Action-Items LSVII


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  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LSVII


    Having provided extensive documentation on multiple levels, its easier now to update same.First, know

    thatState Sen. LeAnna Washington(D-4) has been charged by AG-Kane with using her elected office for

    political and financial gain; she is my State-Sen., suddenly enhancing the prospects of the GOP [Robin

    Gilchrist]. "A Time for Choosing"by Ronald Reagan was amazingly propheticin 1964and Jeffersons

    Final Warnings were focused on the need to enhanceFederalism[and to decentralize government].

    Levity: Two-Year-Old Boy Boogies Like Elvis, Penn & Teller Fool Hippies Into Banning

    Water, Man Enchants A Crowded Street Using The Newly Created Hang Drum, hang

    drum duo,hang drum played in a tunnel,600 Students In Ireland Play The "Cups" Song,

    Clueless Liberal College Students @ Columbia Made Fools Of Themselves,best-way-to-

    recognize-the-artists-of-paintings , future-litigator-explains-to-his-mom-why-he-needs-a-

    cupcake,4 year old Sruli Muschel does the speech from A Few Good Men ,Funny Talking

    Animals,12-stores that were essential to your-childhood-that-dont-exist-anymore,and

    1930: Rare Footage Of Helen Keller Speaking With The Help Of Anne Sullivan.

    Regarding tomorrows Philadelphia City Council Hearing on regulating e-cigarettes, I have prepared

    testimonyin opposition; also included in this hyperlink is that of Bill Godshall [SmokeFree PA]; our view

    is countered by that of Dr. Walter Tsou [whom weve known for two decades], as he can do little morethan surmise e-cigs could be shown to have been harmful [while failing to note innocuous constituents].

    Guzzardis Gambit

    Regarding Guzzardi, he was interviewed at 2 p.m. onKDKA1020 Pittsburgh News Radio; he emphasized

    the fact that what occurs in York County affects life in Allegheny County. Indeed, this was part of a large

    narrative Guzzardi has been disseminating among the media, for he has unabashedly rebuked it for

    having ignored what he considers to be the major underlying concerns facing PAs survival; e-mails have,

    for example, virtually taunted those who buy ink bythe barrel to confront the fiscal iceberg that has

    many manifestations [such as the Pension Bomb] and, thus, to recognize Corbetts profound failings.

    Anyone who wants to look @ any of the scanned petitions can do so online;anyonewho wants to experience intense R-D byplay [in the comments-section] can do so by

    reviewing guzzardi-to-appear-on-republican-ballot and the PA-Gov: Petition Scorecard.

    One of the PoliticsPA reporters [Brittany Foster] provided key-education regarding what

    can be anticipated by the independent candidates; their deadline to acquire signatures

    [~16K] isnt until ~8/1/2014, balancing the higher threshold with a greater time-frame

    [noting that the Libertarians and the Green Party are attempting to field candidates].

    Guzzardi was only one in theparade of candidates filing for May 20 primary.
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LSVII


    In an article announcing to thepittsburgh audience [c/o cbslocal] that corbett got-a-republican-primary-

    challenger, Guzzardi was properly quoted: Tom Corbett made promises to the voters who voted for

    him in 2010 that he would not raise taxes and increase fees, he said. He broke those promises.

    Specifically, Tom Corbett had broadened his no-new-taxes pledge during a televised debate with

    Democratic rival Dan Onorato, saying it also rules out increases in feessuch as motor-vehicle levies

    or employee contributions to the state unemployment trust fund.

    guzzardi-seeks-answers-regarding-waugh-job - The man mounting a primary challenge

    to unpopular Republican incumbent Gov. Tom Corbett, today, March 12, asked for an

    investigation into a sweetheart job received by one of the governor's political allies.

    Guzzardi has adopted a position which is apparently identical to that of Corbett regardingHB-76,which

    is intended to alter the Property Tax; his focus is on reducing spending, rather than re-distributing the

    taxation-burden, and he notes thatDaryl Metcalfe's memoasserted it is "revenue neutral." Facebook:

    No, I do not support HB76/SB76. I do not support replacing one bad tax with another.Targeting or favoring one group of tax payers over another is not good policy.

    Redistributing the tax burden is equivalent to redistributing the wealth. Lowering taxes

    on one segment of the community (property owners) of taxpayers and raising them on

    another segment (businesses) not only violates the spirit of the Constitutions

    uniformity clause but reduces productive growth and reduces the freedom to choose

    your own path to happiness. We are all on the same Titanic headed for the Fiscal

    Iceberg so plainly ahead.

