ADIDAS versus PUMA COMPETITION IS GOOD...Adolf and Rudolph Dasler LISTENING 1: Listen to the audio...


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Intermediate Level:

• Grammar: Both, Either, Neither, Too

• Pronunciation: P / Ph / Silent P

• Functional Vocabulary: Time Expressions

• Listening: Adidas and Puma Compete

• Business Vocabulary: Explain the Meaning

• Cultural Awareness: Sportswear at Work

• Reading: Adidas and Puma

• Role Play: Do a Deal or Compete?

• Writing: Influence of Sportswear of Fashion 2

QUESTION: Ask your Partner: What do you know about Adidas and Puma?

Adolf and Rudolph Dasler

LISTENING 1: Listen to the audio and answer these questions.

1. Who comes from the German town of Herzogenaurach?

2. Where did the brothers start to make sports shoes?

3. When did the sportswear market develop?

4. Who created Puma and who created Adidas?

5. What event helped to establish Adidas?

PRONUNCIATION: P – PH – Silent P Pronounce these words and discuss their meanings with your teacher:

Receipt - Pseudo - Pay - Pharmacy - Psychology - Photograph - Plastic - Recipe - Pneumonia - Psychiatrist - Phase - Policy - Pneumatic - Telephone – Photography

• The photographer was persuaded to promote the pharmacy. • Please keep the receipt so that you can participate in the psychology test. • Peter and Philip are employed by the President of the Psychiatric Party.


EXERCISE: Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases in the box.

1. I wear my sports shoes .……………………. 2. The meeting is due to start ……………….. 3. ……… I was training for the marathon I pulled a muscle. 4. …………………….. we are number one producer in the USA. 5. Sending random letters to potential clients is a ………………………..

for the time being – any minute now – waste of time - now and again - while 3

Question: Which sentence is correct? Neither of them is here - Neither of them are here?

GRAMMAR PRACTICE: Both, Either, Neither BOTH indicates a quantity of two. Compare the following: • Do you like Adidas or Puma? I like them both • Both companies come from Germany.

Either indicates a choice between two alternatives. Neither combines two negative ideas. Study the following examples of use: • Which of these shirts do you want? I don't want either of them, thanks. • You can either have the cotton shirt or the silk shirt. Not both of them. • Neither Rudolph nor Adolf wanted to talk. • I was offered neither job in the end.

When they function as adverbs, they behave as linking words that can be tagged on in agreement at the end of a negative sentence: • I can't come to the meeting tomorrow. No, neither can I (OR: No, nor can I.) • I can't come to the meeting tomorrow. No, I can't either.

When either & neither function as determiners, place them before the noun. • Neither company is doing well. It is a quiet period. • The factories are on either side of the river. (OR: ...on each side)

Neither of them is or neither of them are? The boundary between singular and plural is not clear and it can go with a singular or plural verb form. Strictly speaking, it should be singular, but you will hear both forms: • Neither of them are / is coming. They both have to work late. • Neither Frank nor Tom like/s to eat meat.

EXERCISE: Write sentences using the word in brackets.

1. Rudolph and Adolf make sports shoes. (BOTH)

2. Tommy speaks French/English. (BOTH)

3. They continue/stop production. (EITHER … OR)

4. London is a centre of finance. It is the capital of the UK. (NOT ONLY … ALSO)

5. Adidas sells/buy cars. (NEITHER … NOR) 4

Question: How can Adidas and Puma compete with Nike?

Read the article and fi l l in the gaps with a word from the box.

READING: How Adidas, Puma and Nike compete ‘……..……. Puma nor Nike are ……. strong in Europe and Asia as we are, but Nike is ahead in the USA. Buying Reebok helped us a lot,' says the boss of Adidas.

Adidas is ……...… being positioned as a 'team sports' brand or as a brand for individual sporting stars, with Reebok taking the other role. Adidas believes the new combined company could make a serious challenge to Nike’s number one market position.

What's Nike's response to this? 'We're going to stay focused on what we do best. We've competed for many years, with some significant success in ……….. track and field sports, and will continue to do so,’ a spokesman said.

