Adenosquamous carcinoma of the esophagogastric junction....


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Adenosquamous carcinoma (ASC) of the esophagusis an uncommon histotype of esophageal cancer. Few ca-ses have been described in the literature. In this type ofcancer, elements of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) andadenocarcinoma (ACE) coexist (1). Usually ASCs, be-cause of their highly aggressive biological behavior andtheir high propensity to regional lymph nodes metastasis(2), are usually associated with worst prognosis than thecommon histotype of esophageal cancer. Since ASC arerare tumors, the real incidence and the clinicopatholo-gic features are not fully characterized. Most cases de-

scribed in the literature are localized in the middle esopha-gus (3).

We describe the case of an aggressive ASC in the lowerthird of the esophagus involving the esophagogastric junc-tion.

Case report

A 75-year-old white man was admitted at our Department witha 3-months history of dysphasia and weight loss. He also had a 40pack/year history of cigarette smoking. The barium swallow studyshowed a filling defect in the distal esophagus, above the esophago-gastric junction. At the endoscopic control, a partially ulcerated pro-truding mass with infiltrative aspect was revealed at the lower thirdof the esophagus. Multiple biopsies were obtained and specimenshowed the presence of a mild-differentiate squamous cell carcino-ma. Whole body Computed Tomography confirmed the esophagealtumor with 5 cm longitudinal extension at the esophagogastric junc-tion, with no evidence of mediastinal lymph nodes or distant me-tastases. Routine preoperative investigations demonstrated reductionof HGB (10.1 mg/100ml), RBC (3.7 million/mm3), HCT (30.5 %)

SUMMARY: Adenosquamous carcinoma of the esophagogastricjunction. Case report.


Adenosquamous carcinoma is a rare tumor with coexisting ele-ments of infiltrating squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.This tumor is reported to arise in different organs but rarely in the oe-sophagus. In most cases, it shows highly aggressive biological behaviourwith high propensity to regional lymph-node metastasis and poor pro-gnosis. We describe the management of a patient with an aggressive ade-nosquamous carcinoma of the esophagogastric junction.

RIASSUNTO: Carcinoma adenosquamoso della giunzione esofago-gastrica. Descrizione di un caso.


Il carcinoma adenosquamoso rappresenta una rara varietà istolo-gica con i caratteri misti del carcinoma squamoso e dell’adenocarcino-ma. Questo istotipo si presenta in diversi organi ma raramente a livel-lo esofageo. In questi pazienti la prognosi è sfavorevole per l’ elevata ag-gressività biologica del tumore e la tendenza alle metastasi nei linfono-di loco regionali. Descriviamo il caso di un paziente con diagnosi isto-logica di carcinoma adenosquamoso della giunzione esofago-gastricasottoposto ad intervento di esofagectomia.

KEY WORDS: Esophageal carcinoma - Adenosquamous carcinoma - Esophagectomy - Gastric tube - Esophagogastric junction.Carcinoma dell’esofago - Carcinoma adenosquamoso - Esofagectomia - Tubulo gastrico - Giunzione esofago-gastrica.

Adenosquamous carcinoma of the esophagogastric junction. Case report


G Chir Vol. 33 - n. 4 - pp. 123-125April 2012


“Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy “P. Stefanini” Department of Surgery and Transplant,Thoracic Surgery

© Copyright 2012, CIC Edizioni Internazionali, Roma

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and PLT (147 thousand /mm3). Pulmonary function tests indica-ted a 2.26 L of FEV1. Total esophagectomy was performed throu-gh a right thoracotomy; the tumor was removed ‘’en bloc’’. Exten-ded lymphadenectomy of the mediastinum and abdominal com-partment was completed. Continuity of alimentary tract was re-esta-blished by interposition of a “narrow” gastric tube placed in the po-sterior mediastinum and left-side cervical anastomosis.

The patient had an uneventful postoperative course. On the se-

venth post-operative day, the water-soluble contrast swallow de-monstrated regular draining through the gastric tube. Histologyshowed an ulcerative and infiltrative adenosquamous carcinoma ofthe esophagogastric junction, classified as type 3 according to the gui-delines for clinical and pathologic studies of carcinomas of the esopha-gus established by the Japanese Society for Esophageal Diseases (Fig.1) (4). Definitive staging was pT3N1M0, stage III. There was’nt nor-mal mucosa between the two histotypes; that confirmed the non syn-


F. Francioni et al.

Fig. 2 - Typical microscopic histological fea-tures of an ASC of the esophagus: histo-logic transition between the squamous cellcarcinoma (a) and adenocarcinoma com-ponents (b) is well evident in the deep partof the tumor.

Fig. 1 - Gross appearance of the surgicalspecimen. A shallow neoplastic ulcer is evi-dent; two pills in the esophageal lumen arealso visible.

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chronous nature of this tumor according to the Waren and Gates cri-teria (5).

The patient went through adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy. The di-sease-free survival was 12 months; the patient died of mediastinal re-currence and distal metastases twenty-four months after surgery.


ASC of the esophagus is a rare subtype of esophagealcarcinoma containing coexisting elements of infiltratingAC and SCC. According to the guidelines for clinical andpathological studies of carcinomas of the esophagus esta-blished by the Japanese Society for Esophageal Diseases(4), ASC is defined as having at least 20% each of SCCand AC elements on routine microscopic examinationwith hematoxylin and eosin staining. The World HealthOrganization classification however states simply that ASChas a significant squamous cell carcinoma componentthat is intermingled with tubular adenocarcinoma ele-ments, with no special reference to the ratio of these twocomponents (6).

There are no clinicopathological features, such assymptoms, tumour markers, location and macroscopicaspects, characterizing this histotype. The use of increasedserum concentrations of squamous-cell-related antigen

and carcinoembryonic antigen as specific marker is yetto be demonstrated (7, 8). Preoperative endoscopic bio-psies often fail to determine the dual nature of the tu-mor. Primary ASCs have been reported to arise in dif-ferent organs. In most cases, these tumours show highlyaggressive biological behaviour with high propensity toregional lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis.

Regarding the histogenesis of esophageal ASCs, se-veral hypothesis have been proposed based on experi-mental studies and clinical reports. It has been specula-ted that the AC elements originates from esophagealglands or their ducts. However, studies demonstratedneither cellular atypia nor transition to tumor cells in theesophageal glands and their ducts (9). This hypothesisis also contradicted by the fact that ASCs of the esopha-gus can be induced in rats, which have no submucosalesophageal glands. In addition Steele and Nettesheim havedemonstrated that a single cell isolated from mixed ade-nosquamous cell carcinoma in rats can differentiate intopure adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or com-posite tumor consisting of both histologic types throu-gh differentiative instability of single-cell clones (10).

In conclusion, ASC carcinoma is a rare tumour withno specific definition of its pathogenesis. Histologicalpreoperative diagnosis is often difficult or impossible and


Adenosquamous carcinoma of the esophagogastric junction. Case report

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