Age Spots - Dr. Kris M. Reddy FACS



Dr. Kris Reddy FACS, West Palm Beach, describes treatments including profractional, fraxel, and obagi skin care for age spots. Dr. Reddy's excellent patient reviews and ratings draws South Florida patients including from West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Wellington, Palm Beach Gardens, and Jupiter.

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Age Spots

Dr. Kris Reddy, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon, TreatS Age Spots Using a Variety of Treatments including:

*ProFRACTIONAL*Fraxel*Obagi Skin Care System


Profractional is efficient at removing damaged skin. Unique micro-fractional technology preserves portions of healthy tissue surrounding the treatment zone, fostering tissue regrowth and lower patient downtime, with significantly less pain than traditional ablative laser procedures.


Fraxel treats a variety of areas including the face, hands, neck, and shoulders. The effective treatment regime is usually four to six sessions, spaced in an interval usually a couple of weeks to a month apart depending on what best meets your needs.

ObagiThe Obagi Skin Care System triggers a Therapeutic Cascade™ that:• Pushes fresher cells to the surface faster, for smoother skin, reduced wrinkles and increased tolerance • Corrects current pigmentation (freckles and age spots) and prevents the appearance of new pigmentation • Promotes more uniform cells at the deepest layer for better skin structure and balanced, even skin tone • Increases collagen and elastin for firmer, more resilient skin • Increases nutrient's natural hydration and circulation for supple, healthy-looking skin

For over 30 years as a board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Kris ReddyDr. Kris Reddy, a widely respected plastic surgeon in Palm Beach County, Florida, has been highly honored throughout the country and internationally.  Dr. Kris Reddy is the only board certified plastic surgeon to be a Fellow of American College of Surgeons (FACS) and Fellow of International College of Surgeons (FICS) in South Florida. Dr. Reddy is also a member of the prestigious American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. During his 30 years practicing in South Florida, Dr. Reddy has continually received high ratings and great reviews from his patients. For more information about Age Spots Treatments and About Dr. Kris Reddy, visit or call (561) 304-0001(561) 304-0001. Dr. Reddy offers free, private consultations.

About Dr. Kris Reddy, FACS
