination. As part of this review a range of local government stakeholders, from across all regions, were interviewed by the consultants. Kent Boyd from Parkes Shire Council was one of those interviewed.

RMS provided advice to both the Strategic Regional Roads Group and the Technical Group on the development of corridor plans.

Advocacy Plan Review A review of the Advocacy Plan for Transport is being scheduled. A verbal update can be provided to GMAC. National Disaster Funding Members have expressed concerns regarding Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDDRA) funding most particularly the ability for Councils to have the day labour and plant funded. Both OROC and Centroc members are reporting perverse outcomes from the existing funding guidelines. At OROC’s request a collaborative approach to advocacy for flood affected roads is being progressed. This is being progressed.

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Intergovernmental Collaboration Advice from the Road Technical Committee The Centroc Road Technical Committee, made up of Directors of Infrastructure/Engineering as well as Council Roads Engineers met 12 December. Please request Minutes and Agendas from Committee. Working from their strategic plan approved by the Board, agenda items included the following:

A presentation by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator on Chain of Responsibility - the committee resolved to hold a workshop in early 2017 to progress

Updating the Transport Matrix

Engagement with RMS Live Traffic during major events

Road Rail Interface agreements

A regional approach engaging a third party to run the National Asset Management Assessment Framework across all asset classes – the committee resolved to support this approach led by the CWUA

Electric Vehicles

Road Rail Interface Agreements including preliminary legal advice Templates have been sent to members asking them to send these on to respective rail authorities. Advice from the Strategic Regional Roads Group The Strategic Roads Transport Group held a meeting in Orange on Friday 18 November. A significant part of the discussion was around the presentation by Mr G Cahill on securing the corridor for the Kurrajong to M7 component of a future upgrade of the Bell’s Line.

Table of Recent incidents east of Lithgow Advice has been provided by Lithgow regarding traffic incidents east of Lithgow on both the Great Western Highway and the Bells Line of Road.

Note: Whilst there were several reported motor vehicle accidents in the Local Area Command during the month this report only includes MVA’s where serious injury or fatals occurred as a result of the accident. Scenic Hill and Riverlett Hill, information only contained where incident has been specifically reported at these locations by investigating officers.

Attachments to the Transport Infrastructure Report

1. 6 December 2016 The Hon Duncan Gay Minister for Roads Maritime and Freight re

Corridor Sequestration

Riverlett Hill 12/2/16 1.30am night Minor. single Lost control on bend, down embankment.

Bells Line of road Dargan

8/7/16 8.40am day, wet Airlifted in critical conditional, internal injuries and broken bones.

single bike collided with debri on roadway, bike lost traction and slid into an embankment.

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7b Water Infrastructure

Report by Meredith Macpherson dated 10/02/17

Section 1 Regional Sustainability

Objective 1B Upgrade and ensure sustainability of water infrastructure

Subject Update on Water Infrastructure

Portfolio Mayor TBC

Sponsoring General Manager Mr Kent Boyd

Recommendation/s to the Water Infrastructure Report

That the Board note the Water Infrastructure report and: 1. The Chair or his delegate be nominated as a place-holder representative for Centroc on the

Lachlan Valley Water Security Project Community Reference Group with a view to it going to the Board for determination;

2. under the auspices of the Executive correspondence be sent to WaterNSW detailing the region’s urban water security demands based on most recent studies;

3. the re-affirmed Communique between Centroc, Lachlan Valley Water and the Belubula Landholders Association be adopted; and

4. Support in principle for using the National Asset Management Assessment Framework across the region with further scoping advice and financial implications to be provide in a follow-up report.

Management Plan Actions 2016/2017

Actions Comments

1. Advocacy a. Lobby for funding for water supply


a. Noting advice in the Management Plan that the Chair will not be taking portfolio roles, a new portfolio Mayor for Water is anticipated from this meeting. The Advocacy Plan for Water will be reviewed in consultation with the Portfolio Mayor and sponsoring GM subsequent to this meeting.

Centroc continues to lobby for alignment of the region’s water security infrastructure priorities with State and Federal Government priorities including the potential dam on the Belubula and various pipeline projects.

Précis The Management Plan Actions for Water Infrastructure are aligned to the JO priorities of Advocacy, Inter-governmental Relations and Regional Strategic Planning. Where reports against these priorities are similar they will be deleted to avoid repetition. Advice against all Management Plan Actions is available on request. Recommendations from past meetings form part of Matters in Progress. This report also provides advice on:

Advocacy seeking alignment of regional, state and federal water security infrastructure priorities;

Lachlan Priority Catchment Water Security Investigations-Phase Two;

Local Government engagement in Water Resource Planning;

Progress on the delivery of operational support to members by the CWUA; including

The National Asset Management Assessment Framework.

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A meeting with NSW Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, the Hon. Andrew Constance, MP to discuss alignment of Regional, State and Federal dam priorities is in planning.

See 1.b and 1.c for further advice on water security advocacy.

1 Advocacy b. Seek funding and develop programming for the outcomes of the Centroc Water Security Study.

Refer to 1a and 1c. Following correspondence from Minister Blair (19 September) advising that there is no funding available for a review of the Centroc Water Security Study, Centroc has continued to advocate to WaterNSW for a review to be undertaken as part of Phase Two Lachlan Priority Catchment Water Security Investigations (Dam on the Belubula) announced on 28 November 2016. See report below on the Lachlan Priority Catchment Water Security Investigations-Phase Two including advocacy to ensure Central NSW Councils are key stakeholders in investigations of options to improve water security for the region’s urban communities. Central Tablelands Regional Water Security Advisory Committee At the November 2015 meeting the Board endorsed the Chair and or delegate represent Centroc on the Central Tablelands Regional Water Security Advisory Committee, a consultative and advisory forum for the delivery of water security projects by Orange City Council, Central Tablelands Water and Cabonne Council with funding from Restart NSW. Meeting no. 6 of this committee scheduled for 9 September was postponed. A project update was issued by committee chair, Ms Alison Morgan, Department of Premier and Cabinet on 1 December and is provided as an attachment. With Ms Morgan’s re-assignment the new Committee Chair will be advised in early 2017. This project is identified as a Priority Regional Water Infrastructure project in the Water Infrastructure Matrix.

1. Advocacy c. Proffer the Water Infrastructure identified in the Priority Infrastructure Multi Criteria Analysis matrix developed in collaboration with Central West RDA.

Refer to 1a. and 1b. Opportunities to promote water security Infrastructure priorities as identified in the infrastructure matrix are sought on an on-going basis. A copy was provided to WaterNSW following discussion at a teleconference on 21 December. See report below on the Teleconference between Centroc and WaterNSW. Centroc representatives are meeting with MWH on 23 January to:

Work through the existing MCA tool and what Centroc wants to achieve in future from a data and tool perspective.

Potentially do some development together on the day depending on the level of complexity.

Scope a document that sets out the future update requirements for pricing by MWH (as a separate scope of work).

Updates to projects currently included in the Water Tranche matrix plan are being sought from member Councils with a view to being able to re-run the MCA tool to update regional priorities.

1. Advocacy e. Advocate to ensure water and sewer infrastructure management and

1e. On an as needed basis. Centroc’s abstract submitted for presentation at the Australian Water

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ownership is retained by Local Government.

Association Ozwater’17 Conference was selected as one of 150 out of 400 submitted. The focus of the full paper submitted on 8 February is: Water in Public Hands- Councils Collaborating to Deliver Local Water. Based on the Advocacy Plan for water, the paper took into account the resolution at the 2016 National General Assembly that international research on the municipalisation of water and sanitation services over the past 15 years is recognised in advocacy. A copy is provided as an attachment. The Conference will to be held in Sydney in May 2017.

1. Advocacy f. Promote Local Government as the agency of choice delivering quality water.

1f. On an as needed basis. See Advocacy Plan for Water. Refer 1d and 1e. See report below on Benchmarking and Analysis of Drinking Water Quality Data

1. Advocacy g. Respond to Murray Darling Basin Authority Plan impacts and programs.

1g. On-going as needed. Refer to Matters in Progress and incoming correspondence for; - Correspondence from DPI Water, received 4 December inviting

submissions to the Status and Issues paper for the Macquarie-Castlereagh Water Resource Plan (surface water).

- Correspondence from DPI Water, received 5 December inviting submissions to the Status and Issues paper for the Lachlan Water Resource Plan (surface water).

- Response from DPI Water, Deputy DG, Mr Gavin Hanlon to Centroc’s request for targeted stakeholder consultation with LG on the development of Water Resource Plans for the Lachlan and Macquarie-Castlereagh Catchments.

Submissions were made to both the Lachlan and Macquarie-Castlereagh Water Resource Plan reviews on 11 January 2017. Copies are provided as attachments. Of note is that the timeframe for comment (Issues papers were released on 23 November with submissions due 11 January) and opportunity to provide meaningful input through this process was limited. Advocacy continues to ensure LG representation on the Stakeholder Advisory Panels for Water Resource Planning and a targeted consultation with Centroc members. Following questions-on-notice taken by LGNSW at a hearing on 7 November of the General Purpose Standing Committee No.5 inquiry into the Augmentation of Water Supply for Rural and Regional NSW regarding involvement of LG NSW in the development of Water Sharing Plans, LGNSW has advised that they have written to Minister Blair requesting Council involvement on Stakeholder Advisory Panels for Water Resource Planning. To read the transcript go to: Please note that Centroc did not receive notification of the hearing on 7 November attended by a select group comprising representatives from LGNSW, IPART, NSW Farmers and the University of NSW Water Research

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Centre. Evident from the transcript is that the attendees were not well informed on a number of issues raised. Advice from the Committee secretariat is that submissions to this inquiry have been extended to 31 January 2017 following which it is anticipated more hearings will be held. In line with Board resolve the offer to host a public hearing in this region has been re-issued. Further advice will follow.

1. Advocacy h. Provide advice on the options for the delivery of water utility services on a co-operative regional basis through a “Regional Water Alliance”.

1h. On-going. The CWUA Program Manager has provided programming and other support to the first dedicated resource appointed to manage the Namoi Water Alliance.

2. Inter-governmental Relations a. Develop a MoU with the NSW Office of Water to enable collaboration on agreed priorities including: I. Compliance with Best Practice framework and regulatory requirements; II. Reducing cost and compliance burden; III. Alignment with Council’s IP and R processes.

2a. Given the extensive change to DPI Water from a functional review currently underway, the Board resolved in February 2016 that the Management Plan be amended to remove item 1B 2a. and that a watching brief be maintained to determine an appropriate strategic approach. Advice from meetings with DPI Water Executive Team, 10 May and Minister Blair, 11 May 2016 was that an issues paper on the DPI functional review would be released shortly for stakeholder consultation. To date there is no sign of an issues paper. More recent advice from Mr Frank Garofalow, Group Director Water Regulation, 8 November is that detailed project plans are in development with industry consultation to be undertaken in March and April 2017. Mr Michael Blackmore, Director Water and Sewerage Regulation will address the February meeting of the CWUA.

2. Inter-governmental Relations b. Develop a MoU with the Department of Health to enable collaboration on agreed priorities including: I. Drinking water management systems.

2a. See update at Matters in Progress. With no progress on the development of a MOU, work is underway to procure a suitably qualified consultant to run a workshop with the CWUA with invitations to be extended to NSW Health. Applying a strategic risk based approach the aim is to develop a shared understanding and alignment of communication in the compliance framework particularly in relation to issues such as boil water alerts where community confidence can be impacted.

3. Regional Strategic Planning a. Engage with key agencies on the fit with Central NSW Council programming and priorities and varying agency plans. I. Are there plans for this region? II. The fit with Council programming III. Opportunities for the JO in this space IV. Scope programming in water management practices – long term – including irrigation. Environmental issues and government service provision issues to be assessed.

3a. Opportunities to collaborate on alignment of programming, priorities and plans with various state agencies is on-going and continues to be challenging. Advocacy continues with DPI Water seeking alignment of regional water planning with Local Government in this region consulted and actively engaged at decision making level. See submissions to the Lachlan and Macquarie-Castlereagh Water Resource Plan reviews on 11 January 2017 provided as attachments. Re-affirmation of Communique with Lachlan Valley Water and the Belubula Landholders Association As well as collaborating with state agencies, alignment has been sought with key stakeholders, Lachlan Valley Water and the Belubula Landholders Association for investigations into an additional storage high in the Lachlan catchment. See report below. Notes from this meeting are provided as an attachment.

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Actions Comments

4. Operational Support Deliver the CWUA Plan for 2014/2016 where its objectives are:

At a meeting of CWUA Executive in June 2016 it was resolved that in consideration of the LG reform process the period of the CWUA Management Plan be extended and that any issues be dealt with on a meeting by meeting basis. Given the extended period for LG reform as its relates to the operation of JOs, the CWUA Executive will consider a recommendation to its 16 February meeting to proceed with a review of the CWUA Management Plan together with a facilitated regional team building session. Meanwhile in line with the CWUA Business Plan 2014-2016 work is progressing on actions against each of the objectives listed. Highlights are as follows:

4. Operational Support a. Deliver cost savings and other efficiencies.

Cost savings and efficiencies achieved through regional procurement of the following contracts currently in place:

Asset Management

- Dam surveillance - CCTV Condition Assessment of Gravity Sewer Mains - Smoke Testing - Asset Valuation Services Best Practice Compliance - Developer Servicing Plans - Independent Auditing of Developer Servicing Plans (in negotiation) - Auditing of Performance Reporting for Water Supply and Sewerage - Benchmarking and Analysis of Drinking Water Quality Data Refer 4f. for advice on progress to achieving Best Practice Compliance and Audit of Performance Reporting for Water Supply and Sewerage. See Agenda item- Procurement and Contract Report for analysis of cost savings from regional procurement by the CWUA.

4. Operational Support b. Grow staff skills and ensure workforce are adequately trained for compliance based service delivery.

With a strategic focus on ensuring Water Treatment Operators are trained in compliance based service delivery, the Centroc training team continues to deliver training at the request of members in an extremely challenging environment. Most notable was advice from the Australian Water Association (AWA) in December that the Water Industry Operators Association (WIOA), recently confirmed as the certifying body for Water Treatment Operators under the National Certification Framework, has agreed to take on Centroc Operators who achieved certification under the AWA Pilot as well as those who have not yet completed their certification. With agreement from participating Councils, AWA has supplied WIOA with data from the NSW pilot. WIOA are currently reviewing data and training completed, to ensure Operators involved in the pilot meet requirements of the Certification Framework from their perspective. Once completed WIOA will provide a step by step process for each Council to achieve certified status for operators. This may involve some additional units of training.

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This has been a lengthy process given the current state of training for Water Treatment Operators in NSW but one which the CWUA is committed to as a means of demonstrating best practice delivery of services by LG LWUs. It is hoped that in 2017 Councils who did not participate in the initial AWA pilot can be encouraged to seek certification status for their Water Treatment Operators with assistance from the Centroc Training team. At its September meeting the CWUA resolved to seek a combined CWUA- Training and HR Managers Group meeting to progress. The Chair CWUA and Program Manager will present to the February meeting of the region’s HR Managers. See Agenda item- Training and HR Managers Group Report for a full report on training coordinated for the CWUA. NOTE: Centroc received a request from NSW Water Directorate to provide a range of support in training for water operators to other Councils across NSW. The proposal is currently with the Executive and will be progressed under their auspices. It is understood that the Water Directorate are awaiting the outcome of negotiations with LGNSW before proceeding.

4. Operational Support e. Advise the Centroc Board regarding Water Utilities Management.

Advice provided on an ad hoc basis.

4. Operational Support f. Achieve full compliance with Best Practice requirements.

All CWUA Member Councils have completed Demand, Drought, IWCM Evaluation Studies (and in some cases full plans) and Strategic Business Plans with work currently underway on Developer Servicing Plans. Some members are now working on new and revised IWCMs in line with the revised DPI Water Guidelines to meet funding requirements. Strategic advice is being sought from the CWUA Executive with regard to maintaining the currency of Best Practice reporting given the difficulties of working with DPI Water during their reform process. At the December CWUA Meeting it was resolved to write to DPI Water advising that there has been no perceived change to service delivery and seeking advice on approach to best practice requirements. DPI Water’s, Director Water and Sewerage Regulation will address the February meeting of the CWUA. Refer to 2a. for advice regarding advocacy on streamlining the compliance burden. Independent Audit of Performance Monitoring Data Bowden Sloan & Associates were awarded a contract to complete an independent audit of performance monitoring data for 11 member Councils. The term of the contract is 1 September 2016 to 30 June 2017 with mandatory audits of Bathurst and Orange already completed to meet DPI Water’s 7 October deadline. On-site visits have subsequently been completed and draft audit reports issued for Cabonne, Parkes, Forbes, Cowra and Lachlan. On-site visits are scheduled for Upper Lachlan and Lithgow in early February with the audit for Weddin yet to be confirmed by Council. This project is part of a broader strategy to ensure availability and integrity of data.

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Regional Response to Drinking Water Management Systems In line with the resolution from the January 2015 CWUA meeting, a Drinking Water Management System Status/Gap Analysis table is used as a communication tool for GMAC, the Board, regulators and stakeholders and is part of the CWUAs commitment to Drinking Water Quality Management. A copy is provided as an attachment. See report below on Benchmarking and Analysis of Drinking Water Quality Data.

4. Operational Support g. Implement Regional Best Practice strategies.

Regional Best Practice strategies are implemented as per direction from regional plans. Regional Plans were reviewed as part of the two yearly review of the CWUA Business Plan in October 2013 and priorities from these incorporated in the Business Plan. In consideration of the reform of LG, regional operational priorities together with the 5 Year Procurement Plan were reviewed at the November 2015 CWUA meeting and will guide strategies pending review of the CWUA Business Plan in 2017.

4. Operational Support h. Support Councils as they manage their water utilities’ assets.

Progress is underway on the following actions to meet this objective as identified in the CWUA Business Plan: Asset Valuation A meeting of the CWUA’s Asset Valuation Working Group comprising Engineers and Finance staff from 5 councils was held on 30 March. While the original aim was to develop a regional methodology and guidance for in-house asset valuation for water and sewer assets, at the April CWUA Meeting it was resolved that: 1. The CWUA undertake a regional procure of asset valuation services for water and sewer, specifically Sewerage Treatment Plants, Water Filtration Plants and Dams, and that this be undertaken in two stages as follows: a. Phase 1 Methodology to undertake Asset Valuation to include a milestone for the methodology to be approved by the CWUA in consultation with the auditor; and b. Phase 2 Asset Valuation to include Site Inspections. Tenders were assessed on 13 July and Australis Asset Advisory Group contracted for the period 1 September 2016 to 30 June 2017. At the time of writing, Australis have conducted inspections of assets at all participating Councils including Orange, Bathurst, Lithgow, Oberon, Mid Western, Blayney, Cabonne, Lachlan, Weddin, Cowra, Parkes and Forbes. An initial draft methodology was circulated to Councils on 14 December with a request for members to review and discuss with Finance and Assets management staff and provide feedback for incorporation in a revised draft. There has been good discussion on the draft methodology both on-line and in teleconferences, with particular thanks to Bathurst and Orange Council staff for their contributions.

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While the Christmas /New Year holiday period has led to some minor slippage in delivery of draft reports, Australis anticipates reports will be delivered progressively over the next fortnight for Councils review. A revised draft methodology is expected next week following which a webex will be convened to discuss the proposed approach with auditor, John O’Malley. On a positive note, this has been a great example of how a project steering committee can work. Attendance at fortnightly webex’s has been consistent and contribution productive often extending beyond the immediate project delivery to more general discussion about asset valuation. With Australis also engaged in these discussions, webex’s have provided mentoring and support to members in meeting audit requirements. It is anticipated that this same group will progress Water Main Condition assessment slated for regional procurement in 2017 as well as the regional procurement of a third party specialist to run the National Asset Management Assessment Framework across member Councils. See report below on the National Asset Management Assessment Framework. The CWUA reviewed its Five Year Procurement Plan at its November 2015 meeting and agreed the following priorities for Asset Management for 2016-2017: 1. Asset valuation (underway) 2. Water main condition assessment 3. Trade Waste 4. Mains cleaning 5. Manhole rehabilitation These priorities were confirmed at the December 2016 CWUA meeting. Centroc Operators Group While the COG got off to a flying start under the enthusiastic leadership of Paul Gregg, Senior Wastewater Treatment Operator, Cowra, and feedback from members suggest that they see value in the meetings, attendance has been flagging. A review of the operation of this group in 2017 is underway.

Lachlan Priority Catchment Water Security Investigations-Phase Two WaterNSW has awarded the tender for a strategic partner to GHD. According to WaterNSW, GHD will assist them to more precisely calculate the water security requirements of the region and carry out feasibility studies into options to meet those needs. Studies may involve site investigations and field surveys in the vicinity of Cranky Rock to determine foundation and storage integrity risks associated with the storage options as well as developing, refining and evaluating alternative infrastructure or non-build options.

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One of the first activities WaterNSW will carry out with GHD will be to develop the stakeholder engagement strategy, including the development of land access protocols for private property access that will be required as part of the studies. Cost Benefit Analysis As part of Phase Two, a Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) study will be undertaken. The CBA will be an important component of the Preliminary Business Case comparing the forecast costs with the forecast benefits for various options to determine which option offers superior value for the money. The CBA will assist selection of projects or a package of projects which maximise the benefits to the community relative to cost, or which are the most cost effective. Following a competitive tendering process in December 2016, WaterNSW has awarded the contract for the CBA study to the Balmoral Group. The Balmoral Group will work closely with WaterNSW and GHD to complete the Preliminary Business Case due to Treasury by September 2017.

