Adobe Flex Overview and Developing RIA Application using Flex - Day 1


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  • 8/8/2019 Adobe Flex Overview and Developing RIA Application using Flex - Day 1


    Adobe Flex Overview and Developing RIA Application using Flex Day 1

    Presented by Web 2.0 CoE (NTDG)


    September, 2009

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    Flex SDK and Builder

    Adobe Flex Overview

    Working of Flex

    Creating Flex Project

    Data Binding

    Demo / Assignment

    Flex Components

    Event Handling

    MXML / Action Script

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    Adobe Flex is a software development kit released by Adobe Systems for thedevelopment and deployment of cross-platform rich Internet applications based on the

    Adobe Flash platform.

    The initial release in March 2004 by Macromedia included a software development kit, anIDE, and a J2EE integration application known as Flex Data Services. Since Adobeacquired Macromedia in 2005, subsequent releases of Flex no longer require a license forFlex Data Services, which has become a separate product rebranded as LiveCycle DataServices.

    In February 2008, Adobe released the Flex 3 SDK under the open source Mozilla PublicLicense. Adobe Flash Player, the runtime on which Flex applications are viewed, andAdobe Flex Builder, the IDE built on the open source Eclipse platform and used to buildFlex applications, remain proprietary.

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    Flex Architecture

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    Flex Architecture Cont

    Flash and Flex frame works are used for creating applications. Flash player and AIR are

    the runtimes for the compiled flash and flex application and are integrated to the browser

    and desktop, respectively.

    Flex technology provides developers with a frame work of extendable classes and an IDE

    called Flex Builder which allow programmers to quickly build RIA using the Action Script

    and MXML programming language

    Flex provides users with a frame work of classes, including visual components, and two

    programming languages ; MXML for the visual layout and ActinScript for the business


    Flex is more concentrated to wards Developers where Flash for designers.

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    MXML and ActionScript


    SOAP Web Services

    How Flex Works


    J2EE Application Server

    LC Data Services

    Flash Player

    Web Server

    Existing Applications and Infrastructure

    Flex Builder IDE

    Flex SDK

    MXML ActionScript

    Flex Class Library





    Adobe AIR

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    Flex Application Process Cont

    MXML and Action Script Code in a Flex Application, are translated into ActionScript and

    then also compiled into .SWF file.

    Once the .swf file is placed on the server user can request the application from the server.

    Flex application can also dynamically request data.

    The request will go through the application to the database, back to the application server

    and then finally to the browser.

    Flash and Flex can also work together. One can develop application in flash compile them

    into .swf file and can integrate it with flex framework.

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    Flex Builder

    Adobe flex framework is available for free in an open source SDK that includes extensive

    Action Script 3 and MXML class libraries.

    Adobe Flex SDK


    Rich AS3 and MXML class libraries

    Pre-built components

    Compiler for creating swf. Adobe flex builder

    Contains everything in SDK

    Accelerated design , development, testing

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    Flex Builder Cont...

    Flex Builder has two versions



    Flex 3 builder is available for 60 days trial and the professional version has the all thefeatures of standard version with rich charting dashboards and advance DataGrid options.

    The flex builder work bench contained the following

    Menu bar




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    Flex Builder Image

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    Flex Builder Cont...

    Flex navigator shows the projects and associated files.

    The main coding area is called the editor. The editor has two views source and design. In

    design mode all the properties of a component can be explored.

    The outline shows all the components associated with the project.

    You can create your won workspace and switch workspace. Flex builder provides views asflex development/debugging etc

    Demo Example 1 (Creating New Project).

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    Creating New project

    Create your own workspace to work. A simple flex project has the follwong folder structure





    In the main folder structure in the workspace .settings folder contains the mainconfiguration files.

    The bin-debug folder is where the complied swf file and related application files arecreated. In html-template the html wrapper page resides

    The libs folder is for any optional classes that are needed by the application

    Src file is where the main source files and other assets are placed.

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    Flex Components

    The inbuilt components that are available with flex builder are

    Visual components



    DataGrid and Charts

    Validators and formatters

    All the components are available in the outline view in the design mode. One can choose

    the desired components and drag them on to the application.

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    Visual Components

    These components contains

    General controls

    Button controls

    Date controls

    Loader controls

    Menu controls

    Text controls

    Repeater controls

    We can use the prebuilt visual components included with Flex, extend components to add

    new properties and methods, and create components as required by application.

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    Components Cont

    Point of reuse in the Flex Framework for UI components

    Mostly written in AS but can be created in MXML

    Skinable through CSS

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    Components Cont

    Characteristics of visual components:

    Size : Height and width of a component. All visual components have a default size.

    we can use the default size, specify own size, or let Flex resize a component aspart of laying out the application.

    Events: Application or user actions that require a component response. Events

    include component creation, mouse actions such as moving the mouse over a

    component, and button clicks.

    Styles: Characteristics such as font, font size, and text alignment. These are the

    same styles that we define and use with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

    Behaviors: Visible or audible changes to the component triggered by an

    application or user action. Examples of behaviors are moving or resizing acomponent based on a mouse click.

    Skins: Classes that control a visual component's appearance.

