Advanced Nonprofit Board Development


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  • 8/6/2019 Advanced Nonprofit Board Development


    Advanced NonprofiBoard DevelopmenOffered by Universiy College

    a he Universiy of Denver

    Fundraisers and board members in nonprofis are

    muually dependen or he organizatons undrais

    ing success, bu ofen acors such as unrealistc

    expecatons, unclear roles, or inexperience hinder

    a productve working relatonship. In his course,

    curren and aspiring nonprofi board members and

    undraisers will learn how o improve he critcal

    relatonship beween boards and undraisers.

    Sudens in Advanced Nonprofi Board

    Developmen will:

    Learn he roles and responsibilites o board

    members and undraising proessionals

    Evaluae skills and knowledge needed by board


    Design a sraegic plan or aciliatng undersand

    ing and suppor

    Discover how o be an effectve leader


    Bonnie Downing

    Elizabeh Suarez

    Mary Rickeson

    Pa Greer

    Peer Konrad

    Sephen Block

    Universiy College

    Universiy College, he college o proessional and

    contnuing sudies a he Universiy o Denver, pro

    vides careerrelevan educaton o promoe proes

    sional advancemen hrough rigorous discussion,

    collaboraton, and insructon rom practtoners

    who work in he fields hey each.

    Wha Our Sudens Are Saying...

    I have ound he Organizatons and

    Leadership program incredibly reward

    ing. I would happily recommend he

    Universiy College a he Universiy o

    Denver o anyone seeking o actvely

    engage he lielong learning process.

    Leigh Picche...

    The class work is relevan o wha I'm

    doing now, which is really imporan. I

    am able o go back o work and apply

    wha I've learned.

    LeAnn Moneiro...

    The mos rewarding par o my course

    work is how actonable he knowledge

    is ha I acquire as par o he Organiza

    tonal Leadership program.

    Aaron Sapp...

  • 8/6/2019 Advanced Nonprofit Board Development


    Class Schedule

    June 23, 1:00 p.m. o 6:00 p.m.

    Dinner included

    Topics: Board o Direcors Roles and

    Responsibilites, Fundraising

    June 24, 8:30 a.m. o 4:30 p.m.

    Breakas and lunch included

    Topics : Ehics, Accounabiliy, Fiscal Knowledge,Marketng and Corporae Parnerships

    Augus 11, 1:00 p.m. o 6:00 p.m.

    Dinner included

    Topics: Nonprofis, Leading, Fundraiser and

    Board Ineractons

    Augus 12, 8:30 a.m. o 4:30 p.m.

    Breakas and lunch included

    Topics: Team Building, Mediaton, Esablishing


    Tuiton Raes

    Universiy College Alumni $924

    NonCredi $1092

    Credi $1860


    To regiser or Advanced Nonprofi Board Develop

    men (ORL 4650), visi

    or call 3038714785. Please regiser by June 3.

    Leadership and Organizatons

    The Leadership and Organizatons

    program a Universiy College is offered

    online and on campus in he evening,

    and provides sudens wih he analytcal and communicaton skills needed

    o become effectve leaders. Designed

    and developed or busy aduls, he

    masers degree and graduae certfi

    cae provide sudens wih he abiliy o

    deermine he appropriae siuatons o

    effectvely apply leadership models in a

    valueadded manner.

    Specialtes and Certficaes

    Human Capial in Organizatons

    Philanhropic Leadership

    Projec Managemen

    Sraegic Innovaton and Change


    Phone: 3038714785Email: ucolino@du.eduWeb: www.universiycollege.du.eduTwier:


    Advanced NonprofiBoard DevelopmenOffered by Universiy College

    a he Universiy of Denver