Project updates are available on the project webpage: To subscribe to regular Project Bulletins send an email to Lachlan Valley Water Security Project Community Reference Group WaterNSW is establishing a Community Reference Group (CRG) that will be a key form of communication between the local community, stakeholder organisations and the project team throughout the options development process. Nominations to become a member will open in early 2017 and will be advertised on the WaterNSW website, in project updates and local media. WaterNSW have confirmed that Centroc will have a nominated seat on the CRG. It is recommended that GMAC commend to the Board the Chair or his delegate as a place holder representative for Centroc on the Lachlan Valley Water Security Project Community Reference Group with a view to it going to the Board for determination.

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Pre-Consultation Teleconference between Centroc and WaterNSW A pre-consultation teleconference convened by WaterNSW with Centroc representatives, Mr Kent Boyd, Mr Chris Devitt and Ms Meredith Macpherson was held on 21 December 2016. Attendees from WaterNSW were: Andrew Fraser – Manager Assets Strategy WaterNSW Bede Johnson –WaterNSW Water Assets Planner (Project Sponsor) Mano Manoharan – Project Manager Lachlan Valley Water Security Project Debbie Low – Manager Communications and Stakeholder engagement Madeleine Dignam – Community Engagement Officer Darren Barber, GHD, Principle Barber water resources John Wall, GHD –Hydrologist Pavel, GHD -Hydrologist

The purpose of the meeting was to update WaterNSW on Centroc’s water security work, in particular, work undertaken on the outcomes of the Centroc Water Security Study. Advice from WaterNSW was that:

DPI Water Resource Planning process is running in parallel with phase two investigations.

Phase Two will look at storage capacity high in the Lachlan catchment to meet the region’s needs.

Objectives of investigation from WaterNSW perspective are to meet the needs of customers.

WaterNSW view is that a customer is a customer – with no preferential treatment for urban water.

WaterNSW is interested in the options Centroc has in mind to improve the region’s water security.

It will not be possible to achieve general security through a new storage.

Review of the CWSS is outside WaterNSW project scope.

There is still no consensus on climate change model.

Centroc needs to provide advice on the net demand of urban water users. How would Centroc define service needs?

Terms of Reference for Phase Two includes improve water security for town supplies- by far the highest value of water.

Need to understand what demands we want to satisfy?

Correspondence needs to outline what the state of urban water security was when the CWSS was completed in 2009 and what Centroc would like to see achieved.i.e. meet the needs of 5:10:10 now and in 40 years time.

Phase Two options will be developed swiftly

WaterNSW are already running old hydrology models. Actions were as follows:

Centroc to provide copies of the latest draft of the Centroc/RDA Central West Regional Water Infrastructure Plan. Sent on 22 December.

Centroc to write to WaterNSW detailing the urban water security demand based on most recent studies

WaterNSW hydrologists and Centroc representatives to meet to determine what opportunities exist for Centroc’s modelling for urban supplies to be updated in parallel with the work being done as part of the Lachlan Priority Catchment Water Security Investigations-Phase Two.

It is recommended to GMAC that under the auspices of the Executive correspondence be sent to WaterNSW detailing the region’s urban water security demands based on most recent studies.

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Communique with Lachlan Valley Water and the Belubula Landholders Association With the commencement of Phase Two Lachlan Priority Catchment Water Security Investigations, representatives from Lachlan Valley Water, the Belubula Landholders Association and Centroc met on 17 November 2016 to re-affirm their joint position on a proposed dam on the Belubula River developed in November 2015. The three groups re-affirmed the communique as follows:

a. The prosperity of our region is closely tied to both healthy towns and a successful agricultural


b. Currently water security is limiting economic development in the towns, industry, mining and

agricultural sectors of the Lachlan Valley.

c. Options that offer substantive improvements for both urban water security and agricultural water

security are supported by the Centroc Board as well as by the Belubula Landholders Association

and Lachlan Valley Water.

d. Failure of urban water supplies is socially unacceptable and as such Centroc Councils support

investment in additional water storage providing it addresses urban and agricultural water needs.

The following two points were added: e) The Centroc Board, Belubula Landholders Association and Lachlan Valley Water welcome the

announcement of GHD as the strategic partner to assist WaterNSW with the Phase 2 feasibility study on the proposed dam site on the Belubula River. These organisations expect that the outcome of the study will be to ensure an informed decision is made regarding options for a new storage in the Lachlan catchment.

f) A new storage in the upper reaches of the Lachlan catchment will have community wide benefits through flood mitigation in the Lachlan and Belubula River valleys with the costs to State government for the repair of flood damaged infrastructure offset by the costs of the operation of the dam.

Actions from the meeting were as follows:

Actions Who Comment Develop and issue a joint media release based on communique- calling for stage 2 to be undertaken as a matter of priority

Meredith Macpherson (Centroc) to facilitate/ All

Phase Two investigations were announced 28 November. Joint media release in development

Write to the Minister advising of meeting and urging action on feasibility study.

Meredith Macpherson (Centroc) to facilitate/ All

Correspondence drafted. Phase Two announced 28 Nov

Develop and agree an advocacy strategy including a communication plan. 1 page- inclusive of IA map and data balanced with aspirational considerations

Meredith Macpherson (Centroc) to facilitate/ All

See revised Advocacy Plan

Follow- up on opportunity for Local Government reps to be included in meeting with Mr Phillip Glide, CEO MDBA in early 2017

Mary Ewing (LVW)/Meredith Macpherson (Centroc)

In progress

It is recommended that GMAC commend to the Board that it adopt the re-affirmed Communique between Centroc, Lachlan Valley Water and the Belubula Landholders Association.

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Drinking Water Management Analysis and Benchmarking of Regional Drinking Water Quality Data

As reported previously, on request from the sponsoring General Manager, Centroc procured City Water Technology to analyse and benchmark regional drinking water quality data. In accordance with the contract City Water Technology completed the following:

i) Identification of appropriate and meaningful performance monitoring benchmarks at the regional, state and national level;

ii) Accessed the NSW Health Drinking Water Quality Database on behalf of CWUA member Councils to extract data for a five year period where permission has been granted by members of Centroc for access to the database;

iii) Consulted with relevant state and national agencies to obtain relevant benchmarking data; iv) Presented data in both a written and graphed format providing analysis that can be used for

advocacy by the Centroc Executive and to inform future regional programming in working towards best practice in the delivery of quality drinking water.

v) Additional investigation into trends and results found during the initial analysis; vi) Simplified breakdown of results with a greater focus on compliance; and vii) Presented a workshop to review findings, discuss improvements and tools for Water Treatment Plant optimisations and agree tasks for each Council to pursue.

The workshop held on 30 November at Cowra was attended by representatives from Cowra, Orange, Lachlan, Forbes, Bathurst, Cabonne, Parkes and Hilltops Councils. Each CWUA member Council was sent a report prior to the Workshop with analysis of their drinking water system benchmarked against others from across the region de-identified to ensure confidentiality. CWT presented the results of the analysis and benchmarking of NSW Health Drinking Water Database data for the 34 water systems under Centroc members administration. The presentation was delivered in three key sections: 1. Review of data analysis 2. Guidelines and tools 3. Open discussion. CWT presented on 10 key parameters and discussed the significance of these, and opportunities for improving water quality results to better maintain or move towards targets. Advice was provided on tools available to management and operators for improving treated water quality and optimising treatment processes. With prior approval from participants, the workshop reviewed some individual Council’s data and workshopped ways to improve water quality.

Participants were provided with a summary of key recommendations ranked as ‘required’ ‘supporting’ and ‘desirable’ measures. These recommendations were emphasised as they are relevant to the type of water supply systems in the Centroc region. The CWUA Drinking Water Quality Sub-Committee is currently reviewing the outcomes of the workshop and planning next steps. Further advice will be provided at a later date.

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National Asset Management Assessment Framework At the April 2016 meeting the CWUA heard a presentation from consultant Mr Mark Loaney on the National Asset Management Assessment Framework (NAMAF). Developed for the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government the NAMAF is an audit tool targeted to improve asset management, enabling:

o Sound strategic framework to manage assets o AM practices implemented that are consistent with best practice o Appropriate allocation of resources.

The NAMAF is widely utilised in Western Australia, Victoria and South Australia and was used previously by Dubbo, Orange and Parkes Councils to assist in driving Asset Management Improvements. NAMAF consists of 11 elements with 76 objectives:

1. Strategic Long Term Planning 2. Annual Budget 3. Annual Report 4. Asset Management Policy 5. Asset Management Strategy 6. Asset Management Plans 7. Governance and Management 8. Levels of Service 9. Data & Systems 10. Skills & Processes 11. Evaluation

NAMAF Workshops deliver:

o Maturity audit that provides a snapshot of where Council is at o Identification of weaknesses & strengths o An Action Plan to improve AM at your Council. o A resource kit of information developed for Dubbo & Orange which includes tools to assist

Council’s journey: o Draft Policy o Asset Strategy and Plan templates that are consistent with the NAMAF delivering readable,

concise documents o Model Spreadsheets that will assist in development of LTFP o Asset Management Manual o Condition Assessment Manual

Lower Macquarie Water Utilities Alliance Regional Asset Management and Best Practice Initiatives In 2015 the Lower Macquarie Water Utilities Alliance identified Asset Management and Performance Reporting as two key areas for improvements and have subsequently implemented the NAMAF utilising collaborative workshopping as a means of improving performance in these areas. Over the past 18 months Asset Management practitioners from each Council have worked together under the guidance of an external facilitator. Key outcomes have been the development of a Regional Asset

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Management Improvement Strategy where 11 Councils have undertaken NAMAF assessment resulting in prioritised actions for each Council and the development of improvements plans. As a result the LMWUA are working towards a consistent approach to asset management with reliable financial and asset planning across the Alliance, done with the monitoring and support of the Alliance. To read more go to:

uploads/396/S_McLeod_and_%20J_Hansen_and_M_Brearley_Regional_asset_management.pdf Following discussion at the September 2016 CWUA meeting at the December meeting the CWUA resolved: That the CWUA commend to GMAC that a regional procurement process be undertaken to engage a third party to run the National Asset Management Assessment Framework (NAMAF) across Centroc member Councils inclusive of all asset classes. The CWUA is very enthusiastic and see the NAMAF as a great tool to get those responsible for the various asset classes in Councils to sit in the same room and have a close look at asset management across the full breadth of councils operations. The Roads Technical Committee has also provided support.

Attachments to the Water Infrastructure Report

2. 23 November 2016 Report to Central Tablelands Regional Water Security Advisory Committee 3. 23 November 2016 incoming correspondence DPI Water, Inviting submission to the review of

the Macquarie –Castlereagh Water Resource Plan 4. 23 November 2016 Incoming correspondence DPI Water, Inviting submission to the review of

the Lachlan Water Resource Plan 5. 25 November 2016 Incoming correspondence Mr Gavin Hanlon, Deputy DG DPI Water 6. 11 January 2017 Centroc Submission to the Lachlan Water Resource Plan (Surface water)

Status and Issues Paper 7. 11 January 2017 Centroc Submission to the Macquarie-Castlereagh Water Resource Plan

(surface water) Status and Issues Paper 8. 17 November 2016 Notes from Meeting between Centroc, Lachlan Valley Water and the

Belubula Landholders Association 9. Drinking Water Management System Status/Gap Analysis Table 10. Australian Water Association, Ozwater’17 Technical Paper – Water in Public Hands-Councils

Collaborating to Deliver Local Water

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Précis The Management Plan Actions for Health are aligned to the JO priorities of Advocacy, Inter-governmental Relations and Regional Strategic Planning. Where reports against these priorities are similar they will be deleted to avoid repetition. Advice against all Management Plan Actions is available on request. Recommendations from past meetings form part of Matters in Progress. This report also includes advice on:

Progress on Beyond the Range;

Rural Clinical Schools;

Update of the advocacy plan for Health and

Lodgement of a submission to the Federal call for advice on the need for dedicated rural

medical university training.

7c Health

Report by Jennifer Bennett dated 10/02/17

Recommendation/s to the Health Report

That the Board note the Health report and 1. it note the review of Beyond the Range (BTR) and provide a report to members in line with

this advice including seeking an increase in engagement with the social media campaign; 2. Centroc host and fund social media training for members specific to promoting Screen Central;

BTR and CNSWT; 3. it reach out using BTR with a view to incorporating marketing into Universities and post

graduate programs in the Area Health Services; 4. Endorse the submission lodged regarding the need for a rural medical school; and 5. undertake activity to ensure the potential of the Murray Darling Basin Medical School is

realised in Central NSW.

Management Plan Actions 2016/2017

Actions Comments

1. Advocacy a. Undertake advocacy for

members and the region on an ‘as needs’ basis in the context of the advocacy plan (see attached)

The Advocacy Plan is iterative and welcomes member feedback. A meeting was held in Parkes 31 January and the Plan has been updated. Please request a current version which is with the Portfolio Mayor and Sponsoring General Manager. Of note is the need to advocate for the Murray Darling Basin Medical School.

Section 1 Regional Sustainability

Objective 1C Support the retention and growth of health services across the region

Subject Activities in the Health Sector

Portfolio Mayor Cr John Medcalf

Sponsoring General Manager Mr Glenn Carroll

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Actions Comments

1. Advocacy b. Gain support and funding for Beyond

the Range

Beyond the Range received its final Cadia Valley Operations (CVO) Community Partnerships Program funding of $15,000 in April 2015. The 12 member Councils participating in Beyond the Range have paid their final instalment of $3,000. Promotion of the program is ongoing with a view to securing further financial support.

1. Advocacy c. Support for a regional medical school

to grow more generalist and post-graduate careers in regional areas

The region resolved to be a Friend of the Murray Darling Basin Medical School and continues to support all Medical School outreach currently being undertaken in the region. At the November 2015 meeting it was resolved to seek advice regarding the efficacy of rural medical school outreach programs in this region and this advice is being sought. A submission was lodged regarding the need for a rural Medical school 7 February and is attached.

1. Advocacy d. Advocate for support (grant eligibility)

from state and federal governments to enable Local Government to invest in health and training infrastructure

Ongoing advocacy is being undertaken in support of communities needing to build and operate health infrastructure. The current focus is support for Weddin and Boorowa. It is understood that there will be changes to the funding framework that will enable Councils to receive funding for training infrastructure of up to $300K and changes to the National Stronger Regions Fund including removing metropolitan areas and having various tiers of funding. There may also be non-infrastructure funding.

1. Advocacy e. Support growth of cancer care

services in the region


1. Advocacy f. Consideration of the Federal

Government Reform processes eg levels of service and community based health planning and how this will impact on Local Government, funding changes that may impact on funding levels in community services (eg HACC)


1. Advocacy g. Develop policy and actions

responding to the emergent needs of members in health (see Centroc Health Workforce Group)

Ongoing as a primary role of the Centroc Health Workforce Group Terms of Reference and in line with the Health Advocacy Plan. Of note is the current support for health infrastructure for Boorowa and Weddin. Follow up is being undertaken with the State and other agencies on the potential to codevelop modelling on the effects to a community, including its economy, of doctors leaving town. This has received good support from the Hon Sarah Mitchell who has agreed to pull together a meeting scoping the next steps.

1. Advocacy h. In advice on strategic work, ensure

the smaller community needs for health servicing are assessed

This is included in the Centroc Health Workforce Group Terms of Reference.

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Actions Comments

2. Inter-governmental Relations a. Centroc Health Workforce Group

(CHWG) to provide advice on; I. Key health workforce issues

specific to individual Centroc LGAs

II. Development and implementation of CHWG initiatives such as Beyond the Range

III. Emerging educational and workforce uses and trends for health professionals in the region

2a. The Centroc Health Workforce Group met 15 March 2016 at the ELF in Orange. Only four member Councils attended and it was agreed that the Health Workforce Group be followed by a workshop inviting key stakeholders to make presentations based around informing strategy going forward. This meeting will occur in due course. In the interim, under the hand of the Chair, the Department of Premier and Cabinet coordinated a meeting 23 September with key stakeholders including Primary Health Networks, Centroc and Western Area Health with a view to scoping the collaborative opportunity of alignment between health precincts and integrated health care. Attendees resolved to request advice from Charles Sturt University on its Clinical Training Model including internship supervision. This is being progressed with advice anticipated for the Board.

2. Inter-governmental Relations b. Encourage more collaboration with

Local Health Districts (in Central NSW) and Centroc to assist with Integrated Planning and reporting (IP&R)

2b. Ongoing. This is in part being progressed here through the Beyond the Range Update contract.

3. Regional Strategic Planning a. Ensure strategic fit with industry

groups and stakeholders with mutual health priorities and strategies

The current opportunity seems to be around health precincts and integrated service delivery.

4. Operational Support a. Implement Beyond the Range Year 3.

This is being implemented and an evaluation of the program is anticipated in due course.

Beyond the Range Update

Review of Beyond the Range Background

From collaborative work undertaken in 2008 by key stakeholders from the health, education and local government sectors a matrix was developed that identified priorities to attract and retain health workforce. This was subsequently developed into a project seeking to develop a branding and marketing campaign to attract and retain the health workforce in Central NSW. This project was 50% funded by what is now the Department of Industry and led to the development of the Beyond the Range brand and advice on associated collateral and its publicising. The objectives of the project are: Health Workforce has appeared as a priority for Centroc members where health outcomes for the region are worse than our city cousins. Many Centroc members are spending significant sums of monies building medical centres and other health related infrastructure and or offering incentives to the health workforce including doctors.

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Under the auspices of the Centroc Health Workforce Group, Centroc adopted a strategic approach and called together the key peak health workforce organisations and educators of the region to develop a Health Workforce Matrix identifying the priority programming for the region to attract and retain a health workforce. The Matrix provided advice that a one stop shop web based portal with associated marketing and promotion was the best first step for the region. The development of the marketing and website advice for this project was the next step. This project was funded 50% by Centroc and 50% by the NSW Department of Industry and Investment. This stage of the project was completed in June 2010. The advice, in the attached report pulled together the Beyond the Range project. This was reported to the Centroc Board in May 2010 who subsequently unanimously commended to members for their engagement. All members of Centroc were visited and presentations provided regarding the project. Further refinement of the budget, sponsorship and advertising potential was undertaken as well as meetings with key funding agencies. Contributions for a three year program were as follows: 13 member councils have been invoiced a total of $6000 per Council since the 2011/2012 financial year, as per the 2011 proforma Report - Joining the Centroc Beyond the Range Project, see attached. This funding was to develop collateral and roll out the program and was predicated on matched funding. Further funding from the State was sought but this was not forthcoming as the regional development funding framework underwent significant changes and this type of support was cut. Centroc subsequently sought funding from the private sector and was able to secure $45,000 inc GST from Newcrest Mining. Seeking State funding created delay for the project. The total monies for the project provided a website, toolkit, collateral, substantive content, a launch and social media and marketing support. About the Website This website has been designed to help health professionals consider expanding their life and career opportunities beyond the Great Dividing Range to Central NSW. On the website viewers will find work/life balance, exciting career opportunities and supportive, vibrant, creative communities. We want more health professionals, and we will do all we can to help them find their place in this beautiful, diverse, exciting region.

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This website will direct visitors to work and training opportunities in Central NSW, and to a contact at each Council to answer questions and help discover opportunities for potential residents and their families. It also introduces them to some of the wonderful health professionals already living and working in Central NSW and provides some personal insight into their experiences. About the Toolkit The Beyond the Range Toolkit, a 25 page document, has been designed to assist member councils to up-skill staff for the Beyond the Range project. Features of the toolkit:

How the 3 tiers of government relate to health

Summary of the Beyond the Range Marketing Plan

Public Relations advice

Social Media advice

Beyond the Range Website explained

Regional case studies

What Councils can do to attract health professionals

Grants and Incentives for rural GPs

NSW Rural Doctors’ Network GP Relocation Guide

Helpful Links

A “Call to action” Checklist

Given that the original budget for the more significant campaign was unable to be leveraged, the Board resolved to cut its cloth. Accordingly marketing has been through social media. Please request any prior reports, the marketing package and the toolkit. Social Media campaign Overview The social media campaign commenced in November 2015. Since this time

- Page likes (number of people following our page) have increased from 110 to 1,058 (+862%) - Number of people engaging (via likes, comments & shares) with our page per month has

increased from 137 (previous highest result achieved) to a high of 4,770 (+3,382%) in July 2016

- Number of people reached (seeing our posts) per month has increased from 3,551 (previous highest result achieved) to 63,091 (+1,677%) in July 2016

- Impressions (number of times our posts have been seen – differs to reach as one person may see the same post more than once) per month has increased from 4,759 (previous highest result achieved) to 100,459 (+2,011%) in July 2016

- Our page content has been viewed a total of 569,952 times by up to 381,514 people.

Key agencies that the social media campaign engages with are:

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NSW Rural Doctors Network

Future Health Leaders

Doctors for the Bush

Nurse Uncut Australia

NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association


NSW Health

Western NSW Health Jobs

Western NSW Local Health District

Murrumbidgee Local Health District

Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District

Local media sites such as ABC Central West & ABC Rural for relevant stories

When boosting posts (paid promotion) different demographics as well as interests are selected to target potential health workforce. This includes interests such as nursing, oncology, physiotherapy etc. in an effort to try and target these health professionals.

