AfriGEOSS - An Initiative to Implement GEOSS in Africa Ganiy Agbaje NASRDA, Nigeria Andiswa Mlisa...


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AfriGEOSS - An Initiative to Implement GEOSS in Africa

Ganiy AgbajeNASRDA, Nigeria

Andiswa Mlisa (GEO Sec)Giovanni Rum (GEO Sec)

GEO Work Plan Symposium, 28 – 30 April 2014, Geneva, Switzerland

AfriGEOSS‘s Mission Statement

Enhance Africa’s capacity for producing, managing

and using Earth observations data and information, by

developing a continental coordination framework

involving the national (countries), the sub-regional

(Economic Regions + other sub-regional Institutions)

and the regional levels.

This would greatly improve Africa’s contribution to GEOSS

development as well as the actual use of available data and

information for decision making.


Coordinate and bring together relevant stakeholders,

institutions and agencies across Africa

Provide a platform for countries to participate in GEO

and to contribute to GEOSS;

Assist in knowledge sharing and global collaborations;

Identify challenges, gaps and opportunities for African

contributions to GEO and GEOSS; and

Leverage existing capacities and planned assets and



CBERS Africa, GEONETCast, SERVIR Africa, Sand and Dust Storm Warning System, AEGOS, Wildland Fire Early Warning System, Puma, AMESD, BIOTA, TIGER, SoDa, MERIT, African Protected Areas, ClimDev Africa, ChlorOGIN, FAO-AfriCover, MAFA, ARMC, EAMNET, WATPLAN, AFRIMASON, GARNET-E, EO2Heaven, SAGA-EO, EOPower, GEONETCab, AGRICAB, MESA, GEO Global Land Cover, GMES & Africa, GEO BON, GEO GLAM; GFOI; Africa Water Cycle, Blue Planet; etc.













Implementing AfriGEOSS Strengthen national coordination and


Synergies with existing initiatives &


– Provide linkage support for contributors

Contribute to GEOSS and global


Influence upcoming initiatives

Results will be first reflected in all

GEO Tasks and , progressively, in

other activities/initiatives that are not

part of the GEO Work Plan.

On-going Activities & Objectives for 2014

Define, through extensive consultation, the AfriGEOSS Implementation

Plan, here included the main features of the coordination framework

Start to demonstrate, with few examples, mainly connected to the GEO

WP Tasks, how AfriGEOSS might work and what benefits are there for


The key objectives for 2014 would be to have in place a

GEO-XI Plenary endorsed Implementation Plan and an

initial coordination framework.

Working Group Workshop, March 2014, Nairobi, Kenya

– Sub-regional EO Activities– Implementation Plan development

Side event, exhibition, & showcase, GEO-X Plenary, January 2014

Stakeholder Workshop on 6th November 2013

Launched 5th November 2013, joint AfricaGIS2013 & GSDI 2014, Ethiopia 2013

Engagement with African Union Commission, November 2013

Letters to GEO Principals asking for information on existing and planned activities

related to the enhancement of capacity of African countries, July 2013

Endorsed by GEO-IX Plenary, Brazil, November 2012

Main events to date

Cross-Task Activities & Other Initiatives: Infrastructure

Coordination of satellite observations and products

– SANSA (SADC); NASRDA (West Africa); Egypt & Algeria (North Africa);

– AGEOS (Central Africa), SEAS Project contributing to IN-01– Clarify operation plans for Malindi station (East Africa)– Establish contact with Reunion ground station, radar data for East

Africa– Build synergies with ARMC– SANSA & NASRDA registered as Service Provider & Project

Manager for the Disaster Charter

Cross-Task Activities & Other Initiatives: Global Projects e.g. GEOGLAM EOPOWER-AfriGEOSS SADC Workshop, 8-9 May 2014,

South Africa

– Common elements of national agriculture systems – Scaling issues up national to sub regional, down national

to local (district) unit– Users needs/application priorities– Gaps (Capacity (Institutional, HR), Data (EO), and

Infrastructure)– Components of a Sub regional GEOGLAM System

Cross-Task Activities & Other Initiatives: Resource Mobilisation

– Defining a mechanism for coordination of contributions– Working Group for Land Cover in Africa, Horizon 2020

proposal– Ecosystem, Horizon 2020 proposal– Initial contacts with African Development Bank– Leveraging planned Workshops and Conferences

• WGLCA workshop, March 2014, Kenya• EOPOWER SADC Workshop, May 2014, SA• Eumetsat Africa User Forum, September 2014, SA• AARSE conference, October 2014, SA

Policy Endorsement

Africa-European Union Strategic Partnership, 4th EU-Africa

Summit, Roadmap 2014-2017, April 2014, Brussels.

– “…. We will ensure the establishment of a coherent framework for the development of Earth Observation activities in Africa so that space strategically contributes to Africa’s socio-economic development. Our cooperation will be in line with the priorities of the Africa Space Policy and Strategy and AfriGEOSS, the African segment of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO), in order to deliver services in priority domains for Africa …”

– Engagement with EC on GMES & Africa

Policy Linkages In progress:

Through Member States (Egypt, Gabon, Ghana, Nigeria & South


– Disasters, Hyogo Framework 2• Representation and contribution to statements and

declaration, 5th Regional Platform for Africa, May 2014– Climate, UN Climate summit, September 2014

• Contribution to discussions through national statements• Solicit engagement with the special envoy of the


GEO Partnership in Africa

Strengthen relationship with GEO Principals

Establish relations with Permanent Missions (presentation

to SADC Officials, Permanent Missions to UN in Geneva)

RECTAS application for Participating Organisation (will

contribute to Capacity Building)

Call for Participation & Contributions

Link your programmes to AfriGEOSS

More programmes linked to AfriGEOSS better chance to

reach critical mass, reduce duplication and close gaps

Assist in the engagement with GEO Principals and

establishing national coordination mechanisms

