Advanced DOM Builds on last presentation on DOM Allows you to dynamically create elements and...


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Advanced DOM

• Builds on last presentation on DOM• Allows you to dynamically create elements

and position them on a page• DOM methods/properties are W3C standard

– innerHTML is not


The DOM Tree

• When Web page is loaded into the browser– Every element on the page gets a "reference"– New elements can be created and referenced– JavaScript code can use these references to create

new elements on a page


Reminder Graphs

• The next few slides are a repeat of some graphs I used in the last presentation and will used again here– We need to know what's on a page to know where

to place new elements


Types of Nodes


Element nodes point to the element itself, not its content!

Two other kinds of nodes for content

A text node is anything contained between the angle brackets

An attribute node is used to access attributes of a tag (e.g. 'href')

Simplified HTML Code



<head> <title>DOMinating JavaScript</title> </head>

<body id="mybody"> <h1> DOMinating JavaScript </h1>

<p> If you need some help, you might like to read articles from

<a href=" ">Dan Webb</a>, <a href="">PPK</a> and <a href="">Jeremy Keith</a>.



Text Nodes


Each text node has its own value and is attached to an element node

Attribute Nodes


Attribute nodes point to the attributes of the element

Here we see an "Anchor" element node with a text nodeand two attribute nodes, "href" and "rel"

Two Step Process

• To get a brand new element on a page…1. Create the element in a JavaScript variable2. Place the element on the page


Create an Element

• Elements are things like <p>, <li>, <div>, etc.• To create an element use the DOM method

createElement, e.g.

var mypara = document.createElement("p");

– This creates a paragraph element– Stores a reference to the element in mypara


Adding a Child Element

• One way to place a dynamically created element on a page is with the appendChild

• First get a reference to a parent node and add another child element to the end e.g.var mypara = document.createElement("p");var mybody = document.getElementById("mybody"); mybody.appendChild(mypara);

• We are still not finished…


Adding Text to the Paragraph

• In the last slide, I created an empty paragraph and added to the end of elements in the body.

• To add text to an paragraph you first must use the createTextElement method and then append that to the paragraph element, e.g.

var myText = document.createTextNode("Hello World!");



Exercise 4.1

• Create a small HTML file with a paragraph and a button in the body

• Use JavaScript to add a paragraph to the display that says "I did it!" when the button is clicked


Inserting an Element

• If you want to place an element before an existing element, use insertBefore– Syntax:

parentElement.insertBefore(newElement, targetElement)

• Example:var gallery = document.getElementById('imagegallery');gallery.parentNode.insertBefore(placeholder, gallery);


Seems a Bit Strange• You have to get the parent of the element you want

to insert before then insert before that element. var gallery = document.getElementById('imagegallery ');gallery.parentNode.insertBefore(someimage, gallery);

• Here is some of the HTML…<h1>Snapshots</h1><ul id='imagegallery'><li><img src="images/fireworks.jpg">

• The gallery is a ul element in this example and the DOM/JavaScript code inserts the element someimage before the <ul> list


Exercise 4.2

• Create a small HTML file with a <ul> list and a button in the body. The list items are: John, George, Ringo.

• When the button is clicked, use JavaScript to insert a list item "Paul" before "George" list item

• NOTE: only put an id value on the <ul> tag, not any of the list items.


Removing Elements



• Where did the paragraph appear on the page?• What happens if you click the button a few

more times?



• End of Lesson