Month Number of Likes (at end of month)

Number of People Engaged

Number of People




August 107 137 3,551 4,759

September 108 (+1) 46 391 1,233

October 110 (+2) 54 535 1,277

November 139 (+29) 185 2,814 6,089

December 252 (+113) 583 18,406 27,506


January 349 (+97) 1,232 28,228 38,983

February 422 (+73) 498 12,334 16,434

March 491 (+69) 953 28,011 38,208

April 545 (+54) 626 14,096 20,067

May 628 (+83) 520 13,255 25,560

June 651 (+23) 503 9,602 13,043

July 767 (+116) 4,770 63,091 100,459

August 893 (+126) 3,389 61,650 97,842

September 961 (+68) 3,177 44,677 63,757

October 1,019 (+58) 1,952 39,486 51,178

November 1,055 (+36) 2,230 36,196 52,664

December 1,058 (+3) 681 9,668 18,162

Posts have been seen/reached in the following top ten geographic locations:

- Sydney - Goulburn - Canberra - Lithgow - Wollongong - Brisbane - Bathurst

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- Orange - Cowra - Parkes

Demographics of those who like the BTR Facebook Page:

Currently posts are a mixture of destination marketing and health care related stories/links. “Did You Know” posts were introduced in July in an effort to increase engagement (people liking/commenting/sharing) which in turn increases the reach (number of people seeing that post).

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The most successful posts are the ones that have the highest number of shares, comments & likes. Post + Engagement = Reach. This engagement needs to start with Councils as the primary stakeholders. All posts that are related to a specific destination/council have their page tagged in the post. Therefore, each page gets notified that they have been mentioned in a post. Engaging with internal and external stakeholders Throughout the year key stakeholder’s social media has been followed. This includes the pages of key health related & Central NSW organisations (such as NSW Health, various NSW LHD’s, health professional unions & media outlets etc.) including actively engaging with their posts in order to create awareness of the BTR page with a view to encouraging reciprocated engagement and support. Posts to page/messages/comments have all been moderated and liked/replied to where applicable- this has led to an increase in engagement from the public. Anyone that has been kind enough to share one of the posts has been thanked via the comment “Thanks for sharing! #BeyondTheRange”. Communication with destinations/councils has been “patchy” at best in terms of replies. Some councils have no active Facebook page, and many show no increase in likers or engagement. Essentially the majority of these pages are fairly inactive and are not providing much benefit to them (or the region). This probably highlights a need for social media training. The website also needs contacts to be updated. Paid Promotion/Advertising Various methods of paid promotion and advertising were trialled to try and increase likes, engagement & reach. These included:

Paid promotion of the page - this was a little slow to start so we switched some of the target demographics.

Boosting all posts for a small amount.

Boosting more engaging posts for a bigger share of the budget.

Creation of stand-alone ads/videos.

What were the positives of the project?

This project has been recognised by neighbouring ROCs eg Namoi and OROC.

Presentations on the project have been requested to conference.

The project buys the region and its members a ticket in the conversation on attracting and retaining health workforce and health in general.

The project recognises that the need for health workforce fluctuates by LGA and workforce type and can vary support accordingly.

The toolkit provides capacity to Council staff needing support in this area.

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The project has been recognised by key politicians such as the Hon Sarah Mitchell and the Hon Fiona Nash

Costs to Councils are small.

The project has attracted funding from the private and public sectors.

The project has collected a significant amount of stories and collateral for sharing with other stakeholders and ongoing use.

The project facilitates useful networks in the health sector.

What were the negatives?

Council engagement has been fairly quiet.

Withdrawal of public and private sector funding.

It is challenging to draw a direct line between the program and specific health workforce.

What are the opportunities and recommendations for the project going forward? 1. Engaging medical students:

a. Build an alliance with the universities as well as the people within the health services who organise the placements of students and residents/interns etc.

b. A welcome to Central NSW care package either by Council or by the region that could include some or all of the following:

a letter thanking them for choosing Central NSW and showing them our commitment to improving services Beyond The Range

brochures about the region

a point of contact to assist them during their placement

free passes to some Central NSW attractions/events

2. Presentations to target groups

3. Build on existing collaborations with other key stakeholders to try and incorporate marketing into Universities and post grad programs in Area Health Services.

4. Increase capacity and engagement of Council staff Discussion For BTR to be successfully handed back to Councils, as originally intended, there will need to be an increase in engagement. Recommendations include seeking this engagement from Councils and supporting this with a social media workshop. On current programming, there are sufficient monies to continue the program to December 2017 by which time it is hoped that engagement will have increased and members will be better placed to provide feedback on the value of the program.

The Western NSW Integrated Care Strategy Mr S McLachlan, Chief Executive Western NSW Local Health District, provided advice that The Western NSW Integrated Care Strategy recently published the second 12 month Progress Report

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detailing their key achievements in 2016. Cr B West and Ms J Bennett have been meeting with DPC , Mr S McLachlan and representatives of the Primary Health Network with a view to enabling investment in health precincts in the region.

Rural Clinical Schools Four responses from Universities on Rural Clinical Schools have been received to date. Follow-up is being undertaken with the balance. An emerging theme in the responses is the need for more clinical training places. There is also interest in meeting with representatives of the region in this regard. CSU are providing further advice in this regard.

Attachments to the Health Report

11. 15 November 2016 correspondence from NSW Health LHD re Western NSWLHD Strategic Plan

12. 6 December 2016 correspondence to Ms Sarah Mitchell Parliamentary Secretary for Western NSW re Offer of assistance to scope the development of modelling that shows the social and economic effects of doctors leaving towns; and express concern regarding the scarcity of procedural General Practitioners in the region

13. 20 December 2016 correspondence to The Hon M McCormack, The Hon F Nash and The Hon D Gillespie re letter of thanks for their advice to Weddin as they seek funding for a medical hub.

14. Joining the Centroc Beyond the Range Project Report to Council 2011 15. 3 February 2017 Submission to the Hon D Gillespie re the need for a Rural Medical


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Précis The Management Plan Actions for Regional Development are aligned to the JO priorities of Advocacy, Inter-governmental Relations and Regional Strategic Planning. Where reports against these priorities are similar they will be deleted to avoid repetition. Advice against all Management Plan Actions is available on request. Recommendations from past meetings form part of Matters in Progress. This report also includes advice on:

progression of support for the agricultural industry;

progressing community infrastructure prioritisation;

progress on collaborative activities with RDA and DPC;

progression of a project working with ABS and other key stakeholders on “data needs to

make the case for investment in the region”;

advice on the current status of NBN in the region; and

an update from RDACW.

7d Regional Development

Report by Jennifer Bennett dated 16/01/17

Section 1 Regional Sustainability

Objective 1D Regional Development

Subject Quarterly update against Management Plan and emergent issues

Portfolio Mayor Cr Bill West

Sponsoring General Manager Mr Garry Styles

Recommendation/s to the Regional Development Report

That the Board note the Regional Development report and 1. it receive a report on progressing opportunities as identified in the “Making it Happen in the

Regions - Regional Framework;” 2. key stakeholders including the Economic Development Officers’ Forum and RDACW give

consideration to the Economic Enablers’ Report (the Report) and provide feedback with a view to leveraging it in the region’s interest;

3. members use the advice and language in the Report when making grant applications; 4. request RDACW to source data on Black Spots in the region and provide feedback; and 5. and invite Mr Ian Scott of the NBN to make a presentation to the Board on the NBN roll-out

including downloads and uploads delivery.

Management Plan Actions 2016/2017

Actions Comments

1.Advocacy a. Develop a community

infrastructure priority list for use in regional advocacy

Please see advice below on current status.

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Actions Comments

1.Advocacy b. Scope a project using the

Centroc Multi Criteria Analysis on non- infrastructure priorities

Initial discussions suggest that this would be worth pursuing. Scoping advice has been provided to DPC in January 2016 and was included in the MoU which has now been set aside by DPC. This will now not be able to be achieved in the time frame and so has been included in the Management Plan for next year. It is noteworthy that at the meeting with the Hon Fiona Nash and others 7 November 2016 advice was provided that funding opportunities will emerge for non-infrastructure priorities.

1.Advocacy c. Support CNSWT through

advocacy on an as needs basis

Please see a separate report in this regard in this agenda.

1.Advocacy d. Progress support for the

agricultural industry.

Please note the following initiatives:

Post Farm Gate Value Add project now completed and launched – for more detail please see the update below from RDA Central West;

A number of actions to support agriculture from a land use perspective identified in the Regional Plan for the Central West and Orana currently on exhibition, please see more detail in the Planning Report;

The planners of the region who have been working on the Regional Plan for the Central West and Orana have identified the need to develop an Agricultural and Industrial Lands Strategy. A meeting was held between Industry, Planning and Centroc in November 2016– scoping advice to the Board is anticipated in due course;

The Right to Farm initiative being progressed by the DPI, a more fulsome report has been provided to the Board;

Publication of The Central West and Orana Agricultural Industries Plan available at:

The Visit my Farm project –Advice from DPI is as follows: Visit My Farm is a new agritourism business idea to strengthen connections between rural & urban people & provide an income stream for all types of farmers big and small. The first step in the pilot is to find farmers interested in hosting farm visits – for as little as 2 hours or even a whole day. This isn’t about fancy tours but rather providing insights into agriculture and what happens on farms every day. It mightn’t seem special to you but visiting a farm is on many people’s ‘to do’ list and can be a real highlight for many travellers. If you would like to tip your toe into agritourism that won't cost you anything but a few hours of your time... just follow the link and come join me in this journey of discovery as we open farm gates to paying visitors who want to experience a farm first hand. This is just an expression of interest and doesn’t imply any commitment. You will still have the opportunity to decide who/when/how people visit and even what they will pay. -

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Actions Comments

1.Advocacy e. Develop an advocacy plan

subsequent to undertaking strategic work in the region

A meeting was held 11 January between the sponsoring General Manager, Mr G Styles and the Portfolio Mayor, Cr B West outlining direction for the development of the Plan. Advice from it is being developed into a draft advocacy plan. Please request the current version.

1. Advocacy f. Conduct delegations, submissions and letter writing in support of ensuring long term broad band accessibility for the region.

This is being progressed within existing policy where RDA have the lead in supporting telecommunications. For an update on their activities please see advice from RDA in this report.

1. Advocacy g. Provide feedback and support to the Federal Mobile Blackspot Program.

RDACW have provided advice they are taking the lead in providing this support. Please see advice from them below.

2.Intergovernmental Relations a. Collaborate with RDACW and

other key stakeholders in the development of an “umbrella” regional development plan noting the theme of agriculture

While key stakeholders such as Centroc, RDACW, State Agencies and DPC each have their own strategic approach, there is no overarching framework that allows for an umbrella regional plan, similar to that in Victoria. The Background Paper to JOs makes suggestions on pages 7 and 8 for structural arrangements for a ‘regional table’ where Local and State government meet and undertake collaborative activity. Further advice has been sought from DPC and OLG on progression of this idea. The Regional Plan is on exhibition and interestingly has a place based “umbrella” regional development message from the Hon Sarah Mitchell in its forward. For more advice on the Regional Plan please go to the Planning Report. This issue is included in the briefing materials to the Regional Round Table where a date to progress is being sought.

2. Intergovernmental Relations b. Provide advice and support to

the Dept of Planning Central West and Orana Agricultural Industries Plan.

The Central West and Orana Agricultural Industries Plan is now available at:

A meeting of Planners to give consideration to this report was held 5 May 2016 scoping advice to the Board on the need to progress an Agricultural and Industrial Lands Strategy. A meeting between Centroc, Dept of Trade and Investment and Dept Planning representatives was held in December and follow-up activity is being progressed.

2. Intergovernmental Relations a. Scope activities building on

the Dept of Planning Agriculture Plan

Anticipated subsequent to the above.

2. Inter-governmental Relations b. Review the MoU with RDA

Central West

The MoU was signed at the May 2015 Board meeting. A review is currently underway of the annual program of support activities and the Chair and Executive Officer made representation to the RDA Board in June 2016.

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Actions Comments

2.Intergovernmental Relations c. Collaborate with RDACW and

other key stakeholders in the development of an “umbrella” regional development plan noting the theme of agriculture

A meeting was held with RDACW and DPC which included progression of this item. Please see advice about progression of the agriculture component. Regarding the “umbrella” approach, there has been substantive uncertainty and churn in regional strategy over the past 18 months, as part of its advocacy as a Pilot JO Centroc is making the case that there needs to be a more “place based” approach to planning from all stakeholders based on a regional footprint. The intention is that this collaboration will be progressed through the Executive.

3 Strategic Planning a. In collaboration with RDA

Central West, develop advice to inform parties interested in telecommunications infrastructure priorities for Central NSW through use of the Priority Infrastructure Multi Criteria Analysis Matrix

RDA have the lead in supporting telecommunications. Please see advice from them below.

3 Strategic Planning b. Scope a project working with

Telstra on an incubator program in the new economy with a farming focus.

CSU and other universities have been funded nationally to take the lead in supporting innovation and start-up incubators.

CSU, Bathurst Regional Council and Reliance are collaborating on providing infrastructure to support this type of programming.

Following on from the Segra Challenge, RDA has undertaken some preliminary work in pulling together key stakeholders to look at how their model for start-ups could be supported in this region. Given the activity in Bathurst and its potential for the region, there is potential for the Segra Challenge approach to be duplicative so the current approach is to provide a watching brief on the work in Bathurst with a view to leveraging regional opportunities.

Notably, the new Gunthers Lane Technology Centre opened 31 October 2016.

4 Operational Support a. Develop Regional ICT advice

The final version of the Regional Report is completed and approved. Review of advice will be undertaken in due course when staff return from maternity leave.

4 Operational Support c. Position, market and promote

Central NSW as a destination for screen including film and TV.

Screen Central NSW Facebook page to date has 222 likes with weekly updates from Facebook on new screen views and new screen likes. This rise in “likes” reflects the increase in engagement on this social media platform. Centroc staff promote the page with regular updates regarding filming & photographic opportunities that may be of interest through these online networks. A trailer for the production that was filmed in the Lachlan Shire in March 2016 has been published on the production company’s Facebook page and has received 609 likes. The production company is aiming to have this educational short-film depicting WWII shown at various film festivals throughout 2017. The Melbourne-based production company who made contact with Cabonne Council in October 2016 have filmed their documentary series in the surrounding areas of Forbes. The series is now in post-

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production stage should be on-air towards the second half of 2017. This will be a science and history series for the History Channel (Foxtel Australia) and will be 4 x 1 hour episodes. The production company advised they were in the region for 8 days and brought a team of 10 people with them. Cabonne Council have received advice from Office of Environment & Heritage that they wish to do a very short filming piece in Canowindra on 28 January 2017. This piece will be incorporated in a creative short film about heritage in NSW. This film will more broadly talk about the diversity of heritage across NSW and the value of community in protecting heritage. Centroc staff will make contact with the production company involved and provide any additional support if required

4 Operational Support d. Maintain regional screen


Each Centroc member Council (excluding Central Tablelands Water and including Dubbo) has a presence on the website, showcasing the filming locations that each LGA has to offer. Centroc staff promote one LGA from the region on a weekly basis on Facebook using the images from the Screen Central website. Each weekly post includes a link to the Screen Central website and a phone number to contact the Screen Central officer. Councils have been invited to send through any new images they may have from over the Christmas/New Year period from their respective regions. Any photos received will be promoted through social media and subsequently uploaded onto the Screen Central website. Promotion of these photos and their respective regions via social media does lead to an increase in engagement on the Screen Central Facebook page. Engagement from members is patchy and there is a recommendation in the health report seeking to run a workshop to increase engagement.

4 Operational Support e. Maintain and grow

photographic database to industry standard in film and TV.

See above. All images in the photographic database can be found on the Screen Central website. All Screen Central contacts at member councils have possession of the latest version of the Screen Central toolkit. This toolkit includes Screen Central policy documents and information package which is useful as a reference if councils are contacted directly regarding any filming opportunities in the region. Centroc staff are liaising with and encouraging councils to send in any images from their respective regions that can be added to and complement the photographic database. Engagement from members is patchy and there is a recommendation in the health report seeking to run a workshop to increase engagement.

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Economic Enablers’ Report Members will be aware from previous reports that the State Government funding framework is being informed by the Economic Enablers project. The report from this project was published December 2016. Please request a copy of the report where the Executive Summary follows:

The report allows non-economists to access the latest thinking and analysis pertinent to regional development and seeks to inform regional public investment and policy decisions at all levels of government. The report also provides a resource for regional communities in planning their economic development strategies. Key Findings: 1. As with the rest of the world, the economic base of NSW’s regions is ‘narrowing and deepening’, with fewer key sectors employing a larger proportion of the workforce. 2. These key sectors are invariably directly linked to their region’s local endowments. While growth in most of these industries and the emergence of some new endowment-based industries can be expected, numerous sources of market failure may be hindering growth – policies and investments to address these problems are the ‘growth enablers’. 3. The future of individual regional economies is inexorably linked to their endowments, and attempts to retain or establish industries without an underpinning endowment are unlikely to succeed. 4. A narrower industrial base in an individual regional economy implies a greater exposure to boom and bust cycles and associated social costs. Hence, public interventions aimed at increasing regional development should encourage a degree of industrial diversity, as long as each sector is endowment-based, to foster community resilience while building local leadership capacity in order to enable a region to capitalise on opportunities. The research incorporated in this report is already being used by the NSW Government to inform its investment decisions, and it is anticipated that this report will be a useful resource for regional leadership in drawing up economic development strategies. The Growth Enablers approach is an evolving work and will be extended by the Centre for Economic Development to guide the decisions of regional development policy makers with the aim of the best possible outcomes for the people of NSW.

Not all LGAs in the State were included in this report. In Central NSW these were Bathurst, Blayney, Cabonne, Oberon, Orange, Parkes, Forbes and Lachlan. Given this is a significant proportion of our membership, it is recommended that key stakeholders including the Economic Development Officers’ Forum and RDACW give consideration to the report and provide feedback with a view to leveraging it in the region’s interest. In the meantime it is recommended that members use the advice and language in the report when making grant applications.

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Community Infrastructure Prioritisation After consultation with all members, 9 Councils have provided advice on their top two community infrastructure projects. The scores for these projects have been reviewed in line with the glossary terms defined at a workshop held with representatives from Oberon, Weddin, Parkes, Centroc and RDACW in April. The list was provided to the Board meeting in August. If other Councils would like to provide advice as to the Community Infrastructure Projects in their LGA, please contact Jenny Bennett to provide assistance with the input form.

Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) Members will be aware that the Building Better Regions Fund has different guidelines to its previous iteration, Building Stronger Regions Fund. Included in these changes is a new Community stream. To support Councils in the new guidelines a workshop was organised in Grenfell 5 December. At the time of writing this is being followed up by a workshop 18 January specifically for the community stream with a view to a potential regional tourism application given changes to the State funding stream. For more advice please see the Tourism Report elsewhere in this agenda.

Work with RDA and DPC including the progression of the Regional Round Table being hosted by the Hon Sarah Mitchell Working with DPC Regional Round Table At the time of writing a date is still being sought. Please request briefing notes regarding this meeting. RLG/RLN/RLM Meetings Ms J Bennett attended an RLG 21 November and Centroc has provided a report with feedback from Centroc’s perspective on a State Department cluster by cluster basis. Please request this report. It is understood that Mr A Aubrey has accepted the position of DPC coordinator replacing Ms Alison Morgan. At the time of writing he is on leave. NSW – Making it Happen in the Regions Please request prior reports on Making it Happen in the Regions and the Premier’s priorities. Advice provided from DPC to the Board in August was that publication was expected by September 2016. In the meantime the Making it Happen in the Regions - Regional

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Framework has been announced. Broad brush stroke advice on this model was reported to the Board subsequent to a meeting with The Hon J Barilaro last May. Please find the published framework attached which was also circulated to members 9 January 2017. The key components of the framework are that it:

1. Provides quality services and infrastructure in regional NSW – ensuring a baseline set of services across regional NSW;

2. Aligns efforts to support growing regional centres, acknowledging the needs of areas with strong growth in population, jobs or both; and

3. Identifies and activates economic potential by looking across regional NSW for opportunities to change the economic outlook and activate local economies.

Key Actions from the report are:

1. The NSW Government will refresh its current regional governance structures, to ensure they are efficient, coordinated and easy for industry, community and other stakeholders to navigate with a minimum of duplication.

2. The NSW Government will seek to establish common regional boundaries for NSW. 3. The Department of Industry will identify the key economic drivers for regions (through the

Regional Enablers Project).1 4. The Department of Industry will identify economic opportunities and infrastructure

priorities.2 5. The Department of Industry will research and develop a method of enhancing its cost

benefit analysis to take into consideration non-market benefits as a way of improving justification for regional projects and investments.

6. The Department of Industry will work with local bodies to develop and publish Regional Prospectuses.

7. The Department of Industry will work with the Department of Premier and Cabinet to ensure that international investment attraction efforts include region-specific actions.

8. The Department of Industry will undertake the Infrastructure Skills Legacy Program.

A follow up report to the Board subsequent to stakeholder consultation is commended.

Update from Department of Premier and Cabinet Mr Ashley Aubrey, formerly with the Department of Planning Department will start as the Director, of Regional Coordination Western NSW at the end of January, an update will be provided to GMAC in due course.