    The policy I support is 1) reducing spending. The Fiscal Iceberg ahead will sink us all. It is

    a communal burden. It is feasible to cut billions. 2) increase the power of the school tax

    referendum by limiting the exemptions in Act 25 of 2011. However, given the pensionbomb it is highly likely that taxes will have to be increased at both state and municipal

    level and that some municipalities will face real fiscal stress even de facto bankruptcy

    like Scranton.

    Tom Corbett Broke His Promises to YOU. It is hard for me to understand how any

    Republican who voted for Tom Corbett in 2010 will humiliate himself or herself and vote

    for a man who repeatedly broke his promises to them. How do you vote for someone

    who broke his promise to you? Will you? Will you humiliate yourself? Who would do

    that? And for what? Tom Corbett cannot win in November. Every poll and the Kane v

    Freed race tell us that.

    Illustrating the fact that Sandusky will continue to haunt Corbett are todays contemporary references:

    former-psu-president-graham-spanier-signed-paternos-lt-gov-petition and John Ziegler Previews

    Interview He & Dottie Sandusky Did With Matt Lauer/Today Show.The details matter not; pivotal is the

    fact that this reminder continues to ensure voters dont forget Corbetts having allowed Sandusky,

    pedophile, to roam the streets for years after awareness had impinged upon the AGs office of his crime.

    Guzzardi on Facebook regarding Social Issues [abridged], recognizing that Guzzardi feels

    these are tangential to his campaign-theme: Neither a Governor nor any law can make
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LSVII


    [or force people to be] good; to the contrary, change is incremental, person-to-person,

    one-by-one. He has thought-through [after having read, studied, debated] many issues

    [economics, history, politics] for years. He feels that values underlie fiscal policy, and

    when expenditures exceed revenue, it is not only a fiscal failure, it is a moral failure .

    Guzzardi views Late-Term and Partial-birth abortion as infanticide, a view with which

    this physician concurs because they transpire after viability [~22 weeks].

    Therefore, I do not favor legalization of marijuana; let us see what happens in Colorado,

    because I don't think it will work out well. Medical marijuana is the stalking horse for

    legalized marijuana. Dangerous drugs are prescribed by physicians. A medical decision a

    matter of politics because there is another agenda. What makes marijuana different

    than any other dangerous drug? In fact, it may be less harmful than some of the cancer

    chemo that is routinely prescribed. So why is there is a distinction? And why is this a

    matter of politics? And because there is an agenda, because medical marijuana is a

    stalking horse for "anything goes" morality of recreational marijuana, it is appropriate to

    analogize legalizing marijuana to legalizing prostitution.

    Pa has a Defense of Marriage Act, and its unclear what else need be done; Gay

    Marriage is not a threat to marriageDivorce is, and its unrealistic to ban them

    legislatively. There are many sinners among us, and it is doubtful my denouncing

    Adulterers or Fornicators would satisfy social-conservatives, and it is highly unlikely it

    would affect the lives of individual Pennsylvanians.

    Keep your eye on the Ball

    Guzzardi preaches Focus

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LSVII


    Pennsylvania's Fisc is in a nose dive.

    There is a Fiscal Iceberg ahead that will sink us all.

    If you don't think this is the most important issue facing Pennsylvania's Forgotten Taxpayers,then vote for the candidates who are promising "Free Ice Cream".


    Regarding Crimea/Ukraine, a consensus view [that isnt defeatist, as are most from the Dems] is that:

    DeMint: Obama Must Show'Global Leadership'Russia puts Crimea in security stranglehold as referendum nears...

    Internet editor fired in Kremlin crackdown...

    Kerry to Moscow in Last-Ditch Diplomatic Effort...

    Iran, Russia discuss adding nuke plants...

    Russian politicians want FIFA to kick the USA out of the World Cup...

    UKRAINE REVOLUTION - What You're Not Being ToldBHO is holding-aid-to ukraine-hostage
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LSVII





    Ukraine Parliament Issues Crimea Ultimatum Over Referendum

    Crimea Votes for Independence Ahead of Referendum

    Gunmen Stop Flights to Crimea Except Those from Moscow

    West Backs Down, Putin and Most Powerful Russian Oligarchs Escape Sanctions

    Ukraine President Says Won't Intervene in Crimea

    NBC's David Gregory Chides Obama Foreign Policy Advisor: 'Putin Is Not Listening to You'



    Unarmed Ukrainian Soldiers Confronting Heavily Armed Russian Troops

    Good job, Mr. Putin! Thank you from all of us Ukrainians (Russian and Ukrainian-speaking) for uniting

    Ukraine against your military aggression.

