Address to Court 15 June 2010



Address to a bogus "Justice" of a counterfeit "Court" (Rort)

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1BS 3171/09 15/6/10 OUTLINE OF ARGUMENT - 8 PAGE ADDRESS TO STATE of QUEENSLAND CORPORATE TRIBUNAL - ON AND FOR THE RECORD AS VERBAL DELIVERY IMPRACTICAL IN 20 MIN ALLOCATED A. Greetings, I am John of the family Babet ... Soul-man sui juris to Father-CreatorSource of All, attending in the spirit of Freedom, for defendants, artificial, dead entities JOHN PATRICK BABET - JULIENNE VERONICA SEYMOUR ... and living Soul-man John Patrick Babet -Soul-woman Julienne Veronica Seymour. [Not]ice: Terms and Conditions of my attendance here are - NO CONTRACT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - UCC 1.308 to apply... will speak from the land of the public gallery ... will not approach the bench-bar of your maritime vessel. Brother James Douglas, Justice of this State Tribunal ... it is consented that you are to conduct a hearing that is in the spirit of Truth-Honour-Fairness ... worthy of your illustrious family's history in the law ... doing so under your full commercial liability, and bearing full responsibility if your actions harm us. Dean Morzone, barrister for the plaintiff ... unless you are an authorised attorney under the plaintiff corporate seal ... it is consented that you are here only to listen ... if so authorised, you will act under your full commercial liability ... bearing full responsibility if your actions harm us. B. Background to this hearing: i. The Defendants are here under duress because the Plaintiff Bank, its Employees-Directors ...used Deception to entice a relationship ... offered a valuation to facilitate... Fraud, used counterfeit money, instead of legal tender ... reduced valuation by 50% to fabricate an excuse for Possession ... accepted the Bond offered ... but did not discharge the mortgage ... manipulated the Judicial system by ignoring the defendants defence and request to supply "Proof of Claim" ... abused, by a litany of "Bad Faith", the Defendants God given, inalienable, Human Rights under Common Law, and Universal Law. Therefore no contract = no claim. ii.The Plaintiff used their "smoke and mirrors" mortgage system to reverse the reality that the defendants, through their signatures, are the Creditor-Lender Nor have they proven a Contract exists ... regardless any alleged contract would be Invalid due to "uncertainty" of terms, due to variable interest rates. Therefore no contract= no mortgage. iii.The Defendants are the real "holder in due course" ... not the Plaintiff ... Therefore no debt = no mortgage iv.Despite the Defendants "goodwill" discharge of the alleged "debt" in full on 4/3/09 the plaintiff did maliciously, fraudulently, in bad faith, commence claim BS3171/09 on 24/3/09 to "Multiple Dip"... now seeking to prevent any trial Summary: no contract > no debt > no mortgage = No Possession


2The defendants declare that the Plaintiff bank, and all banks in Australia ... through the Reserve Bank, are ensnared- controlled by a hidden International Banking Cartel ... who allow only the tip of the banking iceberg to be seen by the general public ... the unseen scam is a manifestation of negative energy. These Banksters are a Cancer on the Community... the defendants are pursuing Justice as community advocates via the "Community Reformation Action Group" (CRAG) ... whose sponsorship of the Peoples Grand Jury is inspired by the comments of Lord Acton..."The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks". Lord Acton

C. Orders sought: For and on the record ... it is appropriate-important that in making Orders; Justice James Douglas, recognise-apply-declare the principles of the historic precedent at law ... described as the most important jury decision of modern times ... "First National Bank of Montgomery v. Jerome Daly"- Judgment entered by the Court on December 9, 1968 USA.(see Schedule 1) i. Make Order 7...plaintiff and others within 7 days of this hearing to; (a) Remove the fraudulent mortgage from the Title records. (b) Pay the penalties detailed in "Claim of the Penalty" in Schedule 2 ... (Note penalties will be held in Spiritus Charity Trust...defendants as Trustees). ii. Make Order 8 ... "with prejudice" May the court record note ... that if Justice James Douglas does not make orders today for trial by jury, or Dismissal ... the defendants will immediately persue the matter with a higher authority D Identity:[Not]ice of evidence of identity required for all participants; :John: Babet - evidence of Identity: My Austrian birth name is Johann Alfred Hre babet zky, a dedicated servant of GOD ... immortal Spiritual Being ... Soul in a transitory Physical Body ... a Soul-man ..., evidencing my Free Soul-man status with the following: 1.1946 Birth certificate handwritten in Lower case, evidencing physical incarnation in Vienna, Austria 2.1953 Change of name in Australia, at age 7 to John Babet ... the babet taken from the centre of Hre babet zky 3.1958 Naturalization certificate ... issued at age 12 ... without my consent, the Commonwealth of Australia issued it to an artificial entity of their creation ... "John BABET " ... this entity is not me ... the Soul-man who is here today.