Communique from the Western NSW Mining and Resource Development Taskforce (the Taskforce) 5 December 2016 New Members welcomed onto the Taskforce

Evolution Mining and Whitehaven Coal joined the Taskforce representing the mining industry in Western NSW.

1 This is the Enablers Report – see advice elsewhere in this report

2 Among other potential activities – this is the LEK consultation previously reported to the Board – please

request more information

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Far West Councils are now formally represented on the Taskforce through the Mayor of Cobar Shire Council. The Mayor of Broken Hill City Council is the alternate representative.

State Government representation will be reviewed in light of the agreed 2017 priority focus areas to ensure the right agencies are engaged and involved in discussions.

Skills and Workforce Development

Findings of the survey of mining and non-mining employees and employers were presented to the Taskforce. The findings presented are indicative only and not suitable for extrapolation across Western NSW more generally.

Findings do not support the perception of competition between mining and non-mining sectors for non-mining specific roles, with limited evidence that non-mining industries (in the North West) face difficulties attracting and retaining staff.

Findings will be summarised to be shared with relevant Councils, local members of parliament and TAFE in North Western NSW where the results have locational relevance.

Revenue Framework Sub-Group

The Taskforce agreed to recommend to Government that the Resources for Regions Program (or similar) should continue as it provides a positive contribution to communities affected by mining funding infrastructure and services. The Taskforce considered that future iterations of the program should be linked to strategic planning at a regional level (particularly through the work of future Joint Organisations), with infrastructure projects identified through regional planning receiving priority for funding.

The mining rates sub-group will scope a project to explore constraints, if any, on Councils’ discretion to apply rating revenue from the mining sector to required infrastructure and services and to consider advantages/disadvantages of separating the yield from mining rates from calculation of the Council’s notional rating yield.

The Taskforce will maintain a watching brief on the review of the VPA policy framework.

Communication Strategy

The Taskforce reviewed its communication strategy. The Strategy seeks to improve awareness within State and Local Government and the mining sector of the Taskforce’s role, activities and achievements. The role of the Parliamentary Secretary for Western NSW will be more effectively leveraged.

2017 Work Plan

The Taskforce agreed to progress work on two priority themes in 2017: Mining Rates; and Post Resource Development Impacts. This work will be progressed through two sub-groups who will co-opt members as required following finalisation of project scope and objectives in February.

Participating representation 5 December 2016 Alkane Resources NSW DPI Water Namoi Joint Organisation Evolution Mining NSW DPC Far West Councils Santos TAFE New England Orana Regional Organisation of

Councils Newcrest Mining NSW Trade and Investment Office of Local Government Whitehaven Coal NSW Minerals Council Roads and Maritime Services For more information contact your taskforce representative or Alison McGaffin, Director, Northern NSW, Department of Premier and Cabinet at T 02 6760 2671 or M 0477 316 189.

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Update from RDA Central West Independent Review of the Effectiveness of the RDA Programme The Independent Reviewer, the Hon Warwick Smith AM, has provided his final report on the RDA Programme to Minister Nash. According to the Department, the Government is currently seeking advice on the recommendations contained and is considering its response. No details have been given as to when any changes to the RDA Programme will be announced. Details will be provided to Centroc members upon receipt of such advice. Operational Funding for RDAs The NSW Government has recently announced it is extending funding for RDA Committees until December 2017. This funding is intended for the delivery of skills related regional economic development projects. RDA Central West will receive normal operational funding (State and Federal) for calendar year 2017. The likelihood or otherwise of operational funding beyond 31 December 2017 is not known at this stage. The funding that is being provided has been referred to as “transitional funding”. Changes to regional governance in NSW under the Government’s Regional Development Framework will have implications for NSW Government agencies as well as regional organisations such as JOs and RDA Committees. The State Government is also awaiting the outcome of the Australian Government review into the RDA Programme in order to assess implications for the RDA programme more broadly. RDA Central West will now enter into discussions with the NSW Department of Industry as to the identification of a suitable project or projects relating to skills development across the region. In any event, the Minister has indicated the NSW Government “will continue to work with RDAs across NSW, including providing financial assistance where appropriate, for the delivery of regional economic development projects”. The Minister also “looks forward to continued productive and collaborative engagement” with NSW RDAs. RDA Central West will continue to work closely with Centroc and member Councils to identify and progress key economic development projects and priorities for the region. We are keen to demonstrate to the NSW Government that JOs and RDAs can work collaboratively to support the Regional Development Framework agenda and to achieve significant value and outcomes for regional communities. Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) Applications are now open for both streams of the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF). The Infrastructure Projects Stream will close for applications on 28 February, with the closing date for applications under the Community Investments Stream on 31 March. Under the programme guidelines, applicants are encouraged to seek RDA’s support for their project. As indicated by the Government, RDAs can assist applicants with identification of strong project proposals that will contribute to long term economic growth and are a priority within the region. We also are well positioned to work with applicants to prepare a competitive application. Under NSRF, RDA Central West worked closely with Council directors and other senior staff to provide feedback on project proposals and to identify any additional arguments or data that may

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assist their business cases. We also provided similar assistance to a range of not-for-profit organisations across the region. We have indicated to Council EDOs / EDMs that we are keen to assist and support Councils and other eligible applicants under this programme. We see considerable opportunity and scope under the new Community Investments Stream across the three priority areas of local events and activities, strategic planning initiatives, and regional leadership & capability projects. RDA Central West will have designated staff available to liaise with Council and not for profit organisations across LGAs, as follows: Peter McMillan – Bathurst, Lithgow, Oberon Julia Andrews – Lachlan, Parkes, Forbes, Weddin Amelia Haigh – Blayney, Orange, Cabonne, Cowra Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Initial discussions regarding an updated work plan under the MoU between Centroc and RDACW have been held at Executive Officer level. Areas under consideration include regional tertiary education, development of agricultural value-adding opportunities, advocacy for telecommunications infrastructure priorities, data co-design, strategic transport infrastructure, and improved regional governance. A draft work plan for consideration by the boards of both organisations will be issued in early February. Regional Telecommunications Infrastructure Priorities RDA Central West is undertaking a coordinated, whole-of-region approach to improving key telecommunications issues across the Central West in three ways:

1. Information-sharing - Providing support and information-sharing resources to Local Government, businesses and communities in order to identify and make informed decisions around telecommunications solutions that meet local needs – see released Telecommunications Infrastructure Support Guide

2. Infrastructure prioritisation and funding - Identifying and prioritising Mobile Black Spots taking into account community need and funding requirements of the Australian Government’s Mobile Black Spot Program – using Consultant Report and Multi-Criteria Analysis tool

3. Policy and Advocacy - Advocacy to Federal Government inquiries regarding telecommunications policies and market regulation – see submissions.

Information-sharing The Telecommunications Infrastructure Support Guide, released in October 2016, is designed to help Local Councils, businesses and community groups understand how to make good use of the Mobile Black Spot Program (MBSP) and the nbn rollout. The guide outlines information considered valuable to Mobile Network Operators (MNO’s) when providing input to the MBSP, and can be a resource to refer onto businesses and community groups who would also like to have direct input. RDA Central West can provide support and guidance through the MBSP process and would welcome and encourage community input into the programme.

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The Guide also outlines how to assess whether the nbn rollout will satisfy local needs, and some alternative options to consider should the nbn not deliver for communities. RDA Central West will shortly provide Councils, by way of separate advice, with further information regarding some possible alternative options to the nbn (particularly for satellite-serviced areas), which may need to be considered as the nbn rolls out and its capacity to deliver for local needs becomes more evident. Infrastructure prioritisation and funding (a) Ranked list of mobile black spots priorities RDA Central West has engaged a digital consultant to provide a shortlist of MBS sites eligible for the MBSP, taking into account social and economic ‘need’ in each location, Council priorities from previous RDA Central West consultations, and political support. These sites will form the basis of a ‘communications’ tranche for the Multi-Criteria Matrix tool that has been used for all other infrastructure types across the region. The support of key Council staff, able to provide additional information regarding individual MBS’s requiring rectification, will be required. As a next step, RDA Central West will provide MBS priorities for each LGA based on the work undertaken by our digital consultant directly to each Council shortly. This information can be used to provide input to the MBSP and/or form the basis of advocacy as required. (b) Providing input to the MBSP RDA Central West can support Councils, businesses and community groups provide input to the MBSP through MNO’s. Information to assist in building the community business case is included in the Telecommunications Infrastructure Support Guide. The Federal Government has announced $60 million funding for Round 3 MBSP, however this is yet to officially open for submissions from MNO’s. Policy and Advocacy RDA Central West has made submissions on key issues of the following telecommunications policy developments, with other advocacy organisations interested in our work:

Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (July 2016) Issues Paper

ACCC Inquiry into Competition in Evolving Communications Markets (October 2016)

ACCC Inquiry into Domestic Mobile Roaming (November 2016)

Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation (January 2017) Draft Report

These submissions are available on the RDA Central West website:

Agribusiness SME Logistics RDA Central West is about to complete a project for NSW Department of Industry on the extent of need for a domestic freight model that enables regional small to medium size enterprises (SMEs) to deliver irregular, low volumes of agricultural produce to clients in an efficient, timely and affordable manner. A workshop, facilitated with the assistance of the Institute for Supply Chain and Logistics (Victoria University) identified the following logistics challenges facing businesses in Central West NSW;

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- The need to improve farm gate returns by managing transport more efficiently; - Finding a cost-effective model to service Sydney customers and Sydney Airport; - Refrigerated transport of small volume beef carcases and fresh cuts to wholesalers; - How producers in the region might explore the opportunity of direct flights to Asia via

Canberra Airport; - Overcoming the limitations in cost and time of undertaking door-to-door deliveries into

Sydney restaurants/food service venues; - Getting organic vegetables to wholesale markets in Sydney and Brisbane; - Logistics for farmers’ markets; - Understanding the potential for regional logistics service providers to optimise line haul to

capital cities; - How to balance control and cost in the supply chain for each product.

Businesses need to be able to move produce in pallet loads and, ultimately, consolidate loads with other suppliers in order to achieve economies of scale. Insufficient scale is arguably the most important issue to be addressed, with producer and supplier alliances a significant enabler. The draft report on project activities and outcomes is expected to be available on the RDA Central West website by end February 2017. Agriculture Innovation Skills and Capability Analysis With the assistance of funding from the Murray Darling Economic Development Programme (NSW Government) and Newcrest Mining (Cadia Valley Operations), RDA Central West has completed a study that identifies current and future skills and knowledge gaps for the development of an innovative future workforce culture. The skills needs analysis specifically examined the needs of beef, lamb / sheep and horticultural businesses to ascertain the skills they needed in their businesses to drive efficiency, innovation and improved workplace culture. A total of 10 recommendations are currently under consideration. These include but are not limited to matching curriculum content with employer needs, making better use of smart technology and data management, direct marketing, and export promotion skills.

Working with ABS and other key stakeholders on a co-designed project on “data needs to make the case for investment in the region” Please request more detailed advice from previous reports. The EDO Forum 12 July 2016 resolved to assist in developing advice to the Board regarding the funding framework. Please find attached the minutes from the previous meeting. Actions from the meeting included;

THAT this group (Central NSW Economic Development Forum) develop an issues paper on the grant application process. The issues paper will be a mapping exercise, identifying issues to build the advocacy piece. The issues paper mapping exercise be facilitated at the next ED Forum Meeting

THAT a Data Co-Design subcommittee be formed, including Steve Bowman (Bathurst), Anna Wyllie (Parkes), Tony Boland (Orange) and Ponie De Wet (Cowra),

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to work in collaboration with RDA Central West, Centroc and the State Government to develop a co-design framework for accessing data.

The subcommittee met 8 November 2016 and good progress has been made on auditing data sets and data gaps that are useful for Councils. The EDO Forum met November 30 2016 and progressed the work further. Meeting with the Hon Victor Dominello MP Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation Progressing its interest in data and its potential for the region, the Chair and Executive Officer met with the Hon Victor Dominello MP Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation. As a result a presentation to GMAC is being co-ordinated on the NSW Data Analytics Centre with a view to sharing information and looking for opportunities for the region.

Current status of the NBN roll-out The latest construction maps show the National Broadband Network (NBN) will be rolled out using fibre and fixed wireless technologies across parts of the Central NSW follows. Listed below are the areas where construction scheduled to commence before end Sep 2018 through parts of the area have been included in a three year roll-out plan which means that all Centroc LGA’s will begin NBN construction by September 2018.

Attachments to the Regional Development Report

16. The Making It Happen in the Regions Regional Development Framework

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Precis The change period for regional tourism continues. This report provides an update and an insight into the thinking of the Central NSW Tourism Board on the future. The Executive gave consideration to a report and provided recommendations as above. These seek endorsement.

7e Tourism Report

Report by Jennifer Bennett dated 10/02/2017

Section 1 Regional Sustainability

Objective 1D Regional Development

Subject Structural arrangements for regional tourism

Sponsoring General Manager Mr Garry Styles

Recommendation/s to the Tourism Report

That the Board Executive note the Tourism Report and 1. note the expenditure of $2500 on a workshop to inform a potential regional application

through Central NSW Tourism to the Building Better Regions Fund; and 2. note the actions of the Executive as they:

a. sent correspondence to Central NSW Tourism seeking advice on options for the future of regional tourism in Central NSW;

b. these options are to include the value proposition for members; and c. this advice to inform the Executive meeting in April.

Background Where we have been In November 2009 the Centroc Board received correspondence from members questioning the value of Central NSW Tourism. For the ensuing 18 months the Centroc Board worked diligently to secure best possible outcomes for the region through the last period of change to regional tourism by the State. Ultimately the Centroc Board recommended to members they support a lean regional tourism entity primarily paid for by members of Centroc. It was the view of the Centroc Board at the time that optimising the funding and governance framework for regional tourism was in the interest of members and their communities. The primary purpose of Central NSW Tourism became to develop marketing campaigns using matched State funding. To resource this, a lean approach to administration was adopted. To support governance and fiscal responsibility the Centroc Board encouraged General Managers and elected representatives from the region to join the Central NSW Tourism Board. The Central NSW Tourism Board membership, while skills based, has subsequently been primarily elected representatives and General Managers of Councils.

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Please request all past reports. Centroc Board policy became to support Central NSW Tourism and over the years the two entities have worked closely. Central NSW Tourism has been very successful as an administrator of collaborative programming for tourism. While the intent was for the organisation to primarily develop and administer grant funded marketing, its activities have included the following:

Regional Pad Maps including ten things to do in each lga on the back;

Social Media/Website/Public Relations including campaigns similar to Unearth;

Print collateral eg Trails;

Development and maintenance of a regional Destination Management Plan;

Support for regional collaboration of Local Tourism Organisations (primarily Council owned) and networking including professional development;


Data collection and collation; and

Leveraging and administration of grant funded programming.

Changes to regional tourism Where Central NSW has been very successful, on the back of the failure of three regional tourism organisations, the review of Regional Tourism Organisations was published 6 July. Announcing a $46m spend for the four year program the changes include skills based boards. There are four new “regional” tourism organisations called Destination Networks (DNs).

Destination Riverina Murray; Destination Southern NSW (including

the Snowy Mountains and Far South Coast);

Destination North Coast (from Mid-Coast to Tweed Heads including Lord Howe Island); and

Destination Country and Outback NSW (from Lithgow to Broken Hill and then till the Queensland border including the footprint of Central NSW Tourism.)

Other new initiatives include a regional conferencing unit within Destination NSW and an increase over the next four years to both the Contestable Pool of the Regional Visitor Economy Fund ($3.5 million) and to the Regional Flagship Event Funding ($4 million). For more information please go to: The assumption of CNSWT at the time of the July restructure announcement and based on the request that RTO’s windup their operation by December 2016, was that the “First Six Months” milestones identified in the Destination Network briefing document were for the period from July 2016 to January 2017.

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The perceived lack of progress on these Milestones and clarity around the eventual role of the new DN’s, coupled with the potential vacuum that having no or an embryonic regional tourism structure between January and June 2017 would create, the CNSWT Board consequently chose to service the region until June 2017. It has since been clarified that the first six months begins from when the DN boards are appointed. On December 23, over five months since the original DN’s announcement, the Boards of the six Destinations Networks were announced. For this region the Board members are as follows:

Stephen Bartlett – Chair Donna Campbell – Director Wincen Cuy – Director Russell Holden – Director Colin Hughes – Director Robert Mason – Director Marie Russell AM – Director Rhonda Taylor – Director

Based on previous advice from DNSW to Central NSW Tourism, key Milestones of the DN’s over the next six months are the following:

DN Chairs to attend a briefing with DNSW and Senior Mgt re requirements of first six months

Establish DN offices and Recruit Staff

DN’s to develop/update DMP in consultation with DNSW, in alignment with state DMP.

DN to develop Business Plan and Budget

DN to develop Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Plan

DN to develop agreed reporting systems including operational and financial reporting

DN’s to commence partner mtgs to identify and secure local regional funding for joint campaigns with DNSW

DN’s to develop calendar of events and festivals and identify growth opportunities

CNSWT continues to work with DNSW as the new regional tourism structure is developed where the Destination Network is early in delivering these milestones.

The collective membership structure of Central NSW Tourism ensures the region is ideally positioned and strategically defined to capitalise on the value of the visitor economy, worth over $847 million to central NSW (NVS June 2016). The collaborative momentum the organisation has built continues to bring LGAs, LTOs and industry together to identify synergies, efficiencies and the power of one regional voice or brand in an increasingly competitive tourism market.

Changes to Regional Tourism Funding Program

On December 2, 2016 a new Tourism funding program was announced. The Regional Tourism Fund replaces the previous Regional Tourism Visitor Economy Fund (RVEF). The NSW Government’s $13 million in Regional Tourism Fund will make up to $4 million available in 2016 – 2017 and $4.5 million will be available during 2017 – 2018 and 2018 - 2019. Any funds unallocated during 2016 – 2017 will be rolled into the following year’s program. This is an increased investment of $2.5million over three years. The funding will be available through two streams:

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1. Regional Cooperative Tourism Marketing Program. This is available to local government, Destination Networks, tourism and sector organisations (GST registered). Individual private enterprises are not eligible. EOI’s for this program should be submitted at least six months prior to the proposed start date of any activity. The minimum investment is $100,000, this is then matched by DNSW. The campaign is developed and led 3by DNSW based on the applicant’s objectives. Campaigns will run for a minimum of 12 months.

2. Regional Tourism Product Development. This fund is available to Local Government, tourism sector organisations, including Destination Networks, and tourism operators (GST registered). Grants between $15,000 and up to $150,000 is available, funding must be at least matched dollar-for-dollar, in cash (not contra or value in kind) by the successful applicant. Funding is available for:

New accommodation, infrastructure projects, visitor signposting, itinerary development and new attractions.

For further detail regarding the funding guidelines go to

2016 Success of Central NSW Tourism Visitation Snapshot

o $847 million domestic overnight expenditure. o 2.0 million domestic overnight visitors o 5.5 million nights (increase of 5%) o Average spend $152 per night per person o Average trip expenditure $423.50 (increase of 10%) o Average length of stay 3 nights (increase of .02%)

UnEarth Central NSW Marketing Campaign Results

over $890,000 EAV (equivalent advertising value) delivered through a comprehensive PR campaign, including hosting nine media visits and generated 40 articles.

An increase of over 4,800 fans, taking the total facebook following to almost 8,000.

The collection of 12,500 images through the #unearthcentralnsw tag.

Over 37,000 visits to the CNSWT website Destination Management Plan

During the past 6 months the organisation has also completed a comprehensive review of the regions Destination Management Plan (DMP). The 2016-2017 Action Plan and Strategic Priorities outlines four clear objectives:

1. Provide a forum for collaboration and leadership across Central NSW 2. Expand the visitor economy 3. Grow and evolve our product and experience offering 4. Build demand by developing the destination’s brand and appeal

3 Italicised by the report’s author

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CNSWT has received strong support from membership councils endorsing this revised DMP.


CNSWT has received ongoing membership support through to June 2017 from all existing members (excluding Wellington based on merger with Dubbo and Mudgee member ship confirmed to Dec 16) and received additional membership from Lachlan Shire Council. CNSWT priorities to optimise outcomes for the visitor economy during this period of change The existing successful and stable volunteer board of directors, Norm Mann (Chair), Garry Styles (Treasurer), Ian Davison, Christine Le Fevre, Ray Walsh and Brad Cam are committed to guiding CNSWT through to June 2017. The Board are focussed on ensuring the region continues to move forward and deliver results to the region during this time of change. Priorities of the organisation through to June 2017:

1. Continue to drive the current RVEF UnEarth Campaign – this includes a $100K campaign with Expedia, website update and a PR & Social Media focusing on “UnEarth Autumn in CNSW.”

2. Seek transitional funding from DNSW – in final negotiations for $55K funding. 3. Given the guidelines of the new Regional Tourism Fund (ie Regional Cooperative marketing

campaigns being led by DNSW and reduced control of the campaign for the applicant) CNSWT is exploring other funding opportunities available to the region. The organisation is working with Centroc, Section 51 and Agri-Tourism specialist Rose Wright to develop an application to the Federal Building Better Regions fund and the DNSW Regional Tourism Product Development program with a possible Agri-Tourism focus.

4. Develop a structured CNSWT Marketing Partnership Package to offer to councils to generate funds for future marketing or product development programs.