    Ukraine Crisis: Just Another Globalist-Engineered Powder Keg

    The liberal magazine The New Republic admitted that Mitt Romney was right about Russia after the

    Vladimir Putin-led nation invaded the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea late last week.

    afraid-of-putinGOPs attempt to tie Clinton to the Ukrainian crisis

    Regarding Israel, peril persists:

    The Origins of the Palestinian Arabsby Daniel Pipes

    Islam is not a religion of peace[absent a reformation]

    Todays barrage of missile fire [over 60 rockets] aimed at southern Israel from Gaza shows[one of which

    Hit aPopulated Areain Southern Israel] shows anyPalestinian state presents a clear and present danger

    to both the Jewish state and regional stability; after Islamic Jihad Terrorists Fired at Israeli civilians From

    Civilian Areas, used ashuman shields,BB vowed 'lots of noise in Gaza.'[Soon thereafter, anIAF Strike

    Killed Three Islamic Jihad Terrorists in Southern Gaza after they had fired mortars at Israeli soldiers;

    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said Israel must 'Retake the Islamist-held Gaza' Strip in response.]Hamas-Terrorist Who Cut Jerusalem [in Armon Hanatziv and Gilo] Gas Pipes, in the hope of causing

    deadly explosions, was Nabbed; he also stabbed a Jewish man two years ago.



    Cameron: Israel is Jewish homeland, will not be challenged by boycotts

    Jordanian MPs: Release Terrorist Who Killed Israeli Schoolgirls


    Accusations Fly as Israeli-Palestinian 'Peace Process' Nears Deadline

    Israeli Government Says Missile Defense Needs More Funding and is asking Congress to significantly

    increase funding it receives for joint missile defense programs under Obamas fiscal year 2015 budget,

    contradicting administration claims that it has fully satisfied the Jewish states defense needs.


    Obama Makes it Easier for Syrians, Harder for Israelis to Enter US



    Palestinian daily claims US isnt insistingthe PA recognize Jewish Israel

    "Are you supporting Obama or Israel?" "Gaps between Obama & Netanyahu are unbridgeable";_ylt=AwrBJR7lkh9T9yEAWO_QtDMD;_ylt=AwrBJR7lkh9T9yEAWO_QtDMD;_ylt=AwrBJR7lkh9T9yEAWO_QtDMD
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LSVII


    "In an unprecedented breach of diplomatic etiquette, U.S. President Barack Obama once

    again sandbagged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In a carefully orchestrated

    interview with Jeff Goldberg, a columnist for Bloomberg View, released a few hours

    before the prime minister's arrival in the U.S., Obama reverted to his May 2011 role as

    an Israel basher and engaged in personal savaging and humiliation of Netanyahu. This

    was despite Netanyahu's intimation that Israel intended to adopt the Kerry framework."

    To answer Obama accusations, here is a decision by all Arab states: " Arab League

    rejects recognizing Israel as a Jewish state", and "....Mahmoud Abbas -- who had

    rejected Olmert's offer for 97 percent of territories over the Green Line and refused to

    even conduct negotiations unless Israel released mass murderers whom he currently

    fetes as heroes. Obama made no reference to Palestinian intransigence and total

    unwillingness to compromise...".... published on 3-11-14

    Netanyahu said, regarding the shipment of weapons for terrorist organizations by Iran:

    "..... Nobody has the right to ignore the true and murderous actions of the regime in

    Tehran. I think that it would be proper for the international community to refer to Iran's

    true policy, not its propaganda." and...Iranian Zarif said that, "Iran will only accept a solution that is respectful, that respects

    the rights of the Iranian people...."


    Arab League, Abbas reject recognizing Israel as 'Jewish state' - Arab League chief urges Arab countries to

    stand firm against Israeli demand for Palestinian recognition of Israel as Jewish, claiming the request is

    an attempt to foil peace talks.

    Abbas: 5 Million 'Refugees' Must be Allowed into Israel - Palestinian Authority chairman says no to

    'settlement blocs,' no to a Jewish state. Watch and decide: is this a peace partner?

    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has won the backing of the Arab League for his

    positions and demands.


    Israel Lawmakers Voted 67-1 To End Blanket Ultra-Orthodox Draft Exemption

    Shadow War - The interception last week by the Israeli navy of a ship in the Red Sea carrying rockets

    apparently destined for Gaza was part of an ongoing battle to block Iranian arms shipments that is

    usually waged out of the public eye, security officials in Tel Aviv said over the weekend. [When the

    Karine A was seized, Bush-43 ended interaction with Arafat; what a contrast is now occurring!]