There are rumours that Nike may respond to Adidas's acquisition of Reebok by making a bid for Puma, and this would be …………… fantastic and a real victory for Nike over Adidas.

Whatever happens in the future …………… Adidas or Puma will have to take a big step forward to reclaim the number one spot from Nike.

When Adidas and Puma were concentrating on football, Nike turned to the fashionable new sports of jogging and aerobics in the 1980s to race ahead of their rivals. …………… these sports are now mature and the companies are now competing for the big prize of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 (postponed until 2021).


Imagine you are the sportswear producer, Adidas or Puma. In pairs, discuss which team or sports stars you would like to sign to promote your sportswear, and give reasons why. Present your ideas to the class

both - neither - either - as 5

BUSINESS VOCABULARY: Expressions of Finance

SPEAKING PRACTICE: Explain the meaning of the underlined words

1. The price was $1million, and it was a bargain.

2. This contract is worthless and you know it

3. Can you give me a receipt please?

4. Can you lend us $100,000?

5. They must have borrowed a lot of money to pay for the new buildings.

LISTENING 2: Listen to the second part of the l istening and answer these questions NOTE: the questions are not in chronological order:


In Britain, executives do not wear sportswear to the office unless: a dress down day, or it is accepted company practice (sports companies, media and advertising sector, music industry). • In your culture / country, what is the accepted work wear for the office? • What clothes do you not wear to the office? • Are there any exceptions? • What about wearing running shoes to travel to the office?

1. What market does Adidas's dominate?

2. How did Nike begin?

3. What is 54%?

4. Name the controversial athletes associated with Nike.

5. Who is Derrick Rose? 6


BACKGROUND: Adidas & Puma have some strong competition for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The companies can either fight each other or help each other. The management team of Adidas and Puma decide to meet to discuss how they can help each other compete against Nike, their biggest rival. Team Adidas: Think of ideas and options to work with Puma. You want to agree a deal to combat Nike but you are suspicious of Puma. Team Puma: Think of ideas and options to work with Adidas. You are worried about Nike but want to agree a deal with Adidas that gives you an advantage. The meeting: Adidas and Puma present their plan and then talk about options and the way forward. SPEAKING PRACTICE: In your presentation, use the pronunciation, vocabulary and functional language you have studied in this module.


Write an article (8 lines approximately) about the influence sportswear companies have on high street fashion. Your article should include: an introduction, a positive and negative point and a conclusion. 7

Audio 1 – Int. Adidas & Puma

Adidas and Puma - intermediate level - listening 1 The small German town of Herzogenaurach, is famous for being the birthplace of the Dassler brothers. Adolf (or Adi) and his brother, Rudolf, started making shoes in the 1920s in the family wash-room, for the German sportswear market, developing out of the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Adi founded Adidas (hence the name Adi-das-ler) in 1948, and Rudolf established Puma the same year. The brothers’ competitive spirit became extremely intense. The German football team beat the favourites Hungary to win the 1954 World Cup wearing Adidas boots, and this was seen as lucky. It helped establish the company as the national favourite. And so began a campaign of intense marketing and advertising by Adidas and Puma to create a global brand.

Audio 2 – Int. Adidas & Puma

Listening 2 Adidas and Puma compete with each other but the real threat comes from other companies, especially Nike. Nike was founded in the back of a car in Portland Oregon in1964. Both Adidas and Nike sponsor athletes to promote their products, but Nike has had a few controversial personalities in recent years, namely Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods and Oscar Pistorius. Adidas signed Derrick Rose the American basketball star. Nike remains king of the running shoes with 54% of the American market. Adidas only has 4.4% of the running shoe market. Adidas's core market is football where it dominates over its rivals. 8

Film Script:

Once upon a time in a small town in Germany, there was a humble shoemaker who wanted to make shoes for all sportsmen and women. His name was Adi Dassler. In 1936 Adi hand-made a pair of running shoes for a young American athlete called Jesse Owens who went on to win 4 gold medals. As an athlete himself, Adi was able to get into the minds and bodies of the people he made equipment for. At the 1954 world cup final the German football team needed a miracle to defeat the all-conquering Hungarians. Adi invented the revolutionary screw-in studs that were changed at half time to give better grip on the rain soaked pitch. Dick Fosbury was the first man ever to high jump backwards. For his new technique Ad made two different shoes. He took gold and the Fosbury flop was born. Adi also made boxing boots for the greatest of all time. And signature shoes for some of the most colourful tennis players to grace the sport. No matter what sport, Adi had them all. And then a strange thing happened. Adidas started to live outside the courts, pitches and stadiums. Everyday people across the world adopted Adi's three-striped gear as part of their home style. Maybe they saw the truth and honesty stitched into every product that they made. And the people who wore Adidas shared the spirit. Adi was a true original, an innovator, a one of a kind. And chances are that somewhere, sometime he made something for you

Exercise: Comprehension Questions

1. What was Adi's relationship with Jesse Owens?

2. How was Adi able to understand what athletes wanted?

3. What did Adi invent in 1954?

4. Who was Dick Fosbury?

5. What did people see in Adidas's products? 9

LESSON PLAN – Adidas & Puma – Intermediate Key objective – to practise Business English f luency INTRODUCTION: Ask the students what they know about Adidas & Puma. Teacher (T) – Students (SS) 5 mins LISTENING 1: Next tell students they are going to hear audio about Adidas & Puma. They answer the questions at the end. Play the listening (T) – (SS) 10 mins PRONUNCIATION: Ask the students to pronounce the words and sentences. Drill any mistakes. (T) – (SS) 5 mins FUNCTIONAL VOCABULARY: Read the rules and do the exercise (T) – (SS) 10 mins GRAMMAR Ask the lead-in questions and go through the rules for Both Either Neither - and do the exercise. Ask students to read the questions and answers out loud. (S) – (T) 10 mins READING: Find out if the students the lead in questions. Go through the reading and gap fill exercise. Engage the students in the speaking practice that follows. Encourage them to use the target grammar and the functional vocabulary. (S) – (T) 15 mins BUSINESS VOCABULARY: – Get the students to offer explanations to the vocabulary in the exercise. (S) – (T) 5 mins LISTENING 2: Tell students they are going to hear the 2nd part of the listening. Play the listening and students answer the questions (SS) – (T) 10 mins CULTURAL AWARENESS: read the text and encourage the students to discuss the questions (SS) – (SS) 20 mins ROLE PLAY: Go through the instructions and begin the role-play. Make sure they practice the grammar and vocabulary learnt in the lesson. Get the students to discuss and offer feedback. (SS) – (SS) 20 mins WRITING PRACTICE: Read instructions and ask students to complete this task for homework FILM EXTRACT: Show film and ask students comprehension questions (SS) – (T) 10 mins 10

EXERCISE ANSWERS LISTENING 1: 1. Adolf and Rudolf Dassler 2. The family washroom 3. Out of the 1936 Berlin Olympics 4. Rudolph Dassler and Adolf Dassler 5. When the German football team beat the favourites Hungary to win the 1954 World Cup

wearing Adidas boots FUNCTIONAL VOCABULARY - TIME: 1. now and again 2. any minute now 3. while 4. for the time being 5. waste of time GRAMMAR EXERCISE 1: 1. Both Rudolph and Adolf make sports shoes. 2. Tommy speaks both French and English. 3. Either they continue or stop production. 4. Not only is London a centre of finance, it is also the capital of the UK. 5. Adidas neither sells nor buys cars. READING EXERCISE: Gap Fil l 1. Neither 2. As 3. Either 4. Both 5. Both 6. Either 7. Both BUSINESS VOCABULARY - f inance 1. Low price for product or service 2. No value 3. Ticket / record of purchase 4. You give money to be repaid at a later date (banks charge interest) 5. You apply for money to be repaid at a later date (banks charge interest) LISTENING 2: 1. Football 2. Nike was founded in the back of a car in Portland Oregon in1964. 3. Nike's share of the USA running market 4. Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods and Oscar Pistorius. 5. Adidas signed Derrick Rose the American basketball star.

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