5. Continue to engage stakeholders and provide tourism industry development opportunities in the region.

6. Develop and manage the 2017 CNSWT Marketing Campaign. 7. Continue the transition process and ensure the organisation is ‘transfer ready’ for the

Destination Network. 8. Monitor the progress of the development of the DNSW Destination Network. 9. Review CNSWT structure in early 2017 to finalise design of new CNSW tourism group.

Regional Tourism Workshop Members may recall that the Hon Fiona Nash in her presentation to the Board last November advising of the potential of a tourism project to be funded under the Building Better Region’s Fund. Given approval was sought from Mr D Sherley to progress a workshop for Council staff to inform a potential application under the Building Better Regions Fund. Members may recall that the Hon Fiona Nash in her presentation to the Board last November The cost of the workshop and materials was $2500 plus travel and accommodation. Central NSWT are pulling together the next steps where applications are due at the end of March.

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Advice from Central NSW Tourism on Future Structure and Role of a Regional Tourism Organisation The following advice has been provided by the Executive Officer of CNSWT 17 January regarding structural options for tourism for this region after June 2017:

From June 2017 CNSWT will no longer exist as a Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO), the board has given no indication that they would like to continue as an independent organisation. Even though there has been no formal resolution by the board, the preference is that key responsibilities of CNSWT be passed onto a sub-committee of CENTROC and be governed by an existing charter drawn from CENTROC. Given that CNSWT is funded primarily by CENTROC councils the board are looking for guidance from CENTROC on how this would progress. On the assumption that a CENTROC Tourism Committee is formed, the following are suggestions on the role it could play. This committee would be responsible for:

Ownership of the Regional DMP, this includes the management of the implementation of the four objectives identified in the 2016-2017 Action Plan.

The development and management of the Regional Tourism Marketing Campaign, including ongoing PR, Social Media and Website management.

Management of stand-alone Regional Tourism Marketing or Product Development Initiatives.

Management of the Regional Tourism Group Budget – including the collection of fees from CENTROC members.

Stakeholder Engagement.

This committee would be funded by CENTROC members, with two levels of investment offered: The first component would be to cover the operational costs, including the DMP work and the management of regional tourism marketing campaign. It would have a flat operational component and varied marketing contribution based on the population of the LGA and marketing package chosen. The second component would vary according to the Regional Tourism Marketing or Product Development initiative that the committee is pursuing at the time. Investment into the programs would be structured to ensure transparency on returns. Investment for these initiatives would also be sought from Industry groups and corporate entities. This committee would have a similar makeup of the existing CNSWT board: A volunteer board that includes (but not limited to) directors with a LGA background, tourism and marketing experience, financial management, regional development or tourism operators.

To progress matters, the Chair of Centroc Cr G Rush was invited to a Special General Meeting of Central NSW Tourism Central NSW Tourism held a Special General Meeting 8 February 2017. The Minutes from this meeting are as follows:

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MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF CENTRAL NSW TOURISM Wednesday 8 February, Bathurst Regional Council

PRESENT: Norm Mann (Chair), Ray Walsh, Ian Davison, Christine Le Fevre IN ATTENDANCE: CENTROC Chair, Gary Rush and Lisa Ditchfield (CNSWT Executive Officer)

Chairman opened the meeting at 1.o5pm and welcomed the CENTROC Chair and attending board members to the meeting. The Chair gave the board an update on the conversations to date that had taken place with the CENTROC Chair. The Chair outlined that the special meeting of CNSWT had been called to promote discussion with the CENTROC chair, also to provide clarity on the board’s preference on the future structure and role of CNSWT. Ultimately the outcome of the meeting could give the CENTROC chair a resolution of the CNSWT board to take to the next CENTROC meeting. The CENTROC Chair highlighted that the discussion was very important given that there was a CENTROC GMAC meeting the following day (Thursday). He reflected on the new Destination Networks and acknowledged that some CENTROC member councils had concerns on the tourism administration structure. The following is a summary of key points made by the CENTROC Chair:

There is a great opportunity for collaboration within councils via CNSWT, though the current funding structure does not provide parity. Contributions based on per capita is not a preferred option, as the potential of the group is being hamstrung by members that are not willing to truly invest in a collaborative tourism organisation. He questioned the return on investment that smaller councils were getting for their membership fees and that councils needed to decide if they wanted to resource the collaborative approach properly – and create an organisation that delivers a return on investment.

Proposing that smaller councils will benefit more from a collaborative group, given the access it would give them to industry and product development.

He acknowledged the risk of the larger councils “going alone” in the tourism landscape if the collaborative organisation did not offer a real benefit.

He added that from his perspective he felt the opportunity around promotion of the CNSW was a better fit with CNSWT rather than CENTROC.

Ultimately it starts with councils challenging themselves and determining what their roles are. Do they want to move beyond writing membership cheques and participate at a level that enables tourism product development opportunities that can bring instant and ongoing return of investment.

The following is a summary of points made by CNSWT Board members in response to the CENTROC Chair:

A flat membership fee was questioned as it may exclude smaller councils that can’t afford increased costs.

The idea of a membership fee that was made up a fixed fee + a fee that was tiered based on the level of benefits the member sought, the majority of board members saw merit in this structure.

Given that there would be a reduced return on investment with a stand-alone flat membership fee applied to smaller LGA, the variable fee (added to the fixed component of the membership) could be based on population.

The concern is that if major councils pulled out of the collaborative group it would fragment the market place and the marketing of the region would lose momentum.

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The benefits of CNSWT move beyond the marketing initiatives, extending to networking and co-operation between tourism organisations and council departments across the region.

That Industry Development was a great benefit to members and given the success of these initiatives in 2016 would be a clear focus on CNSWT in to the future.

Though not formally acknowledged, CNSWT had in the past assigned exposure and activity in a campaign to members based on the level of their financial contribution.

The board was concerned with the new Regional Cooperative Tourism Marketing Program, on the basis that DNSW would develop and manage all campaigns because in the past CNSWT had experienced a lag and frustration with the bureaucracy within DNSW.

The CENTROC Chair left the meeting, leaving the CNSWT board to reflect on the discussion. At the conclusion of the discussion the following resolution was moved: MOTION: The skills based board of CNSWT recommends that a similar organisation structure continues after June 30 2017. For CNSWT to remain a relevant organisation it will principally focus on education and industry product development, the organisation will also focus on sourcing funding contributions from members to create an investment pool that could be used to market the region or as part of a matched funds grants program through state or commonwealth departments. To achieve these aims it should be acknowledged that the organisation needs annual operating funds of $120k . CNSWT request that their members discuss the membership fee options and advise as to which is the preferred fee structure that they will support if they wish CNSWT to continue operating beyond June 30 2017. Moved: Ian Davison Seconded: Ray Walsh carried. Meeting closed at 2.50pm

Discussion and conclusion

Tourism is an important sector of the Central NSW economy that has potential for further growth. This region has been punching above its weight. According to advice provided at the LEK consultation in Orange in 2016 average growth in regional tourism is 1.6% while for Central NSW it is 3.4%. Councils and communities across Central NSW are at varying stages of maturity in their engagement in the visitor economy and using varying structures to support tourism. At the same time the approach adopted by the Centroc Board in support of Central NSW Tourism 7 years ago was the right one. The Unearth campaign has shown the value of leveraging a collective approach to marketing. Indeed the work undertaken by the “lean mean” operation of Central NSW Tourism has shown that there is value in collaboration in a region that collaborates well. Arguably under the new State arrangements the region is at a cross roads and this is an opportune time to reflect on what we should be doing regionally for tourism. It is Centroc policy to support Central NSW Tourism. Central NSW Tourism has had a chequered history where as a result of the intervention by Local Government and the support of Centroc 7 years ago, the returns on a very lean investment have been sound. Given the failure of Inland

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Tourism and the overall NSW Government approach to regional tourism developed 6 years ago, the State Government undertook a review. This review has delivered the new Destination Networks. These Destination Networks will, to a significant extent, determine their activity within a broad envelope including marketing and product development. As they are in their infancy, it remains unclear as to their strategy and implementation of programming in product development and marketing as well as its potential opportunities and challenges for tourism in this region. Tourism is in a happy place of change and opportunity though there are challenges to ensure that members working individually and collectively could consider. These include:

The new Minister for Tourism is The Hon Adam Marshall. Given the Minister was Mayor of Gunnedah he both understands regional Government and the challenges of the visitor economy in regional NSW.

Destination Networks move back to the Dept of Industry as part of the Cabinet reshuffle. Arguably this may slow down the implementation of Destination Networks or introduce other potential changes.

As it currently stands, Central NSW becomes part of a large and diverse Destination Network “Country and Outback.” The Board has expressed concerns at the size and unmanageability of this region

Destination Networks have roles in product growth and marketing where the specifics of this role are not yet clear.

Destination Networks welcome sub-regional activity although how this will manage the cannibalism of Local Tourism Organisations is unclear. Cannibalism of Local Tourism Organisations was identified as a significant issue in the last iteration of change to regional tourism and was a primary reason for Centroc intervening and insisting on Central NSW Tourism remaining independent of Inland Tourism. When advocating in this regard, the at the time Ministerial Advisors to the Hon Stuart Ayres had not given consideration to this issue in the restructure of regional tourism.

There are a growing number of signals from the NSW and Federal Governments suggesting an increased likelihood of policy change and investment to benefit regional NSW.

Funding opportunities abound though the State funding dedicated to marketing for Tourism will now be controlled by the State.

Ultimately members of Centroc and of Central NSW Tourism need to give consideration to options that capitalise and choose a way forward in the best interests of their communities.

Attachments to the Tourism Report

17. 10 November 2016 Weddin Shire Council Retention of Central NSW Tourism 18. 16 December 2016 Centroc Members Funding for CNSWT for financial year

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7f Planning

Report by Jennifer Bennett dated 10/02/17

Section 1 Regional Co-operation and resource sharing

Objective 1E Deliver regional benefit from collaboration in planning

Subject Planning update

Portfolio Mayor Cr John Davis

Sponsoring General Managers Mr Garry Styles, Mr Paul Devery and Mr David Sherley

Recommendation/s to the Planning Report

That the Board note the Planning Report and lodge a submission on changes to Planning Legislation developed in consultation with members by 10 March 2017.

Management Plan Actions 2016/17

Actions Comments

1. Advocacy a. local control over land use

This is included in the Advocacy Plan.

1 Advocacy b. To increase the influence of local communities over planning decisions in Central NSW

This is included in the Advocacy Plan.

Recent activities in the last quarter include:

Being part of the process of responding to changes to Planning Legislation

Centroc provided membership at Steering Committee level at the Regional Adaptation in Central West Orana Plan currently near completion.

1 Advocacy c. To change the methodology of the Department of Planning and the Environment on population projections for Central NSW

This is included in the Advocacy Plan.

Given the next round of Census data is due for roll out from April 2017 engagement with regional stakeholders on potential procurement of regional datasets is underway.

Précis The Management Plan Actions for Planning are aligned to the JO priorities of Advocacy, Inter-governmental Relations and Regional Strategic Planning. Where reports against these priorities are similar they will be deleted to avoid repetition. Advice against all Management Plan Actions is available on request. Recommendations from past meetings form part of Matters in Progress. This report also includes advice on: Advice of note in this report includes a Planning Legislation update and progress status of the Regional Plan.

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Actions Comments

1 Advocacy d. monitor the Fit for the Future and provide feedback as appropriate from the Board accordingly

At the time of writing, no further advice has been provided by the State. At the Executive meeting 9 February it was resolved to continue to monitor Joint Organisation Legislation and in the absence of strong support from the NSW Government a report be provided to the Executive in April on progressing incorporation.

1 Advocacy e. provide advice to the Board and then advocacy in line with their direction regarding sustaining Local Government including but not limited to:

i. Funding for infrastructure. ii. Governance. iii. Assets management.

As needs or on direction basis. There is significant activity being undertaken around the region on priority infrastructure planning. This is reported elsewhere in this business paper or please request advice.

Centroc representatives have been invited to a consultation being coordinated by DISRD on infrastructure prioritisation 29 July.

1 Advocacy

f. in line with Board direction based on policy advice from the Planners Group including but not limited to status with their LEPs, Native Vegetation, population projections, REPPS for example mining.

The current focus of the Planners’ Group is the collaboration in the development of the Regional (was Growth) Plan, now the Regional Plan. It is anticipated that advice on advocacy will be forthcoming as a result of this process where the Planners will meet quarterly and provide feedback to the Board on a strategic direction.

2 Inter-governmental Relations a. Form regional planners group of Land Use Planners across the region that becomes the technical group for interaction with the State in Land Use Planning

Planners’ Group formed early December 2014. The current focus is on supporting the Regional Plan. Regular meetings were held fleshing out this advice and members can request notes from these meetings. The Regional Plan on exhibition has a potentially significant body of work for Planners in the area of Land Use and further advice will be provided. A meeting was co-ordinated in Blayney 5 May for Planners and other key stakeholders such as RDA and DPC as well as interested members of Centroc. Forward strategy for Planning was included as an agenda item. Please find attached the notes where the meeting indicated the priority is the development of an industrial and agricultural lands strategy. Scoping advice will be provided to the Board in due course where a meeting was held between Centroc, DPI and DoP representatives at the end of 2016.

2 Inter-governmental Relations b. Collaborate with the DPandE on the Regional Growth Plan where the DPandE take the lead

Everything is being done to optimise the Central West Regional Plan (the Plan). Recent advice is that it will have a similar look and feel to the Hunter Plan. At the time of writing the effort is in getting the mapping right.

At a meeting of the Steering Committee for this activity on 5 February 2015, DoPe agreed to Key Performance Indicators for collaboration.

Changes in time frames, scope and outputs suggest further iterations of the Regional Plan will require a revised approach.

Once the Plan has been approved by Cabinet the Board will need to give consideration to alignment with the advice therein.

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Actions Comments

2 Inter-governmental Relations c. Develop KPIs with State agencies to optimize collaboration on key strategic plans

KPIs have been developed with the Department of Planning, as per the advice above. It is also a matter of discussion with the Office of Local Government given its pertinence to all Pilot JOs.

2 Inter-governmental Relations d. Develop instruments such as MoUs with key agencies with a policy position of having Local Government influence outcomes as much as possible

MoUs are under development with Health, and signed off with RDA Central West and TAFE Western.

2 Inter-governmental Relations e. Seek collaboration with DPC and other agencies in scoping the synthesis of the Integrated Planning and Reporting work being undertaken by members both across Local Government in Centroc and with State and Federal agencies, the Plan for the Central West and the State Plan. In this synthesis include the development of processes with other levels of government that: i. improve communication; ii. reduce duplication; iii. simplify reporting and access to each other’s information and iv. maximize opportunity;

This is an iterative space and formed a significant tranche of work as part of the JO Pilot. The Office of Local Government and DPC have been engaged as has Local Government Professionals Integrated Planning and Reporting Group. A report was provided to the Board in May 2015 seeking a further report which is under development. The work being undertaken on infrastructure prioritisation is showing the potential of the Community Strategic Planning process to inform regional priorities.

3 Strategic Planning a. Collaborate with RDACW and other

key stakeholders in the development of an “umbrella” regional development plan noting the theme of agriculture

RDACW are undertaking a greater role in the agriculture space subsequent to the Board meeting in May 2015.

The JO Background Paper identified the potential for Planning Agreements. Further advice has been sought on the progression of this idea.

3 Strategic Planning b. Provide advice and support to the

Dept of Planning Agricultural Lands Strategy

Centroc representatives attended a workshop in Cabonne in June to review the Central West Orana Agricultural Industries Draft Report to provide feedback. This document is basically around land capability in the context of broad agricultural production trends. Once the Regional Plan has been finalised, next steps will be taken.

3 Strategic Planning c. Scope activities building on the Dept of Planning Agriculture Plan

Anticipated subsequent to the completion of the Plan being led by DoPE. Feedback from the strategic session in Blayney 5 May indicates the need for a Regional Agricultural and Industrial Lands Study with a focus on marketing the region for investment. Further scoping work is being undertaken where the focus of the planners of the region is optimising the Regional Plan.

3 Strategic Planning e. Work with key agencies undertaking planning in the region, for example Transport for NSW with a view to optimizing the engagement with Local Government and the region’s priorities

It is understood that DPC undertook a body of work that will inform the optimisation of this type of engagement as part of their commitments to the JO Pilot. This advice is part of an internal document. More detailed advice is provided in the Transport Infrastructure Report.

4 Operational Support Form regional planners group of Land Use Planners across the region that a. becomes the technical group for

The current focus of the Planners’ Group is the collaboration in the development of the Regional (was Growth) Plan, now the Regional Plan. It is anticipated that advice on advocacy will be forthcoming as a result of this process where the Planners will

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Actions Comments

interaction with the State in Land Use Planning

b. provides advocacy advice to the Board including but not limited to status with their LEPs, Native Vegetation, population projections, REPPS for example mining

c. develops a plan for operational support to members

meet quarterly and provide feedback to the Board on a strategic direction.

A meeting for the Planners is being co-ordinated for early 2017 where the focus will be feedback to Legislation, progressing a Heritage Near Me Project and developing a forward program.

Planning Legislative Updates Advice has been received from the Deputy Secretary, Policy and Strategy that the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 Bill will be released soon for public consultation. As well as the normal exhibition process, the Department will hold information briefings and workshops for all interested stakeholders. Feedback from planners in the region is that they are keen to progress a regional response.

Dear colleagues, Happy new year and thank you again for your contribution over recent months to the proposed updates to the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. Further to the feedback you have provided, we have developed specific policy proposals that we today make available for broad public consultation. The consultation package is in four parts:

- Summary of Proposals - Draft Bill

- A plain English guide to the Bill - a report on stakeholder feedback to date.

All documents are available for download at These proposals are designed to enhance community confidence in the system, provide for more efficient and well-executed planning decisions, maximise the value of strategic planning, and codify the community’s vital role in shaping the future through direct involvement in planning. The proposals released today are open for public comment until 10 March 2017. We are committed to making it as easy as possible for you and your colleagues, associates and members to contribute to this policy process. As such, we will conduct the following activities:

Information sessions – to be held in Sydney and around the state, in early February; members of the policy team will step through the attached proposals and the submissions process.

Web Q&A – during the exhibition period, we welcome any questions you may have about the proposed legislation and we will publish the answers on the Department’s website, for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Technical workshops – round-table page-turns for policy & legal specialists to consider the operation of the proposed legislation in deeper detail, scheduled later in February.

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If you have any questions or comments on this project, please email the project team at and /or contact me directly to this email or telephone 02 9274 6203. On behalf of the DPE team, I look forward to continuing to work with you on this project.

Central West and Orana Regional Plan and next Planning meeting Follow-up work has been undertaken in support of the Regional Plan to get the best possible outcome from the mapping. Please find also attached correspondence regarding the Minister’s satisfaction with the process. Attachments to the Planning Report

19. 16 January 2017 correspondence from Minister for Planning the Hon Rob Stokes re Central West and Orana Regional Plan

20. 14 November 2016 correspondence to the Hon Paul Toole Minister for Local Government re Transitional funding

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7g Management Plan and Policy Report

Reported by Jenny Bennett dated 14/02/17

Section 2

Objective 2I Maintain an active and effective Management Plan, which sets out the direction and activities of Centroc.

Subject Strategy, governance and policy Sponsoring General Manager David Sherley

Recommendation/s to the Management Plan and Policy Report

That the Board note the Management Plan and Policy Report and 1. approve the Investments’ Policy and the Internally Restricted Reserves Policy; 2. approve the Management Plan in principle; 3. note the indicative fee structure and receive a report on options for fee structures; and 4. note that advice on Tier 1 and Tier 2 priorities will be provided to the Board subsequent to the

Chair meeting with members to discuss priority.

For determination – Portfolio Mayor for Water

That the Board determine a Portfolio Mayor for Water.

Portfolio Chair for Water

Given the Chair of Centroc represents all portfolios there is an opportunity a Mayor to support the region as Portfolio Mayor for Water. Currently the key areas of advocacy are:

Ensuring Local Government remains the manager and owner of water utilities on behalf of their communities;

Water security, particularly for a new storage high in the Lachlan catchment;

Regional Water Planning including alignment between Local, State and Federal Governments;

Ensuring Local Government has a seat at the table where there are a growing number of representative roles – currently two and;

Representation of the region at conference and on steering committees. The portfolio is ably supported by technical and operators groups and Ms Meredith Macpherson.

Précis This report provides advice on:

1. the Management Plan 2017/2018 in line with Board resolve that until Joint Organisation Legislation becomes clear, an incremental approach be taken.

2. a portfolio Chair for Water

3. Policy development and review

4. Tier One and Tier Two Priorities

It is anticipated that further work on priorities will be undertaken based on feedback from members to annual consultations. Any advice from the Board on Tier 1 and Tier 2 priorities is welcomed.

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Management Plan, Tier 1 and 2 priorities and indicative fees

In line with the direction from the Board in November to provide an incremental Management Plan and budget, please find attached the Draft Management Plan for 2017/2018. It is anticipated that further work on priority will be undertaken based on feedback from members to annual consultations. Any advice from members on Tier 1 and Tier 2 priorities is welcomed. The Executive has provided preliminary advice from their meeting 9 February and this is being incorporated.

Below is the list of Draft Management Plan Actions included in the 2017/2018 Plan seeking feedback on Tier 1 and 2. Operational items are included in the Management Plan attached.