    Fresh Israeli provocations around Al-Aqsa Mosque threaten to explode an already tense situation while

    peace talks go nowhere, writes Khaled Amayreh in the Israeli-occupied West Bank

    Israeli Navy Soldiers Sing Shabbat Song At Sea, En Route to Stop Iran's Weapons Shipment


    Regarding the ongoing threat emanating from Iran, denial remains dominant:

    the Lockerbie Case wont be reopened because it would force people to Face the Truth About Iran.

    Bank of Hawaii Unfroze Iranian Accounts - Further evidence of sanctions unwinding

    Iran General: 'Hands on trigger' to destroy Israel

    Lawmaker: Obama Failing to Stop DoD Contractors From Dealing with Iran- Secretary of Defense Chuck

    Hagel sidestepped questions on Thursday about numerous Pentagon contractors who are currently

    seeking to begin business with Iran.,7340,L-4496895,00.html,7340,L-4496895,00.html,7340,L-4496895,00.html,7340,L-4496895,00.html,7340,L-4496895,00.html,7340,L-4496895,00.html,7340,L-4496895,00.html,7340,L-4496895,00.html,7340,L-4496895,00.html
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LSVII


    The Day After EU Foreign Minister Leaves Tehran "Confident" of Progress; Iran Boasts Annihilation of

    Israel at 'push of a button."

    Iranian Arms Ship Carried 40 Rockets, 181 Mortar Shells - IDF reveals Klos C's deadly cargo, including

    rockets, 400,000 bullets for Kalashnikov assault rifles.

    Iran Foreign Minister Accuses Israel of Lying About Intercepted Arms Shipment

    Regarding BHOs support for Islamistsopposing Egypt:

    Obama administration rejects urgent appeal from Egypt for Apache attack helicopters

    egypt-tightened-noose-around-gazans[news provided from the Arabists perspective]

    Egyptian woman accused President Barack Obama of interfering in Egyptian politics

    Egyptian Clampdown Leaves Hamas Government in Gaza on Brink of Bankrupcy



    Regarding Syria:

    Syria to Miss Deadline to Destroy Chemical Arms Sites

    Syria rebellion dominated by al-Qaida and Islamic jihadists


    Regarding anti-Semitism:

    the-most-powerful-song-ever-recorded: hatikvah, from-the-bergen-belsen-concentration-camp

    Holocaust survivor describes scenes of 'hell' at Bergen-Belsen death camp to Maesteg School pupils -

    Mala Tribich, 83, urged teenagers to use her story as inspiration to fight prejudice and injustice

    dirty-jew-go-home-to-israel; jewish-girl-in-france-attacked-by-arab-mother-and-daughter

    Anti-semitism on rise in Hungary...


    pink-floyd-co-founder-roger-waters said he-cant-be-an-anti-semite because his father-fought-nazis


    fighting-bds-roger-waters-insists-hes-not-anti-semiticRoger Waters, the co-founder of the rock band Pink Floyd, is upset that Gerald Ronson singled him out

    for criticism at an influential Jewish dinner.

    right-wing-leader [Family Research Council leader Jerry Boykin] says-jews-are-the-cause-of-all-the-


    Stockholm Schools Daubed with Swastikas and Anti-Semitic Graffiti

    Regarding Islamism:

    british-schools-ban-pork-to-avoid-offending-muslim-students; its replaced-with-halal-meat



    Regarding Cruz and POTUS-16 competition within the GOP:


    Sen. Ted Cruz calls out career politicians in both parties for putting politics before the people


    senator-ted-cruz/sen-ted-cruz-with-chris salcedo

    ted-cruz-raw-interviewfocused on Senate takeover's-not-anti-semitic/'s-not-anti-semitic/'s-not-anti-semitic/'s-not-anti-semitic/'s-not-anti-semitic/
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LSVII





    New Jersey governor Christie may be going through a rough patch right now, buta closer look at the

    GOP electorateby Henry Olsen inthe magazine National Interestshows why he may still be the


    RICK PERRY: 'America's a Great Place for Second Chances'...


