AEinstein-1905-Movimiento Browniano



Movimiento Browniano

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“Investigations on the theory of the brownian movement.” by A.Einstein

(Los trabajos originales están en alemán) A.Einstein Ann.d.Phys. 17(1905)549-560 “On the movement of small particles suspended in a stationary liquid demanded by the molecular kinetic theory of heat.” A.Einstein Ann.d.Phys. 19(1906)371-381 “On the theory of the brownian movement.” A.Einstein Ann.d.Phys. 19(1906)289-306 “A new determination of molecular dimensions.” Corrections Ann.d.Phys. 34(1911)591592 A.Einstein Zeit.f.Elektrochemie 13(1907)41-42 “Theoretical observations on the brownian motion.” A.Einstein Zeit.f.Elektrochemie 14(1908)235-239 “The elementary theory of the brownian motion.”

De “Investigations on the theory of the brownian movement.” by A.Eisntein, edited with notes by R.Fuerth, translated by A.D.Cowper, Dover Publ. 1956

(first published by Methuen Co. 1926)

A continuación el original del primer trabajo (1905) y su traducción al inglés tomado de la publicación de Dover.
