AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH - Information Website for Highpoint ... OF TRUTH Under penalty of perjury and...


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Under penalty of perjury and cancellation of COBIS Accreditation, I swear and affirm that all the information obtained in the Parent Surveys, including all enclosures, are truthful and accurate to the best of my ability. In the event of any lawsuits, and/or other legal actions resulting from mistruths or fraudulent information, signer herein holds COBIS and its Directors/Assignees harmless. Print name __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s signature _______________________________________ WITNESS my hand and seal this _______________________________ of __________, 20________.

My Commission expires:

_______________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF Florida at large


Families can provide valuable information about the quality of our program. Therefore, we ask you to please fill out the following questionnaire. If you would like to give us more information about our program, fell free to write any comments in the space provided. PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME AND ANSWER THOUGHTFULLY EACH QUESTION.

How long has your child (or children) been enrolled in the school. Check one box: ___Less than six months ___One to two years ___Six months to a year ___More than two years In what level is your child/children enrolled at this program:

___Pre-School (2 – 5 years) ___Middle School (6th – 8thth grade) ___Elementary (1st – 5th grade) ___High School (9th – 12thth grade)


1 I have read the school’s Philosophy and Mission Statement

2 The school maintains communication with Parents through regularly scheduled Parent-Teacher meetings, Progress Reports, email communications, text blasts, etc.

3 My child is receiving an overall education that I consider is appropriate to his/her needs.

4 I am satisfied with the Curriculum being utilized by the School.

5 My child receives individualized attention from caring Teachers to meet my child’s needs.

6 My child seems eager to go to school each day.

7 I feel secure with the safety of my child while at the School and the supervision my child receives while there.

8 My child’s Teacher(s) communicate with me regularly about my Child’s behavior, development and progress through phone calls, e-mails, notes, Reports and/or Conferences.

9 I’m kept informed about what’s happening at the school through emails, Newsletters, websites, notes, text blasts, etc.

10 Teachers’ voices are even toned and cheerful. Teachers are not loud, threatening or aggressive.

11 The outdoor play areas seem safe and suitable for my child.

12 I get informed of accidents/incidents or injuries that my Child may be involved in.

13 My family’s culture and heritage is accepted and respected by the school’s Faculty and Staff without discrimination. The program includes multicultural materials and displays.

14 I have read the school’s Health & Safety Policies which include the school’s Emergency Procedures.

15 A daily healthy lunch Menu is posted and made available.

16 The school is continuously staying abreast of technological advances.

Comments: Please feel free to make additional comments about your experiences with this program.


Las familias pueden proporcionar información valiosa sobre la calidad de nuestro programa. Por lo tanto, les pedimos que por favor llene el siguiente cuestionario. Si desea darnos más información sobre el programa, no duden en escribir sus comentarios en el espacio proporcionado.

POR FAVOR TOME SU TIEMPO Y CONTESTE CUIDADOSAMENTE CADA PREGUNTA. ¿Cuánto tiempo tiene su hijo(s)/hija(s) ha matriculado en la escuela. Marque una casilla Menos de seis meses Uno o dos años Seis meses a un año Más de dos años

¿En qué nivel está su niño(a)/niños(as) matriculados en este programa? Marque una casilla Pre-Escolar (2 – 5 años) Escuela Intermedia (6to – 8vo grado)

Elemental (1er – 5to grado) Escuela Secundaria (9no – 12thvo grado)


1 He recibido la filosofía del programa y sus objetivos.

2 La escuela mantiene comunicación con los padres mediante reuniones, Reportes, correo electronico, etc.

3 Mi hijo/hija recibe una educación apropiada a su nivel. 4 Estoy satisfecha(o) con el programa utilizado por la escuela.

5 Mi hijo/hija recibe la atención individualizada y necesaria de el/los maestro(s) que lo cuida.

6 Mi hijo/hija esta siempre ansioso por ir a la escuela todos los días.

7 Me siento satisfecha(o) de la supervisión y seguridad de mi hijo/hija mientras esta en la escuela.

8 La maestra(s) se comunica conmigo acerca del comporta- miento, el desarrollo y el progreso de mi hijo/hija a través de llamadas, correo electronico, Reportes escritos, notas y/o conferencias.

9 La escuela me mantiene informado acerca de los acontecimientos y/o eventos a través de correo electronico, boletines, sitios web, notas, textos, etc.

10 Las voces de los maestros son de tono dócil y entusiasta. La/Los maestra(s) no son ni agresiva(s), ni brusca(s) o hosca(s).

11 Las zona exteriores de recreo parecen seguras y apropiadas para mi hijo/hija.

12 Me informan de cualquier lesion o incidentes con resepecto a mi hijo(a) durante horas escolares.

13 La cultura de mi familia es aceptada y respeteda por los maestros sin descriminación. El programa incluye ejemplos y materiales multiculturales.

14 La escuela hace disponible a los padres información sobre Salud y Buenos Habitos, incluyendo los procedimientos de la escuela en casos de emergencia.

15 El menú del almuerzo diario es exhibido y disponible diariamente.

16 La escuela se mantiene continuamente al tanto de los avances tecnológicos.

Comentarios: Por favor siéntase libre de hacer comentarios adicionales acerca de sus experiencias con este programa.


Directions: To be completed by the Director – Collect the original parent surveys, tally the responses and record them on this form in the spaces provided. Have this tally page, the action plan and the original surveys available for the verifier’s review. NUMBER OF RESPONSES: _______________________ AGREE DISAGREE COMMENTS

1 I have read the school’s Philosophy and Mission Statement

2 The school maintains communication with Parents through regularly scheduled Parent-Teacher meetings, Progress Reports, email communications, etc..

3 My child is receiving an education that I consider is appropriate to his/her needs.

4 I am satisfied with the curriculum being utilized by the school.

5 My child receives individualized attention from caring Teachers to meet my child’s needs.

6 My child seems eager to go to school each day.

7 I feel secure with the safety of my child while at the School and the supervision my child receives while there.

8 My child’s Teacher(s) communicate with me regularly about my Child’s behavior, development and progress through phone calls, e-mails, notes, Reports and/or Conferences.

9 I’m kept informed about what’s happening at the school through emails, Newsletters, websites, notes, text blasts, etc.

10 Teachers’ voices are even toned and cheerful. Teachers are not loud, threatening or aggressive.

11 The outdoor play areas seem safe and suitable for my child.

12 I get informed of accidents/incidents or injuries that my Child may be involved in.

13 My family’s culture and heritage is accepted and respected by the school’s Faculty and Staff without discrimination. The program includes multicultural materials and displays.

14 I have read the school’s Health & Safety Policies which include the school’s Emergency Procedures.

15 A daily healthy lunch Menu is posted and made available.

16 The school is continuously staying abreast of technological advances.

General Comments:




Directions: To be completed by the program Director – Develop an Action Plan and describe how you plan to act on the survey responses to improve your program. Director’s signature ________________________________________ Date ___ /___ /___