    Regarding Sarah:


    OK Sen. Candidate T.W. Shannon: U.S. Debt Threatens National Security

    Ben Sasse, Shane Osborn Hit Obama Hard in Nebraska Senate GOP Primary Debate

    Public deservesOklahoma U.S. Senate racefocused on policy and pragmatism

    Regarding yesterdays vote in Florida, polling data prognosticate DOOM for the Dems in November:

    The new NBC News/Wall Street Journalpoll showsconfidence in Obamas ability to handle the economy

    or put the country on the right path continues todecline.WSJ/NBC News Poll: Obama's Approval Rating Hits New Low - Marks Could Be Hurdle for Dems in

    November Amid Broad Dissatisfaction

    Mark Levin noted an article from last Fridays Politicothat quotedanonymous Washington Republicans

    who chose to trash David Jollyjust days before his big vote.

    gop-may-reap-rewards of obamas-unpopularity-in midterms

    Regarding ObamaDontCare, problems and complications continue to abound:


    Obama's Health Rationer-in-Chief - White House health-care adviser Ezekiel Emanuel blamed the

    Hippocratic Oath for the 'overuse' of medical care.

    Megyn Kelly talked about the series of lies that President Obama has told about ObamaCare obamacare-architect-you-dont-need-a-doctor-for-every-part-of-your-health-care

    HHS quietly repealed ObamaCare's individual purchase Mandate rule for two more years


    higher-percentage of uninsured-under-obamacare-than-in-2008-says-gallup


    Premiums will rise in 2015, says Sebelius

    medicare-paid-millions-to-dead-people and to illegal-immigrants


    obamacare-impossible-enforcement of unworkable-law

    oklahoma-man-lost-insurance-due-to-obamacare and owes-$100k

    finessing-obamacare-wont-save-dems, noting florida-13 as predictive of midterms


    Obamacare's War on Seniors

    Obamacare dramatically increases costs for some small businesses

    Rubio (R-FL) warned that Dems in Congress appear to be angling to move toward a single-payer

    healthcare type system as the disastrous roll-out of Obamacare continues to march on.

    Judicial Watch Confronts 'One-Man Congress' with Obamacare Appeal


    Dem. Rep. Moore Pushing Obamacare Enrollment Event Sponsored by Planned Parenthood
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items LSVII


    Obama in Strangely Humorless 'Funny or Die' Skit to Promote Healthcare[VIDEO]

    'What's It Like To Be the Last Black President?'

    Study: States That Voted for Obama Have Most Income Inequality

    300,000-Member Union Drops Bombshell Obamacare Report - The report byUnite Here--a North

    American labor union that represents workers in the hotel, gaming, food service, manufacturing, textile,

    distribution, laundry, and airport industriesis entitled:"The Irony of ObamaCare: Making Inequality


    Colorado Reporter Confronts Carney, Demands Repeal of ObamaCare

    900,000 Obamacare 'enrollees' still haven't paid for coverage?

    WSJ: Secret Mandate Exemption

    45-state study: Obamacare offers less choice, higher prices, breaking another promise

    Insurers participating in Obamacare 'very worried,' industry consultant says

    Union: Obamacare will slash wages by up to $5 an hour


    GOP Building Database of Millions Who Lost Insurance Due to Obamacare

    Charlie Crist: 'God Bless' Obama for ObamaCare


    democrat-charlie-crist-continues-hold-commanding-lead-rick-scottcharlie-crist-tells-democrats-stop-running-scared and strengthen-up

    Crist Presses Party to Support President

    The ripple-effect of yesterdays election can only enhance the pain of the Dem-Senators:



    sink-ing-ship: why-loss-in-florida-bad-news-for-senate-democrats



    Pryors Cuts To Medicare Advantage Harm Todays Seniors

    The GOP-POTUS competition is underway, recalling that Im rooting for Ted Cruz [+/- Scott Walker].


    Regarding BHOs Arrogance and Imperialism:

    Psychiatrist Charles Krauthammer is in denial about Obama[Walid Shoebat]

    Obama: 'I Don't Have Time to Waste. Clock Is Ticking'...

    Threatens to veto bill requiring him to follow law...

    FiveDemocrats joined Republicans in passing a bill that directs Obama to follows the lawsclearing the

    House by a 233 to 181 vote


    obama-visits-gap and amazed at credit-card-machine

    Regarding BHOs handing of the economy:

    cbo-slammed-obamas-recovery-as-sluggish; labor-force-wont-recover-for-years

    Is America really going to accept a permanent economic slowdown?

    obama-to-reportedly-order-expansion of overtime-pay-for-millions of workers

    Regarding BHOs Scandal-Sheet, the favoritism towards his cover-ups continues:

    Poll Worker Who Voted Multiple Times For Obama Released From Prison Early