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    Introduction to MXML

    MXML is a xml based tag library or xml Markup language. The source view of the

    application provides you with a bunch of code with different tags.

    MXML is used mainly to declarative lay out the interface of applications, and can also be

    used to implement business logic and internet application behaviors.

    Like HTML, MXML provides tags that define user interfaces. MXML is more structured

    than HTML, and it provides a much richer tag set.

    You can write MXML code in plain text file or in a IDE.

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    Simple MXML Code








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    Flex Application Structure

    Flex application / MXML application in a single file or multiple files. Main file is defined

    inside file. Additional files (Action Script or MXML files) can be accessed

    or referenced from the main application.

    Best practice is to divide the application in to smaller modules depending on their discrete

    work. Call or load the module with appropriate user action or events. Modular archiotecture

    has the following advantages

    Ease Of development

    Re usability


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    Action Script

    ActionScript is the programming language for the Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR

    run-time environments.

    Is a Object Oriented Programming.

    ActionScript is executed by the ActionScript Virtual Machine (AVM), which is part of

    Flash Player and AIR. ActionScript code is typically compiled into bytecode format by a

    compiler. The bytecode is embedded in SWF files, which are executed by Flash Player

    and AIR.

    Some of the data types user in AS3 are

    String: a textual value, like a name or the text of a book chapter

    Numeric: ActionScript 3.0 includes three specific data types for numeric data:

    Number: any numeric value, including values with or without a fraction int: an integer (a whole number without a fraction)

    uint: an "unsigned" integer, meaning a whole number that can't be negative

    Boolean: a true-or-false value, such as whether a switch is on or whether two

    values are equal

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    Action Script Cont...

    Flex developers use ActionScript to implement custom behaviour with in the flex


    Simple script block can be implemented in the application file using the block.

    For complex or modular files the can be moved to indivitual AS files.



    3. 4.


    6. Private function test():void {

    7. }

    8. ]]>




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    Handling Events

    An event-handling system allows programmers to respond to user input and system

    events in a convenient way. Events can be of any type

    Simple mouse Event, Keyboard event

    Complex data manipulation events

    In Action Script 3.0, each event is represented by an event object, which is an instance of

    the Event class or one of its subclasses

    Event handling in flex

    Step 1: When application detects an event(Mouse click) , it create event object

    to represent that particular event.

    Step 2: the Event object is dispatched to the target event.

    We can "listen" for event objects in code using event listeners. Event listeners are thefunctions or methods that is written to respond to specific events.

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    Handling Events Cont...

    A simple event listener code will look as follows


    function eventResponse(eventObject:EventType):void


    // Actions performed in response to the event go here.


    eventTarget.addEventListener(EventType.EVENT_NAME, eventResponse);

    Event Object Event SpecificConstant

    Event target

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    Data Binding

    Data binding is the process of tying the data in one object to another object. It provides a

    convenient way to pass data between the different layers of the application.

    Data binding requires

    Source property

    Destination property

    A triggering event ( dynamic binding)

    Flex provides three ways for data binding

    the curly braces ({ }) syntax in MXML

    the tag in MXML

    the BindingUtils methods in ActionScript

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    Data Binding Cont...

    (Option 1)

    (Option 2)

    The curly braces syntax and the tag both define a data binding at

    compile time. We can also use Action Script code to define a data binding at run time

    using Bindingutils.

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    Data Binding Cont...

    import mx.binding.utils.*; // Define data binding.

    public function initBindingHandler():void {

    BindingUtils.bindProperty(myText, "text", myTI, "text"); }


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    [Bindable] Metadata tag

    [Bindable] metadata tag is used to signal flex to perform copy from the source to

    destination and overwrite the latest value on the destination.

    [Bindable] metadata tag must be used to register the property with in flex and the source

    property must dispatch an event.

    The syntax is:


    [Bindable] metadata can be used in following places:

    Before a public class definition.

    Before a public, protected, or private property defined as a variable to make that

    specific property support binding.

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    Flex Builder Controls

    Controls are userinterface components or visual components as button, textarea,


    All the controls are kept inside a container it may be the application container or a form

    container or some other container.

    Flex controls are Action Script objects derived from the flash.display.Sprite and

    mx.core.UIComponent classes

    All the controls have some common properties as

    Sizing controls: specifying the height and width

    Positioning controls: specifying the x and y position

    The appearance of a control can be changed by using styles (CSS) depending on useractions.

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    Examples of Controls

    Button controls

    Image in a button control

    Button bar controls

    Link bar control

    Tab bar control

    Check box and radio button control

    All the controls are present in the outline of the flex builder.

    SWF loader is a special control which lets load one flex application in to another flex

    application as a swf file.

    Image controls is used to embed image in to the application.

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    Demo Example 1

    In this demo we will cover:

    Creating a new flex project/switching workspace

    Exploring the components

    Working in design mode in flex builder

    Designing a simple login form using the component


    Create a new flex project. Build a registration form for a xyz company. Having thefollowing field.

    User name, password, confirm password, role of the employer (drop down HR,

    admin, developer), DOB, about me test field, register button,

    All fields should be correctly aligned and should be inside a form.

    Alert success when user provides the correct user name and password

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    Your Turn! (Q&A)

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