Adventures with Super Teacher Food and Fitness Issue 1 volume 1 Created By: Sue Ash & Helena Bates


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  • Adventures with Super TeacherFood and Fitness Issue 1 volume 1

    Created By: Sue Ash & Helena Bates

  • Welcome to Super Teachers Guide to Food and Fitness! This guide will help you to get the scoop on what you can do every day to make sure that you are eating right and getting enough exercise! Join me as we find out what it takes to eat right and be fit!

  • This is Canadas food guide. This suggests the different foods that you should include in your daily meals. It also tells you how many of each type of food you should eat every day.

  • FIND A BALANCE!Dont eat too much of one thing. You dont have to give up fast food to be healthy, but you do need to be smart about how often and how much of them you eat. Balancing what you eat and eating a variety of foods will help you to get all of the nutrients that your body needs!

  • START THE DAY WITH BREAKFAST!! The morning meal usually breaks a fast that has lasted from 8 to 12 hours. Since your last meal or snack, your bodys supply of blood sugar (glucose) has dropped to a low point. The body needs food to produce the glucose that is necessary to keep you going. Studies show that breakfast contributes significant nutrients and calories to the diet, and nutrients missed by skipping breakfast are not compensated for in subsequent meals. Without breakfast, some people become less able to do physical work in the late morning hours and some students do not perform well in the classroom.

  • Did you know that fruits and vegetables supply you with important minerals and vitamins like potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B, niacin, sodium, iron and calcium and so many more? These vitamins and minerals help to keep you strong and healthy so that you can stay active and do the things that you like to do.

  • Dairy matters for everyone!! Teens ages 9-18 need 1,300 mg of calcium a day, or about four 8-oz. glasses of milk. Kids ages 4-8 need 800 mg of calcium a day, or about three 8-oz. glasses of milk Including dairy products in your diet helps to prevent deficiency diseases and osteoporosis. It also helps to keep bones and teeth strong.Milk is one of the best sources of calcium because it also provides vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. Milk is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, and phosphorus and a good source of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B12, niacin and muscle-building protein

  • Eating grains (in bread and cereal) gives you vitamins and minerals like vitamin B, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, folic acid, vitamin E all a part of a complete and healthy diet.

  • Meat and alternatives provide your body with essential proteins. Protein plays an essential role in building and repairing your body

  • SNACK SMARTSnacks are a great way to refuel. Choose snacks from a variety of different food groups. If you eat smart at other meals, cookies, chips and candy are OK sometimes.

  • Foods arent Good or BadHealthy eating is like a puzzle. Each part (food) is different. There is a place for all foods. What makes your diet good or bad is how all of the food you choose fits together. You can fit in high fat food if you choose lower fat food at other meals.


  • GET MOVING !!Fit physical activity into your day. Walk, bike, run around with friends. Try to do physical activity for 30 minutes a day

  • WORK UP A SWEAT!! Vigorous work-outs that cause you to breathe hard and sweat help your heart to pump better, give you more energy and help you to feel better. Always start with warm up stretches. Include aerobics, cardio and a cool down period.

  • Get Fit with Friends and FamilyBeing active is a lot more fun when you do it with friends and family. Ask others to join you and plan big physical activity events like biking, hiking, swimming each week. The more the merrier!

  • Joining in Physical activities or sports teams at school is a great way to work physical activity into your daily routine.

  • Take part in physical activities that you and your friends like doing. Remember to be adventurous and try new foods and new sports and games. These hints will help you to grow up strong and feel great!Remember to play hard and eat well! These practical tips will keep you feeling on your toes! Until next time boys and girls, keep smiling and eat your veggies!

  • The End