Please find following the indicative fee structure for 2017/2018 showing an increase of 1.5% and including spreading the fee income for Midwestern across the membership. Please note the resolution elsewhere in the report seeking final advice from MidWestern on their intentions.

With the recent announcement by Premier Berejiklian, Hilltops is the end of amalgamations in the region. Currently their fee structure is a blend of Boorowa and Young and this needs to change. Also, the new ABS population data packs come out in April of this year. It is an appropriate time to undertake a full fee review. At a member’s request this review will include advice on options for fee structures including variations and combinations of flat fee, fee for programming and capitation.


Transport a. to have the corridor sequestered for a future upgrade to the Bells Line of Expressway through:

I. Advocating to key stakeholders as identified in the Advocacy Plan (please find attached) II. Supporting the Bells Line of Expressway Group and

III. Providing representation on State committees as required, currently the OSO and BLOR Steering Committee. b. for the Transport Infrastructure identified in the Priority Infrastructure Multi Criteria Analysis Matrix developed in collaboration

with Central West RDA c. to Federal and State representatives and other key stakeholders as appropriate in the areas of road deficiencies, rail infrastructure

and intermodal facilities. This is to include the Blayney/Demondrille Line and road upgrades as identified in the Centroc Priority Infrastructure Plan. See attached Advocacy Plan.

d. maintaining the Centroc Policy for responding to issues relating to regional services remaining at Kingsford Smith Airport (KSA). e. supporting the current services to Parkes, Orange and Bathurst and encourage any future expansion of the service.

2. Intergovernmental collaboration a. Seek shared resourcing of the a Strategic Regional Roads Group b. Scope the need for a strategy for the Strategic Regional Roads Group c. Engage with a view to collaborating where possible with Transport for NSW on supporting the securing of the Corridor for a future

upgrade to the Bells Line of Road

3. Regional Strategic Planning a. Support transport planning for the region with advice from the Centroc Priority Infrastructure Plan for Transport b. Advocate for iterative improvement to the Transport Plans for the region c. Seek to be engaged at steering committee level

4. Operational Support a. resource the Roads Technical Group Business Plan

Water a. Lobby for funding for water supply security. b. Seek funding and develop programming for the outcomes of the Centroc Water Security Study. c. Advocate for the Water Infrastructure identified in the Priority Infrastructure Multi Criteria Analysis Matrix developed in

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collaboration with Central West RDA d. Promote Local Government as the agency of choice delivering water utilities management in regional NSW and further afield; e. Advocate to ensure water and sewer infrastructure management and ownership is retained by Local Government f. Promote Local Government as the agency of choice delivering quality water g. Respond to Murray Darling Basin Authority plan impacts and programs h. Providing advice on the options for the delivery of water utility services on a co-operative regional basis through a “Regional

Water Alliance” 2. Intergovernmental Relations

a. Seek to work in collaboration with key agencies (i.e. DPI Water, WaterNSW, NSW Health), where appropriate, to deliver secure,

quality water and waste water services for central NSW communities while ensuring: I. Reduced cost and compliance burden; and

II. Alignment with Council’s IP and R processes.

b. Develop a MoU with the Department of Health to enable collaboration on agreed priorities including: I. Drinking water management systems II. Compliance with Best Practice framework and regulatory requirements.

3. Strategic Planning a. Engage with key agencies on the fit with Central NSW Council programming and priorities and varying agency plans. Key issues for

consideration include: I. Are there plans for the region?

II. Alignment of these with Council programming? III. Opportunities for engagement with the JO on Regional Water Planning? IV. Scope for optimising programming in water management practices including the development of a regional water

planning framework that better aligns Local, Regional and State Planning processes delivering optimal outcomes for communities and good value investment by Governments in water infrastructure.

V. Environmental issues and government service provision issues to be assessed.

4. Operational Support Deliver the CWUA Plan for 2016/2017 where its objectives are: a. deliver cost savings and other efficiencies; b. grow staff skills and ensure workforce are adequately trained for compliance based service delivery; c. support members in assuring sustainable workforce; d. promote Local Government as the agency of choice delivering water utilities management in regional NSW and further afield; e. advise the Centroc Board regarding Water Utilities Management; f. achieve full compliance with Best Practice requirements; g. implement Regional Best Practice strategies h. support Councils as they manage their water utilities’ assets i. promote the CWUA as an example of Councils working collaboratively For more detailed advice see attached Advocacy and CWUA Plans.

Health Undertake advocacy for members and the region on an as needs basis in the context of the advocacy plan (see attached )

a. Implement actions post review of Beyond the Range b. Support for a regional medical school to grow more generalist and post-graduate careers in regional areas c. Advocate for support (grant eligibility) from state and federal governments to enable Local Government to invest in health

and training infrastructure d. Support growth of cancer care services in the region e. Consideration of the Federal Government Reform processes eg levels of service and community based health planning and

how this will impact on Local Government, funding changes that may impact on funding levels in community services (eg HACC)

f. Develop policy and actions responding to the emergent needs of members in health (see Centroc health Workforce Group below)

g. In advice on strategic work, ensure the smaller community needs for health servicing are assessed 2. Intergovernmental Collaboration

a. Centroc Health Workforce Group (CHWG) to provide advice on; IV. Key health workforce issues specific to individual Centroc LGAs V. Development and implementation of CHWG initiatives such as Beyond the Range

VI. Emerging educational and workforce uses and trends for health professionals in the region b. Encourage more collaboration with Local Health Districts (in Central NSW) and Centroc to assist with Integrated Planning and

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reporting (IPR)

3. Regional Strategic Planning a. Encourage more collaboration with Local Health Districts (in Central NSW) and Centroc to assist with Integrated Planning and

reporting (IPR) b. Ensure strategic fit with industry groups and stakeholders with mutual health priorities and strategies

Regional Development a. Optimise the community infrastructure priority list for use in regional advocacy and produce outputs as relevant to various funding opportunities

b. Scope the feasibility of a project using the Centroc Multi Criteria Analysis Matrix (the Centroc Matrix) on non- infrastructure priorities

c. Support CNSWT through the change period as Destination Networks are implemented d. Scope the need for a Tertiary Education Plan e. Building on the the work undertaken by RDACW, DPI and others, scope the next steps is supporting agriculture in the region f. Review the Advocacy Plan g. Advocate as appropriate for an improved funding framework h. Future proof telecommunications for the region through

i. Ensuring long term broad band accessibility for the region

ii. Ensuring adequate man-power to service the region and

iii. Improving mobile phone service across the region

i. Support RDA Central West in their activities with regard to Mobile Black Spot, NBN and include infrastructure priorities into the Centroc Matrix

2. Intergovernmental Collaboration

a. Scope the need to develop an “umbrella” regional development plan noting the theme of agriculture

b. Progress a collaborative project in data with RDACW noting Census data is due for publication from April 2017

c. Provide advice and support to the Dept of Planning as it implements the regional development components of the Regional Plan

d. Provide a delegate to the Regional Leadership Executive

d. Scope activities building on the Dept of Planning’s Central West and Orana Agricultural Industries Final Report e. Review the MoU with RDA Central West f. Support the EDO Forum g. Seek to have implemented a Regional Development Task Force or similar for this region as a subset of the Regional

Leadership Group for Regional Development\Seek to collaborate with DPC on scoping a project using the Centroc Multi Criteria Analysis on non- infrastructure priorities

h. Provide representation to and support the Western Region Mining Taskforce i. Collaborate with key agencies as identified in the Regional Devt Framework on key activities including a Regional Investment


3. Regional Strategic Planning a. Collaborate with RDACW and other key stakeholders in the need for an “umbrella” regional development plan noting the theme

of agriculture

b. Provide advice and support to the Dept of Planning as they progress regional development through the Regional Plan Implementation Committee

c. Scope activities building on the Dept of Planning’s Central West and Orana Agricultural Industries Final Report

4. Operational support a. Support member funding applications using advice from the Centroc Matrix

b. Support the EDOs through projects as identified in the EDO Forum with a focus on the Data projects

c. Update regional data subsequent to the Census data roll out d. Position, market and promote Central NSW as a destination for screen including Film and TV. e. Maintain regional Website. f. Maintain and grow photographic database to standard in the Film & TV Industry.

Planning a. to retain local control over land use b. to increase the influence of local communities over planning decisions in Central NSW c. to change the methodology of the Department of Planning and the Environment on population projections for Central NSW d. monitor Fit for the Future and provide feedback as appropriate from the Board accordingly e. provide advice to the Board and then advocacy in line with their direction regarding sustaining Local Government including but

not limited to: i. Funding for infrastructure. ii. Governance. iii. Assets management.

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iv. Financial management – long term sustainability of local government. f. Review the advocacy plan g. In line with Board direction based on policy advice from the Planners Group including but not limited to status with their LEPs,

Native Vegetation, population projections, REPPS for example mining

2. Intergovernmental Relations a. Provide attendance to the Regional Leadership Executive b. Support the technical group of planners from member Councils c. Collaborate with the DPandE on the implementation of the Regional Plan where the DPandE take the lead d. Provide input as appropriate to DPC to progress Making it Happen in the Regions e. Develop KPIs or use other approaches with State agencies to optimize advice into on key strategic plans f. Develop instruments such as MoUs with key agencies with a policy position of having Local Government influence outcomes as

much as possible g. Seek collaboration with DPC and other agencies in scoping the synthesis of the Integrated Planning and Reporting work being

undertaken by members both across Local Government in Centroc and with State and Federal agencies, the Plan for the Central West and the State Plan. In this synthesis include the development of processes with other levels of government that:

i. improve communication; ii. reduce duplication;

iii. simplify reporting and access to each other’s information and iv. maximize opportunity.

3. Strategic Planning a. Collaborate with the DPandE on the Regional Plan and other regional outputs where the DPandE take the lead b. Provide input as appropriate to DPC to progress Making it Happen in the Regions c. Scope the synthesis of the Integrated Planning and Reporting work being undertaken by members both across Local Government

in Centroc and with State and Federal agencies, the Plan for the Central West and the State Plan. In this synthesis include the development of processes with other levels of government that:

i. improve communication;

ii. reduce duplication;

iii. simplify reporting and access to each other’s information and

iv. maximize opportunity;

d. Work with key agencies undertaking planning in the region, for example Transport for NSW with a view to optimizing the engagement with Local Government and the region’s priorities.

4. Operational Support Form regional planners group of Land Use Planners across the region that

d. becomes the technical group for interaction with the State in Land Use Planning

e. provides advice on advocacy to the Board develops a plan for operational support to members

Policy and Procedure review Draft Policy on Delegations is attached and will be circulated to the respective teams for their comment and feedback. Policies on Internally Restricted Reserves and Investment are attached seeking commendation to the Board. An early draft of the policy on using the Matrix is with the Roads Technical Committee. Please request.

Attachments to the Management Plan and Policy Report

21. Centroc Draft 2017/2018 Management Plan 22. Investments’ Policy 23. Internally Restricted Reserves Policy 24. Delegations’ Policy

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Excludes GST


Membership & Training OHS/HR WATER UTILITIES Membership Split 2017/2018

Administration Split Split ALLIANCE $50,217


Orange 38,447 3,602 5,937 20,403 1,000 7,352 76,741

Bathurst 38,900 3,571 5,887 19,234 1,000 7,439 76,031

Lithgow 24,502 1,856 3,060 13,877 1,000 4,686 48,981

Parkes 19,557 1,515 2,502 11,902 1,000 3,740 40,216

Cowra 18,005 1,712 2,824 11,637 1,000 3,443 38,621

Cabonne 17,904 1,856 3,060 8,333 1,000 3,424 35,577

Forbes 15,217 970 1,599 10,340 1,000 2,910 32,036

Lachlan 12,807 1,795 2,961 9,679 1,000 2,449 30,691

Blayney 12,777 671 1,105 2,116 1,000 2,443 20,112

Oberon 11,387 763 1,260 8,526 1,000 2,178 25,114

Weddin 10,137 546 901 2,116 1,000 1,939 16,639

Hilltops 25,156 1,724 2,841 18,825 2,000 4,811 55,357

Upper Lachlan - operational fee 11,095 1,515 2,502 8,961 1,000 2,122 27,195

Central Tablelands water 6,703 196 324 9,561 0 1,281 18,065

TOTAL 262,594 22,292 36,763 155,510 14,000 50,217 541,376

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7h Operational Report

Report by Carolyn Griffin dated 8/2/2017

Section 2 Regional Sustainability

Subject Operational Report from GMAC 8 February 2017

Sponsoring General Managers Mr D Sherley, Mr P Devery, Mr K Boyd and Mr Danny Green

Recommendation/s to the Operational Report

That the Board note the Operational Report and 1. Write to Mid -Western Regional Council referring to recent correspondence seeking advice on

operational membership noting the value proposition and existing engagement; and 2. Note that attendance and engagement in programming will be dealt with on a case by case

basis with reports provided to GMAC and the Board as required.

Management Plan Actions 2016/17

Objective Comments

Regional Directors of Corporate Services

2A-1 Provide advice on the operational efficiencies and effectiveness of Centroc

RDOCS continue to be kept abreast of the activities of the Operational teams through reviewing key topics discussed at meetings as well as reviewing the operational reports put forward to GMAC. At the October 2016 GMAC meeting, it was resolved that Mr Danny Green take up the position of Sponsoring General Manager for the Regional Directors of Corporate Services Group. An RDOCS meeting is being co-ordinated for the first quarter in 2017.

2A-2 Provide oversight of the operational impacts of Centroc projects on each


Précis This report provides advice regarding the Operational Activities of Centroc as identified in the Management Plan. This report includes advice on:

Regional Directors of Corporate Services (RDOCS) Group

HR Managers Group

WHS/Risk Management Group

Training Statistics

Procurement, Contracts and Cost Savings

Energy Programming and Streetlighting, and

IT Managers Group At the February 2017 meeting of GMAC a request was made to report savings accrued to the members from operational programs by financial year. This is being progressed.

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member council

2A-3 Provide oversight of the Regional Best Practice in Procurement Program

1. Make sustainable savings and create efficiencies o Regional tenders/quotes are being developed for CTP

Insurance, Banking Services, Printing of rate notices, and legal services. Regional interest is still being gathered in these areas.

o Details on the regional rebate that Centroc receives based on expenditure by its members can be found in the July 2015 GMAC paper. $30,000 has been received for the first 6 month period of July to December 2015, and $59,000 being received for January to June 2016. LGP is reviewing rebates and a report is anticipated.

2. Improve probity and manage risk o The back end of the Centroc website has been made

available to Council staff (with a login) and provides them with information on template documents.

o The Best Practice in Stores Management Committee (BPSMC) are developing best practice criteria for various areas including stocktake, security to stores and managing job returns in stores.

3. Build staff and organisational capability in procurement. o The networking that occurs at the BPSMC meetings

allows members to build their capability in procurement.

4. Strengthen regional collaboration o The BPSMC met on 24 May with 10 Councils

represented. The Committee is very interested in working together and learning from one A meeting of the BPSMC is being scheduled to be held in May 2017.

o The sharing of ideas and practices is an agenda item at each BPSC meeting.

5. Add value to the aggregated procurement framework o Advocacy for changes to legislation around

procurement for Councils and ROCs/JOs was undertaken through the Pilot JO process.

o The LGP Business Manager for the Centroc region communicates regularly on the procurement opportunities for Centroc members.

o Procurement Australia contracts and processes are being reviewed for purchasing opportunities for Centroc members.

6. Stimulate local and regional economic and social development o Some Councils have held workshops with their local

contractors explaining to them how Councils’ procurement process works and how the contractors can better engage with Council.

o At least three members have entered into agreements with VendorPanel and others are looking into how it can assist better engagement with their local contractors and suppliers

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2A-4 Manage internal audit process and develop options for regional collaboration

Six councils have signed contracts with Grant Thornton Australia, expiring June 2017, with the others acknowledging that GTA’s services are there should they need them. This is an agenda item for the next RDOCS meeting.

2A-5 Scope a region-wide contractor management system to tie in with the Best Practice in Procurement Program.

This item is under review by RDOCS.

2A-6 Identify possible funding opportunities through a collaborative approach to WHS compliance training.

An MoU between Centroc and TAFE Western was signed on 15 July 2016. This is an agenda item for the WHS/Risk Management Group who are meeting on 7 March 2017.

2A-7 Review opportunities from the Regional Insurance Health-Check program

The insurance Health-Check project did a review of 10 Council’s insurance portfolios compromising two players:

StateCover – Workers Compensation

StateWide – all other insurances including Public Liability Orange City Council has implemented advice from the review to good effect achieving savings over $200K per year from StateWide. The advice in the review has been used by Parkes as they and other go to market with a number of other Councils early in 2017. A number of options were provided to GMAC at their October meeting on how to best proceed with this project, and it was resolved to maintain a watching brief on the activities of Parkes and others, but take no immediate further action as a group.

WHS/Risk Management

2B-1 Facilitate strategic networking between WHS and risk management professionals of Centroc member Councils.

The attendance at the WHS/Risk Management Group meetings is consistently high, with the majority of councils represented at each meeting. As previously reported, WHS staff have experienced issues with the CIMS system that were not being resolved to their satisfaction. The Group then wrote to Statewide Mutual detailing the issues that members are currently experiencing and some reasons as to why it is not being utilised by many councils within the group. Ms Ellie Diaz from Echelon has responded and requested a meeting with each member council to seek individual feedback to address the problems encountered when using CIMS. The councils involved are Parkes, Forbes, Bathurst, Cabonne, Cowra, Blayney, Lithgow & Orange. Ms Diaz has formally thanked the Group for the feedback provided and will provide a report once it has been completed.

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The Group will be advised of any developments. A further update will occur at the WHS/Risk Management Group meeting on 7 March 2017.

2B-2 Share knowledge, expertise and resources relevant to WHS and risk management.

SafeWork NSW attended the meeting on 6 December 2016. The minutes from this meeting form an attachment to this report. The representative from SafeWork NSW advised the Group that the WorkCover website had been closed and redirected to SafeWork NSW. Due to the impending restructure within SafeWork NSW and there being only one manager responsible for both Orange & Dubbo offices, the Group was advised in the September 2016 meeting that the restructure will not affect the SafeWork Alliance with the Centroc WHS/Risk Management Group. The Alliance with SafeWork NSW will be due for renewal in 2017 and a draft copy of the agreement will be provided to the WHS/Risk Management Group for review in the March 2017 meeting. As resolved by GMAC in October, all councils during the December meeting were reminded to make SafeWork NSW (as part of the Alliance) aware of upcoming development applications and major projects as this information (which forms part of the Alliance Agreed Action Plan) had not previously been provided by the majority of councils. As previously reported, discussions have taken place within the Group about the RMS requirements in relation to Worker on Foot (WOF). A working party was formed with representatives from Lithgow City Council, Cowra Council & Orange City Council and met in Bathurst on 3 June 2016. The working party developed a manual for member councils to use as a basis for a Worker on Foot guide. The manual is in draft form while the Group awaits further advice from RMS on examples of what needs to be included in council’s own WOF guide, definitions and sample templates. On a number of occasions the RMS have been invited to present to the WHS/Risk Management Group on the RMS’ position on who will be eligible to deliver the Worker on Foot training and if it will be mapped against a national unit of competency. The RMS were unable to attend both September and December meetings to discuss Worker on Foot but the Group will follow up in January 2017 as the training requirements are reportedly being mandated from 1 January 2017. Work has commenced on the RFQ process for the restocking of first aid kits and through the procurement process a provider has

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been selected. This is further reported in the Procurement and Contracts report.

2B-3 Review changes in legislation to determine Council’s responsibilities and obligations.

Email correspondence regarding any changes in legislation is circulated by the Chair or Secretary of the Group when it is received. The Group now receives this correspondence as part of their meeting agenda. See advice above on Worker on Foot.

2B-5 Source cost effective training using Centroc training coordinator

See training statistics later in this report. The Group receives an update from the Centroc Training and Program Support Officer at each quarterly meeting, and councils are asked to request any training courses that are required by their Council.

2B-6 Monitor the rollout of the Centroc WHS Induction Program to ensure all councils are participating

There have been a total of 3,419 contractors inducted across the region under the WHS Induction Program. The following figures show the total number of contractors inducted by each Council as at 31 December 2016:

Council 1 January 2016 to

31 December 2016


Bathurst 58 1,006

Blayney 24 44

Cabonne 33 33

Cowra 39 98

CTW 0 0

Forbes 46 474

Hilltops 0 6

Lachlan 51 152

Lithgow 317 376

Mid-Western 272 278

Oberon 33 33

Orange 275 630

Parkes 42 289

Upper Lachlan 0 0

Weddin 0 0

TOTAL 1,190 3,419

The program documentation and details of all inducted contractors can be found on the website in the secure area. All councils have access to the site through a personalised login. The annual review of the WHS Induction program took place in the December 2016 meeting. Members have provided feedback on the WHS Induction Handbook, PowerPoint Slide and Assessment Tool – these documents are used as training tools during inductions. The proposed changes have been made and

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the documents are now in draft form. Once finalized, updated copies will be sent to members and will be available on the Centroc website through the secure portal. The annual review of the WHS Induction documentation aims to continually improve and provide guidance through the induction process wherever possible. One council has raised concerns regarding the possibility of online contractor inductions. This will be raised at the next WHS/Risk Management meeting on 7 March 2017.