34. 2010 Claim of Life of :John: Babet in correct language syntax. James Douglas to supply, evidence of : Birth, Oath of Office, Oath of Allegiance, Instrument of Appointment, and Cognitive competency. Dean Morzone barrister for the plaintiff to supply evidence of : Birth, Oath of Commission , and Cognitive competency. E Jurisdiction: Before commencement it would be appropriate if Justice James Douglas could evidence the Jurisdiction and Validity of this court-tribunal by declaring for and on the record; 1. Under what rule of law does this court-tribunal operate ... is it Maritime law Statute law of Qld ? Statute law of Australia Common law We have indicated in writing to the Plaintiff on numerous occasions ... that under Common Law, men and women have a Right to a trial by a Jury of their peers ... where is the Jury ? 2.Under what coat of arms do you operate this court-tribunal . Is it the Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom - Great Britain etc ? If so, please explain why it is not the Queensland Coat of Arms, which is in the magistrates Court downstairs ... considering that Britain has been declared a foreign power in the Heather Hill court case? 3. a. To whom have you sworn your oath of Allegiance ? b. To whom have you sworn your oath of Office ? a.The State of Queensland ? b.The Queen ... if so which Queen ... i.Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second (Elizabeth Gulepth), the Monarch and Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland? .... ii.The Queen of Australia or Her Majesty, as described in the Australia Act 1986. If it is the Queen of Australia ...where is the Queens photo ... where is her throne in Australia? Why is she described as Queen Elizabeth the Second when she is the first Queen of Australia and therefore would logically be Elizabeth the First?


44.Whom do you serve? Have you taken any other OATHS such as Masonic ... Knights of Malta, Opus Dei ... or the oath of any secret society that would negate your oath of allegiance, and office, in your position today. 5.Who are you employed by - who pays your salary ? ASIC ENTITIES QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT ABN75818456675 -USSEC 0001244818 - QUEENSLAND TREASURY CORPORATION ABN15736217171 USEC 0000852555 If above, then where is the separation of Judicial and Executive (State) power. 6.Under what Act/s, of which Parliament does this Court have authority? Supreme Court Act 1995 ? Other ? Produce a copy of the Governor signed, and Governor sealed parchment of Proclamation to evidence the validity of the Act/s . What is the "Queensland Government"... is it the flesh and blood people in the Queensland Parliament, supposedly representing us men, women ... OR the ASIC ENTITIES QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT ABN75818456675 -USSEC 0001244818 - QUEENSLAND TREASURY CORPORATION ABN15736217171 USEC 0000852555 OR is it the Queensland marked on a map of the continent of Australia.



SCHEDULE 1 LEGAL PRECEDENT "The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks". Lord Acton MORTGAGE FRAUD The following most important jury decision of modern times applies as much to Federal laws of the Commonwealth of Australia as it does to Federal laws in the USA; uthoritiesArticle/AuthOnJurisdiction.htm QUOTE 37 Am Jur 2d at section 8 states, in part: "Fraud vitiates every transaction and all contracts. Indeed, the principle is often stated, in broad and sweeping language, that fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters, and that it vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents, and even judgments." PRECEDENT OF LAW - CONSIDERATION UNDER A MORTGAGE First National Bank of Montgomery v. Jerome Daly - Judgment was entered by the Court on December 9, 1968. The issue there was simple Nothing in the law gave the Banks the right to create money on their books. Defendant appeared and answered that the Plaintiff created the money and credit upon its own books by bookkeeping entry as the consideration for the Note and Mortgage of May 8,1964, alleging failure of the consideration for the Mortgage Deed ... alleging that the Sheriff's sale passed no title to plaintiff. The issues tried before the Jury ... whether there was a lawful consideration Plaintiff claimed that Defendant had waived his rights to complain about the Consideration having paid on the Note for almost 3 years. Further that by using the ledger book created credit and by paying on the Note and Mortgage waived any right to complain about the Consideration and that the Defendant was estopped from doing so Mr. Morgan of plaintiff First National Bank of Montgomery admitted that all of the money or credit which was used as a consideration was created upon their books ... that this was standard banking practice exercised by their bank in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, another private Bank ... further that he knew of no United States Statute or Law that gave the Plaintiff the authority to do this. The banker Morgan testified about the mortgage loan given to Jerome Daly, but then Daly cross examined the banker about the creating of money "out of thin air," ... the banker admitted that this was standard banking practice.


