Agenda April 25 th , 2011



Reciprocal Teaching - Integration of English in Science Teaching and Learning. Agenda April 25 th , 2011. Reciprocal Teaching – Definition Rationale – Why use it? Phases of Reciprocal Teaching Resources Reflection. Reciprocal Teaching. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AgendaApril 25th , 2011

• Reciprocal Teaching – Definition• Rationale – Why use it?• Phases of Reciprocal Teaching• Resources• Reflection


Reciprocal Teaching - Integration of English in Science Teaching and Learning

Reciprocal Teaching

Teaching Strategy to incorporate Integration of English Language

comprehension into Science teaching and learning

April 2011


Starter ActivityPurpose: To think and predict -

What “Reciprocal Reading” could be?Organization : Pairs Strategy : T-P-S (Think – pair – share)Time : 5 minutesInstructions : 1.Read the provided statements about RR 2. Circle in the 1st column – whether you

Agree/ Disagree with the statement


Starter Activity

What I think before

Statement (decide if you agree or not)

What I think after

Agree/disagreeA dialogue or discussion

between teachers and students regarding segments of text


Agree/disagreeUses the lower levels of

Bloom’s taxonomy of learning Agree/disagree

Agree/disagreeInvolves mutual exchange of

information between groups of learners


Agree/disagreeReading text that has been

translated so that students can understand


What I think reciprocal teaching / reading could be?


We Learn

10% of what we read

20% of what we hear

30% of what we see

50% of what we both hear and see

70% of what is discussed with others

80% of what we experience personally

95% of what we TEACH someone else


Definition - Reciprocal Readingالتبادلية: القراءة التعريف

A method of teaching students to read for meaning and to monitor their own understanding

القراءة كيفية الطالبات فيها يتعلم طريقة هي. واستيعابهم فهمهم مراقبة و المعنى، الستخالص

Involves a teacher and a group of students taking turns to lead a dialogue concerning a text

من مجموعة مع المعلم من كل باشراك تعنىمتعلق حوار قيادة في االدوار، تبادل عبر الطالبات

. ما بنص


Rationaleالجوهري السبب

Based on theory and research regarding:بـ المتعلقه واالبحاث النظريات الى : استناداً

Metacognitive strategy instruction (teaching students with difficulties ‘how to’ learn)

الصعوبات، ذوي الطالب تعليم وهي اإلدراك، استراتيجيات “ التعلُم” كيفية .

Scaffold instruction (providing support to students in interactive social learning contexts) للطالب الدعم توفير على يعمل والذي الًمصقل، التعليم

اجتماعي و تفاعلي سياق .في7

As students move through school the curriculum becomes increasingly dependent on use of text

اعتماد يزداد الدراسية، المراحل عبر الطالبات تنتقل بينماالقراءة نصوص استخدام على الدراسي .المنهج

Difficulties in comprehension affect progress in almost all areas of learning

في الدراسي التطور على تؤثر االستيعاب في الصعوبة إنالتعليمية النواحي .معظم

Skills often not taught, some students will not acquire them without help

بمقدور يكون ال عادة، تعليمها يتم ال التي المهارات إنمساعدة بدون اكتسابها الطالب .بعض


الجوهري السبب متابعة


Comprehension strategiesاإلستيعاب استراتيجيات

Dialogue between teacher and students structured by use of four key strategies which increase the student's active involvement with the text:

باستخدام ممثالً والطالب المعلم بين الحوار يكون أنعلى تعمل والتي أساسية أستراتيجية محاور أربع

اكبر بشكل النص مع الطالب تفاعل

Questioning األسئلة طرح

Clarifying التوضيح

Summarising التلخيص

Predicting التوُقع 9

Activity # 2Purpose: To become familiar with and understand

the new strategy “Reciprocal Reading”Organization : Groups ( 4 members) Strategy : Numbered headsTime : 10 minutesInstructions : 1.Read through the document (Page 1) on

Reciprocal reading and provide an outline of the steps using the graphic organizer.

2. Clarifying through discussion 10





Additional Resources

Use of prompt cards



For best results, use the strategy with the whole class first when you model the “teacher” behavior

Gradually devolve responsibility to students to share the “teacher” role within their small group under your overall guidance .

Research indicates students need to use this strategy at least twenty times for it to be firmly embedded


Activity 3 -Lesson application

Purpose: Teachers practice planning for reciprocal reading

Organization: subject groupsTime: 15 minInstruction:Create new groups in subject areasUsing your own current plan resource, plan for a lesson based on this new strategy.


Activity 3 –Cross checking

Purpose: To check for understandingOrganization: PairsTime: 5 minInstruction:Recheck the statements on the starter activity and confirm whether you agree or diasagree to the statements.


Cross Check for understanding

What I think before

Statement (decide if you agree or not)

What I think after

Agree/disagreeA dialogue or discussion

between teachers and students regarding segments of text

Agree / disagree

Agree/disagreeUses the lower levels of

Bloom’s taxonomy of learning Agree / disagree

Agree/disagreeInvolves mutual exchange of

information between groups of learners

Agree / disagree

Agree/disagreeReading text that has been

translated so that students can understand

Agree / disagree

What I think reciprocal teaching / reading could be?






Closure Activity - Reflection

Strongly Agree

Agree Neutral/ Not Applicable

Disagree Strongly Disagree

Circle Your Numeric Choice

The topic of this workshop was interesting to me

The knowledge and/or skills I gained from this workshop will help me in my work

I feel this was an effectiveworkshop.

The most useful thing I learned in this workshop was …

The least useful thing I learned in this workshop was …

Other Comments… .