2B-7 Regional contract for load shifting training

The contract for Compliance Training commenced on 1 April 2016 and continues until 31 March 2019. Loadshift training (including forklift, skidsteer, backhoe, excavator & front end loader) is offered by 2 out of the 4 providers under this contract. Statistics for the Compliance Training Contract are reported in the Training and HR report.

2B-8 Regional contract for traffic control training

The contract with ATAC (Coates Hospitality Services) for traffic control training expired on 30 June 2015. The contract was not extended at request of the Group due to the ongoing changes to traffic control training since 1 July 2015. To date, members have been engaging training providers on an as needs basis. Councils continue to engage both ATAC and TC Training for traffic control training and report that the training is delivered to a consistently high standard.

Training and HR Managers Group

2C-1 Increase influence of HRMG by addressing issues common to the region, with a coordinated, regional approach. Priorities are Pre-Employment Screening contract, SCOUT E-Recruitment contract, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) contract, and Online Training contract.

The Pre-Employment Screening contract is with Recovre and expires on 30 June 2017 after the optional 12 month extension was approved by GMAC at the April 2016 meeting. The procurement process has commenced for the next contract. Statistics on the usage of the contract can be found later in this report. SCOUT e-recruitment is being used by Bathurst, Blayney, Cabonne, Cowra, Forbes, Lithgow and Parkes. Orange and Lachlan are also using SCOUT however are not currently under the Centroc contract. The contract with SCOUT is from 1 March 2015 until 28 February 2017. Councils who have indicated they are interested in proceeding with the next contract with SCOUT E-Recruitment are Bathurst, Blayney, Cabonne, Cowra, Forbes, Lithgow, Orange & Parkes. Lachlan Shire Council have another 18 months on their current contract. Negotiations with SCOUT have commenced and Centroc staff have been liaising with SCOUT on their proposal for the

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participating councils for the next contract. SCOUT have advised there will be a small increase in price in line with CPI however will still be offering a heavily reduced rate from their RRP. The proposal is still in draft form and will be finalized in the next coming weeks. Savings appear to be close to $30k, however this will be finalized and reported to GMAC in April 2017. The Employee Assistance Program contract is with Converge International and expires on 30 June 2018 with an option for a 12 month extension. Due to the sensitive nature of this contract, statistics have not been provided in this report. Individual council statistics are provided to councils through the HR Managers. The Online Training contract with Cubic Consulting expires on 31 August 2017. The Request for Quotation/Tender (RFX) for a new contract was released on 21 October with a total of 13 responses received. A Tender Evaluation Panel (consisting of Bathurst, Forbes, Orange & Parkes) met in Orange on 24 November 2016 and reviewed the responses and selected a shortlist of 4 providers. All 4 providers provided demonstrations on their product in Orange over 13 & 14 December 2016. Three providers delivered their demonstrations via webinar and the fourth provider travelled to Orange to deliver their demonstration on-site. Negotiations are underway with the preferred respondent and councils will be notified of the outcome in due course. Centroc staff met with LGNSW in Sydney on 28 November to commence discussions on gaining access to the e-learning content provided by LGNSW for the 6 core courses offered under the current contract. Follow up work will commence throughout the beginning of 2017.

2C-2 Seek consistency and commonality in policies and procedures to assist employees in the region to develop a career path, while fostering improved organisational cultures to improve operational efficiencies.

As part of the ‘grow your own’ trainee program, a database has been developed, showing each Council’s trainee/cadet details with a view to utilising existing trained staff in member councils where the Council who had the trainee could not offer them a permanent job on completion of their traineeship. This database is a work in progress with information received from Bathurst, Cabonne, Lachlan, Lithgow, Mid-Western, Oberon, Orange and Upper Lachlan. The database is available on request by members of the HR Group.

2C-3 Share support and advice to build positive, sustainable relationships with unions and associated employee

A representative from LGNSW’s Industrial Relations team has been invited and has been attending the quarterly HR Manager’s Group meetings for the past 12 months. The Group advise the Representative (via Centroc staff) beforehand what is of particular interest and what they would like discussed on the day so the presentation is relevant and current to the Group. The

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Group has requested that a representative from LGNSW continue to be invited to attend each quarterly HR Group meeting. A workforce planning workshop is proposed to be delivered by LGNSW in Bathurst on 22 February 2017 and details of this workshop will be formalized over the next coming weeks. This workshop will have a specific focus on how to prepare a Workforce Plan as most councils are preparing their new Workforce Plan which is due in June 2017.

2D-1 Act as a central coordination point for joint training.

An update on the Training Service including statistics is found later in this report. In late December 2016 Section 51 Pty Ltd delivered a Grants & Funding Workshop in Weddin. This Workshop was specifically aligned to the government’s Building Better Regions Fund. The purpose of this workshop was to deliver training to achieve a shared understanding in grant funding. Councils who participated in this workshop were Bathurst, Cabonne, Forbes, Hilltops, Oberon, Weddin & Centroc. Section 51 delivered an additional workshop in Orange on 18 January 2017. This workshop was specifically aligned to the second component of the Building Better Regions Fund – Community Investments Stream. At the request of the water operators and supervisors, Centroc staff delivered the following courses in late-December 2016:

Activated Sludge & Biological Nutrient Reduction

Backflow Prevention & Awareness

Code of Practice – Fluoride The Activated Sludge & Biological Nutrient Reduction course was scheduled to be delivered at the training rooms of University of Sydney (Lithgow campus) but the campus advised they were not in a position to provide these training rooms at the last minute. Centroc staff received valuable assistance from Lithgow City Council staff in the providing of and setting up of the training room in Wallerawang library and laboratory at the Wallerawang water treatment facility.

2D-2 Be proactive in the identification of training needs to assist with the skill development of staff.

As reported previously, the AWA Certification Pilot for the National Framework has now concluded with a total of 12 operators being deemed “certified” under the program. Centroc staff worked with Boorowa, Lithgow & Mid-Western to undertake a mapping exercise of their water operators to determine which units of competency from the water operations training package they would need to complete. The work for Mid-Western was completed in February with the other 2 councils yet to be finalised. At the last CWUA meeting Lachlan expressed interest in

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the project and work will commence for them in the coming months. Centroc applied for and was successful in receiving full funding from State Training Services for Code of Practice in Fluoride. The training was delivered by Murray Thompson through TAFE North Coast in Orange in December 2016. This workshop complemented the training that has already been delivered in the region by Murray. Councils who attended this workshop were Bathurst, Mid Western, Narromine & Dubbo.

2D-3 Identify and seek funding and income related to training initiatives.

Centroc staff are in regular contact with TAFE Western and other RTOs to keep up to date with any funding opportunities. Jennifer James from LGNSW attended the November meeting and indicated there may be funding opportunities within the Department of Industry which will available in 2017. At the time of writing, Ms James will attend the HR Managers’ Group meeting on 21 February 2017 to discuss:

The training needs of councils’ existing workers that can be met through VET qualifications and skill sets because when the funding is announced, LGNSW will need to collate training needs and appoint RTOs to deliver the training

Councils’ capacity to be involved with pre-apprenticeship and pre-traineeship programs of 6 weeks, particularly if councils are looking to employ new apprentices and trainees in the first 6 months of 2017

Councils’ capacity to recruit new trainees and apprentices in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and the vocations in which they are needed.

TAFE Western have reported that during the October – December 2016 quarter there was $40,413.00 in savings achieved for Councils with compliance training that was delivered under funding and in addition to the Centroc Compliance Training Contract. The Councils that have achieved these savings are:

Blayney Shire Council - $16,915

Forbes Shire Council - $20,885

Orange City Council - $1,395

Weddin Shire Council - $1,218

2D-4 Identify and promote the engagement of local, regional training providers to develop and expand the regional training industry.

There are currently four providers on the contract for compliance training with 32 courses on offer under the contract. The 4 training providers on the panel are:

Allens Training – based in Goulburn

ATAC – based in Tamworth, and

Mines Rescue – based in Newcastle and has an office in Lithgow.

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TAFE Western – based in Orange

2D-5 Increase educational opportunities related to local government by involvement with regional educational institutions.

See details above regarding the ‘grow your own’ project database. Centroc staff used to participate in the Water Training Advisory Network (WTAN) meetings held quarterly in Sydney however this group has scaled back and Centroc are unaware of any meetings held since February 2016.

2D-6 Develop and maintain the Centroc online training program

Courses currently available to participating councils including the new Aboriginal Cultural Awareness (additional cost), Alcohol and Other Drugs, Bullying and Harassment, Code of Conduct, Equal Employment Opportunity, Privacy and Work Health and Safety, Introduction to Local Government (additional cost) and Contractor Management (additional cost). In late December 2016 Cubic Consulting developed a “Manual Handling” online module which will be available at no additional cost to Centroc councils. This module will be distributed to the participating councils for comments and feedback in the next coming weeks before being uploaded to the DOTS platform. Earlier feedback provided from councils regarding content assisted in the development of this module.

Procurement and Contracts

2E-1 Achieve savings through joint procurement of goods and services

Existing Contracts: Fuel (Lowes Petroleum, Oilsplus, Park Fuels and United Petroleum) – expires on 30 June 2018 with the option for a 12 month extension. The new contract commenced on 1 July 2016, with most councils resolving to enter into contracts. A Request for Quotation/Tender (RFX) included both the supply and delivery of bulk fuel and fuel cards. The contracts for bulk fuel and fuels cards were split as bulk fuel was a time sensitive contract due to the previous contract expiring on 30 June 2016, however with fuel cards alternative options were discovered which caused delays in notifying councils of the outcome. Besides the 3 respondents for the fuel cards tender, alternative options were found with LGP and Procurement Australia. Members were sent a spreadsheet showing the analysis of each option, whereby councils could enter their spend and number of cards/transactions for councils to then make an informed decision on the best possible option for them. Road Signs (ArtCraft, Barrier Signs and DeNeefe) – expires 30 September 2017, after a 12 month extension. All councils have been provided with proforma contract extensions for each provider, along with a variation to include Class 1X and Class 1X

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fluoro sign. Details on councils’ utilisation of the contract can be found later in this report. Bitumen Emulsion (Boral Asphalt) expires on 28 February 2017, with an option for a 12 month extension. Members have been surveyed with everyone who responded stating that they would like for the contract to be extended for a period of 12 months. Details on councils’ utilisation of the contract can be found later in this report. Linemarking Services (Avante Linemarking, Central West Linemarking, Complete Linemarking Services, Workforce Road Services) - expires on 30 September 2017, with an option for a 12 month extension. To date no contracts have been returned from Workforce Road Services. Details on councils’ utilisation of the contract can be found later in this report. The contract is due to expire on 30 September 2017 with the option available for a 12 month extension. CCTV of Sewer and Stormwater Mains (Sewer Services) – expires on 30 June 2018, with no options for extension. Details on councils’ utilisation of the contract can be found later in this report. Smoke Testing of Sewer Service Lines (All About Pipes and ADS Environmental) - expires on 30 June 2018, with no options for extension. Details on councils’ utilisation of the contract can be found later in this report. Asset Valuation Services for Water and Sewer (Australis Asset Advisory Group) – expires on 30 June 2017. Further details on this contract can be found in the Water Infrastructure report. Auditing of Performance Reporting for Water and Sewer (Bowden, Sloan and Associates) – expires on 30 June 2017. Further details on this contract can be found in the Water Infrastructure report. Panel of Asbestos Consultants (AD Envirotech, GHD, Regional Enviroscience) – expires on 30 September 2021. This is not a contract as such, but councils can engage the providers on the panel on an as needs basis. It is simply a pre-approved panel of providers, where councils will still need to undertake their own due diligence prior to engaging any of the providers. Information on the contracts for the WHS/Risk Management Group and the HR Managers Group can be found in their respective reports within this business paper. Procurement

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At the GMAC meeting of 28 July, it was resolved to commence a number of procurement processes for the RDOCS Group. The members of RDOCS have been surveyed to prioritise the processes. Based on the feedback from the 6 councils who responded, the order that the procurement will be as follows:

1. Printing and Mailing of Rates Notices (RFQ closed 23/1/2017 – Evaluation on responses underway )

2. Panel for Legal Services 3. Banking Services 4. Water Meter Reading.

Work has commenced in this regard. Accredited Certificate Providers for the Creation of Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs) A selective Request for Proposal was issued on 7 October and closed on 21 October. The RFP sought to identify Accredited Certificate Providers (ACPs) to undertake the creation of ESCs for participating councils. The proposed contracts will be signed by individual councils for the period of 1 November 2016 to 31 December 2019. For more detail please request the Energy Report. Learning Management System and E-Learning Content More information can be found in the HR and Training Report. Restocking of First Aid Kits An RFQ was conducted for the 4 councils who expressed interest in the process, where other councils are able to join at any time. The RFQ closed on 20 September, and the evaluation occurred in Cowra on 14 October for the contract to commence on 1 January 2017 and expire on 30 June 2019. Pre-Employment Screening With the contract for Pre-Employment Screening due to conclude on 30 June 2017, work has commenced on the next Request for Quotation. The RFQ was released on 7 October and closed on 1 November. The new contract will commence on 1 July 2017 and will conclude on 30 June 2020. Pipe Relining Previously there was a Centroc regional contract for pipe relining which was developed for the CEEP2 grant work. LGP now has a contract for these services, and the CWUA will receive a report at their next meeting with an analysis of the options available for procuring these services in the future, whether it be through LGP or another Centroc regional procurement process. Road Signs The contract for the supply and delivery of road signs is due to expire on 30 September 2017. The process to procure a new

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contract is underway following approval at the October GMAC meeting. Internal Audit The contract with Grant Thornton Australia for Internal Audit is due to expire on 30 June 2017 after a 12 month extension. The process to procure a new contract is underway following approval at the October GMAC meeting. Advice is being sought from RDOCs on the next steps. CWUA Contracts At their meeting in November 2015, the CWUA prioritised a list of procurement which they intend to undertake in the coming years. The rankings were as follows:

1. Asset Valuation of Water and Sewer – completed and contract is now in place

2. Water Main Condition Assessment 3. Trade Waste 4. Mains Cleaning 5. Manhole Rehabilitation

The Centroc Procurement Plan can be found later in this report.

2E-2 Generate income through rebates

Quarterly reports are requested from all contractors with whom there is a Centroc contract. Management fees are invoiced on applicable contracts either quarterly or six-monthly, depending on the details in the contract. At the time of writing this report, the quarterly reports had not yet been received from all providers. The income from rebates can be found in the Finance Report.

2E-3 Encourage use of the latest technology for communication and purchasing functions

The BP Stores Management Committee are looking at the implementation of barcoding systems into their Stores, where Forbes has had great success in its low cost implementation. Some members have signed up to use VendorPanel for their own panels and contracts, while others are waiting to establish panels before embarking down this path. A regional VendorPanel site is an option that will be discussed when the final makeup of the ROC/JO is determined.

2E-4 Provide a forum for facilitating intra-regional cooperation and sharing of knowledge, expertise and resources

The BP Stores Management Committee met on 24 May 2016 with 10 Councils represented. Key outcomes of the meeting were:

Review options to assist members in selling overstocked/unused items;

Deeper review into how to handle items returned to store from a job;

Established 8 items for regional benchmarking with regards to best practice measures;

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Pursue a regional training course on Stores and Inventory Management with ArcBlue.

A tour of the Blayney and CTW stores and depots were held after the meeting which provided some good discussion points at the networking lunch. Minutes of the meeting are available upon request. Where there was no quorum for the November 2016 meeting of this group, a meeting is being pursued for the first quarter of 2017.

2E-5 Provide a central support program for all regional contract management

Feedback continues to be sought from the relevant teams for each of the contracts, through Survey Monkey. The teams are reporting that they are happy with this alternative approach to providing feedback on the contracts. The back end of the Centroc website has been set up to allow Council staff to request access to an area that has templates for contracts and tender documentation as well as information regarding all of Centroc’s regional contracts, including contact details and contract dates and specifications.

Energy Programming

2F-1 Support regional energy management services

Status of licences for energy monitoring software:

E21 (all councils now on premium licence)

Centroc Review of e21 reports

Planet Footprint

Cabonne Bathurst

CTW Blayney

Forbes Cowra

Lachlan Parkes


Oberon None

Orange Hilltops


Upper Lachlan Weddin

For those councils using e21, quarterly reports are provided which highlight areas that may warrant action and possibly lead to savings. The reports show the following areas:

Missing accounts

Gaps in accounts


Sites with poor power factor

Low use tariff sites

Tariff sites with potential to change to TOU/flat rate/contract

Contract sites with potential to change to tariff

It is unknown whether council staff are following through with

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the suggested alterations, so these will now be reported through GMAC.

2F-2 Monitor electricity procurement and provide advice accordingly

Current contracts:

Small sites o 1/7/2014- 31/12/2016 - PowerDirect o 1/1/2017-31/12/2019 - Origin Energy

Buildings and facilities o 1/7/2015-31/12/2017 - ERM o New process to commence in early 2017 for new

contract to commence 1/1/2018

Street lighting o 1/7/2015-31/12/2017 - ERM o New process to commence in early 2017 for new

contract to commence 1/1/2018 Members would be aware that Energy and Management Services (EMS) were engaged in early 2016 to conduct the next rounds of procurement for small sites, large sites and street lighting. Through the procurement process for small sites, it is estimated that councils saved the following in the first year of the contract:

Council $ Saving % saving

Bathurst Did not participate

Blayney $7,299 9.82%

Cabonne $45,837 14.41%

Cowra $31,432 11.97%

CTW $14,323 12.13%

Forbes $37,387 13.94%

Hilltops Did not participate

Lachlan $37,377 11.97%

Lithgow $24,802 9.97%

Mid-Western Did not participate

Oberon $19,052 13.46%

Orange $52,086 11.71%

Parkes $39,802 11.55%

Upper Lachlan $39,580 13.41%

Weddin $10,906 11.69%

Total $359,883 12.32%

This information was provided to members through a media release in July 2016

2F-3 Review regional distributed energy plan

In 2012, Bathurst, Cowra, Forbes, Orange and Young engaged Arup to develop distributed energy plans in addition to a distributed energy toolkit. Copies have been provided to Moreland Energy Foundation Limited (MEFL) as part of the Regional Renewable Energy Innovation Project.

2F-4 Monitor opportunities for grant funded programming

A $500m Climate Change Fund is due to roll out from July of this year. Centroc staff have lodged a submission regarding the framework and on 20 January met with key staff of OEH on ensuring the design of the program meets the needs of regional NSW.

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Further work is being carried out in this space. Please request a verbal update.

2F-5 Monitor activity in street lighting and provide support on an as needs basis

Centroc staff participate in the Essential Energy (EE) Streetlighting Consultative Committee (SCC) which meets on a quarterly basis. The most recent communique to councils is attached to this report, with the highlights being:

Networks NSW tender update – the Networks NSW tender process is now complete. EE will transition to LED lighting as standard for Category P lights, with trials to be completed for category V prior to updating standards. EE’s standard materials list has been updated and is now available, providing details of LED lights for Category P roads. Decorative lights and columns are no longer available for new installations.

Transition to LED lighting – Councils may commence installing LED’s for new developments once they have an LED Street Light Use of System (SLUOS) pricing agreement in place with EE.

SLUOS LED pricing – As EE does not yet have an AER approved SLUOS price for LED lights, LED pricing will need to be agreed through a negotiated pricing framework. EE issued a letter to each Council on 16 August 2016, providing proposed transitional pricing arrangements and also an opportunity for councils to participate in the pricing negotiations. Responses were received from 56 councils, with a number of councils nominating their ROC to negotiate on their behalf. Proposed pricing material was issued to negotiating parties on 7 September, with an introductory teleconference held on 8 September to review the material provided. A workshop was then held in Sydney on 5 October. A majority of Councils (Centroc was not part of this majority) agreed to a price in early January. A final letter to Essential Energy is being drafted outlining our ongoing non-price concerns, particularly around residual value in Tariff 2. This is material to future grant funding of LED rollouts. Once a negotiated LED SLUOS price is available, EE will formally offer this pricing to each Council for their adoption via a letter of agreement. This negotiated pricing will remain in place until 1 July 2019, when a regulated price is scheduled to be determined by the AER.

Of the 56 councils who returned their participation forms detailed above, Centroc members' return rate was 100%. Ms J Bennett and Ms K Barker were both in attendance at the

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meeting held with EE in Sydney on 5 October 2016, along with Graham Mawer from Next Energy who has been engaged by Centroc, REROC and CBRJO to negotiate on behalf of members of each ROC. Mr Mawer has provided a detailed list of feedback to be provided back to EE with queries on components of the proposed SLUOS pricing. The proposed feedback has been reviewed by the Executive Officers of Centroc, REROC and CBRJO into the process. Please request a verbal update. EE has provided the following proposed Lamp Replacement Schedule:

Hilltops – Oct 16 – may be postponed

Upper Lachlan – Oct 16

Blayney – Oct 16– may be postponed

Oberon – Oct 17

Weddin – Nov 17

Forbes – Jan 18

Cowra – Jan 18

Lachlan – Jan 18

Parkes – May 18

Orange – Aug 19

Bathurst – Sept 19

Cabonne – Jun 20 Centroc staff contacted Hilltops, Upper Lachlan and Blayney to identify where councils interest was in LEDs as they are the first in the group identified in the list above scheduled for the next round of bulk lamp replacements. Both Hilltops and Blayney advised they were interested in LEDs and would like more information to enable a business case to be put together for Council for a bulk LED replacement program. During the bulk lamp replacement, any luminaires that are found to have failed will be replaced with LEDs, however if it is just general maintenance and lamp replacement, the lamp will be replaced like-for-like. It is important to note that any lighting that is changed to a more energy efficient type is eligible for Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs). Members are responding well to this process.