6When Justice Mahoney heard the banker testify that he could "create money out of thin air," Mahoney said, "It sounds like fraud to me." I looked at the faces of the jurors, and they were all agreeing with Justice Mahoney by nodding their heads, and by the looks on their faces. According to legal scholars and Bill Drexler, who worked on the case with Judge Mahoney, "This amounts to an emancipation of this nation from personal, national and State debt purportedly owed to this banking system. Every person owes it to himself/herself, to his or her country, and to the people of the world for that matter, to study this decision very carefully and to understand it, for upon it hangs the question of freedom or slavery." Drexler who was present in the Minnesota courtroom the day the decision came down said this was the most important jury decision of modern times.



PENALTIES: In the event that ANNNA MARIE BLIGH PREMIER of the Corporations QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT ABN75818456675 -USSEC 0001244818 QUEENSLAND TREASURY CORPORATION ABN15736217171 USEC 0000852555. GREGORY BARTLETT, and OTHER LISTED DIRECTORS OF ST GEORGE BANK LIMITED ABN 920555513070, AND THE WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION within 14 working days after the service of the Writ of Summons, does not Act under items 1, and 2 then; Each individual Defendant, man or woman, is Lawfully liable to pay the Plaintiffs A$2.6 million in Gold Bullion 99.99% pure, within 14 days. Each corporate Defendant, or artificial corporate person, is Lawfully liable to pay the Plaintiffs A$44 million in Gold Bullion 99.99% pure, within 14 days. LIST OF RECIPIENTS TO PAY PENALTY: QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT Person ANNNA MARIE BLIGH (woman Anna Marie Bligh) PREMIER of the Corporations QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT ABN75818456675 -USSEC 0001244818 QUEENSLAND TREASURY CORPORATION ABN15736217171 USEC 0000852555 Person CAMERON DICK (Man Cameron Dick), Attorney General of QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT " ABN 75818456675-USSEC 0001244818 PO Box 15167 City East Q 4002 Person PAUL de JERSEY (man Paul de Jersey), Chief Justice of " QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT " ABN 75818456675-USSEC 0001244818 PO Box 15167 City East Q 4002 Person JOHN H BYRNE (man John Byrne), Senior Judge Administrator "SUPREME COURT OF QUEENSLAND" Corporate Tribunal subsidiary of "


8QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT " ABN 75818456675 - USSEC 0001244818 - PO Box 15167 City East Q 4002 SOLICITORS OF THE PLAINTIFF Person IAN ENRIGHT (man Ian Enright) Deputy Registrar, SUPREME COURT OFFICE BRISBANE Corporate Office subsidiary " QUEENSLAND STATE GOVERNMENT " ABN 75818456675 - USSEC 0001244818 PO Box 15167 City East Q 4002 Person JAMES GRAHAM (man James Graham), Partner KEMP STRANG LEGAL GROUP ABN 88258900990 - ABN 18097942660 - GPO Box 47 Sydney Person GLEN WILLIAMS (man Glen Williams), Partner, THYNNE & MACARTNEY ABN 79763953991 member KENNEDY STRANG LEGAL GROUP - GPO Box 245 Brisbane Q 4001 Person ELIZABETH ABERNETHY (woman Elizabeth Abernethy), Associate THYNNE & MACARTNEY ABN 79763953991 member KENNEDY STRANG LEGAL GROUP - GPO Box 245 Brisbane Q 4001 DIRECTORS OF THE PLAINTIFF CORPORATION'S Person GREGORY BARTLETT (man Gregory Bartlett), Director ST GEORGE BANK LIMITED ABN 920555513070 - Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485 Person JOHN CURTIS (man John Curtis), Director, St GEORGE BANK LIMITED ABN 9205551370 - Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485 Person GAIL KELLY (woman Gail Kelly, Soul), Director, St GEORGE BANK LIMITED ABN 9205551370 - Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485 Person LINDSAY MAXSTED (man Lindsay Maxsted), Director, St GEORGE BANK LIMITED ABN 9205551370 - Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485 Person PETER HAWKINS (man Peter Hawkins), Director, St GEORGE BANK LIMITED ABN 9205551370 - Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485 Person EDWARD (TED) EVANS (man Edward Evans), Director, WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION ABN 33007457141 - c/ Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485 Person ELIZABETH BRYAN (woman Elizabeth Bryan), Director, WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION ABN 33007457141- c/ Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485 Person GORDON CAIRNS (man Gordon Cairns), Director, WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION ABN 33007457141 - c/ Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485 Person CAROLYN HEWSON (woman Carolyn Hewson), Director, WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION ABN 33007457141 - c/ Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485 Person GORDON REANEY (man Gordon Reaney), Director, WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION ABN 33007457141 - c/ Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485 Person PETER WILSON (man Peter Wilson), Director, WESTPAC BANKING CORPORATION ABN 33007457141 - c/ Locked Bag 1 Kogarah NSW 1485