2F-6 Deliver regional community solar panel procurement project

There is currently no MoU in place.

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2H-1 Develop Regional IT Plan and implement

Bathurst, Forbes, Lithgow and Oberon Councils have completed the IT Strategic Plans project with EUIT. A meeting will be scheduled with members of the Regional IT Managers Group for July 2017.

2H-2 Provide advice to GMAC

Please request previous reports on completed programs for IT. A meeting is being scheduled for July 2017 to progress the Regional IT Plan.

Online Training Reporting on a financial year basis is under development. The online training system is being used by 12 member councils including Bathurst, Boorowa, Cabonne, Cowra, Forbes, Lachlan, Lithgow, Oberon, Orange, Parkes, Upper Lachlan and Young. The following table shows the number of courses that have been undertaken in the online training system from 1 October 2012 to 31 December 2016:

Council Aboriginal

Cultural Awareness

Alcohol & Other Drugs

Bullying and Harassment

Code of Conduct

Equal Employment Opportunity


Privacy Work

Health & Safety


Bathurst 248 405 325 410 308 323 378 2,397

Cabonne 0 60 55 63 62 62 69 371

Cowra 0 29 71 71 75 10 28 284

Forbes 0 72 97 99 73 77 63 481

Hilltops 0 59 29 43 29 32 33 225

Lachlan 0 5 20 20 5 33 0 83

Lithgow 0 34 37 37 26 28 30 192

Oberon 0 92 114 108 101 105 108 628

Orange 0 48 165 240 118 108 57 736

Parkes 0 99 89 101 171 125 33 618

Upper Lachlan 0 128 154 25 26 30 140 503

Total 248 1,031 1,156 1,217 994 933 939 6,518

Training Statistics The following table shows the training statistics for 1 July 2016 – 31 December 2016:

Council No. Of


No. Of staff


Training Service Spend

Online Training spend

Total spend Total Savings

Bathurst 10 56 $9,540 $13,900 $23,440 $9,590

Blayney 4 8 $7,105 $0 $7,105 $2,354

Cabonne 2 2 $680 $6,450 $7,130 $135

Cowra 13 71 $15,560 $5,482 $21,042 $6,722

CTW 0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Forbes 13 74 $20,520 $3,870 $24,390 $7,200

Hilltops 10 100 $21,266 $3,546 $24,812 $5,292

Lachlan 7 38 $8,052 $4,192 $12,244 $6,139

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Lithgow 19 92 $33,068 $6,450 $39,518 $6,105

Mid-Western 5 19 $6,462 $0 $6,462 $517

Oberon 6 12 $3,680 $3,128 $6,808 $5,120

Orange 18 84 $27,931 $3,224 $31,155 $16,101

Parkes 8 20 $13,572 $4,836 $18,408 $2,485

Upper Lachlan 4 31 $8,845 $4,676 $13,521 $225

Weddin 4 21 $5,227 $0 $5,227 $7,171

Other LGAs 17 38 $14,619 $0 $14,619 $12,188

Non-LGA 1 1 $2,761 $0 $2,761 $157

Total 141 667 $198,888 $59,754 $258,642 $87,501

Please note, these statistics reflect all training including training undertaken under the compliance training contract. The following table shows the trend for each member Council over the past 6 years. Note that the contract for load shifting training was in use from July 2012 – June 2015, online training commenced in October 2012 and is ongoing, traffic control training was in use from July 2014 – June 2015 and compliance training commenced in April 2016 and is ongoing. The spend under these contracts are included in the table.

Council 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 Total

Bathurst $24,503 $27,642 $33,467 $38,778 $48,810 $43,797 $216,997

Blayney $10,203 $2,672 $2,750 $2,615 $8,909 $9,407 $36,556

Cabonne $12,590 $6,776 $25,972 $28,744 $28,687 $68,781 $171,550

Cowra $52,755 $34,522 $25,008 $70,480 $54,833 $58,844 $296,442

CTW $2,926 $4,111 $1,850 $420 $3,250 $1,320 $13,877

Forbes $23,816 $34,710 $22,240 $51,400 $28,458 $45,360 $205,984

Hilltops $18,193 $20,082 $32,060 $16,140 $25,693 $40,557 $152,725

Lachlan $26,348 $27,435 $28,539 $33,390 $27,251 $33,110 $176,073

Lithgow $48,587 $49,402 $59,503 $34,799 $50,118 $65,786 $308,195

Mid-Western $0 $7,920 $0 $240 $0 $14,135 $22,295

Oberon $6,022 $7,585 $2,275 $19,306 $18,357 $31,903 $85,448

Orange $20,798 $31,807 $68,309 $22,719 $50,642 $59,930 $254,205

Parkes $52,370 $32,770 $17,027 $10,870 $37,024 $39,193 $189,254

Upper Lachlan

$6,306 $37,780 $33,125 $6,570 $35,294 $22,978 $142,053

Weddin $16,503 $8,335 $4,510 $13,650 $667 $960 $44,625

Other $89,269 $47,313 $48,521 $12,355 $4,725 $23,230 $225,413

Total $411,189 $372,942 $405,156 $362,236 $422,718 $545,156 $2,519,413

Procurement and Contracts Regional Procurement Plan The following table shows the 5 Year Procurement Plan for regional contracts.





Contract Current contract

expiry 1 July 2014-30

June 2015

1 July 2015-30

June 2016

1 July 2016-30 June 2017

1 July 2017-30 June 2018

1 July 2018-30 June 2019



Bitumen 28-Feb-17 contract commenced on 1 March 2015

option for 12 month extension of contract

new contract to commence on 1 March 2018

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Contract Current contract

expiry 1 July 2014-30

June 2015

1 July 2015-30

June 2016

1 July 2016-30 June 2017

1 July 2017-30 June 2018

1 July 2018-30 June 2019

Road Signs 30-Sep-17 contract commenced on 1 October 2014

12 month extension of contract executed

new contract to commence 1 October 2017

Fuel 30-Jun-18 new contract commenced 1 July 2016

option for 12 month extension of contract

Line Marking Services


contract commenced on 1 October 2015

option for 12 month extension of contract

new contract to commence 1 October 2018

Pest Services Proposed new contract

scoping to take place

Clothing Proposed new contract

scoping to take place

Road Aggregate Proposed new contract

scoping to take place




Employee Assistance Program


contract commenced on 1 July 2015

option for 12 month extension of contract

WHS Compliance Training


contract commenced on 1 April 2016

option for 12 month extension of contract

Online Training 31-Aug-16

12 month extension of contract executed Scoping for new contract has commenced.

New contact to commence on 1 September 2017.

SCOUT e-recruitment

28-Feb-17 contract commenced 1 March 2015

new contract to commence 1 March 2017

Pre-employment Screening


12 month extension of contract executed. New RFQ run in late 2016.

new contract to commence 1 July 2017

Restocking of First Aid Kits

New contract

Scoping and RFQ to take place mid-late 2016.

New contract to commence 1 January 2017



Developer Servicing Plans

31-Dec-16 contract commenced on 1 May 2015

no option for extension.

Dam Surveillance

30-Apr-19 new contract to commence 1 May 2019.

CCTV 30-Jun-18

no option for extension. new contract to commence 1 July 2019

Smoke Testing 30-Jun-18

no option for extension. new contract to commence 1 July 2019

Asset Revaluation (WTP, STP and dams)

30-Jun-17 Contract commenced 1 September 2016

Auditing of Performance Reporting

30-Jun-17 Contract commenced 1 September 2016

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Contract Current contract

expiry 1 July 2014-30

June 2015

1 July 2015-30

June 2016

1 July 2016-30 June 2017

1 July 2017-30 June 2018

1 July 2018-30 June 2019

Pipe Relining

scoping to commence in 2017, including analysis of options available through other aggregators.

Water Main Condition Assessment

Proposed new contract

scoping to commence in 2017

Trade Waste Proposed new contract

scoping to commence in 2017

Mains Cleaning Proposed new contract

scoping to commence in 2018

Manhole Rehabilitation

Proposed new contract

scoping to commence in 2018




Health Check of Insurance Portfolio


Option for 12 month contract extension

Internal Audit 30-Jun-16 12 month extension of contract executed

new contract to commence 1 July 2017

Banking Services

Proposed new contract

scoping to commence in 2017

CTP Brokerage RFQ conducted through RDOCS.

Rate Notices Printing

Proposed new contract

RFQ process to commence in late 2016 for 1 July 2017 commencement.

Legal Services Panel

Proposed new contract

scoping to commence in 2017

Water Meter Reading

Proposed new contract

scoping to commence in 2017







d, n





Asbestos Consultants

30-Sep-21 Panel arrangement commenced 1 October 2016.

Energy Experts 31-Mar-18 Panel arrangement commenced 1 April 2016.

WHS/Risk Management Group Meetings – additional attendees Mid Western Regional Council has requested permission to attend one of the Group’s quarterly meetings during the year. The reason for this request was that the Council’s membership had fallen under OROC and Council still wishes to attend for networking purposes.

Attachments to the Operational Report

25. Submission 16 December feedback on the Draft Climate Change Fund Strategic Plan and A Draft Plan to Save NSW Energy and Money.

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7i Financial Report

Report by Ann Thomas dated 8/2/17

Section 2

Regional Cooperation & Resource Sharing

Objective 2I Maintain an Effective Board

Subject Financial Report

Recommendation/s to the Financial Report

That the Board note the Financial Report.

This report presents the financial accounts at 8 February 2017. This report does not include the Bells Line Expressway Group which is reported separately. This report anticipates a loss of $22,154 at 30 June 2017 against a budgeted loss of $697. The withdrawal of Mid-Western Regional Council from Centroc has reduced total membership fee income for 2016/2017 by $50,217. This loss of income will be partly offset by the reduced wages costs as a result of the resignation of Ms Lee Chapman in September 2016. A restructure of Ms Chapman’s position is currently being formulated. Several other small variations to the Centroc budget have been identified and the anticipated result at 30 June 2017 has been adjusted accordingly. There will be further variations to the budget throughout the remainder of the financial year as final figures come to hand and these will be reported accordingly.

Attachments to the Financial Report Nil.

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Budget Actual Anticipated

2016/2017 8/02/2017 30/06/2017


CENTROC Membership Fees 285,732 258,713 258,713 Regional Training Service Fees - Training 25,321 21,965 21,965 Regional Training Service Fees - OH&S & HR 41,750 36,219 36,219 Screen NSW Service Fees 15,000 14,000 14,000 Screen NSW Other ROC 1,000 1,000 1,000 CWUA Best Practice Program 166,524 153,213 153,213

$535,327 $485,110 $485,110

CWUA - Asset Valuations 143,278 144,000 CWUA - Auditing of Performance Reporting 10,500 47,100 CWUA - Dam Surveillance 106,500 106,500 CWUA - Developer Services Plan 10,953 10,953 CWUA - Pipe Relining 143,229 200,000

106,500 307,960 508,553

HR - Regional Training Service Income 300,000 201,693 300,000 HR - Online Training 110,000 59,760 110,000 HR - E-Recruitment 19,200 18,000 19,200

$429,200 $279,452 $429,200

Supply Rebates - Bitumen, Fuel, Roadsigns, Line Marking, Diesel 46,000 22,473 46,000 HR Rebates - Online Training, Pre-Employment, Employee Assist Program 9,000 5,582 9,000 WHS Rebates - Compliance Training 5,000 2,289 5,000 CWUA Rebates - CCTV, Pipe Relining, Dam Surveillance, Smoke Testing 40,500 4,690 40,500 Energy Rebates - Electricity 2,000 2,000 CCS - Internal Audit 2,000 2,000 LGP Rebate 70,000 59,162 70,000 Sundry Rebates - Health Check 3,000 3,000 Non-Member Contract Fee 1,500 1,500

$177,500 $95,696 $179,000

Vehicle Lease Back EO 4,000 2,080 4,000 Vehicle Lease Back BPP 4,000 960 960 Vehicle Lease Back CWUA 4,500 2,600 5,000 Vehicle Lease Back Energy & Training Program 4,000 2,205 2,500 Interest 10,000 4,613 7,500 Member Council/Consultant Expenses Reimbursed 8,074 8,074 Sundry - Reimbursed 2,368 2,368

$26,500 $22,901 $30,402

Total Income $1,275,027 $1,191,119 $1,632,265

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Expenditure Executive Officer Costs 185,000 103,333 185,000 Executive Officer Vehicle Costs & Depn 13,000 1,300 13,000 Best Practice in Procurement Program Manager 107,500 33,724 75,000 Best Practice in Procurement Program Manager - Vehicle Costs & Depn 13,000 1,152 7,500 Energy, Contracts & Training Program Manager 93,000 46,983 90,000 Energy, Contracts & Training Program Manager - Vehicle costs 13,000 6,150 7,500 Training & Program Support Officer 60,000 28,558 60,000 Finance Officer 55,000 27,553 55,000 Executive Assistant 515 1,000 Secretariat Council Support - Executive Assistant 35,000 17,500 35,000 Procurement Program 10,000 7,994 10,000 CWUA Best Practice Program Manager & Program costs 166,524 166,524 CWUA - Asset Valuations 94,925 144,000 CWUA - Auditing of Performance Reporting 10,500 47,100 CWUA - Dam Surveillance 106,500 106,500 CWUA - Developer Services Plan 6,000 10,953 CWUA - Pipe Relining 143,229 200,000 HR - Training Service Costs 275,000 177,624 275,000 HR - Online Training 90,000 48,828 90,000 HR - E-Recruitment 19,200 15,750 19,200 Advocacy 2,083 5,000 Audit Fees 6,500 3,522 6,500 Bank Fees and Sundry costs 2,500 794 2,500 Computer Software 2,000 626 2,000 Depreciation (excl. vehicles) 500 500 Internet Cloud 10,000 2,595 10,000 Legal 700 700 Member Council/Consultant Expenses Reimbursed 8,074 8,074 Printing and Stationery 2,500 2,500 Sundry - Reimbursed 2,368 2,368 Supply Management Administration 3,047 6,000 Webex Conferences 5,000 1,164 5,000 Website Hosting and costs 5,000 1,305 5,000

Total Expenditure $1,275,724 $797,896 $1,654,419

Net Profit/Loss -$697 $393,222 -$22,154

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Non-Budgeted Items (carried over and funded from surplus)

Reserves from 2015/2016 and Prior Year Reserves Unspent

Beyond the Range - Council Contributions 33,375 10,581 33,375

Community Energy Efficiency Program - CEEP 2 Milestone 9 180,613 180,613

CWUA Best Practice Program Manager & Program costs 129,306 106,278 129,306

CWUA - Developer Service Plans 63,600 63,600

Energy Workshops - Office of Environment & Energy Grant 6,000 6,000

Energy Workshops - Centroc matching contribution 5,932 699 5,932

Health Study 6,434 6,434

IT - Unified Communications 20,580 7,127 20,580

Revolving Cost Savings Fund 50,000 50,000

Roads Transport Technical Committee Business Plan 50,000 4,852 50,000

Screen Central NSW (incl website) 11,769 11,769

Total Non-Budgeted Expenditure $557,609 $129,537 $557,609

Net Profit/Loss after Non-Budgeted Expenditure -$558,306 $263,685 -$579,763

Accumulated Surplus at 30 June 2016 $685,612

Anticipated Surplus at 30 June 2017 $105,849

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Acronyms and Glossary

8 The Centroc Acronyms and Glossary Guide PURPLE

ACELG Australian Centre for Excellence in Local Government AEC Australian Electoral Commission AECOM The company which undertook the water security and quality report for Infrastructure

Australia AER Australian Energy Regulator ANCOLD Australian National Committee on Large Dams AWA Australian Water Association BCP Business Continuity Plan BLOR Bells Line of Road BLEG Bells Line Expressway Group – Chaired by Ian Armstrong OAM with funding primarily

from Centroc Councils - go to for more advice BOD Bathurst/Orange/Dubbo Alliance CANFA Conservation Agricultural & No-till Farming Association CCT Capital Country Tourism CEEP Community Energy Efficiency Program Centroc Central NSW Regional Organisation of Councils CMA Catchment Management Authority CNSWT Central NSW Tourism CPI Consumer Price index CRC Co-operative Research Centre CRRSMTP Centroc Regional Resource Sharing, Mentoring and Training Plan – funded under SBCP

and being delivered by the CWUA CRSWP Centroc Regional Water Security Project – Lake Rowlands, associated pipework and

other smaller infrastructure projects also known as Option F2A of the Centroc Water Security Study

CSP Community Strategic Plan CTW Central Tablelands Water CWCMA Central West Catchment Management Authority CWDGP Central West Division of General Practitioners CWFS Central Western Farming Systems – operating out of Condo Ag station and with a

membership of 400 this organisation is partnering with Centroc to deliver the communication strategy for the Carbon+ Plan

CWRWP Centroc Water Resources Working Party CWSS Centroc Water Security Study – Funded 100% by the State Government at $500K this

project identifies action that needs to be taken to secure water for Central NSW to 2059.

CWUA Centroc Water Utilities Alliance – formed late 2009 and formally named in 2010, the CWUA is a regional project that has attracted around $100K of grant funding to deliver practice compliance, efficiencies and cost savings across the region

DCCEE Department of Climate and Energy Efficiency DECCW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water DEEWR Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations DMP Destination Management Plan DNSW Destination New South Wales DOHA Federal Department of Health and Ageing DPC Department of Premier and Cabinet DTIRIS Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services E21 A web based software enabling councils to analyse their consumption and expenditure

on electricity

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Acronyms and Glossary

EDO Economic Development Officer EMS Energy & Management Service, owners of e21 EOI Expression of interest ERM Enterprise Risk Management EV Electric Vehicle FASS Forensic and Analytical Science Service FCO Film contact officer FTE Full time Equivalent GM General Manager GMAC General Managers Advisory Committee GML General Mass limits GSA Government Skills Australia HCCREMS Hunter & Central Coast Regional Environmental Management Strategy HEMS Helicopter Emergency and Medical Retrieval Services HRMG Human Resources Managers Group I & I Industry and Investment NSW IA Infrastructure Australia INSW Infrastructure NSW IPandR Integrated Planning and Reporting IPART Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal IWCM(P) Integrated Water Cycle Management (Plan) – a statutory requirement under best

practice in NSW – Centroc is procuring these and other best practice plans collectively to save members money and provide some regional shared understandings and their efficiencies of both the plans and their implementation

JO Joint Organisation KSA Kingsford Smith Airport LEP Local Environment Plan LGA Local Government Area LGMA Local Government Managers Australia LGP Local Government Procurement LGNSW Local Government NSW LMWUA Lower Macquarie Water Utilities Alliance – Centroc used the LMWUA model for the

CWUA LOS Levels of Service LTO Local Tourism Organisation LWU Local Water Utility MDB Murray Darling Basin MLA Mid Lachlan Alliance of Councils – Parkes, Forbes, Weddin and Lachlan MOJO Meeting of Joint Organisation MoU Memorandum of Understanding – Centroc has signed these with Lachlan CMA, Central

West CMA, Central West Division of GPs and RDACW. MWH The company which undertook the Water Security Study and is undertaking the Carbon+

work for the region NAB National Australia Bank NDRA Natural Disaster Relief Assistance Program

NHVAS National Heavy Vehicle Accreditation Scheme

NHVR National Heavy Vehicle Regulator NOW NSW Office of Water

NRM Natural Resource Management OEH NSW Office of Environment and Heritage OLG Office of Local Government

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Acronyms and Glossary

OoLR Operators of Last Report OROC Orana Regional Organisation of Councils PGPPP Prevocational General Practice Placements Program PHU Public Health Unit PHN Primary Health Network PRIP Priority Region Infrastructure Plan – the engineers of the Centroc Region with $10K of

consultancy support are near completion of a plan that identifies that priorities of the region for infrastructure improvements

PSC Project Steering Committee PTC Project Technical Committee QBL Quadruple bottom line – environmental, social, economic and governance. RAMROC Riverina and Murray Regional Organisation of Councils RDACW Regional Development Australia Central West RDAF Regional Development Australia Fund – Federal funding for shovel ready project with

demonstrable regional benefit REP Regional Economic Profile REROC Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils RESAP Regional Environmental Sustainability Action Plan RFS Rural Fire Service RFT Request for Tender RMS Road Management Solutions ROI Return on Investment RPL Recognition of Prior Learning RTO Regional Tourism Organisation – examples include Capital Country, Blue Mountains and

Central NSW RTO Regional Training Organisation – requires accreditation – the Centroc Training Service is

not at RTO as it concentrates on brokering training rather than providing it Screen NSW Screen NSW is a partner agency of Trade and Investment NSW, with a key role in the

creative and economic development of the state SEROC South Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils SEWPAC Federal Department of Sustainability, the Environment, Water Population and Climate SIAP Strategic Internal Audit Plans SLA Service Level Agreement SSROC Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils TAFE Tertiary and Further Education TAGI That’s a Good Idea! TNSW Tourism NSW TOR Terms of Reference WBC Wellington/Blayney/Cabonne Alliance WHS Work Health and Safety WML Western Medicare Local WIOA Water Industry Operators Association WOLG Weight of Loads Group WSAA Water Services Association of Australia WSROC Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Council WSUD Water Sensitive Urban Design WTAN Water Trainer and Assessment Network
